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Registration in the labor office for employment. The title page of the work book: all the nuances and a sample of filling. Sample of application for a job

Regulatory requirements and concepts have been developed that each employer has to rely on. TC is legally binding provided that it meets the specified requirements. The main resolutions are defined in ch. 10 and 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and Article 66 defines the basics of labor.

Important are the Rules and Instructions, which determine the requirements for the maintenance and storage of books, as well as literal standards for filling out and making entries in them.

A sample of filling out a work book for a job:

If a young specialist gets a job after studying at a university or after graduating from college, technical school, the registration is carried out upon presentation of a diploma in the same way.

To directly include work information, you need to build the following legal chain:

  1. The employed person writes a statement to the employer, which he signs.
  2. An order is drawn up on the basis of the signed application.
  3. On the basis of the order, an entry is made in the labor book.

The indicated information is alternately entered into four columns, each of which constitutes an independent data group. The information entered should not differ in any way at the initial hiring and for persons who have worked before. The primacy of the record states only the ordinal number of the entry of information.

Filling out a work book when applying for a job - sample:

When applying for a job, the name of the organization is entered before the appointment is made, the seal is not put. The lack of a seal on the information about the admission is dictated by the reliance on the provisions of the Instruction (No. 69), indicated in clause 3.1.

  1. In the first column, write the sequence number of the record. Check carefully that he continues the numbering, starting from the previous entry.
  2. In the second, write in the date.
  3. The third column contains the main baseline. Here, enter information about where (to which of the divisions of the enterprise) the newcomer is registered, with the name of the position. The entry is made concisely and clearly, using the wording adopted in the Instructions (clause 3.1). The position must strictly match the official name.
  4. In the last, fourth column, the name of the document "order" and its outgoing data are entered: number and date of issue. By this order, the person was employed in the position postulated by the record.

Read what to do if the organization is renamed.

Please be aware that the date of employment must be entered, that is - indicate the day on which the employee will begin his duties on the basis of the order. Do not confuse it with the day of entry in the book.

The date of making an entry in the book will be indicated on the title page if the labor is started for the first time, but in the information about the job - only the day of release (Appendix 3 of the Rules).

The date of employment indicated in the second column of the labor always coincides with the information on this matter:

  • in the order
  • in the employment contract.

The slightest discrepancy on this score can become a problem for both the owner of the labor force and for the person who made a mistake. However, the mistake must be corrected immediately. At the same time, in no case cross out the erroneous entry and do not correct the date in any other way, this is a gross violation of the law. Proceed as follows:

  1. Put the next serial number.
  2. Indicate that the entry behind the corresponding number is invalid and here, under the same number, enter the correct information.

For example:

  • "Entry number 45 is invalid
  • She was accepted to the position of a cook of the 3rd grade from 11.11.2011. "
  • Submit the order for the correct entry.

Pay attention to the most important nuances:

  1. The name of the organization is entered before entering the serial number and date, that is, the record ends with a line higher than the basic information is entered.
  2. In the numbering, "0" is not placed before the current number of the sequence number.
  3. All information and wording must match the data from the order by which the person is hired. But in labor they have a more concise character of presentation (paragraph 10 of the Rules).
  4. When making an entry in a book, punctuation marks are not put: periods and commas.
  5. Information that is not provided for by the Instructions is not entered into the TC.
  6. Only Arabic numerals are used for recording.

Shift work

When working in shifts or on a rotational basis, as well as in other cases, the first working day of the employee may come on the day off of the person authorized for the registration of labor. This moment should not bother you. In accordance with the regulation, making an entry in the labor service may come true within a week, but not later.

So in this case, do not rush to make an appointment in advance, it is better to arrange everything in a calm atmosphere after the day off, and the employee at this time will recommend himself at the workplace.

According to the regulation, an employee who has worked for less than 5 days does not have to make an entry in the labor record.

If your new employee, after making an appointment and registering for work, did not show up at the workplace, both the contract and the information entered can be canceled. In order for cancellation to have the status of legal precedent, you need to collect documents confirming this fact, which can be:

  • the act of absence from the workplace;
  • a memo of the head of the department.

