Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling: installation rules and features. Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling - general installation rules Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling in the kitchen step by step

There is nowhere easier to find out how stretch ceilings are installed: just look at how professional installation teams do it at least once. However, this is not always possible, and the clarity does not always give an exhaustive idea of ​​the solution of a particular issue. Therefore, if you have a desire to pull such ceilings at home with your own hands and save a lot of money without resorting to the services of third-party specialists, pay attention to our material - especially for you, we reveal the nuances of all stages of work, backing up this matter with meaningful photos and videos.


  • quick installation;
  • small amount of dust and dirt, waste from used materials;
  • wide decorative possibilities.

How much time will it take?

The exact answer to the question depends on the specifics of the room in which the installation is planned, as well as on a number of other factors. However, the approximate installation time, which will serve as a guide for you, can still be displayed without any problems. We have reflected it in the form of a compact and quite descriptive table:

The following factors also affect the duration:

  1. the number of lighting fixtures planned for installation on the canvas;
  2. ceiling height;
  3. strength of wall structures;
  4. additional installation of a ceiling cornice;
  5. the presence of pipes and alcoves;
  6. the nature of the design;
  7. the presence of a hood.

Some facts to know

  • if the ceilings in your room are more than 3 meters high, then the installation time increases by 2-3 hours;
  • installation of one luminaire automatically adds 15-20 minutes to the installation time;
  • installation of multi-level stretch ceilings in a medium-sized room takes more than 10 hours.

What do you need?

  • roulette;
  • level for accurate marking;
  • dowels;
  • puncher;
  • screwdriver for fastening profiles;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal detector for detecting pipes in wall structures;
  • heat gun for heating the web;
  • a spatula for fixing the web to the profile;
  • fastening profile for the entire perimeter of the room;
  • pvc mounting rings for lamps;
  • ladder;
  • U-shaped baguette.

Three methods of installing stretch ceilings are widely used:

  • harpoon- with the fastening of the profile along the perimeter and the subsequent fixation to it of a panel with already welded plastic harpoons, this method is considered the most common and reliable, but it has an objective disadvantage - the installation time significantly increases due to the need to fix the harpoons at the edges of the canvas, and in in the case of fabric canvases, it loses its relevance;

  • clip-on- the technology of installing fabric stretch ceilings, which is difficult for beginners, with the active use of a clip lock, no additional elements are welded to the canvas, and the exceptional convenience of this method lies in the fact that the canvas from the fastener can be removed and reinserted as many times as you like;

  • wedge- professionals install stretch ceilings in this way quite often: the wedge flawlessly fixes the canvas in the groove and is closed with a plastic insert. When choosing this method, you will need a U-shaped aluminum molding with a corresponding groove.

Work order

In order to know exactly how stretch ceiling structures are installed, you should take all the information below seriously, paying attention to the sequence of work. You should also pay attention to some of the features of the technological process that objectively affect the overall course of work as a whole.


An integral part of the installation of stretch ceilings, allowing you to determine the exact amount of material for installation. There are important nuances in this business:

  1. in a room with right angles, in addition to the length and width, one of the diagonals of the room must also be measured - far from always the declared right angle turns out to be such in practice;
  2. in a polygonal room, be sure to measure the distance from any corner to all the others;
  3. in rooms with a large number of corners, it is advisable to break down into several triangles - in this case, the measurements will be more accurate.

Ceiling surface preparation

The exceptional convenience of stretch ceilings lies in the fact that you don't have to bother with the base surface too much: the film will reliably hide all the flaws of your ceiling base. However, there are a number of specific points that simply cannot be ignored:

  • if peeling of old plaster or whitewash is observed on the ceiling, then it is necessary to remove the obsolete layer in order to avoid the risk of damage to the already stretched canvas;
  • do not forget to treat the ceiling base with an antiseptic, if the room in which you plan to install stretch ceilings is distinguished by high humidity - this way you will protect yourself from the appearance of fungus;
  • think over the places for future fixtures, and also provide the output of the necessary wiring.

Room preparation

If the room has enough furniture that could potentially interfere with installation maneuvers, it makes sense to move it temporarily to another room. In the case when the dimensions are not particularly modest, it is enough just to move the furniture away from the walls and cover it with foil.


  • determine the lowest point of the ceiling and at a distance of 2 centimeters;
  • make a mark - this is how you define the zero level;
  • draw a straight line around the entire perimeter.

Profile installation

  • make holes in the aluminum profile with a pitch of 50 centimeters;
  • in the case of using a plastic profile, the step is significantly reduced - up to 10 centimeters;
  • we attach the profile to the wall and mark the fixation points;
  • using a perforator, we make holes in the wall with diameters of no more than 6 millimeters and we hammer in the dowels;
  • we make direct mounting of the fastening profile.

Installing the tension web

The most important stage, which, in essence, does not differ in any increased complexity. But after it, you will already know exactly how ceilings are installed and why everyone can do it.

  1. with the help of a heat gun or a construction hair dryer, the room heats up to 40 degrees;
  2. the canvas prepared in accordance with the measurements is unfolded and heated with the same gun up to 60 degrees;
  3. you need to start from one corner and continue with the opposite, after - move towards the already remaining corners of the room, thus stretching the canvas diagonally;
  4. depending on the chosen installation method, the vinyl material is tucked into the profile with harpoons "welded" to its edges or inserted into the groove of the baguette and fixed with a wedge / clip;
  5. the correctness of the final installation - without sagging and dents - depends on whether you can withstand the set temperature in the room when performing the above manipulations;
  6. installation of stretch ceilings in large rooms requires the installation of additional stiffeners - to make the structure more reliable and prevent collapse;
  7. after tensioning the ceiling, you can proceed to the installation of lamps, the arrangement of which over the entire area of ​​the ceiling had to be prepared in advance (read the article on

Stretch ceilings designed in Europe for interior decoration are currently in vogue. Multicolored, glossy, matte, fabric or PVC film - they can truly decorate a room. In addition, in the modern world, anyone can do the installation of stretch ceilings with their own hands in a matter of hours.

