Repairs Design Furniture

Electromagnetic valve for gas diagram with description. Gas solenoid valve - composite parts and principle of operation. Electromagnetic gas valves

Modern gas equipment In heat supply systems provides for the use of a wide range pipe fittings. These are means of regulation, protection and control, providing stable and safe work Target aggregate. Thus, the shut-off reinforcement of the new generation is an electromagnetic gas valve intended for the distribution and regulation of the supply of the working mixture.

Design device

Electromagnetic valves are also called solenoid, since their base forms the solenoid in the form of a coil. It is enclosed in a metal case, supplemented with a lid and outlet holes. In addition, the workforce is pistons, spring block and a rod with a plunger that directly control the gas electromagnetic valve. The coil device may differ depending on the type of medium and its pressure, but most often it is a winding with a high-quality enamel wire in a dustproof case. The veins are made of electrical copper.

Depending on the type of equipment, different configurations of the connecting system can be applied. For gas speakers Usually used flange or threaded method of pairing with pipeline. The network connection in the case of domestic circuits is carried out through a plug by 220 V. In the future, the electromagnetic gas valve can be complemented auxiliary fittings and control and measuring devices.

Operating properties of materials

Since it is initially focused on special conditions of application, special plastics use for the framework of the design. For example, the EPDM polymer provides a resistance to chemical impacts, aging and pressure drops. With such a design, the valve can be used in temperature regimes from -40 to 140 ° C, but in gasoline and hydrocarbon environments it is not recommended. Another modern variation of the polymer alloy is PTFE. This is polytetrafluoroethylene, capable of withstanding acid mixtures of high concentration. In this case, contact with aggressive gas environments and operation in the temperature range from -50 to 200 ° C is allowed. It is not recommended to use PTFE polymer under conditions of risk of contact with trifluoride chloride and alkaline metals. At the same time, protective qualities do not always perform the main requirement for the electromagnetic valve. Shut-off gas reinforcement for the same household supply networks can be made from low-cost elastic polymers like butadiene nitrile with a rubber basis. This material copes well with the service of butane and propane mixtures, but at the same time it is afraid of strong oxidizing agents and ultraviolet.

Principle of operation of the solenoid valve

An electromagnetic coil is affected by the valve state, the pulses of which lead shut-off elements into action. The static position of the valve is characterized by its closeness. In this position, the locking membrane or piston element is hermetically pressed to the output circuit, not allowing the working mixture. Crane power provides direct pressure from gas mixes from the passage. On the main pipe, the electromagnetic gas valve is additionally locked with the plunger until the voltage in the coil change. At the time of the impact of the magnetic field in the solenoid, the central channel begins to open, where the spring-loaded plunger is located. As it changes in the pressure balance from different sides of the valve changes its condition and piston group With a membrane. In this position, the armature is up to the moment until the tension on the coil decreases.

Features of the Open Valve

Above the principle of operation of the most common static closed design was described. In the case of normally open valve Regulation is carried out otherwise. In the usual position, the locking elements provide a free passage for gas mixtures, and the voltage supply, respectively, leads to closure. Moreover, the retention of a long closed state for safety purposes is possible only with long-term and stable support for the specified voltage. Even more functional electromagnetic valve for gas boiler It acts not directly, but with the excerpt of the technological pause. For a short time, the system estimates whether other safety conditions are respected in the mixture circuit. Voltage in the coil as such does not initiate the closing of the valve. But if indirect conditions are performed, then it works automatically. A decisive factor, in particular, there can be a certain amount of voltage, the same stability or a given amplitude of pressure drops.

Varieties of device

Valve regulators for gas speakers are distinguished by the number of output channels. Usually use two-, three- and four-way models. The basic two-way version has a channel input and output, and during operation, respectively, it serves to feed and overlap the connecting unit. As the design complicates, the number of inlets increases. Three-way gas electromagnetic valve, in particular, provides not only throughput, but also the redirection of the working environment in this or that contour. Devices with four channels and act on the principle of the collector, carrying out the distribution of the gas using different supply lines.


