Repairs Design Furniture

Professional flooring and professional worm for fences. How to choose a high-quality professional sheet - the price of the material and other selection criteria. Domestic GOST: Requirements for tradeists

Which professional owner choose

So that the roofing sheet of galvanized steel was tougher, the manufacturers decided to profile it. So the new material appeared, which in the construction industry took its niche. What is this material? Where it applies, what is his advantages, and what is the cost of the professional sheet? About all this in more detail.

First of all, you need to know that this material has several names - a straightening, professional flooring, a corrugated person. In our country, it began to be released in the 70s of the last century. The area of \u200b\u200bits use is the roofs and walls of hangars, shops, pavilions, country houses and cottages, as well as fences. Currently, the service life of galvanized sheet has increased significantly due to polymer coatings.

Advantages and disadvantages of profiled sheet

Since the professionalist is a facing building material, due to its specificity, it has a number of positive qualities:

  1. The coating of the professional sheet is not corrosion, and unfavorable atmospheric influences are not terrible.
  2. The sheet is durable and has increased mechanical strength.
  3. He has low weight.
  4. Material aesthetic, represented by a variety of shapes, colors and sizes.
  5. It has good performance characteristics.
  6. It is distinguished by simple and rapid installation.
  7. Permissible leaf production with certain polymer coatings.
  8. The cost of the profiled sheet is low.

There are also disadvantages, but they are insignificant. There are only two of them. The galvanized professional leaf has the so-called "drum effect", that is, the ability to strengthen sound.

But the developers learned how to fight him, applying mineral wool on roofs as thermally insulating material. She to some extent swallows raindrops or hail on the roof.

Another disadvantage is that in case of damage to the protective layer, the risk of corrosion arises. But this is also solved by applying special means - polymer painting compositions that should be purchased simultaneously with the purchase of a profiled sheet. It is so easier to pick up the color of the paint to the main material.

Types of profiled sheet

The classification of the professional leaf is based on the source material. The manufacturer, producing it, is obliged to label the products depending on the width and height of the wave.

By appointment, the sheet may be with the following marking:

  • C - this species is intended for the fence and walls. He has a small wave height, and in case you are his bed on the roof, the risk of leaks will appear. After all, the low height of the corrugation will allow water to fall during the rain, especially if the rain is with the wind.
  • H is the roofing material. Due to the sufficient height of the wave, the capillary groove to remove moisture and increased bearing capacity, this sheet is ideal for such purposes. In addition, its useful area is less than the wall sheet, which matters in regions with large snow loads. In addition to the material assignments listed, it is often used as a non-removable formwork when monolithic overlap. In this case, the corrugations perform the function of additional reinforcement of the structure.
  • NA is a universal sheet designed for wall fences, roofing, fences and partitions.

Profile galvanized roofing

Depending on the type of coverage of the professionalist of the enterprise of the construction industry, they produce professional flooring:

  • Galvanized. The cost of this type of material is low, but it is short-lived due to the rapid appearance of corrosion processes. And because of a small price, it is used for temporary fences and structures.
  • Coated with aluminoc. The base is not separated by the polymer composition. The price of material is low, it has a beautiful view and a stronger galvanized sheet.
  • With polyester coating. The most popular view of the professional leaf. Thanks to the wide color scheme, the developers create a specific design style of their site.
  • Coated with poural or plastisol. This is the most expensive type of product, because the components added and the metal sheet polymerization process costs much more expensive than ordinary galvanized.

The polymer coating has a wide color gamut, and the buyer can always choose one or another color of the material, and when it does not order the desired tone.

Types of sheet of protective layer

Polymer Coating Profile

On the basis of the presence of a protective layer, a professionalist is found with a polymer coating and without it.

Such sheets in their own way resemble pumnage pie with the next stuffing:

  • steel sheet;
  • galvanized protective layer;
  • passivating layer;
  • primer;
  • polymer coating.

Polymers are used as a coating:

  • acrylic;
  • polyester;
  • polyurethane;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyvinyl defluoride;
  • plaserisol;
  • polar.

These professional clothes are used as partitions, walls, fences and roofing material with different angles of roofs. Rarely which construction is without a galvanized sheet. The use of it for low-rise buildings, kiosks, shops and gas stations made corrugated with an indispensable material.

If the surface of the sheet does not have a polymer coating, then the price of it is enough, and it is used for temporary structures, which are subsequently dismantled quickly. For example, for the fencing of the facility under construction.

Different types of professional flooring in form and size

Wall professional

Professional flooring is a metal sheet that was exposed to galvanized. It is produced by the method of cold rolled steel on the mills, after which the corrugated sheet is obtained at the output. According to its design, the corrugation may have a different form and height. Manufacturers offer material with the following profile types:

  • trapezoidal;
  • sinou-shaped;
  • rounded, or wave.

The sheet profile obtained during the cold rolling gives the material the necessary structural stiffness that with a small thickness of the sheet very economically. Its main advantage is static and dynamic loads.

The future profile is formed by a special press in the form of the rollers of the desired form. The sleek sheet, which comes with the metallurgical plants with rolls, passing through the rolling mill, gets the recess of the desired form. Next, a guillotine is installed on the production line, which rolls the desired size. Therefore, you can always purchase the required length of the sheet, not engaged on the roof by increasing several elements. And this is very valuable, especially for the roofing professional sheet.

It is also possible to produce bent or arched profiles. This allows you to create curvilinear products for cornices or roofs. A wide selection makes it possible to find exactly the profile that is needed in a specific case..


Now you know what is the professional flooring, and what kind of profiled sheet is better to use for certain designs. So, if you are interested in the early erection of a building or building, you can decide on the choice of this building material. Especially since the price of the professional sheet is low, and it can be free to buy in any store or directly from the manufacturer.

Increasingly, when choosing a roofing material, preference is given inexpensive, but very high-quality covers, including professional flooring. This is a pretty durable and very durable product, which is a profiled sheet of metal, which passed the cold rolled steel procedure.

The roof of the corrugated floor is suitable for any roofing structures.

Such a coating is as a result of a rather attractive, the polymer layer of paint allows it to choose it in full compliance with the common style of the house. Such material will not be difficult.

However, it is important to determine which professional flooring is better, as a large number of its varieties is produced today. Some can be used not only for roofing, but also for the construction of fences, others - for the design of ceilings, walls, canopies, when the ceiling device.

In our article we will look at what types of professional flooring are suitable for the roof, how to make your choice.

General Characteristics of Profile

Before moving to the choice of corrugated, you need to decide on its common characteristics. We find out what exactly makes it so durable, reliable, attractive in the eyes not only builders, but also of ordinary consumers.

