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What is the difference between plastic windows and double-glazed windows. Differences of plastic windows. What moments pay attention when buying. Auxiliary elements of fittings

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Before you to buy or order new windows for your home, buyers will not prevent to learn what features of structures affect them and should include a high-quality and reliable product.

The text of this article will help readers familiarize themselves with the main differences in plastic windows of different types and learn about the manufacturers considered the best in the Russian market. Useful tips will help with greater awareness to make a choice when buying and navigate among many models presented in the market.

So, we turn to the differences:

First - View of the Profile

The profile is rightfully considered the base of the window - it is a frame for a glass package and should ensure its reliable holding throughout the operation. Profiles consist of one or more cameras. Products in which their number more than three are considered quality. From depending the insulating characteristics of the window (heat and noise) - than cameras more, the better the window retains heat in the room.

Different materials from which the window profiles are also produced. They may have the basis of:

  • wood;
  • aluminum.

When it comes to the difference between plastic windows from each other, more often than others are meant exactly the difference in the materials used to produce their profiles. In Russia, except for domestic brands, buyers prefer such well-known foreign brands like Veka, Rehau and Kbe.

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Second - type of glass

The second after the frame for significance the place in the window design is occupied by double glazing. By area, it exceeds other window fragments (up to 90% of the entire product) and consists of glass and inert gas that fills the space between them. Any double-glazed glass has at least two glasses that are located at some distance from each other. The space between the glasses is called the camera, and its presence plays an important role in the ability of the window to preserve a comfortable room in the room.

The main difference in double-glazed windows concerns the number of their cameras, as well as the thickness and properties of the glasses from which they consist. In most modern houses, windows with one, two or three cameras are used - such a quantity optimally combines insulating characteristics and cost of construction. Of course, it will be better protecting the room from noise and street cold, however, the cost is incomparably higher than that of a single-chamber counterpart.

The third is an inert gas used to fill the chambers of the glass

To reduce the thermal conductivity of plastic windows, the chambers of their glass windows are filled. It increases the insulating characteristics of the structure by 5-10%. The magnitude, of course, is small, but in the regions with strong frosts, even such insulation plays an important role.

See also: Plastic window is badly closed. How to fix and adjust

The magnitude of the increase in heat capacity depends on which inert gas is pumped into the double-glazed. Modern manufacturers use three main varieties:

  • argon
  • xenon
  • krypton

In the manufacture of standard windows, argon is used - its value is relatively small, but also the insulating characteristics leave much to be desired. The maximum heat capacity has xenon, but it refers to expensive substances, and therefore is used only for plastic windows to order or for VIP models.

Cameras of inexpensive windows for typical buildings are often fill in conventional compressed air.

Fourth - Furnitura

The differences in plastic windows can be attributed to what accessory they are equipped. A group of window fittings includes a solid list of mechanisms and components that facilitate the use of the design or its configuration. Produce window fittings both Russian and foreign companies, but the most reliable and qualitative, today, are considered to be

An increasing number of people chooses more modern designs as a replacement for their wooden windows.

In most cases, preference consumers are given by plastic or, as they are also called, metal-plastic windows. But stop, is it all the same? Let's figure it out.

The easiest way to combine both of these concepts in general and give it a definition (however, so already done before) double glazing. But it will not be too complete, because when clarified, you still need to specify their type of plastic or metal-plastic. In fact, both of them have a lot of common but, at the same time, differ according to certain parameters.

Plastic windows - The basis for their production is the polyvirihloride, abbreviated - PVC. Such structures consist of several layers, which are hermetically located in the frame. It is this feature of their design that provides a higher heat and sound insulation. Such double-glazed windows are universal in terms of use when making an interior in a different style, they will harmoniously fit into it and provide the optimal level of comfort.

Metal-plastic windows - They are characterized by all of the above benefits of plastic specimens, however, they have certain structural differences. Compared to conventional plastic double-glazed windows, these windows additionally have a metal framework, which is the basis of the entire structure. It provides their higher strength and stability, therefore, externally looking almost identically as plastic windows, metal-plastic windows are more reliable in terms of operation.

