Repairs Design Furniture

The service life of the Junkers gas column. Reviews of gas speakers Junkers. Now about the malfunctions of the Junkers speakers Junkers, Bosh Bosh

Gas speakers are installed in many apartments and private houses. They allow you to forget about problems with shutdown and repair of water supply. On the other hand, they also have drawbacks and are subject to breakdowns. How to repair the "Junkers" speakers do it yourself? In the article we disassemble the main ways.

Typical gas column malfunctions Junkers

The heater "Junkers" is more often subjected to malfunctions that concern the ignition systems. Users complain that over time the wick or burner goes out, the device does not ignite, heats the water well.

To determine the cause of the breakdown, you need to examine the details, check their performance. We will give examples of common Junkers problems and ways to eliminate them.

The technique does not turn on, does not burn

Why is this happening? Causes may be hidden in external factors:

  • Incorrect water connection. Check the condition of the pipes and connections. Open the instructions - Make sure the eyeliner is correct, the water normally enters the system. Otherwise, the pressure in the highway will be weak and will not allow to open the gas valve.
  • No traction. The latest models are equipped with protective sensors. The principle of operation of the thrust sensor is to capture its presence. If there is no traction, the sensor sends the signal to the module - the column is turned off. The main reason in the chimney squeezing. Combustion products are not normal, the burner is swinging. Perhaps indoors bad ventilation. You need to clean the chimney or install the ventilation valve.

To check the craving, bring a burning match to the control window. Flame rejected - there is a traction, burns smoothly - no.

  • Similar situation occurs when the yield of the chimney is overlapped. Look, maybe the conclusion of combustion products is hampered by some subject or satellite roof antenna.
  • Overheat. Skipping deposits reduce the efficiency of heat recoil, which is why the column may overheat. Then the sensor is triggered, and it turns off. Once a year it is recommended to clean the heat exchanger from scale, as well as install cleaning filters. Read in the previous article.

  • Sensitive relay. It is possible to observe that the burner is lit, then the stall goes out. Try to reduce the temperature in the room by opening the windows, or replace the relay.
  • . Technique with electronic ignition receives a spark due to batteries. If the batteries are discharged, you need to install new ones.

  • Insufficient water pressure. Experts recommend to select a column in accordance with the parameters of your system. If the device is too powerful and requires high pressure, you will have to install a pump or set a new one.
  • Abundance of dust. If you do not clean the details from dust, the flame in the burner can mow and do not warm the thermocouple. Cleaning is carried out with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Gasnet's wick. Internal problems

What if the technique stopped working? Wake up the causes of the problem.

  • Faulty rubber membrane. Why is it needed? When you open a mixer, a pressure occurs in the highway, which affects the membrane. Bending, she pushes the rod, and it opens the gas valve. If the membrane is damaged, stretched, the system works with failures. Replace the element. Read more about the repair is written in the article " ».

  • Scored filter mesh. It is located at the entrance to the water node. Cracks small garbage, slices of scale, rust. Remove and rinse the part under running water, you can use the brush.
  • Torget burner in a gas boiler. In the process of burning on the walls, soot is postponed and soot. If you do not remove them on time, they clog the burner holes. Spend cleaning.
  • Fault microswitch. In the normal state when Ignoring is heard, a click is heard - the switch is triggered. If you do not hear sounds, then check and change the element.

  • Water reinforcement does not work. You need to clean the details from rust, lubricate.
  • Violation of wiring. Survey the entire wiring loop, replace damaged parts.
  • Violated contacts. The suspension and stripping of contact groups are carried out.

Other reasons for such problems:

  • Overlap gas supply valve.
  • Piezorozhig does not work, or a small time for its press (you need to hold 10-20 seconds).
  • Mixing streams when a cold crane is open more than hot. Reduced pressure and wick goes out.
  • Gas sensor gave failure. Need replacement.

What factors cause vehicle breakdown:

  • Bad ventilation. Oxygen is not enough to maintain flame burning. Check the ventilation to the blockage. If you have plastic windows, installing the valve for ventilation.

  • Streaming.
  • Undime service equipment.
  • When connected, long hoses are involved, which reduces pressure.

When you need to call the masters

If you notice such problems, it is better to contact the service. But before that you must make sure of breakdown:

  • Constantly triggers the thrust, overheating sensor, flame.
  • The column clogged.

Often, the nozzle is clogged, which is responsible for the supply of gas. How to clean it:

  • Remove the temperature adjustment knob.
  • Remove the device cover.
  • Top of the nozzle are clips. Satisfy them.
  • Remove the nozzle, clean, wash under the crane.
  • Dry and install the item in place.
  • Test the work of the technique. At the same time while holding the power regulator, press the Piezoroza button. Hold 10 seconds.

If nothing helps, it is better to contact the wizard to replace sensors. Many reasons for the attenuation of the heater "Junkers" can be eliminated with their own hands. If you correctly connect the device, monitor its cleanliness and health, there will be no such problems.

