Repairs Design Furniture

Official instruction of the sub-worker ETKS. Owner working. Sample standard job description job

quite right

(1st category)

(name of company,

(director, other official
Face authorized
Approve the characteristic

(signature) (decoding

Utility worker
(1st category)

I. General provisions


- the company's charter;

- Rules for transportation of goods;
- Methods for performing a production task.

II. Characteristic of work

2.1. Execution of utility and auxiliary works at production sites and construction sites, warehouses, bases, storerooms, etc.
2.2. Loading, Unloading, Move manually and stacking cargo that do not require caution (Roll materials, Lumber, cardboard, paper, plywood, etc.), as well as bulk unlike materials (sand, gravel, garbage, wood sawdust, metal chips and Other production waste).
2.3. Cleaning the territory, roads, driveways.
2.4. Cleaning construction sites, sanitary and household premises.
2.5. Washing gear, windows, containers, dishes, etc.


With work characteristic



The characteristic of the work was developed in accordance with the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (Issue 1), section: Workers professions, common to all sectors of the economy, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 33 dated March 30, 2004

Characteristics of the work of the utility work
(2nd category)

(name of company,
Enterprises, institutions) ___________________________
(director, other official
Face authorized
Approve the characteristic
Characteristics of work ___________________________
(signature) (decoding
_________ N __________ signatures)
Place of publication ___________________________
Utility worker
(2nd category)

I. General provisions

1.1. The restricted worker is hired and dismissed with
Works by order of the director of the enterprise for the submission _____________
1.2. The front desk is subordinate to ____________________________
1.3. In their activities, the restructible worker is guided:
- the company's charter;
- labor regulations;
- orders and orders of the director of the enterprise (direct supervisor);
- the present characteristic of work.
1.4. The front desk should know:
- Methods of loading, transportation, sorting and laying of goods;
- rules for servicing the equipment used;
- Order of the accompanying documentation.

II. Characteristic of work

The utility work is entrusted:
2.1. Performing auxiliary work at various production sites, warehouses, bases, etc.
2.2. Loading, unloading, transportation on trolleys (trolleys) Sorting and laying of various cargo.
2.3. Pressing solid waste (paper, films, cardboard) on the presses.
2.4. Troubleshooting equipment.
2.5. Registration of accompanying documents.


The restricted worker is responsible:
3.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of its work, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
3.2. For the offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.
3.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.

Head of the structural _________ _____________________
Divisions (signature) (deciphering the signature)

With work characteristic
Introduced: _________ _____________________
(signature) (deciphering the signature)


font size

Unified Tariff - Qualification Directory of Works and Professions Working Development 1- Section of the Workers Profession Common for everyone ... Actual in 2018

§ 271. Restaurant

1st category

Characteristic of work. Execution of utility and auxiliary works at production sites and construction sites, warehouses, bases, storerooms, etc. Loading, unloading, moving manually or on carts (trolleys) and stacking of goods that do not require caution (rolled materials, parquet in packs, boxes, barrels, cardboard, paper, plywood, lumber, etc.), as well as bulk unlike materials (Sand, rubble, gravel, slag, coal, garbage, wood sawdust, metal chips and other production waste). Cleaning the territory, roads, driveways. Cleaning shops, construction sites and sanitary facilities. Washing gear, windows, containers, dishes, parts and products.

Must know: norms, rules for loading and transporting goods; Device containers and methods for fixing the transported goods.

Official instruction of the utility work determines the labor relationship. It contains the types of responsibility of the employee, the functional responsibilities, the rights, the order of subordination, classes and exemption from the post, requirements for experience, education.

The document prepares the head of the division. Approves the Director General of the Organization.

The above-form form below can be used in the preparation of the official instruction of the utility work in production, in construction, in agriculture, etc. A number of provisions of the document may differ depending on the specifics of the organization.

Sample standard job description job

І. General provisions

1. The front desk belongs to the category "Workers".

2. At the position of a subsidiary worker, an adult person has a full secondary education, without presenting requirements for work experience.

3. During the lack of an applied working responsibility, the functional responsibilities, the rights are imposed on a different official, as reported in the organization on the organization.

4. The auxiliary worker directly submits the head of the administrative and economic department.

5. Appointment or exemption from the post of sub-worker is made by order of the Director General of the Organization for the Representation of the Direct Head.

