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Bible in electronic form. Soft-creative: free Christian software. How to study the Bible.

Bi? Blåh (from Greek ?????? - Books) - a collection of ancient texts created in the Middle East for 15 centuries (XIII century BC er - II century. N. E.), Canonized in Judaism and Christianity as a Holy Scripture. The bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the time of creation, part of the Bible is called the Tana Jews, Christians have the name of the Old Testament. This part of the Bible is a meeting of books written to our era, selected as sacred out of other literature by the High-Graduate Scientists-theologians and at the same time preserved to the present day in Hebrew. Such books 39. This part of the Bible is a holy book for Judaism and Christianity. The whole part is the New Testament, the meeting of 27 Christian books (including the 4 Gospels, the epistles of the Apostles and the Book of Revelation) written in I centners. n. e. And reached us in ancient Greek. This part of the Bible is most important for Christianity; But Judaism does not recognize it. Looks, considering the distorted later corresponders as the Old Testament (Arab Taurat - Torah) and the New Testament (Arab Independent Gospel), in principle recognizes their holiness, and the characters of both parts of the Bible (eg, Ibrahim (Abraham ), Yusuf (Joseph), Islam (Jesus)) play an important role in Islam, starting with the Quran. The "Bible" is not found in the sacred books themselves, and was first used for the first time as a collection of holy books in the East in the IV century, John Zlatoust and Epiphany Cyprus. The bible is completely or partially translated into 2377 languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the world, fully published in 422 languages.

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The sacred book of the Christian religion, the record of the God's revelations to the person received for many millennia is the book of Divine Indications. It gives us peace of mind, the solution of life problems, the conviction of sin and spiritual maturity, so necessary to overcome our concerns.

The Bible cannot be called one book. This is a whole collection of books, a library written under the guidance of God by people who lived in different centuries. There is also a story in the Bible, and philosophy, and it also includes poetry and drama, biographical information and prophecies. The reading of the Bible gives us inspiration. There is nothing surprising that the Bible is completely or partially translated by more than 1200 languages \u200b\u200bevery year the amount sold throughout the world of the Bible instances exceeds the number of instances sold any other book.

The Bible truthfully answers the questions that the time of the centuries worried people "How did a person appear?"; "What happens to people after death?"; "Why are we on earth here?"; "Can we know the meaning and meaning of life?" Only the Bible reveals the truth about God, indicates the path to eternal life and explains the eternal problems of sin and suffering.

The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament, telling about the participation of God in the life of the Jewish people before the arrival of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament, which gives information about the life and teaching of Christ in all its truth and beauty.

(Greek - "good news") - the lives of Jesus Christ; Books, revered as sacred in Christianity, which tells about the divine nature of Jesus Christ, his birth, life, miracles, death, resurrection and ascension.

The translation of the Bible into Russian started by the Russian biblical society in the highest command of the sovereign of Emperor Alexander I in 1816, renewed on the highest enactment of the sovereign of Emperor Alexander II in 1858, completed and published on the blessing of Holy Synod in 1876. The present edition provides text The synodal translation of 1876, re-drilled with the Jewish text of the Old Testament and the Greek text of the New Testament.

Commentary on the Old and New Testaments and the Appendix "Holy Land during the Lord of our Jesus Christ" reprinted from the Bible, published in the Brussels Publishing House "Life with God" (1989).

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Listen to mp3 gospel from John

1 Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
2 As the prophets are written: here, I am sending the angel of mine before your face, which will prepare your way to you.
3 glasses of blatant in the desert: Cook the way to the Lord, make a strand of the path.
4 was John, a crucible in the desert and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins ....

1 genealogy of Jesus Christ, Son Davidova, Son Abrahamov.
2 Abraham Born Isaac; Isaac gave birth to Jacob; Jacob gave birth to Judas and his brothers;
3 Judah gave birth to Fara and Zava from Famari; Fares gave birth to Esma; Esome gave birth to Aram;
4 Aram gave birth to Aminadawa; Aminadav gave birth to Nazon; Nasasson gave birth to Salmon; ....

