Repairs Design Furniture

Installing the hob. Repair of malfunctions of cooking panels do-it-yourself installation of a gas panel in a tabletop do it yourself

In case you need to save place in the kitchen, it makes no sense to install a gas stove that takes a lot of space. Moreover, not everything comes with an oven, especially with the advent of a large number of microwaves and electrical ovens at an affordable price. For the most part, the cooking surface is used directly. There are no fundamental difference in the installation of gas and electric cooking panels, only some nuances that will be discussed later in the article.

Required tools, materials

To install the panel, there is no expensive and wondrous tool or the passage of special courses. Everything is simple enough, to mask the process under the power of any little bit, who is friends with the hands of a person. In the process of work, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • drill with a drill with a diameter of 8 mm to sew a pair of holes in which the pubsik hat crawls;
  • electric jigsaw (can be cut and manually, but it turns out longer and tedious);
  • sealant;
  • special plasticine, self-adhesive seal or aluminum tape.

This list includes accessories that will be unambiguous. Also, depending on the type of surface, other materials will be needed, for example, teflon or panel to wind the thread, terminals, tape for contacts. The main thing is to get into battle, and there it will be clear what else you need.


The easiest option is to mark up - carefully cover the contours of the panel directly on the tabletop, providing an equal indentation from its edges. You can go and other way:

  • first transfer the shellf's contours countertop on which it is located;
  • find the center of the received rectangle, mark on the tabletop cross and make it a middle contour under the stove;
  • after measuring, with the help of the roulette of the plates, it is additionally 5 millimeters of an allowance from each side to the prepared hole, the intended cross - the intersection point of the diagonals and the middle of the hole (it is desirable to make sure the markup accuracy, drawn diagonally on the image).


To carry out the logs, it is necessary in the corners of the outlined circuit to fly with the help of a drill hole so that the pedal has come to them freely. It is enough to make two holes located diagonally relative to each other. From each hole make two cuts according to the markup. The most clearly similar slits are made by means of a manual millingrer, but it is far from everyone, so the electrolovka is a more realistic option. Carefully, on the markup, on medium-sized turns, do not rush to learn the jigsaw clearly on the markup, controlling so that it does not go to the side. It is strongly recommended to try to perform a few marbles on some unnecessary bar.

An important nuance - Some advise making markup and engage in trimming on the back of the table top. The problem is that the laminate, which is covered with the front side, can be writing, and the stove will not block the chip. Therefore, it is easier to make the markup with the help of a marker on the front side, and drill and sawing the front part too.

Installation and sealing

After it was carried out propyl, the edges of the slot are treated with silicone or other sealant, to protect against moisture. In the perimeter, the holes prepared in this way from the upper side are glued incoming, as a rule, included with the slab seal. Then the plate is inserted and aligned along the contour of the hole, after which it is pressed on the back fastener. If the sealant acts over the edges of the surface, gently cut off its excess with a knife, trying not to scratch the worktop.

Features of the installation of the gas and electric panel

Important! According to the safety regulations, when using gas devices, unauthorized connection of gas devices, including cooking surfaces, is prohibited.

This provision is enshrined in the current legislation. Connection is usually carried out by Gorgaz employees, for the appropriate remuneration. You can install the device on your own and risk yourself, but you should expect possible sanctions from the organization supplying the gas, up to it to turn off and seal the valve. All installation of gas equipment must be carried out in coordination with relevant organizations.

If still a desire to hurt themselves, act in such a sequence:

  • a flexible hose to the gas valve is connected through a blessing;
  • prepared a hole in the furniture for the hose;
  • checking the presence of jets for the main connection of the slab if they are not installed - it is necessary to make them install;
  • the nut gas supply is connected to the stove, and be sure to with a sealing ring, a connection corner is usually included.

Checking the absence of gas leakage is carried out by applying a soap solution. He should not bubble, if there are bubbles, this testifies to leakage, as well as the presence of a characteristic smell of gas.

