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Who gives the form 1 t in statistics. Legislative base of the Russian Federation

Entrepreneurs not only need to provide information on the results and conditions of the work of enterprises and organizations for the past period of time to the state authority, which carries out financial control and performing the tasks of identifying and preventing tax offenses and the Pension Fund, but are obliged to transfer the report to the Federal State Statistics Service in a timely manner. .

Statistical reporting affects all areas of employment and characteristics in the enterprise. As an example is the calculation of the number of its employees and the accounting of their responsibilities. The form of 1-t (statistics) is important to send to Rosstat 28.11. The form must be filled with all legal entities, in which more than five people. No need to take the form of 1st to all participants in small entrepreneurship and certain institutions.

Thus, the statistical authority expects information from: legal entities who carry out the commercial activities of non-state enterprises, organizations that have special rights and advantages, institutions related to the provision of the country's defense capability.

All other enterprises can become survey participants on this reporting if they are included with Rosstat in the planned scientific and informed selective set of source of information on the units of observation for the current year.

New version of the document

According to the July Rosstat Resolution No. 325, an updated form of 1-T was introduced.

It is necessary for state employees to understand the following points:

  • what is the number of employees of a certain organization;
  • the staff of what professional qualifications enjoy the greatest demand (and on the contrary), in which there is a flaw.

Based on the information received from the form of 1-T Rosstat will begin to study organizations in which they work from 5 people. Not only small entrepreneurship cannot be selected. For annual data, about 68,000 institutions are in the sample.

If the organization has branches, the form of 1-t form is subject to fill in each of them and the entire enterprise in general.

There is a strictly verified period for forming a form 1-T: information in the form is reflected as for 31.10 of the current year; The form has been submitted from the time limit - from 1 to 28.11 of the current year. It is usually necessary for the first day of the working week (Monday) and is the last date for submitting information.

Who gives and what time

After the sample, it becomes clear which organizations should provide the form 1-t. Usually such institutions are about 68,000 thousand.

The federal bodies of Rosstat are obliged to inform the enterprise on the need to fill out the 1-t form by fax, written or electronic notice. You can not find out there or another organization in the sample list using the Rosstat site.

In the required window you need to type such information on the enterprise:

  • or .

After a few seconds, the system will provide information about the form.

Statistical form 1-T is compiled on registered information on 31.10. After that, it must be sent to the Federal Bodges of Rosstat to 29.11 (28.11 - the end time).

If the company has branches, offices or other units, then the form is filled in and on them too. All forms are sent to federal bodies in accordance with their location.

Instructions and sample Form 1-T

Filling out the form 1-T does not represent a special difficulty if the instruction has been read. The form is the initial page and one area in the form of a table where data on professional qualifications and the form of activities are entered. First, the initial page is filled, which contains a sufficiently small number of information.

The procedure for making this:

  • full and in the form of an abbreviation name of the organization;
  • detailed location of the organization; Jur.Adres necessarily must coincide with the actual, but in this case the latter must be prescribed;
  • the main organization code (OKPO), which is assigned by Rosstat.

Now you can go to the table, where in the first section you need to fix the number of employees located in the company. Valid information is given in accordance with their positions and professional qualifications. Also indicates information about the lack of employees in one or another sphere and vacant places. Filling the table, you need to separate workers on those who work on a long-term agreement and conscripts.

If the faces who have established the organization themselves occupy some positions with the receipt of the board, they must be fixed in a particular way in the table. Employees working on Polfestae indicate as complete units. In case one employee combines two positions, it includes a list according to the main position.

The rules prescribed in the legal acts of Rosstat on the design of the unified form 1-T, argue that the list does not need to contribute to the following categories:

  • employees who work part-time in one institution and at the same time in another, where they are issued as employees at the main place of work;
  • serving service in the army;
  • women on child care leave.

IN new form 1-taled changes regarding the number and needs of professional divisions. The data in the table was significantly detailed due to certain additions.

In contrast to the previous form, the redistribution of professional qualifications staff has occurred, and the names of professional groups have changed, part of the groups are again made, the other part is removed.

