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For how much the letter comes. How long is the registered letter

From the city to the city

going (excluding the day of reception).

And if the city is not listed? Instead of the city (village), which is not listed, specify the administrative center of the subject of the Russian Federation, where the city is located, and add 3 days for letters or 4 days for the parcels.
For example, Sochi, which is not listed, is included in the Krasnodar Territory (Administrative Center - Krasnodar). Therefore, instead of Sochi, you need to specify the Krasnodar and add to the result of 3 days for letters or 4 days for parcels.

These deadlines are control for Russian Post. In fact, the term may differ, as a rule, towards the increase. The results of checking compliance with Russian Post Control Terms can be viewed here ("written correspondence of interregional flow").

The checkline is the time set to send it from the post office of the place of its reception to the post office of its placement.

1) With this calculator, you can determine the checkout deadlines for sending letters, parcels, as well as the departures of the 1st grade of the FSUE "Post of Russia" between the cities of federal, administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation (excluding the day of reception);
2) the control deadlines for sending letters approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2006 No. 160 (relevant in 2017);
3) The control deadlines for sending parcels and the departures of the 1st class were approved by order of FSUE "Post of Russia" No. 504-P dated December 29, 2009 (relevant in 2017) and published on the official website of the FSUE "Mail of Russia" - reference;
4) the delivery time of letters (excluding the day of reception) is:
- at the internal territory of the cities of the Fed. Values \u200b\u200bon the territory of ADM. centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation - 2 days ;
- Between the ADM. Center of the Directory of the Russian Federation and ADM. centers of municipal district on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation - 2 days ;
- Between the ADM. The center of the municipal district and settlements located on the territory of the municipal district - 3 days ;
- between settlements belonging to various municipal rters of the subject of the Russian Federation - the term is calculated as the sum of the corresponding control deadlines.

Tags: mail, parcel, first class. how much is the letter goes. how much is the parcel goes. shipment time. how much is mail

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A registered letter in Russia goes on average from 10 to 12 days. Sometimes longer. The most interesting, from where we would send letters, the time is the same. Moreover, a simple letter goes much faster and more reliable than customs and especially with the notice. When I want to send something urgent and important, always send a simple letter. It comes in 4-5 days almost anywhere in Russia. Once sent 3 letters from Novosibirsk to: Vladivostok, Moscow, Vladikavkaz. Vladivostok and Vladikavkaz reached letters for 2 days, and in Moscow for 3 days.

In the mail there is a concept as a checkline, that is, the letter must come from point A to the item in a certain number of days. An acceptance day of the letter to the mail is not included in the calculation, that is, the day when you dropped the letter to the mailbox or sent, not considered. But letters may be retarded, or rather, they often come later than the stated deadlines. A registered letter is longer than the usual. Control deadlines of letters in the cities of Russia you can see here. Real time limits ranging from a pair of days to two weeks and more.

If you have the opportunity, then send letters always in advance. Especially custom, but if notice.

Registration of a customized letter is a very profitable procedure, especially if it is extremely important for you that the letter is not lost in the delivery process. The advantage of the registered letter is considered to be the fact that having a computer and the Internet you can follow exactly where your letter is now. To do this, you need to go

In addition, you can pay the service "Custom Letter with Notification". At the same time, after delivery of the letter, the recipient will come to you alert that the letter has not lost anywhere and reached the final destination.

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Custom time letters are delivered depending on the distance, which he needs to overcome and from the control points.

This question cannot be answered. I think that the employees of the mail will not be full for you, because the registered letter is unpredictable.

Now with the help of the Internet, you can track a registered letter. Enter a special code on the official website of the Russian Post and see. I once a custom letter passed a month. Moreover, it almost reached the right place, then for some reason he fell into another city, then back. If in a good way, then after 10 days there must be reached.

A simple letter really goes much faster, days 3-5, depending on where you send, our country is big.

I even sent the usual letter abroad and it came very quickly.

The duration of the delivery of the registered letter depends on the range of residence / location of its recipient.

In remote areas, the letter may and month to go, on average, about two weeks.

If the city, from where you send a letter, is near, then a custom letter can go for several days. A visual example is a registered letter from Moscow to Tver and vice versa. It goes about 2-3 days. Sometimes 5.