Cancel employment it is possible by a separate order, within 5 working days from the date of hiring an unscrupulous worker. In this case:

  1. The first column contains a new serial number, for example 7.
  2. The second column contains the date that corresponds to the date in the order to cancel the employment contract. It coincides with the first planned, but not held, release day.
  3. In the next column you write: "The entry number 6 shall be considered invalid due to the cancellation of the employment contract."
  4. In the last column, enter the outgoing data of the order that canceled the employment contract.

What is the deadline for making an entry in the work record book about hiring? In accordance with clause 10 of the Rules, information about work in the TC is entered no later than 7 days from the date of employment. In this case, the date on the title page of the book may be later than in the information about the work. This is okay, don't be confused by this disagreement. If a person is employed for the first time, then, on the basis of clause 8 of the Rules, enter the information in his presence.

The entry in the TC has some peculiarities, if the reception is carried out in the order of transfer... Upon hiring, before the data that you entered, there must be an accurate record of the resignation with a link to the transfer to your organization.

These records are made on the basis of applications that are registered by employers, one of which dismisses the employee, and the other accepts him.

On the basis of the applications, orders are drawn up, where the facts of dismissal and recruitment appear in the order of transfer. On their basis, a record is made:

  1. Your company name.
  2. The sequence number of the record following the previous one.
  3. Date of employment, which coincides with the date of dismissal from the previous place of work, with a difference of 1 day, except for days off, which can determine the difference in 2-3 days.
  4. Information about hiring, indicating that the hiring is carried out in the order of transfer from the organization (enterprise), the name of which must be fully entered. The position, grade and other necessary data are also indicated here.
  5. Link to the order accepting the job in the order of translation.

Keep in mind that in no case should you enter into the employment record of employment if there is no record of dismissal. If the organization in which the subject worked collapses without making the appropriate records, he has the opportunity to restore the legal content of the TC by carrying out procedures for recognizing the right to make an entry, but this is not within the competence of the employer.


The design of the shopping mall is a responsible work that relies on a variety of nuances. The employer and the authorized person are obliged to know them sufficiently so as not to spoil the employee's working career, and not to get into the cycle of litigation himself.

Mistakes should be avoided by all available means. And if they occur, it is necessary to correct them in all permitted ways, without leaving behind unresolved situations.

Keep in mind that the entry in the TC will be accompanied by your signature, which will not relieve you of responsibility throughout the employee's work activity.

The work book retains all information about the employee's labor activity and is used to determine the duration of his work experience. The currently valid forms of the work book and insert are established in the Post. No. 225 of April 16, 2003. How to fill out the work book correctly is indicated in the Post. No. 69 of October 10, 2003. These decrees contain discrepancies on some issues, which requires an appeal to the Labor Code and makes it even more difficult to issue a work book.

This is especially true for private entrepreneurs who are forced to take on the responsibility of maintaining personnel records. The slightest deviation from the standards for filling out the work book leads to the invalidity of the information entered, as well as various mistakes made in the records themselves. To eliminate the consequences, corrections are made in the corresponding columns strictly according to the established model. In exceptional cases, the employee is issued a duplicate.

When opens

Each work book has its own number, is issued to the employee for life and cannot be replaced with the exception of some cases. If a newly hired employee does not have this document, you need to open a new one for him. If there was one, but for some reason cannot be provided, this information is reflected in the act, which is certified by signatures: the person issuing the new work book, the employee and the witness.

The document is entered for an employee who has worked in the company for at least six days, and must be issued within a week from the date of his employment. This procedure is carried out in the presence of an employee, from whose salary the cost of the form is subsequently deducted.

Employment book, sample of filling out when applying for a job:

How to fill

All entries in the work book are entered by an official of the organization, authorized by order of the head, most often by an employee of the personnel department. In his absence, it can be an accountant or director of an enterprise. The document must be registered in the ledger and kept by the employer until the employee is fired or transferred to another place of work. If necessary, the employee is issued an extract from the book at the place of request.