Unable to list all changes. But certain professional groups that do not appear in past forms of 1-ta, the currently began to be mentioned.

These include:

  • "Agents of PO labor contracts and hiring, "they are related to specialized employees in the economic sphere.
  • Employees of debt collection companies. Those who dealt with the development of form include them to workers who serve the population. To employees preparing and issuing of different kind Materials are ranked employees who collect opinions of population (that is, consumers).
  • In the "Unqualified Workers" section now there are sellers who fulfill their labor duties in street conditions.

Working conditions are negotiated in the form of 1-t under the same name.

To fill out the form 1-taway, not allowed errors, you need to be guided All-Russian classifier Classes - OKS (OK 010-2014 (MSCZ-08)), which approved the order of Rosstandart from 12.12.2014 N 2020-Art. This material stores all information about professions, positions, etc., which can be taken into account in statistics.

Responsibility for failure to submit and mistakes

If you pay attention to the top area of \u200b\u200bthe form 1-T, you can notice the instructions that say that the provision or provision of deliberately distorted information is threatened with penalties, the establishment according to Art. 13.19 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ, as well as Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 05/13/1992 No. 2761-1.

In accordance with Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2761-1 establishes that all organizations that caused damage to federal authorities are obliged to compensate it in the manner prescribed.

In case of delay in the departure of the form, the penalty is imposed in accordance with Art. 13.19 Administrative Code:

Considering Art. 4.6 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation should be considered a repeated violation that has been accomplished within 1 year from the day when legal entities were attracted for the first violation. Under mistakes or unreliable information, monetary recovery remains the same. The period in which the company is subjected to penalties - 2 months.

Form 1-T (prof) "Information about the number and needs of organizations in employees by professional groups"(Appendix N 3 to the order of Rosstat dated 05.07.2016 N 325) is submitted 1 time in 2 years. To hand over it should the legal entities of all forms of ownership with the average number of employees from 5 people and above (Appendix 1 to the letter of Rosstat from 10.10.2016 N 04-04-4 / 132-media), except for small business entities, as well as those who lead Financial activities, activities of public associations and extraterritorial organizations, is engaged in public administration or securing military security. However, this does not mean that all other companies should fill and submit this form.

Form 1-T (prof): Who gives and what time

The fact is that the form of 1-T (prof) 2016 is obliged to represent only those legal entities that are defined "due to a scientifically based sample of reporting units" (). I.e this form pass those organizations that hit the sample statistical observation. In 2016, this is about 68 thousand "Lucky".

The territorial bodies of Rosstat had to notify them by mail, fax or by electronic communications on the obligation to submit in the form of 1-T (prof) statistics. Check if you did not get into the sample, you can on the Rosstat website on the link: (Appendix 2 to the letter of Rosstat from 10.10.2016 N 04-04-4 / 132-media). On the page you need to specify OKPO, INN or OGRN organization and the system will issue an answer about the form.

The statistical form of 1-T (prof) (form) is presented in accordance with the data on October 31. In 2016, it is necessary to pass it on November 28 inclusive.

If the organization has separate divisions, the form is compiled as separately on the organization (without information on divisions) and separately for each subdivision. After that, all forms should be represented into the territorial bodies of Rosstat - each at the location of the relevant unit, organization (paragraph 1 of the instructions for filling out the form).

Form 1-t (prof): how to fill

Fill the title page is easy. It is necessary to indicate on it (paragraph 1 of the instructions for filling the form):

  • the full name of the organization and the next brief in brackets;
  • the address of the organization, including the subject of the Russian Federation and the location index of the company. When incompatible legal address and the actual in the form indicates the actual;
  • the Code of the National Security Committee, assigned to the organization to the Rosstat authorities.

All numeric indicators are reflected in section 1 form. This indicates the list number of employees of the organization, as well as the need for employees to replace vacant places.

The list of numbers should be taken into account persons working on the basis of labor contracts, including those who perform temporary or seasonal work, as well as the owners of the company receiving salary in this organization. Employees decorated for incomplete working time, taken into account as whole units, and internal partners - only once in the main profession.

