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Transportation of flammable liquids by motor vehicles. Safe transportation of combustible and explosive substances, liquids and gases. Can there be hazardous substances and products in the composition of the combined cargoes

Dangerous cargo According to the classification of GOST 19433 - 88, includes explosive materials, gases in different condition, solid and self-igniting combustible substances, oxidizing agents and peroxides. With the volume of containers of hazardous substances more than 1000 liters, it is necessary to have a special permit and testimony of the traffic police, a route blank with a resolution, indicating the validity period and number of parties. The cargo is accompanied by a representative who knows its properties corresponding to the preparation.

Route For the transport of dangerous goods should not be held near large industrial enterprises, cultural facilities and recreation areas, educational and medical institutions, large settlements. TC, constantly transporting dangerous goods, supply with appropriate signs, inscriptions and special color.

Capacity with compressed gases is fixed in vehicles on special felt racks. Safety valves are provided on the cylinders. In the summer, additional protection against sunlight is required. Gasoline and other fuel lubricants are transported solely in hermetically closed metal containers or in special trailers.

In warehouses, the transportation of cylinders with gases, combustible and flammable substances in the vehicle or of them is carried out by two-wheeled carts or stretchers. Raise to the height of containers is allowed in containers. Placing barrels C and GJ, care caution, avoiding shocks and concussions, setting them strictly vertically with covers placed in the top. When transporting GJ in a glass and ceramic container, special stretchers are used, equipped with sides, or carts.

When transporting the LVZ and GJ equipment equipped sparkoviki and fire extinguishing means. Cylinders with liquefied gases move, without touching the valve with hands and cloth, soaked with fats, oils. Unloading makes without falling cylinders and caps, eliminating the possibility of beats.

Loading and unloading operations are performed, excluding shocks, blows, increased pressure, without using sparkling equipment, on the vehicle, the engine of which is turned off, in the absence of a driver and unauthorized persons. Mechanisms for the carriage do not have to damage the container, allow the drop in cargo. Tar with dangerous cargo moves on flooring and trapam. Bottles are placed in drums, dooms, drawers filled with a special ashautive material, their movement is carried out in trolleys or baskets with reinforced handles.

The TS movement should provide safe conditions of transportation, so drivers comply with the appropriate speed, distance, stopping the movement with hazardous meteorological conditions. In some cases with a TC column carrying a dangerous cargo, traffic police or escort cars follow. If the column consists of more than 5 TCs, the presence of an empty backup car is required.

Barrels with explosives are transported in a horizontal position, orienting them longitudinally in the TC, according to the requirements of GOST 19747 - 74. Liquid nitroesters are transported on the vehicle with insulated bodies. Boxes with powder and shells are placed with a distance of 0.5 m between them and firmly strengthened. Cannot carry Chemical compounds or mixtures thereof be influenced by external influences to produce an explosion.

"\u003e explosives at a distance less than 0.3 km from Uncontrolled burning outside the special focus, bringing material damage.

"\u003e Fire
or 80 m from the oil "torches". When transporting on a ferry TS with dangerous cargoes there should be no other vehicles.

Transportation by pipelines

Transportation through pipelines made of glass, plastics and ceramics is resolved in the presence of a practical justification. Pipelines are equipped with gas-tight valves and diaphragms made of non-aggravated materials (their location indicate the wiring scheme). During the transportation of freezing combustible liquids, additional heating of the system is carried out, tested thermal insulation. In places of possible stagnation of liquids and gases, gas analyzers are installed to determine the critical level of their concentration.

For transportation by transfer by the method, flammable and combustible fluids with temperatures above 20 s, apply inert gas Or compressed air (if exceeds 45 s). Vegetable oils and animal fats are transported similarly if they are heated to the level of 70 s and less. When pumping liquids of these classes, it ensures the constant operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation systems. The control of the composition of the air environment allows for operational monitoring of the concentration of gases and the LVZ.

Acetylene pipelines are assembled by the optimal section according to the regulations, the gas speed must comply with the standards to avoid detonation. If you need to use more acetylene, the installation of additional branches is carried out, without increasing the load on the existing ones. At acetylene pipelines set fireRelgraders And protective discontinuous membranes, they are regularly brushed from deposits, control the condition of thermal insulation and immediately purified from combustible fluids.

Combustible solids are transported by pneumatic and controversial pipes, conveyors, aspiration lines equipped with automatic dampers, norimes and other pneumatic transport devices. When fireing, they immediately disable aspiration and ventilation systems. To prevent fire and accidents establish a system of automotive electric motors when the air supply is stopped, in order to avoid accumulation and heat of dust. Boxing tape is unacceptable, the conveyor stop immediately.

Rail transportation

Slovo-bulging systems And the paths of transportation of combustible liquids are mandatory to be grounded, they provide for the possibility of flowing liquids. At all sites are suitable for a smooth solid surface. The location of the plum-pouring devices should not be on the path of heat and electric locomotives. All sorting operations with tanks are carried out outside these items.

When feeding to the place of plum, the filling of tanks by steam locomotives include a cover from one four-way or two two-axis wagons (platforms). Machiners are forbidden to open the furnace and boost it, use the various types of open fire and siphon. If transportation is carried out by locomotive, the cover is not necessary.

Tanks are fed smoothly, braking is carried out by wooden lining or materials that do not spark. All metal products for shear and pumping are not used. During the drain - the filling on the overpass do not carry out ships, do not serve other tanks on its free path. Before the drain - in bulk, check the condition of all devices, grounding systems, valves, valves, tightness of hoses and pipes, tanks. Prohibited Use hoses and metal equipment when pluming liquid with a flash point of 45 C and less flash.

The ranks are carried out with the tip deserted to the bottom. If a malfunction of the lower drain device is installed, the revelation is carried out through the top, pumping. In addition, the liquid level limiters are used. During thunderstorms, drain-bulging works are not performed. At the drain-bulk equipment install primary means or stationary systems fire extinguishing.

The fulfillment of all the above conditions is mandatory throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of technical tolerances on industrial facilities with appropriate agreement.

Dangerous cargo in road haulage is, first of all, flammable, poisonous or even radioactive luggage in the car, transported with a certain goal and in certain quantities. Transportation of dangerous goods is regulated by law. The main of these laws is called " European Agreement on International Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods" (ADR). The rules of transportation of such dangerous cargo drivers most often begin to be interested when it is required to transport gasoline or diesel fuel in the trunk (diesel).

So, ADR regulates the rules for the carriage of dangerous goods, as well as have an exhaustive list of substances that can be counted dangerous. This list includes including gasoline, kerosene and almost all other flammable substances.

At the same time, ADR allows you to transport these hazardous substances to individuals for personal needs and for resale, but with a limitation of the quantity and only in a certain container.

ADR provisions do not apply:

  • to transportation of dangerous goods by individuals when these goods are packaged for retail and are intended for their personal consumption, use in everyday life, leisure or sports, provided that measures have been taken to prevent any content leakage under normal conditions. When such cargoes are flammable liquids transported in reusable vessels filled with a private individual or for a private person, the total number should not exceed 60 liters per vessel and 240 liters per transport unit.

That is, dangerous cargoes in the form of the same gasoline or diesel fuel, for example, we can transport no more than 240 liters in the amount of no more than one barrel) and there are no more than 60 liters in the vessels of each.

There are also requirements for vessels - they should not allow fluid to lean, because plastic canisters are not suitable here. At filling stations, however, canisters are sold from special plastic, which is not separated by fuel.

What is a penalty for the transport of dangerous goods?

For violation of the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, we are waiting for a fine under Article 12.21.2 COAP in the amount of from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles or deprivation of rights from 4 months to six months, if we are individuals, and even more, if official or legal .

12.21.2 Administrative Code:

1. Transportation of dangerous goods by a driver who does not have evidence of the preparation of drivers carrying dangerous goods, certificates of admission of the vehicle to the transport of dangerous goods, a special permit or emergency card information about the danger, as provided for by the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, and equal to the transport of dangerous cargo on the vehicle, the design of which does not comply with the requirements of the rules for the transport of dangerous goods or on which there are no elements of the danger information system or equipment or means used to eliminate the consequences of the incident during the transport of dangerous goods, or failure to comply with the conditions for transportation of dangerous goods provided for in these Rules, the imposition of administrative fine on the driver in the amount of from two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles or deprivation of the right to manage vehicles for a period of four to six months; on officials responsible for transportation - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles; On legal entities - from four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

What substances are attributed to dangerous goods?

Let's list the most common of them, which most often happens to be transported! All substances have their own class danger. First we give a list of such classes, and then the common substances and the danger class assigned to them.

