Repairs Design Furniture

Redeveloping Khrushchev - Possible options. Required documentation for changing the planning. Redeveloping Khrushchev: Expose Care

According to the latest statistical data, a significant part of the country's population lives in Khrushchev.

Invented to solve the problem of the existence of barracks and communal apartments, these morally obsolete apartments have long crossed the planned twenty-five-year-old border of its use. In apartments low ceilings, passing or adjacent roomsSmall kitchens and uncomfortable bathrooms and toilets. But this does not mean that they are useless to redeem. With a competent design of the project, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of life in these apartments.

Think over every step along with the designer!

What can be done with such an apartment so that life in it seems to be more or less tolerable? Partial demolition of the interior walls, liquidation of storage rooms, modifying doorways, some extension of the bathroom by combining it with a toilet and, possibly, part of the corridor.

Transformation of the apartment in a single space - a good idea. The resulting studio can be easily zoned: in one place - a small podium, in another - the difference between floor coatings, the placement of lamps and the change of colors of the panels.

The task of the designer in this case will be the maximum release of space and reasonable functional redevelopment.

Operating options Khrushchevka

Combining the kitchen and living room in a two-room apartment will create a stylish room in which there will be two zones: working and dining. The hostess preparing in such a kitchen "corner" will not feel "deprived" with common attention who visited the guests who visited you, although they will become participants in the cooking technology festive table.But can enjoy the total atmosphere of comfort. But the bedroom will be truly isolated, and the living room is enlarged! For the bedroom you can leave the space you need only for a double bed and a bedside table.

Integrated wardrobes let them in the corridor. Thus, the living room will easily be sofa and chairs, comfortable table With chairs and, perhaps, the servant. Furniture and general living room decor will need to pick up carefully, strictly adhering to the selected style. Even if you prefer some eclectics (styles), it is better to contact the designer's services, whose experience will help you to protect yourself from the most common mistakes, for a long time After redeveloping the mood sprinkle.

If the owners of "doubles" - a young family, The planning child, even from such a relatively small space, as a kitchen, you can make a nursery, thereby ensuring your baby with the necessary isolation from the surrounding rather aggressive world.
It is hardly worth changing the style of each room, it is better to combine relatively small premises One style and seek the deposit of parts creating comfort.

When rewriting one room Khrushchevka Definitely it turns out a studio with zones for sleep, Lunch and workshop of a wide profile. For separating sleep zone, decorative partitions carrying the function of the rack can be seen, or it will be a durable opening with integrated furniture, for example, a bar counter. Or maybe the bedroom will be separated by a sliding plastic wall, and to increase the space in the corridor, you want to decorate the ceiling with mirror panels? In any case, bright walls and furniture will help visually expand the space. And if you seriously work on its functionality, you can easily free the place required for receiving guests.

Redevelopment three room apartments Khrushchev seems easier decisionBut here you will have a lot to sweat if the owners of the apartment, for example, a married couple with two children. But still, the redevelopment should be taken, because there is nothing better than housing, which is pleased with the eye!

Redeveloping Khrushchev - Nuances know useful!

Of course, you will have to do everything officially, to order a project in the urban architecture, in no case do not demolish the carrying partitions, if you do not want the neighbors to fail with time, do not climb ventilation, change the location gas pipes Or equip a toilet over the kitchen or over the living room of the neighbors below. These cases are considered serious violations and threaten penalties.

The main thing is reasonably planning the bathroom, where it was not placed before washing machine And there was an incredible closest. When combining a bathroom with a toilet, you only need to consider the needs of your family members, because after such a "admission" it is impossible for a long time to bite in the new beautiful bathbecause someone urgently might need toilet. Is it worth going to such a step or not, to solve you.
The main goal is such - your apartment should turn into a single and beautiful stylistic space, stretchlessly different from that room, which once built for the inhabitants of the barracks and slums!

Classic design three-room Khrushchevka - These are low heavy wallsthat constantly put on the head, indecently small kitchen and narrow corridor. The editors of the publication are not observed - a big and free soul in Khrushchev is hard and closely. Several variants proper layout - And the problem of the motherboard, which often does not fit into the passage between the furniture, will leave all family members alone.

How to save each meter apartment from litter?