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The apparatus has both advantages and disadvantages. Advanced benefits the following characteristics:

  • flame modulation equipped;
  • increased safety;
  • adaptation for use in Russia;
  • beautiful appearance.

Thanks to its design, Junkers will perfectly fit into any interior. The device operates at a gas pressure of 13 mbar. Such pressure is present in all gas pipelines in Russian houses. If you compare it with European pressure (20 mbar), it is significantly lower, which creates problems when buying other gas columns. The device effectively functions in a multi-storey house, where the pressure in the plumbing system is very low (running from 0.1 atm.)

Junkers has increased safety and low cost in comparison with its analogues. When changing the water pressure, the device will automatically select the power at which the water heating will be optimal. The device is collected by German designers and has a guarantee of 2 years. With proper installation and operation, the device will be able to serve over 13 years.

Among the disadvantages are allocated The fact that in most modifications of gas columns Junkers has an increased level of noise. During the operation of the device, problems with heat exchanger and leakage in seals appear, which creates the risk to spoil the floor covering under the gas column or at all are flooding neighbors.

Junkers column device

  • Semi-automatic - The company's speakers began to release back in 1968. During operation, the ignition burner is used. Rosge is carried out using a piezoelectric element. The main burner is included when opening the Crane of the DHW.
  • Automatic - work from batteries or hydrogenerator. The series presents simple gas columns Junkers with an open combustion chamber and multifunctional modulated power models. The performance of the burner device varies depending on the water pressure.


Model column junkers

Power and water flow

Max. Nominal thermal power PN (kW)

Min. Nominal thermal power PMIN (kW)

Heavy Power (adjustment range) (kW)

Permissible pressure of the supplied gas

Natural gas H G20 (MBAR)

Liquefied gas (butane / propane) G30 / G31 (MBAR)

Gas consumption

Natural gas H G20 (m³ / h)

Liquefied gas (butane / propane) G30 / G31 (kg / h)

Number of nozzles

Hot water

Max. Permissible PW (bar)

Water volume switch in extreme right position

Increase temperature (° C)

Duch range (l / min)

Min. PWMIN operating pressure (bar)

Water volume switch in the extreme left position

Increase temperature (° C)

Duch range (l / min)

Characteristics of flue gases

Necessary thrust (mbar)

Waters of flue gas flow (g / s)

Temperature (° C)

Possible malfunctions

Of course, the operation of any technique does not always go smoothly, it is worth being prepared for everything. Fortunately, a significant part of the probable malfunctions arising from the Junkers gas column is easy to solve independently.

The reasons why burner does not ignite, really a lot.

  • It may turn out to be initially incorrectly installed both input and output tubes. In addition, water supply can be broken.
  • Problems are possible. When the chimney is polluted, the combustion products do not leave, but accumulate inside, which slows down the equipment. The thrust suffers and due to the lack of fresh air, for example, with a closed window.
  • It happens that the chimney turns out to be blocked, and it creates a potentially dangerous situation. You need to urgently disable junkers and call specialists.
  • If the ignition flame goes out, this suggests that the protective relay requires replacement.
  • It may be trite that the burner does not burn, because the battery is discharged, and therefore the automatic ignition system does not function. We will have to disassemble the front panel and independently charge it or replace the battery.
  • Weak pressure in the highway leads to a weak supply of water, which again leads to problems in operation.
  • Fitil goes out when the flame is uneven. As a result, the main burner is turned off. To solve this problem, it is enough just to clean the device.

Sometimes the Junkers column does not light up, and sometimes the device is turned off itself.

  • The first reason - the batteries became unsuitable.
  • The second reason - it is necessary to change the membrane that is deformed or broke out. Well, when Remkomplekt contains a replacement.
  • The following possible option is that one of the control sensors does not work or the microswitch was worn out, this can be determined by the absence of a characteristic click.

In addition, the spinner can clog out from the inside, which is easy to fix clean. The abundance of rust, dirt in filters due to waters of poor quality and electrodes leads to similar consequences. Finally, the installation violation, the covered valve on the pipeline pipe and wire problems are also common causes of interruptions in the work.

There are still several common cases. If there is no spark at the instrument with autorun, then maybe there is no ionization current, which means that water does not flow. Iskra goes out when the flame controller broke. If the column does not heat the water, then the reason may be in perforation of the water block membrane, contaminating the tubes or incorrect assembly, but most often - in the heat exchanger breakage.

When the water heater makes too strong sounds and heats up, this suggests that the radiator broke or scored scored.

The leaking case is the consequence of heat exchanger problems or a seal.

About how to light the gas column Junkers, you can learn from the video below.

Common breakdowns

Often the device breaks due to its improper operation. It happens that this is due to corrosion, poor water quality and electrical voltage jumps. If a marriage was found after the acquisition, it is eliminated for free in the service center.

Paid repair approximately cost 1500 p. The price depends on the complexity of the breakdown. It is recommended to independently turn the device to the service in order to save on delivery or call a private wizard. The most frequent faults are:

  • water leak;
  • overheat;
  • the emergence of high-profile sounds emanating from the device;
  • water does not heat up;
  • sensor stopped working.