This question cannot be answered. I think that the employees of the mail will not be full for you, because the registered letter is unpredictable. Now with the help of the Internet, you can track a registered letter. Enter a special code on the official website of the Russian Post and see. I once a custom letter passed a month. Moreover, it almost reached the right place, then for some reason he fell into another city, then back. If in a good way, then after 10 days there must be reached. A simple letter really goes much faster, days 3-5, depending on where you send, our country is big. I even sent the usual letter abroad and it came very quickly.

replied 2015-07-07T11: 08: 29.000000 + 03: 00 1 year, 10 months ago

Registration of a customized letter is a very profitable procedure, especially if it is extremely important for you that the letter is not lost in the delivery process. The advantage of the registered letter is considered to be the fact that having a computer and the Internet you can follow exactly where your letter is now. To do this, you need to go in addition, you can pay the service "Custom Letter with Notice". At the same time, after delivery of the letter, the recipient will come to you alert that the letter has not lost anywhere and reached the final destination. Custom time letters are delivered depending on the distance, which he needs to overcome and from the control points.

replied 2015-07-06T12: 17: 32.000000 + 03: 00 1 year, 10 months ago

The shortest delivery time of the registered letter (even if the sender and addressee live in one city) - week. On average, delivery takes weeks for two - the country is large, letters go long, and workers are not enough for mail, apparently.

replied 2015-02-17t02: 39: 33.000000 + 03: 00 2 years, 3 months ago

The duration of the delivery of the registered letter depends on the range of residence / location of its recipient. In remote areas, the letter may and month to go, on average, about two weeks. If the city, from where you send a letter, is near, then a custom letter can go for several days. A visual example is a registered letter from Moscow to Tver and vice versa. It goes about 2-3 days. Sometimes 5.

replied 2014-12-10t05: 48: 10.000000 + 03: 00 2 years, 5 months ago

The duration of sending a registered letter depends on the range of addresses (between the regions) and on the number of registration items. The average is 1-2 weeks (the entire transformation range is 3-17 days).

replied 2014-12-09T13: 07: 46.000000 + 03: 00 2 years, 5 months ago

The delivery time of the letter depends on the initial item and the final item. The further the person lives the longer the letter is. The smallest delivery time is a week. Maybe longer, but it is unlikely to be less than a week.

replied 2015-07-13t18: 13: 51.000000 + 03: 00 1 year, 10 months ago

Our Russian Post works very slowly. And the registered letter it will deliver the addressee at least in a week. On average, in Russia, the registered letter comes about 10-12 days. Plus, while the postman comes to your mailbox, this is a plus another day.

replied 2014-12-22t04: 28: 48.000000 + 03: 00 2 years, 5 months ago

i do not advise you to make an order for a letter. Just send by regular mail. It will come even if not even faster. So, in terms of approximately 2 weeks there is a registered letter in Russia. It is not worth it, believe me.

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revised 2014-07-29T06: 59: 30.000000 + 04: 00 2 years, 10 months ago

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Every year, mail points are missing over 112 million letters of a custom type. Such letters can be sent to both legal and individuals. Naturally, larger organizations send mail with volumes at times above.

From September 2011, a new postal sign of payment was introduced into appeal to send letters of this type. Envelopes having weight less than 20 grams much easier to pay. At the same time, old postal signs gradually lose their relevance and sending to the updated envelopes with the Literary "D".

What distinguishes the order category of parcels from simple data types - the fact of its presentation to the addressee is under the painting. Address at the same time receives a check on sending a letter to hand. The mass of the parcel of a custom type should not be more than 100 grams. Basically, such letters are used to send a variety of valuable documents, tax reports and checks.

In order to send a letter, as well as find out how much time a custom letter is coming with a notice, recommend transferring it to the employee of the post office and pay there. The letter will be labeled by the "Custom" mark. Such a parcel has its own unique code. Using the latter, you can find out the location of the parcel, and also to find out how much a notice is being notified about the handingman.

How much is a custom letter notice

The sending time of letters directly depends on the distance to which they will be repaired. There are a lot of standards that regulate the deadlines for sending parcels approved by the laws of the Russian Federation. If you do not take into account the day of receiving the parcel in the city, the letter must go 2 days. It is relevant for shipping between two centers of the administrations of the district district. If you are interested in how much an urgent registered letter is going on, this is again depends on the distance between the villages of a variety of urban areas. In this case, the end time of the arrival of the parcel will be summed up. In cases where the addressee and the address are located at the distance of one municipal district, the departure time will be 3 days.

