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Fire propaganda. Firefighting propaganda Fire safety propaganda material

The basics of fire propaganda

Introduction 5

General propaganda issues 6

Goals and objectives of fire propaganda 9

Organization of a fire-prevention propaganda system 16

Forms and means of fire-prevention propaganda 17

On the effectiveness of propaganda 25

Prospects for the development of fire-prevention propaganda 30

Conclusion 31

Literature 32


The fast flowing time is inexorably changing the face of our planet, introducing radical changes in all spheres of human activity, leaving an imprint on social relations and human consciousness. The comprehensive complication of the environment, the avalanche increase in the amount of information, the development and improvement of technical means of mass communication lead to the fact that modern man more and more learns the world around him not so much with his own eyes, but with the help of television and films, books and magazines, newspapers, radio , internet, advertising.

Mass media covering more and more radio stations, television centers, and daily newspapers worldwide with a one-time circulation exceeding billions of copies. In this regard, the media, agitation, advertising, propaganda services actively invaded the sphere of psychology, trying to grope in a person such depths, the discovery of which would stimulate the development of personality, change the behavior of certain groups of people in the right direction. Following in the same vein are the so-called "pablic relation" (public relations) services of various departments and organizations, in pursuit of the goal of creating a certain public opinion around a particular problem, event, profession, etc. / This also applies to services, professional and industry propaganda, which are faced with the task of bringing certain requirements and knowledge to the consciousness of people.

Any propaganda, including fire prevention, is an ideological activity, obeys general requirements and laws, using the same forms and methods, and is based on the same technical means of mass communication. And the ultimate goal of any propaganda is to enlighten, convince, educate. The only difference is in the direction of this process towards solving a particular problem. Thus, the main task of propaganda work

of the fire brigade consisted and consists in making it extremely clear to almost every person that the scientific and technological revolution, among many of the most important problems, has sharply posed before mankind the problem of fires and the flammability of the environment. Therefore, it is vitally important to constantly clarify the content and essence of the norms and rules of fire safety, to dramatically increase the personal responsibility of people.

The purpose of the work is to study the organization of the system of training fire safety rules for military personnel, to calculate the economic efficiency of fire propaganda in military units.

Tasks to be solved to achieve the goal:

    Give the basic principles and concepts of fire-prevention propaganda.

    To reveal the essence of fire-prevention propaganda.

    Explore the methodology for analyzing fire propaganda.

    Suggest activities to increase the use of
    fire propaganda.

The object of the study of this work is the use of advertising in fire-prevention propaganda with the aim of its effectiveness.

The first chapter deals with general propaganda issues.

The main objective of the thesis is to organize a system of training fire safety rules for military personnel in the system of ensuring the security of military service with the development of recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of fire propaganda in military units

General propaganda issues

Agitation(from the Latin word agiatatio - bringing to
movement) is an oral and print activity with the goal of
influence on the consciousness and mood of the broad masses of people in order to attract them to active participation in the solution of important social, political and national economic problems. Its distinctive feature is the short duration of the interval between the call and the action, which, in particular, is one of the main indicators
(criteria) of the effectiveness of campaigning (i.e., the shorter this time interval, the higher the effectiveness, and vice versa). The other main (more precisely, the main) criterion is, of course, the massive response to the call. Agitation means: conversations, rallies, mass media, posters, cartoons, etc.

Both propaganda and agitation must be necessarily informational, albeit to a different degree. Information saturation of agitation and propaganda correlates as one to two (and according to some sources one to three), as for information itself, it is only one of the means used in this work. The main difference (with an apparent similarity) of agitation from propaganda is the predominance of the emotional element in the agitation and the widespread use of mass campaigns. In addition, agitation can be intermittent, while propaganda must be carried constantly - even a short break reduces its effectiveness.

awn. Campaigning is practically ineffective without preliminary (or parallel) propaganda work, which creates the basis for campaigning activities.

Finally, propaganda(from the Latin propaganda - to spread or propaganda - to spread) is the dissemination and in-depth explanation of any ideas, knowledge, the planned use of any form of influence for a specific purpose on the mind, feelings and behavior of people.

Information(from Latin informatio - statement, explanation) is a message, information, awareness of some event, fact, activity, etc. One of the definitions of information says that “information is a designation of the content we received from the outside world the process of our adaptation to it and the adaptation of our senses to it. " In the general flow of mass information, one distinguishes between: cognitive information (i.e. information designed to perform the functions of informing), value (related to the performance of the function of education), instructive (related to the performance of the function of organizing behavior), tonic (related to the performance; functions of removing voltage) and communicative (ensuring the implementation of the information transfer function). Information is also subdivided: by its nature - into primary and secondary, by the way of reproduction - into written (printed), oral (phonetic), figurative (visual), by content - into redundant, complete, incomplete and minimized, reliable and false) (disinformation), overview, current, thematic (Fig. 1).

In any case, information is always factual, that is, it is a statement of fact, where the fact appears as a discrete part of the whole flow of information. The fact itself does not mean anything, more precisely, it says little, since it is always only an element of a complex conceptual system.

Fire propaganda is a targeted informing of society about the problems and ways of ensuring fire safety, carried out through the media, through the publication and distribution of special literature and advertising materials, the organization of thematic exhibitions, reviews, conferences and the use of other forms of informing the population that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.



(designed to fulfill

information functions)


(associated with the performance of educational functions)


(related to the performance of stress relief functions)


(related to the performance of the functions of the organization)


(implementation related

information transfer functions)

Rice. 1. Information classification scheme

Goals and objectives of fire propaganda

Fire-prevention propaganda is one of the main directions in the work of the prevention service of the state fire supervision authorities and is built taking into account modern means and methods of influencing various layers and groups of the population.

If it is possible to prevent fires associated with the oversight or carelessness of individuals, then the prevention of fires that occur as a result of people's ignorance of the danger depends entirely on

from the state of fire propaganda.

The following tasks have been set for fire-prevention propaganda: prevention of fires from the most common and specific (characteristic) causes; instilling in people a sense of responsibility for

preservation of human life; property and personal property from

fire; training and familiarization of employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations, population, schoolchildren, university students with fire safety rules; developing their skills for correct actions in case of fires; developing their skills to work with primary fire extinguishing equipment; fostering a competent attitude towards the surrounding elements of fire hazard, hidden in technological processes, devices and assemblies, substances and products that form the basis of production and everyday life; popularizing the activities of the fire brigade, increasing the authority of the fire brigade, creating a positive public opinion around it; coverage of best practices and scientific and technical achievements in the field of fire prevention and extinguishing.