Features and Benefits

Stretch ceilings are a combination of fabric or vinyl materials and metal profiles, which decorates the ceiling, hides all the irregularities and other defects that were made during the construction phase. You can stretch these ceilings in any room: living room, kitchen, bathroom, hallway or work office.

Stretch ceilings have their undeniable advantages:

  • they will help you create a perfect and even ceiling of all kinds of colors and textures in a very short period of time;
  • huge spaces for imagination and design approaches;
  • strength, resistance to moisture and dust, environmental friendliness of materials;
  • there is no need to clean the room for a long time after installation;
  • they give you a chance to experiment with lighting your living space;
  • the ability to provide additional sound insulation and improve acoustics.

However, such canvases have some disadvantages:

  • ceilings can break with a point mechanical impact, therefore, they require careful use and care;
  • can lower the ceiling level by at least 3-5 cm or more;
  • if temperature changes occur in the apartment, then such ceilings (most often polymer) will sag or wrinkle - this fact is especially noticeable in places where there is a draft.

Also, these ceilings have other properties that depend on the canvas used and their design, which is very important to take into account when creating a project, ordering and installing a ceiling. Therefore, you need to make out what types of ceiling structures are.

Types of structures

There are several types of stretch fabric designs:

  • Sibling. This is a classic look. They are very economical and are suitable for both large and small spaces. To connect several canvases at the same height, there are dividing profiles that have an intermediate decorative plug or backlight.

  • Multilevel. They are used in order to create several different zones in a room or to close obvious ceiling irregularities. They can also provide room for design creativity. But multi-level canvases are suitable only for spacious rooms with high ceilings, and installing them is several times more difficult than the above option. For them, it is better to use transition level profiles, which will help ensure a smooth joint and a difference in height. Do not forget that the glazing bead fastening system is not used when installing structures with many levels.

  • Soaring ceilings. They are a kind of modification of suspended structures with a built-in LED strip, the light from which is soft and diffused, which creates the effect of a "floating" ceiling. In such cases, the illumination is placed along one wall, along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, or edging its individual parts. The creation of soaring ceilings requires special baguettes, which, in addition to recesses for fabric mounting, have a special niche for LED strips. Also, this type needs special profiles: wall and ceiling, dividing and for level transition, because they can make the location of the backlight more convenient.


This is the first and very important stage, without which it is impossible to install the tensioning fabric yourself. It is divided into several points that must be followed.

First of all, you should remove all furniture and appliances from the room. where it is supposed to stretch the ceilings, since the space should be as free as possible for the installation to proceed quickly and without the possibility of mechanical damage to the canvas. If some objects cannot be taken out of the room, then they need to be moved to the center of the room and covered with a protective film.

Then you need to remove the old plaster from the ceiling, as it can fall off and leave ugly marks on the canvas.

Pre-treat the walls and ceiling with a disinfecting and antiseptic agent to avoid the appearance of mold, mildew and an unpleasant odor after the installation of the structure. Also, the surface on which the fabric will be stretched must be coated with a primer, preferably in several layers.

The joints between concrete walls are best glued with fiberglass tape together with PVA glue. If there are already cracks on the ceiling, they can be filled and leveled with cement mortar, and for large depressions - with foam or plaster. This is necessary so that there are no holes on the canvas after shrinkage.

Laminate or parquet should only be installed after installing the ceiling surface. But if such delicate floor coverings are already installed, then they need to be covered with thick cardboard so as not to damage them with a stepladder.

It is necessary to prepare the walls in advance before installing the canvas: plaster, glue the wallpaper - do all the "dirty work". After installing the stretch ceiling, it is undesirable to do this - dust may settle on the fabric.

Choose the number of levels, designate in advance the number and location of the fixtures.


After preliminary preparation, you need to calculate and mark the lowest point of the structure, because it is from this point that the installation of the profile will begin, with which the canvas will be attached. It is necessary to set aside about 6 cm from the base - this distance will be considered the minimum height of the tensile structure.

If the ceilings have many levels, it is best to make calculations and markings for each position individually. It is very important to observe the strict geometry of the room and its plan, as this is a crucial and difficult moment at the stage of marking. When installing a ceiling with several levels, the distance from the starting base should be increased.

In addition to marking the lowest point of the cladding material, it is also necessary to calculate the size of the stretch fabric.

There are several important tips with which even a beginner can make ceiling installation.

  • You need to measure only with the instruments that give the most accurate result. A laser meter or tape measure works well for this.
  • The measurements must be displayed in the drawing, which will show the room from above and have a convenient scale that reflects the proportions of the room in centimeters in the figure.
  • Mark the corners of the room on the drawing and call them clear and simple symbols, for example, Latin letters.
  • The perimeter and diagonals should be measured as close to the ceiling as possible and recorded in the figure.

Only after the steps taken should you go for the purchase of the canvas.

Materials (edit)

Stretch ceilings can be divided into two categories depending on the type of material used.

  • Seamless fabric. These ceilings are made of polyester. The canvas is not quite dense, but resembles a mesh in structure. Because of this, such ceilings can "breathe", that is, let air pass through themselves, thereby creating a cozy microclimate in the room. In order for the canvas to keep its shape well, it is impregnated with a polyurethane mixture at the production stage. Such a canvas is made in 5-meter rolls - for this reason, during installation, there is no need to fasten the canvases to each other.
  • Vinyl. Stretch PVC ceilings are made on special machines with canvases up to three meters wide. They are waterproof, very cheap and easy to clean. However, they have some disadvantages: they can be damaged by any pointed object, and they are also unstable to cold.

Some people prefer to install plasterboard ceilings, but they, unlike stretch ceilings, have a number of disadvantages.

  • To achieve the desired color of the ceiling, drywall must be painted yourself.
  • In a plasterboard ceiling, there are many more noticeable seams that are unpleasant for an aesthetic look than in stretch canvases.
  • Drywall is not a moisture-resistant material, therefore, it will not save you from a flood that the neighbors from above can accidentally arrange.