  • Class 1 - Explosives and products
  • Class 2 - Gaza
  • Class 3 - flammable substances
  • Class 4.1 - flammable solids, self-reactive and solid explosives
  • Class 4.2 - Substances capable of self-burning
  • Class 4.3 - substances that distinguish flammable gases when exposed to water
  • Class 5.1 - oxidizing agents
  • Class 5.2 - organic peroxides
  • Class 6.1 - Toxic substances
  • Class 6.2 - Infectious substances
  • Class 7 - Radioactive substances
  • Class 8 - corrosive substances
  • Class 9 - Other hazardous substances and products

Hazardous substances

Substance or product Class
Cartridges For weapons (including idle) and ammunition 1
Powder and detonators 1
Bombs 1
Lighting rockets 1
Petardes, disaster signals sound and light 1
Ammonium nitrate 1
Acetylene 2
Compressed air (including liquid) 2
Ammonia 2
Argon 2
Butane 2
Carbon dioxide 2
Chlorine 2
Cyanogen 2
Cyclopropan 2
Ether 2
Ethane 2
Fire extinguishers with compressed or liquefied gas 2
Helium 2
Hydrogen 2
Hydrogen sulfide 2
Methylamine 2
Lighters or cartridges for filling lighters 2
Nitrogen compressed 2
Oxygen compressed or liquid 2
Propylene 2
Gas refrigerator 2
Acetone 3
Benzene 3
Camphor oil 3
Almost any adhesives 3
Aromatic liquid extracts 3
Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 3
Ethyl acetate 3
Fusel oil 3
Diesel fuel 3
Heating oil 3
Gasoyl 3
Petrol 3
Gasoline 3
Petrol. 3
Nitroglycerin and its solutions 3
Hexane 3
Ink 3
Kerosene 3
Methanol. 3
Nitromegetan 3
Paints (including enamels, dyes, varnish, olive, solvent) 3
Perfumery products with refincommunicative substances 3
Oil 3
Coniferous oil 3
Smolyan oil 3
Medical tincture 3
Turpentine 3
Liquid antiseptics for wood 3
Powder aluminum 4.1
Match 4.1
Naphthalene 4.1
Rubber 4.1
Activated carbon 4.2
Alkaloids 6.1
Mercury and its acetates and many other derivatives 6.1
Any alkalis 8
Perchloric acid 8
Sulfuric acid 8
Acetic acid 8
Phosphoric acid 8
Sulfuric acid 8
Aviation fuel 3
Pesticides. 5.2

Full list of dangerous substances for transportation you can look at

(OG) is always in demand due to a variety of facts. Every year, there are 450-500 incidents and incidents associated with transit transit, with the same periodicity of approximately 250-300 emergency situations to one or another severity occur on the courts of the world fleet. Changes related to the evolution of vehicle vehicles of the composition of transported, as well as the processes committed in various fields of legislative support, require editing and clarifications.

Transportation facilities that are able to harm the population of the planet and its ecology due to improper transportation, accidents and natural disasters, explosive, fire hazardous, toxic substances, divided into 9 classes (and, the substances and grade 1, are divided by another 6 varieties), and sea pollutants stand out in a special group.

  1. Explosives (detonators, ammunition, industrial explosives).
  2. Compressed, liquefied or dissolved gas substances transported in cylinders.
  3. Easy and faster liquid substances, in whose composition there are rigid particles.
  4. Rigid substances capable of fire as a result of interaction with moisture, from heating, from friction.
  5. Oxidizing exemplary compounds containing peroxide group.
  6. Poons and chemicals of infectious effects.
  7. Highly vioactive (specific radioactivity of which 0.002 mks / g) substances and products with a content of such substances.
  8. Catering loads, pairs, dust and gas that cause poisoning.
  9. Other exaggements that have not fallen under the above descriptions.

To date, acts that accompany moving various types of transport are determined:

  • features of tarophake;
  • weight norms;
  • warehousing and shipment rules;
  • regulating marks, texts and labels;
  • the possibility of combining heterogeneous exhausts;
  • restrictions in send receptions;
  • features of filling out transit documents.

Tell brief about the most common types of movement of OG and what exactly should be transportation of dangerous goods with considering basic rules (with reference to the main documents).

Modern intercontinental trade and the required cargo transportation number 60% of the transportation of the entire world cargo turnover. This means that tens of thousands of large-tonnage vessels are periodically located on the expanses of the World Ocean, including one of the world's largest tankers, known under the names "SeaWise Giant", "Happy Giant" and "Jahre Viking". During its existence (since 1976), he changed the names, design and even tonnage several times (the last - 564763 tons of oil). Today, it is considered a "floating unit of storage", as it does not independently moor even in large ports of the world and pass through such places like La Mans, the Suez Canal and them like. From the surrounding marine environment, the dangerous cargo is separated by a steel board, the thickness of which is only 3.5 cm. In 1981 (initially he was released significantly smaller dimensions) Tanker volumes of Japanese specialists did not give this floating unit to become an accident object. This cannot be said about the Liberian tanker "Rena", victims of wreck due to a collision with reef near New Zealand in October 2011. Because of the accident, about 300 tons of oil fell into the Pacific Ocean.

  • specifications (and not commercial) ship number.
  • information about danger signs.
  • resistant marking materials that can withstand a three-month stay in seawater should be used;
  • every separate packaging is marked.

And the last moment on which it is worth staying for a more detailed consideration is the requirements for accompanying documents and their copies (copies are provided in special port inspections). First of all, it is an exhibition, maritime invoice, docking and deliver order.

They are attached:

  • oG OP;
  • a cargo plan, which is a graphic image on a ship drawing of all types of goods for optimal placement in the facilities of the upcoming flight;
  • certificate, guaranteed compliance with the rules of packaging and marking of cargo (responsibility assigned to a separate specialist).

In the absence of some of the documents, the loading can be postponed or canceled. The same thing will happen if damage to the package is detected.

Transportation of dangerous goods by rail

The fact, for example, that cars with some type varieties should be moved to the mountain and under the slope of germ, and not allowed to the "spontaneous" movement, requires much better quality of the roads than our highways. Therefore, the second place in the rating of transportation deservedly occupies the railway line.

Transit OG on the railway is performed according to the "Rules for the transport of dangerous goods by railway" (Protocol No. 15 of 05.04.96 as amended by 05/19/2016). The last changes and additions, which suggest a more stringent attitude towards the transport of OG, were introduced on 01/01/2017. Supplements touched upon the requirements for the transport of liquid cargoes in tanks and bunkers and wagons and to fill the characteristics of transported substances and products (emergency cards). General requirements apply to all participants in the process: shippers, railway workers, freight forwarders, and so on.

The rules applies to the territory of the countries participating in the International Freight Railway Communication Agreement (SMGS). For non-participating countries, the requirements set out in Appendix 2 SMGS are valid.

Classification OG determines the conditions for their freight and warehousing.

In relation to shippers, the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by rail includes:

  • the presence of official acts confirming the facilities of the OG to a specific classification number + comprehensive information and organizational and methodological document (alarm card - AK), deciphering codes. AK numbers must be affixed in the included inventory;
  • for carrying out loading, transportation, unloading of OG, employees of a licensed company who own special knowledge and skills can be attracted;
  • transportation can be attracted to the composition that is in the operational management of OJSC "Russian Railways" and having a formal permission from the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation to carry out this type of activity;
  • the shipper must have the permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs + the permission of the station administration, and a special mark (with all the dates) is put in the invoice on obtaining this document;
  • the acting texture contains at the top to the right of red, red;
  • for the carriage of explosives, an overhead of the format of the GU-27E is drawn up and militarized compositions are attracted, accompanied by employees of the WHC or the sender or the recipient.

SMGS and rules provide for the transportation of dangerous goods by rail in the required container and with specific requests to the equipment of cars:

  • the presence of a certificate confirming the serviceability of carriages is provided by car owners (before loading);
  • strictly rationed filling of cars, containers and tanks;
  • after inspection by employees of the railway station, the liquid ogs are poured into the tanks with the condition of the mandatory fixation of the brake shoes;
  • the presence of spare package;
  • the clutch speed of the wagons affecting the power of collision should not be higher than 3-5 km / h;
  • locomotives are presented operational standards and GOST standards.

Rules for transportation of dangerous goods by road

The regulatory framework of documentation for the transportation of the Transportation of the OG Automobile Technician is regulated by the Government Decree No. 272 \u200b\u200bof 04/14/2011, developed in accordance with the requirements of the European Agreement on the International Road Transport of Dangerous Goods (ADR), the date of the first publication - 01/29/1968 after active changes in recent years - 2011, 2013 and 2015 - today there are roads of 2017

Some features of the transportation of OGF are determined by the Federal Law No. 195 of the Code of Administrative Violations, and federal laws "On narcotic and psychotropic substances", "", "," ", some decisions of the Customs Union (and No.) and orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of various years of release in Editors of recent years. The last of the new orders of this topic is. The exhaust program is regulated by Gostami 19433-88 and 26319-84.

Among the general conditions and rules, the road transport of dangerous goods in the Russian Federation requires compliance with approximately the same measures as during the transportation of the railway: emergency cards, inventory, labeling, special information plates and cards. Equipment of special transport must comply with the requirements:

  • the presence of anti-tetting stops (at least one;
  • two warning signs (on separate supports) with backlight;
  • special shape of clothes for the crew.

ADR sets the rules for transportation regarding equipment

  1. The car must be equipped with a wear-resistant brake system with an analogue in case of an accident.
  2. If the mass of the vehicle exceeds 16 tons, the anti-lock brake brake is required.
  3. The electrical stop limiters must be provided, including the ability to turn off the battery from the driver's cabin.
  4. The presence of no more than one trailer, subject to the equipment with a special bumper, the distance to the attachment of which is from the tank - 1 decimeter.

