Repair Design Furniture

Instructions for the use of fire alarm systems. Types of fire alarms

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Job description on the actions of security personnel while guarding an object [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

The protection of property and the implementation of the on-site and access regimes established by the Customer are organized and provided by the [name of the security company] (license [N] is registered [date, month, year] and is valid until [day, month, year]), in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation of 11 March 1992 N 2487-I "On private detective and security activities in Russian Federation", Agreement on the provision of security services.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the procedure for the actions of employees (hereinafter referred to as the security personnel) [name of the security company] while guarding the facility [enter the required] (hereinafter referred to as the Facility).

1.2. The guards, one of whom is the shift supervisor, are subject to [name of the leader's position].

1.3. In their activities, security guards are guided by:

Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 N 2487-I "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation";

This job description;

Other documents regulating the organization of work on the protection of the Facility and material values;

- [write in what you want].

1.4. Security personnel should know:

Regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating security activities;

Instructions, orders, other normative documents governing the organization of work for the protection of the Facility and material values;

The specifics and structure of the enterprise and the mode of operation of its divisions;

Instruction on access control at the guarded Object;

Samples of passes, consignment notes and other pass documents;

Signatures of officials entitled to give orders for the import and export (removal) of inventory items;

Rules for the inspection of exported goods;

Rules for examination of things and personal examination, production of administrative detention, registration of materials for offenders;

The procedure for the detention of persons who committed theft, registration of materials on them;

The procedure for the use of weapons, radio equipment and intercom;

Rules for the use of technical means of security fire alarm;

The procedure for receiving under protection of separate premises, responding to dropping security and fire alarms;

Locations of primary fire extinguishing and communication equipment, the procedure for using them;

Internal labor regulations;

General principles for the provision of pre-medical care;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection;

- [write in what you want].

2. Tasks of protection

2.1. The main tasks of security are:

Protection of the guarded Object, prevention and suppression of unlawful encroachments and administrative offenses at the guarded Object;

Ensuring public order at the guarded Object;

Providing access and intra-facility modes at the guarded Object;

Participation in the localization and elimination of arisen emergencies, including as a result of sabotage and terrorist actions.

3. Duties of security personnel

3.1. The duties of the security personnel of the Facility are determined by job descriptions, instructions for access and intra-facility regimes and the Facility security plan. According to these documents, the competence of the security personnel includes:

Protection of the Facility and material values;

Inspection of things, as well as personal inspection of workers and employees of the enterprise;

Monitoring the operation of security and security and fire alarm devices installed at the enterprise; a message about their operation to the chief of the guard (guard group), the person on duty at the Facility, and, if necessary, to the internal affairs body or to the fire department;

Finding out the reasons for the alarm and taking measures to apprehend violators or extinguish the fire;

Acceptance of separate premises equipped with alarms and other means of protection from financially responsible persons;

Overlapping the checkpoint when an alarm is announced at the guarded Object, as well as with the permission of the head of the guard group (duty officer), release (admit) from the Object (to the Object) of all persons;

Taking measures to prevent and suppress offenses at the protected Facility, up to physical coercion;

Detention of persons trying to illegally take out (take out) material values ​​from the guarded Facility or suspected of committing offenses, and accompanying them to the guardhouse or police station;

Monitoring the operation of security and security and fire alarm devices installed at guarded Objects;

Use of guard dogs while on duty;

- [write in what you want].

3.2. The security officer in the process of performing his duties must carry out the following actions:

3.2.1. Upon acceptance (surrender) of duty:

Get a weapon or special means, having previously checked them, in compliance with the measures and rules for safe handling;

Timely arrive at the Facility as part of the security shift;

Together with a representative of the administration of the protected Facility (upon receipt from him or in cases of handing over the Facility to him) or together with a changing guard (senior of the shift), inspect and check the Facility taken under protection, walk and inspect the controlled area, as well as examine the technical strength of the basements, attics, windows, doors in order to study the operational situation and detect suspicious objects. If you find any or reveal broken doors, windows, locks, lack of seals and seals, immediately report [to the head of the security (security) service, another responsible official];

Check security and fire alarms, lighting and telephone communications;

Make sure that primary fire extinguishing equipment is available;

Read and accept the available documentation (instructions, magazines, action plan in case of emergencies, material values, etc.) according to the inventory;

Clarify the emergency call system for the police, the management of the guarded Facility, the rescue service and check the performance of security, emergency and fire alarms, communications;

Check serviceability individual funds protection;

Make an entry in the check-in and check-out log, including about the deficiencies and violations of the security regime at the Facility;

In the absence of a removable guard and if there are faults and violations at the Facility that do not allow him to be taken under protection, immediately contact the management of the security company and further act in accordance with his instructions;

Hand over the Object to the responsible persons of the guarded Object or the next change of guards;

Make an entry in the journal about the delivery of duty and report to your immediate supervisor.

