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What kind of work should be done in the garden in the spring. Spring in the garden. Brief instructions for seasonal work Vegetable garden and garden in spring

With the onset of winter, gardeners and gardeners take a short break and rest from work in the country. But with the onset of spring, they again have to work in the garden and garden. Let's find out in more detail what activities need to be carried out on the plots so that gardeners and gardeners are satisfied with the harvest.

Basic gardening in spring

With the onset of spring, the first work begins not in the garden, but in the garden. This is related to that most activities are carried out before sap flow and the appearance of the first kidney.

What needs to be done:

Coniferous tree care in spring

So that the bright spring sun does not damage the crowns of coniferous trees, they must be covered with an old bedspread or burlap. The roots of coniferous trees must be shed warm water th. This procedure will help to melt the snow faster and protect the trees from dehydration.

If during the winter the branches broke or dried up, then they must be removed. Also, do not forget about mulching. You can make it with pine bark or crushed cones. This process helps retain moisture. last longer and prevent weeds.

Spring care for currants, raspberries and gooseberries

Spring work in the garden

To get a good harvest from the beds, it is necessary to prepare the garden for planting in the spring. What should be done?

Spring lawn care

If you have a lawn then you need to take care of him, starting in early spring. As soon as the snow on the lawn begins to melt, you need to scatter mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lawn.

When the soil dries out a little, it is necessary to remove all leaves and debris from the lawn. After that, it is necessary to loosen the lawn with a special rake-scarifier. This procedure will enable young shoots to grow.

In order for the soil to be saturated with oxygen, pierce it around the entire perimeter of the lawn with a fork.

If during all the above works the surface of the lawn is damaged, these areas must be leveled in height, cover with sand and sow with a new lawn.

In May, the lawn needs to be mowed, but it is not worth trampling on it much so that your marks do not remain.

strawberry care

Everyone loves strawberries, both adults and children. But not everyone knows that getting a good harvest depends on proper care for strawberries in the spring. How to care for this berry in the spring?

From the area where strawberries grow, it is necessary to remove all snow-retaining materials. Remove debris and old blackened leaves. Cut off old mustaches and inflorescences. It is better to burn all collected garbage in order to protect your berry from last year's diseases and pests.

After that, apply a nitrogen-containing fertilizer under each bush. To get a good harvest, strawberries need to be fed before flowering and after flowering. Cooking yeast, chicken manure, mullein, sodium sulfate, potassium, nitrophosphate, weed tincture are suitable for this. But you also need to feed it correctly, otherwise excessive feeding can lead to the death of strawberries.

New leaves that swell should be dug in with earth. The soil around the strawberry bushes must be loosened.

Before the appearance of leaves, each bush must be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. And when it's warm, bushes must be sprayed with a solution from calcium chloride and wood ash.

If some strawberry bushes are frozen, then new bushes can be planted in their place.

If you do not want your berry to be attacked by slugs, you should mulch with wood ash or pine needles.

Spring work in the country: planting new flowers

In early March, you can already plant the following flowers: hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops, asters petunias. But if you want these flowers to please you with their flowering earlier, need to plant seeds at home first in special boxes, and with the onset of heat, plant seedlings in the ground.

Before planting the seeds, they must be soaked for several minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. After this procedure, the seeds must be dried, and can be planted.

Land for planting must also be prepared. Better if it consists of humus, sand and soil.

If you decide to plant bulbous plants, then before planting they must be kept for thirty minutes in a potassium permanganate solution. This is necessary so that they are not exposed to various viruses and fungi.

When planting bulbous plants in the ground, it is necessary to ensure that the bulb is strictly directed downwards. Landing should be carried out when the air temperature at night is above ten degrees. Otherwise, your flowers will die.

The soil must be well water-permeable. Sandy soil needs to be fertilized with compost, and if the soil does not pass water well, then a little crushed stone and sand should be poured into the bottom of each hole.

If you do it right, then your flower bed will be the most beautiful in the country.

Now you know what spring work in the garden and garden is, what needs to be done to get a good harvest. Stick to these rules and you'll be fine. Happy harvest!

When your favorite garden wakes up after hibernation, it is important to carry out the necessary care in time so as not to miss precious time, because the weather in spring changes rapidly. Perhaps tomorrow will be too late. Experienced gardeners know that giving exact dates is a thankless task. . In the article we will talk about spring work in the garden and garden, give advice on caring for trees and soil.

List of spring garden work

The timing of spring work depends on the climatic and weather conditions of each region, but there are general recommendations when the gardening season can begin. They are associated with the temperature regime, illumination and growth characteristics of each crop. The list of works by months is presented in the table:

How and when to perform spring work, each gardener determines independently, objectively assessing local weather conditions and the condition of plants. More details about each type of care will be discussed below.

🎧 Spring work in the garden

An interesting interview with an expert gardener Andrey Tumanov: "Spring work in the garden." For 20 years, the author has hosted a number of TV programs dedicated to amateur gardening and horticulture - "Fazenda", "Bed", "Our Garden", "Country Hour", "Field Work".

Gardening in March

With the advent of spring, gardeners start pruning. If the orchard occupies a significant area, then it is better to start work at the end of February. First of all, dry and broken branches are removed. Then, in young trees, shaping pruning is carried out, in mature trees, corrective pruning. Sections with a diameter of more than 2 cm are treated with protective agents. In addition to the traditional garden var, modern preparations have appeared, for example, RanNet.