Khrushchev have long become an object for piercing. Here are just people living in them, not very funny. The level of accessibility of such apartments is equal to the number of problems that appear after purchase.

Photo 2 - turn a small-sized apartment or not quite successful layout in a convenient and spacious living space - perhaps. The main thing is to think through each meter of space, make it functional

Features of Khrushchev:

  1. low ceilings;
  2. combined bathroom;
  3. small kitchen (4 - 6 sq.m);
  4. rooms with a small square (10 - 20 sq.m).
Photo 3 - Thanks to this layout, you can even drive around the apartment on the rollers - now there is enough space for all

The main thing in creating the interior of Khrushchev is to use the available area as efficiently as possible. How to do it? It is necessary to functionably use all zones. In design compact apartment It is necessary not to litter space, but to use it practically.

Good lighting In combination with light shades, the space is visually expanding. Usually the bedroom in Khrushchev can not boast sufficient number windows. Save you artificial lighting. It is best to arrange several lamps: on bedside table or side walls.

In the interior of a small apartment, the furniture does not have to choose long. Commmary furniture structures will destroy the concept of a competent interior. Furniture for Khrushchev should have a clear geometric shape and a smooth surface.


  • first, pay attention to the functionality of the furniture, then to the external characteristics;
  • tables and beds should fit tightly to the floor, cabinets are disguised under the walls.

Folding tables and work surfaces with a folding mechanism will complement the compact kitchen. When combining the kitchen with other rooms, pick another finish and decorative elements. The place in the kitchen will help save high cabinets under the ceiling.

IMPORTANT! Do not pick too deep cabinets. They occupy a lot of space.

The furniture must be mobile - compact dressers, folding in the wall of the bed and lockers. You can find such furniture in the collections Optimabel, Sonata, Furniture Factory.

So we will significantly increase the useful space. If on cardinal solutions Enthusiasm lacks, you can do the arches in the wall. This move will allow you to save the number of rooms and at the same time not to lose the precious metra. Visually to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is also using windows. To do this, it is enough to increase the window opening or, as an option, choose a fonderous glazing.

IMPORTANT! Standard swing doors take at least 1 square meters at a room. m. In Khrushchev, it is unacceptable. Optimal option Will become the door with a harmonic or coupe system.

Photo 11 - Coupe-compartment - Best option for Khrushchev

The most compact room in Khrushchev is an entrance hall. Make it visually will allow wide doorways or arches, which will open access to natural lighting.

Often, when demolishing partitions, the kitchen and an entrance hall become one. Choose different style floor coverings - Then each of the rooms will be highlighted. Qualitative materials Such manufacturers can be found: Meister, Floor, Tarkett Prisma, Moduulyss Alpha, Mirpol.

Optimal colors for the interior of Khrushchev: Milk-white, pale pink and cream. Forget about saturated and bright tones In decoration - they will make an apartment even less. Better pick up bright accents In the form of paintings, pillows or souvenirs from the collections of Store Decor, Pufetto.

Glossy stretch ceilingmodern solution For apartments with a small square. It has the effect of a mirror reflection. The main thing, the tone of the ceiling should be a lighter wall background. Refuse cumbersome chandeliers in favor point lamps. If the layout provides a wardrobe, you can safely demolish it and connect with a configuration or corridor.

Loggia can turn into a compact and light cabinet. It is enough to put a small table, a comfortable chair and a computer. This zone should be inspired so that in the winter course of the year did not have to change the working location.

The bathroom is sometimes connected with part of the corridor: so you can win the space for a small-sized washing machine. If a location remains in the corridor - place the wardrobe.

Redeveloping Khrushchevka


The first and the smallest planning is the same two-room Khrushchev-book, only in it one of the rooms is divided into two. Perform redevelopment in this case is almost impossible.

Solution: Kitchen is combined with the dining room, and from it to pierce the exits in two small bedrooms.

Scheme 1 - apartment area of \u200b\u200b44, 32 and 5.5 sq.m ("Spaschonka")


This is the same location of the rooms + another room. Redevelopment is possible when separating all rooms, but with large losses of the area.

Scheme 2 - Planning a three-room Khrushchev area of \u200b\u200b54, 43 and 5.8 sq.m. ("Book")


You can improve the planning by setting the wall from the drywall along the line of the barcode and separating the inputs into all the rooms of the apartment. It is possible to carry storage rooms, and in their place to put the built-in wardrobe.