  • Stretch ceilings are treated with an antistatic agent, so dust does not settle on them. They are also able to repel grease and do not absorb odors, and plasterboard ceilings do not have such properties.
  • Standard drywall does not have the good sound insulation that stretch canvases can offer.
  • Plasterboard installation is a very complex and time-consuming process that can take more time, involving several people and special expensive tools. The same cannot be said about stretch fabrics. Such ceilings can be installed by one person, and the installation procedure itself takes only about 2 hours. In addition, a set for self-installation of a stretch ceiling can be obtained in a set with a fabric.


Fitters with a set of special tools can stretch ceilings in just a few hours. But this does not mean that the installation of canvases cannot be done by an ordinary person who does not have the specific skills of a repairman.

To do this, you just need to have a set of certain tools for work.

  • One or two ladders. They are very convenient to use when you need to do work at height. In addition, it has a small platform that allows you to keep the necessary tools at hand.
  • Extension. It is used when you need to connect the instrument in a convenient place far from the outlet.
  • Perforator. Necessary when preparing holes for dowels. It is important to remember that holes in a brick wall are made with a hammer drill, and concrete can only be drilled with a perforator.
  • Laser tape measure. It is needed for accurate measurements.

  • Cordless screwdriver. It is used when you need to screw in self-tapping screws, and they are used for installation in large quantities.
  • A special blade for the installation of canvases. The raw material for it is usually stainless steel. Such spatulas have different shapes, lengths and angles of inclination to the rod. They are also very durable and do not bend under mechanical stress. It is worth noting that ordinary spatulas are not suitable for such a responsible business.
  • The presence of a heat gas gun and a balloon to it - this is a very important point in stretching the canvases. Installation of vinyl canvases is impossible without this tool. The price of the device is extremely high, so it is best to rent this device.

Most often, during the installation of ceilings, special guns are used with a power of about 10 kW or more. They are fed with liquefied gas from a cylinder. Also, during the self-installation of stretch fabrics, a room heater is used in order to heat the space, and a hot air dryer is used to smooth out wrinkles and folds on the canvas. It should be noted that the soldering of canvases even with a gas gun at home is impossible. This process is carried out exclusively in production conditions on special equipment.

  • Gas level detector. It is used to control the gas level in the room during the operation of the heat gun. It is necessary to follow the rules to maintain your own safety when using devices powered by gas, as from the cylinder through a damaged hose, it may leak.
  • Metal detector. Used to locate electrical wires, metal profiles and hoods that can be damaged by drilling.
  • Impact thread or cord. It is used when it is necessary to mark the lines along which the guide profiles should be fixed. It is a small box of paint that needs to be applied to the thread. Then the thread is washed out and fixed at the required level.
  • Clamps - fasteners for fixing the canvas. They help to temporarily fix the canvas in the desired position. Such devices are most useful when the person is working alone.
  • Manual hole punch. The tool is designed to punch holes in aluminum baguettes. Holes can be made with a drill, but they will have burrs and look completely careless, and a hole punch can make the same type of puncture.
  • Miter box Is a device necessary for cutting baguettes at an angle of 45 degrees to fit them in the corners of the room.
  • PVC mounting rings or mortgages. They are distinguished by high rates of heat resistance. They are used to reinforce canvases around pipes, lamps and other utilities. Also, special embeds for cornices are made.
  • Also for stretching ceilings it is necessary the presence of pliers, a good hammer, a high-quality laser or water level, a circular saw, masking tape, files for metal and wood, drills for a drill or hammer drill with a diameter of 3 to 6 millimeters, self-adhesive insulation, electrical tape and a diamond file.


The procedure for stretching the ceiling is a rather difficult task, but if you follow all the rules, you can install the canvases with your own hands.

First you need to figure out what methods of fastening the panels exist.

Fastening method with glazing beads. This type of installation was invented by Russian masters and is used most often in Russia, as well as in neighboring countries. This is a very economical method of installing a stretch ceiling, as it does not require any special production or special technical devices. With this installation, the distance from the ceiling to the canvas itself will be the minimum and will be about 1.5 cm. In addition, the use of fasteners of this type frees you from the need to make accurate calculations.

There are a large number of disadvantages in such a system for fastening tensioning fabrics:

  • after inserting the glazing bead, the canvas undergoes deformation, and after that the fabric cannot be dismantled and hung again;
  • the ceiling can sag a lot, and the seams can be bent, because the installation itself is made only approximately, without accurate measurements;
  • after a while, the glazing beads may begin to shrink and fall out of the structure.

You can also install stretch ceilings using a harpoon. First, the canvas is cut out exactly to the size of the room, but 7-10% less than the ceiling area. In this case, it is very important to make the correct measurements. After that, you need to weld a harpoon to it. HDTV machines are designed for just such a purpose.

The assembly is carried out using a specific spatula or assembly spatula. They begin to assemble the structure from the ceiling corners: insert one corner, then the one that lies on the opposite wall diagonally, and do the same with all the others. At the moment when all the corners are tucked into the baguettes, the middle of the walls are placed. After stretching, you just need to install a decorative insert, and the ceiling will be ready.

In the case of using this fastening system, the canvas will sag minimally, since it is already initially cut out slightly less than the area of ​​the room. It is worth noting that the fabric can be repaired, unlike the one where glazing beads are used. However, this pleasure will cost more.

In addition to the above two methods, there is a third one - this is a clip fastening system, which is used only for fabric ceilings. The difference is that in this case you do not need to make a decorative insert and use a gas cannon. Cloth sheets are inserted into the baguette according to the "clothespins" principle. The fabric baguette is made of durable and sturdy plastic for a secure clamp.

Here, too, there is no need for accuracy in measuring the dimensions of the ceiling, because the canvas is cut out with a margin of 20-30 cm. The canvas is tucked into the baguette with a spatula for installation. The fabric is inserted and the excess protruding pieces are cut off - now the ceiling is ready. A pleasant bonus is the fact that in this fastening system, as in the first case, a minimum distance is obtained between the ceiling and the canvas itself. But the clip system also has all the disadvantages of the glazing method of fastening.