The strategic goal of fire-prevention propaganda follows from the tasks - to reduce the number of fires, and, consequently, the number of victims and the amount of material damage from them. Some experts believe that it is precisely in educating a person with the help of various forms of propaganda of a kind of sense of "fire responsibility" - education, which should begin from childhood and continue throughout life, that a considerable reserve for increasing the level of fire safety in general is hidden.

An analysis of the tasks assigned to fire-prevention propaganda, as well as a number of areas of general ideological propaganda corresponding to these tasks, allows us to conclude that tactfully With what goals at the moment there should be: the introduction into the consciousness of people of the understanding of the existence of the problem of fires (namely the problem, and not individual cases); explanation of each of the aspects of this problem (using general and local examples); instilling in the population a sense of danger and responsibility; changing the traditionally established attitude towards firefighters and volunteers towards maximum positivity and prestige; increasing the priority of fire safety requirements in comparison with others (economic, temporary, etc.); laying down from childhood (and maintaining throughout life) moral foundations and social stereotypes of attitudes towards fire; systematic erasure (and, if possible, breaking) of established negative patterns and subjective (false) conviction that there are few fires, that they are rare, accidental and spontaneous.

However, the setting of goals cannot be limited to, for it is necessary to plan the forms and means of achieving them, and correct planning is impossible without the optimal distribution of efforts and resources. To draw up a work plan to achieve a particular goal, taking into account the balancing of efforts, you can use a fairly tested and proven scientific technique known as building a "goal tree". Its essence lies in the fact that after defining a number of goals (in this case tactical), each goal (it is assigned a zero rank) is divided into subgoals (or goals of the first rank), which, in turn, are subdivided into "goals of the second, third, etc. The result is a system of targets with a certain ranking, which looks like a branched tree in the diagram (Fig. 2) with a target vector directed towards the fall of the Newtonian apple.

Take, for example, one of our tactical goals: “fostering a sense of danger and responsibility in the population” (zero rank). The goals of the first rank are education (training) at work, in the family, at the place of residence (in an urban or rural environment); the second rank - directions for achieving goals, for solving the task. For example, in production it can be the improvement of the training system, the improvement of instructions, in the family - the search for some forms of personal interest in observing fire safety rules and stimulating this interest, etc. The goals of the third rank are the forms of implementation of the chosen directions with temporary tolerances; fourth rank - means of achieving goals.

Rice. 2. Scheme of building the "System of goals" ("tree of goals")

Building a “goal tree” is not an easy job, and all the participants in the propaganda activity (journalists, media leaders, etc.) should be involved in it. At the same time, as a rule, extraordinary, fresh solutions are found. The "tree of goals" is also useful in that it allows you to relatively evenly distribute the available funds and forces through alternative, but reasonable decisions. At the same time, it makes it possible to deliberately redistribute goals, efforts, priorities, depending on the really changing situation and conditions.

Achievement of each of the goals should be broken down into stages, steps, campaigns, events, etc., in other words, a kind of network schedule should be drawn up, each link of which must be accompanied by reasonable criteria for evaluating effectiveness. Naturally, all fire propaganda bodies and interested organizations should be organically involved in this work.

Over its long history, advertising has evolved qualitatively. She went from informing to exhortation, from exhortation to developing a conditioned reflex, from developing a conditioned reflex to subconscious suggestion, from subconscious suggestion to projecting a symbolic image.

Advertising consistently sought, first, a conscious, deliberate perception of the advertising image by the buyer, then automatic purchase. Now advertising requires consent from the buyer, albeit unconscious and nevertheless real.

Attract attention;

Present the benefits (services);

Provide opportunities for further study;

    to form a certain level of knowledge;

    create a favorable image (image)

    form the needs for this service;

    form a positive attitude;

    stimulate services;

    to form an image of reliability;

Demonstration of skill.


    promoting services or ideas;


    forming an opinion.

To fulfill its primary purpose, advertising seeks to find a way to attract attention, ultimately entice.

WITHpoint of view of the main goals and objectivesadvertising can be followedspecies:

wide range of functions, it is very difficult to classify it. As a result, it was possible to divide the advertisement into eight main categories. The differences inherent in each of the categories, in turn, make it possible to form on their basis the following classification scheme (Fig. 3).

Organization of a fire-prevention propaganda system

The system of fire-prevention propaganda, one should not imagine something organizationally ordered, normatively fixed and hierarchically connected. In this case, it is one of the social structures, the components of which, no matter how different they are, act within this structure with the aim of translating a certain idea into reality. In this sense, the fire-prevention propaganda system exists and operates, however, to increase its effectiveness, not only a clear understanding of all its components is required, but also the ability to use each of them with maximum efficiency individually and in various combinations. This is all the more important because the actually existing components of the general system have accumulated in a number of cases sufficient experience that can be synthesized and successfully applied in practice. At the same time, of course, one should not lose sight of the fact that the interaction of the components of any structure always acquires a complex, non-linear character. Here, as a rule, there is no unambiguous causal relationship, from which it follows that the overall effectiveness of the propaganda influence cannot be sought in quantitative indicators, just as a pure and direct effect cannot be expected from one or another propaganda campaign or action.

The organizational and functional diagram of the propaganda bodies of the fire protection (Fig. 4) is, although the most important, but only one of the components of the entire system. Independent components of the system are also means of propaganda, forms and methods of its maintenance, etc.

Press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

Public Relations and Advocacy Department

State supervision

Editorial board of the magazine "Fire business"

Rice. 4. General structure of fire propaganda bodies

Press groups,


Fire-technical exhibitions, museums

One of the most established links in this structure is the network of fire-technical exhibitions, which is growing steadily and in the near future will cover the entire country. Another link can be considered a press group and a creative asset created under many UPO-OPO, and, finally, the third - the divisions of the mass work of voluntary fire societies. Close to this structure is the editorial office of the magazine "Fire Business" with its network of peripheral correspondent points. This, so to speak, is the backbone, the basis on which, mainly, the responsibility for organizing and conducting fire-prevention propaganda in the country lies.

Forms and means of fire-prevention propaganda

The art of propaganda is to accurately and vividly highlight the factual material, to reveal on its basis the main features of the problem, to force every person to become an interested participant in the search for ways out of the current situation.

By virtue of the very essence of the problem to which it is devoted, the problem is extremely acute, universal and at the same time very private, affecting every person, fire-prevention propaganda must use all forms of propaganda influence, penetrate into all mass media, into all areas where one way or another there is a person's upbringing. The tension of the fire propaganda field must never be weakened. One form of influence can (and should) replace another, the range of influence can vary in the widest range: from pure information content to pure emotionality. If we keep in mind that the main function of propaganda is to shape public opinion and influence through it on the consciousness of the masses and public practice, then any form of propaganda should influence those rational and emotional elements that are part of the structure of public opinion and mass consciousness.