3.2.2. During duty:

In the performance of his functional duties for the protection of the object, the guard (change of protection) must always be at the post, leaving only to bypass the guarded Object;

Always have with you special means of self-defense and communication equipment (radio station or mobile phone);

Periodically, by walking around the protected area in accordance with the established schedule, monitor the observance of public order and the maintenance of fire safety measures;

Bypass the territory or premises of the guarded Object according to the route scheme, check the condition of window bars, doors, follow the light and sound signals of the security and fire alarm;

Establish the cause of the alarm and take measures to arrest criminals only if these actions do not weaken the security regime of the Facility;

If the alarm is triggered and if any violations are detected, inform the head of the protected Facility or the responsible official, immediately inform the dispatcher of the security company about this, and if necessary, the duty officer of the territorial body of internal affairs;

If any malfunctions are detected (broken doors, locks, windows, violation of the integrity of seals, seals, etc.), report this to your immediate management, the representative of the administration of the guarded Object, the police and guard the traces of the crime immediately before the arrival of the police officers;

Ensure public order in the protected area, monitor the safety of material values ​​of the Object;

At the request of the personnel on duty of the guarded Object about the occurrence conflict situation, life threatening or the health of staff or visitors, take urgent measures to resolve the situation that has arisen, call a police squad as soon as necessary;

In the event of an armed attack on a guarded Object, immediately report to the police, the leadership of the guarded Object and your immediate superiors in accordance with the notification scheme at the post. Take personal safety measures and act in the future according to the instructions;

Carry out access control by registering unauthorized persons in the visitors' log;

Carry out the admission of visitors strictly at the time allotted for visits, finding and admitting persons to the protected area during non-working hours, on weekends and holidays allow only with a written instruction from the Facility management with verification of identity documents and an entry in the duty log;

Do not allow drunken persons to be on the territory of the protected Facility;

Ensure the entry and exit of vehicles into the territory of the protected Facility on the basis of a pass or other permissive document determined by the administration of the Facility. At the same time, register in a special magazine the make of the car, state number, time of entry and exit;

Allow the import-export, input-removal of property and material values ​​from the protected area only with the written permission of the management of the protected Facility with full verification of the compliance of the removed (exported) property with the documents presented and with an entry in the duty log;

Allow parking of vehicles only in designated places, control the legality of parking vehicles in the immediate vicinity of the institution. In case of detection and disobedience on the part of the driver, report this to the police station on duty and the management of the guarded Object;

Comply with the internal labor regulations, clearly, conscientiously and rigorously observe labor discipline, labor protection and industrial sanitation requirements, timely and accurately comply with the orders of the protected Facility management;

Have a neat appearance and be dressed in the established uniform with identification marks of protection, observe correct communication with visitors and employees;

Carry out a bypass and inspection of the territory of the protected Facility, as well as keep a special log, in which the results of the inspection of the territory of the guarded Facility, detected violations or situations that arouse suspicion, the results of a survey of the technical strength of the Facility's Facilities, the results of inspections of service are reflected;

Instruct employees of the guarded Facility on the procedure for detecting abandoned (abandoned) objects, mobile phones, bags, wallets, etc .;

Assist law enforcement agencies in carrying out operational-search activities on the territory of the guarded Object;

Actively interact with the guards at neighboring posts or guarded Objects, provide them with all possible assistance without prejudice to the security regime of the guarded Object.

3.2.3. When an explosive device is found:

If possible, locate the explosive device;

Evacuate all people from the territory of the protected Facility;

Immediately report to the relevant authorities (police, Ministry of Emergencies, ambulance);

Take measures to contain (reduce the threat) possible consequences explosion;

Ensure isolation of the place of possible location of an explosive device - install fences, shields, signposts with a safe removal distance;

Ensure control over the possible location of an explosive device until the arrival of specialists with the necessary technical means.

3.2.4. In case of emergencies, fire, etc.:

Immediately inform the relevant authorities (fire department, Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulance);

Notify the management of the Facility and your immediate management;

Ensure the withdrawal of people from the danger zone;

Ensure as much as possible the removal of material values ​​and the provision of first aid to the injured;

In the event of a fire, take measures to extinguish it: extinguish the fire with water, sand, earth and other improvised means, using the available primary means of extinguishing the fire (boat hooks, shovels, fire extinguishers, etc.), taking into account that extinguishing flammable liquids with water does not permissible.