In the choice of suitable shut-off valves, it is important to take into account many technical and operational parameters. At a minimum, it should be relying on structural and electrical characteristics that will allow correctly integrate the device into the target channel. As for protective qualities, it is desirable to give preference to electromagnetic valves for a gas column with an IP65 insulation class. Such products are distinguished by dust, moisture and strokeability, which ensures a long service life. With regard to the configuration of the connection and principle, the choice should be made based on the nature of the operating column, gas supply volumes and other equipment nuances.

1. Existing fire safety rules (PPB 01-03).

"P. 84. Pipelines applying gas to household and industrial devices for its combustion, on commissioning after the construction completion, overhaul, reconstruction and (or) technical re-equipment of objects, should be equipped with thermal sensitive locking devices (valves), automatically overlapping the gas line when the temperature of the medium is reached in the room during fire 100 C. These devices (valves) should be installed indoors directly before the tap on the gas highway "

2. Letter of EMERCOM of Russia No. 18/3/320 dated December 3, 2003.

Order of the Ministry Russian Federation on civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences natural Disasters Of June 18, 2003 No. 313 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 27, 2003, Registration No. 4838) approved and entered into force from June 30, 2003. Rules fire safety In the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03).

In accordance with paragraph 84 of the above rules, "pipelines supplying gas to household and industrial instruments for its incineration, on commissioning after the construction, overhaul, reconstruction and (or) technical re-equipment of facilities should be equipped with thermal sensitive locking devices (valves ), automatically overlapping the gas highway when the temperature of the medium is reached in the room during a fire of 100 ° C. These YCTPOTICTVA (valves) should be installed in the room immediately before the tap on the gas highway.

Memo-sensitive locking devices (valves) are not installed in the C degree of fire resistance, as well as in buildings, the gas pipelines of which are equipped with an electromagnetic valve placed outside the building and overlapping gas pipeline gas analyzer or automatic fire alarm. Memo-sensitive locking devices (valves) are not installed in the buildings of hazardous production facilities, the gas pipelines of which are equipped with an electromagnetic valve, and the places with gas burning facilities are protected automatic installations fire extinguishing. "

When implementing the specified claim by the state fire supervision and regulatory and technical divisions of the GPS, it should be borne in mind that:

  • the thermally sensitive shut-off valve should be installed directly in the room (regardless of the presence in it service personnel) At the maximum possible height of the location of the floor of the room, in front of the gas meter, in places unshielded on the volume of rooms of industrial equipment, furniture, etc.
  • in accordance with paragraph 11.1. SNIP 2.04.08-87 "Gas supply" technical productsprovided for in the projects of gas supply systems must comply with the requirements state standards or technical conditions approved and past state registration according to established order.
  • SNiP 2.04.08-87 "Gas supply" (pp. 6.13 and 6.17) and SNiP 42-01-2002 (clause 7.9), requirements for providing disconnecting devices at the introduction of a gas pipeline indoor on gas pipelines in production rooms industrial and agricultural enterprises, household service enterprises of industrial nature, residential buildings and public buildings. The heat-sensitive shut-off valve is one of the varieties of disconnecting devices and therefore can be installed in residential and industrial buildings Based on the requirements of the above items of SNiP and does not require the inclusion of changes and additions to these norms.
  • these valves are available with a conditional pass from DY15 to DY200, with a threaded connection for pressure to 0.6 MPA (6 kg / cm²) and with flanged pressure for a pressure of 1.6 MPa (16 kg / cm ²).
  • on the valves, thermally sensitive locks are not required to obtain a technical evidence of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy, as in accordance with paragraph 5 "of the procedure for confirmation of the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for use in construction", approved by the Resolution of the Russian State Construction of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2002 No. 76 "On the procedure for confirmation of the suitability of new materials, products, structures and technologies for the construction of construction" New products developed and supplied in accordance with technical ConditionsApproved in the prescribed manner does not require verification and confirmation of suitability.
  • memo-sensitive shut-off valves are available for temperature ambient from -50 ° C to +45 ° C and full service life for at least 30 years.
  • valves are produced in a full-pass section (when used, they lead to minimal pressure loss in the gas pipeline) and ensure the tightness of the gas pipelines after the temperature of the medium indoors is 900 ° C.