Changes in 2017 affects many of the aspects of "applications" A and B, namely:

  • an increase in the number of participating countries;
  • conditions for transporting fuel in gas tanks and cylinders of cars and fixed by special confettens, and, finally, the standards of capacity are finally indicated;
  • the Nomenclature of OG increased to 3534 (UN number), the compound "polymerizable substances" entered the classification under paragraph 4.1;
  • now the use of soft containers (with special reservations) is allowed;
  • the changes have affected the format of the necessary documents required for transportation (for example, the use of DVR 2013 and 2015 directives is not valid from July 01, 2017;
  • a new symbolism "Danger" and to marking a package with lithium power elements are introduced;
  • allowed movement through the tunnels of all categories of complexity;
  • amendments to the process of receiving exams are introduced;
  • excluded from the use of tanks for hydrogen peroxide and its water solutions ;;
  • the head of IX, part 2 is completely changed;
  • changed the requirements for transporting lithium batteries;
  • drivers with cars on internal combustion engines or their technique on lithium batteries should carefully read innovations.

Not compliance with the rules of transportation by motor vehicles faces administrative sanctions. Fine for an individual - from 2 to 5 thousand rubles + deprivation of rights (4-6 months). Penalty for officials - 15-20 thousand rubles. The highest amount of the fine of legal entities that will suffer at 400-500 thousand rubles.

Responsible for violation of the rules during transportation on the railway or sea are punishable in accordance with the requirements of their documentary base.

Dangerous goods are substances and items that, due to their inherent properties, carry the threat to the life and health of the person, the state of the environment, the preservation of buildings, structures, techniques and other material objects. These include: fuel, acids, pesticides, paints, aerosols, fire extinguishers, solvents, adhesives, medical preparations, lithium batteries, etc.

In total, about 3,500 items are in the list of hazardous substances.

In principle, the fact that they carry a threat does not mean that this threat will be implemented: only with the coincidence of certain factors transportation, as well as loading / unloading of such substances can lead to an explosion, fire, death of people and animals, radioactive or infectious infection, toxic accuracy, environmental pollution, damage to technical devices, vehicles, buildings, structures, etc.

It is so that these factors do not coincide and, therefore, managed to avoid possible harm, the transportation of dangerous goods is carried out on strict rules in compliance with all necessary measures and conditions.

Previously, the delivery of such cargoes within the Russian Federation was regulated by the rules for transporting dangerous goods by road (ppogat). However, since the beginning of 2017, these rules have been abolished and the legislative base has become European Agreement on International Road Road Road Road Travel (ADR / ADR)To which Russia joined back in 1994 and which before that "answered" only for the international message.

What was it done for? In order to, first, reduce the redundancy of legislative acts, and secondly, to improve the quality of dangerous goods transport: ADR, unlike the podogat, is systematically updated and adjusted, and the existence of only one regulatory document does not allow contradictions and confusion.

What you need to know to implement the high-quality and safe transportation of dangerous cargo?

The conditions and rules for the carriage of dangerous goods depend primarily from its name and to which class it refers.

Thus, a special UN number (un-identifier) \u200b\u200bis fixed for each dangerous substance or group of substances. These rooms, by the way, are assigned to substances experts from the United Nations Committee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods after all necessary tests designed to determine the main and additional danger of goods.

By the UN number in table "List of dangerous goods" (Appendix A to ADR) You can learn all the information regarding the transport of a substance / product: Methods of labeling and packaging, the procedure for placing signs of danger on vehicles and containers, selection of vehicles, transportation and handling provisions, degree and The type of danger represented (...), as well as, which is important, the class of substance.

In accordance with ADR, 13 classes of dangerous goods are allocated:

  • class 1.: explosives and products;
  • class 2.: gases;
  • class 3.: flammable liquids;
  • class 4.1.: flammable solids, self-reactive substances, solid desensitized explosives;
  • class 4.2.: Substances capable of self-burning;
  • class 4.3.: substances excreasing flammable gases when contact with water;
  • class 5.1.: oxidizing substances;
  • class 5.2.: organic peroxides;
  • class 6.1.: Toxic substances;
  • class 6.2.: infectious substances;
  • class 7.: radioactive materials;
  • class 8.: corrosive substances;
  • class 9.: Other hazardous substances and products.

Class 1. Explosives and products

  • explosives: solid or liquid substances (or mixtures of substances), which are capable of a chemical reaction with the separation of gases at such a temperature, so pressure and at such a speed, which causes damage to the surrounding items;
  • pyrotechnic substances: substances or mixtures of substances intended for the production of the effect in the form of heat, light, sound, gas or smoke or combinations them as a result of self-sustaining exothermic chemical reactions occurring without detonation;
  • explosive products: products containing one or more explosives or pyrotechnic substances;
  • other substances and products that are not mentioned above are manufactured for the production of explosive work or the creation of a pyrotechnic effect.

The substances of this class have six subclasses (1.1-1.6), the transportation of which is accompanied under the following danger marks - notation, which should be placed on packaging, containers, tanks and transportation vehicles.

For subclasses 1.1-1.3

For subclass 1.4.

For subclass 1.5

For subclass 1.6.

The class of explosives and products includes: cartridges for weapons, idle chucks, powder, detonators, subversive charges, capsuli, funeral, mines, bombs, grenades, nitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, disaster signals, petardes, Bengal lights, etc.

To ensure the safety of cargo transportation of 1st grade, special substances are added - phlegmatizers: wax, paper, water, polymers, alcohol, oil ... they make an explosive insensitive or less sensitive to heat, shocks, shocks, concussions and friction and reduce the likelihood of an explosion.

At the same time, ammunition with poisoning substances (№№OON 0020 and 0021), as well as explosives with excessive sensitivity, are not allowed to transport.

Class 2. Gaza

It covers pure gases, gas mixtures, a mixture of one or more gases with one or more other substances, as well as products containing substances.

Loads of this class are divided into:

  • compressed gas: Being loaded for transportation under pressure, at a temperature of -50 ° C is completely gaseous;
  • liquefied gas: loaded under pressure, at a temperature of -50 ° C becomes partially liquid;
  • chilled liquefied gas: loaded under pressure, due to its low temperature is partially liquid;
  • dissolved gas: loaded under pressure, dissolved in a liquid solvent;
  • aerosol sprayers and small tanks containing gas (gas cans);
  • other products containing gas under pressure;
  • gases are not under pressure, subject to special requirements (samples of gases);
  • pressure chemical products: fluids, pastes or powders under the pressure of the gas-displacement, which corresponds to the determination of compressed or liquefied gas, and the mixture of these substances;
  • adsorbed gas: Being loaded for transportation, adsorbed on a solid porous material, as a result of which the internal pressure in the vessel is less than 101.3 kPa at 20 ° C or less than 300 kPa at 50 ° C.

This includes: compressed air, butane, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, petroleum gas, lighters, cartridges for refilling lighters, fire extinguishers, etc.

Gases are transported under the following signs of danger:

2.1. flammable gases

2.2. non-flammable non-toxic gases

2.3. Toxic gases

However, it should be taken into account that it is impossible to transport:

  • chloride chilled liquid hydrogen (No. 1786);
  • nitrogen trioxide (UN 2421);
  • methylNitrite (No. 2455).

Class 3. Light flammable liquids

These include:

  • flammable liquids;
  • substances that at a temperature of 50 ° C have a pressure of no more than 300 kPa (3 bars) and at a temperature of 20 ° C are not completely gaseous;
  • substances that have an outbreak temperature not higher than 60 ° C;
  • liquid substances and solids in the molten state with an outbreak temperature above 60 ° C, which are presented to transportation or transported in a hot condition at a temperature equal to the flare temperature or exceeding it;
  • liquid desensitized explosives.

These are: acetone, benzene, camphor oil, carbon black, adhesives, alcohol, liquid aromatic extracts, diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene, paint, oil, rubber solution, medical tinctures, etc.

The flammable liquids are transported under such signs of danger:

  • easily oxidizing with the formation of peroxides of the substance, if the content of peroxide in them in terms of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) exceeds 0.3%;
  • chemically unstable substances, if necessary precautions have not been taken to prevent the possibility of a hazardous reaction of decomposition or polymerization.

Class 4.1. Flammable solids, self-reactive substances, solid desensitized explosives


  • flammable solids and products: powdered, granulated and pasty substances that can easily light up with short-term contact with a ignition source (for example, with a burning match), as well as form toxic combustion products;
  • self-real solids or liquids: Termically unstable substances capable of subjected to rapid exothermic decomposition even without oxygen participation (air);
  • solid desensitized explosives: substances that are moistened with water or alcohols or diluted with other substances to suppress their explosive properties;
  • substances like self-absorbing substances;
  • polymerizable substances: Substances that without stabilization under normal conditions are capable of exposing an intense exothermic reaction leading to the formation of larger molecules or the formation of polymers.

For example: aluminum powder, cinema and film on a nitrocellulosic basis, raw or purified naphthalene, sulfur, etc.

For the transport of substances of this class, the following indicating on danger Sign

To ensure the safety of transportation of self-absorbing substances, they are desensitize (reduce sensitivity), using special diluents, and in relation to polymerizing substances, strictly follows the compliance with the temperature regime.

At the same time you can not transport:

  • self-corrective substances type A;
  • phosphorus sulphides not free from white and yellow phosphorus;
  • not listed in the list of dangerous goods solid sensitized explosives;
  • inorganic flammable substances in the molten state (exception - molten sulfur, No. 2448);
  • as well as substances, for the transportation of which the necessary security measures were not taken.

Class 4.2. Substances capable of self-burning

This class includes:

  • pyrophoric substances: substances, including mixtures and solutions (liquid or solid), which even in small quantities are flammable when air in contact for five minutes;
  • self-heating substances and products: Substances and products, including mixtures and solutions that, when contacting air, without supply of energy from outside, is capable of self-heating. They are flammable only in large quantities (kilograms) and only after long periods of time (hours or days).