  1. As many have already begun to make narrations about the events completely known between us,
  2. as we handed us that the former witnesses from the very beginning,
  3. i came rooted and for me, on a thorough study, only first, in order to describe you, Honorable Ferofil,
  4. so that you recognize the firm basis of the teaching in which it was pressed ....
Evangelist Luka.

Introduction to the books of the New Testament

Scripture of the New Testament was written in Greek, with the exception of the Gospel from Matthew, which, according to legend, was written in ancient European or arabic. But since this Hebrew text has not been preserved, the Greek text is considered a script and for the Gospel of Matthew. Thus, only the Greek text of the New Testament is a script, and numerous editions in different modern languages \u200b\u200bof the whole world are translating from the Greek script, the Greek language, which was written by the New Testament, was no longer a classic ancient Greek language and was not thought before Special New Testament. This is a conversational day language I c. According to P. X., spreading in the world and known in science called "The usual adverb" yet and the style and speed of speech, and the image of the thoughts of the Sacred Writers of the New Testament discover the Hebrew or Aramaic influence.

The authentic text of the New Testament reached us in a large number of ancient manuscripts, more or less complete, with a number of about 5000 (from II to XVI century). Until recent years, the most ancient of them did not go further than IV century. According to P. X. But recently many fragments of the ancient manuscripts of the New Testament on papyrus (III and even II century) were opened. So for example, boder manuscripts: Ying, LC, 1 and 2 Pet, Juda - were found and published in the boots of the XX century. In addition to Greek manuscripts, we have ancient translations or versions in Latin, Syrian, Coptic and other languages \u200b\u200b(Vetus Itala, Peshitto, Vulgata, etc.), from among whom the most ancients existed already with II in P. X.

Finally, numerous quotes of church fathers in Greek and a friend have been preserved in such a quantity that if the text of the New Testament was lost and all the ancient manuscripts were destroyed, then experts could restore this text on quotes from the creations of the Holy Fathers. All this abundant material makes it possible to check and clarify the text of the New Testament and classify its various forms (T. Naz. Textual critic). Compared with any ancient author (Homer, Eurypid. Eschil, Sofokl, Cornelia Nogu, Yulia Caesar, Hoodie, Vergile, etc.), our modern - Printed - the Greek text of the New Testament is in an exceptionally favorable position. And by the number of manuscripts, and in short. separating the oldest of them from the original, and by the number of translations, and in their antiquity, and in seriousness and the volume of critical work carried out on the text, he surpasses all other texts (see details.: "Hiding treasures and a new life", archaeological discoveries and the gospel , Bruges, 1959, p. 34 Sl.).

The text of the new covenant is generally fixed completely irrefutable.

The new covenant consists of 27 books. Publishers are divided into 260 heads of unequal length to facilitate references and quotes. In the original text of this unit there. The modern division on the heads in the New Testament, as in the whole Bible, was often attributed to Dominican Guard Cardinal Gogo (1263), which developed it, making up a symphony to Latin Vulgate, but now thinking with a great basis, the unit dates back to the Archbishop of Canterbury Stefan Langton, The deceased in 1228. As for the unit for verses, which is accepted now in all publications of the New Testament, it goes back to the publisher of the Greek New Testament Text, Robert Stephan, and it was introduced into his edition in 1551.

The Sacred Books of the New Testament is usually made to divide on the legislative (four-day), historical (Acts of Apostles), the teacher (seven Cathedral messages and setting the messages of the Apostle Paul) and the prophetic: apocalypse, or the revelation of St. John the Bogosla (see Poly Catechism Mer. Filateter)

However, modern experts consider such a distribution to obsolete: in fact, all the books of the New Testament - and the legislative, and historical teachers, and the prophecy is not only in the apocalypse. New Testament Science pays great attention to the accurate establishment of the chronology of gospeles and other new taving events. Scientific chronology allows the reader with sufficient accuracy to trace the new Testament the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Apostles and the original church (see applications).

The books of the New Testament can be distributed as follows.