An extract from the work book - a sample of filling:

The entries are kept in legible handwriting, all words are given in full, without any abbreviations. Numeric expression of dates, characteristics and other information is indicated only in Arabic numerals. Also, you cannot write the name of the month in words. The correct date format is 03/05/2020. Ballpoint, gel and fountain pens are acceptable. The paste, gel and ink they contain must be highly resistant to water and UV rays. Optimal are blue, dark purple and black shades of the coloring pigment.

The documents

To fill out a work book, you need:

  • employee passport (or other identity document);
  • diploma of education;
  • work record book;
  • certificate of individual entrepreneur or the Charter of the organization;
  • official stamp.

For details on how to fill out the title page of the work book, see the video

The work book is divided into three parts:

  1. Cover page containing information about the owner of the document.
  2. Information about the work, including the name of the enterprises in which the labor activity was carried out and the duration of such.
  3. Section about awards.

Please note that the rules for filling out work books oblige you to make adjustments in case of a possible change:

  • company name (incl. legal form);
  • type of printing (using different ones in one book is unacceptable!).

Title page

On the first page of the work book, you must indicate all the information about the employee, guided by the documents provided to him. It should contain:

  • F AND O owner;
  • date of birth (numerically);
  • level of education (secondary, specialized secondary, higher);
  • the name of the profession indicated in the diploma;
  • the date of opening the work book;
  • employee signature;
  • signature of the person filling out the document;
  • official seal of the organization.

The title page of the work book, a sample of filling in 2020:

Job details

Each page of the middle and most extensive section consists of four columns, containing:

  1. The ordinal number of the record (starting from No. 1 onwards).
  2. Date of hiring and other events.
  3. The record itself, which is information about the organization (its full and abbreviated name), the name of the position (indicating qualifications) and division. In addition to the fact of being hired, cases of transfer to another position and dismissals are also recorded here. Information about this must be entered in the column within 7 days from the date the order was issued, with the exception of the record of dismissal, which is drawn up directly on the day of its execution.
  4. Documentary evidence of the record - the name of the order, the date of its issue and the number (in this order).

For details on how to make entries about work in the work book, see the video

additional information

  1. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is entered into it. The registration is made on the basis of documents provided by another enterprise where the employee is employed in a combined position. In this case, the same principles for filling out the column are used as when entering information about the main job. The work book should be kept by an employee of the personnel department at the place of his main job, who is the only one who has the right to enter any information into it.
  2. Acquisition of a second profession, obtaining a category, advanced training are also reflected in this section.
  3. If there is a renaming of the enterprise, a corresponding entry is made indicating the document that served as the basis for this. This information will be able to explain the discrepancy in the seals put on the employment and dismissal of an employee. The same steps are performed when renaming a position.
  4. In the case of reorganization of the enterprise, the section notes the dismissal of the employee with his subsequent admission to the new company.

A sample of filling out a work book during liquidation of an LLC:

Examples of

A.S. Kopacheva joined Avelan OJSC on February 27, 2016. On August 12, 2016, she was transferred to the position of senior legal counsel. This fact was reflected in the "Job Information" section.

When dismissing an employee, in column No. 3, you must indicate the normative act of the Labor Code, according to which this measure was applied. The entry must be confirmed by the seal of the company or HR department and the signature of the person filling out the work book. The employee must also sign this column, thereby confirming his agreement with the entries made during the work.

A. M. Sholokhov performed the duties of a seller at ZAO Continent. On March 6, 2017, he was fired for being absent from work without a valid reason. The dismissal order was signed on the same day.


This section contains information about the ranks awarded to the employee, diplomas, certificates and other awards presented to him, provided for by the company's internal regulations and legislation. These do not include the gratitude of the management, expressed orally, as well as the regularly paid cash bonuses that are part of the payroll system. Which explains the complete lack of information in this section, which is found in the work books of most workers. Moreover, various letters and diplomas issued to an employee without issuing a corresponding order are also only a nominal expression of gratitude, which is not reflected either in the work book or in the personal file.

Filling out the work book 2020, sample:

Insert design

If all the free spaces in the work book have been used up and there is nowhere to enter new entries, the insert opens. Usually it is sewn into the end of the document, since there are no specific instructions about this in the instructions for filling out work books. On the title page (or cover) of the main booklet, a stamp is put on the issuance of an insert with an indication of its series and number.