Basically, these breakdowns occur due to the formation of a large layer of scale. In order to repair the device yourself, you need to determine the cause, purchase original spare parts, follow the recommendations of specialists and explore the basic rules for the repair of this type of boilers.

After repair, it is necessary to make sure that all the fixtures of the device are correctly fixed, and during its operation there will be no leakage of gas. Independently repairing the device is allowed only if there is similar experience. Only original spare parts purchased from Bosch should be applied.

Signs of improper work of the felt of the wick and why he flies

In the columns with Piezorozhig, the scarlet should be buried constantly, because when the crane of hot water opens, it should break the main burner. The attenuation of the stobnant turns off the gas supply column so that the gas does not accumulate inside the apparatus.

The spinner can go out if:

  • He clogged garbage or dust.
  • From the outside there was a stream of air.
  • Thermocouple burned or worn out.
  • There is no traction in chimney.
  • The traction sensor has failed.
  • The electromagnetic valve broke.
  • No air access.

If the gas column does not turn on at all, read another article.

The most common cause of attenuation of the stobble is called a faulty thermocouple. Its main function is to overlap gas access to the column if the device works unstable. As soon as the spinners, the thermocouple fixes the lack of heat and gives a signal to turning off the gas. However, if the thermocouple itself is damaged, it causes fitheel attenuation.

The situation is no less common when dust or some garbage fall into the nozzle. Their diameter is very small, so even a little contamination may prevent the burning of the stamp, as a result of which the thermocouple is not heated enough.

The fact that problems have appeared with the stall and it can go out at any time, prompts the color of his flame. In a normally working wick, the flame will be blue by 90% and may include some red specks, and its tip can be yellow. If the flame of the ignition burner is predominantly yellow or orange, it means that the phytyl works incorrectly, the thermocouple will be heated enough, with the result that the burner will go out.

For other, possible reasons for the fading, see the following video.

The principle of operation of the gas column

To better deal with the reasons why a gas column can be fused, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of such a device. Just having studied the essence of the water heating process, similar to the device, you can talk about its faults.

Before starting the operation of the gas column, you need to get acquainted with the instructions

There are a lot of manufacturers producing gas columns. These are also known to the whole world costly bosch and grain, and more budget analogues like columns Oasis, vector, Evva Suite 5514, Beretta, Avangard, Astra, Mora. In any case, the basic principle of operation in all above the presented models is the same. The only one, there are columns automatic and semi-automatic, but the difference between them is insignificant.

Main elements, gas column:

  1. Gas burner is one of the most important elements of the gas column.
  2. Above the gas burner is a heat exchanger. It is a bent into the helix tube, flowing through which water heats up.
  3. The ignition device can be electronic, and to sneak from the button or have a spinner or wick that do not stop burning. Old gas columns needed to light with matches, and the modern models are installed Piezorozigig activated by pressing the button.
  4. The waterproof unit includes two components: membrane and gas valve. When the water is turned on, the membrane bends and opens the gas valve, thereby providing gas flow in the burner.
  5. Safety automation includes sensors and solenoid valve. With any malfunction, the electromagnetic sensor overlaps the valve and the column is turned off. Also included a thermocouple that works when the duty burner is turned off.

Thus, there is no reservoir for the accumulation of water in the gas columns. Passing through the heat exchanger, the liquid heats up in a matter of seconds, thereby ensuring the constant flow of warm water at once in several water intake points.

Natural gas is used to heat the water with a gas column. Such raw materials are at times cheaper than electricity, and the popularity of gas speakers is impoverished.

Knowing a gas column device, you can understand why it goes out. We describe you the main problems, and tell me what to do in this case.

Description of different types of columns brand Junkers

If you are interested in the gas column "Junkers", then you should consider the features of different models that relate to a specific series. For example, the equipment of the series in does not have a constantly burning stamp. Rosge is carried out from two batteries. The column turns on automatically, possesses several safety and control systems.

You can use the flame ionization adjustment functionality and rely on the operation of the fuse. The temperature and flow of water are regulated depending on how water pressure will be in the water supply. You can learn about the faults by display. The columns of this series are performed from high-quality copper, which can serve for 15 years. The gas column "Junkers" can also be related to the R series, the equipment in this case has a piezozhig, and the stall will burn constantly. Flow and power are adjustable separately. Through the thermoelectric system, the flame intensity is controlled. In the equipment, which relates to the G series, the manufacturer has provided the ignition technology. The most minimal pressure of water at which the column will operate, is an indicator of 0.35 atm. The device does not have a burning stamp, and the ignition is carried out by means of a hydrodynamic generator. If you prefer one of the G series columns, you can expect to connect the equipment immediately to three points of water intake. All models may have a minimum or standard size. Both versions have the same equipment, and the difference lies only in dimensions. The cost depends on the apparatus and the need for transportation and installation.

Why the gas column goes out and how to deal with it with it

If the column works badly, it turns off quickly and slowly turns on, then you may have encountered one of the above problems described. In this case, you need to find out the reason, and if it is not very serious, try to eliminate it yourself. Let's talk more about several of the most common problems to cope with whom you can without the help of the master.

