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What are the varieties of employment contracts. What are the types of employment contract for the timing

29.03.2018, 11:21

According to the standards of Art. 56 TK RF All types of labor contracts are written agreements whose parties are the employer and the employee hired by him. What are the types of employment contracts on the TK RF? Tell about it.

The main conditions of the employment contract

Under the terms of this document, the head of the enterprise undertakes:

  • ensure the work hired by them;
  • comply with all the provisions of labor legislation and internal documents;
  • on time to make salary accruals and pay the due amount.

The concept and types of employment contract disclosed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide for the introduction of responsibility for personal presence in the workplace and the fulfillment of functions assigned to them. All members of the Labor Collective with an entailing signature in a bilateral agreement with the employer provide guarantees that they will adhere to the routine of labor and recreation, the principles of corporate ethics.

Approaches to the classification of employment contracts

The division into the types of internal documents of enterprises regulating labor relations is carried out by articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Types of employment contract for the timing (norms of Art. 58 and 59 TC):

  • urgent;
  • lady variety.

In relation to the work created by the employer, the working conditions of the agreement can establish a normal operation, a shift, replaceable, at night. If there are harmful or dangerous factors in working facilities, this information is prescribed in a bilateral agreement between the employee and its employer. The main types of labor contracts are classified by these criteria:

  • an employer group (he is a legal or individual, a small enterprise);
  • the nature of labor relations - on a temporary or permanent basis, on the conditions of combining positions (internal or external), remote and seasonal type of employment, belonging to the category of civil servants;
  • types of labor law contracts are divided into a sign of a legal status acquired by an employee (an employee may be minors, to have foreign citizenship);
  • the level of duration of labor shift or days (a form of employment with full or partial employment, normalized or non-normalized schedule);
  • types of labor contracts of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 16 Classifies for the reasons for the occurrence of labor relations between the parties (according to the results of an open competition, subject to temporary substitution, on a court decision or the conclusion of the election commission).

A separate group of agreements are documents that fix labor rights and the obligations between the head of the enterprise and the person hired to them towards quoted posts. Types of employment contract - briefly can be systematized to belong to an official to a certain category of specialties - pedagogical staff, members of the governing link, professional athletes, coaching staff.

Features of imprisonment of urgent labor agreements

All those provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the types of contracts with employees must be indefinite. Legislative exception is made for urgent type of agreements. They are relevant to work that can be performed in the short term and will not be required to the employer for a long time after the completion of the agreed actions. The main criteria for identifying the contract as an urgency is the nature of the work and the existing conditions for its implementation.

The norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lead the concept of the parties and types of employment contract. In art. 59 Listed key features that should be reflected in the Agreement:

  • the presence of a substitution of the banned person on the temporary basis of a permanent employee (a workplace for the missing official of the employer remains);
  • the duration of the entire complex of ordered activities does not exceed the period equal to 2 months;
  • the types and content of the employment contract in seasonal work should have guidance on the responsibilities of the employee confirming the seasonal nature of action (harvest or plant cropping);
  • the need to work in other states.

The practice of applying internships or training of the profession should be reflected in a separate clause of the Agreement. The maximum duration of the urgent type of contracts against managers and the main accountants is 5 years. If necessary, it is possible to retracted the agreement. Types of changes in the employment contract:

  • the transfer to another vacant position is initiated;
  • there were changes in the conditions for the implementation of the labor function;
  • update the content of technological conditions of work.

Obtaining the consent of the employee is required only in the first case, in other options, the employer is to independently decide. An exception is made for questions affecting the adjustment of the employee's labor function.

When taking a job between the head of the organization and the employee himself, an employment contract (TD) is obligatory. This document is a direct basis for the emergence of labor relations, and there are a number of differences between him and a civil contract (GPD) that each should know:

  • The employment contract involves a long-term performance of official duties, while civil law implies a clear definition of deadlines and end results.
  • When issuing an employment contract with the employer, an employee undertakes to independently do the work provided for by the job description, and at the conclusion of civil-law, there is an opportunity to convey the fulfillment of duties to a third party. A vivid example is a subcontractision agreement in the construction of buildings.

