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The structure of the military registration desk of the spbgu. Memo on the military registration of students and their registration of a deferment from conscription. The procedure for granting a deferral from conscription

Memo on the military registration of students and their registration of a deferment from conscription
for military service

Without exception, all students - young men of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation who have Russian citizenship are obliged to be registered with the military commissariats of the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region at the place of residence or temporary stay (registration).

Applicants who are 17 years of age or older must have a certificate of a citizen to be conscripted (certificate of registration).

Citizens in reserve must have a military ID.

Removal from the military register at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of permanent residence (residence) of students arriving from the regions is carried out according to their written applications addressed to the military commissar indicating the reason for the removal and the address of the new place of residence or temporary stay. The application may be accompanied by a certificate from the selection committee on passing the entrance exams. Enrolled nonresident students must receive registration at the university dormitory and, within two weeks, register for a temporary military registration at the military commissariat of the city of St. Petersburg in the Moskovsky district (Moskovsky prospect, 110)

While studying at the University, a full-time student is obliged to issue a deferment from military service when he reaches the age of 18 with the passage of a medical and draft board at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of military registration. The basis is the reference Appendix 2 to the List (clause 3). For 1st year students, a certificate is issued at the military registration desk of the University (room 114 of the main educational building) from September 1 to November 30 of the current year.

The decision of the conscription commission on the postponement is recorded in the certificate of the citizen to be conscripted, certified by the signature of an employee of the military commissariat and the seal of the military commissariat.

Students who have a secondary specialized education and have used a deferral from conscription, as well as those who are in reserve (liable for military service), do not issue a deferment, but they are obligatory registered at the place of stay (registration).

Help Appendix 2 is submitted to the military commissariat annually by a student personally without receiving a summons from the military registration and enlistment office or at the request of the military registration and enlistment office by a specialist in military registration work.

I. Registration for military service at St. Petersburg State University

  1. All male citizens of draft age (18 - 27 years old) who enrolled in St. Petersburg State University are obliged to register for military service at the Military Registration Office of St. Petersburg State University.
  2. Citizens enrolled in full-time education in bachelor's programs or specialty programs have the right to a deferral from conscription for military service during their studies, but not exceeding the terms of mastering basic educational programs (for bachelor's programs, the period for mastering basic educational programs is 4 years, for programs specialty - at least 5 years).
  3. Citizens enrolled in full-time studies in Master's programs, if they do not have a specialist diploma or a master's degree and entered SPbU in the year of obtaining the qualification (degree) "bachelor", have the right to deferment from military service during their studies, but not over the terms of mastering basic educational programs (2 years).
  4. Citizens enrolled in full-time education under secondary vocational education programs have the right to a deferral from conscription for military service during training - during the period of mastering these educational programs, but not exceeding the terms of obtaining secondary vocational education established by federal state educational standards; Students of SPbU under secondary vocational education programs (physical education and sports, economics and technology, nursing), after enrolling in SPbU, must register for military service at the SPbU Military Registration Desk.
  5. In order to receive a deferral from conscription, students are required to register for military service at the SPbU Military Registration Office (at the military commissariat, if they were not registered earlier) within 2 weeks from the date of enrollment in SPbU. When visiting specialists in military registration at the SPbU Military Registration Office, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a certificate of a citizen subject to military service, or a military ID (a temporary ID issued instead of a military ID), as well as a certificate of the place of temporary registration.
  6. Specialists in the military registration work of the Military registration desk put the students on military registration and issue the INFORMATION Appendix No. 2 to the List (clause 3) of the Order of the RF Ministry of Defense dated 02.10.2007. No. 400 (hereinafter Appendix No. 2), which must be submitted to the military commissariat at the place of registration for issuing a deferment from conscription for
    military service. REFERENCE is the only document for the draft board confirming their studies at St. Petersburg State University and granting students the right to defer military service.
  7. The decision to grant a deferral from military service is taken by the draft board of the municipality in which the student is registered.
  8. Citizens subject to conscription and reserve officers for registration and removal from military registration are required to personally appear at military commissariats.
  9. In the future, all issues of the performance of military duties by students will be supervised by specialists in the military registration work of the Military Registration Office of St. Petersburg State University and the military commissariat at the place of registration.

II. Information for nonresident students

  1. When moving to a new place of residence or a place of temporary stay (for a period of more than 3 months), as well as when leaving the Russian Federation for a period of more than 6 months, a citizen is obliged to de-register and register for military service within 2 weeks upon arrival to a new place of residence, place of stay or return to the Russian Federation.
  2. Removal from the military register of citizens subject to conscription is carried out in military commissariats on their written statements indicating the reason for the removal and the new place of residence or place of stay.