Tip #1 Start pruning trees and shrubs when the temperature is not lower than minus 100. In severe frost, branches and shoots are especially fragile, so they do not cut, but break.

It is better to burn the cut branches; pest larvae and pathogens hibernated on them. If the autumn whitewash has been washed away with snow, it's time to renew it. In early spring, trees suffer from a sharp drop in day and night temperatures. Light garden paint will protect the bark from cracking by reflecting excess solar heat from the surface of the trunk and branches.

Young trees are especially in need of such care. Whitewash covers not only the trunk, but also one third of the skeletal branches. This work begins in mid-March and is suspended with swelling of the kidneys. The solution can be prepared independently by mixing:

  • slaked lime (or chalk) - 3 kg;
  • clay - 500 g;
  • copper sulfate - ½ kg;
  • PVA glue - 200 g;
  • water - 10 liters.

Modern ready-made solutions have appeared on sale that are easy to use and significantly save time, for example:

  • acrylic whitewash "Green Squre";
  • garden paint Concord Ost;
  • lime paste "Gardener";
  • mix "Michurinka - 2"

Before painting, pay attention to the weather. It is important that there is no wet snow during the day, otherwise, the work will be in vain. Some ornamental trees and shrubs are afraid of spring burns. Coniferous plants are especially vulnerable. They are covered with a protective white material. For this purpose, spunbond is suitable, which is pulled onto pre-installed supports. This design will protect the crown from a sharp imbalance of solar heat and night frosts.

April work in the garden

Trees and shrubs, which have been protected from frost by various materials since autumn, are exempted from them:

  • Remove agrofibre, which is wrapped around the crowns of heat-loving trees and shrubs.
  • Remove winter mulch. Sometimes it is enough to loosen it and leave it as a top dressing. For example, if pines, spruces, junipers, cypresses, rhododendrons were insulated with coniferous mulch for the winter, and it has been preserved in good condition, it is better to leave it as a fertilizer. In this case, it is necessary to move it away from the tree trunks in order to open the root neck.
  • Shrub shoots are also freed from shelter for air access to the roots. Read also the article: → "".

Tip #2 If the mulch is overly compacted, wet and begins to rot, it is removed completely, and the soil around the plants is loosened.

After pruning and whitewashing, you can proceed to spring vaccinations. This process begins when the approximate temperature is +5 0, and sap flow is activated in the tissues of the rootstock. This usually occurs from mid-April to early May. In any case, you need to focus on the characteristics of the growth of culture:

  • early flowering trees are the first to be grafted - these are apricots, plums, cherries, cherries.
  • later - pears and apple trees.
  • in addition, do not forget about the timing of fruiting - the vaccination must be completed before the buds open on the rootstock.

Cleaning the garden from winter debris

As soon as the earth in the garden dries out so much that it does not get stuck when walking, it is cleared of overwintered debris. These are the remains of dry leaves, stems, branches, which were brought by the wind in winter. You need to clean the entire garden with a rake with sharp teeth. Under the snow, the soil has compacted, a film has formed on the surface, which makes it difficult for air to reach the roots of plants. By raking out plant residues, the gardener conducts aeration, that is, enriches the soil with oxygen.

Lawns are the most carefully looked after. After cleaning, the sod needs to be pierced. The easiest way is to use garden pitchforks or special aerators. Lawns that are over five years old require scarification. Work is carried out before the germination of young grass. The surface of the turf is notched to reduce the compaction of the turf.

Preventive treatment of the garden against diseases and pests

Chemicals are not dangerous if used correctly. They are fast acting and long lasting. The positive side is the complete neutralization of the agent in a short period. When the time comes to harvest, the toxic substances will completely dissolve and evaporate.

Fertilizing in the spring

A rich harvest is impossible without fertilizing the garden. Fruit trees are fertilized in the spring when the soil dries to a wet state. During active sap flow, plants need nitrogen substances.. In the spring they make 2/3 of the total amount that plants need for the entire growing season. Percentage of nitrogen in mineral and organic fertilizers:

Fertilizer name Nitrogen content (%) Note
Humus (rotted manure) 0,98
bird droppings 0,7 – 2,4 The nitrogen content depends on the freshness of the litter. The longer the fertilizer is stored, the less active ingredient remains.
Compost 0,3 – 0,5
leaf ground 1,0 – 1,2
grassroots peat 0,8 – 3,3 Dry matter
Ammonium nitrate 33,5 – 35
Carbamide (Urea) 46
Ammonium chloride 24

Good results are obtained by fertilizing with complex fertilizers, which gardeners call: "On the last snow." Dry granules are scattered over the entire surface of the soil. Dissolving in the melted snow, the active substance is evenly distributed at the desired depth.

Fertilizing with minerals is carried out according to the instructions with an interval of 2 to 3 weeks.

Planting seedlings in April - early May

April, early May is the best time for planting trees and shrubs with an open root system. You can determine the period of work according to the condition of the soil. When the earth dries out enough that it can be dug to the desired depth, then the time has come.


  • the pit is prepared two weeks before planting;
  • the top layer of soil 25 - 30 cm is folded separately. Deep poor soil is removed and replaced with fertile;
  • placed back in the pit and left to compact for two weeks;
  • a peg is hammered from the edge of the pit, to which a seedling is tied;
  • before planting, it forms a recess, of such a size that the roots fit freely, and the neck is located 2 cm above the edge of the pit. After planting, when compacting the soil, it will drop to the desired level;
  • when the seedling is covered with soil, an earthen roller is built around the trunk in the form of a circle to hold water during irrigation.