This is: coal, activated carbon, wet cotton, fish flour treated with unsaturated oils paper, cake, spent iron oxide, etc.

In general, self-heating of the substance is a process in which he highlighted heat as a result of a gradual reaction with oxygen (air). If the heat formation rate exceeds the heat transfer rate, the temperature of the substance increases, which can lead to ignition and burning.

For the transportation of goods of this class, the following sign of danger is applied

However, not allowed to transport:

  • tert-butylgipochlorite (Nuon 3255);
  • oxidizing self-heating solids related to 227 (if they do not meet the established requirements).

Class 4.3. Substances that excrete flammable gases in contact with water

It covers all substances that, when contacting water, release flammable gases, capable of forming explosive mixtures with air, as well as products containing such substances.

In particular: alkali metal amides, aluminum carbide, uncovered aluminum powder, barium, calcium, cesium, lithium, magnesium powder, sodium, zinc dust, etc.

Transportation of these substances should pass under the following signs of danger:

In this case, the substances belonging to No. 3133 (water reacting oxidizing solids) are not allowed to transport if they do not meet the established special requirements.

Class 5.1. Oxidizing substances

Substances that themselves are not necessarily combustible, but may (usually, by excretion of oxygen), cause or maintain the burning of other materials.

For example: a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and contlexic acid, an aqueous solution of inorganic chlorates, an aqueous solution of inorganic nitrates, a chemical oxygen generator, ammonium nitrate emulsion, etc.

Danger sign is used for transportation.

At the same time, it is impossible to transport:

  • unstabilized hydrogen peroxide or an unstabilized aqueous hydrogen peroxide solution if they contain more than 60% hydrogen peroxide;
  • substances under Nub 3100 (oxidizing solid self-heating), No. 3121 (oxidizing solids reacting with water), No. 3137 (oxidizing solid flammable substances);
  • tetranteromethan containing combustible impurities;
  • hydraulic acid solutions containing by weight of more than 72% acid, or a mixture of chloroic acid with any liquid, except for water;
  • a chlorinic acid solution containing more than 10% acid, or a mixture of chloronic acid with any liquid, except for water;
  • halogen-containing fluorine compounds, except: bromine pentafluoride (UN 1745), bromine trifluoride (NU 1746), iodine pentafluoride (No. 2495), chlorine trifluoride (UNIT 1749), Chlorine Pentafluoride (NU 2548, Class 2);
  • ammonium chlorate and its aqueous solutions, as well as a mixture of chlorate with ammonium salt;
  • chlorine ammonium and its aqueous solutions, as well as mixtures of chlorite with ammonium salt;
  • mixtures of hypochlorite with saline ammonium;
  • ammonium bromate and its aqueous solutions, as well as mixtures of bromate with ammonium salt;
  • ammonium permanganate and its aqueous solutions, as well as mixtures of permanganate with ammonium salt;
  • ammonium nitrate containing more than 0.2% combustible substances (including any organic matter calculated by carbon), if it is not a component of a substance or product of 1st class;
  • ammonium nitrite and its aqueous solutions, as well as a mixture of inorganic nitrite with ammonium salt;
  • mixtures of potassium nitrate, sodium nitrite and ammonium salt.

In addition, all substances of this class are not allowed to transport, if necessary measures have not been taken to prevent their dangerous decomposition or polymerization during transportation. For this, in particular, it should be verified that there are no substances that can activate the dangerous reactions in vessels and tanks.

Class 5.2. Organic peroxides

It covers organic peroxides and compositions of organic peroxides whose danger is that they are prone to exothermic decomposition during normal or elevated temperatures. The decomposition may begin under the influence of heat, contact with impurities (acid, compounds of heavy metals, amines), friction or impact and lead to the formation of harmful or flammable gases or vapors. At the same time, many organic peroxides are intensively lit, and some even with a brief contact with a serious injury of a horny eye shell or corrosive skin.

Danger signs indicating the transportation of organic peroxides

To ensure the safety of transportation, they are desensitize by adding liquid or solid organic substances, solid inorganic substances or water. Desensitization is carried out in such a way that in the case of the leakage of organic peroxide, its concentration has not reached a dangerous extent. Some organic peroxides can only be transported under conditions of temperature control.

At the same time, organic peroxides of type A. are not allowed to transport

Class 6.1. Toxic substances

These are substances that are known by experience or in respect of which it can be assumed based on the results of experiments conducted on animals that they can (with a single or short impact and in relatively small quantities) cause harm to human health or the cause of death in case of their Inhalation, suction through skin or swallowing.

Toxic substances include: arsenic, liquid toxic dye, liquid compound of mercury, nicotine, nitrobenzene, solid phenol, liquid tear substances, gas tear candles, liquid toxic drugs, chloroform, soluble lead connection, etc.

Danger sign warning about the transport of toxic substance looks like this

However, not allowed to transport:

  • cyanously anhydrous hydrogen or cyanide hydrogen in solution, if it does not comply with the descriptions of positions under No. Roson 1051, 1613, 1614 and 3294;
  • metal carbonyls with a flash point below 23 ° C, with the exception of nickel carbonyl (UN 1259) and pentarbonyl iron (No. 1994);
  • 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin (THDD) in concentrations, which are considered strong-toxic;
  • symmetric dichloromethyl ether (No. 2249);
  • phosphide preparations without additives inhibiting the release of toxic flammable gases;
  • as well as chemically unstable substances, if necessary precautions were taken to prevent the possibility of a hazardous reaction of decomposition or polymerization under normal conditions of transportation.

Class 6.2. Infectious substances

Are divided into:

  • infectious substances dangerous for people;
  • infectious substances dangerous for animals only;
  • clinical waste;
  • biological preparations.

Transported under the sign of danger

It is not allowed to use live animals for the transport of infectious substance, except when this substance cannot be transported in another way or when such transportation is approved by the competent authority.

Class 7. Radioactive materials

This class includes a material containing radionuclides, in which the concentration of activity, as well as the total activity of the cargo exceeds 0.002 microns per gram.

Radioactive materials depending on the degree of danger under the following signs

For the safety of transportation, it is necessary, first of all, to comply with the limitations on the amount of substance permissible to transport, and secondly, to use a special insulating container. Such a container should prevent the penetration of a radioactive substance in a hazardous amount into the environment and reduce the intensity of ionizing radiation.

Class 8. Corrosion substances

These are substances that, by virtue of their chemical properties, affect the epithelial tissue (leather or mucosa) when contacting it or which, in case of leakage or wake, can cause damage or destruction of other goods or vehicles. In addition, the class "Corrosive substances" includes substances that form a corrosion liquid only in the presence of water or corrosion pairs or suspension - in the presence of natural air humidity.

For example: caustic alkaline liquid, bromine, or a bromine solution, fluid for charging fire extinguishers, formic acid, a solution of phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, a solution of bromoacetic acid, unspoken smoke bombs, nitric acid contained in industrial products mercury and others.

Danger sign is provided for the transportation of corrosive substances.

Not allowed to transport:

  • a mixture of nitrogen and hydrochloric acids (UN 1798);
  • chemically unstable exhaust sulfuric acid mixtures;
  • chemically unstable nitraulic acidic mixtures or non-solid mixtures of residual sulfur and nitric acids;
  • an aqueous solution of chloroic acid containing more than 72% pure acid by weight, or a mixture of chloroic acid with any other liquid, except for water.

Class 9. Other hazardous substances and products

It covers those substances and products that are presented with the danger not specified in the description of previous classes. They are divided into:

  • substances, the small dust of which, when inhalation, can represent a hazard for health;
  • substances and products that in case of fire
  • can be separated dioxins;
  • substances that allocate flammable pairs; lithium batteries;
  • rescue means;
  • environmental substances: Liquid and solid pollutant medium, genetically modified organisms and microorganisms;
  • liquid and solids at elevated temperature;
  • other substances and products representing the danger during transportation, but not corresponding to the definitions of other classes.

Such products include: solid carbon dioxide (dry ice), castor flour, a vehicle operating on flammable gas, a vehicle operating on batteries, a kit of first aid, an internal combustion engine, lithium-ion batteries, etc.

They are transported under the sign of danger

Not allowed to transport:

  • crude empty instrument containers (such as transformers, capacitors or hydraulic devices) comprising substances assigned to NO 2315, 3151, 3152 or 3432;
  • lithium batteries that do not meet the necessary security requirements.

Table A "List of dangerous goods"

As already noted, this table contains about 3,500 items of unsafe substances, groups of substances and products that can cause harm to people, animal, environment, material objects, etc. For each of them, their special conditions for transportation and the necessary measures that should be prescribed Not to completely neutralize the threat, then at least minimize it is as possible.

Measures and conditions concern packaging and labeling, compatibility of goods, selection of vehicle, order of loading and unloading, etc. It is not difficult to use the table: just just know what the UN Code corresponds to a substance or product.

For example, it is possible to determine the conditions for transporting lighters (No. 1057).

This cargo refers to the 2nd hazard class ("gases") and has a classification code 6F, which means: a flammable product containing gas under pressure. For its transport, a warning sign of danger 2.1 "Flammable gases" is used (Figure 6 or 7).