See also: how to find out from where a custom letter for notice

In order to figure out how many days there will be a registered letter, you should enter a visit to the district post point for analyzing all the nuances characteristic of a specific postal transfer operation. At the same time, all the above points will be taken into account according to the laws of the Russian Federation about postal shipments.

How much are registered letters in Russia and how do they differ from ordinary?

Every year, fewer people are taken for the fountain pen, to write a letter to your loved ones. Today it is much easier to contact them by phone or leave a message on social networks. However, the "Post of Russia" still handles millions of letters annually. Of course, of course, this correspondence sent by the organizations: contracts, accounting reports and other documents. In such cases, registered letters of "Russian Post" are sent. But what do they differ from ordinary and how many go?

Custom letter - what is it?

In addition to the title, such correspondence from ordinary letters is characterized by the fact that it is issued to the addressee personally in hand after receiving the notice. Moreover, it should sign in a special form, which indicates not only the date, but also the exact time of delivery of the letter. In case of sending important documents, this can help solve controversial issues, including in court. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a receipt of its dispatch.

In addition, each registered letter during registration in the post office receives an individual number. Unlike ordinary shipments, it will be possible to track where it is at the moment on the official website of the Russian Post in the "Tracking of Mailings" section. All this makes it easier if you have a search. Although usually without delay, the delivery of custom letters is carried out. "Russian Post" monitors them very carefully, understanding their importance and for the sender, and for the addressee.

additional services

In addition, when placing a custom letter, the sender may additionally ask to notify his delivery written. Such a departure is called "Customer notification". This makes a mark on the envelope, and the addressee will still have to sign in it when recording correspondence. Usually it personally indicates the time and date of delivery of the letter, as well as its surname and initials. Most often, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are used by this service when sending particularly important documents.

Very often, being waiting for delivery, I want to know when it comes to depart. To the question of how much Banderol is the Russian Post, it is possible to answer, based on official data. But this information is not a one hundred percent guarantee, since during transportation there are various difficulties. Depending on which type of parcel is selected for shipment, the timing varies.

Fixed forwarding deadlines are the time spent on sending from the place of registration by the sender and to the reception site by the recipient. When determining the fixed time, acceptance day is not taken into account.

How many days is the parcel

First of all, the delivery time depends on the distance to be overcome for delivery. Data on timing is shown in the table on the website of the Russian Post, where all administrative centers and delivery in them are terrestrial transport. During delivery by air transport, the same as in sending written correspondence. If sending is carried out through the territory of one city, then the parcel will be delivered within one day. When sending to the administrative centers of Russia, as well as to the district, delivery time should not exceed four days. By sending a parcel from the administrative center to the district, as well as in the settlements of the district, the shipment also lasts no longer than four days. When sending between settlements of different areas, the delivery time is determined by adding fixed timing to the delivery of each of the items.

Calculator for calculating the timing of delivering parcels by Russian Post is available on the link

The time that is given to the processing of parcels sent by land transport must be no more than 8 hours, and air, not more than 4 hours. The regularity of transportation of parcels between cities, as well as administrative centers, district, as well as settlements of districts, is carried out three days a week.

Based on the outlined, determine how much time is the parcel, it is possible only, knowing the point of shipment and delivery, since it all depends on the distance and location. This affects whether you send it within your city or in regional centers.

How much is a custom parberry, It also depends on the delivery conditions. Since it has advantages only in the fact that it is sent with the notice, and provides for the obligatory painting of the recipient. In the case of valuable parcel the same.

How much is a valuable parcel, its estimated value does not affect. All additional services are needed only to protect yourself from unsuccessful delivery. When departing by parcels, international shipments can be - from one to several weeks. Therefore, many people think that their parcel will no longer come, and begin to worry. It is good that there is a track code, and you can track all this, in the process of transporting the parcel or not.

If you want to speed up the delivery process, then you need to use the departures of class 1, or express delivery. The cost is higher, but also the shipping time is significantly less.