Below is a step-by-step instruction that will tell you how to properly tension the canvases. Observing strict order and sequence in steps, you can come to a successful result - a perfectly stretched ceiling.

Step # 1

It is necessary to find the location of the lowest point of the stretch ceiling, and then calculate the required level at which it will be convenient to install the bulbs. Then it is worth marking the height line with a pencil or a sheer string. After that, the baguette must be fixed.

On the other hand, the baguette needs to be filed at the points where it should touch the corners. After that, fix it with self-tapping screws, after driving plastic dowels into the walls near the ceiling, with an interval of 20 cm from each other - if the walls are durable, or from 8 to 10 cm - when the walls are unstable. The joints should be sealed with masking tape.

Step # 2

At this stage, wiring and inserts for single lamps are installed. To fix the mounting rings to the ceiling, it is necessary to use metal suspensions; they are also used during the preparation of the frame structure for plasterboard ceilings. After that, you need to mark the location of the fixtures on the ceiling, install the branch boxes and lay the wires.

To prevent the wires from rubbing against each other, and a short circuit does not occur, you need to stretch them through the corrugated tubes. After that, the mortgages should be attached to the ceiling along with the wires, after having hammered glazing beads into the holes and fixing the suspensions from the second edge. The height of the lower suspension line must correspond to the level of the stretch ceiling.

Then the wires should be placed in a loop just below the mortgage platform by 10-15 cm, make a cut from the bottom, which will divide it into two equal parts. Then you need to strip, isolate the wires from each other and sort by color. Before that, you need to install the terminal blocks. You need to do this so that the insulation is slightly covered with a plastic platform, and there is no short circuit. Then you should lay the wires with terminal blocks on the mounting ring - after this manipulation, it will not interfere with the tension of the canvas.

Step # 3

In the center you need to mount a chandelier. To install it, you will need a large mortgage, as well as self-tapping screws and metal suspensions. We must not forget about the height of the structure - it must coincide with the level of the stretch ceiling. Then it should be noted the future location of the chandelier, lead the wire from the branch box and stretch it through the corrugated pipe. After this procedure, you need to strip and wrap the ends of the wire with insulating tape.

Step # 4

Now you need to install the cornice. For this, it is worth preparing mortgages in advance.

This can be done as follows:

  • Drill holes and insert dowels;
  • Fix straight hangers with self-tapping screws;
  • Stretch a sheer cord from one wall to another so that it matches the height of the stretch ceiling;
  • Measure the required length of a timber bar and mount it at the location of the cord, fix it with metal hangers. In order for the wood to serve for a long time, it is recommended to soak it in advance with a moisture-repelling compound.

Step # 5

After installing the curtain hanger, it is worth starting to stretch the fabric. Before that, you should hang in the corners clamps specially designed for such purposes. Thanks to this, the canvas will not slip at the time of installation, and a special gasket will protect it from defects. After completing these steps, it is worth placing a heat gun in the room and preparing a spatula with rounded corners in order to insert the canvas into the groove. Then you need to unwind the sleeve of the burner and connect it to the electricity.

Step 6

Unpack the canvas and inspect it from all sides - it is important to ensure that it is completely intact, without cracks or breaks. Then you need to attach the edges of the fabric to clothespins, previously fixed in the corners. Fix the canvas at some points with clothespins and insert it with a rounded spatula into the baguette. Refuel the panel, strictly following from the periphery to the middle of the ceiling, and continue to heat it up with a heat gun.

The strips of fabric that will hang down must be carefully separated with a sharpened knife. Before doing this, it is better to once again make sure that the straps are firmly fixed.

After successfully tucking the corners, it is worthwhile to warm up the canvas and tuck in the middle. At this time, the temperature in the heat gun should reach 60 ° C. It must be brought to the panel at a sufficient distance. After a while, the clamps need to be removed. During installation, hold the canvas with one hand while filling it into the baguette in order to avoid slipping. It is also best to involve an assistant - this way you can cope with the task faster and better.

After stretching and fixing the canvas with baguettes, you need to go around the pipe, if there is one on the ceiling.

It happens as follows:

  • First, they indicate the place where the incision will be located. To do this, you need to select a point where the pipe goes through the ceiling. The canvas is very tightly pressed against it without forming folds.
  • Make an incision following the direction where the pipe comes closest to the wall. The incision is best done with scissors or a knife.
  • After that, useless pieces of fabric must be hidden behind the stretch ceiling and the ends tucked in, heading towards the pipe.
  • Then, in the place where the pipe is visible, a decorative plastic overlay is placed, which can hide these small defects, and make this piece of the ceiling a pleasant look.

Step 7

On the panel, you need to find the points where the embedded fixtures for future lamps are installed. It is worth taking rings that are resistant to high temperatures (they are also called thermal rings), specially designed for these purposes, and grease them with strong glue used in installation work. Simple glue can render the fabric unusable. The thermo rings are inserted at the designated points, the glue sets and fixes the rings in the right places.

After that, cut the fabric with a construction knife so that round holes appear on the inside of the ring. It is also worth doing this procedure with other future bulbs. Then you need to pull out the insulated wires connecting to the lighting fixtures. The same should be done with the lamp cord in the center.

Step # 8

After that, you should install the lighting fixtures. For a stretched ceiling, they can be LED, energy-saving or halogen bulbs. The following guidelines are helpful.

Lamps should not be more powerful than 40 watts, otherwise the panel will become unusable within a year due to overheating. Single lighting fixtures should have a plastic or metal rim and cover the thermal ring. It is best to purchase LED bulbs with a small projection that extends beyond the edge of the bulb and has a wide illumination angle. When selecting light bulbs for a tensioning structure, it is important to focus on the presence of a grille, which helps to cool and maintain the durability of the radiator. At the end of the installation of all luminaires, you should check them in operation.