3.2.5. When taking a hostage at a guarded Facility:

In the shortest possible time to obtain the maximum possible information about the reasons for the taking of the hostage, the demands made by the invaders;

Notify the nearest police station, provide the available information and, if necessary, indicate the shortest route to the Facility. Notification of other authorities and officials is carried out in strict accordance with the notification plan;

Take measures to localize the place of unlawful encroachment and admit only law enforcement officers to it;

Arrange the withdrawal of employees and clients to a safe place, a meeting of police officers.

3.2.6. When attacking a guarded object:

If it is necessary to use firearms, the security officer must be guided by Art. 37, 39 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 17, 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation, article 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation" On weapons ";

Send the "Alarm" signal using all available communication channels, make an attempt to block all exits, cut off the access of potential clients to the premises and take measures to repel an armed attack;

Organize notification of the central guard post about the attack. The security officer of the central post immediately reports the incident to the police, the management of the security company, the operational duty officer, then acts according to the instructions;

Let the arrived police squad, indicate the place of the incident, give brief operational information, and then follow the instructions of the police officers.

3.3. The security officer is prohibited from:

Take under protection the Objects that are not specified in the contract, report card, post list;

Open or close locks independently or at the request of the Facility administration, locking devices, doors, windows, to impose or remove seals, seals. In case of production necessity (delivery of goods, unscheduled shipment or emergency), an act of opening (sealing) the object is drawn up, an entry is made in the book of receiving the Object under protection;

Move firefighting equipment and use it for other than its intended purpose;

Perform work not related to the protection of the Facility (loader, messenger, cleaner, etc.);

Disable signaling devices, autonomous alarms, lighting at the Facility, including when the alarm is triggered;

Leave the post (Facility) or be distracted from service, leave the post without the permission of the guarded Facility management and coordination with their immediate leadership, as well as sleep at the post. In case of a sudden illness, notify the shift supervisor and continue to perform job duties until replacement arrives;

Independently transfer the protection of the Facility to other persons, including close relatives.

Accept any items from any person;

Transfer or show anyone your weapons and special means, with the exception of the direct manager responsible for storage and delivery, approved by order of the head of the security company, with a corresponding note in the book for receiving and issuing weapons and special means;

Allow unauthorized persons to enter the Facility without the consent of the management of the protected Facility, the head of the security company, with the exception of cases stipulated by the instructions on access control;

Provide unauthorized persons with any information about the situation at the Facility, password, as well as assigned account numbers;

Disclose information about the features of the Facility, the procedure for storing valuables, toxic substances and the organization of security.

4. Responsibility

4.1. [Job title responsible person].

4.2. Security personnel are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the contract for the protection of the Facility.

4.3. Persons with direct access to the organization of the security system are responsible for disclosing information about the security mode of the Facility and the rules for using technical means of security and fire alarms.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

HR manager

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]



[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:


[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

User manual for a fire alarm system based on Granite 5


on the operation of the fire alarm system for alerting people about a fire at the address: St. Petersburg, _________________________________________________

  1. 1. A common part.

The fire alarm system is designed to detect and alert about the occurrence of a fire source.

1.1. The system should be on duty around the clock.

2. Duties of the person on duty to maintain the PS installation in working order.

2.1. The duty officer is obliged to conduct an external examination of all protected premises for damage to the installed equipment and devices.

2.2. Monitor all malfunctions and operations of the PS system and report them to the responsible person appointed by order No. ____ of ___________ 2006.

3. System operation during a fire.

3.1. In the event of a fire in one of the premises of the enclosure, the device will display the loop number and the type of operation.

3.2. System Symbols.


Activation of 1 detector in one fire alarm loop flashing red


Activation of 2 detectors in one fire alarm loop lit red


Break, short circuit in the fire alarm loop flashes red-green alternately

When operating in the fire department the control panel provides an alarm signal to the sounder after violation of the fire alarm loop without delay.

In the event of a "Fault" notification, a continuous sound signal is issued, in the event of a "Fire" notification, an intermittent sound signal with a period of 1 sec., And in the case of a “Attention” notification, an intermittent sound signal with a period of 2 sec.

To switch to the general "standby" mode, press the button of the triggered fire alarm loop 2 times.

4. Actions of the person on duty when the Control Panel "Granit-5" is triggered

Inspect the relevant premises (according to the list of substation loops) in order to detect smoke or fire. In the event of a fire, call the fire brigade by phone. 01 and, as far as possible, take measures to extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing means.

Simultaneously report the fire to the administration and the operating organization.