Recently, trees and shrubs with a lump of soil have become popular on sale. This method allows you to save the roots and extend the planting time. Such plants can be planted from early spring to late autumn. In contrast, in seedlings, the period is limited to a dormant period before the leaves bloom.

Sowing seeds and planting seedlings in spring

Many gardeners have long abandoned digging beds, following the fair advice of organic farming. To prepare a place for sowing, it is enough to loosen the soil and introduce effective microorganisms (EM) Emmochki, Baikal, Radiance.

Advice#3 . It is possible to use "EM" only at an average daily temperature of +10 - +12 0. The living culture that they contain can die in the cold.

Sowing dates for vegetable crops are different, but you should not start work until the earth warms up to +15 0. For example, melon seeds - cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, which cannot be planted with seedlings, are sown under conditions of intense warming. If the soil does not warm up, the seeds will lie in the cold ground and will not sprout for a long time.

  • Earlier than others, garlic and onions, carrots, and beets are planted in April. Read also the article: → "".
  • They are followed by radishes, spinach, lettuce.
  • After them - cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini.

Seedlings are taken out into the open ground only after the threat of the last frost. For example, in the middle lane they are not uncommon in mid-May. Drops are dangerous for immature sprouts of tomato, pepper, eggplant, cabbage. Do not rush with sowing and planting in adverse weather conditions. This will not only not bring the ripening of the crop closer, but will also destroy the seeds or seedlings.

Experienced gardeners worked out their own plans for spring activities. As a rule, they are similar in many ways. If you follow a strict sequence, you can evenly distribute spring work in the garden. To facilitate the work of the gardener, you can adhere to the following plan:

Mistake #1. Violation of the timing of pruning fruit trees.

If time is lost, sap flow is activated in the plants, the sections are not tightened, a wound is formed, into which pathogens penetrate. This leads to infection of the entire tree.

Mistake #2. Neglect of spring whitewash.

There is a common misconception among gardeners that whitewashing is needed only in the fall, as a measure against pests. Light paint reflects the sun's rays, which in the spring can cause bark burns.

Mistake #3. Early sowing of vegetable seeds on the beds.

Some gardeners believe that the sooner the seeds are sown, the sooner the crop will ripen. This is not true. Until the earth warms up to the right temperature, the seeds will not germinate. And if they rise, they risk freezing from spring frosts.

Rubric “Questions and answers”

Question number 1. Which trees should be cut first?

Those who start growing earlier. These are apricot, plum, cherry, sweet cherry. The pear and apple tree can wait.

Question number 2. If there is no spanbond, how can you save Smaragd Cypress from burns.

Previously, experienced gardeners pollinated coniferous plants with chalk mixed with water. When the need for protection disappeared, then the painting was washed off with a powerful jet of water from a hose.

Question number 3. Can I graft when the buds have hatched on the trees?

Yes, if the stock is active, and the scion is still in “hibernation”. To do this, pre-prepared cuttings must be kept in the refrigerator until grafting.

Question number 4. What fertilizer is needed in the spring?

Plants need nitrogen in spring. It is called a green mass growth stimulator. A large amount of it is necessary because the substances in which it is contained are easily dissolved and quickly washed out of the soil.

Question number 5. We cannot apply chemicals to the garden, we have small children and two dogs. What products are harmless to humans and animals?

Modern biological agents do not pose a danger. These are microorganisms that stimulate the synthesis of protective substances in plants. The entire chemical army of insecticides - pest control, is replaced by Aktofit. On sale there are drugs against diseases:

  • Mikosan;
  • Phytosporin;
  • Ecoberin;
  • Glyocladin.

With the end of winter, nature gradually comes to life, and new chores are added to gardeners. In this article, we will tell you what spring work in the garden and vegetable garden needs to be done so that all the plants on the site develop well and give a good harvest.

Work in the country after winter begins with the care of the garden. It is important not to miss precious time, since many activities need to be carried out before active sap flow and swelling of the kidneys. The health of trees and shrubs depends on how well the spring work in the garden is done.

Spring work in the garden

With the advent of spring, the first thing to do is to clear the garden of last year's foliage, windbreak and other debris that has accumulated over the winter. In plant residues, spores of fungal diseases and pest larvae can overwinter, so they are taken out of the site and burned. As the air temperature rises, winter shelters are gradually removed from trees and shrubs.

Before the start of sap flow, it is necessary to prune fruit and ornamental plants in the garden. Young seedlings, as well as ornamental early-flowering shrubs, are not pruned in spring; only damaged branches can be removed from them. For fruit trees, shaping and rejuvenating pruning is carried out.

Early spring is the time for the prevention of garden diseases and pests. Before the buds swell, the trees are sprayed with iron sulfate, Bordeaux liquid or urea to destroy the fungal pores. If an invasion of pests was noticed in the previous year, the garden is treated with Agrovertin, Iskra-Bio, or Fitoverm.

Tree trunks need protection in spring. After the winter, wind breaks and frost cracks may appear on them, which must be covered with clay mash or garden pitch. To protect against pests, trees are whitewashed with special paints, or "in the old fashioned way" they use lime mortar with the addition of copper sulfate.