Manufacturers offer us a large variety of profiled sheet, each type is distinguished by its properties, operational characteristics. In the types of professional flooring, which can be used as roofing material, you can allocate such:

  1. An ordinary galvanized profile that does not have a polymer coating. It has a low cost, approximately forty percent lower than the corrugated floor with a paint layer. Most often needed during the construction of canopies for economic attacks, garages, fences.
  2. Steel sheets of ferrous metal, does not cover.
  3. Professional flooring from non-ferrous metals: aluminum or copper.
  4. Special . Maybe: rolling, bent, perforated, with textured embossed.

Each of the listed possesses its own characteristics. This is the height, useful and complete width of the sheet, thickness (necessarily take into account the inertial moment).

In order to cover the roof of the house with a solid material, we draw attention to the thickness, the type of outer coating and the view of the profile itself. It can be a carrier profile, facade and ceiling, wall, special, formwork.

The production of professional flooring includes the process of cold profiling of durable steel.

The roofing material is perfectly suitable for professional flooring, the facade, carrier, which has the necessary characteristics.

The shears of the carrier of the professional flooring have a special capillary groove, which, with the flooring, perfectly removes rainwater, but does not have a facade profile of such a groove.

When choosing a professional flooring, which can be covered with a roof of the house without any problems, it is necessary to pay attention to this feature. Such a capillary groove should not bend. As a rule, it starts from the skate and ends at the carnis drainage. In cheap options, such a groove is flattened, which makes her presence simply useless, buy such a profile, even despite an attractive, tempting price, is not worth it.

Immediately it is necessary to note the next moment: it is possible to use as a roofing material. That professional flooring, which has this specification, it can also be used for finishing the facade.

But the purely facade profile for roofing works is not recommended!

Types of professional flooring for the roof

Types of professional flooring differ in the width between the ridges and the thickness of the metal.

Among the main options of the professional flooring, which can be covered with a roof, allocate:

  1. RN-20 is a professional flooring that can be used for roofing, when building fences, outdoor and inner cladding. It has a special groove that provides a flow of water, when installing requires the presence of a crate in increasing to eighty centimeters. Working width of such a sheet - one hundred ten centimeters.
  2. C-21 is a profile with sufficient rigidity for its roof installation. Under the flooring ensures precipitation protection, the shade step must be up to eighty centimeters.
  3. NS-35, 44 are used for roof flooring and for enclosing structures. They differ in large stiffness and durability. C-44 has additional stiffeners, which makes it better among the materials for the roof.

For roofing, it is also possible to apply such species as H-57, 750 (900), H-60, 75.

The choice of professional flooring, which can cover the roof of the house, is a very important, responsible business. It is necessary to approach him quite seriously.

The main criteria for choosing are:

  • marking (denoted by a large letter and numbers, shows the purpose of the flooring, the thickness data, the wave height, its type),
  • appearance (high-quality sheet should be smooth, not to have dents, defects; paint coating smooth, one shade, there are no traces of influx, chips),
  • price (good material will not be completely cheap, although professional flooring itself and is distinguished by an affordable and attractive price),
  • the type of polymer coating (the paint-layer may be the most different, on this, some operational characteristics depend on it).

Consider these criteria in more detail.

  1. Marking. As a material that can be covered with a roof of the house, it is worth applying a profile with marking C and H (this and carrier). The latter is preferable, as it has the desired rigidity for roofing. The order of figures in the marking shows the height of the sheet wave, its useful width. As a roofing material, it is necessary to take a profile, the height of the wave of which is at least twenty millimeters. We also look at the (technical conditions) or GOST (state standard, considered better), according to which professional flooring has been manufactured. The product must necessarily have a certificate.
  2. The appearance of the professional flooring. To then not overpay for dismantling and replacing the roofing coating, it is initially a high-quality material. Much of quality can be said in appearance. A bad profile not only cracks, noticeable flaws and defects appear on it. If the paint is observed, dents, chips, burrs on cuts - all this suggests that such a profile does not need to buy. Try slightly - high-quality material will immediately take its shape without breaking. Small efforts will not leave any traces on its surface at all.
  3. Cost. The price of professional flooring depends on the thickness of the sheet, the presence of a polymer or plastisol coating, the purpose of the material. Before buying, read the price lists of several stores, since the same material from one manufacturer can cost differently. It is best (if there is such an opportunity) to order sheets directly from the manufacturer, which not only damages the profile of the required length, but also will provide its painting in the desired shade. The cost of such a coverage will be much lower, and experts will help correctly calculate the amount of roofing material, prompt what additional accessories, planks, the roof profiles can be ordered.
  4. External coating of professional flooring for the roof. Any professional flooring, which covers the roof of the house, has a galvanized coating applied by a hot method. Zinc performs protective functions, a prevention sheet from corrosion. The thickness of this layer depends on the alleged aggressive loads on the material, but it should not be too thin. In addition, a layer of polymer after passivation and priming is applied to the galvanized. Polyester (matte), ordinary polyester, plastisol are considered one of the highest quality coatings.

As you can see, choose high-quality roofing material to cover the roof, not so difficult. Several simple but important factors given above will help you with this.

Professor as roofing material is known to builders for many years. But if more recently used it only in industrial construction, today it has become very popular in the construction of the countryside.

It is used for roofs not only economic attacks, but also houses. This became possible for one simple reason - the appearance has changed very much. This material began to make various colors and shades, which made it possible to draw roofs of houses in accordance with the general design of the house and the entire country area.

Since this roofing material has become so popular and now it is bought by the owners of suburban real estate, a natural question arises: how to choose a professional flooring right? It is produced in a different size, while the basis is taken four indicators:

  1. Sheet thickness.
  2. Sheet width.
  3. The height of the wave.
  4. Walrow width.

There is no need to say a lot about width and thickness of the sheet, because the professional sheet is made of galvanized sheet by cold rolled products. And the more these indicators, the better the roofing material itself, that is, it can withstand heavy loads. True, it should be noted that these indicators will affect the value of the material.

But the last two dimensional values \u200b\u200baffect the quality of the material, and on all its strength characteristics. It is precisely the sizes of the wave are the determining indicator in which this material is divided into three main types.

Classification of professional flooring

The first type of professional flooring is the roofing material with the designation "H". The second is a wall material with the designation "C". And the third is a combined, which is indicated by the letters "NS".

As you can see, choose easy. If necessary, choose the "H" brand, for the fence "C". Although today, the professionalist of the NA brand has become the most popular as a universal appearance that can also be used for roofing, and for fencing. By choosing it, you will never be mistaken.

Now we return to the size of the wave of corrugated, because one of its sizes, namely the height of the wave, is included in the material marking. For example, at the C-21-1000 brand proflist, the figure 21 is a wave height indicator in millimeters, and 1000 is a useful width of the sheet.