All separate rooms, redevelopment will not need, except if you want to expand the 6-meter kitchen, making a combined room with a dining room. The optimal interior for the kitchen will be the popular L-layout. One side of the kit will learn to the window, and the second will end the refrigerator. The sink is placed in the joint zone.

Style: minimalism, Japanese motifs and high-tech in Khrushchev

The main task of minimalism is to create comfort and harmony in the room, separating it to the functional zones. Background - light: sandy-beige, white or ivory. It is used to all major elements of the room - from the ceiling to furniture. As accessories - sharp color combinations: Colors of black chocolate and dark gray asphalt.

Top 3 Designers Tips:

  1. walls and ceiling are painted;
  2. wallpapers with decorative ornament or bulk coating are used as a separate color element;
  3. ceiling can be supplemented with tension or suspended structures.

IMPORTANT! Be careful with suspended structures. For the construction of the construction, the height of the room should be at least 3 m.

Japanese style complements minimalism. It does not imply excess furniture and bright decorative accents. Such a design calls for the use of space by appointment. White, black and red - all in tradition japanese style. Alternative - Natural Light blue or brown shades.

Typically walls are covered with natural matte materials. Cork, rice or veneered wallpapers are used.

Simple and functional can be called High-Tech style: vertical and horizontal lines, which prevail in such an interior, visually increase the apartment. It is based on a wide range of colors: from gray to orange.

IMPORTANT! Composition make up plastic materials with a glossy surface of artificial shades.

As materials, High-tech implies stone, glass, metal or plastic. For contrast with walls on the floor, carpet or parquet are put. Optimally use for built-in plastic or glass furniture. Accessories are not carried away: glass bowls and baubles of geometric shape is sufficient.

Repair of three-room Khrushchev with complete redevelopment + photo

Studio in Khrushchev

Not the most successful apartments in the houses of the Times of Khrushchev: Very small square and nonideal layout. In those days, the task was solved - to provide each seven separate living space, and no one paid special attention to the comfort of living. What they are good, so this is the fact that the redevelopment of the Khrushchev has no particular difficulties: carrying walls, as a rule, only external, all others are partitions. They can be demolished or moved without risk to carrier ability Total buildings. But this does not mean that repair work can be started without a project and coordination. Any changes are subject to registration.

What is redevelopment and how to make it

Reference is considered to be any change in the configuration of partitions in the apartment. IN carrier walls It is prohibited to change anything without a preliminary assessment of damage and definition of measures to eliminate it. In the case of unloaded walls or partitions, everything is not so categorically, although it is proposed to first draw up a project, then it is coordinated and only after that proceed to the implementation of ideas.

It is worth knowing that there are some unacceptable alterations that you will never agree:

Change gas stove On the electric - not always a good way out, but it is possible to get around the last item in a different way: putting sliding doors or "harmonic".

Redevelopment of one-room Khrushchevka

One-room apartments buy mostly young people. In this case, the possible redevelopment option one-room Khrushchevka - Transformation of her in an apartment studio. Usually remove all partitions between the room and the kitchen, they often demolish another partition separating the hallway.

Overdock Overdock Overdock in Studio Apartment

That in any case remains unchanged - this is the location of the bathrooms: any transfer of these premises in apartment houses It is prohibited (with the exception of the first floors).

In the photo above, the redevelopment touched and the bathroom, but at the same time he did not change his location. The dimensions changed - the area increased due to the transfer of two walls: a little forward is made by the one that is addressed to the room, and the side is moved closer to the inlet. It made it possible to establish washing machine. With her often in small-sized apartments There are difficulties. The hallway in this version is small, but in the room you can highlight a seat under the dressing room.

You can read about the design of the studio apartment here.

Another option of redevelopment of 1-room Khrushchev is presented on next photo. In this case, they combined the corridor and the kitchen, the door to the room was moved further from the entrance, so that the functionality of the room was significantly increased. There was also an opportunity to highlight a space for a spacious built-in wardrobe in the corridor. The functionality of the kitchen was not affected, its area as a result of the destruction of the partition even increased slightly - by 0.2 squares.