In addition to the above superficial differences, there are other, more detailed:

  • The procedure for registration: civil-law does not provide for the existence of a record in the employment record of the employee, and in the case of labor, it is imperative to be made on the basis of an order of employment, unless we are talking about part-time.
  • The result of the work: Labor implies systematic performance of certain duties. Civil law is concluded with the condition for achieving a certain result in specific time.
  • Payment procedure: according to the employment contract in accordance with the Labor Code of Russia, the employer undertakes to pay salary to employees every 15 days. According to the civil-law, the Customer must pay for the deadlines specified in it.
  • Payment Terms: A salary is paid regardless of the number of work done, except when additional surcharges are relying for certain results. According to the GPA, payment is made after the end of the work and drawing up an act of admission.
  • Mrots: valid only for parties that have entered into TD. According to civil-law agreement, the minimum amount of payment is irrelevant, because It indicates a specific amount for the service provided.
  • Labor discipline: workers who have entered into a labor agreement undertake to comply with the internal regulation of the organization. Citizens who made the GPD are not subject to the scheduled at the enterprise.


From the above, it can be concluded that the employment contract is a more voluminous document compared with civil law, and it is also divided into several types:

  • in terms of action: urgent and indefinite;
  • by the nature of labor relations: a concluded on the main work and on part-time work;
  • by type: Contracts with state and municipal employees;
  • in the category of employees: young professionals, students, etc.;
  • by volume of work.

From a legal point of view, such an agreement is a document confirming the availability of employment relations between the employer and the employee who differ in:

  • deadlines;
  • working conditions: Normal, harmful, work at night;
  • character of relations;
  • employer type: physical or legal person;
  • legal status of the employee.

It is the type of an employment agreement determines its content, so when conclusted, you should carefully enter into it all essential details, because As it must contain under the law conditions, and additional managers have the right to specify themselves.

Contract as a type of employment contract

The contract refers to the type of employment contract, regulated not only by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also by other legal acts. Such an agreement may be concluded when entering the municipal or civil service, or to carry out urgent work, and from ordinary TD, the contract differs as follows:

  • it is clearly defined by the duties of the employee who entered the service;
  • it lies strictly for a certain period: from 3 to 5 years. With primary employment, the term is limited to three years;
  • the document refers to measures that may be applied to an employee who performs official duties in improperly, and they provide not only standard disciplinary recovery on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (comment, reprimand, dismissal), but also other types of punishment: a decrease in rank or post, extraordinary outfit, direction in the disciplinary battalion, etc.;
  • it necessarily lists the conditions under which the contract can be terminated;
  • if the contract is terminated early at the initiative of the employer, the employee receives minimal monetary compensation.

A distinctive feature of the contract is that it describes in detail the specifics of the work of each employee category, depending on the position, as well as the presence of certain deadlines. At the end of the action of the document, it can be extended with the mutual agreement of the parties, otherwise it will automatically be considered terminated.

For a visual example, it is worth considering the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2012 No. 34, according to which the contract with the police officer must contain the following:

  • place and date of conclusion;
  • position, special title and Full name head of the unit;
  • Full name, position, date of birth and the title of person with which the contract is issued;
  • information that a citizen assumes all obligations to carry a service provided for by regulatory legal acts (for example, FZ "On the Police");
  • rights of the head and employee;
  • duties of the parties;
  • additional conditions: training, passage of specials. courses, etc.;
  • working time mode;
  • number of days of additional vacation;
  • conditions for the resolution of disputes between the parties;
  • grounds for termination of the contract.

This document, like other types of employment contracts, is issued in two copies: one remains at the employer, the other - the employee.

Fixed-term employment contract

According to Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such a type of contract lies in the following cases:

  • For the period of replacement of the missing employee.
  • Upon admission to work to the PI with the number of employees up to 35 people.
  • To perform seasonal or temporary (up to 2 months) work.
  • To send an employee abroad.
  • When elected for a certain period of a selected position or in the election body.
  • To send temporary or social work from the Center for Employment.

By agreement between the head or employee, the urgent contract may be issued for emergency work, employment in an individual entrepreneur if the number of employees does not exceed 35; with citizens learning in full-time; with journalists and other creative workers; For work that are temporary.

By duration, the term of the term contract cannot exceed 5 years, and the date of termination of labor relations must necessarily be indicated in it. What is usually contained in this document:

  • Subject.
  • The timing of its action.
  • The rights, responsibilities of the employee and the employer (different sections).
  • Labor and recreation mode.
  • Warranties and compensation.