From column No. 6 ("Special Provisions") it can be seen that for transportation:

  • lighters must be provided with protection against accidental release of content;
  • the liquid phase should not exceed 85% compatibility of the vessel at 15 ° C;
  • vessels, including shutters, must withstand internal pressure, twice the pressure of liquefied petroleum gas at a temperature of 55 ° C;
  • the valve mechanisms and ignition devices must be securely sealed, isolated with ribbon or otherwise fixed, or constructed in such a way as to exclude their triggering or leakage of content during transport;
  • lighters must contain no more than 10 g of liquefied petroleum gas;
  • the spent lighters collected separately, when transporting, it is not necessary to be protected from accidental discharge, provided that measures are taken to prevent dangerous increase in pressure and creating a hazardous environment;
  • legging or highly deformed lighters should be transported in emergency containers, etc.

In addition, when transporting lighters, rigid outer containers (drawers) should be used, designed, manufactured and placed in such a way as to be eliminated by the possibility of moving, random ignition of the device or random leakage of flammable gas.

At the same time, the lighters can be packaged into an external packaging together with other 2nd class cargoes, cargoes of other classes (if the joint packaging is permitted) and loads that are not subject to ADR, provided that they cannot enter each other into a dangerous reaction.

The lighters refer to the 2nd transport category, which means that with the maximum total number of products in 333 kg (gross mass), their transportation is released from some of the requirements of ADR (about it - just below).

The limit code D suggests that the transport means carrying a lighter is prohibited through the tunnels of categories D and E.

And during the loading and unloading operations, the CV9 code is applied: the lighters can not be thrown or subjected to shocks, they must be laid in such a way that they cannot be tipped up or falling. In addition, it is forbidden to use fuel heating devices in loading places and enter the cargo compartment of closed vehicles carrying cargo, with portable lighting devices.

And so - for each planning cargo planning to transport.

General requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods

However, together with some special conditions specified for individuals and products, general requirements are also applied during the transportation of dangerous goods.

First of all, the transportation of dangerous goods is possible if the vehicle has admission to their transportation, and the driver passed a special training of ADR.

It should be borne in mind that passing training and obtain evidence of ADR may a driver with a continuous, at least three years of experience in managing vehicles of the relevant category.

Education, in turn, implies different levels:

  • basic (mandatory) course, after which you can carry dangerous goods in packages (except explosive and radioactive substances);
  • specialized course on the transport of dangerous goods in tanks;
  • specialized course on the transport of substances and products of the 1st grade;
  • specialized course on the transport of radioactive materials (7th grade).

As for the admission of the vehicle, the special certificate (a traffic police is issued) is required only for cars related to ADR classification to EX / II, EX / III, FL, OX, AT and Memu (roughly speaking, those that transport explosives or substances in tanks), for the rest, such admission is a diagnostic map confirming the fact of the passage of technical inspection (trucks intended for the transport of dangerous goods must pass it every six months).

However, in the case of the carriage of goods of increased danger, in addition to the tolerance of the vehicle and evidence of the driver's ADR, a special permission is also required. This rule acts both for international and domestic Russian communication.

The list of heavy risk goods can be found in Table ADR.

Rostransnadzor is responsible for issuing a special permit if the route of the vehicle must pass through federal tracks or in the territory of two or more regions.

If the roads of regional or inter-municipal significance, then permission should be applied to the regional executive authority. If on the roads of local significance - to the local government body. If on a private road - to the owner of this road. Etc.

By the way, earlier to coordinate the route of freight transportation of increased danger was necessary with the traffic police, now the same body is responsible for coordinating the route, which is responsible for issuing permission.

After receiving a statement, he either refuses transportation, or sends to local executive authorities, through the territory of which transportation should be carried out, the application for coordination of the route.

In the case of a positive response and absence of violations, a special permission is issued. The maximum period of its action is one year, and it can cover both one and several identical transportation of dangerous goods. The resolution necessarily contains the following information:

  • the name of the body that issued permission;
  • class, UN number, name and description of dangerous cargo;
  • installed route for transportation and conditions of movement on it;
  • the name and location of the shipper and consignee;
  • carrier Information: For a legal entity - Name, organizational and legal form, Legal address; For an individual - surname, name, patronymic, place of residence, data certifying personality;
  • type, model, vehicle brand, state registration sign of a car, trailer or semi-trailer;
  • special permission number;
  • date of issuance and validity of permission.

To obtain permission, it is necessary together with the statement (where the cargo is described, the route of its transportation, etc. information) to present:

  • a copy of the certificate of registration of the vehicle;
  • a document confirming the right to ownership by the vehicle on legal grounds (if it is not the property of the carrier);
  • a copy of the certificate of admission of the vehicle to the transport of dangerous goods;
  • a copy of the certificate of preparation of the driver of a vehicle carrying dangerous goods;
  • documents confirming the powers of the representative (if the application is not submitted by the carrier itself, but its representative).

Requirements for labeling containers and vehicle designation

First of all, as noted, the vehicle must be admitted to the transport of dangerous goods. Such a certificate is obtained after a technical inspection designed to check the condition of the car (trailer, container, tanks, etc.) and its compliance with safety requirements. There is permission only throughout the year, after the expiration of the term it is necessary to undergo an inspection.

What is important, cars carrying dangerous goods, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 285 dated July 31, 2012, must be equipped with GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS satellite navigation systems.

During transport, the vehicle must certainly be designated: so that it can immediately understand that it is lucky, and determine which cargo it is lucky and what danger this cargo is present. This uses special orange plates made from persistent and durable material capable of withstanding adverse atmospheric conditions, not to burn in fire, while in it at least 15 minutes, and keep the inscriptions placed on it.

What are the requirements for? If, for example, a crash will happen during the way with the vehicle (and the accompanying documents will be lost), which arrived lifeguards will still be able to recognize the danger and take all the necessary measures to neutralize it. After all, in the lower half of the plates, the cargo identification number (or the UN number) is applied, and in the upper - the danger code. The danger code, by the way, consists of two or three digits: the first indicates the main danger, the second (or the second and third) is an additional one.

Figure "2": Gas release as a result of pressure or chemical reaction.
Digit "3": flammability of liquids (vapors) and gases or self-heating fluid.
Figure "4": Inflammability of solids or self-heating solids.
Digit "5": Oxidizing effect (effect of intensification of combustion).
Figure "6": Toxicity or danger of infection.
Digit "7": Radioactivity.
Digit "8": Corrosion activity.
Figure "9": The danger of spontaneous turbulent reaction.

If the digit is doubled, this suggests that the danger that the cargo represents is very high. If the code is worth the letter X, it means that the substance has been transported can enter into a dangerous reaction with water.

However, the exact designation of the danger is given for each UN number in the "List of dangerous goods" table and deciphered in the 5th chapter of ADR.

In addition to the tablets, an information board in the form of a rhombus with a symbol / class number or shipment subclass should be placed on the vehicle. However, it is not necessary, if it is clearly visible and distinguishes the danger sign located on the transported containers, container tanks and portable containers.

Of particular designation also requires the outer packaging, in which the cargo is packed, it must be deposited and durable labeling:

  • information plate indicating the UN number, and for the 1st, 2nd and 7th grades - the shipping name of the substance / product;
  • appropriate class or subclass sign of danger;
  • an additional marking mark for substances representing the environmental hazard;

  • for a combined container with an inner package containing a liquid, for a single container with ventilation holes and for cryogenic vessels intended for the transport of cooled liquefied gases, the arrows indicating the location of the goods and how it is properly installed.

What documents must be accompanied by the domestic transportation of dangerous goods?

First, the transport document - Transport or commodity invoice, where it is necessary to specify the following information:

  • identification code Un (UN number);
  • shipping name, supplemented with the technical title;
  • the danger sign, which is given in the 5th column of the Dangerous List Table (if several hazard numbers are specified, then the following should be taken in brackets; if the sample of the danger sign is not prescribed, you need to write a class number to which the substance belongs to product);
  • a group of packaging (can be simply roman numbers, and in front of Roman numerals to put the letter designation "GU"), if it is not specified, nothing is required;
  • quantity and description of packages, additionally, you can call the transport packaging code for the UN;
  • the total number of each dangerous cargo having a separate UN number, proper shipping name and, if appointed, a packaging group;
  • if there is, then the location code through the tunnels.

For example: Un 1223, kerosene, 3, III (barrels, 10 pieces, 2 000 kg), (D / E).

In addition, additional information may be indicated in the transport document: that, in accordance with what point is the transportation of ADR, the value of the control and emergency temperature, the name or symbol of each radionuclide, etc. The need for additional entries depends on the class and the name of the transported cargo and the requirements that It is presented to it (they are all listed in the text of ADR).

Secondly, the transportation of dangerous goods must be accompanied by written instructions: they are compiled in case of an emergency and describe all the necessary measures to do the driver, if an accident occurred, etc. In addition to the transfer of these measures, the instructions also given general memos on which threat is having a dangerous cargo of each class and how to protect yourself in each individual case. It also contains a list of individual and general protection products in the car.

Third, permission to transport dangerous goods (with the coordination of the route), evidence of the admission of a vehicle to the transport of dangerous goods and evidence of ADR on the relevant training of the driver carrying dangerous goods.

Depending on the type of cargo, there may also be a passport of substances (or safety data sheet for chemical products) and certificates - fire, radiation control, etc.

And, of course, the mandatory package of documents includes: technical passport, technical coupon and driver's license. In addition, the cargo itself may be accompanied by an invoice.