Installation of the electric hob is carried out strictly according to the scheme shown in the manual. If the experience of working with electrical devices is not enough - you should not experiment, it is better to contact the specialists. With incorrect connection of the power supply, both incorrect operation of the instrument and the output of it, as well as wiring in the apartment, is out of order. Connection of the power supply is carried out before mounting the tile in the nest prepared in the worktop.

In various models, there are options for connecting the wire or into the outlet, or directly to the electrical panel. It should be remembered that the electric hob consumes a fairly large amount of electricity, and take care that the wiring corresponds to the requirements for power consumption.

In the layout of modern furniture furniture for the kitchen, a built-in electrical or gas stove is provided, the cooking surface and the oven is mounted separately. A built-in panel is a functionally completed product, which in principle can be used without a kitchen. This article will tell how to install an embedded cooking panel and connecting to the network with your own hands. The surface can be electrical, gas or combined, but the basic rules that should be guided during operation, the same for all versions.

Step-by-step installation instructions

Speaking of instruments, if the built-in panel is installed in a new headset, and the hole for mounting the housing in the table top has not yet done, it is necessary to have a drill and electric jig. To connect to the power supply, you will also need a screwdriver, passage, voltage pointer.

The first thing to take care is an electrical outlet 220 volts, which will include an embedded cooking surface. The choice of its location and installation must be performed before installing furniture. The kitchen plate except the panel includes a brass cabinet. If the first is placed without a closet, it can be enabled in one outlet. Set the electrical outlet below, which will be an embedded cookbard to eliminate the impact on it moisture and fat in the cooking process.

The first and most important stages of installation work is marking. From the correctness and definition of calculations on which the hole for the cooking panel is cut, the outer attractiveness of the kitchen installation and the room as a whole depends.

When making calculations, it should be carefully checked the result, if one would be mistaken at least 1 cm, then it is possible to obtain a spoiled tabletop as a result, the value of which is not small.


The task of the installer is to place the panel strictly over the table, when taking into account that there is no width in width.

Marking can be carried out in two ways:

  • Household version;
  • Professional.

For a household method, the use of special tools is not required, the work is carried out on the eye. The panel is placed in the center of the tabletop and will be burned with a construction pencil. This method is not safe, there is a risk of damage to the kitchen headset.

The second option is suitable for patient collectors, a sufficient amount of time is spent on the calculation. This method minimizes the risk of error.

The process of work on the calculations is divided into steps:

  • The process begins with the transfer of the interior borders of the bedside table, over which the cooking panel is required. The tabletop is drawn lines forming a rectangle;
  • Then the central point of the available rectangle is calculated. It should be drawn by the coordinate system. A cross is noted, one of his line should be parallel from the front edge of the table top, and the second is perpendicular to the same basis as the first;
  • The resulting coordinate system is used to measure the sizes of the shaped part. Here it is required to carefully measure the panel itself, given a small supply, it will allow installing strictly in the center;
  • After squeezing, it is required to draw lines, four are obtained. As a result, a smooth rectangular figure is obtained, the countertop is prepared for the correct cutting of the seat.

Calculations are made, the cutting place is noted, then go to the next step, no less interesting.

How to cut hole

For the work on creating a boarding hole for the cooking panel, three tools options can be used:

  • Drill;
  • Lobzik;
  • Milling machine.

To create an accurate and correct cut, it is better to use a manual milling mill, but it is hardly in the instruments of an ordinary person who is not associated with the assembly of furniture. The second option is a logsik, even if it is not available, the acquisition of this tool will not be difficult, its value is not high.

The drill always exists in the house, but its use for pulling the hole makes it difficult to subsequent installation of the cooking panel. The edge edge is irrigated - this requires additional work on the sealing of the hole. It takes this process enough time.

In order to cut the hole of the drill, you will need a drill in 8 mm, you can 10 mm. The principle of operation consists in drilling holes at a short distance. Inverting is carried out as long as they become a single slot.