Labor contract for young professionals

Now in some universities and sseas, it is planned to train specialists in full-time education with subsequent employment after receiving a diploma. For this, educational institutions conclude with the organizations of the agreement, on the basis of which no later than 3 months before the end of study, the procedure for the distribution of young specialists in enterprises occurs. In the future, employment contracts are issued without testing deadlines. If a potential employee refuses to work hard, it is obliged to compensate for training costs.

Situations in which it is possible to avoid such a contract for work:

  • pregnancy;
  • if there are medical contraindications for work;
  • if there is a child under the age of 1.5 years;
  • if the work is offered not at the place of residence or not in the specialty;
  • if the spouse or parents are disabled 1 il 2 groups.

Who is exempt from compensation for training costs:

  • honors;
  • orphans;
  • fellows from the government or president;
  • participants in hostilities or affected by radiation disasters.

Labor agreement on combining posts

This form of the contract is the most common. Legislative compatibility is divided into:

  • Internal: when the employee is employed in different positions in one organization.
  • External: when the employee works at different enterprises.

In addition to the main points (data about the company and the employee, etc.), the document must contain a prerequisite - the duration of the labor day: it cannot exceed half of the working time. It also indicates the validity period, and if there is no such information, the contract is considered to be indefinite.

What are the features of this type of agreement:

  • In case of employment, part-time entry into the labor book is optional.
  • If a compatible is a shift schedule, then it can go to full shifts, provided that it does not prevent the main work.
  • The payment system for part-stations is similar to the system for major workers, but it is necessary to focus on the number of spent time.
  • Vacation of such a category of employees must coincide with the time of rest at its main work. If he has not worked for 6 months, vacation is provided by advance.
  • Agriculture, gardening (harvest, etc.).
  • Mining.
  • Production of various materials.
  • Cleaning snow.

Seasonal employment contract

As can be understood from the name, this type of contract is strictly for a certain period that cannot exceed 6 months. In which industries it is relevant:

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the probationary period for seasonal workers should not exceed two weeks, and the period of its action must be reflected in the agreement, otherwise it will be considered concluded indefinitely. Vacation for "seasonal" is calculated simply: 2 days for each spent month, or it can be replaced by cash compensation.

Labor contract: differences in terms

In general, all employment contracts differ in terms of timing, and under the TC RF is divided into several types:

  • Prisoners for an indefinite period (perpetual). It does not indicate the period for which the employee is employed.
  • Urgent (no more than 5 years). It is drawn up when it is clearly determined by the duration of labor relations, taking into account the specifics of the work.
  • To perform a certain amount of work. Dates in it are not stipulated, because The ultimate goal is to solve specific tasks. The agreement is terminated after the results achievement. Another option is an employment employment on an ongoing or part-time, where it is assumed to perform official duties over a certain time.
  • To replace the vacant position. It is in the temporary absence of a major employee, while its time is not negotiated. The main condition is to dismiss 1 day before the exit of the employee, the position of which was substituted.
  • Seasonal: The period of their action can not exceed 6 months.

Employment contract

In accordance with the labor legislation, there are certain types of contracts that differ in each other by the amount of work:

  • Agreement on part-time work. Features of the partners are regulated by ch. 44 TC RF. In this situation, the part-time can work on the second job of no more than 4 hours a day, except when its alignment cannot prevent the workforce on the main work.
  • Labor agreement on the main work. The most common type of contract. It is assumed here that the employee will fulfill his duties and observe the work time mode, while the workbook will be in the department of personnel of the organization in which it is employed as the main worker, and not a part-time center.

Features of the forms of labor contracts are governed by Art. 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and it is necessary to conclude them in writing, while one copy should be kept by an employee, and the second is his leader.

Labor contract: concept, types.

1. The concept of an employment contract.

Labor contract - Agreement between the employer and the employee, in accordance with which the employer undertakes to provide an employee to work on the conditioned labor function, to ensure the working conditions provided for by this Code, laws and other regulatory legal acts, a collective agreement, agreements, local regulatory acts containing labor law standards, In a timely manner and in full, pay the employee wages, and the employee undertakes to personally fulfill the employment function defined by this agreement, to comply with the rules of internal labor regulations. The parties to the employment contract are the employer and employee. An employer may be a legal entity or an individual (as a rule - an individual entrepreneur). An employee can be a citizen not under the age of 16 (allowed to work to work for easy work in the time-free time at the achievement of 14 years of age with the consent of parents, adoptive parents, guardian).