Fire-prevention propaganda is carried out in the following areas: mass media (print, radio, television, cinema); through fire-technical exhibitions; with the use of films, dia- and magnetic films; through works of art of literature, art, music; visual and pictorial means; conversations, seminars (including group and individual training of the population on fire safety rules). A special area is the widespread dissemination of fire-technical knowledge and training of people in production, in other words, scientific and technical propaganda.

Any form of propaganda should be mobile, dynamic, it requires taking into account changes in tastes, styles, habits, customs, age characteristics, professional orientation, educational level, etc. In addition, it should be sufficiently differentiated, since what is interesting to the student , may seem boring, or even banal for a worker, scientist or collective farmer. At the same time, the impact on adults does not at all exclude the use of various forms of fire-prevention propaganda designed for children's susceptibility. However, specific methods of propaganda among children must be additionally carefully thought out in the direction that they do not arouse children's interest in dangerous fun with fire.

Active and passive propaganda

Active propaganda always sets a goal and is capable, in one way or another, to influence the course of events by influencing the object of propaganda. As for passive propaganda, it is always only a reaction to what has happened and is happening. In this regard, passive propaganda, as a rule, reflects and supports ideas and views that have already received widespread recognition, while active propaganda deals with those ideas and views that only in the course of discussions and over time will become (or can become) majority opinion.

An analysis of fire-prevention propaganda, unfortunately, allows us to conclude that its passive part significantly prevails over the active one. This can be seen from the fact that, as a rule, materials on fire-fighting topics reflect events that have already taken place and, in a more or less vivid form, tell about individual cases of fires, their causes and consequences, about the combat work of firefighters. Many of them are not connected either with each other or with the next speeches of the heads of the fire brigade, do not carry proactive information and generally create an even, “faded” background that weakly affects the audience emotionally, does not change the prevailing false stereotypes and foundations.

Fire propaganda tools include the following forms:

1. Mass propaganda:

Printing (newspapers, magazines, etc.);


The television.

2. Means of film propaganda:

Art films;

Educational films;


3. Means of scientific and technical propaganda:

Special literature;


Instructive and informational material.

4. Means of lecture propaganda:


5. Means of visual and pictorial propaganda:


Showcase equipment;

Commemorative items;



Badges, toys, etc.

6. Means of fire-technical Exhibitions:

Models of buildings, cars;



Stained-glass windows;


Exhibition of samples of fire fighting equipment.

7. Means of artistic propaganda:

Art books;

Collections of poetry.

8. Creative contests:

Fire contests.

9. Means of mass events:

Creative meetings;

Creative evenings;

Opinion poll;

Fire safety days;

Meetings of firefighters with the population.

Mass media

The growing importance of the media, or, as they are also called, the media, not only as an informational phenomenon, but also as a factor that has a tremendous impact on social and cultural processes in general, on the dynamics and directions of their development, on special paths the inclusion of a person in the system of social ties and relationships is the most important feature of social life.


The importance of radio broadcasting as a powerful means of mass communication hardly needs to be said - its popularity, multi-coverage and effectiveness are all too obvious. Every year this channel is increasingly used for fire-prevention propaganda. On the radio, our theme is more or less regularly played in the program on the waves of the radio stations "Mayak" and "Yunost", in the literary-dramatic and children's editions. The performances of the heads of the fire brigade received a positive assessment, certain successes were achieved in the targeted formation of programs, concerts have become a tradition at the request of fire brigade workers. The radio broadcasts systematically cover issues related to the prevention of fires at enterprises and in residential buildings, with fire hazardous seasons, tells about the difficult and heroic work of the fire brigade, about fire volunteering.

level and in different forms to certain strata of the population, taking into account emotional saturation, in accordance with certain attitudes

Film propaganda

Cinematography, which is a massive and effective form of contemporary art, occupies a special and extremely important place in the system of ideological, social, scientific and technical propaganda. It is cinema, as a sensitive barometer of society, that can express in a concentrated form the most essential, conspicuous and hidden features of any (including fire) problem that worries a person.

The production and display of films is one of the most important areas of fire propaganda.

Scientific and technical propaganda

Scientific and technical propaganda, including the publication of special literature, magazines, instructional and informational materials, plays a significant role in creating a positive public atmosphere around the problem of fire safety. This area of ​​work is organically included in the general system of fire-prevention propaganda and is one of the serious and important links in preventive work.

Lecture propaganda

Oral fire-prevention propaganda and agitation c. the form of lectures, reports, conversations is a traditional, tested and effective form of explanatory and educational work among the population both in labor collectives and at the place of residence. This work, according to the current situation, should be carried out by each employee of the state supervision using local materials, taking into account a differentiated approach to different groups of the population. Lecturers of local organizations of society, volunteer firefighting societies, authoritative specialists of the branches of the national economy should be involved as actively as possible in conducting lecture propaganda. When conducting lectures and conversations, it is necessary to use examples of active work to prevent and extinguish fires, save people and material values, citing specific facts of fires, revealing their causes and not keeping silent about the consequences.

Visual and pictorial propaganda

Visual and pictorial fire-prevention propaganda is carried out through the publication and distribution of posters, leaflets, postcards, booklets, equipping showcases, stands, satire windows, electronic, electric and gas light installations, issuing photo-satirical and propaganda newspapers, as well as through the production of toys, badges, -mint products, the use of a fire theme on consumer goods, on packaging, etc. Going out to the streets of cities and towns, constantly being in sight, visual-pictorial propaganda has ample opportunities to influence people in terms of their upbringing. Visual and visual materials can (albeit somewhat conditionally) be subdivided by type into stationary (light gazets and advertisements, mosaic and stained-glass panels, sculpture) and movable (printed materials, toys, etc.), and by purpose - to instructive, agitational and propaganda. The means of monumental propaganda, as if combining the past and the present, carry a charge of great emotional power and propaganda influence, serve to educate the continuity of generations, a careful attitude towards the heroic past. Monuments and memorials have been erected in different parts of our country, embodying the courage and heroism of firefighters and volunteers. In many places, youth fire brigades patronize the monuments, and solemn events are held near them. Touching the deeds of elders, young people go through a school of high moral education, temper

Fire-technical exhibitions

In 1892. The first fire exhibition organized by the Russian Voluntary Fire Society opened in St. Petersburg. By this time the exhibitions had a long history; and to a certain extent established traditions. The first exhibitions were organized at the end of the 16th century.