The rules for maintaining both documents are identical; the cover page of the insert must also be completed. The numbering of records continues after the number at which the completion of the work book ended. If mistakes were made when filling out the insert, it will be disposed of in the presence of the commission by drawing up an act. The same applies to rejected or outdated work books.

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Each employee, when enrolling in the staff of an enterprise or organization, is faced with such a procedure as drawing up a work book.

This document should reflect all the data about where, by whom and for how long the person worked. The registration of a work book for the first time begins with its issuance by the employer. Then, at each subsequent enterprise (when changing jobs), the necessary entries are made in the document.

The structure and content of the work book

This document accompanies a person throughout his working life. Based on her records, one can draw a conclusion about the education of a specialist, his skills and experience. In addition, the procedure for issuing a work book implies posting information about awards, incentives or disciplinary sanctions that were applied to the employee.

It should be noted that the maintenance of the work book is carried out only by an employee of the personnel department or by the employee of the enterprise who is entrusted with the relevant functions. In this case, the owner of the book must be notified of all new entries in the document.

How are work books and forms for them stored

For keeping work books, the state issues special forms. They arrive at enterprises and are stored in compliance with a fairly strict order:

  • The storage place should be a fireproof cabinet.
  • The employer is obliged to ensure the safety and integrity of the forms. Therefore, the cabinet is locked with a key, and only employees who have the right to work with work books get access to it.
  • The issuance of forms is carried out with the parallel entry of relevant entries in the reporting documentation.

Registration and issuance of a document

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a person cannot buy work book forms by himself. They are provided directly to companies or employers who have sole proprietorship status.

When an employee appears in the staff for whom this place of work became the first, the employer must take care of issuing the necessary document to him. Registration of a new work book belongs to the duties of an employee of the personnel department (or other authorized person).

The procedure for accounting for work books

Actions that are performed by employees of the personnel department with empty forms and documents belonging to employees of the enterprise are recorded in the income and expense book. It should indicate by whom, to whom and on what grounds the papers were transferred (if it is necessary to complete the registration of a work book, issue an insert, or it is required to accept them for storage). Inserts are additional pages for those work books that were completely filled out. Their conduct is subject to the same standards. In order for the insert to be recognized as a full-fledged part of the document, it must be sewn into the work book.

When preparing a book for registering data on the movement of labor and inserts to them, you should take care of its firmware and sealing.

Why draw up a work book

A document confirming the experience and qualifications of the employee can be of great importance already at the interview stage. Many employers prefer to study it in parallel with conducting an oral interview. Further, when the work book is drawn up, it reflects all the significant changes accompanying the employee's labor activity:

  • Admission to a specific position.
  • Transfer to another department.
  • Up or down.
  • Change of status (for example, transfer of a contractor to work under an indefinite employment contract or the inclusion of a part-time employee in the number of permanent employees).
  • Awards and incentives.
  • Disciplinary sanctions that served as the basis for removal from office.
  • Dismissal.

There are such types of work activities that may not be reflected in the work book (for example, performing some part-time jobs). The employee should know that he has the right to ask the manager to enter these data into his document. The employer cannot deny him this.

While the original work book is kept at the enterprise, it is not handed out to the employee. However, a situation may arise when a person needs to confirm the fact of his employment or demonstrate a list of enterprises where he worked. Then an extract from the document or its full copy can be created.

Correct registration of a work book gives a person the right to receive a pension certificate. When calculating pension payments, the insurance fund examines the information specified in the labor.

Among other things, information about the place of work of a person is needed to issue a passport. For some categories of employees, travel abroad may be prohibited due to the danger of disclosing classified information.

Registration of a work book: rules and terms

Regardless of whether they start a new work book or make entries in an existing one, employers require certain documents from future employees:

  • Identity card (passport).
  • Certificate of education or diploma.
  • Certificates of attended courses (if any).
  • Military ID (for citizens liable for military service).
  • Marriage certificate (if as a result the surname was changed).

The deadline for issuing a work book when a person enters a job is limited by law. It is no more than five days from the moment when the employee began to perform his job duties.