If the gas column goeshes, it is impossible to operate it

The most common problems, due to which the wick is not lit in the gas column:

  1. If there is no traction in the chimney, then the reasons may be two: clogged chimney and bad ventilation. In the first case you will need to clean the chimney. You can do it yourself or use the services of a specialist. However, there is another no less distributed problem. The fact is that in our time most apartments are equipped with hermetic plastic windows that limit the dwelling. In this case, it is necessary to install a special trim valve that will ensure the correct air circulation, if this is not done, the column will only work at the time of opening windows. If you have a trimming valve, but you suffer from a constant shutdown of the column, then check the craving, bringing the burning match to the viewing window. If the flame does not deviate, then repeat the experience with chimney. If there is a thrust in the chimney, then the heat exchanger in the column is cleaned, if not, then the chimney itself.
  2. When the burner itself goes out, most likely the reason in a strong impact rush. So that this does not happen, do not open the windows into windy weather. To resume the operation of the device, it must be turned off and on again.
  3. Also, the column can be shoved due to overheating. Such a trouble can occur from mixing hot water with a cold or due to the formation of scale to heat exchangers. So that this does not happen to regulate the temperature, changing the water pressure, or using the regulator on the column. You also need to constantly clean the heat exchanger from scale with special means.

These are the three most common reasons, because of which it may not work as Chinese and the branded column. After conducting simple manipulations, you can cope with a similar problem on your own.

Installation and Connection

Installation and connection is better to entrust the specialist who has been instructed to work with such a type of equipment. In addition, he will be able to suggest which original parts should be purchased, to diagnose the equipment and prevents any malfunctions. Nevertheless, even a professional must follow the instructions that are sold along with the product itself.

  • The column is usually mounted in a warm room near the chimney so that the air flow for combustion is not difficult. The need for additional protection of combustible surfaces is absent. The device is installed in compliance with the required intervals separated from the wall and furniture. The room temperature should be a plus.
  • First of all, the casing is removed, then he leans on itself and rises up. By connecting Junkers to the gas network, you need to install shut-off valves as close as possible to the installation. Before connecting to the pipes of the water supply, they will need to rinse well, otherwise sand, lime and other contaminants will lead to a delay in water supply. Both pipelines (gas and water) must be perfectly combined with column parameters.
  • In order not to appear blockage, it is necessary to install protective filters.
  • The column is attached to the wall using brackets. It should not rely on the pipes of the water pipe or gas pipeline. If the ralizig is electric column, then you will need to insert two batteries, the power of which is 1.5 volts.
  • At the end of the work, the shut-off valve and water valves are closed, and the operation of the thrust sensor is checked. Run occurs according to the instructions.


Junkers characteristics suggest that the device is ideally adapted for Russian conditions. It is adapted to pressure, which is supported in Russian gas pipelines, and is equal to 13 millibers. In addition, the system is capable of working with low water pressure, inherent in Russian water pipes. Junkers is enough 0.1 atmospheres to perform provided functions.

Such a gas burner is able to heat from 11 to 16 liters of water per minute, which is considered a very high indicator. In addition, the flame power is automatically changing, depending on the strength and size of the water flow. Constructions are safe and able to serve for decent time. Devices are able to provide quick heating of water and look great, which explains their popularity worldwide.

Strict design, variety of models that differ in productivity, design and ignition system, affordable price and the simplest management refer to their main advantages.

Operating Rules

It should be remembered that some actions can lead to a breakdown of the gas column. Junkers will be broken if there is no influx of fresh air. In addition, breakdowns will occur when using too long hoses leading to a decrease in pressure, simultaneously opening hot and cold cranes. Naturally, the lack of periodic prophylaxis will also lead to negative consequences.

Above it was already indicated how to turn on the Junkers column - it is done using a valve and a piezoelectric element that can burn wick. It is worth the burner, and it will work throughout the day. Moreover, as soon as the hot water crane is open, the boiler will be automatically connected. Change the gas pressure and water pressure will turn out, switching two adjusting handles.

If it is decided to clean the gas equipment, it is done according to a specific algorithm.

  • At first, gas and water are turned off, then the casing is removed.
  • At the next stage, water assembly and smoke receiver are dismantled.
  • Finally, the heat exchanger is cleaned at the end. The radiator can be washed in warm water, where the non-abrasive cleaning solution is added. The brush must be long-sided and pretty tough.
  • The wick and the main burner are well cleaned with a special sequel. In addition, you will have to remove the nagar from each nozzle. However, it is not recommended to do this. Better once a year to invite a specialist who will combine checking with the removal of scale. Professional also removes deposit, check the density of fixture fastening and clears the plate from the flue gases.

If the smell of gas appeared, it is forbidden to use the electrical switches and the phone in the zone of the gas burner

It is important to immediately block the gas crane, open the windows, ventilate the room and call the specialists who carried out the installation of the equipment. To prevent dangerous situations, near Junkers do not store liquids and objects inclined to ignition

When the room temperature drops below zero degrees, the burner is turned off and emptied.If before the winter months this procedure was not carried out, then by connecting the device in the next season, it is necessary to check whether water is heated.