Artistic propaganda

Artistic creativity has the ability not only to embody by its means the characteristic, remarkable in life, but also to provide an emotional impact. In fire-prevention propaganda, the artistic direction with its pronounced expressive-emotional richness began to develop. The importance of this direction can hardly be overestimated. As already noted, human behavior is most often formed not only by fresh information, but also by the entire stock of previously accumulated experience and knowledge. In the brain, there is a certain balance between positive and negative emotions, but for the normal state of the body it is very important that positive emotions prevail. From this point of view, art is vital for the fact that it can increase the amount of positive emotions. Moreover, art itself often serves as a means of creating positive emotions.

In this regard, it is possible to cite such a historical fact that at one time the fire major of Moscow, at each major fire, sent a messenger for the writer V. newspapers. It is not out of place to do this today. It is completely harmless to personally get acquainted with the picture of the fire, to see the combat work of firefighters, to talk on fresh tracks with the victims and writers, poets, artists, composers. It is safe to say that after that the music will be more dynamic, the poetry will be more authentic, and the pictures will be brighter.

Creative contests

Conducting creative contests for works of various genres on fire-fighting topics is not such a new and tested enough business. The first such competition was organized at the beginning of the century by the Russian DPO, which subsequently more than once successfully turned to this form of work.

Public events

Mass firefighting events are another form of propaganda work and, it should be noted, the form is interesting and important. They are especially useful in that they make it possible to directly feel the public atmosphere, actively use various means of direct influence on the audience, and conduct a kind of express analysis of the level of public opinion. Mass events include "Days of Fire Safety", meetings of fire brigades with the population on the basis of parks of culture and recreation, meetings of fire brigade workers with collectives of enterprises and organizations, creative evenings of masters of culture in fire garrisons, thematic evenings for party and economic assets of large industrial associations and entire urban areas, press conferences of the fire department, meetings of young people with veterans, readers' conferences, etc.

wok in relation to the fire problem. This creates an atmosphere of general calmness and often simply harms the fire safety business as a whole, since in this situation even fair and well-grounded appeals and demands do not meet with a response in the soul of people and remain "the voice of one crying in the wilderness." It would hardly be worth attaching serious importance to this if it were not for the rather large and, alas, quite material losses from fires.

On the effectiveness of propaganda

The effectiveness of propaganda is considered not just a result and not just any result, but only one that coincides with the intention of the subject of propaganda.It testifies to the achievement of the goals that were set for the propaganda information in the process of its creation and dissemination. The results of propaganda activities are manifested in changing the consciousness, the way of thinking, and the behavior of both more or less large social groups and individuals. It should be noted that an external stimulus, and in this situation it is a propagandistic influence in one form or another, does not automatically cause changes in human behavior, it can only activate a certain need, and already it causes the corresponding actions. There are many indirect connections, complex transitions between a stimulus and a reaction, as a result of which, for example, the same stimulus can sometimes cause different reactions in different people. At these intermediate stages, attitudes and stereotypes that have developed in the mind of a person occupy an important place.

Understanding the essence of the effectiveness of propaganda necessarily presupposes the correct interpretation of its criteria or distinctive features, by which one can judge the results of raising the level of knowledge and educating people. Reflecting the achievements of propaganda, its criteria are characterized by many quantitative and qualitative properties. All criteria for the effectiveness of propaganda are important in their own way. None of them can be absolutized, opposed to the other, or underestimated, since both spiritual and practical results of propaganda are inextricably interconnected.

At present, on the basis of numerous studies, a number of criteria for the effectiveness of propaganda have been created. And although they have an empirical rather than theoretical basis, they can be successfully used in practice. These criteria are divided into general and specific. The distinction between them is rather relative and is made mainly to formalize the methodology of their application in practice.

The group of general criteria includes the criteria of knowledge, conviction, action. The criterion of knowledge, which is perhaps the simplest, determines the degree (level) of awareness, awareness of people about certain factors of objective reality. At the same time, the fictitious title of facts is assessed by how much a person is able to associate the one with the general, that is, to correctly interpret the facts. Despite the outward simplicity, the criterion of knowledge has a rather ramified structure, which includes, in particular, the following aspects: epistemological (knowledge of facts, concepts, categories, etc.), meaningful (technical and economic knowledge, ideas, theories, etc. ), cognition of principles (truthfulness, connection with life, specifically the historical approach, etc.), the systemic nature of the acquired knowledge.

The criterion of persuasion is considered extremely difficult due to the fact that the concept of persuasion includes all the wealth of spiritual forces, thoughts and feelings, reason and will of the individual. Beliefs control all psychological phenomena that characterize the direction of human consciousness: drives, desires, interests, aspirations, orientation. They are an organic unity of the results of rational cognition of objective reality and an emotionally evaluative attitude towards it. The criterion of persuasion can be characterized by several indicators: by content (nature, variety and depth of acquired knowledge, learned ideas); according to the personal assessment of the knowledge gained and the phenomena themselves, the reflection of which they are; by the degree of confidence in the correct perception of ideas, views; according to the consistency of views with real human behavior; according to his readiness for actions corresponding to the knowledge gained.

Finally, the criterion of action - the synthesizing criterion of efficiency - determines changes in labor and social activity, in the nature of behavior, in human morality. When determining the effectiveness of fire propaganda, this criterion is especially important, because it is the actions and behavioral norms of people that have a decisive influence on the level of fire safety.

The group of specific criteria for effectiveness includes the criteria for psychological, cognitive and behavioral impact. The criterion of psychological impact assesses the change in the state and mood of the propaganda object (audience) in the required direction, change in attitudes (motives), the development of cognitive interest. The criterion of cognitive impact is revealed through the transitions from ignorance to knowledge, from incomplete knowledge to more complete and accurate, from a lesser degree of community to a greater one. The behavioral criterion serves as a logical continuation of the previous two and is determined by the correspondence of people's actions to the nature of the knowledge they received from propaganda.

It should be noted that each criterion is subdivided into indicators reflecting certain aspects of efficiency. The overall efficiency in this case appears as the sum of the terms of this or; another criterion revealing its content. And the more complete the division of each criterion into corresponding indicators, the more opportunities for an objective assessment of the results of propaganda. To a certain extent, the choice of indicators for various criteria can be helped by the fact that overall effectiveness can be considered as the sum of individual effects (effect is a broader concept that implies any, any result of advocacy) that can confirm (or deny) overall effectiveness. There are several groups of such effects, including:

Cognitive Effects

    Increase (multiplication) of knowledge in conscious and unconscious forms.

    An impulse for active reflection, that is, a certain work with the information received: its comprehension, setting in connection with the already existing knowledge.

    The impulse for the consumption of new information, the acquisition of new knowledge, that is, the emergence, maintenance, strengthening of cognitive interest.