  • Three so-called synoptic gospels: from Matthew, Mark, Luke and separately, the fourth - the Gospel of John. New Testament science pays a lot of attention to the study of the relationship between the three first gospels and their relationship to the Gospel of John (synoptic problem).
  • The book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Messages of the Apostle Paul ("Corpus Paulinum"), which are usually divided into:
    - Early messages: 1 and 2 to thesalonians;
    - Large messages: to Galatians, 1 and 2 to Corinthians, to the Romans;
    - Messages from UZ, that is, written from Rome, where the up. Paul was in conclusion: to the Philippians, to Colossians, to Ephesians, to Filimoi;
    - Pastoral Messages: 1 to Timothy, to Titus, 2 to Timothy;
    - Message to the Jews;
  • Cathedral Messages ("Corpus Catholicum")
  • Revelation of John the Bogoslov. (Sometimes in the New Testament, "Corpus Joannicum" i.e., all that was written by. John for a comparative study of its Gospel in connection with his messages and Rev.)


  1. The word "gospel" in Greek means "joyful news." The Lord my Jesus Christ himself called my teaching my teachings (MF 24:14; 26:13; MK 1:15; 13:10; 19 :; 16:15). Therefore, for us the "Gospel" is inextricably linked with it: it is "good news" about salvation, given to the world through the inclined Son of God. Christ and his apostles preached the gospel without recording it. By the middle of the 1st century, this preaching was fixed by the church in a resistant interpretation. Eastern custom remembered by heart of sayings, stories and even large texts helped Christians of the Apostolic era accurately preserve an unappointed primeenevgel. After the 50s, when the eyewitnesses of the earthly ministry of Christ became one after another to leave lives, the need arose to record gospel (LK 1: 1). Thus, the "gospel" began to designate the narration of the Savior's teaching recorded by the apostles. It was read at prayer meetings and when preparing people to baptism.
  2. The most important Christian centers I c. (Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Ephesus, etc.) had their own gospels. Of these, only four (MF, MK, LC, IN) are recognized by the Church of Bogovnovynaya, that is, written under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit. They are called "from Matthew", "from Mark", etc. (Greek. Kata corresponds to Rus. "According to Matthew", "on the brand", etc.), for the life and teaching of Christ are outlined in these books of these four priests. Their gospels were not reduced to one book, which made it possible to see the evangelical history from various points of view. In II century sv. Irina Lyonsky calls evangelists by name and indicates their gospels as the only canonical (against Yeresy, 2, 28, 2). Contemporary sv. Irinea Tatian took the first attempt to create a single gospel story, composed of various texts of the four Gospels, Diathrower, i.e. "Gospel of Four".
  3. The apostles have not set themselves the goal of creating historical work in the current sense of the word. They sought to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ, helped people to believe in him, correctly understand and fulfill his commandments. The evangelical testimonies do not coincide in all details, which proves their independence from each other: eyewitness testimonies are always individual painting. The Holy Spirit certifies the accuracy of the details of the facts described in the Gospel, and the spiritual meaning consisting in them.
    Meaning incorrect contradictions are explained by the fact that God provided to the sacred permanent freedom in the transfer of certain specific facts in relation to different categories of listeners, which further emphasizes the unity of the meaning and the orientation of all four gospels.

Books of the New Testament

  • Gospel from Matthew
  • Gospel from Mark.
  • Gospel from Luke
  • Gospel from John

Acts of the Holy Apostles

Cathedral messages

  • Message of Jacob
  • First Message of Peter.
  • Second Message Peter
  • First Message of John
  • Second Message John
  • Third Message of John
  • Message of Judah

Messages of the Apostle Paul

  • Message to Romans
  • First Message to Corinthians
  • Second Message to Corinthians
  • Message to Galatam
  • Message to Ephesians
  • Message to the Philippians
  • Message to Colossians
  • First Message to thesalonians
  • Second Message to thesalonians
  • First Message to Timothy
  • Second Message to Timothy
  • Message to tit
  • Message to Filimon
  • Message to the Jews
Revelation of John the Bogoslov

Bible. Gospel. New Testament. Download the Bible. Download the Gospel from: Luke, Mark, Matthew, John. Revelation of John the Bogosla (Apocalypse). Act of the Apostles. Message of the Apostles. Download in FB2, Doc, DocX, PDF, Lit, Isilo.pdb, RB

How to study the Bible.