At the same time, the list number does not include:

  • external parties;
  • the persons with which civil law agreements are concluded (GPA);
  • women who are in pregnancy and childbirth holidays or child care leaves;
  • servicemen in their duties military service (

Organizations and entrepreneurs besides reporting to the Tax Inspectorate, as well as the Pension Fund requires constantly report to statistics. This kind of reporting is very diverse and covers all issues of functioning of the organization, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of its work. Such indicators include data on the number of employees who work in the organization, as well as the existing need to attract personnel. The specified information in the report is filled 1-T prof "Information about the number and needs of organizations in employees in professional groups" .

For whom the reporting in the form of 1-t is obligatory

The form of 1-T Order of Rosstat dated 07.07.2016 N 325. It fills it with all the legal entities with the average number of employees over 5 people. The small businesses and a number of other organizations are excluded from this list, which includes financial, public, exterritorial, state organizations and institutions, whose authorized task is to ensure military security. All other legal entities, being submitted by Rosstat in a specially developed reporting plan, are obliged to report to the statistical bodies in form 1-tons every 2 years. To find out if your organization is included in the specified observation plan, you should go to the site of the statistics and in the request form that appeared to fill the Inn or OKPO on a specific legal entity. So, in 2016, 68,000 organizations are subject to the delivery of the reporting under consideration, and all of them must be notified by Rosstat about these responsibilities in any available way (postal notification, email).

How to fill out the form 1-T prof (sample filling, recommendations)

The first form of 1-ton can be downloaded directly from the statistics site, or from the site Here you can find a sample of filling out the report. If a legal entity has several separate divisions, the report is also surrendered to the overseas in the overall, and separately for each branch at the place of its location. The information is filled in the form of 1-T profile elementary. On the title page, data is affixed about the reading organization:

Full and abbreviated name;
address of actual location with the obligatory indication of the subject of the Russian Federation and the postal index;
OPCO, which assigns Rosstat.

In the table part, the first section indicates the list of employees in the first section. It also indicates the need for organizing personnel on the available vacancies. Separately, citizens working on labor contracts are taken into account separately - on temporary or seasonal work. The founders who are employed and receive salary are also taken into account. In relation to persons who are decorated for incomplete labor day general rule accounting, i.e. Like 1 person. In the case of internal partnership, a person is taken into account by the main profession.

According to the explanations of Rosstat, the form of 1-T profits is not filled in a number of categories of workers, namely external partners working under civil law agreements; women in maternity leave; People undergoing service in the army.

When filling out the report, the classifier of classes N 2020-art is applied by Rosstandard.

Sample filling form 1-t prof

Step-by-step filling of the report 1-T profite as follows:

1. The title page is filled;
2. Section 1 is filled with groups of employees;
3. The accuracy of the information provided is certified by the signature of the Commissioner with an indication of the reporting date.

Form 1-t prof It is subject to the statistical authorities no later than 28.11 of the current years. At the same time, it must contain data as of 31.10. It must be sent to the territorial bodies of Rosstat no later than November 28.

Responsibility for the lack of a report under consideration or an error admitted to enact administrative responsibility. At the same time, the imposition of a fine is also subject to a legal entity, and officials responsible for providing reporting. The size of the fine imposed on the Jurlso is 20-70000 rubles; Officials - 10-20000 rubles. Keep in mind that for preventing penalties, a two-month period from the day following the report provided for the report is established.

Download Documents:

Form 1-T introduced by the Federal State Statistics Service as a tool for statistical observation at the federal level for the composition, number and need for personnel. The answer to the question about who gives the form 1-T (the number and need for workers) is contained in Appendix 1 to the letter of Rosstat from 10.10.2016 No. 04-04-4 / 132 media. According to him, the reporting is going with legal entities and separate divisions, the average number of employees of which exceed 5 people. However, not all enterprises from this category are given data to Rosstat. The list of organizations to which the duty imposes is formed "due to a scientific and sound sample of reporting units" (paragraph 1 of the instructions for filling the form). Check if the organization fell into the sample, you can on the site, introducing one of the following details: OKPO, INN, OGRN.