Why useful? The thing is that the professional flooring is stacked on the roof, and on the wall of the Vangest one wave. So this indicator is the coating area, and not the total width of the sheet.

Experts note that two indicators in the complex determine which load can withstand this roofing material, this is the height of the wave and thickness of the sheet.

And, as practice shows, the more these indicators, the greater carrying ability it has. So, it is possible to reduce the cost of building the roof crate, that is, increase the step of the location of the crates.

Although professionals argue that it is better to save on the roofing material in the very roofing material, acquiring a professional owl with smaller dimensional indicators than to reduce the size of the crate.

Performance features

It's no secret that the durability of any building material is one of the most important criteria for its choice. Professional official is no exception. Therefore, manufacturers try to offer potential customers only the best quality products.

And since the professional flooring is exposed to quite large loads due to the impact on its natural precipitation, then large demands are presented to its protective qualities.

Zinc Protection

The production of professional flooring includes the process of cold profiling of durable steel.

As mentioned above, profiled sheets are made of galvanized sheet. It is a layer of zinc is the protection that increases the life of this roofing material. And than this layer thicker, the better. In a modern classification, where the protective properties of zinc are based on, three classes are defined:

  • business;
  • standard;
  • premium.

The class depends on the amount of zinc per square meter of the material surface. In the class "Business" the number of zinc is determined by the range of 126-220 in the class "Standard" this is already 275 and in Premium - over 275, respectively, and the cost of each class is different.

In which documents are the indicators described above? In the quality certificate, which is issued for each batch of the product.

Paint and Polymer Protection

The durability indicator affects other types of coatings that refer to the category of protective. This is paint and polymer. Paint and varnish products are applied to the professional owner by powder spraying. This is quite reliable protection, and the color range of the proposed paints is so wide, which allows you to choose a professional flooring for any design of the house.

Plastisol as a polymer coating. Plaseris is called the application of a protective polymer layer on the prepared upper side of the steel sheet.

But paint has one significant disadvantage. She over time loses its properties and quality. And after a few years, such roofs have to be repainted. And this entails additional costs.

In this regard, the professional flooring with a polymer coating is much better painted. But here there are nuances here - it is important which polymer was used. In modern production and fences, four types of polymeric materials are used.

  1. Polyester, good and inexpensive coating, the standard thickness of which is determined by 25-35 microns. It perfectly protects the roofing material in any regions with different climatic conditions. May have a glossy or matte surface with good color resistance.
  2. Plaserisol, which is based on polyvinyl chloride, and is easier PVC; Magnificent material with excellent physico-technical and operational characteristics. This is one of the most stable coatings that perfectly copes not only with a natural destructive effect, but also with sufficiently large mechanical loads. The thickness of its layer is 200 microns.
  3. Pouralla, which is based on polyurethane. Excellent protective layer (50 microns), which withstands large temperature differences. For Pouralla +120 degrees Celsius not limit. It does not fade, there is no scratches on it, it is possible to go freely in any shoes in it, while no dents, scratches, recesses and chips are formed.
  4. PVDF is a mixture of two materials: 80% of polyvinyl chloride and 20% acrylic. A completely new coating with a thickness of 27 microns. Even with such a small thickness, he will give odds to any other coating from the above. A professional sheet with such a coating can be operated in the regions with an aggressive environment. For example, on the sea coast or in cities with a high concentration of industrial facilities. Such a roof material can be attributed to the category of eternal.


As you can see, to properly approach the choice of professional flooring, which will be used for the roof and for fences, it is necessary to take into account several indicators. Make it purely visually can not even be a professional, and even more so ordinary homeowner. But there are special documentation that has already been said - a quality certificate. It is in it that you can find detailed information about the product produced.

From a quality certificate, you can learn the raw materials from which professional flooring, and sizes, and weight, and additional materials, and test indicators are made.

Of course, it is quite difficult to understand all this, especially a person unprepared. But do not forget that quality is always confirmed by the price. Professional flooring for roofing and fences is no exception.

If you are able to understand the most important characteristics of the professional flooring, you can always choose a material with an optimal value ratio - the one that will not hit the pocket, but will have all the necessary indicators. And then the roof of your home will be reliable and durable. If you choose such for your roof, consider what everyone did right.

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Among the numerous roofing coatings, professional flooring is very popular. If it was recently a few of the metallic and bitumen tile, then at present, thanks to the most successful combination of quality and cost, the professional flooring confidently came out first.

Due to the fact that the production of roofing material is very simple, the professional flooring produces a huge number of companies as very famous and very small. Not all among them are honest, there are also those who violate existing regulations. To make the right choice of professional flooring should be aware of which criteria are governed by state standards.

This is the most important criteria for choosing professional flooring for the roof. If his profile meets the regulatory provisions of the GOST 24045-94, then you can be sure that the roof will endure all the calculated loads, its operation will not be less planned.

GOST 24045-94. Profiles steel sheets bent with trapezoidal corrugations for construction. Technical conditions.

What parameters are the technical conditions of the sheet profile control?


The State Standard classifies the professional needs to several parameters. Consumers are encouraged to buy roofing professional clothes only if their characteristics fully meet the existing conditions of operation of the building and its architectural features.


Depending on the purpose of the sheets can be for roofing roofing, for flooring and fences and only for wall fences.

The first marked letters nThe highest bending strength indicators are distinguished. They have thick sheet steel, they have a high profile that increases the mechanical strength to bend, and alloyed steel is made, characterized by high values \u200b\u200bof plasticity and gives the ability to pull profiles with a complex geometry without microcracks and loss of initial properties.

Sheets for flooring and fences are denoted by the letters of the NA, Used both to cover the roofs and for wall fences. If you buy them for the roof, then you need to know that such a material has insufficient strength, to increase the reliability of the roof, it is necessary to reduce the step of the rafter system.

Wall clothers are denoted by the letter withThey are recommended to apply during the arrangement of fences. They have a low profile and a small thickness.

Some developers in order to save money are trying to use such profiles for roofs, but professionals are not recommended to do so. The fact is that in this case it is necessary to make a solid crate from OSP, and this is very expensive and ineffective from a material point of view. All savings are leveled, but the risks of critical wetting of the wooden elements of the rafting roof system increase. Wet wooden elements create a lot of problems during the operation of the building.

Material of manufacture

Proflists should be made from thin-sheet galvanized rental GOST 14918 with a zinc coating having a protective coating of aluminum tu 14-11-247-88, rolled with aluminum and electrolytic zinc coating. For each type of anti-corrosion coating, their requirements are established on the thickness and quality of the layers, it is these values \u200b\u200bthat affect the duration of the roof of the roof from metal products.