Redevelopment 1 room Khrushchev

Applied here another common in last years The method of increasing the living space is insulation of balconies and loggias. With a sufficient level of insulation and the organization of heating, a comfortable temperature is maintained there. At the same time, it is possible to clean up without special difficulties that part of the wall that was previously under the window. It is impossible to touch the rest of the wall. In this case, the Cabinet is organized on a warmed loggia.

Planning Khrushchev: 1 room

Consider another embodiment of one-room Khrushchev, which were built in brick house. There are other squares, balcony instead of loggia, very small bathroom and small kitchenBut partitions also stand as in the previous case.

Due to the use of the corner shower and a bathroom, it was possible to optimize the location of the plumbing so that the place was formed under the washing machine. At the same time, the wall is made bevelled, which gave an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen. True, an entrance hall in this version is quite small, but the kitchen has become almost a meter (0.7 square) more.

The living area is increased due to the insulation of the balcony, the desktop and wardrobe moved there. The feature of this redevelopment is that the customer was required to small square Have 5 beds: for 3 children and 2 for adults. As you can see in the photo, all of them are: one bed children's two-story.

One more redevelopment

Sometimes the previous idea, which is called, does not warm. The lack of walls in the kitchen are not all perceived normally, even if there is no partition with an entrance hall, and not with a room ... In the following version, the redevelopment of the Khrushchev was made due to the transfer of partitions. Move the side wall of the hallway - shifted towards the room. At the same time, the front wall of the hallway is moving almost close to the door in the bathroom. As a result, an entrance area was increased, there was a place for a built-in wardrobe or a dressing room.

To compensate for the decrease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the kitchen area is reduced. But it almost did not lose the functional, since because of the transfer of the simpleness closer to the bathroom door, a place for the installation of a refrigerator appeared. Such a redevelopment of Khrushchev led to the fact that the dining area was transferred to the room, and the swing doors were replaced with sliding or "harmonic".

At the same time, the room has a M-shaped look, and this makes it possible to put a partition that will separate the "Children's bedroom" from the "living-dining room". The same option is suitable for those who want to make a two-room one from the one-room apartment. Often, the alteration of Khrushchev is covered with a couple with a small child. Another single version of the alteration of 1-room apartment in 2-bedroom, with another source layout.

From odds to make a two-room

This is the easiest way to put a plasterboard partition. There should be no more than half of the lumen on the second half, so that in the second half it was natural lighting.

Odnushku in doubles

Another example of how the angular one-room "Khrushcher" can turn the studio with a dedicated bedroom to the apartment. In the bedroom, of course, no extra objects can be, only a bed and a wardrobe. But she is isolated.

Some more options alteration one-bedroom apartments You will find in this article.

Alteration of Khrushchev doubles

Two-room Khrushchev in houses of these years most. The disadvantages of them are the same as one-room: small areas and uncomfortable layout, passage rooms. However, most problems can be solved by the transfer of some walls. For example, adjacent rooms can be divided, and simultaneously make a two-room one from a two-room.

Alteration of Khrushchev: From the "Tramway" we make two separate rooms

We put an additional partition separating the room from the corridor. Thus, it turns out quite extensive room space, which can be used as a storage room, but can be turned into a dressing room. The second room is long and narrow - divided into two zones: a bedroom and a living room with assistance easy Partitions made of drywall or other sheet material.

In the photo below - another type of passing room in a two-room: - To get into the second room, you need to cross from one wall to another. Extremely unsuccessful layout in the way that the functionality of the first room is very low: the "dead" passage zone falls. And since often a storage room is made in the end of the second room, it cannot be used completely.

Another option alteration of a two-bedroom apartment in a three-room

Upon the proposed alternate, the shape of the bathroom due to the transfer of the wall becomes rectangular, the hallway is combined with the first room. It is used as a living room from which the entrance to the kitchen is made. Far room is broken into two small bedrooms. Pay attention to the partition between two bedrooms - it is non-linear, so that there is an opportunity to arrange a small dressing room in both rooms.

Redevelopment of Khrushchev: 2 rooms

Can be ordinary two-room apartment In the panel Khrushchev turn into a modern studio apartment with a combined living room-kitchen. The main task with such a redevelopment is to achieve permission to transfer entrance doors. At the same time, the former entrance hall turns into a dressing room. The kitchen and the living room are combined at the expense of a partially demolished partition, the bathroom is also combined.