The proposed tips will help make your Bible study more fruitful
  1. Read the Bible daily, in a quiet and peaceful place where no one bothers you daily reading, even if you read not so much every day, you can start with any irregular reading from 15 minutes a day and then gradually increase the time allotted on Bible reading
  2. Put the goal to know God better and reach deep love to God in your communication with him, God speaks with us through his word, and we are talking to him in prayers
  3. Start reading the Bible with prayers ask God to reveal yourself yourself and confess your will in front of him in sins that may interfere with your approach to God.
  4. Reading the Bible, make brief notes. Record your comments in a notebook or lead a spiritual diary to record your thoughts and internal experiences.
  5. Read the slower one chapter, and maybe two or three chapters you can read only one paragraph, but be sure to reread at least once all you have read before it for one sitting
  6. As a rule, it is very useful if you understand the true meaning of one or another chapter or paragraph to give written answers to the following questions. And what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text read? What is her meaning?
  7. What verse text is expressed in the main idea? (Such "key poems" should be memorized, reading them out loud several times knowledge of poems by heart will allow you to reflect on important spiritual truths during the day when you, for example, stand in a queue or are going in urban transport and T n in the following text An indication to which I should obey? Is there any promise, on the execution of which I can apply? G What benefits will it bring me the adoption of the truth set out in the text? D. How should I use this truth in my own life, in accordance with the will of God? ( Avoid common and vague statements try to be clear and concrete, as far as possible in your notebook write, how and when you will use in your life to teach one or another paragraph or chapter)
  8. Finish the classes of prayer asking God to give you an inner spiritual power to get closer to it on this day. Continue to speak with God during the day His presence will help you to be strong in any situation.

Name:Jubilee Bible
Publisher:Mission light in the east
Release year:2010
Language:Russian (edited synodal translation)
The size:1.08 MB

Description: The publication includes all the canonical books of the Sacred Scripture in the Synodal Translation. The application includes New Testament Tables, Dictionary and Colored Maps at the end of the publication.
The texts of the Bible books are divided into excerpts and are equipped with headlines. The most famous and frequently cited verses are highlighted in bold. Before each Book's book is a brief plan of this book - the content on the chapters.
In the necessary places, parallel links are written immediately after a passage or verse, without footnings at the bottom of the pages, the footnotes at the bottom of the pages explain the meaning of incomprehensible words.

The punctuation marks are arranged in accordance with the rules of the modern Russian language. Partially, where it was necessary, the vocabulary is fixed and, if possible, approached modern. Many Old Slavonic words replaced, which became archaic since the first edition. Ordinary writing words meaning belonging to the people.

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Download the book (size 7770kb, FB2 format) Genre: Religion, Language: RU Abstract: This translation of the Bible was carried out during the XIX century and authorized by the Holy Governing Synod for home (non-liturgical) reading. The synodal translation has high authority and is widely used not only in the Orthodox Church, but also in other Christian confessions. Translation of books ...

Download book (size 7017KB, FB2 format) Genre: Other children's literature, Language: RU Abstract: Bible in arrangement for middle school children. The legends of the Old and New Testaments are retold by Mikhail Andreyevich in writing and illustrated by the classic Gustava Train engravings (1832-1883).

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Download Book (size 6385KB, FB2 format) Genre:, Language: RU Abstract: Bible (from Greek. ??????? - Books) - a collection of ancient texts created in the Middle East for 15 centuries (XIII century to n. e. - II century. n. e.), canonized in Judaism and Christianity as a Holy Scripture. The Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. ...

Download the book (size 6886Kb, FB2 format) Genre:, Language: RU Abstract: bi, Blåh (from Greek. Β, ι, β, λ, ί, α, - books) - Collection of ancient texts created in the Middle East throughout The 15th centuries (XIII century BC e. - II century. N. Er), canonized in Judaism and Christianity as a Holy Scripture. The Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. ...

Download the book (size 6481KB, FB2 format) Genre:, Language: RU Abstract: Canonical Bible, Synodal Translation. »This book is a member of the project" CNIC @ VNUN ". If you wish to report errors, typos or other shortcomings of this book, then you can do this at:\u003d3287 "

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