    An impulse to create new information (at various levels of communication).

    Direct use of the information received in the process of creating new information, i.e. including it in one form or another in the created text, etc.

Value effects

    The emergence (generation) of a new position, opinion, interest, view, attitude, etc.

    Strengthening an existing position, generating beliefs, strong opinions, stable relationships, etc.

8. Weakening of the existing position (attitude) or its complete replacement by another position, revision of point of view, change of opinion, attitude, etc.

9. Impulse for action related to expression of attitude
to certain positions, support, denial, etc.

10. Broad practical actions, speech, activity
conduct, which is in a certain meaningful ratio,
compliance (inconsistency) with the positions expressed in the information.

Organizational Effects

    The impulse for practical action caused by the consumption of information, but not directly indicated in the content of the latter.

    Practical actions in accordance with (or in conflict) with the recommendations contained in the information, for example, a measure to take into account the dissemination of good practices, etc.

    The use of information to provide results that have a non-informational nature, for example, references to the content of information, as a precedent in achieving certain goals.

Communication Effects

    Dissemination, relaying and discussion of the received information in the process of interpersonal communication.

    Immediate reaction to information in the context of feedback from the source of information.

The data presented on the effectiveness criteria and individual effects of propaganda influence can (and should) form the basis of a unified methodology for determining the overall effectiveness of fire-prevention propaganda. The first steps towards the creation of such a technique are already being made, but this is a very difficult matter and one should not expect quick results here. This does not mean at all that even now, using the available material, it is impossible to conduct an approximate assessment of the effectiveness of our work, while using sufficiently proven sociological methods and techniques, including questionnaires, sample surveys, content - thematic analyzes , individual forms of propaganda (for example, local press, radio, lectures, etc.), interviews with senior officials and authoritative personalities to assess our propaganda, etc. The concept of the overall effectiveness of propaganda impact reflects the diversity of the quality of the state of consciousness and the actions of a person (or groups of people), formed under the "influence of propaganda in its various forms. In this regard, the effectiveness of propaganda can only be talked about in the sense of a change in the way of thinking and feeling, the nature of social actions and people's behavior.

However, it should be borne in mind that all changes that are actually detected in the spheres of mass consciousness and mass behavior are almost always distinguished by a complex, "multi-layered" structure, represent the most diverse combinations of "simple" effects.

The study and constant analysis of individual effects, their assessment using general and specific criteria and the determination on this basis of the overall effectiveness of individual forms and methods, as well as all fire propaganda as a whole, are absolutely necessary. They will allow you to flexibly respond to unaccounted-for moments that appear in the process of work, as well as to a change in public opinion (negative or positive), will make it possible to really assess the effectiveness, quality and focus of certain promotional activities and focus your efforts on weaker areas. ... The time intervals for determining the effectiveness as a whole should not exceed a year, and for individual forms, they can be even less (depending on the activity).

Prospects for the development of fire-prevention propaganda

One of these phenomena remains the problem of fires on the ground - an economic and environmental, social and humanitarian problem. Analysis and calculations show that the solution of this problem by purely technical means is unrealistic, first of all, for economic reasons, and therefore, despite the fact that the technique of suppressing and preventing fires will be constantly improved, the most important role in a sharp reduction in fires will be play fire propaganda.

Nowadays, fire-prevention propaganda in our country already has solid experience and a number of achievements that make it possible to predict with confidence in the foreseeable future a qualitative leap in its impact on broad strata of the population. Supplemented by a well-thought-out system of educating the younger generation, such an impact will lay the foundations for the formation of the necessary sense of fire danger and moral attitudes in every person for the careful handling of fire.

In its practical activities, fire-prevention propaganda will continue to improve traditional forms using all possible means and channels, conduct a constant search for new forms, hone organizational structures and professional skills, expand and strengthen ties with the creative community.

The most important condition for improving fire-prevention propaganda for the coming years should be the development of criteria and methods for analyzing both individual types and forms of propaganda, and its integral flow with an output to the final effect of reducing the number of fires and victims from them. This is an archetypal task, but also an arduous one, because only its solution will allow flexible use of various forms of fire-prevention propaganda and sensitively react to certain changes in public consciousness and behavior.

In the long term, fire propaganda should become an anticipatory factor in a specific fire hazard, educating caution against it even before it actually appears. This is explained by the fact that scientific and technological progress will constantly give rise to all new types of fire danger, and the task of fire propaganda is to be able to foresee this in their activities.


By improving fire-prevention propaganda, improving education of the population in the basics of fire-fighting knowledge, we thereby activate the most important reserve for reducing the number of fires in our country and the damage they cause. This constant, painstaking and hard work pays off handsomely.

The fundamental task for the near future is a radical change in the approach to fire-prevention propaganda, a revision of priorities in the direction of transferring this type of fire protection activity to one of the decisive ones. The activities of propaganda fire services should be built in close contact with the media, with the propaganda and information services of the sectors of the national economy, with the active and wide involvement of creative workers in various directions.

The main emphasis should be placed on raising the quality level of propaganda materials, perhaps at the expense of a slight decrease in quantitative indicators. The urgent task is to achieve a qualitative leap in this area of ​​activity, which will provide an opportunity to form public opinion in the direction we need.

Organizationally, fire-technical exhibitions, press groups, propaganda departments (groups) in fire protection apparatuses and organizational mass departments of DPO councils must fit into a coherent system that ensures the penetration of fire propaganda to all social and social levels of the population, taking into account the needs of each level and each age group.


    Barykin K. K. I am writing, typing, dictating. - M .: Politizdat, 2005.

    Rich E. M. Feelings and things. - M .: Politizdat, 2005.

    Vartanyan E. A. Journey to the Word. - M .: Sov. Russia, 2006.

    Wiener N. Cybernetics and Society. Per. from English M .: In. lit., 1998.

    Vige R. 30 tips for fire safety. Per, from French - M .: Stroyizdat, 2002.

    Vlasov Yu. M. Propaganda behind the facade of news. - M .: publishing house of Moscow State University, 2006.

    Zdorovega V.I. The word is also a deed. - M .: Thought, 1999.

    Zis A. Ya. Kinds of art. - M .: Knowledge, 1999.

    Kasymov B.E. Organization of fire protection management. - "M .: Stroyizdat, 2002.

    Kashlev Yu. B. Mass information and international relations. - M .: publishing house "Int. relations ", 2001.

    Kotarbinsky Tadeusz. A treatise on good work. Per. from Polish - M .: Economics, 2005.

    Marshak M. I. Club script. - M .: Profizdat, 2005.