It is important to understand that the work is carried out only with the internally part of the markup. Required under the carved piece to substitute the stool inside the table top itself, it will save the furniture in the intake and preservation when the cut-off rectangle falls.

Making a hole with the use of jigsaw is much easier, but you need a drill. With it, it is required to make one hole that will be the basis of work. Manually make the rubber can also be, but there is a danger of the inaccuracy of creating a slot. Lobzik The first incision can also be done, but this requires a certain experience with this tool.

The main thing to remember about precautions. For the cut part of the countertop, a safe fall is required - it will eliminate the possibility of damage to furniture.

After carrying out the cutting of the hole under the panel, the edges of the slot are treated with silicone. When moisture getting, a cooktop for a cooking panel can be deformed - this will lead to a damage of the appearance of the kitchen. The cut-off hole is more complicated to handle the hole, since the torn edges interfere with the correct application of the composition, it will take a sufficient amount of time to this process.

Installation and fastening equipment

The installation of the cooking panel in the table top has its own sequence, for proper independent work, the main thing is to comply with all the steps in order:

  • The first stage is the connection of the gas hose to the panel - this will exclude subsequent installation problems. The hose has a cape, where the parenchite gasket is attached. Next, the nut is very well fixed with a threaded nozzle, it is located at the bottom of the cooking panel. To ensure the reliability of the connection, it is desirable to embroider the parenchy gasket using solidol;
  • The second stage is the winding of the sealing tape. It should be fixed with some requirements. Typically, the sealing tape is a component of the hob, it is characterized by self-adhesive basis. Protective paper is moving away from the meak of the tape gradually - this will exclude the seal confusion. It is fixed around the perimeter of the hole on the front side of the couch. It is a prerequisite for the integrity of the seal, so at the corners it should simply turn a turn, eliminate the cut of the tape. Two ends are joined tightly to each other, excluding the appearance of the gap;
  • Next, the cooking surface is installed in the treated hole. It is necessary to align the equipment so that it looks smoothly and beautiful. After centering the device, you can enjoy it. We look at how the tabletop looks like, under it in four corners it is necessary to fix the cooking surface using self-tapping and special plates. It should be delayed enough to eliminate the possibility of the appearance of the slots - this will provide a high level of safety when using a cooking surface.

Phased process of working with the gas panel

To carry out the process, it will be necessary to take a construction knife, it is very acute, so it is necessary to follow the safety regulations. The gasket, which was previously extruded, is very neatly cut off.

Next joins the other part of the gas hose, which goes to the pipe. Mandatory requirement is the installation of ancient crane. It is important to understand that the decision on independent work with the replacement of gas cranes requires the owner of the responsibility for working with gas equipment.

Here it is necessary to accurately follow the safety rules and work according to the prescribed requirement. If the gas testing company will find a violation in self-installation of the crane, then you have to pay a fine.

The last stage of installation work is to solve the issue of supplying power supply. A waterproof outlet is required that you want to install before installing the hob. If the equipment is gas, then additional devices will not need.

Video: Installation of the gas cooking panel

Distinctive features of the installation of the electrical panel

It is important to understand that the connection of the electrical installation option is better to entrust professionals. With an independent solution to this task, there is a danger to harm yourself. Modern panels operating from electricity are distinguished by way of operation and durability.

With the right installation of the equipment, it rarely fails. If the panel stopped working, then it is easy to disconnect for repair work. This will allow you to independently deliver the equipment into the workshop, which will save on the Wizard arrival.

Embedding of the electric surface begins with the connection according to the written scheme. It can be detected on the panel itself, only on the reverse side. With an independent connection, you need to be attentive. The tolerance of even the slightest error may cause wiring in the entire room. Incorrect connection threatens the lack of adjusting the comfort.

Some models have a separate wire, which should be supplied directly from the shield. In this case, it will not be necessary to have a socket and fork, and the connection is to connect the reserved wire to the panel.

Next, the equipment is required to flip and install in the worktop. This process is practically no different from the installation of the gas model. The main difference is not necessary to carry out work on the installation of the gas hose and the crane.