Types of labor contracts

Types of employment contract for its validity period can be defined as follows:

    for undefined period;

    for a certain time Not more than five years (urgent employment contract), unless otherwise established by federal laws.

The main variety is the contract for indefinite termAnd it is he who must be in most cases.

The urgent employment contract is when labor relations cannot be installed on indefinite term Taking into account the nature of the upcoming work or conditions of its implementation, namely in cases provided for by Part 1 of Art. 59 Labor Code (for example, temporary work, seasonal work, commissioning, etc.).

And it should be borne in mind that in the cases provided for by part of the second Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the urgent employment contract may be concluded only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. This means that the employer's refusal in employment due to the desire of the employee to sign an agreement on indefinite term It will be unlawful if it is not based on the business, professional qualities of the employee, and it can check during the period of the trial period.

If its work is not stipulated in the labor contract, the contract is considered to be concluded on indefinite term.

In the case when none of the parties demanded termination of an urgent employment contract in connection with the expiration of its term and the employee continues to work after the expiration of the employment contract, the condition for the urgent nature of the employment contract loses strength and employment contract to be concluded on indefinite term.

Types of employment contract by the nature of labor relations:

    employment contract for the main place of work;

    employment contract at work on part-time (ch. 44 TK RF);

    labor agreement on temporary work for a period of up to two months (ch. 45 TK RF);

    work agreement on seasonal work (ch. 46 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    labor agreement on the work of the employer - an individual (ch. 48 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

    labor agreement on work at home (ch. 49 TK RF);

    contract on the state (municipal) service.

The contract can also be attributed to the type of employment contract, taking into account the features that basic legal regulation is contained in special laws regulating certain types of state (municipal) service, and labor legislation acts in part, not resolved by special laws.

Labor legislation and other acts containing labor law standards do not apply to the following persons (if in accordance with the procedure established by law they simultaneously act as employers or their representatives):

    servicemen in the performance of their military service responsibilities;

    members of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Boards) of organizations (with the exception of persons who have entered into an employment contract with this organization);

    persons working on the basis of civil-law agreements;

    other persons, if established by federal law (Art. 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In practice, the following main types of labor contracts are found, among which the most frequent division into urgent and indefinite labor contracts.

1) The employee replaces the temporarily absent major officer (various types of prolonged absences, such as maternity leave, child care, long-term disability, etc.). In such situations, its workplace is maintained for the main employee, which it is returned after the expiration of time;

2) work is carried out, the period of which does not exceed 2 months;

3) registration of the contract for seasonal types of work (harvesting);

4) employees work abroad of the resident state;

5) One of the parties to the employment contract is a person coming to temporary work, the period of execution of which, the exact date of completion cannot be established in advance by virtue of the specifics of the commissioned employee;

6) implies the passage of internships or vocational training in the workplace;

7) labor relations in the elected position with a deadline;

8) work related to a temporary increase in the volume of production or services, as well as for work in excess of the normal organization's production cycle (additional installation, commissioning, reconstruction activities);

9) with citizens aimed at passing an alternative civil service;

10) with citizens aimed authorities of the employment service for the implementation of temporary and public works.

Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides cases of imprisonment of an urgent employment contract with the head of the organization and the chief accountant, the maximum term of such a contract is 5 years.

With employees depends on the nature and importance of the task being performed. In the event of disputes between the employee and the manager, this document will certainly be in demand.

Labor contract: differences from civil law

The employee and the head regulates labor relations on the basis of legislative acts and other legal documents, while the employment contract remains aside aside. Labor relations do not have the strength without the conclusion of contractual obligations.

The contract is prescribed, what work the employee must follow, the conditions for the execution of the labor function must be ensured, for special conditions. The contractual obligations also include extracts from collective obligations, local acts and agreements in which, in turn, states out of labor legislation, the size of the established salary, as well as the regulation of the work of the enterprise.

Labor commitment in some way refers to civil law, as it sets out all the information in accordance with the work performed.