    Mass information in the Soviet industrial city. / Under total. ed. B. A. Grushina and L. A. Onikova. - M .: Politizdat, 2000.

    The role of the media and propaganda in moral education. - M .: Thought, 1999.

    Saveliev PS et al. Organization of fire prevention work. - M., Stroyizdat, 1996.

    Media and Society - The UNESCO Courier, 1997.

    Tishunin V.N. Education by word. - L .: Lenizdat, 1999.

    Ugenova V.V. Creative horizons of journalism. - M .: Thought, 1996.

    The basics of fire prevention. Causes of fire Abstract >> Life safety

    Built on planned basis... Promising (for ... security; to provide subdivisions of the object with the means fire fighting propaganda(posters, stands, layouts, panels ..., warehouse, etc.) on basis Model Fire Safety Regulations for ...

  1. The basics public relations

    Abstract >> Marketing

    Resilience. Individual orientations that lie in basis attitudes are determined and formed for everyone ... rather than technicians "according to fire fighting security. "There are frequent cases ... tendentious, purely political propaganda and agitation. According to the provisions ...

  2. The basics asphalt road design. Theoretical and practical postulates

    Cheat Sheet >> Construction

    Priority actions: 1. preventive work 2. propaganda 3. the impact of the offender 4. licensing in the field of ... organizations of any form of ownership. 2. The basics entrepreneurship and classification of business entities ...


Methodical development

Out-of-class fire propaganda.


teacher-organizer of life safety

MBOU "School No. 18", Kaluga

Illarionova L.K.

Kaluga - 2018


In modern society, there is a constant increase in the number and scale of the negative consequences of emergencies. Fire is one of the most common and dangerous phenomena.

The problem of fires really exists. Anthropogenic activity annually leads to the emergence of more than 250 thousand fires, which kill over 18 thousand people, of which more than 700 children. It is estimated that for a thousand fires, a hundred break out through the fault of children, who become victims of their ignorance and frivolity.

Caring for the safety of children's life is the most important task of the school institution, family and state. Naturally, school and, of course, classes on the basics of life safety play an important role in instilling a careful handling of fire in children. Teaching children the rules of fire safety in the framework of the subject of life safety is definitely a necessary thing. Unfortunately, today, students in OBZH lessons receive limited knowledge of fire safety, they learn about it only superficially.

Fire safety is one of the mandatory components of the environment in which a child grows up and is brought up. It is important not only to talk about it, but also to teach children certain skills in the behavior of collective life, communication skills, to work out the rules of behavior in a fire to automatism, to develop the individual abilities of schoolchildren through their inclusion in appropriate activities, for example, to realize themselves in creativity through classes of a squad of young firefighters (hereinafter DUP).

Only specific emotionally charged activities, sports and play exercises can leave a mark on the mind of a child.

All of the above confirms the relevance of today.

The purpose of this development is the formation of a personality with an active civil position, familiar with fire safety measures, possessing the skills of propaganda of fire-technical knowledge aimed at preventing fires and actions in the event of a fire.

In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work:


To cultivate devotion to their homeland on the heroic traditions of the Russian Emergencies Ministry;

Raise interest in the profession of a firefighter;

To cultivate a humane attitude towards people.


Broaden your horizons in the field of fire safety;

To form the skills and abilities of conducting fire-prevention propaganda.


To form a communicative, socially adapted person with an active civic position;

Form the skills of organizational action in emergency situations;

To develop the creative potential of the pupils of the squad of young firefighters.



1.1. Opportunities for extracurricular educational work

Extracurricular work is the organization by a teacher of various types of activities of schoolchildren during extracurricular hours, providing the necessary conditions for the socialization of the child's personality. In the structure of a safe educational space, a significant place is occupied by teaching children and adolescents to fire safety rules and actions in emergency situations. The social significance of knowledge, skills and abilities in this area is obvious: the formation of a personality with skills in fire-safe behavior.

Extracurricular educational work is a combination of various types of activity and has wide possibilities of educational influence on the child.

Let's consider these possibilities.

    A variety of extracurricular activities contributes to a more versatile disclosure of the child's individual abilities, helps to achieve the goals set (participation in competitions, competitions, sponsorship, etc.).

    Involvement in various types of extracurricular activities enriches the child's personal experience, his knowledge of the variety of human activities, the child acquires the necessary practical skills and abilities.

    Various educational work contributes to the development of children's interest in this type of activity, the desire to actively participate in the life of the detachment. If a child has a stable interest in this area of ​​activity, together with certain practical skills that ensure his success in completing tasks, then he will be able to independently organize his own activities. This is especially true now, when children do not know how to occupy themselves in their free time.

    In various forms of extracurricular work, children not only show their individual abilities, but also learn to live in a team, that is, to cooperate with each other, take care of their comrades, and put themselves in the place of another person.

Moreover, each type of extracurricular activity - creative, cognitive, sports, play - enriches the experience of collective interaction of schoolchildren in a certain aspect, which in its totality gives a great educational effect.

1.2. Organization of extracurricular educational work

In order for these requirements to be implemented in practice, a certain sequence of organization of extracurricular activities is necessary. It can be used for both individual and mass work.

1. Studying and setting goals and objectives (selection of priority areas of activity).

The goal of the stage is an objective assessment of pedagogical reality, which consists in determining its positive aspects (the best in the child, the team), and what needs to be adjusted, formed and selected the most important tasks:

Formation of communicative, socially significant, with an active civic position of the individual, skills of organized actions in emergencies;

Development of the creative potential and socially significant skills of the pupils of the DYuP.

The study is carried out using the already known skills of pedagogical research, the leading among which at this stage is observation. With the help of observation, the teacher collects information about the child and the team. An informative method is a conversation, not only with the child and the class, but also with parents and teachers working in the class.

2. Modeling the forthcoming extracurricular educational work consists in the fact that the teacher creates in his imagination an image of a certain form. In this case, goals, general tasks, and functions of extracurricular work should be used as reference points.

3. The practical implementation of the model is aimed at the implementation of the conceived educational tasks in the real pedagogical process.

4. The analysis of the work performed is aimed at comparing the model with a real implementation, identifying successful and problematic points, their causes and consequences. The element of setting the task for further educational work is very important. This stage is very important for adjusting educational tasks, content, forms and planning for further extracurricular work.

1.3. The specifics of the content of extracurricular content work

The specificity of extracurricular educational work is manifested at the level of the following tasks:

1. Formation of a positive “I - concept” in the child, which is characterized by three factors: a) confidence in the benevolent attitude of other people towards him; b) conviction in the successful mastery of this or that type of activity; c) a sense of self-worth.