Fruit trees are grafted in April. First stone fruits, and a little later pome fruits. As a scion, pre-harvested cuttings or material after early spring pruning are used.

In the spring, plants in the garden need top dressing. Dry nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, ammophoska, ammonium nitrate) are scattered around the perimeter of the crown. After that, surface loosening of the soil is carried out, closing up fertilizers. From organics, you can make an infused solution of chicken manure or rotted manure. After fertilization, the soil under the trees and bushes is mulched with humus.

Work in the garden in the spring does not stop even after the beginning of flowering trees. Recurrent frosts often occur, and fumigation of gardens with smoke bombs or bonfires is used to protect against them. A humid environment also helps to reduce the impact of low temperatures, so they put containers with water under the trees, spill the soil and wet the branches.

Work in the garden in spring

In the garden in spring, there is no less trouble than in the garden. During this period, it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil for planting vegetables in order to get a good harvest. As soon as the snow melts, the beds are cleared of debris accumulated over the winter. It is advisable to burn the waste outside the site to prevent the spread of diseases and pests wintering in them. They clean not only the soil, but also garden paths, on which garden debris accumulates and moss can grow.

After completing the cleaning, mineral fertilizers are applied. In the spring, urea, nitrophoska, ammophoska and other fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are used. When the soil dries out a little, compost or humus is added. After that, the beds are dug up or deeply loosened. During loosening, young shoots of weeds must be immediately removed, as well as pests encountered.

Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden includes activities to improve the structure of the soil. River sand, ripened humus, and small sawdust are added to areas with heavy soil. Clay is added to sandy soil to make it more moisture-intensive. If necessary, regulate the acidity of the soil. Lime, ash, or dolomite flour are added for deoxidation, and sulfur (70 g per sq.m), malic or acetic acid is used to increase the pH level (acidification).

When the soil is prepared and fertilized, beds can be laid out on the site. For planting early vegetables, artificial soil heating is created. To do this, the beds are covered with dark material (black agrofiber or polyethylene) about two weeks before sowing.

When working in the garden in spring, special attention should be paid to beds with strawberries and raspberries. Shelter is removed from strawberries, dead bushes are removed, the soil is loosened and mulched. Raspberries are tied to trellises and sanitary pruning is carried out.

In the spring, cold-resistant vegetables and greens are sown in the garden: radishes, peas, lettuce, sorrel, onions, early carrots, beets. These crops develop well and yield even when sown in cold ground.

In flower beds in the spring, division of the rhizomes of perennials is carried out. Plants with overwintering foliage are renewed by removing frozen and damaged shoots, and plantings of early-flowering bulbs are loosened. Complexes of mineral fertilizers are introduced into flower beds as top dressings. To prevent diseases, flower beds are treated with copper-containing preparations.

Lawn care after winter

With the advent of spring, the lawn comes to life. Already at a temperature of plus 5 degrees Celsius, the grass begins to grow and requires attention. As soon as the snowmelt begins, mineral fertilizers are scattered over the lawn, which are dominated by nitrogen: ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea.

Cleaning the lawn begins after the soil dries. Leaves and debris are raked with a fan rake, after which scarification is performed. This procedure, also called "combing", is performed with a garden rake, a special hand tool, or a scarifier device. It is necessary in order to break the integrity of the dense grass turf, renew it, and enable young shoots to develop.

After stratification, it is necessary to carry out aeration - piercing the turf and the top layer of soil to saturate the soil with oxygen. Do this using a pitchfork, an aerator or special shoe covers.

After cleaning, potholes are clearly visible, which may remain from accidental movement on a damp lawn, or when the soil settles. If the turf layer is not broken, it is dug up and sand is poured under it. Damaged areas of the lawn are cut out with a shovel and removed, the resulting pits are also covered with sand. After that, they are sown to restore a uniform lawn.


With the advent of spring, it is necessary to pay attention to the garden and prepare fruit trees and bushes for the new growing season. In the garden, you need to improve the quality of the soil so that the vegetables give a good harvest, and in flower beds, take care of perennials. Gardening in the spring is hard work, but the end result will be a well-groomed yard with strong, healthy plants.

With the advent of spring, gardeners and gardeners in summer cottages and other areas begin a hot period, you need to have time to complete all the work and prepare the ground for a good harvest of fruits and vegetables. The owners’ hands are “itching”, because the winter worries and cold are fed up with the order, and I want to quickly go out into the garden and the beds, determine for myself the scope of work and begin to implement it. The harvest will depend on properly carried out spring work in the garden (we will not forget about summer chores too). Therefore, spring is a responsible time for gardeners and vegetable growers.

Works in the garden and vegetable garden in spring (March - April - May)

What kind of work is required to be done in the garden and garden in the spring? Everything needs to be done better according to a plan drawn up in advance, taking into account personal experience. All work in the garden and garden is carried out slowly, in compliance with agricultural practices and in accordance with climatic conditions. This is the only way to be sure that the work will give a positive result. As soon as the sun warms up, the first thing to do is fruit trees.

Freeing fruit trees from the snow cap

In early March, the gardener's first priority is to free the branches of fruit trees from the ice crust that occurs when snow melts. All work should be carried out with a garden pitchfork so as not to harm the young branches.