If the employer violates this deadline, he should prepare for the legal consequences. This is true for absolutely all employees, even those who have not reached the age of majority.

In accordance with the legislation, citizens can be employed from the age of 14. However, in this case, they must provide the employer with a letter from the parent or guardian with permission to work.

Copies of work books

If the document has been lost or damaged, the employee may require the employer to issue a new one.

To do this, he should write an application for registration of a work book. It indicates the reason for the absence of the document. It should be noted that the same statement serves as the basis for the issuance of labor in the first place of work of a person.

Basis for entries

Registration of a work book for the first time (a sample of the cover page is located below) includes filling out the columns related to personal information about a person.

For this, the employee of the personnel department uses the documents provided to him. In other cases, before this or that entry appears in the work book, the manager issues a corresponding order.

If we are talking about hiring an enterprise or transferring an employee to another department, then the employee of the personnel department has seven days to make a record in the labor force. Upon dismissal, the document is drawn up on the day the order is issued and given to the owner.

Despite the fact that the order indicates all the detailed information about the admission or transfer (with the presence of a probationary period and other details), this information does not affect the registration of the work book. Sample of entered data:

  • Hired.
  • Transferred to another position.
  • Awarded qualification, wage scale, category (which ones).
  • Awarded, encouraged.
  • Fired.

That is, only the reason for the entry and the date of the order should be given. Any example of a work record book, which is freely available, illustrates just such a principle of filling out a document column.

Grammatical nuances

According to the law, dates in labor are required to be indicated using only Arabic numerals.

The same applies to the assignment of serial numbers: each new entry has its own number, starting with the one that was made when the work book was issued for the first time, and ending with the registration of dismissal from the last job.

All information should be presented as fully as possible, that is, an employee of the HR department cannot shorten words.

Making corrections and correcting errors in a document

It is natural to make mistakes in any kind of documentation. They can be associated with the use of unreliable sources of information (outdated data, lack of complete information) or have a mechanical nature (typos, typos, grammatical errors).

To fix the detected error, an employee of the HR department can use several methods:

  1. Strike out the wrong word and write a new one above or below the line.
  2. Making a new record that will override the wrong one.

If an employee has changed his surname or received a new profession, this means that the information indicated on the title page of the labor should be changed. This is done by the strikethrough method (the first method). In parallel, the name and number of the document that became the basis for the changes is recorded on the inside of the cover, the person who entered the data is signed and the company stamped.

If the registration of a work book when hiring is accompanied by the discovery of errors in maintaining the document made at the previous enterprise, their correction is possible by an employee of the company that accepts the employee in its state. This procedure looks like this:

  1. A new entry is made and the next number assigned to it.
  2. Indicate the date on which the correction is performed.
  3. Write the phrase "record No. is considered invalid."
  4. Fill in the correct information.
  5. The number of the order is given, which served as the basis for the incorrect entry.

Reflection of the work activities of management employees

Registration of the director's work book is a mandatory procedure for all enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, because on the basis of the entries made, then a pension certificate will be issued. The procedure for maintaining this document for a manager is distinguished by specific nuances and is more complicated than drawing up a work book when hiring middle and lower-level employees. In most cases, the director can make all the necessary entries himself.

Issuance of a work book after dismissal of an employee

When an employee is fired from the enterprise for one reason or another, his document is returned to him. Registration of a work book (a sample is offered below) upon dismissal of an employee implies making an entry containing the reason for leaving, as well as the number of the corresponding order.

When formulating the reason, the employer must use the examples given in the Labor Code (at their own request, by agreement of the parties, during the liquidation of the enterprise). The most common reason is dismissal of one's own free will; in this case, the registration of a work book is regulated by standard requirements.

The document is issued to the employee within three days after the end of his last working day. In cases where the employer cannot give the document to the former subordinate due to his absence, he must send a certified letter with notification to the employee's home address. If the person has given written consent, the work book can be sent to him by mail. The same procedure is followed if the employee has died and the document must be handed over to his relatives.

In situations where the document is not taken away, the company keeps it for two years (in the personnel department, but not together with other books). Then it is transferred to the archive for 50 years, after which it is destroyed.