Step 9

The last stage of work is embedding a ledge for curtains and decorative inserts. To mask the gap that can form between the wall panels and the stretched canvases, it is worth using a plinth for the ceiling. It will look perfect in rooms with any layout. It is necessary to fix the plinth only along the walls of the room, and not to the stretched canvases, otherwise screeds that are unpleasant to the eye may form on the fabric.

In addition to the plinth, a flexible tape is also glued to the ceiling to mask the seams. This device can be simply inserted and removed from the groove. Also, masking tapes have a large number of color options, so they can satisfy anyone, even the most picky person. Additionally, you can insert the cornice on a pre-prepared wooden beam, hang the curtains and enjoy your own achievements.

At this point, the installation of do-it-yourself stretch canvases is over.

A thin canvas of stretch ceilings is attached to a baguette installed around the entire perimeter of the ceiling in the room. Installation of a baguette does not require special preparation of the ceiling surface. It is cleaned with a brush where whitewashing can occur.

The stretch ceiling is attached to a molding installed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling in the room.

A few words about stretch fabrics

On the modern market, there is a huge selection of canvases for installation on the ceiling, for example, glossy and matte, satin and suede, metallic and marble, translucent and gloss, fantasy and modern, exclusive and golden sparks, chameleon and many others.

Corrugated, monochromatic, colored, smooth stretch ceilings allow you to create complex architectural compositions of ceiling structures, that is, to make a multi-level stretch ceiling with your own hands. The fabric for the structures of tensioning fabrics is manufactured at the enterprises of France according to individual orders. Stretch canvases are made from vinyl.

The canvases are created in separate strips, the width of which is 1.6-2 m.

Stretch ceiling installation tools.

The strips must be soldered together. The use of a tensioning structure allows you to save money with the greatest efficiency, since otherwise you would have to make constant repairs. The guarantee for stretch fabrics, which is given by manufacturing firms, is about 10 years.

The canvas will not let water through even when the upper floor is flooded, since 1 m of the ceiling surface area can hold up to 100 kg of water. The ceiling curtain does not accumulate static electricity, without collecting dust. The stretch fabric does not burn, but only melts without the release of toxic substances, an unpleasant odor. In general, the canvas is sterile.

Structural design of stretch ceilings can sometimes combine stretch canvases simultaneously with drywall, it is carried out by a specialist in this field. The design of ceiling structures sometimes involves their installation simultaneously with the installation of a suspended plasterboard structure to the ceiling. It is beneficial to use this combination.

Repair of the ceiling and installation of the canvas are sometimes done independently. The correct use of all tools and materials will preserve the new ceiling structure for a long time, therefore, often you will not have to repair it.

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Features of the technology for installing tension cloths

The stretch ceiling cornice is attached to the timber with rings.

First, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of installing stretch ceilings. The implementation of all actions will require the use of special tools and an understanding of the main technological aspects of the installation.

Correct installation of ceilings involves the installation of a baguette on the walls. Next, you need to determine all the places where the lamps are located in order to pre-install special holes for them. Then the material should be unfolded and the corners fastened. Making a stretch ceiling with your own hands will allow the use of a heat gun, which is necessary to heat the canvas. The film is fixed when it becomes more pliable. When the ceiling has completely cooled down, we can assume that it has a finished shape.

Suspended and tensioned construction options for repairing ceilings have their own advantages and disadvantages, which are associated with the installation technology. It will take 3-5 working hours for two experienced craftsmen to arrange a stretch ceiling. To make a two-level stretch ceiling with plasterboard, 2-3 work shifts are required.

The beginning of the installation of a stretch ceiling with the installation of baguettes

Baguette installation scheme.

The first stage in the development of the installation of the ceiling structure involves marking, which is carried out using a level that can be laser or hydraulic. If the stretch ceiling is two-level, then the markings are made at two levels: for a profile for drywall and a baguette for a stretch canvas.

To get the exact perimeter of the ceiling surface, it is better to use a chopping cord, which can be used to outline even stripes, allowing you to install baguettes that hold the stretch canvas. Installing baguettes is a time consuming job. Usually the baguettes are made of plastic or aluminum. With a flat ceiling, it is better to give preference to an aluminum molding, and if there is a curvature on the ceiling, then more often a plastic molding is used.

How to properly mount tensioning fabrics with your own hands

Stretch ceiling installation technology.

Baguettes are usually not provided with special holes for the purpose of their construction; this can be done with your own hands using a drill and drill (6 mm). Experienced craftsmen use a special hole punch that allows you to quickly make all the holes. Holes must be made every 15-20 cm, depending on the material used to make the walls. If you want to install a stretch ceiling to drywall, you need to drill more holes.

Related article: Interior and exterior of a chalet-style house (30 photos)

This is not all, as it is necessary that the corner bends be formed, since each of the corners can be loaded with the greatest load. Cut edges must be thoroughly processed to remove any burrs that could destroy the film.

Usually, they begin to strengthen the baguettes from the corners, when at first it is necessary to strengthen the curved profile, and then all the others. When installing into solid walls of stretch ceilings, plastic dowels with a diameter of 6 mm are useful. When installing canvases in drywall, without bookmarking for the material of the profiles, rotors are used. If you want to lay an iron profile, then the baguettes are screwed in with ordinary metal screws.

The connections of each profile are one of the problem areas, since during the installation process you can randomly hook onto the canvas and break it. Scotch tape is usually used to protect all connections. It should be made of thick foil. Adhesive tape is used to seal the joints with the film in the places of its contact. It is usually better to glue the profile with foil tape from the outside and from the inside of the grooves for which it is necessary to fill the film.

Stages of installing ceilings with your own hands

Diagram of the stages of installation of a stretch ceiling.

The installation tool is quite simple, except for the heat or thermal gun, which can be rented. You will need a spatula, the stainless steel from which it is made should be as thick as possible without sharp ends, you will need 4 clips resembling clothespins.