After completing all stages on the installation, the panel can be checked for errors. With a careful compliance with the propaned scheme, the device must be properly, and the main thing is to work durable.


Self installation of the cooking panel is a rather complicated process. But if you comply with all safety rules, take into account the nuances and carefully refer to work while connecting the stove to power (gas or electric), then it is possible to carry out installation, significantly saving money on the master of the wizard. If there are doubts about their own, then for security reasons, it is better to contact a specialist.

Comprehensive stoves for the kitchen, simultaneously combining the cooking panel and the oven, are moving further into the past. Modern hostesses are less and less used in direct appointment of wind wardrobes. They are increasingly turning into a warehouse saucepan and pan.

Why overpay money for an unnecessary metal cabinet when you can purchase a convenient and aesthetic cooking panel, and the free space formed under it perfectly suitable for storing dishes and other things. Installing the cooking panel in the worktop under the power even inexperienced master, because its installation absolutely does not require experience and qualifications.

Varieties of cooking panels

So, before proceeding with such a procedure as the installation of the cooking panel in the table top with your own hands (you can see the photo in this article), you should figure out the varieties of these devices. The following main types of cooking panels are existing:

  1. Electric.
  2. Induction.
  3. Gas.

Installation and installation of the latter option is desirable to entrust the professional, as the wrong connection can lead to serious problems. When using gas plates, special requirements must be followed. In the process of installing electrical panels, it is also important to keep care and safety rules when working with high voltage. It should provide high-quality power meal with grounding.

When buying a cooking panel, it is important to pay special attention to it as the installation of the cooking panel in the worktop must be carried out with a small margin at the edges. In addition, you need to decide on the scenes. Spend in advance

Installation countertops

If you purchased a glass or stone countertop, it is advisable to entrust her installation to professionals. Since you do not know about all the intricacies of the process, you can damage the costly thing. If you can cope with the installation yourself, but if there are some construction skills.

You will need the following:

  • Stretching weight for tiles.
  • Tile for facing the surface of the table top.
  • Mounting or tile glue.
  • Tile with tungsten spraying.
  • Pistol with silicone sealant.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Waterproof wood stove.
  • A set of tools - a kitchen, screwdriver, screws.

The replacement of the countertops should be started with the dismantling of the old one. Despite the fact that the old countertop in the future you will not need, it is necessary to shoot it very carefully to avoid damage to the kitchen headset.

It is very important to fit a new table top for the size of your furniture. It is likely that it will be necessary to cut an excess. In this case, unprotected edges of the chipboard are taken away. This material perfectly absorbs moisture, so the speakes need to be well treated with sealant. If the tabletop is mounted with solid to the stove, it is desirable to close them with special end slats.

Required tools

Before proceeding to such a process as the installation of the cooktop in the worktop (photos show what they happen), you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Pencil.
  • Roulette.
  • Lobzik.
  • Drill-screwdriver with a tree drill with a diameter of 8-10 mm.
  • Sealant.

Preparatory process

To begin, it is necessary to make sure that in the place where the installation of the cooking panel will be carried out in the worktop will be available, there are available sockets, a suitable length of the gas supply hose, without transmission and inflection for a gas stove - these are two fundamental aspects.

If the wiring is old and no confidence that it is reliable, it is recommended to hold an independent cable for the stove directly from the meter.

Installation of the cooktop in the tabletop

  1. First you need to make a hole in the worktop. For this, according to the instructions placed opening. If the instruction is absent, then
    full envelope is described. At the same time, on each side, it is necessary to retreat about 5 mm.
  2. Using a drill and drills a hole, so as not to go abroad contour. Then we continue to work the jigsaw. To reduce chips, it is recommended to take a pet with small teeth. In addition, you can save the contour by stationery or painting tape.
  3. After it is done drank, you need to paint or handle the cutting edges in sealant to prevent swelling of the table top.
  4. Next, the installation of the cooking panel is performed in a 28 mm worktop, secured and connects to the network.