If the employer is an individual entrepreneur

Since 2006, individual employers are required to make entries in the work books of their employees. Thus, their rights are equal to those enjoyed by legal entities.

When hiring a person who has not worked anywhere before, an individual entrepreneur must provide him with a work book (the cost of which will be deducted from the employee's first salary), and also make all the necessary entries in it on time and correctly.

Often, such business entities prefer to hire part-time employees. In this case, they do not contribute anything to labor, but they can issue a certificate at the request of a person, and on its basis the entry will be made at the main place of work.

Filling out work books in 2020 is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the specified standard is not recommendations for implementation, but clearly spelled out norms that approved a sample work book, and non-compliance with which is prosecuted.

Filling out the title page

The title form of the work book is filled in in two cases:

  • first employment;
  • making a duplicate.

A sample of a new work book was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 No. 225 and has not changed since then.

All information about the owner of the labor is entered in black, blue or purple ink. When filling out, you must indicate:

  • date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY);
  • education and specialty;
  • profession.

Information is entered on the basis of the documents provided by the employee: as it is written there, so we write. No records "from the words" of the employee are written or entered. The text fits neatly in legible handwriting. Blots and mistakes are not allowed. Dates are entered in Arabic numerals. What documents does the employee provide when concluding an employment contract:

  • about education (if the work requires special knowledge, skills and abilities);
  • on military registration (if the person is liable for military service);
  • SNILS (if absent - the employer draws up this document himself);
  • passport.

Labor is not indicated on the list, but we must remember that this is a mandatory document. You can see a sample of the 2020 work book registration below.

Everything that is written on the title page is certified by the signature of a specialist responsible for filling out, maintaining and storing work books. In any organization, regardless of the form of ownership and direction of activity, one of the employees is responsible for the registration and storage of work books within the organization (paragraph 45 of the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 No. 225). Who it is - a personnel officer, an accountant, an employee of another service or the director himself - does not matter. It is important that such a person is appointed by an order that has the same name - on the approval of the person responsible for filling out and storing the work book and inserts to them. It is more expedient to appoint two employees for this direction. If one employee is sick or went on vacation, the second will insure him for this time.

After the personnel officer enters the necessary information, the owner of the document signs in a specially designated line in agreement that all the data has been entered correctly. If mistakes were made, then such a document is invalidated and subject to destruction, and a new form is issued to the owner of the work book (at the expense of the organization).

Completed cover page of the work book of 2020

What to do when an employee changes personal data? Do not throw out the book ... Yes, this is not necessary, for this case the legislation provides for the possibility of making changes: the old data of the employee on the title page are carefully crossed out (we are talking about the full name), and new information is entered on the page spread. We certify this record with our signature with a decryption (if there is a seal, we also put it). In more detail, how to fill out a work book in 2020 in this case, it is written in section III of the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated 04.16.2003. ways.

We fill in the section "Information about work"

After the title page is completed, proceed to the "Job Information" section. It fixes here:

  • Company name;
  • day, month, year of making entries;
  • the very fact of being hired;
  • movement on positions;
  • transfers (on an ongoing basis);
  • part-time job (at the request of the employee at the main place of work);
  • reasons for terminating the employment contract.

Entries in the work book of 2020 are made on the basis of an order issued by the head of the organization. The details of the document are indicated in the column reserved for this. The entry must be made within 7 days from the date of issuance of the order (upon admission, transfers, promotions, etc.), upon dismissal, the entries are made on the last working day (clause 10 of the Rules approved by Resolution No. 225). Sometimes experts confuse the terms of five and seven days. Five days is the period after which the employer is obliged to enter a work book on his employee (clause 3 of the Rules). Each entry corresponds to a sequential number. Only the headings in the Job Information section are not numbered.

A sample of filling out a work book (2020)

Labor book filling rules (2020)

The procedure for entering information in this section:

  1. In the column "Information about work", data on the employer is entered (without abbreviations).
  2. In the first column "No." of the record, a serial number is assigned.
  3. The second column "Date" (DD.MM.YYYY) indicates the date (in accordance with the order or the actual admission to work).
  4. In the third column, data on hiring are entered with an indication of the position (as in the employment contract).
  5. The fourth section specifies the details of an order or other normative act on employment.