Recovery of the system after actuation must be carried out after checking and adjusting the alarm loops and starting circuits by a licensed organization conducting the maintenance of this equipment.


Head teacher

N.V. Ushkova (
"____" _____________ 2015


for the operation of systems, installations and means of automatic fire

alarms for duty (operational) personnel
1. General Provisions

1.1. This instruction sets out the basic requirements for the control of systems, installations and means (hereinafter referred to as “installations”) of automatic fire alarm systems, when operating in accordance with the requirements of PPB 01-03 “Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation”; NPB 110-03, NPB 104-03 and other applicable regulatory documents on fire safety.

1.2. Automatic fire alarm installations must be installed on the basis and in accordance with design estimates, regulatory and guiding documents.

1.3. Compliance with the requirements of this manual must ensure the serviceability and operability of automatic fire alarm systems, as well as the reliability and efficiency of their operation during operation.

1.4. Responsibility for the organization of operation and the fulfillment of the requirements of this manual are borne by the persons appointed responsible for the operation of the APS systems, and in the event of their violation, entails disciplinary, administrative, criminal or other liability in accordance with the current legislation in the Russian Federation.

1.5. At each facility, technical maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance (MOT and PPR) of automatic fire alarm systems should be organized.

1.6. All types of maintenance and repair work, as well as the maintenance of automatic fire alarm systems are carried out by specially trained personnel or specialized organization licensed under the contract.

1.7. The existence of a contract for the maintenance and repair of automatic fire alarm systems by a specialized organization does not relieve the facility manager of responsibility for meeting the requirements of this instruction.

1.8. The responsibility of the service and operating personnel is stipulated in the job descriptions.

1.9. Each case of failure of automatic fire alarm systems is recorded in the "Fault Log" (Appendix No. 1), is investigated by the facility administration together with the service organization and representatives of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service) with the issuance of a commission act.

1.10. A copy of the act and materials of the commission's work are sent to the territorial division of the SBS.

1.11. All work carried out on maintenance are recorded in the "Journal of registration of maintenance and repair work of automatic fire alarm systems" (Appendix No. 2), one copy of which is kept at the facility, the other at the service organization (if an agreement is concluded with a specialized organization).

1.12. Each magazine is assigned numbers, the pages of the magazines are numbered, laced up and sealed with the artist's seal.

1.13. Entries in both journals must be identical, drawn up at the same time and certified by the signatures of the service organization and the person in charge of the facility. The records should contain a description of the work performed.

2. Duties of service and operating personnel.

2.1. For the operation and maintenance of automatic fire alarm systems in good technical condition, by order, the head appoints the following personnel:

  • Person responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems;

  • Trained specialists to perform maintenance and repair work on automatic fire alarm systems (in the absence of an agreement with a specialized organization);
Operational (duty) personnel to monitor the state of automatic fire alarm systems, as well as call the units of the State Fire Service in the event of its operation and a fire;

2.2. Control over compliance with the maintenance and repair regulations (Appendix No. 2), the timeliness and quality of work performed by a specialized organization is entrusted to the person responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems.

2.3. The person responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems is obliged to ensure:

  • Compliance with the requirements of this instruction;

  • Availability and serviceability of telephone communication with the fire station or with the dispatching console of the facility;

  • When monitoring a condition and during a functional check, it must:

  • conduct an external inspection of the equipment (fire detectors and their sensitive elements). Check the presence of seals on the elements and assemblies to be sealed.

  • Make sure that the detectors are triggered and the corresponding notifications are issued to the control panel (control and monitoring devices) and control signals from the PU (control devices).

  • Make sure that the PS loop is operational along its entire length by simulating an open or short circuit at the end of the PS loop, and also check the serviceability of the starting electrical circuits.

  • Make sure that the control panel is working, as well as the control panel together with peripheral devices (sirens, actuators).

  • Check remote signaling devices (light and sound).

  • Check manual call points.

  • Check the availability of the main and backup power supply.

  • Acceptance of maintenance and repair work in accordance with the schedule (Appendix No. 3) and calendar plan works under the contract (Appendix No. 4).

  • Maintaining the installations of automatic fire alarm systems in good working order and working condition by carrying out timely maintenance and repair;

  • Training of service and duty personnel, as well as instructing those working in the protected premises, actions when automatic fire alarm systems are triggered.