Scope of application and key differences

We would like to note that at the expense of additional reinforcement, metal-plastic windows in Kiev, as well as other cities, have greater strength and reliability, therefore it makes sense to give them preference if they are used in more severe climatic conditions. Due to the reinforced metal frame structure, they are capable of more efficiently withstanding the strong gusts of the wind, for example, on the upper floors of the houses it is advisable to make a choice in their favor. At the same time, plastic windows have found their use almost everywhere, they are installed in private houses, cottages, apartments. Here are some major differences between metal-plastic and plastic windows:

  • plastic structures are less durable than their "metal" fellow;
  • the service life of the windows with a reinforced design can reach 50 years, while ordinary PVC copies are capable of listening to 20-30 years;
  • in the financial plan, plastic windows will be more acceptable option, the price of which is significantly lower than on metal-plastic models.

But in any case, the scope of use of both types of glass packs is largely similar and, first of all, depending on the preferences of the buyer itself, which is preferred.

For the manufacture of plastic windows, special material - PVC or polyvinyl chloride is used. In their appearance, such products resemble ordinary wooden windows, nevertheless their design is more complex, as it includes several layers separated from each other, hermetically mounted in a special frame. Due to this, if compared with conventional windows, double-glazed windows have better sound and thermal insulation.

The windows of polyvinyl chloride are usually installed in homes, apartments or cottages and are not suitable for installation in industrial premises. It is explained by the fact that such structures do not differ particularly long service life (no more than 10-20 years) and all the more at all are not suitable for use in extreme. But simple care for products and quite reasonable value make them specially sought after consumers.

Metal-plastic windows

Metal plastic windows are largely similar in its appearance with plastic structures and have practically the same pluses. But, from the point of view of constructive features, there are still certain differences between them. Such products are equipped with an additional metal frame. The latter is embedded in profile and is the main component of the entire design. In appearance, it is no different, which is why there is a certain similarity between plastic and metal-plastic windows. But this is only at first glance - metal-plastic structures have higher strength and resistance to negative environmental impacts. If you are marked professional, then we can say the following: "Such constructions are reinforced with galvanized profile."

Metal-plastic windows are ideal for use even in the most extreme conditions, they have a long service life (more than 50 years), and most importantly - they can be given absolutely any form: round, stroke, arched, etc. The cost of such products is much higher than that of the same plastic windows, but also quality at height.

What exactly choose - metal-plastic windows or a design of PVC - to solve only you. Here it is necessary to take into account the most different factors: features of installation, operating conditions, the necessary characteristics of the product, appearance and, of course, financial capabilities.

Often, you can hear how people are far from the terminology of the window market, they call the design and plastic window installed in the opening and the glass. It is rooted in the root!

What is a plastic window?

Plastic window is a holistic design installed in the window opening. It consists of a variety of elements:
- frame carrying part of the structure;
- sash, moving components of the windows;
- Imposses and shumps connecting the flaps among themselves;
- accessories, visible and hidden mechanisms, which provide functionality and aesthetics of the plastic window;
- double-glazed windows, modern analogue of traditional glasses;
- rubber seals and strokes that fix the glass in the sash and providing a dense connection;
- window sills and waterproofs.

What is a glass?

The glass is one of the components of the window structure. As a rule, it consists of two and more glasses enclosed in the perforated aluminum frame. Glasses shake double glass on the camera, and depending on their quantity, the design may be single, two, three- and so on, chamber. The larger number of cameras equipped with a glass, the more cooler.

The inner part of such a design is filled with argon or dried air, and the outer - filled around the perimeter of non-moisture and dust mastics. Often, sulfur hexafluoride is added to the gas mixture to improve sound insulation characteristics.

Despite the fact that windows with double-glazed windows are firmly associated with sour cream windows, they can be installed in wooden and aluminum frames. Thus, plastic windows and double-glazed windows indicate completely different concepts and not to show their incompetence, do not confuse them.