When the time comes, people leave the organization for various reasons. Information about the termination of the working relationship is entered here by the next entry. A sample of how to correctly fill out a work book in this case, see below.

How to record a resignation

The labor record is made in accordance with the order of the employer (exactly in the form that is in the order, without abbreviations). The grounds for dismissal are indicated (Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for example: “Dismissed of his own free will, paragraph 3 of part 1 Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation". An example of filling out a work book on this basis is presented below.

If the termination of the employment relationship has other reasons, for example, loss of trust, then a reference to the article is applied, the entry is as follows: “The employment contract was terminated in connection with the commission of guilty actions by an employee who directly serves commodity values, giving rise to the loss of confidence in him by the employer, clause 7 part 1 Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation". Regardless of the reason for leaving, the employee is introduced to this record and given a blank document in his hands.

The record is certified by the signature of the head (or an authorized person) with a decryption, the seal of the enterprise is put (provided that it is). As a sign of familiarization with the entry, the employee puts his signature on the form, indicates his surname and initials. Deciphering the signature is an important point, since the surname must match the data indicated on the title bar. After that, the employee signs in the book (some call it a journal) for accounting for the movement of labor and inserts to them.

The correct filling of the work book (2020) is extremely important, especially in the light of the recent reforms of the pension legislation. The FIU will not accept for work documents that are executed incorrectly, or simply will not take into account the period of work of a person, drawn up with errors. Someday we will all retire, and I don't want to waste this time on correcting other people's mistakes.

The work book, filling out, is not limited to filling out the title page and the section about work, the work book contains another section - information about awards and incentives.

We make a record of the promotion and reward

The records of the employee's professional merits, awards and incentives for good work are carried in the work book (information about penalties is not entered). All new data are entered on the basis of the employer's order. The algorithm of entries is the same as in the case of hiring, the sample and rules for filling out the work book are above.

Work book insert

The insert is wound up and sewn into the labor, when there is no place in the main document about the length of service and there is nowhere to enter new information. The form of the insert was approved by the Government Decree No. 225.

From the important thing you need to know about the liner:

  • it is sewn in (straight with threads, in what way - it does not matter, it is important to attach);
  • when filling out the insert, the personal data in it must match the data indicated on the labor title;
  • the number of the insert fits into the book of the movement of labor;
  • all the rest of the filling is identical to the labor one.

For the Republic of Crimea, the procedure for making entries is similar, for a sample how to fill out a work book of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2020), take the above examples.

Sometimes not all entries are made in the employee's work book. For example, an employee was transferred to work in a separate unit for the same position. The personnel officers did not enter the record of the transfer in the book. But after that, the employee was promoted and a record was made in the work book about the new position. In this case, a pass will be obtained in the labor service and this entry will need to be made. In the article, we will consider how to make a missed entry in a work book.

The legislative framework

Accounting for the labor activity of their employees who have been working in their main job for more than 5 years is the responsibility of the employer. According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the work book is the main document of such accounting. The form of the work book was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 "On work books" dated 04.16.2003, and the procedure for filling it out - by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 "On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books" dated 10.10.2003. These regulatory documents also contain the rules for making corrections to the labor. And since a missed entry in a book is one of the most common mistakes, we will consider the procedure for correcting them.

Errors in work books

A work book is one of the important documents that a citizen will need when registering his pension. All records that employers make in the work are confirmation of the employee's insurance record.

Suppose that a citizen who works in harmful jobs or in difficult conditions is entitled to a preferential pension. And to complete it, you will need proof that the work was really harmful. In this case, it will be necessary that the name of his profession indicated in the labor one coincides with the name that is contained in the ETKS. If the names of the professions do not match, then the citizen may be denied a preferential pension. you will have to collect additional documents, certificates, contracts with employers and other papers to confirm the length of service.

In labor, the following errors are possible:

  • incorrect information entered on the title page;
  • incorrect information has been entered on other pages of the book;
  • the entry in the work book is missed.