Cutting panels should be made with maximum accuracy. Otherwise, even a 1 cm error can spoil the worktop, which is one of the most expensive elements of the kitchen headset.

Artificial Stone Countertop

Compared with its fellow from the chipboard, a countertop of artificial stone is the most durable. Despite this, the main problem is the installation of a cooking panel in a worktop of artificial stone.

In most cases, the countertop from an artificial stone is already ordered with ready-made holes for a specific cooking panel. But how to be if the countertop is already installed, and there is no cooking panel yet? In this case, the most reliable and best option will give the table top to qualified specialists, which with the help of a professional tool will make the required opening.

If you still decided to take a chance, this work can be done according to the technology, which is described above, but only instead of the jigsaw, you will need to take an angular grinding machine and a diamond spraying disk designed for cutting concrete.

It is important to remember that the independent installation of the cooking surface in the worktop must be competently thought out at all stages of installation. Only in this case it will be spent less time to carry out this type of work, as well as their quality and subsequent result will significantly improve.

The techniques in the house are becoming more and more, the will of the unillates begin to think about what it would be nice to be able to eliminate alone on their own. To help - this article, where easy repair of the cooking panel will be considered. Please note - if the technique is under warranty, it is better not to climb into it at all. All that can be in this case - replace the network cord. In other cases, it is better to contact the service. Well, if there is no guarantee for a long time, you can try to repair the cooking surface yourself.

The hob (surface) is called electrical and induction plates with a ceramic or glass-ceramic coating. Under this coating are heating elements - burners. These burners can be different types:

As you can see, the burners are different, various processes use for cooking, but the general device of cooking panels is the same. So that during the repair of the cooking panel it was easier to look for breakdowns, you need to know how the equipment is arranged.

Warm panel device

Basic hob nodes - burners and control panel. Each burner has contacts for connectivity and control relay (thermostar). Through the contacts of the burner is connected to the control panel, and the thermaller monitors the surface heating temperature and turns off / turns on the power. Corrugation problems are most often related to the incorrect management of the management body or weakened / burnt contacts.

The control unit and burners are connected using wires. This is another source of problems. You can deal with the breakdowns of these devices without special skills. I need a soldering iron. Since when there is some element damage, it will be necessary to buy the same serviceable, install it in place. When carrying out these works, you should not hope for memory. Best of all before starting work to take a picture of everything. Later, in the process, also periodically take photos. In any case, each time something to change something in the node, take a picture of it. It is easier to install a new element or put in place former.

The most difficult way to deal with the damage to the control unit. There are serious knowledge of circuitry. If they are not, it is better to turn to a specialist on this issue.

The location of the parts, their form may be different, and depend on the manufacturer, model, but in general the structure of the cooking panel with electric burners is very similar.

Control problems

The most difficult case is the problems with the control board. There can be little on their own. How to understand what the control unit is to blame? By lack of signal when you press the buttons. If the power is turned on, but then when you specify the operation modes, there are no sounds or visible status changes, most likely the problem is in control. In this case, the repair of the cooking panel consists of simple actions.

If the slab "does not listen to you", to start thoroughly clean the surface - the dirt can cause such behavior. Next, check the power parameters. Too low voltage on the network may affect the operation of the control.

Control Panel - the most complicated area

If the voltage is normal, but there are no changes, we try to restart the programs. To do this, de-energize the cooking surface. If it is connected through a plug with a power outlet, take out the plug. Disabling the button is not enough. If the slab is connected through the terminal block, it's easier to turn off the machine on the shield. In a de-energized state, the slab must be at least 10 minutes. Further it can be turned on and try again. If there was a simple "glitch" of control, it helps if the problems are more serious - no. If all actions have not brought the result - call the wizard.

Repair of the cooking panel with your own hands: what to do if the burner does not turn on

If the burner does not turn on, there may be several reasons:

  • burning or relaxing contacts;
  • malfunction of the heat relay;
  • problems with wires going to this burner;
  • burning the heating element.