What to do if the spinner of the gas column goes out

The only correct solution will be called a licensed specialist from our service center for cleaning and adjusting the fist. Check the functions of the thermocouple and gas control system. Gas smoking can be distributed on the main burner, which will also need to take care of the wizard. Usually, if the wick goes like during operation, the commissioning of the work occurs by fullcleaning the gas column.

The cost of the device

The cost of the device depends entirely on the size (standard or mini) and its version (B, P, G). On average, the price of type B varies from 10 to 13 thousand rubles, on the view P from 6.8 to 9.7 thousand rubles, on the version G from 11 to 12 thousand rubles.

Each device is completed with a detailed instruction, which describes the technical component of the device, installation instructions, setting up and care. The manufacturer recommends not to install the device independently, but to confes the specialists from the gas service. After all, the wrong installation can not only break the device, but also to cause significant harm to the ineptly installer.

The device has a large number of positive feedback from satisfied buyers. They consider it a reliable, safe and affordable apparatus.

What to do if the gas column goes out for other reasons

In addition to the above problems, other problems may arise that adversely affect the operation of the column. You can also cope with them yourself.

So that the gas column is not rotten, there should be no drafts in the room

Other reasons for swelling column:

  1. The column does not light up if you have a weak water pressure or battery panels. Solve the problem will help new batteries and an increase in pressure. Also, perhaps you have clogged the stall, in this case it needs to be cleaned.
  2. It is also possible that the membrane has exhausted its resource. In this case, it needs to be examined. After that clean or replace.
  3. Maybe you have burned module cards. So that this does not happen, plug the column through the stabilizer.

If the column goes out when the button is released, then the satellite antenna of your neighbors is installed above the chimney. In this case, you need to reduce the flame or turn off the device and contact the gas services.

Device and principle of operation

The typical column consists of a casing that is connected to the chimney through the nozzle, the heat exchanger (the best - copper), the gas burner, the ignition system, the sensors and the mechanism responsible for supplying the gas. The gas column is pretty simple.

Its principle of operation can be considered on the model, which has a piezoejig.

  • The slider is exhibited in the middle position, after which it is necessary to click on it. At this point, the valve opens, and the gas falls on the wick, he is the furtiveness.
  • The piezoelectric element located on the left at the bottom of the gas column serves as a spark by igniting gas. In this case, the slider button is kept pressed to 40 seconds. When she is released, Fitil still continues to burn.
  • At this time, the thermocouple of the column is heated, which will then support the electromagnetic gas valve open.

You can set the required water and gas consumption.

External signs of a malfunction in the work of the gas column

If the junkers gas column does not ignite, the reasons for this can be in external factors that are not related to the state of the main equipment.

  • Incorrect lifting pipes. In this case, you need to check the connection of both the input and output tube, which will also provide uninterrupted water supply.
  • There is no traction. This is caused, as a rule, clogging by a chimney with plenty of dust or foreign objects. Thus, there is no relocation of combustion products and the burner goes out. In such a situation, you need to bring your hand to chimney or a small flame (from match or lighter). An important condition is the presence of an open window. If the thrust is sufficient, then the flame will deviate, and the air movement will feel on the palm.
  • It feels an unpleasant gas in the room, which can be caused by installing neighbors from top of the antenna over chimney. In this case, the column immediately needs to be disconnected, air the room and cause special gas services.
  • Ignition column occurs, but after a while attenuation occurs. It is caused by it may be excessive "sensitivity" of a protective relay. In such a situation, it is necessary to cool the room by opening windows and contact the service to replace the relay.
  • The discharged battery or battery may also be the cause of the lack of operation of the device with automatic ignition. This indicates the need to replace them, which can be made independently.
  • Small water pressure may indicate the Junkers gas column malfunction if the water pods, for example, in the bathroom and in the kitchen, are different. If they are equally small, the reason is a weak water supply network.
  • Fitheel extinguishing can be caused by oblique uneven flame. As a result, there is a bad heating of the thermocouple, automatically turning off the unit. In this case, it is necessary to clean the dust, which is a mandatory prophylactic measure during the attenuation of the wick.

Outfunction Speakers and Methods for Remedy



1) The west flame went out again.

2) The ignition flame lights up only after several attempts.

3) Flashing yellow flame.

The ignition burner is blocked.

Clear. *

1) The west flame goes out when the hot water crane is opened.

2) The hot water temperature is insufficient, weak flame.

Gas is fed in insufficient quantity.

1) Check the pressure reducer and replace it if it is not suitable or damaged.

2) Check whether cylinders with gas freeze (butane) during the operation of the device. If the cylinders freeze, put them in a less cold place.

The water temperature is too low.

Check the position of the power regulator and set at a higher power.

The burner is turned off during the operation of the device.