2. Formation of skills of cooperation, collective interaction in children. For early social adaptation, the child must have a positive attitude not only towards himself, but also towards other people. If a child, in the presence of a positive "I - concept" has formed the ability to negotiate with comrades, distribute responsibilities, take into account the interests and desires of other people, perform joint actions, provide the necessary assistance, positively resolve conflicts, respect the opinion of another, etc., then his adult work will be successful. Completely positive "I - concept" is formed only in collective interaction.

3. Formation of the need for productive, socially aggravated activity in children through direct acquaintance with various types of activity, the formation of interest in them in accordance with the child's personality, the necessary skills and abilities. In other words, in extracurricular work, the child must learn to engage in useful activities and organize them independently.

4. Formation of moral, emotional, volitional components of the worldview of children. In extracurricular activities, children learn moral norms of behavior through mastering moral concepts. The emotional sphere is formed through creative activity.

5. Development of cognitive interest. This task of extracurricular work reflects the continuity in educational and extracurricular activities, since extracurricular work is associated with educational work in the lesson and, ultimately, is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. The development of cognitive interest in children as a direction of extracurricular work, on the one hand, "works" on the educational process, and on the other hand, enhances the educational impact on the child.

Extracurricular educational work has a wide range of opportunities to attract the social experience of parents and other adults (for example, employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, employees of VDPO).


2.1. History of the organization of training children in fire safety measures.

Everything new is actually well forgotten old. It turns out that instilling the skills of fire-fighting behavior in children was thought of both in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, and not only abroad - in England, Germany, Spain - but also in Tsarist Russia.

In July 1910, at the fifth congress of members of the Imperial Russian Fire Society held in Riga, a provision on teaching children firefighting and on the creation of children's firefighting "amusing detachments" established at voluntary firefighting societies and squads was brought up for discussion. It was assumed that such training and the creation of detachments should become an element of school work, as in the West. The year 1910 presented the Russian society with an exceptional fact: a huge number of "amusing detachments" were formed, which soon united into a powerful organization, which a year later numbered more than six thousand children. Children in such detachments, with the consent of their parents, were trained by members of voluntary firefighting societies, methods of rescue and self-rescue, fire extinguishing, working with ladders and ropes, installing a fire pipe, as well as the rules of careful handling of fire and basic first aid techniques.

At the VI International Fire Congress, held in May 1912 in St. Petersburg, fire master A.G. Krivosheev, who stood at the origins of the creation of "amusing detachments", noted:

“Children's training fire brigades have the direct goal of preparing children for voluntary public firefighting activities. Practical training of children in firefighting should give them a sense of discipline, develop dexterity and strength in them and make them resourceful and courageous in danger. "

Then the following decisions were made:

    Recognize it desirable to draw the school's attention to issues closely related to firefighting.

    Recognize that it is desirable to disseminate fire safety information among the younger generation with the participation of the school, since students, after graduation, bring relevant knowledge and skills into life.

    To recognize the organization of student fire brigades at schools as desirable.

In 1912, the "amusing detachments" grew stronger, and began to number a whole army.

In Soviet times - in 1926 - the Main Directorate of Communal Services of the NKVD issued instructions on the formation of "detachments of young vigilantes" under voluntary fire organizations. The bodies of the State Fire Supervision (GPN) ordered to pay serious attention to this useful game of children in firefighters, to come to their aid, giving the game the proper seriousness and thereby promoting the wide development of firefighting.

2.2. Organization of the association of the Young Firemen's Brigade in the MBOU "Secondary School No. 18" in Kaluga

The movement of young firefighters either gained strength, then weakened, and during perestroika they completely forgot about it.

In 2006, with the revival of volunteerism, namely, with the re-establishment of the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society, the work with the squads of young firefighters intensified.

In 2008, under the leadership of the Center for Continuing Education for Children and with the assistance of the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society, the DYP association was created on the basis of our school under the name "Rescuers".

The squad of young firefighters is a children's association created by educational authorities, a firefighting society in educational institutions.

Teams of young firefighters carry out their activities in accordance with Article 25 of the Federal Law "On Fire Safety", Article 4.2 of the Charter of the All-Russian Voluntary Fire Society, as well as this Regulation.

The program of the course in firefighting was proposed, which includes both a theoretical part and a practical part, as well as a provision on the organization of student fire brigades.

One of the most important tasks of the DYUP is fire prevention propaganda among schoolchildren and preschool institutions.

The members of the squad of young firefighters are students who have expressed a desire to actively participate in the work of the squad.

Classes are held both in departments and with the whole group together, they can be group and individual. The program is educational, modified, adapted to the conditions of the school. It is based on the experience of the head of the association and methodological recommendations.

For the program to work, it is necessary to maintain consistency and focus in the work, and classes should be conducted in a form accessible to children.

It is necessary to observe an individual approach, the unity of education and training. Theoretical studies should be alternated with practical ones. It is necessary to maintain the necessary professional and athletic readiness of the teams of young firefighters.

2.3. Implementation of the program for the unification of the Young Firemen's Brigade

Before organizing work on the promotion of fire safety among children and adolescents, pupils of the DUP should themselves broaden their horizons in the field of fire safety and, as a result, should know:

    The history of the development of fire protection and volunteering, fire fighting.

    Causes of fires.

    Algorithm of actions in case of fire.

    Primary fire extinguishing equipment.

    Fire safety measures.

Should be able to:

    Observe fire safety rules

    Anticipate dangerous situations and act correctly if they arise.

    Use the inventory of units of the EMERCOM of Russia.

    To apply the acquired knowledge and skills more widely in practice.

To learn more about the history of the development of fire protection, fire fighting, primary fire extinguishing equipment, to learn about the heroes of the fire front, our young firefighters periodically visit the history museum of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Kaluga Region (Appendix 1).

The exposition of the museum widely presents modern means of fighting fire, everyday combat clothing of a firefighter, models of residential buildings made according to fire safety rules and fire fighting equipment and much more. The compulsory program of each excursion includes the demonstration of video films on the topic of fire safety.

To consolidate the knowledge gained by children, the school organizes excursions to the nearest fire department, where children not only see fire equipment, but also put it into action, feeling like real firefighters (Appendix 2).

An unforgettable impression on the children was made by the festive procession dedicated to the 360th anniversary of the Russian Fire Department (Appendix 3).

At this holiday, children saw a wide variety of fire fighting equipment, each one climbed a fire crane to a great height, participated in competitions, and practiced to extinguish the fire.

Gradually mastering knowledge, “Dupovtsy” in practice began to transfer it in accessible forms and methods to schoolchildren and children of preschool institutions.

Fire Safety Month, Children's Day, city and regional competitions have become traditional for us.