All these problems can be eliminated with their own hands. The repair of the cooking panel begins with her disassembly. It must be disconnected from the network, disconnect from the table. To transfer the cooking panel to the table covered with a clean cloth, turn over to glass down, unscrew the fastening bolts located on the sides, neatly, holding the ceramics, flip and remove the ceramic panel. So we get access to the courses and can repair the cooking surface with their own hands.

The first thing to do is view wireswho go to the non-working burner, check the contacts. Violation of the integrity of the wires and burning contacts is a very frequent cause of breakage. In private homes, the wiring can be lit mice, and the contacts are burning due to insufficiently high-quality assembly. If visually everything is in order, pull the wires by checking the quality of the contact. If you can see somewhere traces of the soot, the contact is disassembled, we clean up the pure metal, we pack it back, install and clamp well. The last stage of checking wiring and contacts-measuring. We take a multimeter, check the wires for integrity (nickname) and on the insulation test (on the body and with each other).

If the deviations in the wiring is not detected, we inspect the thermal relay. It is located next to the burner (electromechanical), covered with a plastic lid. In some models, the relay is carried out in the control unit (electronic). Then, to determine which relay is responsible for heating the burners we need, track it on the wires.

If the relay is electromechanical, we upset its cover with a screwdriver, inspect the contacts. There may be charred, curved or fused contacts. It is subject to replacement. If the relay is electronic, there is no point to open it. We measure its resistance, comparing with those who stand in good condition. There is a deviation - you need a replacement.

If everything is fine with the relay, perhaps Konfork burned. For checking measure resistance. If it is great or strive for infinity (cluster), the problem is in the spiral, tan, etc. To find a replacement, looking for the burner number (written on its enclosure). With this number we go shop or looking through the Internet. Next, repair of the hob - replacement of the burnt burner. We disappear all the wires, remove, put a new, plug.

If it does not turn on at all

If the equipment does not turn on at all, immediately check the voltage. With a low voltage, the cooking panel may not turn on. In order to avoid such situations in the future, it is desirable to establish a stabilizer. This will significantly extend the service life of the equipment, since the electronics is very sensitive to the quality of nutrition, namely the electronics is harder to repair (and more expensive).

With normal voltage, the repair of the cooking panel will continue inspection of a network cord. Oddly enough, many breakdowns are associated with his damage - it is pulled, bent, passed, washed, wasolation, and the like burned. First, the cord is viewing (disconnecting from the network), then it is nicknamed on the integrity of the wires and on the insulation test (each wire to the ground and among themselves).

The next step - contact verification in terminal block. The relaxed or oxidized contact can also cause the cooking panel does not turn on. What to do in this case? Split contact, clean from oxides, tighten well again.

If the signs of the life of the stove still does not give, find fuse. It stands at the entrance, cuts into the voltage jumps - to protect more expensive parts from damage. It can look different, but most often it is a glass or a ceramic tube with metal caps along the edges. Some types of fuses are presented in the photo below. There may be such options.

Found a fuse, then take the multimeter and measure its resistance. It should be small. If the device shows a break (infinitely large resistance), the fuse blocked. Another way is to put the multimeter into the call mode and touch the superstam to both ends of the fuse. The device is silent - it burned.

Throwing the fuse pull, replace on a similar one. It is on a similar one - with the same parameters (indicated on the housing). It is not recommended to put the "bug" or less sensitivity - the next time the voltage jump will be much more serious.

One of the light checks remained alone - check, doing meals From the terminal block to the control unit. Maybe the wiring was damaged or contact somewhere weakened / flew away. Do it again with a multimeter. We check the wires for integrity (can be a call, you can - measuring resistance) and the presence of a breakdown of isolation (on the body and with each other). If all the parameters are normal, you can turn on the power and gently measure the voltage at the input of the control unit. The voltage is normal, but the cooking panel is still not turned on - problems in the control unit. Further repair of the cooking panel is associated with this block.