By the way, if the transportation of dangerous goods is mixed and moving on the sea is included in it, then you will need another certificate of loading the container / vehicle. The fact is that the pitching of the waves is so affecting the cargo that he, being initially not sufficiently fixed and incorrectly posted, risks to damage and harm both people and the ship, and the environment ... And therefore all loading operations must be made in strict accordance With the existing rules and requirements established by the International Code of Marine Transportation of Dangerous Goods. It is this fact (proper loading and fastening) and confirms this certificate.

However, a clear carrying out of loading and unloading work and a strict acceptance of the cargo to shipment is important regardless of which cargo is driving.

"Primary" operations

First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the car arrived at the loading is allowed to transport dangerous goods (and exactly of this class and name), it does not have damage and meets all the necessary requirements. It is also necessary to make sure that the driver can work with dangerous goods (evidence of ADR) and has all mandatory transportation documents.

All this is the responsibility of the shipper. However, the driver must show vigilance when accepting cargo: check the quality of the packaging (whether it does not have damage, whether it is not visible on it traces of corrosion, pollution, etc.), the presence of labeling and hazard signs, the correctness of the documents and the compliance of the information on it, The contained in them, with the one that is indicated on the package.

Naturally, loads must be packed and prepared for transportation in compliance with all rules. It should take into account the packaging group assigned to a particular substance / product depending on the degree of danger. Highlight three packaging groups:

packaging group I: very dangerous cargo;
Packaging group II: just a dangerous cargo;
Packaging group III: slightly dangerous cargo.

Loading and transportation of dangerous goods

Loading of dangerous cargo is carried out in accordance with all the necessary requirements for each class and the name of the substance / product and in detail described in the text of ADR.

At the same time, regardless of the type of dangerous cargo packaging with it, in no case cannot be thrown or subjected to shocks, they must be properly fixed, and if we are talking about shipping in tanks, then when they are filling, it is necessary to leave the so-called. "Waste" to prevent leakage and deformation of the container as a result of fluid expansion.

The vehicle engine during loading and unloading operations must be turned off (except in cases when it is used to launch pumps, etc. mechanisms with which loading / unloading is carried out).

Next to dangerous cargo in no case can not smoke and eat. During loading, fuel heating devices are also prohibited.

If several different cargo is scheduled for in one car, then before you download them, you need to make sure that their joint transport is permitted. For this, there is a special "table of compatibility compatibility table of dangerous goods of different classes" (, and for cargo of 1st class - "Compatibility Table when loading hazardous goods of the 1st grade of hazards belonging to different groups compatibility»(

When transporting the driver is prohibited:

  • shy away from the installed route: all changes in the way must be additionally coordinated;
  • exceed the speed;
  • cropped with a place and brake dramatically: maneuvers must be smooth;
  • smoking in the vehicle or at a distance less than 50 meters from the parking lot;
  • overtake vehicles moving at a speed of more than 50 km / h;
  • transport unauthorized persons: in the cockpit can only be the one who accompanies the cargo, or the second driver;
  • tow the vehicle;
  • it is excluded from the car without extreme need, leave it on an unguarded parking lot.

When stopping or parking a vehicle, the driver must use the parking brake, and in the case of a slope, use at least two anti-tottal stops.

In addition, vehicles carrying dangerous goods of classes 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 7 cannot refuel on public gas stations. The refill of the car should be made at a distance of at least 25 meters from the gas station.

The route itself should not pass through the recreation areas, reserves, etc. protected areas, large settlements, near therapeutic, educational, entertainment institutions and large industrial facilities. If it is still different, as through a large settlement, it is impossible to drive, then the vehicle movement is allowed, but with one condition: the path should not run next to therapeutic, educational, preschool, as well as cultural and educational and entertainment institutions.

However, all the nuances of the route were previously established and agreed by Rostransnadzor, the main thing as already noted, not to shy away from the prescribed one.

Support may also be appointed to transport dangerous goods. This solution is usually taken if the delivery of increased danger goods is carried out (Table "List of increased danger" ADR) or dangerous goods are transported by a column of vehicles consisting of five or more cars.

The decision is to appoint support or not - in each particular case, RoshranSnadzor takes the route to coordinate the route and issuing permission to travel on road roads. However, when driving a column of vehicles (five or more), accompaniment is always carried out.

When accidental, the driver must follow the requirements set forth in the written instructions issued by the shipper. These instructions lists all the measures that need to be taken in one case or otherwise, the actions of the driver and crew are described, and whether it is worth it independently before the arrival of salvation services, try to eliminate the threat.

However, one way or another the driver should:

  • turn on the brake system, turn off the engine, turn off the battery and activate the main switch, if any;
  • inform emergency services, informing them as detailed information about the incident and the dangerous cargo, which is transported;
  • wear an emergency vest and establish warning signs on the road;
  • get from the car transport and accompanying documents in order to save them and transfer to emergency services;
  • do not allow an extraneous accident to the place of the accident, if the danger is great, to move as far as possible.

If the car breakdown occurred and the driver cannot eliminate the malfunction independently for two hours, it should cause a transportation machine and report on his forced stop in the nearest territorial body of the internal affairs.

When the cargo is delivered, the consignee should:

  • check the integrity of the packaging, compliance with the amount of dangerous cargo with the claimed, verify the data specified on the container, with information posted in the accompanying documents;
  • after completing the unloading, clear the body of the car, the container, tank from the balance of the cargo and to displaced them;
  • after unloading, cleaning and disinfection, remove with containers / tank marking signs and signs indicating the danger of cargo.

Do I always have ADR rules?

No not always. There are a number of exceptions when the transportation of dangerous cargo is not subject to the requirements of ADR or obeying only some of them.

ADR provisions are not applied at all:

  • if dangerous goods are transported by private individuals for their personal consumption or retail (provided that all necessary measures have been taken to prevent the leakage of a hazardous substance);
  • when transporting machines or mechanisms containing dangerous goods in their internal or operational equipment;
  • if the transport of dangerous goods perform rescue services to apply them when conducting emergency and rescue work;
  • with urgent transportation during emergency situations carried out in order to save people or environmental protection;
  • on the transport of gases contained in fuel tanks or vehicle cylinders and intended to provide thrust for the functioning of any equipment (for example, refrigeration) used during transport;
  • on the transport of gases contained in the equipment used to operate the vehicle (for example, in fire extinguishers), including spare parts (pumped tires);
  • for the transportation of gases contained in food, including carbonated drinks;
  • for the transportation of gases contained in swords intended for sports;
  • for the transport of fuel contained in the fuel tanks of a vehicle and intended for weight traction or to function any vehicle equipment used during transport.

In addition, the order of transportation, packaging requirements, documentation, etc., the application of all the provisions of ADR or only parts of them depends on what quantities the dangerous cargo is transported.

Limited quantities

When dangerous goods are delivered to limited quantities, its transportation does not require obtaining permission to travel on roads, coordination of the route, compiling written instructions, special designation of vehicles that meet the preparation of the driver (obtaining evidence of ADR) and the admission of the vehicle to the transport of dangerous goods. The only thing is necessary on the packaging of special marking sign "Limited quantities".

Of the documents accompanying the goods, in addition to the transport / consumer transport invoice, only the certificate of loading the container / vehicle is obligatory. In addition, it is necessary to carry out general security measures during loading and unloading work and the car movement.

To find out how the quantity of the cargo being converted is considered limited, it is necessary to check with a column 7a of the Table of Dangerous Goods: there is a limit value for the internal container for each substance, products. It should be considered: the maximum mass of gross combined packaging should not exceed 30 kg.

If there is a digit "0" in column 7a - on the transport of this cargo, the relaxation does not apply in any way: regardless of quantity, its transportation must comply with all the requirements of ADR.

For example: on the transport of aerosol canolars (No. 1950) with a mass of net 200 ml (each), packed in cardboard boxes with a mass of gross 6 kg, exhaustion of limited quantities. Since the amount of substance falling on the inner container (200 ml) does not exceed the limit value of 1 l, and the mass of gross containers (6 kg) is a permissible number of 30 kg.

Freed quantities

Transportation of dangerous cargo in liberated quantities does not require accompanying documentation (obtaining permission, coordination of the route, preparation of written instructions), special training of the driver (evidence of ADR), the availability of a vehicle to transport hazardous goods, applying marking inscriptions and signs of danger to packaging, designation of transport funds. An exception - special Sign "Released Quantities".

The only requirements that must be executed is:

  • the procedure for preparing employees to flight;
  • classification procedure and criteria for assigning a package group;
  • requirements for packaging.

To find out how much for cargo is freed, it is necessary to pay attention to the 7B column "List of dangerous goods": the code indicated there says whether it is possible to carry a certain substance / product in the exempted quantities and if so, in which.

So, if the substance has an E0 code, the provisions on the released quantities do not apply to it at all. For E1-E5 codes, the following values \u200b\u200bare valid.

The values \u200b\u200bare indicated: for solids - in grams, for liquids and gases - in milliliters.

Related with quantities transported in one transport unit

If the amount of hazardous substances / products does not exceed a certain, installed for freights of each transport category, then their transportation does not require the placement of information tablets and marking inscriptions (on containers, tank containers, portable tanks and vehicles), preparation of written instructions and transport transmission Means for the transport of dangerous goods.

To find out how much the withdrawal is valid (and acts), it is necessary to referred to a column 15 of the "List of dangerous goods" table, where it is indicated how the transport category includes a hazardous substance or product, and then by the category number it is determined to determine its maximum Total (section ADR

The values \u200b\u200bare indicated:

for products - gross mass in kilograms;

for solids, liquefied, cooled liquefied and dissolved gases - Net weight in kilograms;

for liquids - the total amount of hazardous goods contained in liters;

for compressed, adsorbed gases and chemical products under pressure - the nominal capacity of blood vessels in liters.