1) worked the temperature limiter

2) Traction control device worked

1) Turn on the device again after 10 minutes. When a malfunction is reappearing, call a specialist.

2) Check the room. Turn on the device after 10 minutes. When a malfunction is reappearing, call a specialist.

Reduced duct water.

1) insufficient water pressure.

2) Water taps or mixers are contaminated.

3) Water armature clogged.

4) clogged (covered with a lime bloom) heat exchanger.

1) Check and fix. * Check and clean.

2) Clear filter. *

3) Clear and, if necessary, remove the lime bloom. *

* can only make a service and repair master

  • If you have discovered the problem with the burning of the stamp (it smokes or goes out), the best way out will appeal to a licensed specialist running with gas equipment. He will check all the nodes that can give such a picture, and also clears your gas column.
  • If the column turned on and immediately went out, do not attempt to turn on the device again, and overcase gas access to a problematic device and call a specialist. If the cause of the shutdown served as a gas leak, the re-inclusion can cause accumulation inside the carbon monoxide, which is unsafe for the health of people being in the room.
  • While the emergency service arrived, you can check the craving. To do this, adjust the match and bring it to the viewing opening on the column panel. If the flame is tightened inside, it means that there is sufficient thrust. In the absence of a flame movement, you should disconnect the chimney pipe and repeat the manipulation with the match near the opening of the ventilation shaft. The burning match will also help you reveal problems with the influx of air into the room, if you bring it to the window.

Features of selecting column

The main difference between the different models of the gas speakers is the way they are ignition, whether the product of the company Junkers, Bosch, Neva or Suite. Today it is very rare to find a device that is lit with the help of matches, so this option is not even considered.

The most popular columns today are units with a piezorozhig. They just click on the button located on the device panel. In addition, similar aggregates provide for the possibility of setting the desired temperature of the supplied water.

Speakers with an electric vehicle - the most expensive option that allows you to significantly save gas. Turning on the device occurs in automatic mode of water flow. The acquisition of such products allows you to save on an energy source and get heated water with maximum convenience, which justifies the high cost of the column.
Modern gas columns that are offered by well-known trademarks tend to have three-level protection:

  • Flame attenuation.
  • Absence in the tube traction.
  • The emergence of such a process as a reverse thrust.

Equipment is protected from overheating using a hydraulic safety valve.

How to determine that internal malfunctions exist in the gas column

The reasons for the fact that the water heating device goes out, there may be the following:

  • clogged filters;
  • the membrane is deformed.

If the quality of the water supplied to the room is unsatisfactory (for example, rigid, with a large number of lime impurities), a metal lattice filter is clogged. To restore the normal functioning of the unit, it is necessary to clean (replace) the mixer filter. Cleaning can be produced by conventional detergents to remove rust and scale

Also, it is important to clear the column itself from spectal formations.

For the membrane examination, the bolts are unscrewed that fasten the front panel of the column.

When examining the membrane draws attention to its form (so that there were no deformations), the presence of any chips. . In case of detection of such defects, it must be replaced

And it is better to choose a silicone membrane, since its surface is more resistant and elastic.

In case of detection of such defects, it must be replaced. And it is better to choose a silicone membrane, since its surface is more resistant and elastic.

In this regard, the service life of this part will be longer.

To install the membrane, it is better to use the services of specialists, which will undoubtedly be safer. In addition, when calling the wizard, you can simultaneously and make overall cleaning of the unit, carry out full diagnostics of the device.

The reasons for the attenuation of the gas column may also be the following:

  • uneasy heads of hot and cold water, which is solved by simply regulating water supply;
  • lack of cold water before starting the unit, which, by the way, leads to a rapid spider column;
  • insufficient time to hold the ignition button (20 seconds is the required duration);
  • fault of the leaving gas sensor, which is found out by calling.

Now about the malfunctions of the Junkers speakers Junkers, Bosh Bosh

  1. As wrote above, the column is collected on rubber sealing rings. The old columns are treated, and the seals begin to flow. Well, if the masters have them. Often we meet with different collective farm options from winding to sealants.
  2. The water block membrane, unlike the Chinese speakers membranes, works for a very long time. Ripped membrane I met once. The price of the original membrane is about 1800 rubles., Chinese analogue stands in the area of \u200b\u200b400 rubles. Who will find how. There is no point in the original, for the price of space.
  3. Water unit of the gas column assembly stands in the area of \u200b\u200b4500-5000 rubles. The price is high. Repair sets of seals are sold. You can sort out the water unit yourself. Often the block flows the channel regulator. This is treated with a replacement ring.
  4. Rarely, but it is found to flow the gland of the rod of the water block. Alas, do not replace the gland separately. Changes with a lid of the water block. Price cover with stock 2700 rubles. Very expensive!
  5. On Junkers (Junkers), the thrust sensor and the overheating sensor are often tormented. Sometimes they suffer so much that I change the entire set of thermocouple and sensors. If you have not entered the plans to change the automation, then the temperature sensor can be painlessly navigate (there is no on many imported gas columns). The thrust sensor shout does not advise the thing clearly necessary and saving not one life. It stops the supply of gas into the column, if the chimney disappeared. It can be shorted for a while not to sit without hot water, and only to quickly find him a replacement.