Prices for professional flooring


Video - Raw materials for the production of professional flooring

Technical data decorative coating

Depending on the type of profiled sheets, they can be without a decorative surface coating and with such a coating. Paintwork materials, technology coverage and technical parameters must be responsible for the provisions of GOST 30246.

Rental of a thin-leaf roller with a protective-decorative paintwork for building structures. Technical conditions. GOST 30246-94.

If the sheet is made of high-quality materials that meet all the requirements of existing technical standards, marked is applied to it.

For example, H57-750-0.8 ADM ML-1202 / ml-1203 GOST 24045-94.

The symbols indicate that this is a sheet for roofing roofing coatings with a profile height of 57 mm, a width of 750 mm and a metal thickness of 0.8 mm.

Keep in mind that the designated metal thickness is given without protective and corrosive coatings. For decorative and additional anti-corrosion coating, enamel ML-1202 was used on the surface C and enamel ML-1203 on the surface of D. Metal profile is made of rolled with aluminum anti-corrosion coating. Products meet the technical requirements of GOST 24045-94. For each batch of goods should be a formal document from the manufacturer with the same label.

Technical requirements

Metal profile should meet the existing zinc coating classes over the thickness and uniformity of the layer, by type of crystallization and mass on the square meter. If imported rental is applied to the manufacture of coatings, then its quality indicators must be not lower than domestic standards. Particular attention should be paid to this position when buying products of their Chinese or Turkish rolled products. Some domestic manufacturers also cannot fulfill all the provisions of the standard and implement substandard products. Separately controlled thickness, composition and technology of painting coatings.

Important. Unfortunately, unscrupulous implementers enjoy the ignorance of buyers and very often sell low-quality sheets at overpriced prices. Developers cannot independently check the quality of galvanizing, measure the thickness of the paintwork and find out the composition of the dyes. And there is no actual data to know the actual data, there are no technical requirements for compliance with technical requirements, it is necessary to rely on the honesty of sellers.

What depends on the durability and reliability of the roof of the corrugated

Have a different load on the intensity and nature of the load, the better they resist them, the durable and more reliable coating.


Professionals recommend not to buy sheets of less than 0.5 mm thick for the roof. The fact is that roofing sheets will always have sections, cavity devoid of protective anti-corrosion coatings. These are holes under self-drawing, cutting places, mechanical damage during installation, etc. These areas are small in size, but trouble can bring a lot. The thicker metal, the more time it can resist the appearance of end-to-end corrosion. Of course, the bending mechanical strength indicators are directly dependent on the sheet thickness, but this parameter can be adjusted with other, cheaper, methods. The fact is that in the price structure of metal products, the cost of steel is approximately 65%.

Profiles rolled on flat sheets during passage through special shafts of machines. For roofing coatings, the profile height must be at least 25 mm, the optimal is considered within 40-50 mm. The higher the profile - the more plasticity should be from steel. Otherwise, critical internal stresses inevitably appear in the stretching areas, the sheet thickness decreases significantly. Government standards are prescribed for the manufacture of profiled sheets, only high-quality alloyed steel steel grades are applied. It is quite expensive metal, which significantly increases the cost of the roof production.

It is at the expense of this parameter that the professionalist's resistance is increased. Accordingly, there is an opportunity to increase the distance between the crates of the crates and due to this slightly reduce the estimate cost of the roof. But experienced roofers do not advise too much to increase the step of the crate, let the reserve be better. The roof should not be operated at the limit of the maximum permissible loads. Most often for the roofs buy a profile with a height of 20 mm, this is at the limit of possibilities. The roof with a profile height of 30-40 mm is much more reliably. As for the geometry, modern types of professional flooring have additional grooves for condensate. Noticeable influence on operational characteristics, additional grooves do not provide, due to such technology, the company have the opportunity to increase the cost of their products, with no investment in the technology of production.

The weight of the square meter of the profile, depending on the thickness of the sheet hesitates within 5-7 kg. For the roof with a total area of \u200b\u200b100 m2, the difference can be approximately 200 kg. Such loads are considered insignificant and not taken into account during the calculation of the rafter system.

It should be borne in mind that all listed characteristics can deteriorate much deteriorating if the laying technology is broken. Even the most expensive profiled sheets will have leaks, they do not appear due to their physical wear or mechanical damage. The cause of problems is the wrong back, mistakes during sheet fixation, careless attitude towards building standards and rules.

Characteristics of decorative coatings

Modern paints have a noticeable impact not only on the designer, but also on operational properties - they protect the zinc layer from oxidation and scratch processes. The most high-quality finish coatings can increase the operation time of the roof by about 20-25%. What types of paints are used to cover the external surfaces of profiled sheets?


The most popular user protective coating. The reason is good operational performance at a relatively low price. The surface may be matte or glossy. Suitable for all climatic zones, not afraid of heating and low temperatures. Does not fade under the influence of sunlight. Plastic coating, not afraid of bending, has excellent adhesion to metal surfaces. Paint layer thickness at least 35 microns. The disadvantage is low mechanical strength, it is easily scratched, the lower layers of the protective anti-corrosion coating are open.


The paint thickness is 50 microns, the composition in order to increase the physical strength is modified by polyamide. Keeps the initial characteristics when heated to a temperature of + 120 ° C. The disadvantage is not recommended sharp beggars. Microcracks may appear in these places, over time they tend to expand. It is used quite often, at a cost somewhat more expensive than polyester.


The coating thickness, depending on the type of metal profile, can be 200 microns, due to this surface is made embossed. The coating is very resistant to mechanical damage, has special additives protecting against the negative effects of UV rays.


The most modern, high-quality and expensive coating. For metal products, it is rarely applied due to high cost. Coating thickness up to 30 microns. The composition includes 20% acrylic and 80% of polyvinyl chloride. Practically does not react to ultraviolet radiation. Perfectly tolerate high temperatures of heating and cooling. It is characterized by the highest mechanical strength, has good plasticity performance.

Effect of color

While choosing the type of paintwork coatings, you need to pay attention to their color. It must correspond to the architectural style of the building and harmoniously look at nearby buildings. Depending on the country location, the color gamut of roofing coatings can be systematized according to RR, RAL and HTS standards. We most often use the RAL system, it has the most simple to memorize the designation and takes into account a large number of colors.

Each coating is indicated by a four-digit code, in total in the palette more than a thousand options, but in practice, profiled sheets have about ten varieties. The rest are almost not used, in housing construction there is no need to apply such a wide variety of color solutions.

  1. Appointment of professional knots. The ideal option is to choose a material with the letter H, these sheets have the highest bending strength.