III. The addresses of the departments of the military commissariat of St. Petersburg:

  1. Department of the Military Commissariat of St. Petersburg for the Petrodvortsovy District
    • Peterhof, st. Horse-Grenadier, 4/13, t. - 450-50-68.
  2. Department of the Military Commissariat of St. Petersburg for Vasileostrovsky District
    • Bolshoy prospect V.O., 55A, t. - 321-32-57.

The necessary information on military registration is provided by the military registration officers of the SPbU Military Registration Desk when registering for military registration.

IV. Addresses of registration for military registration at St. Petersburg State University:

  • in the Vasileostrovsky area: - Philological lane, 3, lit. P, room 401, tel. −328-97-84.
  • in the Petrodvortsovy district: - Universitetsky pr., 28, bldg. A, tel. 428-45-94 (room 1511).

V. Working hours of the SPbU Military Registration Desk:

  • Monday - Thursday - 09.10-11.00; 11.15-13.00; 13.45-15.00; 15.15-17.00.
  • Friday - no reception (work with documents).
    • Lunch break - 13.00 - 13.45.

Vi. It's important to know:

  1. Dismissal of students for academic failure, for non-fulfillment or violation of the Charter of St. Petersburg State University, internal regulations, rules for living in dormitories, other local regulations of St. 51 of the Statute of St. Petersburg State University), deprives students of the right to deferment from military service.
  2. Reference Appendix No. 2, issued by specialists in the military registration work of the SPbU Military Registration Desk, one per academic year.
  3. Students in the basic educational programs of the magistracy and the basic educational programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school are required to issue a deferment from military service.
  4. Those who have recovered from St. Petersburg State University after expulsion are obliged to repeat the registration procedure at the Military Registration Office of St.
  5. When summoned on a summons, it is necessary to come to the specialists in the military accounting work of the SPbU Military Registration Desk, familiarize yourself with its contents, sign for its receipt and fulfill all the requirements specified in it.
  6. According to clause 9 of the Rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1995, No. 713, registration at the place of stay is mandatory if a citizen arrives for a period of more than 90 days.
  7. Responsibility for the lack of registration is borne by the citizen himself in accordance with Art. 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  8. The refusal of a conscript to receive a summons from a military commissariat or to send a conscription commission against a receipt in order to thus evade conscription into military service is subject to qualification under Part 1 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. That is, if you refuse to sign for the receipt of the summons, then your actions will be regarded as evasion from military service.
  9. Criminal liability for evading military service is regulated by Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is punishable by a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the convicted person's wages or other income for a period of up to eighteen months, or by forced labor for up to two years, or arrest for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to two years.

In case of violation of the rules for military registration, the following sanctions may be applied:

  1. The military commissar may issue a warning or impose an administrative fine in the amount of 100 to 500 rubles for failure to comply with military registration obligations (Article 21.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The type of administrative punishment (warning or administrative fine), the size of the administrative fine is determined by the military commissariat.
  2. The likelihood of being drafted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A student who is not registered at the place of study, who has not submitted a certificate Appendix No. 2 to the military commissariat, is not such for the draft commission, and the draft commission will be obliged to make a decision on his draft.

The military registration desk of the university performs the functions of organizing the military registration of employees, students and graduate students of the university. The military registration of conscripts and conscripts working at the university is a set of measures carried out by the leaders, other officials of the university, to keep records of citizens directly working and studying at the university.

Admission to a higher educational institution of a citizen of military age, personal submission to the military registration and enlistment office of a certificate confirming study at a higher educational institution does not mean an automatic submission of a deferment from conscription.

The decision on granting a deferral from conscription to a conscript is made by the draft commission after determining the category of his fitness for military service and on the basis of documents submitted by the conscript to the draft committee. A note on the decision of the draft board to grant the conscript a deferral from conscription is made in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (assigned certificate) indicating the date of the expiry of the deferral.

For military registration and registration of a deferment from conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, you must:

  1. Arrive at the military registration desk of the university (room 225), fill out a personal card and receive all explanations about the procedure for registration and registration of a deferment from conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Office hours of the military registration desk:

Tuesday: 14:00 to 16:00
Thursday: 14:00 to 16:00

  1. Issue a temporary registration at the place of stay - for those who do not have permanent registration at the place of residence in St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region.
  2. Obtain a certificate from the military registration desk (office 225) (Appendix 2 to the List (p. 3) of the order of the RF Ministry of Defense dated October 02, 2007 No. 400). To obtain a certificate, you must present a passport, a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription (registration certificate), a certificate of registration at the place of stay (for those who do not have permanent registration at the place of residence in St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region).
  3. Arrive at the military commissariat for military registration and deferment, having with you the documents:
  • passport and photocopies of 2, 3 and 5 sheets of the passport;
  • registration certificate and its photocopy;
  • registration certificate;
  • certificate from the military registration desk of the university (room No. 225);
  1. Inform the military registration desk (room 225) about the military registration at the district department of the military commissariat and the issuance of a deferment.
    When visiting a military commissariat, obtain a deferral (mark in the assigned certificate) for the duration of training.