Even those who have all life today is associated with the Internet and electronic feeding, do not cost without the services of traditional postal service. After all, neither the originals on paper on paper do not otherwise send nor the news to send relatives, which with the World Wide Web have not yet become friends, is not possible in another way. And many more examples are still not listed. Accordingly, the first question: how much time is the letter posts in Russia? How is the deadline for receiving a letter to the addressee? After all, a beautiful postcard is important precisely for the holiday, and not in a week-other!

Therefore, we will try to figure together how much a letter is going by Russian Post in the city, and how many districts within the Russian Federation.

Control deadlines and are clearly complied with

Immediately it should be noted that today there are approved deadlines approved for shipments. Under them understand that the time interval that was required to move the mail between the branch of the communication, adopted a letter, to that separation, which should be issued to its recipient.

It is possible to navigate for these deadlines, but considering that they may well be enlarged in the most side. For example, it is necessary to count how many days by mail by mail in Russia you already need to take this departure to the post office from the sender.

Now about specific checks, which will help to calculate the minimum, how much is a letter of 1 class by Russian Post. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 24, 2006, it was approved that:

  • for intracity shipment in the cities of the federal value, 2 days are given;
  • to transfer correspondence between the administrative center and areas on its territory, also provided for 2 days;
  • for the transfer of shipments between the administrative center of the municipality and the villages in the territories of its districts, at least 3 days must be;
  • to transfer the postal correspondence between those settlements, which relate to different municipalities, the control period of transfer transfer is calculated by the summation of individual corresponding time limits.

1 day of departure plus 2 business days of shipment between post offices and plus - day for delivery to the address. It turns out at least 4 calendar days (provided that during this period the official holiday day off is not falling).

Under the first class, accelerated internal shipments are understood, therefore, when calculating how much a urgent letter is underway in Russia, they adhere to the control deadlines listed above.

How profitable to send the letter to the first class

In fact, the speed of delivery of such a shipment is higher than normal shipment, as it is accelerated by the sorting of correspondence (it is performed directly on the post office, and not on the sorting node). In addition, it occurs only by air routes. However, on how much the letter of express mail in Russia is going on, various factors may affect (force majeure caused by natural cataclysms or the number of receiving items), but one can say exactly that shipments by mail first class occur by about 30% faster, What comes the "simple" letters.

Those who sent / expect postal parcels, concerns the question of delivery time. Also not everyone understands how to track the departure, what to do if there is no location data.

Often it happens so that you have to expect for a very long time. This article provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the delivery time of parcels by Russian Post. In addition, recommendations are given to those who make orders from China and other countries.

Dates of delivery of parcels to the regions

The official website of the Russian Post is given a table for delivery time. But the geographical position should be taken into account. Therefore, to trigger the above tables is not entirely correct. Let's figure it out why. Suppose you sent an order from Moscow to Zabaykalsk. As many sources write, the term is 15 days. But if the parcel comes from Irkutsk in the same city, which is located closer than the capital? Accordingly, the period of delivery of parcels by mail Russia will be much smaller.

Therefore, it is advisable to navigate the geographical position. Often it turns out the paradox: the parcels sent within the capital are delivered about 10-14 days, while in neighboring regions come much faster. This confirms the fact that it all depends on the workload of employees of the FSUE "Mail of Russia".

How to send a parcel?

To send sending parcels by Russian Post, you need to come to any branch (but it is desirable that closer to the house, to avoid conflicts with employees) with the goods / subject you want to send. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules of shipment, as there are prohibited things, such as explosive objects, weapons, money, and so on. Fragile and fighting items must be packaged reliably and have an inscription "Caution, beating object!"

Consider the next stage of sending parcels by Russian Post. When the subject is packaged reliably, you can put in a box or package that is purchased from separation operators for a fee. Do not forget to find out the address of the recipient and the index. They need to fit clearly and black / blue handle marker. Then give an employee of the sending department. Wait for you to give you a receipt, which contains the cost of sending and track number to track. For the service you need to pay immediately. You are given a duplicate receipt.

How to track postal post?

Now you may have a question about how to track the parcel. Russian Post to step with time stepped forward. On the official site there is a section where you can enter the track number specified in the receipt-check. But it should be noted that if you sent the thing just that, nothing will appear. Usually, after 1-2 days, information appears where the parcel is located. The index is indicated, the name of the separation or workshop, as well as the time when the location change was recorded.