Experienced gardeners after a heavy snowfall carry out "dusting" of trees with peat or wood ash. In the trunk circles, you need to do the same, since the sun's rays will heat up the dark snow faster, and it will begin to melt.

Is the "Snow Accumulation" technique so good?

Due to the unstable spring weather and lower night temperatures, many summer residents want to restrain the blooming and flowering of trees so that frosts do not affect the future harvest. They practice the technique "Accumulation of snow". After a heavy snowfall, gardeners pour snow under the trees and cover with sawdust. They believe that the accumulated snow will melt more slowly, delaying the awakening of plants. The growing season is slightly shifted and flowering does not fall under spring frosts. But from a scientific point of view, this cannot be done, because each plant has its own development cycle and intervention in nature can destroy trees.

Spring whitewashing of trees and shrubs

After the snow melts, it is necessary to whitewash the trunks of trees and shrubs with lime mortar. This procedure is carried out not for beauty, but to protect plants from pests and scorching sunlight. To prepare 10 liters of solution, you need to take a pound of copper sulfate diluted in a small amount of hot water, 2.5 kg of chalk or lime and casein glue - 100 g, and adding more water. Mix all the components and apply on the trunks in 2 layers.

Pruning bushes and trees

Maintenance pruning is carried out on mature plants. Its purpose is to ensure growth, increase the formation of fruits and preserve the crown.

Forming is the pruning of the crown of young plants in order to give it a beautiful and compact appearance, stimulate the formation of fruits and facilitate harvesting. Runs until early May.

Regulatory pruning is carried out in conjunction with supporting pruning. She can control the load on the branches during abundant fruiting.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out on old trees. Thus, fruiting can be stimulated.

Restorative pruning is carried out on highly branched trees, on those that have frozen out during the winter or have been damaged by rodents and pests.

Grafting garden trees in spring

It happens that the taste of the fruit does not suit the owner. There is a way out: you can graft trees with new varieties. It is not necessary to buy a new plant.

Scion preparation

To graft a new variety, cuttings must be cut from young trees: stone fruits must be no older than 5 years old, and pome fruits - 7 years old. The best time for harvesting cuttings (scion) is the beginning of winter, as annual growths need to mature and harden. For cuttings take annual shoots. Carefully inspect and cut them into segments of 40 - 60 cm and hide in the snow. Also, cuttings can be harvested in early spring, but provided that the winter was not hard and frosty.

When should you get vaccinated?

April is the best time for grafting, as active sap flow begins in the rootstock. In order for the scion site with the stock to take root well, it is necessary to prevent the scion from becoming active, so it must be stored in the refrigerator or under snow until the very last moment. The scion must not be allowed to dry out. During storage, it must be in a bag or wrapped in a damp material.

First of all, you need to graft sweet cherry, cherry and plum (stone fruit), and then pear and apple (pomaceous crops), since the latter begin to sap flow later.

Common methods of vaccination:

  • in a split;
  • for the bark;
  • into the side cut.

First you need to cut off the skeletal shoots, leaving a trunk length of 40 cm and graft with prepared varieties. The place where the scion is combined with the stock is wrapped with a film, and the stalk is smeared with pitch. This procedure will halve evaporation and prevent the shoot from drying out. After 3 weeks, the film must be removed.


It is impossible to re-graft a plant in 1 year, the whole process must be extended for 3 years. During regrafting, most of the branches are pruned, so 3 years is the optimal period for the correspondence between the roots of the tree and its aerial part to be established. Re-grafting should be done from top to bottom. In 1 year, the upper part is grafted, in the second - the middle, and in the third - the lower. For stone fruit trees, such a grafting method as "split" is an inefficient method. The survival rate of cuttings in stone fruit crops is 60%, in pome crops - 90%.

top dressing

Caring for trees and shrubs in the spring involves fertilizing. You can feed with organic matter, make mineral supplements.

Of the organic fertilizers, chicken manure has proven itself well. You need to bring it into the soil in the near-trunk circle. Chicken droppings feed apple, plum, pear, quince, cherry, peach. Organics are necessary for the growth and fruiting of apricots and cherries.

For your information!

Fresh chicken manure, not diluted with water, can kill the roots, so it must be infused in water before use.

Feed preparation

  • For 10 liters of water, you need 1 kg of dry litter.
  • Organics are placed in a bucket and pour 3 liters of water.
  • Diluted litter should ferment within 1 - 2 days.
  • Then you need to fill the bucket with water to the top, mix and feed the plants.

If there are no chickens on the farm and there is nowhere to get fresh litter, you can buy it in dry form. It should be remembered that improper storage of litter leads to the fact that it turns into ammonia, as evidenced by a pungent and pungent odor.

Trees can be fed with compost or manure. We bring in only rotted manure, which, unlike chicken manure, we do not dilute in water, but immediately bring it into the soil. Not only coniferous trees should be fed with manure: cypress, spruce, yew, pine, thuja, but also apple trees with pears.

Protection of plantings of fruit trees and shrubs from spring frosts

During the flowering period of trees and shrubs and during the setting of berries and fruits, low night temperatures cause great damage. It is very difficult to preserve the crop, but protecting the garden from frost is the main task of the gardener.

Fruit and berry plants at a temperature of -4 degrees drop the buds that have appeared. An air temperature of -1 degrees damages young, tender ovaries, and a temperature of -2 degrees is detrimental to blossoming flowers.