  • Development of the necessary operational documentation (see annexes) and its maintenance;

  • Inform the relevant SBS authorities about all cases of failures and operation of installations;

  • Submit complaints in a timely manner;

  • to manufacturers - upon delivery of incomplete, substandard or non-compliant devices and equipment for automatic fire alarm systems;

  • to installation organizations - in case of detection of poor-quality installation or deviations during installation from the project documentation, not agreed with the project developers or the GPS authority;

  • service organizations - for untimely and poor-quality maintenance and PPR installations and means of automatic fire alarm systems;
2.4. Service personnel and a representative of a specialized organization are required to know the devices and the principle of operation of the automatic fire alarm system installed at this facility, to comply with the requirements of this manual for the APS (automatic fire alarm) system.

2.5. It is forbidden to turn off automatic fire alarm systems during operation, as well as introduce changes to the adopted protection scheme without adjusting the design and estimate documentation and coordination with the territorial subdivision of the State Fire Service.

2.6. The manager of the facility is obliged to ensure fire safety of premises protected by automatic fire alarm systems, to develop compensatory measures (measures), notifying the territorial subdivisions of the State Fire Service and, if necessary, non-departmental security.

2.7. Operational (duty) personnel should know:

  • These instructions for operational (duty) personnel;

  • Tactical and technical characteristics of devices and equipment of installations of automatic fire alarm systems, mounted at the facility, and the principle of their operation;

  • Name, purpose and location of premises protected (controlled) by automatic fire alarm systems;

  • The procedure for starting the automatic fire alarm system in manual mode;

  • The procedure for maintaining operational documentation;

  • The procedure for monitoring the operational state of automatic fire alarm systems at the facility;

  • The procedure for calling the fire department;

  • Ability to work with control devices (panels) of automatic fire alarm systems and knowledge of the procedure for checking the operability and actions when detectors and devices are triggered in the “Fire” and “Fault” modes.
2.8. The facility operating automatic fire alarm systems must have the following documentation:

2.8.1. Design and estimate documentation for the APS system;

2.8.2. Executive documentation and diagrams, acts of hidden works (if any), tests and measurements;

2.8.3. Certificate of acceptance of automatic fire alarm systems into operation;

2.8.4. Passports for technical means existing automatic fire alarm systems;

2.8.5. List of installed equipment;

2.8.6. Operating instructions for the installation of an automatic fire alarm system;

2.8.7. Regulations for the maintenance of the system;

2.8.8. Plan - schedule of maintenance and repair;

2.8.9. Log book for maintenance and repair of automatic fire alarm systems;

2.8.10. The duty schedule of the operational (duty) personnel responsible for the work of the APS;

2.8.11. Delivery log - acceptance of duty by operational personnel;

2.8.12. Automatic fire alarm systems malfunction log;

2.8.13. Job instructions duty personnel, responsible person for maintenance and repair and service personnel, an agreement with a specialized organization for maintenance and repair (if any);

2.9. Technical documentation for p / n (2.8.1. - 2.8.5.) Is developed by the installation and commissioning organization (by agreement with the Customer), for p / p (2.8.6. - 2.8.13.) Is developed by the customer with the involvement of the service organization (if there is a contract with her).

2.10. The list and content of the operational documentation of the automatic fire alarm system can be changed by the administration of the facility, depending on the specific conditions, with the notification of the territorial subdivision of the State Fire Service.

    1. The technical documentation developed by the administration of the facility is reviewed at least once every 3 years. It is corrected when operating conditions change and more effective elements of the automatic fire alarm system are installed. In this case, it is necessary to enter the relevant information about the changes in the work log, indicating the date of revision, re-equipment and the signature of the person in charge.

Developed the instruction.

The actions of the guards must be quick and well-coordinated. Each organization must have an instruction on how to act when a fire alarm is triggered, which provides for a certain procedure for the guard at the post.

Security actions when a fire alarm is triggered

  1. Promptly determine in which specific place the sensor was triggered;
  2. Immediately inform by phone 01 or 112 with a detailed indication of the exact address of the object, the name of the caller, the phone number from which the message about the fire was received;
  3. Inform the management about the emergency situation;
  4. Disable the ventilation system;
  5. Disable lighting;
  6. Organize safe evacuation of people;
  7. If possible, take out valuable documentation and material values.

Correct and prompt action after the alarm has been triggered will prevent serious consequences and accidents. The principle of operation of the fire alarm is based on the automatic installation of sound and light signals about fire to the technical means of protection. The actions of employees of the security control panel when the warning system is triggered provide for the determination of the real occurrence of a fire or a false alarm. If there is a fire threat, then it is necessary to notify all personnel who are at the facility at that time. The actions of personnel when a fire alarm is triggered must be organized so that there is no panic and disorderly movement.