Next, you can unpack the new canvas. Having straightened it, they begin to hang the canvas from the previously installed baguettes at 4 corners with clothespins. It is required to tie small ropes with which you can fix the canvas in each of the corners of the room. A small rope is passed between the wall and the profile, starting from the corner of the room.

Next, you should turn on the heat gun, which is installed under the stretch fabric. With tightly closed windows and doors, you need to warm up the entire room well. It will be very hot, but after a while the heated film of the stretch fabric will lose all wrinkles and folds, becoming more plastic. Only after the warming-up stage do they start working.

The first thing you need to learn is that you cannot do without preparatory work. However, if you plan to spoil the canvas, and at the same time the finishing of the walls, furniture and other contents of the room, we cannot prohibit it.

If such a development of events is not included in your plans, we propose to proceed as follows.

  1. 1. Be sure to remove furniture from the room.- it can be damaged when the air is heated by a heat gun;
  2. 2. Carry out preliminary work on the walls. Depending on what kind of finishing you want, level and plaster them or install drywall boards.
    Note: In the latter case, the corners at the top of the room should be flat, not rounded.
  3. 3. Carefully clean the ceiling from old finishes: remove whitewash or traces of wallpaper, remove dirt and dust.
  4. 4. Required treat the floors with a primer- it will prevent the development of mold and mildew even in the case of high humidity in the room.
  5. 5. Complete the electrical wiring.

Careful adherence to all recommendations will allow you to quickly and efficiently install a stretch ceiling without spoiling anything. After making sure that the premises are ready, make a list and go to the hardware store - it's time to stock up on tools!

Choice of tools

It is best to take care of everything you need in advance - it is less likely that something will be forgotten and you will have to hastily look for an item in the nearby stores. To carry out work on the installation of a stretch ceiling, we use the following tools:

  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Hammer;
  • File;
  • A hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner (read more about it below);
  • Screwdriver (or even two is better);
  • Hand fastener holder;
  • Scapula;
  • Hacksaw for metal (or grinder);
  • Pasatizh;
  • Ladder;
  • Laser axial pusher with a bar on which it is attached;
  • Hangers for the ceiling curtain ("crocodiles");
  • Thermal gun (+ propane cylinder).

Draw your attention to: You can replace a gas heat gun with an electric one. Focus on which device is more convenient for you to work with.

We have decided on the tools, now let's study the installation of stretch ceilings from “A” to “Z” in our step-by-step photo instructions with video explanations.

Stage 1. Application of markings

If you want to get an even canvas, then you cannot do without this item. Marking - preliminary outlining with a pencil of the desired level of the stretch ceiling. We suggest using laser axial builder- it is the most accurate and practically eliminates errors. Let's start?

1. First of all, decide where you plan to place the baguette. Everything is quite simple here, considering two nuances:

  • The height of the laser from the ceiling should be at least 5 centimeters. If you leave less, then the hammer drill will be difficult.
  • Step one centimeter down from any of the ceiling protrusions. In our case, this is a junction box.

2. Expose the eye-builder to a certain height.

You can do without a telescopic rod. For example, your partner will hold the stingrayer, while you will trace the laser beam with a pencil. But, frankly, this method cannot be called convenient or accurate.

Having finished with the markup, we begin the next stage of work.

Stage 2. Installation of a baguette

It can be called one of the key ones - if you make a mistake in installing the baguette, fix it unevenly, then the canvas will deform or even break.

Let's look at an example on an outer corner:

  1. 1. To begin with, take a measurement with a tape measure.
  2. 2. Set it aside on the aluminum profile.
  3. 3. With a hacksaw for metal or a grinder in a special way trim the baguette. How exactly to do this, see this video.

Note: The inner corner should have one undercut, and the outer corner - three, with a distance of 10 mm from the measurement line in both directions.

4. We clean all cut edges with a file. This is necessary for the safety of the canvas.

5. Bend the corners. You should end up with something like this:

Experienced advice: a hammer drill paired with a vacuum cleaner is a really practical and very convenient solution for repairs. Drilling and vacuuming construction dust at the same time will save you tons of cleaning time and your health.

7. It remains to drill the holes, insert the dowels there and use screwdrivers and self-tapping screws to fix the baguette itself.

8. We continue to work in the same spirit, installing a baguette around the perimeter of the room.

We pay special attention to the joints, they should be as even as possible, like in the photo:

Attention: Before starting work, you need to decide on electrical wires. You need to understand exactly where they are. Usually, the wiring runs strictly vertically along the walls to the sockets from the floor, and to the switches from the ceiling.

But there are exceptions. Therefore, the places where you assume that you have wiring, the baguette should be made something like this:

One little secret: If you can't fix the baguette in the standard way, then you can resort to a trick that will help to press it against the wall. Fix a small bar (10-15 centimeters) on the ceiling, perpendicular to the baguette. Then carefully attach it to the joints.

In order not to damage the ceiling sheet during tension, glue all joints with tape as follows (see photo below). You will need a spatula. Gently glue the adhesive tape to the joint, and then flatten it with the flat side of the spatula, removing the smallest air bubbles. Fill the edges under the baguette.

Let's look at the result of the second stage. You should have something like this around the perimeter:

  • The high flexibility of PVC moldings makes installation difficult;
  • They can deform when the web is heated with a heat gun;
  • If the profile is rigid, then there is a risk of breakage during installation;
  • The durability is in doubt: if the aluminum molding lasts for 20 years, then PVC will have to be changed along with the canvas in 5 years.

Stage 3. Preparation for installation of lighting

After fixing the baguette, we proceed to the installation of platforms for chandeliers or lamps. Plastic platforms look like this:

And you need to make the following structure out of them:

To do this, you need the so-called pawns, which are often used in the installation of plasterboard ceilings.

We drill a hole with equal indents and fix the platform.

When all the structures are installed, it's time to move on to the most important thing - the installation of the stretch ceiling.

Stage 4. Stretching the canvas

It is worth starting with the installation of "crocodiles", which are suspended at the four corners of the room,

to secure the cover on them.