If the garden is located on the shore of a large reservoir, a decrease in temperature will not harm it. But he, located in an open area, in low places, needs protection.

When laying a garden, it must be taken into account that dry and loose soil cools faster than moist soil. Therefore, it is important to choose a place in advance for the future "residence" of trees and shrubs.

Reception "fumigation (in other words: smoking) of trees". A reliable way to protect against low temperatures. To do this, you need to lay out piles of garbage throughout the garden: old foliage, wet grass, tree branches, weeds. To prevent rapid combustion, heaps of garbage are sprinkled with turf, garden soil, weeds or grass. Combustible material will smolder, giving off a lot of smoke. When the sun rises (after 1.5 hours), it will be possible to finish smoking.

Smoke bombs. You can buy them in specialized stores. Smoke spreading from smoke bombs envelops trees and shrubs with a layer of paraffin. Plants are protected, as paraffin does not allow low temperatures to damage swollen buds, flowers and ovaries. Smoke bombs are effective even at a temperature of -4 degrees.

Spraying trees with cold water and abundant watering of the soil is also considered an effective procedure for protecting against low temperatures.

Summer residents, who have extensive experience in caring for a garden behind them, place basins and other containers under the trees and near shrubs, and fill them with water. The procedure is laborious, but significant. It is worth arranging the bowls with water once and you don’t have to worry that fruit trees and shrubs will be damaged.

Protecting the garden from pests

When the plants wake up from their winter sleep, the pests become active. In early spring, when there are no swollen buds, trees and shrubs can be treated with any pesticides.

Spraying is the most effective method for preventive maintenance and for insect control.

If last year there was not a big invasion of insects, it will be enough to spray the trees with Bordeaux mixture, urea or blue vitriol according to the instructions.

To prevent the development of such diseases as scab, cocomycosis, moniliosis, curliness, it is required to treat sleeping kidneys with Bordeaux liquid (1 - 2%). Processing is carried out only at temperatures above 0 degrees.

In case of massive damage to shrubs by harmful insects, it is recommended to treat with phytoverm or fufanol (20 and 10 ml of the product, respectively, per bucket of water). "Fitoverm" is a biopesticide that breaks down within 5 days, the validity of Fufanol lasts 10 days. During this time, young insects appear from the larvae and continue to destroy plantings, so it is necessary to carry out 3-fold treatment of plants. The drugs are dangerous to human health, but they cannot penetrate deep into the plants and destroy the pest. For example, in order for the fight against the currant bud mite to give positive results, it is necessary to "catch" the moment when the pest individuals will move from old buds to young ones.

In the spring, you can see cracks and wounds on the bark, they need to be treated with 3% copper sulphate and covered with pitch. To prevent fungal diseases, trees are sprayed with urea (5%).

If brownish-red spots with black tubercles appear on trees and shrubs, these are signs of cytosporosis disease. All damaged branches are cleaned to healthy tissue, thin and weak shoots are completely removed.

How to arrange trapping belts?

During bud break, aphid larvae, caterpillars of leafworms, moths, moths and apple suckers begin their violent life. During this period, an apple flower beetle crawls out of its shelter.

At first they cannot fly, but in search of food they actively climb the bark of trees to young buds and foliage. This can be prevented by placing adhesive (trapping) belts on the tree trunk. For their manufacture, they take thick paper or soft thin cardboard and generously smear it with glue.

A belt made from loosened cotton wool and attached to a tree does a good job of catching bugs. To protect the cotton wool from getting wet during bad weather, a film visor can be attached above it. Cotton wool hunting belts are installed on the upper and middle parts of the trunk. If the apple flower beetle has damaged the kidneys, black dots can be seen on them, similar to a needle prick.

Lawn care

When the air temperature rises above 5 degrees, grass begins to grow. In the spring, it is required to remove the territory from debris: old leaves, moss, tree branches. The mechanical cleaning of the lawn is carried out (or you are just about to lay the lawn, here are articles about preparing the site for it and the planting itself) using a metal fan rake.

If the site has heavy soil, it can be improved by scattering sand over the surface of the lawn. It will help fill in the gaps. It is not necessary to pour clean sand, but along with humus or garden soil. For 2 parts of sand, 1 part of leaf humus or summer cottage land is required. Level the embankment with the back side of the rake.

The main spring work of the gardener - vegetable grower

April is a hot month for summer residents. At this time, spring work in the garden is in full swing. It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting plants, apply complex fertilizer for planting perennial crops, prepare a greenhouse and plant seedlings.

Soil preparation for planting

In order for the seeds of cold-resistant crops: cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, beets and lettuce to germinate, the soil must warm up to +8 degrees, and heat-loving crops such as pumpkin and cucumbers will need a temperature of +12 degrees.

Often winter does not want to give way to spring and the soil does not warm up for a long time. In this case, it should be warmed up artificially. It is required to calculate the sowing time and cover the beds with black plastic or garden material in 2 weeks. Thus, the soil warms up faster and moisture remains in the garden. After planting seedlings in warm soil, it will quickly start growing.

Planting seedlings of flowers and vegetables

Young plants grown at room temperature should get used to lower temperatures before planting in the ground, so they should be hardened in advance. When there is a positive temperature outside the window and there is no wind, boxes with seedlings (read how to grow them correctly) must be taken out into the garden. Sunbathing will only benefit her. In the evening, the boxes are brought into the house, and if night frosts are not expected, they are left on the street, but wrapped with a film or spandbond.