If you decide to buy such a column, then read the reviews on the useful site "Ozzovik". Everyone described his column and set the estimates. My feedback is old enough.

Now I would put the fourth four of this column. I recommend buying. Usually everything is treated without spare parts. From the "minuses" of the column, I will note a large price for spare parts. Fortunately, they break not often.

If anyone is interested, I post here for the Istruction on Bosch and Junkers Gas Speakers

Instructions on the gas column column /upload/file/quickdir/201104111631310. Instructions for the columns THERM 4000 O Type R.PDF

Instructions for the gas column of junkers /upload/file/quickdir/gazovaya_kolonka_bosch_junkers_wr10_13_15p_1.pdf
Briefly I have everything. To climb into the column yourself, or call me, solve you.

Services and prices

My contacts

I hope the article was more useful to you.

Malfunctions requiring mandatory access to a specialist

Two main reasons for the gas column goes out:

  • one of the three emergency sensors is triggered: thrust, overheating or burning;
  • the column is clogged, which is the cause of the full impossibility of its ignition.

Initial actions in cases of termination of the unit:

  1. To exclude the first option, it is necessary to make sure there is no smell of gas, and the thrust in the chimney is carried out. If this is detected, you must call the wizard to clean the flue valve.
  2. The overheating sensor is turned on, if the heat exchanger is clogged or regulating automatics does not work. His appointment is the protection of a copper coil. In this situation, the room is ventilated, waiting for the unit cool. Appeal to a specialist is mandatory because only trained gas worker can carry out proper regulation of the column after it is purified from scale.
  3. If the third sensor is triggered, the gas supply is automatically overlapped. In fact, this sensor is a conventional thermocouple. If the flame is, the current is produced and gas is transmitted through the solenoid valve. When repaying the fire, the valve overlaps the fuel supply for 10 seconds. In this case, you can hear a characteristic sound that resembles with fingers.

Important! In case the gas column in the off state exudes the smell of gas, it is important to block all the valves, ventilate the room and call the gas services. .

An algorithm of action when disabling the thermal mechanism:

  • it is withstanding 10-15 minutes (for cooling sensors);
  • the thrust of the chimney is checked;
  • the presence of gas is checked;
  • road is ventilated;
  • an attempt is attempted to start the unit (the power handle is set to the position required to enable, it is kept in the on state 20 seconds, the "PiezoPal" button is pressed);
  • if the actions performed did not lead to the desired result, the functioning of the combustion sensor is checked;
  • the non-working condition of the combustion sensor can be caused by contamination of the nozzle operating on the principle of the vacuum cleaner, so it should be carefully cleaned;

To clean the device, which supplies gas for burning (nozzle) such actions are carried out:

  • a handle is removed that adjusts the water temperature;
  • the required ignition position is set;
  • the surface of the gas device is removed;
  • rose using a screwdriver clamps nozzle on top;
  • these clamps are put separately;
  • making the lower clamp, gets the nozzle;
  • the tube on which dust is assembled, washes under running water, cleaned with cotton swabs and chopsticks;
  • a prerequisite for normal pipe cleaning is the removal of all residues of detergent and water;
  • the nozzle is also thoroughly clean;
  • the tube is installed back to the device, starting from the upper attachment, where the spring end is located;
  • for the lower fastening, it will be necessary to attach enough strength to firmly fix the nozzle;
  • put on the previous place of the clips;
  • an attempt to ignite the column by simultaneously turning on the Piezororation and the power regulator;
  • pens and buttons are held in this position for at least 10 seconds;
  • inserts to the previous place the temperature adjustment knob.

In addition, the most common cause of the attenuation of the gas column is described in this video:


The range of products produced today in this market segment is incredibly diverse, so the consumer is difficult to navigate without prior preparation and consultation of the professional. Modern gas speakers for water heating are a stylish design, as well as a practical and convenient control panel.

The product under the Junkers trademark produced in Germany embodied most of the wishes of the most demanding buyers, which ensured him stable popularity over the years. No less worthy devices are devices produced by brands such as Bosch and Electrolux.

Related records

Easy to operate the Gas Column of Junkers of German production is intended for use in apartments or private houses, where there is no hot centralized water supply. The aggregates are divided into several classes by the type of ignition and power. All of them are adapted to work in Russian conditions, are capable of working with critical low pressure in the system (up to 0.1 atm), which is especially relevant for multi-storey houses.

Previously before selecting the device, it is necessary to study all the characteristics in detail, otherwise you can assume an error and purchase an inappropriate option.

Varieties of gas columns Junkers

All modifications of gas columns Junkers are equipped with different types of stobnant.

Junkers version "B"

Bosch Therm 4000 OW 10-2B

Razhigi burner is carried out using 2 batteries. Starting the water heater occurs at an automated level. There is a comprehensive system responsible for the safety of operation:

  • controller degree of thrust;
  • safety valve;
  • ionization setting of fire.