    If there is a desire to buy universal roofs of the NA type, the angle of inclination can not be less than 35 °. Otherwise, there is a possibility of forming critical deflection or fractures. Risks are increasing if the rafter system and the lamp do not take into account wind and snow loads, the design is not distinguished by stability to dynamic and static loads.

  2. Profile height and sheet thickness. The less the angle of inclination of the skates, the thicker should be a sheet metal and above its profile. On single-sided roofs with an angle of inclination ≈20 ° metal thickness of at least 0.5 mm, the profile height is more than 30 mm.

    It is necessary to know that if the metal thickness has a big impact on the price of the roof, then the profile height increases the cost slightly, but the strength rises noticeably. It is recommended to try the sheet to bend before installing, estimate its weight. But only professionals can be made such a quality testing, they have experience comparing various types of profiled sheets.

  3. Producer name. It is not worth paying attention to the guarantee, in practice there are no cases of appeal to the judicial authorities with clashes to manufacturers due to the appearance of leaks in the roof. Companies will always be able to find any violations when installing, indicate the wrong choice of sheet type, depending on the climatic conditions for the location of the structure, etc. In addition, most shops that have been building materials will no longer exist in 20-30 years To whom will be subject to material claims.

Visual determination of the best roof professional flooring

It is advisable to go to the store with an experienced proven builder, it has often to meet with various types of professional flooring, which allows you to quickly distinguish counterfeit goods from high-quality.

What details should be paid attention to?

  1. From the reverse side of the sheet there must be a notation of the type of profile. Such designations are not applied by suppliers of thin-sheet steel, but coating manufacturers. On bending machines there is a special apparatus for marking stable paints. The lack of designations indicates obsolete production lines or to reluctance to specify product data and contact details of the manufacturer. In both cases, this should alert potential buyers.

  2. It should be examined by the surface of the sheets. They can have a special protective film or be without it. Many consumers in order to save funds ordered sheets without a protective film.

    If there are deep scratches, dents, dirt, etc. on the surface, this indicates a low production discipline at the enterprise, non-professional staff, faulty bending lines and violations of the recommended manufacturing technology. Damage can appear during production, storage and transportation.

    Special attention should be paid to the presence of extraneous inclusions on the surface of the paint and varnish coating. Metal profile with such defects is categorically not recommended to use. A poor-quality finish coating indicates that the tone-tonic rental was prepared on unlicensed enterprises, and in China or Turkey. European goods never have the above-described defects.

  3. Try your fingers bend profile. The appearance of the bend line even at large radii indicates low quality metal. The profile is not made from expensive alloyed steels, and from the cheapest structural. Their physical and operational characteristics are insufficient for use as roofing materials.

  4. Price. To this parameter should be treated very carefully. If previously low-quality professional clothes were sold only at very low prices, then there are currently such an obvious difference. Unscrupulous sellers know that domestic buyers are automatic consider expensive professional clothes and specifically set high prices. If the goods are expensive, then all documents on the compliance of the quality, designations, addresses and the names of firms are necessarily present, these are additional advertising of responsible manufacturers, they always denote their products.

Important. Always try to compare the color of protected sections of sheets with open. If there is a big difference in color shades, then this is a direct evidence of low quality.


It is best to buy products from manufacturers, and not among intermediaries, they have all accompanying documents that allow objectively evaluating the actual quality of the roof. Today it does not constitute any problems. There is a convenient delivery system, it is possible not only to choose the appropriate version of metal products, but also get professional advice on use.

Most serious manufacturers provide services for. For this, special departments with professional employees are being created. They have great practical experience in solving various problems arising during the work of work. No theoretical articles may not provide all situations arising in practice. Experienced roofers can independently take the only right solutions in each particular case. Tips of such masters help developers not allow annoying mistakes.

Never need during the choice of coverage is guided only by the price. The roof is a very important architectural element of any structure, not only longevity depends on its reliability, but also the comfort of residence and safety of operation. It is not recommended to build a cheap roof, repair work will always be much more expensive than saving on the quality of building materials.

Prices for metal tile

Metal tile.

If you have already chosen professional flooring, it's time to do settlements. It is important to correctly calculate the number of professional flooring on the roof so that the material does not have to arrive or there is no too much extra. Find out how to make calculations, you can. And you can find out the required number of materials for the crate, using our constructional calculator.

Metal coating Roofing of private houses is becoming increasingly popular, especially since the material is produced in various variations and, thanks to modern technologies, is constantly being upgraded. Therefore, many consumers have a fair question - a profile for the roof which choose? This one has excellent aesthetic and operational characteristics, is able not only to securely cover the building from precipitation and wind, but also to transform its appearance.

Professional flooring is made in different color solutions, and can also have a different thickness and configuration of sheets. Due to the fact that the roofing sheets are given sizes that allow you to completely cover the length of the roof of the roof, from the skate to the sink, they are much easier to assemble on the rafter system than, for example, all familiar traditional slate. In addition, the material is not too heavy, but thanks to special protective coatings and a polymer film, applied from above, it will serve quite a long time.

What are the benefits of corrugated in front of other roofing coatings?

The high-quality professional flooring is increasingly preferred when choosing a material for the roof of residential buildings, as it has a large number of positive qualities that other coatings cannot "boast". To such advantages can be attributed:

  • The first thing that always worries many buyers is the price of material. It is precisely because the professional flooring is available for almost any family, the choice is increasingly stopped when choosing a material for a roof.
  • The extensive colors of the produced sheets allows you to choose exactly the hint of the coating that will be flawless for the harmonious design of the exterior of the private house.
  • The professional flooring is made in sheets to a twelve-meter length, which allows you to make a minimum amount of joints on the roof on the roof or even completely abandon the transverse docking.
  • A small specific mass of the material, the simplicity and clearer the installation allows roofing work independently with the involvement of just one helper, which will serve sheets to the height of the roof.
  • The consumer is given the possibility of choosing the height of the leaf relief - depending on the planned angle of the slope of the skate.
  • In addition, it is possible to choose a different finish coating of a professional flooring. The coating can be applied by different technologies, and, accordingly, differ in quality, duration of operation and, of course, the value of the material.
  • Another important advantage of the professional flooring is the environmental purity of the entire complex of materials used in its production. The roofs of the corrugated floor, regardless of the duration of operation, are not able to harm the environment. It is also important that the material is non-flammable.

Classification of professional flooring

Nowadays, manufacturers offer various types of professionals intended for specific applications in construction practice. However, some of the types, due to their qualities, can be considered almost versatile and use for a variety of purposes.

To determine the choice of material that is well suited for roofing, it is necessary to consider all the main types of professional flooring, as they are very often interchangeable.

When considering a specific type of profiled sheet, you should pay attention to its marking - it consists of several digital and alphabetic characters indicating its purpose and basic parameters.