If the order is made from China or another country

Often the Russians order parcels from China on the Aliexpress website. Differences are offered by different sellers:

  • for free by Russian Post;
  • paid by Russian Post;
  • paid transport company.

But we will analyze only the first two options. As a rule, free parcels from China by Russian Post (as well as Chinese services) are not tracked. Therefore, there is no way anywhere to find out where they are. In addition, they can go for a very long time, even longer than on scheduled time.

Paid delivery has advantages: the parcel is usually tracked (the track number can be found on the site in a personal account opposite the card with the ordered goods). Or if you wish, you can copy the number and enter the Russian Post of Russia on the official website.

How are the parcels delivered?

Let's briefly understand how the mail is delivered to the delivery of parcels. Suppose that the thing is sent from the village of region to Tambov. At first, the parcel has the status "is expected to send", then it follows to the regional center (Voronezh) for sorting, in the Logistics Center. Next, it goes on some specific route to the regional destination (by rail or cargo). If there is an intermediate point, then it will definitely fix it. Upon arrival in Tambov, the parcel goes to the local post office, then goes to the desired department.

The sequence is approximately. In fact, intermediate items may be greater or less. Russia's mail has developed their routes that practically do not change.

Order of receipt of mailing from the sender

If the parcel is monitored, it is better to wait for the notification that should come to the mailbox. If the goods are notteaded, then it is better to go from time to time to the department, but you should have a track number in your hands. It is advisable to start a visit when the estimated delivery time of the posting of Russian Post will exist. For example, after 30 calendar days.

Sometimes it happens that the postman with the parcel comes to the house. In any case, when you receive it, you need to have a passport with it, without it the parcel will not be given. And you will also need to fill out a notification in which the passport details fit.

To track the parcel, Russian Post and Mobile Application Developers created convenient services. In addition, if desired, you can register to receive notifications about changes in the status of the parcel.

What to do if there is still no, and all the time passed?

Unfortunately, it happens that all the terms passed, and the parcels still do not have on hand. In this case, the operators offer to wait. Often the parcels come after 1-2 months, or even later. But if in the way an expensive subject, you can safely write a job as a search. The sample is available in each compartment.

Dates of delivery of parcels by Russian Postal Russia are guaranteed mainly to Russian departures that were paid. In other cases, it remains only to wait.

Russian Post should transfer shipments within a certain time. In this article we will look at what shipping time exists for various shipments. A citizen can choose any departure that suits him. The time during which it will be delivered to the addressee will depend on the specific type of departure. But if a citizen wants the delivery to be produced in accelerated mode, it is recommended to choose the following sections:

  • departure of the first class - in this way you can send letters and parcels through the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the departure that is sent by the airmail is in this way you can send letters and parcels outside the Russian Federation, as well as send parcels in Russia and beyond its limits;
  • EMC shipping with express delivery - in this way you can send letters and parcels.
Russian Post In any case, will be responsible for ensuring that the departments were delivered within the prescribed period. If the departure is not delivered within the deadline, the citizen can receive compensation pay.
Written correspondence should be delivered from two to three days. If sending and delivery sites are very distant from each other, then the term will be calculated differently.

Departures that were shipped by the first class should be delivered no more than two days. If sending occurs in a hard-to-reach area, it can take up to twenty-one days.

Each citizen even until the date of dispatch can independently calculate the period during which the delivery will be implemented. You can calculate the deadline for the delivery of the letter or the parcel. To do this, you can use the mail calculator. Citizen needs to select the type of departure, specify the place of sending and place of delivery. After that, the postal site will give the number of days that will go to the delivery of departure.

Delivery time is very important. In some situations, the citizen needs to deliver departure no later than any day. Therefore, Russian Post must comply with the deadlines. If suddenly, Russian posts violated their liabilities associated with delivery time, it will be held accountable. A citizen has the full right to receive compensation pay. In order to get a compensation pay, a citizen must write a statement.

You can download the form for the application on the website of Russian Post. You need to fill the downloaded form, and provide an employee of the post office already in the filled form. Mail operator will accept an application and register it. After clarifying all the circumstances and consideration, the citizen will be able to receive compensation pay.

If the parcel was not delivered within the deadline, it is not necessary to close this eye. If the departure was very important to deliver on time, then refer to the receipt of compensation. This is your legal right that cannot be broken.