Procedure when a fire alarm is triggered

People who are in the room during a fire must be familiar with the instructions for personnel action when a fire alarm is triggered and act in accordance with this instruction:

  • stop all activities immediately;
  • close the windows, preventing fresh air from entering;
  • turn off all electrical appliances and electrical equipment;
  • in an organized manner, without panic and confusion, go to the central or emergency exits, depending on the location of the fire;
  • it is imperative to go down from the upper floors by stairs, in no case in an elevator;
  • in severe smoke, cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth.

Independent actions when a fire alarm is triggered can be carried out with improvised means if there is no direct threat to life and health. Timely and correct actions of security personnel when a fire alarm is triggered can prevent the death of people and the facility itself.

False triggering of the warning system

If the fire alarm turned out to be false, the guards should:

  • reset the signal;
  • notify management and personnel of a false alarm;
  • inform the organization that carries out maintenance of the fire alarm system at this facility.




RD 34.49.504- 96

Moscow 2006


RD 34.49.504-96

Expiration date set
from 01.01.97

This Model Instruction provides the basic requirements for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems at energy enterprises.

The procedure for acceptance of installations into operation is indicated.

Responsibility for operation defined automatic installations fire alarm, the necessary working documentation and requirements for personnel training are given.

The basic safety requirements for the operation of fire alarm systems are indicated.

The forms of the logbook for the maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations, the act of acceptance of the automatic fire alarm installation, approximate regulations for the maintenance of fire alarm installations are presented.

With the release of this Model Instruction, it is no longer valid " Typical instruction on the operation of automatic fire alarm systems at energy enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy: TI 34-00-039-85 "(Moscow: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1985).


1.1. This Standard Instruction is mandatory for managers of energy companies, shop managers and persons appointed responsible for the operation of automatic fire alarm systems (AUPS).

Automatic fire alarm systems should be understood as both independent systems and included in automatic fire extinguishing systems (AUP).

1.2. The instruction is the main departmental document that defines the organization and procedure for the operation of AUPS.

1.3. Each utility must have a local instruction that takes into account the characteristics of the utility and local conditions. Local instructions should be developed in accordance with the factory operational documentation for devices, equipment and other elements that make up the installations, as well as taking into account the requirements of this Model Instruction.

1.4. Responsibility for the organization of operation and the technical condition of the installations rests with the chief technical manager of the power company. In accordance with the requirements of the current PTE, persons trained to carry out maintenance and repair work are appointed from among the operating personnel of the power company.

1.5. The energy company must have the following technical documentation for the installations:

approved design documentation with all subsequent changes made by the design organization;

certificate of acceptance and commissioning of the installation;

passports and other operational documentation for equipment and devices that are part of the installation;

local operating and maintenance manual with maintenance schedule;

a schedule of maintenance work, approved by the chief technical manager of the power company;

log book of maintenance and repair of fire alarm systems ().

1.6. The operational (duty) personnel of the power company should carry out round-the-clock monitoring of the AUPS performance. The rights and responsibilities of personnel should be specified in local, job or special instructions.

1.7. The state of the installations should be reflected in the operational log during the acceptance and delivery of the shift.

1.8. All identified faults must be recorded in the log (card) of defects and malfunctions with equipment and will be eliminated as soon as possible.

1.9. At the energy enterprise, the order must appoint a person responsible for the operation of the automatic control system. The responsibilities of this person include:

organization of timely maintenance and repair, as well as elimination of identified malfunctions during operation as soon as possible;

maintenance of operational documentation for AUPS;

control over the timely presentation of complaints to manufacturers for the quality of devices, equipment and other elements that make up the installation;

accounting of all cases of malfunctions and false operation of the automatic control system with the establishment of the reasons;

organization of investigation of all cases of AUPS failures during fires and execution of acts;

organization of training for service and operating personnel.

1.10. Personnel dedicated to maintenance and maintenance AUPS, must undergo training and pass an exam in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the organization of work with personnel at enterprises and institutions of energy production: RD 34.12.102-94". (Moscow: SPO ORGRES, 1994).

Training can be carried out on the basis of educational plants of JSC power systems or directly at the power plant.


2.1. For the acceptance of AUPS into operation, a commission must be created consisting of representatives:

energy companies (chairman of the commission);

installation (commissioning) organization;

design organization;

state fire supervision or facility fire department.

2.2. Acceptance must be carried out according to a special program developed by the organization that carried out the adjustment of the AUPS, and approved by the chief technical manager of the enterprise.

In this case, an external examination, verification of the conformity of the installation with the design documentation and testing of the AUPS for operability should be carried out.