When unpacking the canvas, pay attention to the location of the harpoon (a solid strip along the perimeter of the canvas, which will be attached to the baguette). It must be located bent into the room.

After that we start to heat the room, using a heat gun - this is done to make the canvas stretch, as well as to soften the harpoon (which is also made of PVC, only more dense).

When the room is warm enough, use a spatula to start insert a harpoon into a baguette.

Attention: you need to start from the corners (!), And then go along the perimeter.

This technology for attaching stretch ceilings is called harpoon-baguette.

Let us clarify that in addition to it, there is another type of installation - glazing, when the strips are initially made larger than the ceiling area. In this case, no preheating is needed, but ...

  1. 1. If the master did not hold the canvas during installation, after six months the coating may wrinkle.
  2. 2. Operation of the ceiling. In the baguette-harpoon technique, you can always remove the ceiling to get to the same unsoldered box, or wipe the stain from above after the flood. In a glazing bead, if you remove the ceiling, you will have to buy a new canvas. More differences can be read in this one.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated. We pass to the final stage.

Stage 5. Final work.

After the canvas is stretched and secured, you just have to deal with two points:

  • cut through holes for chandeliers or lamps;
  • arrange a decorative insert around the perimeter of the room (we are not talking about a ceiling plinth, but about a masking tape that allows you to hide the joints near the walls).

Let's start with lighting. To make a hole in the ceiling, you need special plastic rings that must be glued to the canvas.

For this:

  1. 1. find the center of the hole of the previously fixed platform;
  2. 2. coat the surface of the ring with glue;
  3. 3. and glue it so that the marked spot on the ceiling is exactly in the center of the ring.

When the glue is dry, cut a hole along the inner perimeter.

Important: Please note that rings and platforms can be of different diameters. Their choice depends on what type of chandelier or lamp you want to hang.

There remains only a decorative insert around the perimeter. There is nothing complicated here - carefully lay it along the joints using a construction spatula.

The only thing that can be added here: the corners of the insert would not hurt to glue with white silicone. This will provide a secure grip on the web.

By the way, you can see the whole process described above in this cool video. Be sure to take a look.

Features of installing fabric stretch ceilings

Fabrics have a different structure and, accordingly, this affects the technology of their installation.

If we talk about what is the difference between the process of installing fabric stretch ceilings from PVC, then there are a number of features:

  • Clip fastening system. Stretch fabric ceilings are attached to special plastic profiles - “clothespins” or “clips”. A narrow groove is provided in these profiles, into which the canvas is tucked with a special spatula. At the same time, after threading, there are always extra ends of the “fabric” that are cut off. Nuance: if you need to remove such a canvas, then you will not be able to install it back.
  • The web is stretched without using a heat gun or any heating of the room. On the contrary - fabric ceiling shrinks with strong heat. Therefore, it is better to have a hair dryer on hand. It can be useful for straightening small wrinkles that sometimes form in corners during assembly work.
  • Refueling procedure. Unlike PVC, the fabric cloth is first tucked into the center of the wall (usually the one by the window), gently straightened and fixed in the center of the opposite wall. This technique makes it possible to center the canvas, which is especially important if there are patterns or photo printing on it. The process of maximum stretching itself may involve repeated “stretching” of the web (during installation, and not during subsequent operation).
  • Since plastic rather than aluminum moldings are used under the “fabric” in most cases, it is recommended to additionally glue them with liquid nails before installation.
  • Lighting cutouts can be done without reinforcement (strengthening) with glue. Such a ceiling is an order of magnitude stronger than PVC in terms of the rigidity of the stretched surface. The products of Descor (cheaper, Germany) and Clipso (more expensive, France) have proven themselves especially well.

Preparatory stage, marking and fastening of baguettes - all these actions are performed according to the same principle and the sequence that we described above for PVC ceilings.

How to install fabric stretch ceilings on your own is well shown in this video.

Security measures

Despite the ease of installation of stretch ceilings, it must be borne in mind that working with a heat gun requires extra care. Especially if you decide to choose a gas model.

  • You will find two dates on each gas bottle. The first is the date of its manufacture, the second indicates when it is necessary to take the cylinder for inspection. This can be done in most repair services for such equipment. Remember that violation of these deadlines is fraught with an emergency.
  • Before starting work, check the integrity of the connection of the cylinder, hose, terminals and heat gun. This must be done to prevent gas leakage into the room.
  • If refueling is necessary, in no case do it yourself - contact special workshops, where they will do this in compliance with all technical standards.
  • Check the serviceability of the equipment. At the slightest suspicion of a breakdown, it is better to take it for inspection.
  • Important: Never leave gas cylinders near heating sources and do not point the thermal gun at them.
  • Even if you do not have enough hose length, do not try to build it up yourself - this may compromise the tightness of the structure. Better to spend the extra money and buy a new one.

We are sure that our visual instruction helped you figure out how to install a stretch ceiling with your own hands - there really is nothing complicated about it.

If you still have any questions or want to read about the installation of structures that are more complex than a single-level canvas, study this one.

Today, many are asking the question "How to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands." The question is more than relevant, tk. without the involvement of specialists, you can save a substantial amount of money on repairs. But not many people know how to correctly install a stretch ceiling. Our article is designed to correct this situation and help you understand all the nuances of this process.

The technology for installing a stretch ceiling made of PVC film is approximately the same. A baguette is installed along the perimeter of the room at one level - a profile that performs fastening functions. Then they unfold the canvas of the future ceiling and hang it in the corners of the room. Next, the suspended canvas is heated with a heat gun. As a result, the film becomes elastic and stretches quite easily. The canvas is stretched along the corners of the room, fixing each corner of the film into a baguette. After that, the remaining perimeter of the room is snapped into profile. Upon completion of the work, the film cools down and stretches tight, turning into a perfectly smooth and even ceiling covering.

Preparing for installation

Before installing a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to carry out several procedures with the walls and with the base ceiling.