Clause "d" of Art. 50 "Provisions on military registration", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719 requires a citizen to register for military registration within 2 weeks upon arrival at the place of stay.

reference Information

For more detailed information on the issues of conscription to military service in the Armed Forces of Russia, military service under contract, alternative civilian service, deferrals from military service, medical contraindications to military service, registration rules, please contact Information center of the military commissariat of the city of St. Petersburg , there are 15 branches of the information center in the city districts, "Hot line" , which you can contact around the clock.

The military registration desk of the university performs the functions of organizing the military registration of employees, students and graduate students of the university.

The military registration of conscripts and conscripts working at the university is a complex of measures carried out by the leaders, other officials of the university to keep records of citizens directly working and studying at the university; conducting an analysis of the availability of labor resources of the university during periods of mobilization, martial law and during wartime; assistance to military commissariats in the implementation of military registration of these citizens at their place of residence or place of stay in order to ensure the country's defense, state security, incl. ensuring the timely appearance of citizens subject to conscription for military service for mobilization and who are in labor relations with them, to assembly points or to military units.

Admission to a higher educational institution of a citizen of military age, personal submission to the military registration and enlistment office of a certificate confirming study at a higher educational institution does not mean an automatic submission of a deferment from conscription. The decision to grant a deferral from conscription to a conscript is made by the draft commission after determining the category of his fitness for military service and on the basis of documents submitted by the conscript to the selection committee. A note on the decision of the draft board to grant the conscript a deferral from conscription is made in the certificate of a citizen subject to conscription (enrollment certificate) indicating the end date of the deferral (for bachelor's and master's degrees, as a rule - August 31 of the year of graduation of bachelor's, master's degrees).

Memo to the student of ETU "LETI"

For military registration and registration of a deferral from conscription into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a citizen is obliged:

  1. Arrive at the military registration desk of the university (room 2329) and fill out a personal card. You should have a passport, a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription (certificate of registration) or a military ID.
  2. Register at the place of stay (for nonresident students who are provided with a place in the University dormitory).
  3. Arrive at the district military commissariat at the place of registration (stay) and submit the following documents:
    • passport and photocopies of 2, 3 and 5 sheets of the passport;
    • certificate of registration at the place of stay (if any) and its photocopy;
    • a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (certificate of registration) or a military ID;
    • a certificate (Appendix 2 to the List (p. 3) from the military registration desk of the university (only for citizens subject to conscription);
    • two envelopes "Across Russia" with stamps (buy at the post office).
  4. Submit to the military registration desk of the university (room 2329) a certificate or a military ID with a mark of registration for military registration to enter the information into the database.

The procedure for granting a deferral from conscription for military service

To resolve the issue of granting a student a deferral from being drafted into military service by the draft board, it is necessary to submit a certificate from the university confirming that the student is actually studying full-time at this university (clause 3 of Appendix N 32 to the Instruction, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation from 02.10.2007 N 400).

Office hours of the military registration desk

In fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" dated 03.28.1998, No. 53-FZ, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 27.11.2006, No. 719 "On Approval of the Regulations on Military Registration", students are required to be on the military register in the military registration desk of the university.

Reception of students and graduate students by the staff of the military registration desk during the period from September 01 to September 30, 2019 will be produced daily (except Saturday and Sunday) from 10.00 to 17.00 (lunch break from 12.30 to 13.00).

Message for students on measures to prepare citizens for conscription

From January 1 to March 31, 2020, the initial military registration of citizens is carried out in the year they reach the age of 17.

Citizens summoned for initial military registration are required to personally arrive at the district military commissariat, having with them the documents specified in the summons.

All male citizens are subject to initial military registration.

On April 17, 2018, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ruled that a citizen, upon admission to a magistracy, retains

the right to a deferral, even if before that he had already twice issued a deferment from military service while studying full-time, being a schoolboy or bachelor.

The draft board, when considering the issue of granting a deferral to a graduate student (without a specialist or bachelor's degree), the fact of granting the first deferral - a deferral to a student - should not take into account.

Days and hours of reception in the district military commissariats of the city of St. Petersburg

Monday and Wednesday - from 10:00 to 16:00 (from 13:00 to 14:00 lunch)

Item d. Art. 50 Regulations on military registration, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719, requires a citizen to register for military registration within 2 weeks upon arrival at the place of stay.