2.3. The commission must accept the AUPS within three days from the date of presentation. If the commission detects individual inconsistencies of the work performed in the design documentation, a protocol should be drawn up indicating the identified inconsistencies and the organizations responsible for their elimination. These organizations are obliged to eliminate the discrepancies indicated in the protocol within ten days, after which the acceptance is made again.

2.4. The following documentation must be presented to the commission:

installation project with the changes introduced;

passports and operational instructions of manufacturers for devices, equipment and other elements that are part of the AUPS;

protocols of checks of individual, AUPS elements;

lists of defects and imperfections;

local operating instructions for AUPS. The instruction must be developed at least one month before the acceptance of the AUPS into operation.

2.5. Acceptance of AUPS is formalized by an act ().


3.1. Maintenance arrangements include:

3.1.1. Preparation necessary documentation(project documentation, basic electrical and wiring diagrams, factory documentation for receiving equipment and detectors, instructions, programs, etc.).

3.1.2. Preparation measuring instruments, special test stands, tools.

3.1.3. Registration of organizational and technical safety measures during work.

3.1.4. Coordination with the management of the power company of a possible shutdown of the tested equipment and the adoption of measures to enhance the fire regime in rooms with the alarm disabled for the duration of maintenance.

3.1.5. Registration of the necessary entries in the logbook of maintenance and repair of fire alarm systems.

3.2. To maintain AUPS in constant readiness for action, the following types of work should be performed:

external inspection of the installation; internal inspection of the installation equipment; checking the electrical parameters of the equipment; checking the operation of the installation; Maintenance.

3.3. When the AUPS is switched on again, as well as after their repair or reconstruction, work is carried out in full according to paragraphs. 3.5-3.8.

3.4. The frequency of maintenance work is established by the factory operational documentation for the equipment and constituent elements installation and local regulations.

An approximate maintenance schedule is given in.

3.5. During external examination, AUPS is checked:

3.5.1. Compliance with the design of the installed equipment, control cables and others component parts installation (carried out only with a new switch on).

3.5.2. Reliability of fastening fire detectors at the place of their installation, receiving stations and consoles on panels, in cabinets.

3.5.3. Condition of seals for cabinet doors, junction box covers, receiving stations and consoles; absence of mechanical damage to the equipment of installations,

3.5.4. Painting condition of cabinets, panels, junction boxes, terminal boxes, etc .; lack of dirt and dust.

3.5.5. The state of automatic power switches, circuit breakers, switches, buttons, signal lamps on consoles and receiving stations, light boards, emergency calls, sirens, etc.

3.5.6. The state of installation of wires and cables, contact connections on the rows of terminals, in junction boxes, cabinets, on panels, etc.

3.5.7. The condition and correctness of the grounding of the receiving equipment of the installations.

3.5.8. Availability and correctness of inscriptions on all AUPS equipment, marking of cables and wires.

3.6. During internal inspection, it is checked (carried out after the expiration of the warranty period):

3.6.1. The condition of the enclosure seals, the integrity of the enclosure and front panels of the receiving equipment.

3.6.2. The presence and integrity of parts, the correctness of their installation and the reliability of fastening.

3.6.3. The presence of dust and foreign objects on the parts of the equipment.

3.6.4. The condition of the contact surfaces of connectors, plugs, sockets, the quality of the rations.

3.6.5. Checking backlash, clearances, deflections, tensions, etc. various elements.

3.7. When checking the electrical parameters of the equipment, it is necessary to measure:

values ​​of supply voltages of receiving stations, concentrators, rectifier units, detectors;

voltage and current values ​​in signal lines;

electrical parameters of electrical circuits of receiving equipment and detectors at control points according to passport data;

insulation resistance values ​​of power supply circuits and control of installations;

electrical strength of power supply and control circuits;

values ​​of the resistance of the ray lines.

3.8. When determining the AUPS operability, it is necessary to check:

3.8.1. Operability electrical circuit receiving stations and consoles in standby mode, simulation of "damage", "alarm" and "fire" signals. At the same time, in these modes, a potential distribution map is drawn up for the main nodes and elements of the electrical circuit of the receiving equipment.

3.8.2. The operability of each fire detector in the installation.

3.8.3. Serviceability of the remote alarm (on the block and central control panels, fire extinguishing panels, etc.) in all modes of operation of the AUPS, as well as when switching from the main power supply to the backup one and vice versa.

3.8.4. Interaction of the AUP activation elements with the corresponding elements of the fire alarm equipment (in the case when the fire alarm is an integral part of the AUP).

3.8.5. Work of the installation from the operator's workplace.

3.9. If a malfunction is detected in the process of carrying out work according to paragraphs. 3.5-3.8 should be eliminated immediately. Elimination of faults is carried out by replacing and restoring individual component parts of the equipment (elements, assemblies, blocks) without completely disassembling it, as well as performing adjustment work.