Letter notation in marking

The first letter in marking determines the strength quality of the material and the main area of \u200b\u200bits application:

  • "N" is the most durable profiled sheets. In this case, the letter "H" suggests that this is the carrier type of corrugated. This material has the greatest height of the wave (corrugations) with additional furrows in its lower part - they give sheets increased rigidity.

In addition, the carrying professional flooring differs from the other varieties of the greatest thickness of the metal sheet. Therefore, it is used for residential buildings, construction of walls and roofs of large hangars, fences, manufacturing of heavy containers, construction of industrial workshops, warehouses, garages, gates and other structures that should have high mechanical strength, reliability, duration in operation.

  • "NS" is a "non-wall-wall" profile material, and it can be safely called almost versatile, as it is used for a variety of purposes. A similar type of professional flooring is distinguished by the middle level of metal thickness and wave height.

Such material is used for the construction of walls, for roofing works, fences, canopies, other household, industrial and utility buildings are built out of it, make gates and gates. In terms of its operational characteristics, such a type of professional flooring can be called intermediate between the bearing and wall material, but its value is much lower than that of the carrier.

  • "C" - walls of professional flooring. It is used to build light housekeeping, covering walls of residential buildings over a thermal insulating layer, for the manufacture of a skeleton gate, fences and other structures.

The height of the wave has low, it became, and the strength qualities on the transverse bending are also small. For the manufacture of many models, the thinnest steel is used, and it is not surprising that the cost of such a material is also small.

However, many of the professional flooring models of their category "C" are also quite suitable for roofing.

  • "MP" - another common type of professional flooring, which is characterized by good versatility and is ideal for roofs, and for the construction of the walls of the hospostroops, and besides, it is used in the production of sandwich panels. For which each of its modifications is intended, you can learn from digital and alphabetic marking.

The galvanized cornet of MP is used to cover the pitched roofs, partitions in industrial premises, as well as for suspended ceilings. This type of material is made not only in galvanized form, but also with a polymer coating.

"MP" -proflist is produced in three variations - these are the types "A", "B" and "R".

So, for example, Professor "MP-R" is intended for roofing coatings, and the types "A" and "B" are more suitable for fences and wall sheat. The type "R" differs from "A" and "in" the sizes of corrugations, in particular, the fact that the base of the wave is less to it, and the distance between the waves is wider, while the walls of the walls are the opposite. By this profile it will be easier to drain the streams of stormwater.

In addition, thanks to such parameters, the roofing type "R" exceeds the wall-structural professionalist, and is able to withstand high static loads. Types "A" and "B", in turn, is better confronted by wind dynamic impacts.

The wall types of this professional flooring differ from each other because "A" is produced with a protective coating only from the front side, and the coating of the type "B" - is negotiated during the order. Therefore, in the second embodiment, the color layers can be completely absent, or they are applied from one or both sides of the sheet.

Professional flooring "MP" - the difference between the wall ("A" and "B") and the roofing "R") profile

Professional flooring "MP" is manufactured with an 18 or 20 mm corrugation wave height.

Digital Notation in Marking

So, in the marking of an alphabetic designation, the numeric values \u200b\u200bthat give the necessary information are followed:

  • The first number speaks of a wave height in millimeters.
  • The second digital value indicates the thickness of the sheet steel, from which the professional flooring is made - this parameter is also driven in millimeters.
  • The third group of numbers gives information about the useful width of the sheet in millimeters, that is, taking into account the allen waves when laying the coating. This parameter is always somewhat less than real dimensional dimensions, which should be remembered, for example, when organizing transport or storage of the material.
  • The length of the sheet may not be indicated, since when ordering the material for certain needs, it can be any, at the request of the customer and by the manufacturer's capabilities. However, often in the price list still gives the limit length of length, also in millimeters. For example, the last group of numbers can stand 12000.

Thus, the marking of the professional flooring may look, for example, as follows:

C10-0.5-1100 - This suggests that a wall-type professional flooring having a wave height of 10 mm is made of a sheet with a thickness of 0.5 mm, with a useful width of 1100 mm.

Another example of marking:

MP-18-0.7-1000V. - It is a professional flooring with a wave height of 18 mm, from a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.7 mm, the useful width of 1000 mm, made of galvanized steel without coating, but it can be applied at the request of the customer with one or both sides.

Sheet thickness, wave height, mastery of profile

It is necessary to illuminate the question and how the minimum and maximum thickness of the metal sheet can be made from which the sheets are made, and which mass of roofing materials can be possessed - it is extremely important for the construction of the roof.

  • Metal sheet thickness happens:

- the varieties of "H", "NS" and "C" can vary from 0.4 mm to 1.2 mm;

- "MP-R" - from 0.4 to 0.8 mm;

- "MP-A" and "MP-B" - about 0.4 to 0.7 mm.

From this parameter, the strength of the material directly depends on this, its stability is characteristic of the roof loads - wind and snow.

  • It is necessary to properly choose the height of the wave of the professional flooring, since the stiffness of the material and the reliability of its adjustment and fastening to the roofing system also depends on this parameter. Usually, professional flooring with a wave height of at least 18 mm is used for roofing work, and up to 60 ÷ 75 mm. True, the top value cannot be considered the limit, you can use a higher material, but the question is only in the feasibility of this approach.

The height of the wave affects not only the strength of the material, but also on the quality of water removal from the roof during the rain. Profiled sheets "NA" and "H", having a furrow at the bottom of the wave, more racks to various loads, so choosing the roofing material, it is recommended to give preference to them.

No need to forget that in the winter period on the roof there may be a cluster of snow, which the coating should withstand. In addition, the roof must withstand human weight, since it will not have to rise for various reasons for it.