6. The auxiliary worker is guided in its activities:

  • given by the job description;
  • orders, manual orders;
  • The charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other guidelines of the organization;
  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

7. The front desk must know:

  • methods of unloading, loading, moving, location of goods, including fragile, fire, explosive;
  • rules for sorting goods;
  • methods for cleaning premises, equipment, inventory;
  • loading rules, cargo transportation norms;
  • container device, ways to fix cargo, which are transported;
  • location, number of material values, property, inventory;
  • standards for the use of mechanization of labor;
  • requirements of hygiene, sanitation on the maintenance of the premises;
  • organization of the work of the division;
  • orders, decisions, leadership orders;
  • methodical, regulatory, other guidelines that relate to the activities of the utility worker;
  • standards of business etiquette, employee handling, visitors to the organization;
  • electricity saving mode, resources;
  • the procedure for conducting work during the period of sanitary days, hours;
  • basics of labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • regulatory documents on labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation.

ІІ. Official duties of the utility worker

The oven worker performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Contains cleanly utility rooms, storage locations in commodity and material values.

2. Gets tasks and performs orders of the immediate boss.

3. Prepares its own workplace.

4. Receives inventory, performs work with it.

5. Unloads, loads, moves load manually or using means of mechanization.

6. Cleans the territory, access roads, premises.

7. Properly uses worker equipment, organization equipment.

8. Provides assistance in transportation, storage, moving goods.

9. Performs, complies with the requirements of regulatory, guidelines.

10. Eliminates the causes, conditions that cause simple equipment, an accident, other damage.

11. Complies, fulfills the requirements of safety regulations, other regulatory documents on labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation, labor law.

12. Promotes the safety of equipment, inventory.

13. Complies with the production discipline, the rules of the internal labor regulation.

14. Considers operating operations.

ІІІ. Rights

The auxiliary worker has the right:

1. To send a proposal to the leadership to improve its work and the activities of the organization.

2. Receive the necessary information to execute their job duties.

3. Require from the leadership of the formation of normal conditions to fulfill its powers, the safety of material values.

4. Do not fulfill functional duties in the event of danger to life or health.

5. Receive information on the decisions of the management of the organization relating to the activities of its department.

6. To make independent decisions as part of its competence.

7. To inform the direct supervisor about the identified deficiencies in the organization's activities. Advance proposals for their liquidation.

8. To communicate with the staff of the structural divisions of the Organization for Working Affairs.

9. To put forward the sentences to the leadership, which relate to the work of the organization.

ІV. A responsibility

The rigorous worker is responsible for:

1. Violation of labor discipline requirements, safety standards, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

2. Causing damage to the organization, its counterparties, employees, state.

3. The consequences of their decisions, independent actions.

4. Violation of the requirements of the Organization's Guidelines.

5. Unlawful handling of commercial secret, personal information, disclosure of confidential data.

6. Providing leadership, employees of obviously unreliable information.

7. Inappropriate performance of its functional duties.

8. Quality of reporting documentation.

9. Violation of the standards of etiquette, business communication.

i told the head _______ "__________________"

_________________________ (____________) M.P.

"___" _____________ ____




(Name of the employer's division)


This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.


1.2. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of the employee when performing work in the specialty and directly in the workplace in "________________" (hereinafter - the employer).

1.3. The employee is appointed and dismissed by the order by the employer's order in the procedure established by the current labor law.

1.4. The employee obeys directly ______________.

1.5. The employee should know:

Norms, loading and transportation rules;

Device containers and ways to fix goods transported;

Appointment and rules for the use of manual tools, inventory and devices, norms, rules of loading and transportation of goods;

Security rules when performing work.

1.6. Before performing the work associated with increased danger, the employee undergoes a production instruction according to safety regulations.

1.7. In their activities, the employee is guided by:

Regulatory acts and methodological materials on the work performed;

The rules of the internal labor regulation;

Orders and orders of the employer and direct supervisor;

A real job description;

Rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2. Employee's functional duties

Execution of utility and auxiliary works at production sites and construction sites, warehouses, bases, streets, buildings and structures, storerooms, etc.