It should be borne in mind that for substances under N1on:

  • 081 (breech explosive type A);
  • 0082 (Brusan explosive of type B);
  • 0084 (breech type D);
  • 0241 (breech type E);
  • 0331 (Brusan explosive of type B);
  • 0332 (breech type E);
  • 0482 (Explosives are very low sensitivity);
  • 1005 (anhydrous ammonia);
  • 1017 (chlorine)

the maximum total number on the transport unit is 50 kg.

Is it possible to transport hazardous substances and products in the composition of the combined goods?

Yes, it is possible, but not all. To find out which cargoes withstand "Neighborhood" with each other in one body / container and whose proximity will not lead to a dangerous situation, it is necessary to refer to the "Table of Compatibility Table for Dangerous Goods of different classes" ( and with the "Compatibility Table" When loading hazardous cargo of the 1st hazard class belonging to different compatibility groups (

In addition, exemptions associated with quantities that are transported in one transport unit can also be distributed on the premium transportation of dangerous goods. The only thing is to accurately calculate the amount of all substances and products that should not exceed 1,000 conventional units.

For example, you need to transport:

  • ten 40-liter compressed oxygen cylinders (No. Ion 1072),
  • five 40-liter compressed nitrogen cylinders (No. 1066).

First of all, we look at the compatibility table, can these substances "go" together. Since they all belong to the 2nd class, their joint transport is not prohibited.

Next, we learn the transport category: cargoes belong to the 3rd transport category, the maximum total number for them is 1,000, and therefore, each of the listed cargo does not contradict the seizure requirements: 150 kg of liquid oxygen, 400 l of compressed oxygen and 200 l Compressed nitrogen in cylinders - each of these numbers is less than 1,000.

But it is separate, and together? We fold the number of each cargo - and we obtain the total value of 750 (150 + 400 + 200). And it is also less than 1,000! That is, the corresponding relaxation is applied to this transport.

However, with the joint transport of goods of a different transport category, you should always remember about one nuance: just add the numbers denoting the quantities in which each cargo is transported is impossible.

For cargo:

1st transport category multiply the amount of substance / products by 50;
1st transport category under No. Roson 0081, 0082, 0084, 0241, 0331, 0212, 0482, 1005, 1017 - by 20;
2nd transport category - by 3;
3rd transport category Leave the amount of substance / products unchanged.

After folding the obtained numbers: the amount calculated in this way also should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bof 1,000 conventional units.

For example, you need to carry:

  • one drum with cooled liquid oxygen (No. 1073) Net weighing 150 kg,
  • one drum with chlorine (No. Ion 1017) net weight 50 kg,
  • one drum containing calcium carbide (No. 1402, packaging group II) net weight of 40 kg.

Again, we carry out the compatibility table: cooled liquid oxygen and chlorine refers to the 2nd class, calcium carbide - to class 4.3. We look at the intersection of the corresponding column and lines - everything is fine, the transport is permitted.

After that, we define the transport categories of data of goods:

  • cooled liquid oxygen refers to the 3rd category, it means that we leave its number unchanged - 150;
  • chlorine is the substance of the 1st transport category, but it is an exception, and therefore it is multiplying its amount by 50, and by 20 and we get 1,000 (50 × 20);
  • calcium carbide belongs to the 2nd transport category: multiply 40 by 3 - a finite number is 120.

We fold: 150 + 1 000 + 120 \u003d 1 270. So it does not apply to this shipping.

So, what is required in order to qualitatively carry the transportation of dangerous goods and prevent its adverse effects on people, animal, environment, buildings, structures, equipment, etc.?

The main thing is to know the shipping name of the substance / product and its UN number. At this number it is easy to determine the class of cargo, its transport category, a packaging group, the danger that it represents, the requirements for packaging, loading / unloading, transportation, the choice of vehicle and its designation, compatibility with other dangerous goods, etc.

In addition, to determine whether there are any exemption and exemption in this case or not, it is necessary to know the exact amount of cargo shipping (both in common and entering the internal and external container).

Dangerous goods are those substances that carry potential harm to human or nature health, destroy organic substances when contacting them. Transportation of dangerous goods is rigidly regulated by laws, since such accidents bring tremendous harm to the world around.

There are various hazardous compounds that are divided by types: poisonous, radioactive, oxidizing, etc. Each type is divided into a category of hazards, there are 9 classes that are separated by the level of danger.

Types of dangerous goods

The following types of dangerous goods are prescribed in Gosstandard:

  • Gases that were compressed, liquefied or dissolved;
  • Compounds of caustic or corrosion type;
  • Explosive elements;
  • Radioactive substances;
  • Easily flammable liquids;
  • Substances possessing a poisonous or infectious effect;
  • Self-turning compounds;
  • Peroxides.

Classes of dangerous goods and the corresponding marking

Each type of dangerous goods has regulated norms of transportation and storage of substances. Standards are prescribed in GOST and international ADR Agreement. Requirements do not apply only to cases where transportation occurs within the enterprise, which produces hazardous compounds. It is only necessary to comply with the technological scheme. Also transportation by security authorities does not require the implementation of all described provisions.

Increased safety requirements are provided to the vehicle, which move dangerous goods (OG). Multiple rules must be compliance, which are grounds to get ADR for the transport of OG. Transportation must comply with the rules:

  1. Dangerous goods are obliged to be transported only on the vehicle, which are especially equipped for this. Each type of og is distributed by different GOST requirements for tanks and cars. This item must be accompanied by technical documentation;
  2. The TC, which are constantly involved in the transportation of OG, should be equipped with an exhaust pipe made aside before the radiator. If re-equipment is not available for technical reasons, you can install the pipe on the right, only outside the fuel connection zone. It is necessary that the tank does not come into contact with heat or electricity sources. A simple tank isolation is allowed;
  3. Cars are painted in special colors, and on sides, images indicating danger. The flammable connections are stained in orange, the self-turning elements must be transported in the vehicle, which are white on top, and the red one. Gas type substances or those that turn into gases in contact with water, the vehicle must have blue;
  4. Special requirements for the electric network of the car also takes place:
    • Voltage within 24 W;
    • The wire shell is performed on the basis of seamless technology and not exposed to external factors;
    • Required availability of good fuses;
    • Wiring firmly fixed, protects against mechanical effects, heating;
    • The battery must be located in the ventilated compartment. In addition to the electrical circuit you need to add a switch that is located near the battery may have a mechanical or remote principle of operation;
    • Lamps inside the body are protected by grille, the outer wires must be missing. It is forbidden to use lamps where carbon socles are used.
    • Cars must have grounding using a static voltage absorption chain;
    • TC type van is required to have a durable, fully closed case, possess separate ventilation. Upholstery materials are not used materials affected by light ignition. When transporting out of open bodies, you need to use tarpaulin from refractory materials;
    • Equipment on tanks It is important to protect even in case of tipping. All pipelines must be reinforced with an amplifying rings, caps, or other elements;
    • When transporting OG in the car should be the entire set of auxiliary tools;
    • The vehicle is equipped with yellow lights that have an autonomous power supply. Notifications are applied about the transportation of OG in the perimeter of the vehicle;
    • It is forbidden to use more than 1 trailer or semi-trailer.

Why such "hard" requirements?

Transportation of dangerous goods by road requires an increased level of security, so the requirements put forward to it increase. Norms are governed by the European Agreement and National Standard. Checking compliance with safety standards occurs in the traffic police, where the car suitability for transportation is confirmed or refuted.

Requirements for TC equipment that transports dangerous goods


Transport enterprises need to denote cars that perform the transport of og. Special colors, signs and inscriptions are used to designate the vehicle.

Transportation of caustic connections is made in tanks having a yellow color. On both sides you need to draw longitudinal stripes of black. Inside there should be a message "Custic Material". A separate case is the carriage of ammonia, there is no need for painting the body, but the application of the inscription "flammable. Ammonia water "remains mandatory. Methanol transport is accompanied by a notification "poison - methanol".

Conditionally can be divided by a sign of danger by 2 triangles. The top contains a symbol of the appropriate grade of the substance. The lower element interferes with additional information like features of compatibility or the number of the OG, which is affixed by UN standards.

Font dimensions

The height of the font on the car should be 15 cm so that the visibility of the message is sufficient for visibility from different distances and positions. The inscription must be accompanied by signs of a new sample. They have a square view, each side must be at least 10 cm long for transport packages, and container transportation is accompanied by signs of at least 25 cm. If the possibility of applying a sign in the necessary form is absent, a decrease in size is available up to 5 cm.

Standards of images

Transportation of OG must be accompanied by images that are inside the sign:

  1. When transporting explosive substances, an image of a dark bomb is indicated;
  2. The gas does not refer to the type of easily flammable is symbolically characterized by a white or black gas cylinder;
  3. Easily flammable gaseous and liquid substances are displayed with a black or white flame;
  4. Poisonous compounds - skull, and under it are 2 crossed bones.

If the TC contains a flame in a circle of black, this indicates the transportation of OG, namely oxidizing agents and organic peroxides. Infectious type substances are designated three sickle symbols. Black shaded, which is implemented schematically, means the presence of radioactive substances. Corrosion and caustic substances are designated in the form of test tubes, drops from it. Depending on the type of harmfulness, the sign can flow into the hand or sheet metal.