The table below shows the main types of professional flooring, indicating the characteristic areas of their application:

Variety of professional flooringCharacteristic areas of material application
Wall covering Roofing Carriers wall structures Failure opal Construction of fence
C8.˅ - - - ˅
MP18 (a)- ˅ - - ˅
MP18 (B)˅ - - - ˅
MP20 (A, B)˅ - - - ˅
MP20 (R)- ˅ - - -
C21 (a)- ˅ - - ˅
C21 (B)˅ - - - ˅
Ns35 (a)- ˅ - - ˅
Ns35 (c)- - - - ˅
MP35 (a)˅ - - - ˅
MP35 (B)- ˅ - - ˅
MP40 (a)˅ - - - ˅
C44 (a)- ˅ - - ˅
C44 (B)˅ - - - ˅
H60 (a)- ˅ - - ˅
H60 (B)- - ˅ ˅ ˅
N75 (A, B)- - ˅ ˅ ˅
H114 (A, B)- - ˅ ˅ -

From the type of material and the height of the wave, the design of the crates created under the roofing coating is also depends. The exemplary values \u200b\u200bof the transverse crates are listed in the following table:

Type of ProfileStep roofing crate
C8.For the roof it is better not to use. In exceptional cases - only with the use of a solid crate
C10For the roof it is better not to use. It is allowed to use with a pitch of the crate of no more than 300 mm
C18 (MP18)no more than 400 mm
MP20400 - 500 mm
C21.350 - 600 mm, depending on the roof ridge
Ns351200 - 1500 mm
C44.500 - 1000 mm, depending on the roof ripple
Ns44.up to 2600 mm
H57up to 3000 mm
H60up to 3000 mm
H75up to 4000 mm


  • An important parameter, both for the organization of delivery of the material to the construction site, and to assess the possibility of carrying roofing works by hand, without the use of special lifting equipment, is the mass of professional flooring sheets, depending on the thickness of the metal, features of the profile configuration and its coating. This parameter can differ significantly - in the range from 5.4 to 17.2 kg / m².

The table of weight parameters of the carrier "H" of the professional flooring is shown below:

Marking professional flooringMetal sheet thickness, mm.Mass of 1 m² coating, kg
H57-7500.7 6.5 8.67
H57-7500.8 7.4 9.87
H60-8450.7 7.4 8.76
H60-8450.8 8.4 9.94
H60-8450.9 9.3 11.01
H75-7500.7 7.4 9.87
H75-7500.8 8.4 11.2
H75-7500.9 9.3 12.4
H114-6000.8 8.4 14
H114-6000.9 9.3 15.5
H114-6001.0 10.3 17.17

And one more table showing similar parameters, but already for universal sheets of type "NS":

Marking professional flooringMetal sheet thickness, mmMass of 1 row meter material, kgMass of 1 m² coating, kg
NS35-10000.5 5.4 5.4
NS35-10000.55 5.9 5.9
NS35-10000.7 7.4 7.4
NS44-10000.5 5.4 5.4
NS44-10000.55 5.9 5.9
NS44-10000.7 7.4 7.4

What type of protective and decorative coating of professional flooring to choose?

The durability of the roofing material depends largely on how the coating is applied, and how high-quality it is. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the main varieties of such coatings.

Galvanized professional flooring

Galvanized is made from cold-rolled steel having a zinc coating, the thickness of the sheets of 0.4 ÷ 1.3 mm.

  • The first step is coated with the "black" steel zinc - this layer is the main barrier in the protection of metal from corrosion.
  • After galvanizing, the zinc layer is passivating, that is, it is covered with an oxide film, which also effectively prevents the emergence of corrosion development.

  • Further, the sheets enter a profilegile machine, where they are attached to a trapezoid or wavy profile with a wave height from 8 to 180 mm, depending on the purpose of the professional flooring. As a result, it turns out a ready-made sheet made according to GOST. After that, the material can be sent on sale, or a protective polymer coating is applied to it.

Today, it is possible to purchase a roofing material coated with a modified anti-corrosion composition - aluminum or aluzin, consisting of 43% zinc, 55% aluminum and 1.6% silicon. Professional flooring, having such a coating, is not much different at a price from the usual, covered with zinc only, however, has much greater resistance to various aggressive impacts, and because it is more durable.

A simple galvanized corrugated flooring is rarely used for - as a rule, it is used for garages and various economic buildings, as issues of saving, prevailing over decorativeness, are usually used to the fore in these cases. For houses and cottages, material with protective polymer coatings is often selected.

Previously, many owners, acquiring a galvanized straightener, they independently tried to apply painting compositions on it. Today there is no need for this - you can pick up his color for every taste, depending on the total facade design of the house.

Professional flooring with a protective-decorative polymer coating

The roofing material protected by one of the high-quality polymer coatings is dramatically added to the "longevity" - its service life is from 25 to 60 years or more.

Polymer coating technology

The polymer coating is designed to protect the roofing material from external natural, chemical and mechanical influences.

The maximum duration of operation provides a protective coating consisting of several layers and applied using modern technological processes.

From how the method is applied to the metal one of the polymer coatings, the operational qualities of the professional flooring will be directly dependent. The polymers can be applied in various ways, but the stages of this process are approximately the same:

  • Galvanized sheets are degreasing and dried.
  • Further, the metal is subjected to the process of priming, which significantly increases the adhesion of the galvanized layer with the polymer.
  • Then, the deposition of a polymer colored coating is carried out. Its thickness can vary from 25 to 200 microns. This layer is usually applied to the front side of the proflist, and its lower side is often covered only by a layer of protective varnish.
  • At the next stage, the sheets enter special chambers, where the processes of final polymerization and strengthening of the protective coating are undergoing under the influence of high temperatures.

The most common method of applying a polymer layer is powder. The coloring process occurs in a special chamber. At this stage, the positive charge of a constant electric current is passed through the metal, after which the fine powder of a certain color is sprayed onto its surface, which is attached negative charge. Under the action of the generated electromagnetic field, the powder particles are attracted to metal sheets. Then, sheets enter the thermal chambers for the procedure for final coating polymerization.

A similar method of coating contributes to the creation of a more persistent metal on the surface, compared with liquid staining, a layer. This is due to the fact that the coloring composition is very uniformly distributed on the metal surface, which significantly reduces the risk of receiving defective sheets.

Proflists with polymer-powder coating have high resistance to all kinds of negative impacts, therefore their service life is much larger than the professional flooring covered with liquid compositions.

By the way, another fact is talking about the strength of the polymer coating.

galvanized professional flooring

Sheets after dyeing usually immediately shipped to consumers - firms that are already engaged in the manufacture of professional flooring. Of course, it is usually provided for transportation protective packaging.

But already in the production process, the material is passed through the rollers of machine tools forming the necessary profile, that is, the metal is experiencing considerable loads and internal stresses. Nevertheless, the high-quality protective coating from such an impact is not damaged.

Varieties of polymer coatings

Since polymer decorative protective coatings may be different, it makes sense to consider their features. So, what they happen, and what qualities do

So, the following polymer coatings can be applied to roofing professional flooring: polyester, pural, matte polyester, PVDF and plastisol.

  • Polyester

The profiled sheet with a similar coating has the most affordable price, therefore it became the most popular material, both for the roof and the construction of fences and the gate. Polyester is resistant to ultraviolet rays, so practically does not change the original color over long. The material of racks to corrosive processes and to temperature drops, but its disadvantage is a small thickness of the applied polyester, which is easily damaged by mechanical exposure - the same scratching.

Before buying this material, it is recommended to conduct an experiment to check the quality of the coating. To do this, you can try to bend the edge of the sheet of professional flooring - from such an impact, the polyester should not be covered with cracks or minor folds.