Errors on the title page of a work book are unacceptable; in some cases, the form of such a work book is considered damaged. In this case, an appropriate act is drawn up, on the basis of which the book is destroyed. After that, a new labor form is written out, and the employer pays the costs for it.

If mistakes are made on other sheets of the book, then the corrections are permissible and have a certain order. Erroneous information is recognized as invalid, after which the correct information is entered by making a new entry. In this case, the numbering of records must be continuous.

Great difficulties for the personnel officer arise when a missed entry is an error and it is required to enter it in the book. Moreover, it is possible to skip the following information:

  • employer name;
  • information about the transfer of the employee;
  • military service record;
  • other information.

If this happened, then the error must be corrected by making a new entry in the work book.

General rules for correcting mistakes made in work books

Important! You cannot make any corrections to the labor book at your own discretion. For this, special requirements must be met. And fixes without complying with these requirements can lead to undesirable consequences.

The general procedure for correcting errors in the work book is as follows:

  1. If an erroneous entry is contained on the title page, then it must be crossed out.
  2. Incorrect information entered in the information about the work is invalidated.
  3. It is not only the employer who made the mistake that can correct the mistake in the labor manual, but also the one who discovered the mistake.
  4. A forgotten entry can be added to the book, for example, about military service, about the reorganization of the company, about advanced training, about a transfer, etc.

How to make a missed entry in the work book

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit, if necessary, making changes to the work book. The procedure for restoring the missing records is not legally stipulated. Therefore, you can use the general approved procedure for making entries in the labor and correcting errors in it.

The employer who made this mistake should correct mistakes in labor. However, this can be done by the employer for whom the error was discovered and for whom the employee is currently employed. However, for this as a basis, he will need a properly issued certificate.

The employer who made this mistake must provide the certificate. The testimony of witnesses cannot be used as confirmation of this information. That is, the oral testimony of an employee or other persons is not a basis for making a missed entry in the book. Only an official certificate can serve as such a basis.

Important! You cannot make corrections to the book by simply crossing out an incorrect entry. This applies to both the Job Information section and the Awards Information section.

If we return to our situation, then there is no invalid information in the book, but there is simply the fact of missing one record (in our example, this is the transfer of an employee to another department).

How to enter a missed entry on military service in a work book

Important! If the employee has served, then an entry about this must be entered in the work book. But personnel officers do not always remember this and, forgetting about the record about the army, immediately enter information about employment. This is a bug and will need to be fixed.

Both the past employer who made it and the current employer can correct such a mistake. To correct the error, a record about the service is made in the section that contains information about the work. For clarity, we give a sample of such a record.

Entry No. dateInformation about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
number month year
1 2 3 4
Limited liability company
"Continent" (LLC "Continent")
5 11 12 17 Admitted to the production department at Order from
master's position 11.12.2017 No. 15
6 15 12 17 Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Military ID
Federation from 01.10.2014 to 30.09.2015 NN No. 1234567

How to make a missed entry if there is no more room in the work book

Sometimes there is simply nowhere to enter an additional entry in the work book, since it has ended. In this case, an insert should be made to the labor book and the necessary information should be entered into it properly. After that, the insert will need to be sewn to the work book. The insert in the labor book is its continuation, therefore, for convenience, it is recommended to attach it at the end of the book. This will keep the chronological order of the entries in both the book and the insert. The most reliable way is to sew a letterhead into a book. To do this, use a harsh thread and make 3-5 punctures at the same time.

After that, a stamp is put on the first page, and the details of the insert, its series, number and date of issue are indicated. It should be remembered that without a work book, the insert will have no legal force.

Answers to common questions

Question: What if, before registering a new employee for a job, the personnel officer forgot to indicate the name of the organization? Is this a bug and if so how can I fix it?

Answer: Yes, if the personnel officer forgot to indicate the name of the employer's company and immediately made a record of hiring, this is a mistake. It is imperative to indicate the name of the company in full, as well as in an abbreviated form. But this error can also be corrected. To do this, you will need to indicate the name of the organization according to the specified rules, and after that, under the next serial number, recognize the record of the work as erroneous. Then, under the next serial number, you will need to make a new entry.