Loading, unloading, moving manually or on carts (trolleys) and stacking of goods that do not require caution (rolled materials, parquet in packs, boxes, barrels, cardboard, paper, plywood, lumber, etc.), as well as bulk unlike materials (Sand, rubble, gravel, slag, coal, garbage, wood sawdust, metal chips and other production waste).

Cleaning the territory, roads, driveways.

Cleaning snow and ice, cracking and folding snow.

Cleaning shops, construction sites and sanitary rooms. Washing gear, windows, containers, dishes, parts and products.

3. Employee Rights

The worker has the right to:

Providing him with work due to the employment contract;

Workplace conforming to the state regulatory requirements of labor protection and conditions provided for by the collective agreement;

Full reliable information on working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace;

Professional training, retraining and increase of their qualifications in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws;

Obtaining materials and documents, familiarization with draft decisions of the organization's management relating to its activities;

Interaction with other employer units to solve operational issues of their professional activities;

Submit to its direct supervisor to their work on their activities.

4. Responsibility

The employee is responsible for:

4.1. Failure or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this Official Instructions - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.2. Violation of safety regulations and labor protection instructions.

The failure of measures to curb the violations of safety regulations, fire-fighting and other rules that make a threat to the employer's activities and its employees.

4.3. For offenses committed during the period of their activities, in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.4. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work of the employee is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal labor regulation established by the employer.

5.2. In connection with the production necessity, the employee is obliged to leave for business trips (including local values).

The job instruction is developed on the basis of _______________________

Document number and date)

Head of the Structural Unit ________________ ______________
(Full name) (signature)

"___" ______________ ____

Legal Service _____________________________ ______________________
(Full name) (signature)

"___" ______________ ____

The instruction is familiar with the instruction: ________________________ ____________________
(or: Instructions received) (Full name Employee, signature)

"___" _____________ ____

quite right

(1st category)

(name of company,

(director, other official
Face authorized
Approve the characteristic

(signature) (decoding

Utility worker
(1st category)

I. General provisions


- the company's charter;

- Rules for transportation of goods;
- Methods for performing a production task.

II. Characteristic of work

2.1. Execution of utility and auxiliary works at production sites and construction sites, warehouses, bases, storerooms, etc.
2.2. Loading, Unloading, Move manually and stacking cargo that do not require caution (Roll materials, Lumber, cardboard, paper, plywood, etc.), as well as bulk unlike materials (sand, gravel, garbage, wood sawdust, metal chips and Other production waste).
2.3. Cleaning the territory, roads, driveways.
2.4. Cleaning construction sites, sanitary and household premises.
2.5. Washing gear, windows, containers, dishes, etc.


With work characteristic



The characteristic of the work was developed in accordance with the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (Issue 1), section: Workers professions, common to all sectors of the economy, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 33 dated March 30, 2004

Characteristics of the work of the utility work
(2nd category)

(name of company,
Enterprises, institutions) ___________________________
(director, other official
Face authorized
Approve the characteristic
Characteristics of work ___________________________
(signature) (decoding
_________ N __________ signatures)
Place of publication ___________________________
Utility worker
(2nd category)

I. General provisions

1.1. The restricted worker is hired and dismissed with
Works by order of the director of the enterprise for the submission _____________
1.2. The front desk is subordinate to ____________________________
1.3. In their activities, the restructible worker is guided:
- the company's charter;
- labor regulations;
- orders and orders of the director of the enterprise (direct supervisor);
- the present characteristic of work.
1.4. The front desk should know:
- Methods of loading, transportation, sorting and laying of goods;
- rules for servicing the equipment used;
- Order of the accompanying documentation.

II. Characteristic of work

The utility work is entrusted:
2.1. Performing auxiliary work at various production sites, warehouses, bases, etc.
2.2. Loading, unloading, transportation on trolleys (trolleys) Sorting and laying of various cargo.
2.3. Pressing solid waste (paper, films, cardboard) on the presses.
2.4. Troubleshooting equipment.
2.5. Registration of accompanying documents.


The restricted worker is responsible:
3.1. For non-performance (improper performance) of its work, within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
3.2. For the offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.
3.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil law of the Republic of Belarus.

Head of the structural _________ _____________________
Divisions (signature) (deciphering the signature)

With work characteristic
Introduced: _________ _____________________
(signature) (deciphering the signature)