When growing seedlings in a greenhouse, it is necessary to increase ventilation in order to harden young plants. It is necessary to prepare seedlings a couple of weeks before planting in open soil.

Before planting, from the abundantly spilled boxes with seedlings, we remove the seedlings along with a clod of earth and plant them in the prepared recesses in the garden. You need to transplant in the evening or on a cloudy day. During transplantation, a part of the main root is removed and the plant is deepened to the first leaves. New plantings are well watered and once again compact the soil near the plants, trying not to damage the young leaves.

Calendar vegetable grower - gardener

Jobs in March

At the beginning of the month, you need to start preparing the nutrient soil for seedlings, steam it and disinfect it. Soak the seeds (be sure to check them for germination) of eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and sow them for seedlings. Celery also requires planting.

It's time to review the bulbs of flowering plants, remove all diseased and dried up.

The second decade is suitable for picking and feeding cabbage seedlings.

Beds with perennials should be sprinkled with ash or peat, and covered with some kind of insulation. This technique will help the plants start growing faster.

The third decade of the month is suitable for picking peppers and tomatoes. After transplanting, they should be fed.

You can start preparing greenhouses for the season, repair them and treat them with disinfectants, pinch raspberries bent to the ground for the winter.

Work in April

In the first decade, it is required to put potatoes for germination.

It's time to sow late varieties of cabbage: cauliflower, white and red.

If the winter sowing of vegetable seeds was carried out, now is the time to remove the shelters and loosen the soil between the rows.

Do not forget!

Plantings of rhubarb and sorrel are fed with nitrogen fertilizer, spreading 3 tbsp in a bucket of water. l. urea and pouring obtained between the rows. Compost should be spread around the rhubarb bush and covered with a bucket. The plant will become warm and it will start to grow faster, and the petioles will become more tender in taste.

Works in May

An unpredictable month, the probability of a return of frost is quite high, so you should not rush to plant heat-loving crops in open ground, despite the warm daytime temperature.

At the beginning of the first decade of May, you can sow parsley, lettuce, black onion, dill, radish, spring garlic, carrots.

Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers can be planted in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. Perennials should be inspected, if necessary, spray plantings from pests, feed the plants and mulch the soil near them.

The middle of the month is suitable for planting potatoes.

When all the work has been done, beds should be prepared for cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, squash, basil and zucchini.

Features of spring sowing of some vegetable crops

To get a high yield, it is necessary to prepare the seeds for planting, select high-quality ones, and throw away the “dummy”. Much attention must be paid to the correct fit.


When sowing seeds, do not thicken the plantings. In order for the roots to be juicy and large, the distance between plants / rows should be 5 cm and 15 cm. The culture is demanding on moisture, therefore it needs daily watering. With a lack of moisture, the radish becomes hard, the stem stretches.


Planting beds need to be changed annually. You can return them to their previous place only after 4 years. If you do not adhere to crop rotation, garlic is more susceptible to diseases, yields are reduced and shelf life is shortened.


It is preferable to grow through seedlings. The soil for sowing seeds should consist of peat, soddy soil and sawdust, respectively 1:1:2.

A bed for planting cucumbers should be prepared in advance. The culture is thermophilic, so the basis of the beds should be fresh manure. Then fertile soil should be poured, holes should be made and the plants should be transshipped, trying not to damage the roots. Heat comes from manure, which will allow the root system to gain strength and cucumbers will grow faster.

Vegetable culture needs light, heat and moisture, but plants need to be watered only with warm water.

A common mistake vegetable growers make is overcrowding. The distance in the row between plants should be about half a meter, and in the row spacing 60 centimeters.

It is better to sow fresh seeds, since last year's male flowers are formed, which do not give ovaries.


It is impossible to predict what kind of summer awaits us: hot or cold. But you can experiment with planting watermelons. You need to grow them only in seedlings. Transplant in a greenhouse or in open ground. When the plant grows and gives lashes, they should be shortened, leaving one ovary on the plant. Thus, all the necessary substances will go to the growing fetus, and it will be possible to get a sweet watermelon. One more nuance. The root system of the plant is very vulnerable, so weeds must be removed carefully, trying not to damage it. Many vegetable growers advise not to pull out weeds with roots, but only cut them off. It looks untidy, but the harvest is good.


Culture loves good lighting, so the beds should be located in a bright place. The soil is loose, sandy loam. There should be enough space for root crops to grow, therefore, after seed germination, it is necessary to thin out the plantings, focusing on a distance between vegetables of 4 cm, between their rows - 15 cm. When they thicken, the roots turn out to be ugly and small.


The culture is cold-resistant, so it is not afraid of night frosts. Sow seeds in well fertilized soil. When watering plants, you should not get on the leaves, you need to pour it under the root. When sowing small seeds, they can be mixed with fine sand and buried in the soil by 1 cm. There should be a distance of 8 cm between plants, and 15 cm between rows. Over time, the leaves coarsen and become unsuitable for food, so you need to pluck them when they are gentle. Varieties of head lettuce are best grown in seedlings.

beans and peas

Heat-loving crops should be planted in the garden in May. Tall varieties of peas will need a lot of space, so the distance between rows should be 0.5 m. It is recommended to soak the seeds before planting legumes.