Several differences between labor and civil law document:

  1. The employee works on the basis of his qualifications assigned to him on a prisoner with an employer, and according to a different agreement, it performs duties before reaching the desired result, for example, before the end of the construction of the facility.
  2. The worker only performs work according to the employment agreement.
  3. The duty of the employee is subject to the internal regulations of the work, according to the labor obligation, and in the event of violations, this circumstance is punishable disciplinary or administratively. Failure to comply with the requirements of another treaty leads to civil liability to the law.
  4. The conditions for execution of labor duties are established by the employer.
  5. Remuneration is paid in a civil law agreement, and the salary is accrued according to labor.

What does an employment contract need

Based on the requirements of legislative documents, the Treaty is recommended to be considered with three faces at the same time:

  • characterizes the relationship between the employer and the employee, that is, the document makes sending norms on articles from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents;
  • after signing the document, the citizen automatically becomes an employee of this organization;
  • from the legal side, the legal relations and obligations between the parties are established.

These are characteristic signs of a contract for labor activities, with their help relationships are regulated. Contractual obligations are bilateral.

The employee is a citizen who has reached the age of 16, but there are cases when it consists of a 15-year-old agreement, this is allowed at the legislative level. It is possible to enter into contracts with persons who have reached the age of 14, with the condition for providing them with light labor and consent from parents or their representatives. It is worth noting that the upper border in the age category does not exist for the conclusion of an agreement on working activity, the main thing is that the employee approaches all the parameters, that is, a medical examination has passed.

The employer is an individual, they can be a private entrepreneur or a legal entity or even the state organizational structure.

The contract is considered valid after signing by both parties.

The main items of the Labor Agreement

What an employment contract: Highlights

To competently arrange an employment contract, you need to know some nuances, including what information to make there:

  • fully initials and the name of the employee, as well as complete information about the organization with which the employment contract was concluded;
  • the name and data from the documents according to which the identity of the future employee is established. It may be a passport or military ID;
  • the number of attitudes of the representative from the employer who is given the opportunity to sign an agreement;
  • place of conclusion and date of conclusion of the contract;
  • specify the place in which labor activity will be carried out;
  • the full name of the position in accordance with, including the profession and type of work;
  • establishing the date of the work of the employment contract;
  • what labor payment is provided (the amount of payment, compensation and surcharge);
  • regulated lunch breaks and breaks;
  • warranty obligations from the employer that the employee will be socially insured;
  • other conditions provided for by the Treaty;
  • when conducting training at the expense of the enterprise, it is necessary to specify the term of working out;
  • what conditions for material support are provided for, for example, pension accruals and insurance;
  • what employee responsibilities exist on the basis of the requirements of local acts of the enterprise.

If necessary, make additional information, as well as when changing certain conditions in the contract, it is necessary to issue an additional agreement. The conditions prescribed in the last document should not contradict the requirements of the legislation.

For example, it can be:

  • information clarifying the workshop of the employee;
  • what trial period is provided;
  • on the inadmissibility of disclosure of information.

Types of contracts depending on the term

In total, there are several nuances that are used in the design of the contract. Based on the duration of the duration there are the following work agreements:

  1. Indefinitely. In the absence of its term in the agreement, this means that the document acts an indefinite period. That is, if you need to terminate the relationship, it is worth performing everything in the prescribed manner in accordance with the law.
  2. agreements. They concluded for a period not exceeding five years, while it can be specifically for the implementation of a document specified by the document.

And it is also necessary to know that in the document you need to register the duration of time to which the contract must be concluded, and the reasons are presented on the basis of which is not allowed to conclude an urgent contract. The list of these reasons is fixed at the legislative level and can be adjusted and expanded.

Based on what criteria cannot be concluded an indefinite agreement, the decision remains for the employer.

When agreeing the bilateral agreement, the employer's representative does not have the right to not accept an employee who does not sign indefinite contractual obligations, if not related to professional achievements.

The extension of the urgent agreement is achieved by the coordination of the parties, but again for a period not exceeding 5 years. Termination is carried out from the moment of notifying the employee at 3 days. If an employee continues to work, then such contractual relations automatically go to perpetuals.

On urgent contracts

When you need an urgent employment contract

Urgent contracts are drawn up in the following cases:

  1. The duration of duration initially must be discussed and installed. For example, in such a category of people involved in the deputy activities, leaders of the Department of Universities or Governors.
  2. Contractual relations are also established with a relatively specific period. The organization defines the amount of work that needs to be implemented on the basis of this contract.
  3. Conditionally urgent contractual relations are concluded with those persons who will occupy the post of temporarily absent employee. For example, a specialist is in and his position has the need to take another employee.