  • Matte polyester

Matte polyester is somewhat different in composition from the glossy option. Since the coating is rough, it dissipates the light and does not give glare. The technology is such that the composition is unevenly applied, so the exact thickness of the layer is quite difficult to determine. But in any case, it turns out quite large, and such a coating significantly exceeds the glossy analogue glossy and anti-abrasive strength.

This coating quality allows you to hope for a longer service life of roofing.

Frequently, it is precisely using a matte polyester on the surface of the professional flooring, they imitate textured patterns of stone, wood, or brickwork.

  • Poural

Pural - this protective multipolymer composite, which is made of polyurethane based composition with the addition of polyamide and acrylic. It makes roofing material more durable, suitable for 50 years without loss of basic protective and decorative qualities.

Polar is applied with a thickness of 50 μm and has an excellent grip with a metal, so it is quite difficult to damage, since it is not only for mechanical loads, but also to chemicals, to temperature drops, to diverse external influences of a natural or technogenic plan. Therefore, it is well suited for local areas with an aggressive environment of the environment, such as high humidity or air pollution by industrial emissions.

Professional flooring with wear-resistant polymer coating - Pural

The disadvantage of the purel coating professional flooring can be called its high price, which at times exceeds the cost of sheets protected by a conventional or matte polyester. Most often, a straightened, covered with Pural, is used precisely for the roof or facade decoration of residential buildings.

There are two versions of the purel coating - smooth glossy and matte.

  • Plaisol coating

Plaisol is made from polyvinyl chloride with the addition of plasticizers. It is applied by a layer of about 200 microns. Thanks to this thickness, this material has high resistance to mechanical and chemical impacts, as well as to some natural phenomena.

However, plastisol has a significant drawback - it reacts poorly to elevated temperatures, so it is not recommended to apply in climatic zones with a hot summer climate. In addition, this protective coating is not distinguished by resistance to ultraviolet rays, therefore, being under their influence, it quickly loses its original color. If professional flooring is purchased with this coating, it is recommended to choose bright colors, as they burn less in the sun under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and are not so hot.

Many choose a professional flooring with this protective coating because it is produced with a relief surface that imitates the factory drawing of various natural materials, such as wood, stone cutting or skin surface. Similar design usually has a matte surface that does not give glare, so the color seems to be deeper and rich, which gives the material respectable appearance.

Professional flooring, coated with plastisol, is most often used in cold regions with an aggressive climate or in industrial zones, as well as where there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the roof from natural phenomena, for example, in areas where dust storms or loss of hail are often happening.

  • PVDF coating

PVDF is also a composite coating, as it consists of 20% acrylic and 80% - polyvinyl fluoride. Thanks to the complex of these materials, the metal provides the highest degree of protection against any types of influences, including from ultraviolet rays. It is used by such a professional flooring for finishing facades and roofing, as it retains its original appearance for 45 ÷ 50 years. The PVDF metal sheet can be used in areas with any climate, does not depend on environmental features, as it is inert to industrial air pollution, as well as wet, including the "salty" climate.

As it is clear from the presentation, all types of the above coatings are able to perform the function of protecting the metal sheet, but in varying degrees. The table below allows you to more clearly compare the qualities of protective and decorative coatings so that the consumer is easier to decide on the choice:

Properties of the coatingPolyesterMatte polyesterPouralPlaserisol (PVC)PVDF (PVDF)
Nominal coating thickness, microns.25 35 50 200 27
Metal polymer coating thickness, microns19 23 30 192 20
Primer thickness, microns6 12 20 8 7
Maximum operating temperature, ° С90 90 100 70 110
Service life20-30 30-40 40-50 30-50 30-40
Compositions of polymer coatingsPolyesterPolyesterPolyurethane, polyamide and acrylicPolyvinyl chloride and various plasticizersPolyvinyl fluoride - 80%,
acrylic - 20%
The table below shows the comparative estimated indicators of the stability of coatings to different impacts (estimates are indicated by the 5-point system). Points are affixed based on the results of testing in the laboratories of manufacturing companies of such material.
UV resistance3 3 4 1 5
Stability to mechanical exposure2 3 4 5 3
Chemical impact resistance2 3 4 4 5
Resistance to aggressive climatic conditions3 4 5 5 4

The main criteria for choosing a professional flooring

As a generalization of the foregoing, it makes sense to allocate the moments to which you need to pay special attention when choosing a corrugated flooring to arrange the roof of your home.

protection Profile

  • The material must be labeled "H", "NS" or "MP-R", and if it is selected for a residential structure, there will be enough medium thickness of the sheet in 0.5 ÷ 0.8 mm.
  • It is recommended to acquire the roofing material with a powder coating. The polymer coated is chosen independently, taking into account those features on which the attention was sharpened above, taking into account the climatic and other conditions of the region or even a particular settlement.
  • Special attention should be paid to the quality of the coating of the corrugated floor:

- the surface of the roofing sheets should be smooth, without dents and scratches;

- the edges of the sheets must have smooth cuts, without sowing;

- a protective polymer layer must be uniform, without chipping and influx;

- When grasped the proflist, its coating should not be cracked, breaking or collected by folds, and the leaf itself should be easily taken in the original shape.

  • In addition, it is worth paying attention to the warranty provided to the material by the manufacturer. For example, the certificate may indicate the service life of the professional flooring in 30 years or more, and the warranty is given for a year or even completely absent - in this case it is recommended to refuse to buy such products.
  • If such an opportunity is given, then the best option is to acquire professional flooring directly at its manufacturer or official dealers - this moment will significantly reduce the likelihood of acquiring poor-quality material.
  • In addition, it is worth considering the reputation of the manufacturer and the seller. It is not necessary to acquire professional flooring for the roof in a small store in the building market, since in this case the risk is quite high on the products of the unscrupulous manufacturer.
  • According to the rating of manufacturers, several domestic and foreign companies can be distinguished, which deserve positive reviews - these are such Russian enterprises producing high-quality sheet steel, as Novolipetsky NLMK, Severstal and Magnitogorsk MMK, as well as European roofing materials manufacturers who represent His products on the Russian market - "Ruukki", "Thyssen Krupp", "Arcelor", "Galvex".

Choosing a profile, it is necessary to remember that roofing works are a rather laborious and expensive process, and they are usually carried out once a few decades. Therefore, it will be very unpleasant if you have to do this again and spend considerable money in a year or two due to poor-quality coating of a professional flooring, which may be influenced by natural or other factors to crack and break.

At the end of the article - the informative video of the types of professional flooring and its installation as roofing:

Video: Professor - an excellent solution for roofing at home