3. Letter of the Federal Service for Technological Supervision No. 03-04-01 / 81 of July 26, 2004.

In connection with the incoming requests, the Office for Supervision in general industrial dangerous production facilities It clarifies that when designing gas consumption systems, the requirements of the "Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation" should be taken into account (PPB 01-03) in terms of heat-sensitive installation shut-off valves On the emergence of gas pipelines to household and industrial instruments. Valves used must be certified and have permission. Federal Service According to the technological supervision (Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia) to use.

4. Letter of EMERCOM of Russia No. 19/2/1369 of June 30, 2005.

The Office of the State Fire Insurance Emergency Situations of Russia considered your appeal and reports the following.

Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03) - Regulatory legal act of the Russian Federation (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of June 18, 2003 No. 313, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia June 21, 2003. Registration No. 4838) are generally obligatory legal normThe execution of which does not require any additional instructions. The rules establish fire safety requirements, mandatory for the use and execution by government authorities, local governments, organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, their officials, entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, faces without citizenship in order to protect the life or health of citizens, the property of physical or legal entities State or municipal property, environmental protection Regulations apply to all types of buildings and structures, including residential and public buildings.

Detailed explanations on the application of the requirements of paragraph 84 of PPB 01-03, including the installation places of heat-sensitive shut-off valves, are contained in the letter of the Chief State Inspector of the Russian Federation for Fire Supervision of 03.12.2003 No. 18/3/320. The necessary installation and operation guidelines are given in the passport of the product, drawing your attention that the valves, during operation, do not need maintenance.

In this regard, the actions of project and operating organizations that ignore the requirements for the installation of heat-sensitive shut-off valves on residential facilities are unlawful.

Gas equipment protection systems overlap the stream of energy carrier in case of emergency situations. Without them exploitation gas installations Forbidden. Protection elements include gas valves electromagnetic type.

Electromagnetic gas valves

The devices of this type belong to the pipeline fittings and are used in order to distribute the gas flow and its cut-off, if necessary. They were widely used both in individual gas equipment and in industrial. The device control occurs automatically under the action of voltage.

Electromagnetic gas valves put at the entrance of the gas pipeline in front of the consumers:

Most gas valves have a closed design, that is, in the absence of voltage, the valve overlaps the pipe.

Gas electromagnetic valve device

Electromagnetic gas valves consist of electrical and mechanical parts. Using the electrical system controls, the mechanical is an actuator. The entire device circuit is located in the housing. The main working components are the so-called saddle and shutter. The saddle is a hole, through which the gas flow passes and which overlaps the shutter. The latter has execution like a plate or piston. The shutter is attached to the rod, which is part of the electromagnetic system.

The electromagnetic system is a coil inside the core moves. It is associated with the shutter core. The electromagnet itself has its own plastic housing and is located outside the valve body from above. Countering the operation of the electromagnet creates a return spring.

Electromagnetic gas valves operate according to the following principle. In the initial state, when there is no supply voltage on the terminals of the electromagnet, the return spring holds the shutter in a certain position. This position often corresponds to the blocked channel in the valve. As soon as the power appeared, under the action of magnetic power, the shutter core is drawn, overcoming the return of the return spring, and the shutter opens the channel. Some valves are given in the working position with the help of a manual platoon (opening) of the shutter. With the strength of the current supplied to the electromagnet, the magnitude of the magnetic flux of the electromagnet can be adjusted. Thus, control the work of the valve, opening it is not completely, thereby adjusting the gas flow.