Spring work in the garden and vegetable garden requires patience and diligence from the summer resident. If all the work is carried out in a timely manner, you can provide yourself with a supply of vitamins and the joy of contemplation beautiful for the whole year.


Spring gardening in April

In April, summer residents begin a truly laborious period. If at the very beginning of spring, capricious changeable weather still interfered with plans and forced to postpone individual events “for later”, then with the advent of the second spring month, the list of gardening work not only increases significantly, but also requires implementation. Let's take a closer look at what kind of spring work in the garden and garden we have ahead.

All about spring work in the garden and vegetable garden: stages of work with photos

Every day the sun warms up more and more, the earth and plants wake up right before our eyes, so you can’t hesitate. We must try to implement the entire planned program of activities for the summer cottage for April, or at least carry out the main work in the garden. This usually includes:

  • Final definition with planting and sowing sites.
  • Soil preparation and planting material.
  • Work in greenhouses.
  • Treatment of damaged trees and shrubs, protection from garden pests.

In addition to the above actions, in April, gardeners make up for what they did not have time in March - they repair the old and buy new equipment, carry out sanitary and cosmetic pruning of pome trees.

For example, we are in a hurry to do all the pruning early because along the eastern border of the orchard there is a mixborder of perennials, and circling with a hacksaw around the tree, it is easy to trample the hatched sprouts of tulips and decorative onions. Other perennials wake up later (hostas, black cohosh, etc.), but bulbous ones wake up immediately after the snow cover melts.

Features of spring soil preparation

If the soil in the beds is not prepared, then before the late crops (pepper, eggplant, sweet potato) we sow either greens or green manure - this agricultural technique has a double benefit: before June, you will have time to eat plenty of radishes, lettuce, shallots. The soil under them will not erode and, having cut off the tops, their roots will remain in the soil.

And if there is so much greenery, then green manure will bring the same benefit - they will enrich the soil with roots, and they will increase the green mass, which can be used for mulching the same bed.

Yes, even for crops that we plant in open ground in May (tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin), it is very useful to sow green manure - a green fertilizer that has grown by 10-15 cm will save tender seedlings from sunburn. In this case, the holes should be made right among the green manure, and after 1.5-2 weeks, carefully cut them off.

But there is not always time and desire to mess around with sowing green manure. In this case, the bed needs to be covered from the weathering of moisture and the growth of weeds. Black non-woven fabric is perfect for this, but organic mulch is still better. In the spring, there is still no mowed lawn grass, so you can pour wood chips, ground after pruning fruit trees.

For those whose soil structure requires a radical improvement, and who have accumulated enough strength over the winter, we can recommend laying a high bed in April. Then the earth is dug up once, and organic fertilizers, ash, and clay on sandstones, sand on loams are introduced there in parallel.

Spring work on the lawn

If in March there was no time to comb out your favorite lawn, in April it is not too late to do it. In general, this procedure is desirable to carry out whenever the green carpet changes shade, becoming light brown. This suggests that there is too much dry grass, and it prevents young ones from growing. The simplest tool for clearing a lawn of dry grass, felt, and debris is a moderately hard fan rake. This type of lawn work is one of the most time-consuming, since you will have to walk with a rake both along and across. Otherwise, a good effect will not be achieved.

In the spring, aeration is also carried out - piercing the turf for better air access to the roots. On a small area, this can be done with ordinary pitchforks, and if the grass cover occupies a large area, then you can not do without an aerator - a special device for piercing holes in the turf.

At the end of April, the lawn is mowed for the first time after winter. It is advisable to set the lawn mower blade lower (for example, by 3 cm) in order to remove the remnants of dry felt left after combing out along with cutting green grass. Of course, in the evening of the same day, the mowed lawn should be watered abundantly.

As you understand, combing felt is a traditional agricultural technique, similar to how fields on agricultural land are cleared of crop residues. Poor soil microbes and worms have nothing to crunch on. So you can do without such bad work. But! It is advisable to shed the lawn with some natural fungicide immediately after the snow melts and after a couple of weeks. We spill it with Fitop Flora-S. You can, of course, treat it with a richer microflora - Globioma Biota Max. If there is neither one nor the other, then a simple Fitosporin-M will help out.

When the snow melted, pathogenic fungi probably multiplied, and the strait or spraying with biofungicides will disinfect the microflora and improve the soil. Then it’s not scary to run on such a lawn at the very first warm days and crawling grandchildren - there will be no pathogens on the arms and pants. It is desirable to treat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site - a lawn, a garden, shrubs, walls and fences - so that pathogens would not be habitual. And on May 1, you can safely invite everyone to barbecue and the opening of the new season!

Well, where the lawn has rotted out, it is necessary to carry out a precise repair - cut off the green turf on the outskirts of the site and replace the yellow spots that have not overwintered. It is worth replacing bald spots with a diameter above 15 cm - smaller bald patches will tighten themselves.

As you can see, the last spring month is a very important period for gardeners. It is worth missing or forgetting something, and this will definitely affect the harvest. And not in the best way. Therefore, before grabbing a chopper or a shovel, you should consider the sequence of events and draw up a competent plan.

April can be called the most responsible period for the owners of suburban areas. This month, both the earth and plants require increased attention and special care. If you do not provide them with proper care and training, you can not count on good harvests. But this may not be the whole list of garden work in the spring. So share your experience about spring work in the garden and garden in the comments and send copyright photos of your successes, we will be happy to post information about you.