The walls should be flat. In new buildings, this is the stage of finishing putty, or the walls are sewn up with plasterboard. The ceiling itself is cleaned from the old finishing coating - everything that crumbles, or can fall off, is eliminated. Then we apply a layer of soil mixture that protects the ceiling from mold and mildew. Docking and interpanel seams are well foamed. The joint between the ceiling and the walls, along the entire perimeter, must also be sealed. If the gaps are not eliminated, this may negatively affect the stretch ceiling in the future. It can either "swell like a balloon" or stick to its own ceiling.

Ideal conditions for installing a stretch ceiling - a room without furniture. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to maximally facilitate access to the corners and to the perimeter of the room. Take out household items and household appliances. Move the furniture and all that remains to the center of the room, then cover with a protective film.

Necessary tools and accessories for stretch ceiling installation

  • level (laser or water);
  • chopping cord;
  • roulette;
  • metal file;
  • screwdriver;
  • puncher;
  • a heat gun with a gas cylinder or a construction hair dryer;
  • spatula (spatula);
  • stationery knife with replaceable blades;
  • hammer and screwdriver;
  • ladder;
  • Ceiling material and fastening profile (baguette).

Additional components (depending on the work carried out, not all may be needed): self-tapping screws and dowels (dowel-nails can be used); second glue; heat-resistant rings for lamps; clamps for hanging the canvas (crabs, crocodiles); bit for a screwdriver; drill for a hammer drill; direct suspensions; bugs (small screws for assembling mortgages); directly the mortgages themselves.

Wall markings

When marking the walls, the unevenness of the base ceiling must be taken into account. In 95% of cases, the corners of the room will be at different levels. Based on this, there are several markup options:

  • If you are using the laser level on a tripod, then this process will be as simple as possible for you. We set the level in the center of the room and alternately direct it to each corner. We find the lowest one, make an indent from the ceiling by a few centimeters. For ease of installation, the recommended distance is from 3-5 cm. It should be made larger if you plan to install spotlights. Along the laser line, draw pencil marks in each corner.

  • If there is no level, you can use a regular tape measure. Of course, a small error of 1-2 cm may occur, but against the general background of the installed stretch ceiling, this will not be visible. We measure the height of each corner from floor to ceiling. Find the lowest one. Subtract the planned indent from the obtained value (for example, 5 cm). Next, mark the result on the wall. At the other corners, we also note the obtained height value from the floor.

Next, you will need the help of your "partner". We stretch the chopping line along the wall, put it on the prepared marks and "shoot". As a result, a flat line will remain on the wall, indicating the level of your future ceiling. In the same way, we connect all the marks around the perimeter.

Installation of a profile (baguette)

Before installing the profile on the walls, drill holes in it with a screwdriver at a distance of 7-10 cm. In the future, this will facilitate installation and there will be less risk of damaging the walls and wallpaper.

It's worth starting from any of the corners. On the ribbed side of the baguette, we wash it down to the middle, bend the stick.

We apply the ribbed side to the wall, along the lower edge of the profile, on the marking line. We drill, hammer in the dowel-nails with a hammer.

The next stick of the profile is fastened joint to the joint with the installed one, the lower edge should be even. We glue all joints with paper tape.

Having reached the next corner, the question arises of "how to make it?" We measure the length from the corner to the edge of the baguette with a tape measure, subtract 1 cm, remember. We take the next stick, mark the resulting length on the back (ribbed) side. We saw along the line to the middle, bend it, try it on in a corner on the wall, fasten it.

When installing the profile on drywall, screw the screws at an angle. This will give additional rigidity to the fasteners and, while stretching the canvas, will not allow the baguette to be pulled away from the wall (to form cracks).

Correct installation of the profile is the key to successful installation of the stretch ceiling! From this stage depends how, in the end result, your ceiling will look.

Then, if necessary, we mount the mortgages and lay the wiring.

Installation of the canvas

Consider the example of a rectangular room.

First of all, we attach the garter (clips) to the profile in the corners of the room.

We carefully unpack the canvas, attach the corners of the film to the clips.

If the film was in a cold room, first bring it to a warm place and let it warm up. During unpacking, you can heat the material from the heat gun, only very carefully (do not direct the nozzle of the gun for a long time at the same part, you can burn the film).

So, the film is suspended, we fill the first corner (any). Then we move on to the corner diagonally. We take the corner of the canvas in our hands, remove the clamp. The partner launches the heat gun and begins to heat the canvas from the angle set in the profile, diagonally towards you. After a while, the ceiling will begin to stretch under your efforts. You can use the help of a partner: he can climb the ladder and help pull the film to the corner. You just have to snap the harpoon into the baguette using specials. spatula (spatula). We carry out the same actions with the remaining corners.

Next, we proceed to fixing straight sections along the walls. In order for the process to proceed evenly and not to form folds (wrinkles) on the canvas, we divide all not fixed areas in half and fasten them in a baguette. In the absence of experience and skills in installing a stretch ceiling, halve the unsecured sections as often as possible. This will greatly facilitate the fixation of the canvas.

There are cases that folds (wrinkles) appear during installation. Eliminate them with a heat gun. Aim the nozzle and heat the wrinkle area for a few seconds. The wrinkles will disappear.

The ceiling is stretched, we install a decorative insert or ceiling plinth. We glue heat-resistant plastic rings under the chandelier and lamps, if necessary, completing the installation process.

Installation of seamless fabric ceilings

The installation of fabric ceilings is slightly different from the installation of PVC film. The advantage is that there is no need to warm up the room. This means that you will not need such an important tool as a heat gun and a gas cylinder.

If we begin to stretch the PVC ceiling from the corners of the room, then the fabric one, on the contrary, from the middle of the walls. At the same time, at the beginning of the process, a kind of cross is formed. Starting from which, we pull the fabric from the center to the corners.

Cut the fabric hanging along the edges with a knife.

To finally visualize the whole process, watch this video:

Summing up, I will say the following: “You can always try to start doing it yourself, the price from this will decrease at least 2-3 times. And if something doesn't work out, it's never too late to invite specialists. Good luck and patience to you and your repair. "