These works are carried out either on test benches(checking relays, individual boards, blocks, intermediate devices, certain types of detectors, etc.), or on site. In the latter case, the electrical circuits of the tested equipment with other devices must be disassembled.


4.1. The equipment and other AUPS components, which have exhausted their resource, as well as become unusable, are subject to repair. The need for repair is determined during the maintenance of the AUPS.

4.2. During the repair, unit-by-unit disassembly of the entire installation, replacement of spent elements, assembly and regulation are carried out.

4.3. For the timely replacement of failed detectors, blocks and other components and elements of the automatic fire control system, the power company must have a stock of them, which must be at least 10% of the amount included in the installation.

4.4. Spare products and devices should be stored in a specially designated place in compliance with the storage rules established by the factory documentation for them.

4.5. During the warranty period, the elimination of malfunctions and defects of the receiving equipment and detectors should be carried out by the manufacturers, and the linear part - by the installation organization.

4.6. During overhaul it is prohibited to install other units, parts and fire alarm devices instead of failed units, parts and devices according to the principle of operation instead of those provided for in the project.

4.7. At the power plant, special stands should be organized to carry out repairs, regulation and adjustment of equipment and devices.


5.1. To work on the maintenance and repair of AUPS, specialists are allowed who have practical skills in servicing and repairing equipment, who are familiar with the current Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations and who have a qualification group for electrical safety not lower than the third.

5.2. Persons who have violated the requirements of the current PTE, PTB and this Model Instruction are subject to an extraordinary check, and, depending on the nature of the violation, are punished in disciplinary or judicial procedure.

5.3. Carrying out maintenance work on the AUPS should be carried out by a team of at least two people.

5.4. Repair of devices and assemblies should be carried out with the power supply disconnected.

5.5. Maintenance work should only be carried out with serviceable tools. Workplaces should be well lit.

5.6. When carrying out maintenance work on radioisotope detectors (KI, RID) and their storage, it is necessary to be guided by the factory instructions and the current Basic sanitary regulations work with radioactive substances and other sources of ionizing radiation OSP-72/87.

5.7. Equipment and devices AUPS must be connected to the network with a voltage corresponding to its passport data.

5.8. Each accident, as well as other cases of violation of the PTB requirements, must be thoroughly investigated in accordance with the established procedure.

Annex 1

Type of instalation

Installation date of installation

Protected object

Appendix 2

(unit name)

mounted in

(name of the building, premises, structure)

part of

(name of the energy company, its turn, start-up complex)


"____" _______________ 199 ___

Commission appointed

(name of the customer organization that appointed the commission)

By order of "____" ________ 199__ No. ______ consisting of:

inspected the installation and checked the installation, commissioning work performed

and drew up this act on the following:

1. The installation completed with installation and commissioning was presented for acceptance:

(list of installed equipment and its brief technical characteristics)

2. Installation, commissioning works were carried out according to the project

5. The Commission carried out the following additional tests and trials of the installation (except for the tests and trials recorded in executive documentation presented by the general contractor):

Commission decision

Installation works, adjustment of the presented installation were carried out in accordance with the project, construction standards !! norms and rules, current technical conditions and meet the requirements of its acceptance for testing.

The AUPS presented for acceptance, specified in clause 1 of this act, shall be considered accepted since ________________ 199.

with an assessment of the quality of the work performed

Chairman of the Commission



Handed over:
representatives of the general contractor and subcontractor organizations

customer representatives



Conclusion on the results of testing the installation

The installation specified in clause 1 of this act has been tested

Deficiencies identified in the testing process that hinder the operation of the facility are subject to elimination by organizations within the time frame specified in Appendix No. ________ to this act.

Chairman of the Commission


Commission members


Representatives of involved organizations


Appendix 3

List of works


1. External examination of the installation and its components (receiving stations, concentrators, intermediate devices, detectors, signal lines, etc.) for the absence of mechanical damage, corrosion, dirt; fastening strength, etc.


2. Control of the working position of switches and switches, the serviceability of light indication, the presence of seals on receiving devices


3. Monitoring the main and backup power supplies and checking the automatic switching of power from the working to the backup


4. Checking the performance of the installation components (receiving stations, consoles, detectors, measuring the parameters of signal lines, etc.)


5. Checking the electrical parameters of the equipment


6. Checking the unit's performance


7. Metrological check of instrumentation


8. Measurement of earth resistance


9. Measurement of insulation resistance of electrical targets

Once every three years