At school, we prepare for these events in advance, realizing their importance and significance. We must not forget about the main task of these events - the promotion of knowledge and the prevention of fire safety.

In the classroom, we develop an action plan, discuss it, approve it at the council, appoint responsible persons, and put the plan into action.

The work is carried out in the following areas:

1. Informational: creation of wall newspapers, stands, posters, design of safety memos and their distribution in the entrances of residential buildings and in places of mass stay of people (Appendix 4).

2. Propaganda: conducting explanatory work among the population to prevent fires, participating in fire prevention activities at school, conversations, quizzes, contests, propaganda team performances, training evacuations in case of fire, showing films on fire safety (Appendix 5).

3. Patronage: providing assistance to primary school teachers and preschool educators.

In the sponsored kindergarten "Topolyok", we are frequent guests, our arrival is always welcome (Appendix 6).

A variety of methods and techniques are used to familiarize children with fire safety rules: conversations, stories, the use of a literary word, viewing visual and illustrative material and much more. Children are asked riddles, they are introduced to proverbs, and poems are read. The kids especially like the performances of the propaganda team (fairy tales on the topic of fire safety).

At the present time, the members of the squad are students of the seventh grade, who have already proven themselves from the best side. (Appendix 7).

Competitions with elements of the fire relay race (Appendix 8), where the children show both theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge: climbing the “fire escape”, overcoming obstacles, providing first aid, putting on firefighter’s combat clothes, extinguishing a fire using a fire extinguisher and fire hose, etc. The employees of VDPO and EMERCOM of Russia in the Kaluga region help to carry out such events, they help to translate our theoretical knowledge into practical.

The employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are seriously interested in ensuring that the life of our young Kaluga residents is safe and happy.

Over the past two academic years, more than 4300 students from schools in the city of Kaluga and the suburban area have become guests of the OBZh room of the fire propaganda center.

For the children, meetings are held with employees of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Kaluga region and the search and rescue squad of the fire and rescue service, the Kaluga regional branch of the VDPO.

It is possible that the number of visitors among students increased if the classes were held outside of school hours.

Success in ensuring the fire safety of children can be expected only if the teacher himself has sufficient information on measures to prevent and combat fires.

The teacher needs to improve the level of his knowledge, regularly take advanced training courses, attend seminars and share work experience with colleagues, own practical fire safety skills, conduct systematic work in collaboration with the parents of students (Appendix 9).

Familiarization of children with the PB rules should first of all be carried out in the family. It is the parents who should again and again explain to their children about the inadmissibility of playing with fire.

Practice shows that parents themselves are at odds with the PB rules.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to carry out explanatory work among them.

We use various forms of work with parents: conducting joint leisure activities, arranging visual agitation, participating in drawing contests, handicrafts, watching films at school-wide parenting meetings followed by discussion, speaking to the parents of the propaganda team.


Based on the work I have done, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    If we want to see our pupils curious, sociable, athletic, able to navigate in the environment, anticipate fire hazardous situations and act correctly in cases of their occurrence, it is necessary to carry out preventive work on fire safety with children of junior, middle and senior level.

    Teaching PB skills is not limited to time periods - it is a long-term, systematic, purposeful impact on the child. They cannot appear after several, even very successful, lessons.

    A squad of young firefighters is of significant benefit in this direction. I believe that it is necessary to create such associations in every school.

    I am sure the guys will skillfully apply the acquired knowledge in life, and there will be much fewer fires set by children, which will preserve their health and life.

    The experience of my work in extracurricular activities made it possible to conclude that only in the process of joint activities of teachers, children, parents, employees of the fire service can we successfully solve problems of fire-prevention propaganda among students.

Annex 1

Visit to the Museum of the History of the Main Directorate

EMERCOM of Russia in the Kaluga region

Appendix 2

Excursion to the Fire Department of the city of Kaluga

Appendix 3

Festive procession dedicated to the 360th anniversary of the Russian Fire Department

Appendix 4

Information direction:

distribution of PB leaflets

Appendix 5

Advocacy: Contests and training evacuations at school

Appendix 6

Patronage: performance of the propaganda team in the kindergarten "Topolek" with competitions

Appendix 7

Competitions among school students

with elements of the fire relay

  • - a complex of technical, organizational and fire-prevention measures aimed at preventing and extinguishing fires ...

    Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

  • - a structural element that serves to fill openings in fire barriers and prevents the spread of fire into adjoining premises for a specified time ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - a structure in the form of a wall, partition, ceiling or volumetric element of a building, designed to prevent the spread of fire into adjacent premises during a specified time ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - a set of technical, organizational and fire-prevention measures aimed at preventing and extinguishing fires. Includes: predicting a possible fire hazard ...
  • - see Fire protection ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - a structure in the form of a wall, partition, floor or volumetric element of a building ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - a set of fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations designed to notify the crew about a fire on board the aircraft, its localization and extinguishing ...

    Encyclopedia of technology

  • - firewall - designed to separate adjacent rooms of one building or two adjacent buildings in order to prevent the spread of fire. P. s. are made of non-combustible materials ...

    Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

  • - the main type of fire brigade, it is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation as a single independent operational service ...

    Administrative law. Reference dictionary

  • - a non-combustible structure that prevents the spread of fire from one part of the structure to another - a fire protection barrier - požárně dělicí konstrukce - Brandsperre - tűzgát - tyimer essergүүceh haalt - przegroda przeciwogniowa - ecran de protecţie ...

    Construction vocabulary

  • - - complex organizational prophylactic ...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - - a complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing the fire hazard of mining equipment and technology ...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - - special forge section workings, secured by structures made of non-combustible materials ...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - - operates in the system of the Ministry of the Coal Industry CCCP to monitor and control the correctness and timeliness of the organization ...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - a fire extinguishing system designed to cool burning surfaces with a compact or fragmented by a stream of water ejected from a fire nozzle ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - "... is an integral part of the security forces of the individual, society and the state and coordinates the activities of other types of fire protection ...

    Official terminology

"Fire propaganda" in books

7. Propaganda

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7. Propaganda Revolutionary ideas need to be widely disseminated to the masses using various forms of propaganda. For this, a lot of organizational work should be done. The entire territory of the country should be covered by propaganda. It can be of two types. She is underway


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"All propaganda. All world propaganda"

From the book The Saved Book. Memoirs of a Leningrad poet. the author Druskin Lev Savelievich

"All propaganda. The whole world is propaganda" I will add: and a lie. A hopeless, shameless lie. I saw a terrible meeting on TV. A full hall of youth. On the podium - a guy: - The homeland needs workers. We graduated from the ten-year school and decided to go to the factory with the whole class.

Fire fighting technology

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80. Fire service

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