TC marking carrying hazardous cargo

All specified signs are applied on both longitudinal sides and from behind the car. Displays are applied to the tanks, if they have several compartments, each is indicated by the sign.

Transportation of dangerous cargo driver preparation, accompaniment

As a rule, permission to transport dangerous goods by road is issued responsible for security. Infrequently everything falls on the shoulders alone by only the driver, it is necessary to accompaniment, especially if the column of cars is moving. The accompanying must:

  • To instruct drivers;
  • Makes control over the reception and shipment of goods, fixes everything documented;
  • Organizes the proper level of safety of cars and personnel;

Each car involved in the transport of OG should be accompanied by a safety data sheet. It is drawn up depending on the substance in the car, usually has 4 copies. On the basis of the document, loading and unloading of substances occurs.

The driver must also undergo a special course of study, which discusses the rules for the transport of dangerous goods. In addition to special training programs, the driver's experience should be weighty. The course includes:

  • Characteristics of hazardous substances;
  • Special designations, marking, signs that are applied to the container and TC;
  • First medical care in case of accidents and contact with substances;
  • Basic rules of behavior with exemplary;
  • Drawing up reports and their transferring incidents on the way.

Obtaining ADR

Before getting an ADR, it should be more precisely for training, the driver should have driving experience more than 3 years. The document provides an opportunity to transport ogs not only within the country, but also to the European Union. ADR courses are significantly different depending on the substances that the driver will be transported.

ADR - European Agreement on International Road Road Road Carriage

The driver during transportation is prohibited by the presence of third-party persons. Also, any products that are not previously inscribed in the invoice are prohibited. In the event of failures in the car, you must promptly report this to the company and in the traffic police indicating the stop location. Immediately cause special transport for safety support. It is necessary to highlight the place of a forced stop using red blinking lights or the corresponding emergency parking signs.

When transporting motor transport is prohibited:

  • It is not allowed to carry out the overtaking and ahead of the vehicle with a speed above 30 km / h;
  • Following the agreement, the ADR is prohibited to make refueling on ordinary gas stations;
  • A sharp start of movement provokes unwanted shocks for cargo;
  • Smoking in the cabin or near the car is prohibited;
  • TC must always be supervised;
  • In the process of movement from the mountain, the engine and clutch cannot be turned off.

In the case of an accident, the driver lies with the responsibility for the rapid challenge of ambulance and the primary elimination of consequences.

Transportation route

Pre-obtain permission to transport dangerous goods, and then the route is coordinated. Most often, the transportation of dangerous cargo requires the transfer and reconciliation of the route in the traffic police. Get ADR for the transportation of dangerous goods is necessary if:

  • Transportation takes column of 3 and more cars;
  • Transportation of special cargo;
  • Movement in areas of degraded patency or bad atmospheric phenomena.

Controls are trying to minimize route running through cities. It is better to use bypass tracks. In the extreme case, the route must exclude places with a large cluster of people.

How to get permission to move the TS with OG in the traffic police? - It is necessary to transfer such documents:

  1. Document confirming compliance with TC requirements;
  2. Preforded route. In the inspection can make edits;
  3. When transporting particularly hazardous substances, additional permission is required.

The mapping of the route is necessary at any transportation of exhaust, but notice about this in the inspection is not always the need. It is important to adhere to the basic route formation rules:

  • The movement should not run through public holidays, natural customers. It is prohibited to move up to objects of cultural value;
  • It is forbidden to ride close to large factories, especially those that produce similar hazardous substances;
  • The route must contain information on places of stop, refueling, parking, etc.

It is necessary to have 3 copies of the route that are at the driver (or accompanying), the company and the traffic police archive. It is also possible to adjust the movement plan due to some circumstances. Information about the changes should be entered into all documents.

Required documents for the transport of dangerous goods

For international road traffic, basic rules have been developed and a list of documents that the forwarder must have or the accompanying person. Some have already been reviewed earlier. The list of necessary documents includes:

  • The route leaf, one copy must be at the forwarder. In the corner of the document there is a number isolated by red font, characterizing the hazardous substance according to the UN Classification;
  • TC license for transportation of OG;
  • Emergency card;
  • Transport and commercial invoice for cargo;
  • A document indicating that the driver can control the vehicle with OG;
  • Information for communication with the company;
  • Address of the recipient.

When transporting OGA, an OKVED designation is used 49.20.1. OKVED code indicates that transport is transporting cargoes that are dangerous to the environment or humans. Obtaining permission for transportation is possible by one flight for a car or for a column. Carriers that perform the transport of OG constantly can receive permissions for half a year.

Many rules for the transport of dangerous goods by road by road, of course, make confusion, but all items have their own rationale, since substances carry increased environmental hazard.


Transportation in the column requires special caution, such rules for the transport of dangerous goods should be observed:

  • The distance between all vehicles consistent in the column must be more than 50 m;
  • Routes that contain road sections with bad permeability, such as a mountainous area, must be subject to special control by the accompanying, and between the vehicle is more than 300 m;
  • In conditions of limited visibility (when the review is less than 300 m), the movement can be stopped. Detailed instructions are contained in the accompanying documentation and depends on the type of cargo and its classification;
  • In the cockpit there should be a forwarder;
  • The striking is selected in the column, which is responsible for compliance with the standards;
  • The content of particularly dangerous goods imposes restriction on the ability to stop within the city;
  • When shipping, it is necessary to check that each TC column has a fuel reserve more than 500 km of the route;
  • In some cases, accompanying the column from the traffic police is necessary, the car moves in front with the gluster beacons included.

Requirements for ships during the transportation of dangerous goods

Transportation of the sea is regulated by another document - MOPG, it also has a separation of the hazard classes of substances, puts forward demands for ships and personnel. Danger classification complies with road traffic standards.

Court requirements are somewhat different, so it is necessary to have a record in the classified certificate of the register. The recording contains information on the transport of substances available. In the absence of the necessary equipment on the ship, transportation is prohibited, but it is possible to recycled transport.

Gasosode - the type of marine vessel intended for the transportation of gas

The ship administration before making a record in the registry should make an assessment of the readiness of the ship to transport and identify the classes of substances. Then you need to prepare a ship to transport. Preparatory stage includes:

  • It is necessary to clean, wash and dry the cargo premises;
  • Check the condition of all components. The presence and serviceability of fire extinguishing agents and alarm, lighting gas analyzers, ventilation and drying system are checked;
  • Instructing the entire crew about the features of the exhaust and its transportation, the main types of hazards from the cargo, the packaging methods that indicate signs. Also, the briefing includes the rules of laying, an increase in precautionary and first aid for poisoning and other influences of harmful substances. Additional exercises to localize fires, emergency deformations of goods.

With all the problems of carrying ships and the integrity of the cargo, the captain carries full responsibility.

Requirements for tare during sea transportation

Preventing heavy burns, poisoning and other consequences of transportation or accidents mainly depends on the strength and tightness of the container. Each type of cargo has its own packaging requirements, which are described in the MOP. It is important that the packaging is able to withstand the usual mention associated with marine transportation and stress loads for an accident.

Tara blockage types are negotiated into the Mopog:

  • Sealed clogging - Packaging of the steamproof, is commonly used when transporting vapor substances;
  • Effective closure - capping is capable of restraining the penetration of fluid in both directions;
  • Reliable clogging is capable of protecting from rash, scattering and other effects of dry substances.

Materials that are used for cargo packaging must be inert with respect to og. Also, the external coating should not enter into a destructive relationship with the external environment.

Each vessel should have special cargo plans on board. They indicate the place where there is a gas separated by sectors, classification of cargo, type of container, the number of places occupied and the mass of OG. Depending on the type of cargo danger, it is necessary to coordinate with the relevant services that determine the proper type of packaging and other parameters of transportation.

Tara for the transport of dangerous goods

The contents of the vessel should fit tightly to strengthen its stability. An important condition is the presence of a proper level of cargo ventilation in general or each individual element. The height of the stacking is determined on the basis of the packaging strength, it is also entered into the cargo plan.

Responsibility for violation

Security requirements for the transportation of personnel are categorical and their non-compliance is responsible. Since cargoes have a dangerous type of substances, harm significantly exceeds the level of ordinary sort of accident, respectively, the level of fines above.

Failure to comply with the rules described above are fraught with fines:

  • From the driver is charged from 1000 - 1500 rubles;
  • The responsible person pays 5000 - 10,000 rubles;
  • Carrier 150,000 - 250,000 rubles.

These fines are superimposed in non-compliance with the technical conditions of transportation.

Transportation of dangerous goods without permission issued in the appropriate place is more severe punishment. Responsibility occurs if:

  • There is no evidence of ADR for the driver;
  • There is no evidence of ADR for the car;
  • Lack of resolution of movement with OG;
  • An emergency information card is not available;
  • In the car there is no necessary emergency inventory or it is in a faulty state;
  • Failure to follow the conditions for transportation of dangerous goods.

For such violations, penalties are superimposed:

  • Driver from 2000 to 2500 rubles;
  • Responsible from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • Legal entity from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles.

Penalties are significantly increased, since the inconsistency of the transport conditions entails an increased risk to those surrounding people and ecology.

Transportation of dangerous goods is a fairly painstaking task and there are reasons for it. This question requires hard control and increased security measures, which is governed by law. Compliance with safety standards helps prevent accidents and maintain human life and integrity of ecology.