The reasons for the conclusion of these types of contracts are governed by labor legislation.

Some examples of imprinting contractual relations:

  • for the period of execution of work on season or temporary;
  • if work is assumed outside the Russian Federation;
  • when work goes beyond daily activities;
  • when working to eliminate the consequences of the situation established as a result of unforeseen circumstances;
  • with citizens with whom the temporary relations are established, or pensioners include;
  • if work is carried out in the northern regions;
  • with employees of creative specialties;
  • with representatives of crews;
  • with students in higher and secondary educational institutions;
  • when working part-time;
  • in other cases.

Varieties depending on the nature of the contractual obligations

The nature of the contractual relationship is divided as follows:

  1. Agreement on an ongoing basis. The conclusion of such relations assumes that the employee works for this employer, according to the established regulation of the work. At the same time, the workbook is on the storage of the employer.
  2. By . An employee performs his work laid regularly, and the time has been free from the main activity. Contractual relationships can be enclosed as a third-party employer and with those with whom the main contract is concluded. The conclusion of such contracts is possible with any number of enterprises. But there are some exceptions, for example, a sports coach can conclude this agreement only with its employer.
  3. Temporary job. This is when the work is a non-permanent and the validity of its execution does not exceed 2 months. For example, a designer is accepted for the preparation of the designer project to full performance. If this work is assumed to have a permanent place, the reception for temporary work will not be considered legal.
  4. Performing seasonal work. In contractual obligations settled that the work has a seasonal nature, namely the performance of these functions is relevant only for the season. It may be harvesting or snow.
  5. Contract with a direct employer. There is a place if necessary in the staff of cooks, educators or secretaries. A permanent or temporary agreement is drawn up in writing with an indispensable registration in self-government bodies.
  6. Contractual obligations with housewife persons. The document should be clearly stated, with what materials work will be carried out, including who will acquire them. We can immediately register that family members can also take part in this work.

It is unacceptable to conclude such agreements with:

  • juvenile adolescents;
  • if part-time work is directly related to hazards and harmful conditions.

Contractual relationships dependent on the size of the task

Labor contracts are divided into the size of the task being performed.

Contracts are divided based on the size of the task being performed:

  1. The main place of work. An employee carries out production activities, being in one place, that is, performs everything that is indicated in the contract.
  2. At the same time. Such rules of conclusion of contractual relations are applied when the employee performs production tasks in addition to the main work, but it is negotiated that the time for this work is given at no more than 4 hours daily.

Activities carried out by part-time with the Agreement of the Parties is significantly different from, including an increase in the service range and an increase in the amount of work. That is, if it is necessary to combine the profession, the work has been added to it, and if the service area increases, then the employee is added to the employee during the shift.

Particularly, work activities are performed in one place and this requires the same time of work, the execution of the employee to the main contract is required for registration.

Labor contracts depending on the type of employers

Contractual relations are also divided by the type of employer representatives:

  1. Legal face. This is an agreement with the organization or enterprises for the fulfillment of the tasks set out in the document. Such agreements are the most common.
  2. Individual. Labor relations are installed with a private entrepreneur or his representative. At the legislative level, the entrepreneur has reached the age of 18. It is also obliged to fill out, pay contributions to the pension and insurance funds.

You can conclude agreements urgent, while the number of employees in the company should not exceed the established criteria. If the work of the mercenary is used for personal interest, then you need to register a document in the registration places.

How treaties are divided depending on labor conditions

Labor contracts depending on labor conditions

The division of labor relations is carried out as follows:

  • production activities are carried out in normal conditions of the employment process, that is, when conducting work, the factors do not affect the employee;
  • works at night (to this time the range from 22.00 to 6.00, but it should be borne in mind that women during the waiting period of the baby and adolescents cannot be attributed to such works);
  • Labor activity (these conditions are indicated in the CAT Map, and when drawing up an employment agreement, it is necessary to specify the duration of the work time, leave, as well as the frequency of medical examination);
  • stern climate (such obligations are concluded with citizens who plan their activities under conditions of reduced or elevated temperatures, including the rotational method, the function performed can be both constant and temporary).

The nuances of the conclusion of an urgent employment contract are considered in the following video:

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