Types of gas valves

Electromagnetic gas valves are of different configurations and internal deviceBut all of them are divided into:

  • Closed in normal condition (NZ). That is, in the absence of voltage, gas is blocked. This is mainly emergency valves.
  • Opened in normal condition (but). Gas fluently passes if there is no voltage on the coil, and it is overlap when the control signal is applied.
  • Universal type. In such devices, you can switch the position of the shutter, which can be both open and closed, in the absence of nutrition on the electromagnet coil.

According to the principle of activation of the shutter, the valve shut-off electromagnetic gas is an indirect and direct location method. In the first case, the electromagnet core helps the pressure of the working medium in the event of a shutter trigger. In the second, the shutter moves only the electromagnetic force acting on the rod.

Gas valves can not only perform a protective function, but also distribution. In this sense, there are devices for a different number of moves:

  • Two-way valves. These are the most common models of protective valves that have one input and one output. Their main function is to overlap the channel in any possible emergency situations.
  • Three-way valves. Switchgelials that provide the ability to direct the gas flow from the entrance between the two outputs.
  • Four-way type valves can be embedded in various complex systems, where there is a need to control the streams of the energy carrier in three different channels.

In addition to the features of the modifications of gas valves, each specific device may have original designother than standard. So, some valves have insides, specially made to work in aggressive conditions.

Installation rules

To properly install the electromagnetic valve on the gas equipment, the following requirements should be followed:

  • Valves are installed at the input line immediately after gas crane and filter element.
  • The arrow on the device indicates the direction of the energy stream.
  • The position of the valve is only horizontally either vertically at an angle of 90 degrees.


All operations on the installation and maintenance of gas equipment can only be performed by qualified specialists. gas service. This must be taken into account, otherwise the improper work can lead to sad consequences.

Gas-ball equipment is increasingly found on cars. In many ways, such a tendency comes from the fact that a fuel in the form of gas is pretty cheap and helps save considerable money during the operation of the machine. Gas equipment arranged in moderation difficult, so it is possible to deal with it, if you ask such a goal. Do you have it? Then be sure to read a number of articles on gas equipment for cars on our resource. In particular, today's article will tell everyone that the HBO valve is how it works and works.

Gas hardware valve device

Valve or Multallapan HBO (often called electromagnetic) - pretty important element in the design of gas equipment. The importance of this node is associated with the list of functions performed by them, which are presented and filtering the gas mixture, and its locking in some points of operation of the machine.

In a typical version, the HBO electromagnetic valve consists of:

  • core equipped with gasket;
  • springs return valve in the opposite position;
  • directly valve, also having a gasket;
  • copper coil;
  • source of the magnetic field;
  • gaskets and seals;
  • filter element;
  • cases.

More detailed design of the gas valve is considered on the image below. Note that, depending on the manufacturer of the HBO node, its device and design may differ slightly from the article discussed in today's article, but negligible. So, for example, some of the multi-flaps are additionally equipped with a high-speed valve, which is necessary for the organization of the power supply of the motor with the breakpoint of the main fuel network.

In the template version, the gas valve is located in front of the spray gear, often straight in its enclosure. In essence, a similar element of HBO is a prototype of gasoline valves used in carburetor and injection systems. Of course, gas equipment - in the root of a different way of fueling the motor, but still some similarities with gasoline type can be found. For example, the valves of both system systems are switches of motor operation modes. That is, if, by switching a special toggle, the motorist includes gas equipment as the main power supply of the motor, then the gasoline system is turned off by a special valve, and vice versa.