The water pressure level and temperature regime is adjusted on the basis of the flow in the plumbing system. This version has a fault indicator that reports the need for the repair of the Junkers gas column.

Based on user reviews and manufacturer's applications, the unit of this series is able to maintain more than 10 years. This classification includes all varieties of Junkers WR gas columns, including min-maxx and Junkers WR 10, but with the prefix "B".

Junkers "P"

In these versions, a piezorozhig is installed, the fire will always be in the warmed state. The water pressure and flow is configured separately. In WR13-P models, 15-p, 10-p, a thermoelectric device is installed controlling the flame level.

Junkers "G"

In the aggregates of the class "G" there is a HYDRO POWER technology, and they are capable of functioning with a pressure of 0.35 atm. The burner is ignited by means of a hydrodynamic generator. The instruments of the class "G" work on three points of water intake. Modifications: WR 13-G, 15-G, 10-g.

Cost of aggregates

The market produces modifications of two versions - standard and mini. They differ in size, all other parameters are completely identical. The cost of devices depends on the dimensions, the need for transportation and installation. On average, the price of the devices is equal to the following indicators:

Versions in Size

Dimensional parameters

Cost, rub.



Height, see

Width, see

Depth, see

The package of each device includes an instruction manual, which contains detailed information on how to enable the gas column, configure and even install. But the installation is recommended to entrust the specialists from the gas service. Otherwise, you can make an error that will bring harm not only to the water heater, but also the user's health.

Common troubleshooting

More than 60% of the breakdown occurs due to non-compliance with the rules of operation, the remaining percentage is allocated with electricity leaps, low quality water and corrosion. Factory marriage is not included in this list, because it can be eliminated for free by sending equipment to the service center.

Despite the fact that among competitors, Junkers are very high-quality and reliable, breakdowns are sometimes found. They are associated with voltage drops, corrosion of the body, the formation of scale. Factory marriage is eliminated for free

As for paid repair, then approximately for the services of a specialist will need to pay 800-2000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work. But here it should be borne in mind that it is more profitable to transport the water heater to the service center independently, since the departure of the Junkers gas column wizard is even more expensive.

Common faults that users often face equipment operations are faced:

  1. After a few seconds after starting the water heater, the phytil swells. The main reason for the occurrence of this situation will be the failure of the thermocouple, the valve device, the combustion sensor.
  2. Water does not heat up. In this case, the heat exchanger was most likely broken or a large layer of scale was formed in it.
  3. The device began to publish loud sounds and overheat. Causes are completely similar to the previous item.
  4. Water leak. The integrity of the heat exchanger or the gland requires replacement.

To eliminate a problem with your own hands, first of all it is required to carry out the following manipulations:

  • setting the exact cause of breakage;
  • purchase of original spare parts;
  • preparation of equipment that may be required during the repair work;
  • studying the rules to eliminate breakage and follow the recommendations of specialists.

After replacing the broken part before you ignite the gas column of Junkers, you need to make sure that all attachments are firmly fixed and the gas leakage will not be leaked in the burner.

Water heaters repair is allowed to carry out independently only with the availability of the necessary experience. You should also use original items. You can buy spare parts from an official representative of Bosch. For example, a new hydroarmatura will cost up to 7500 rubles, the stamps - 400-500, an electronic device for ignition will cost 5500 rubles.

Video: How to clean Junkers yourself

Pros and cons of gas speakers Junkers

Junkers gas speakers are considered fairly common, they are often found in private houses and at dachas. But even modern aggregates made on the basis of leading technologies have some disadvantages. The main mines are such nuances:

  • increased noise level - this factor applies to almost all modifications;
  • after 5-6 years, problems with the heat exchanger begin, water leaks appear;
  • all areas of the joints are required to additionally compact, gaskets are not enough to eliminate all leaks.

According to the statements of water heaters repair masters, the main reason for the appearance of the listed nuances is the formation of scale. The manufacturer claims that this equipment is allowed to use in Russian conditions only with the installation of an additional filter for water. Thus, it is possible to increase the resource up to 10-12 years.

But here there are other nuances. First, the regular replacement of cartridges is considered a sufficiently troublesome activity, and secondly appear doubts about the usefulness of taking baths with stagnetic water. Russians are quite satisfied with the operational period of water heaters equal to 10-13 years without the use of various filter systems.

But despite such categorical disadvantages, the equipment of Junkers Control has a large number of advantages to which you need to include:

  • modifications are adapted to the pressure in the domestic gas pipeline system 13 mbar, when in Europe the indicator reaches the value 20;
  • water heaters are capable of functioning in combination with a plumbing system, in which the low water pressure is from 0.1 atm;
  • the aggregates have increased performance and are capable of heating 11-17 liters of liquid per minute;
  • the equipment is equipped with a flame modulation system when an automated power selection occurs depending on the water pressure;
  • high security and affordable cost.

To all should add the operational term of the water heater equal to 10-13 years and the warranty of 24 months.

Video: How to rinse with reverse current and without chemistry water supply and water