Form of Blanca 1-T (prof)

The 1-T form report (the number and need for employees) is surrendered by organizations since 2008 according to the relevant order of Rosstat dated 07.07.2008 No. 156. Currently, this regulatory act has raised strength, as which attached to it is a report form. In case of contacting organizations in statistical sample The new form is filled in (the number and need for employees), approved by order of Rosstat from 05.07.2016 No. 325. The updated form of 1-T (the number and need for employees), the instruction on the filling of which is given further, is still name No. 1 -T (prof). Forms 1-GC and 1-MS, information about which is contained in the order relate to state and municipal institutions, respectively.

Form 1-T (prof), filling rules for legal entities

Report 1-T (prof) can not be called complex. In addition to title leaf, It includes one section submitted by a table with groups of professions and their names. Thus, in the document you must specify:

  • full name of the organization;
  • company postal address;
  • oKPO code assigned by Rosstat;
  • average number employees in positions and professions;
  • the number of people in positions and professions in which the organization's need for replacing vacant places is expressed.

Calculation of total values \u200b\u200bis conducted in accordance with the indications of the lines of lines data in the table itself. It should also be remembered that there are no persons working under a civil law agreement, external parties on the care of the child's care, and also designed to pass employees.

Sample filling form 1-T (number and need for workers)

Where to pass

Filled and signed responsible person Statistical report for rent in the territorial office federal Service State Statistics. To submit a document, you can select one of the following ways:

  • personally through the authorized representative (a confirmation document will be required);
  • by mail by registered mail with the description of the investment;
  • through special Internet resources using an electronic signature.

Currently, the third method is the fastest, convenient and in demand. To implement it, you can use one of the paid Internet services, special templates loaded in the company used by the company, or softwareproposed for downloading on the Rosstat website.

Penalties for failure

When submitting statistical reporting, compliance with the established deadlines is extremely important. The form of 1-T (the number and need for employees) 2019 is rented in accordance with the data on October 31 in the period from 1 to 28 November. The frequency of information provided by the legislation is 1 time in 2 years. In the event of a delay in filing a document to Rosstat against the respondent's enterprise, there is a system of recovery provided for by Part 1 of Art. 13.19 COAPRF, namely a fine of 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. - For an organization and a fine of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. - For officials. The re-violation, according to this article, entails fines for legal entities and officials in the amount of from 100,000 to 150,000 and from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. respectively.

About 68 thousand medium and large organizations - so much fell under the selective observation of Rosstat - they will have to report on the number of employees in professional groups of software (the current form of utensils. Order of Rosstat from 07.07.16 No. 325). When can enterprises be able to learn whether in this statistical sample? From what date can I submit a report? Is a fine for the delay in reporting? The answers to these questions are contained in the letter of Rosstat from 10.10.16 No. 04-04-4 / 132 media.

Who gets into the sample

According to the procedure for presenting the form of statistism, the form of 1-t (prof) is passed by only medium and large organizations. And not all, but only those who fell into the sample of Rosstat (paragraph 1 of the instructions on the filling of the form, approved by the order of Rosstat from July 23, 1996). As mentioned above, in just 2016, about 68 thousand organizations will check.

Rosstat's divisions will have to inform organizations that they were in the sample. Such information can be directed by mail by fax or in in electronic format. At the same time, Rosstat's experts fear that due to the compressed periods of statistical observation, they simply would not have time to notify all respondents about the need to submit reports. Therefore, for reliability, officials advise to check the relevant information on the site The list of organizations in respect of which the sample study is conducted, Specialists are reported by Rosstat, will be published after October 25.

When to pass a report

The authors of the commentated letters remind that the form of 1-t (prof) is filled as of October 31 and is submitted until November 28. Accordingly, the organization may submit a report to the territorial statistical body from November 1 to November 28, 2016 inclusive.

Penalties for untimely reporting

Also, officials warned that for the representation of reporting with a delay (including forms No. 1-T (prof), the violator threatens the administrative penalty provided for in Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Such a penalty will be:

  • for organizations - from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles, and for a re-violation - from 100,000 to 150,000 rubles;
  • for officials of organizations - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, and for a re-violation - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. (Recall that according to Article 4.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the violation committed during one year from the moment of bringing to responsibility for the previous similar violation).