Functions of valves GBO

The electromagnetic valves installed on the gas equipment obtained the name "Multi-flaps" for the reason that several functions are performed immediately. To be more accurate, then the functional set of most of the nodes of this type includes:

  • The possibility of refueling through a special fitting. Thus, the filling function of the valve allows you to fill the cylinder with fuel, if other methods are not applicable to achieve this goal for any reason;
  • On the contrary, the possibility of emptying the balloon through a special fitting;
  • Blocking filling and consumable channels by using the valve mechanism;
  • Blocking excessive filling of the cylinder by using a special cut-off with a float;
  • Locking gas supply through a highway to a motor when stopping its operation, which organizes the "antihlopkovy" function of the valve. This was especially relevant for the equipment of the first generations, for the slightest problems with the supply of gas in the OBS were accompanied by the sounds of cotton, explosions. It is the multichapan - antichlopok, who decided to be the first to the first;
  • Determining the gas level in the reservoir, due to the unique magnetic indication system of its number;
  • Gas filtering in its liquefied state, which is due to the presence in the structure of the filter element assembly;
  • Organization of additional motor feed fuel.

To date, the Multictan in His standard video With a set of marked features above, it is practically not used, because such a HBO system is not absolutely safe. Despite this, such a giant in the field of universal gas owners as Lovato still has been released for sale.

Valve Faults: Diagnostics and Repair

The emergence of some problems with the functioning of HBO may testify to the failure of its valve. Often the breakdown of the node is as follows:

  • Accumulation in their housing of third-party fractions (dust, garbage, etc.);
  • Development of internal elements of the part;
  • Lack of supply to the electricity valve;
  • "Baby" filter;
  • Manufacturing defect.

Check the gas valve of any HBO can be in two ways:

  1. Measurement of current indicators at its outputs;
  2. Analysis of his work. The serviceable valve always clicks when turning the key in the ignition lock or the motor start.

Repair of a faulty node is carried out either by means full replacementeither individual elements node. Fortunately, special repair kits are still sold for most multiclapan. Disassembly and assembly of the node is carried out very simply at the intuitive level. The main thing is to do everything neatly, in order to imagine anything to damage anything.

As you can see, even the most little element HBO can play an essential role in the functioning of the entire system. We hope the material presented above was useful for you and gave answers to questions of interest. Good luck on the roads!

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments under the article. We or our visitors will gladly respond to them

A locking device that is used in HBO and allows you to block the gas supply during the parking lot or during the stroke of the machine on gasoline (or on a diesel).

HBO - gas-filled equipment, installed in the car and allows you to choose yourself, on what fuel ride: gas or gasoline (diesel). Gasoline is becoming more expensive day by day, and the number of gas stations is growing, and new modified HBO systems appear, the improvements of which gives and the ability to save, and be confident in the safety of yourself, passengers and cars.

The gas electromagnetic valve is also intended for cleansing gas from impurities using a filter, controlled both in manual and automatic mode (switching from gas to gasoline and vice versa).

Components of the electromagnetic valve:

    core with gasket;

    valve refund spring;

    valve with gasket;

    coil with copper winding;

    permanent magnet;

    gasket and seals;

The principle of operation of the electromagnetic valve

In the absence of voltage, the return spring holds the shutter in a certain position (the channel is blocked). The voltage of the shutter core is drawn and the shutter opens.

For a good and satisfactory work of the machine with HBO, we advise you to periodically undergo the necessary those. inspections and replace the gas electromagnetic valve.

Our company offers at a reasonable price to buy in the online store Gas electromagnetic valves of leading manufacturers (entertain the names of firms). We are confident in the quality of the products offered.

Adjusting electromagnetic valves

If when igniting there is no characteristic opening of the gas valves, then you need to restore the contact of the wires on the valves and replace when the fault is found.

With competent adjustment of electromagnetic valves, gasoline should not be consumed when gas. If it still happens, then you need to check and restore the tightness of the gasoline valve.

If the solenoid valve clogged (and this occurs, because it clears the gas from solid impurities), tighten the valve on the gas cylinder. Disconnect the gas line from the gas valve. Unscrew the coupling bolts or screws fixing the filter cover, remove the cap carefully (attention to sealing gasket!). Then remove the filter. Disassemble, plunge into the solvent (646, 647, etc.), blow the compressed air.