If desired, the second room can be divided into two with light partitionwhich separates the bedroom of the working area or office. So that zoning was more complete but in the same bedroom was access sunlight, the partition can be done not for all height, but about 1.5 meters.

Interesting Overdowning Corner Double

Very spectacularly resolved the question of the alteration of doubles in this embodiment. In fact, she became tresh. Due to the fact that the hallway is bevelled, the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom is increased. The septum separating the kitchen from the room is partially disassembled. The second room is divided into two parts, the area of \u200b\u200bthe second is fired by the pantry and the wall cabinet. It turned out two separate bedrooms, and due to the fact that the apartment is angular, the windows are in both.

Corridor has unusual shape - Its walls are diagonally. The functionality is small, but also the area too. And otherwise very a good option.

Several options for repairing one-room apartments using the described techniques can be viewed here. And repair two-room (with real photos) Describes in this article.

Redevelopment 3 x room Khrushchev

Alteration of a three-bedroom apartment in Khrushchev II-57.3.2. The worst thing in this embodiment is the meager size of the toilet and the bathroom. It is mainly to correct the situation and the repairs stood. For redevelopment, the simpleness was removed between the toilet and the bathroom, the adjacent part of the corridor was buried by the wall in which the doors made. Since in the zone where there was an earlier a corridor, waterproofing worse worse, additional measures are required in this zone.

Redevelopment of a three-room Khrushchev: photo before and after

Second weakness Initial planning: there is no place to put a wardrobe. In a busy, a small wall cabinet was a small closet under the bathroom, but it was very small. In this regard, it was decided to postpone the wall of one of the bedrooms, and on the released place to make a wardrobe.

To combine the kitchen and living room, part of the wall was destroyed. According to the project, it was necessary to enhance the adjacent bearing walls and overlap. Since the stove in the kitchen is gas, doors are needed. Sliding were delivered.

The following repair option was treated in order to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathrooms, as well as turn one of the rooms in the living-dining room, with access to the kitchen. Along the way, you need to get two bedrooms.

Redevelopment 3 x room apartment Khrushchev

The simpleness between the toilet and the bathroom was disassembled, part of the corridor leaving the bathroom. To organize the normal space of the hallway, the wall is slightly shifted by one of the rooms. The kitchen make entrance from the living room, on the opposite wall there is an entrance to the second bedroom, and the door block, which previously led to the second bedroom was dismantled, the opening was embossed. About the design of the arches read here.

Alteration of layout: before and after

Another option. the main taskwhich is solved by the redevelopment of Khrushchev - an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen and a bathroom. The solution for the bathroom is traditional - removed the simpleness, also leveled aligned the wall. Small kitchen combined with dining room. It even found a place for a recreation group - sofa and television.

Solved another task: the passing rooms are separated. It happened due to a decrease in area, but the premises became more functional, and two wardrobe rooms were made in the outbreaks.

If you think about removing the partition between the kitchen and the room, the design of the combined kitchen and the living room can be read here.

Alteration of 4 x room Khrushchev

With an increase in the number of rooms in the apartments of this layout, the shortcomings are only aggravated: the small bathroom and the kitchen no longer becomes more, the rooms often - passing. One of the most unsuccessful options in the photo below. This is what was "before" that.

Redevelopment of 4 x room Khrushchev: Photo "To"

This apartment is relatively large in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway, but it is not enough. The only corner with decent walls is busy with storage room. All other walls are necessary to use problematic: 7 doors come into the hallway.

Redevelopment of 4 x room Khrushchev: photo "After"

In the proposed room, have more right shape - closer to the square, which is easier to use. Two separate bedrooms remained, and the two rooms are turned into a dining room and living room. From the hallway, entrance to the outbreak wardrobe room.

The bathroom remained separate, the bathroom area is increased by hrying the wall. A part that was previously related to the corridor also requires enhancement of waterproofing.

Photo Gallery (17 photos):


We, the young married couple Marianne and Nikita, got an apartment in the old center of Alma-Ata, with the most that there is a Soviet repair - dark and cramped. When the question arose, how we want to see the updated space, there was no disagreement: we always liked the soul scandinavian styleEven before it became more popularly popular, but at the same time I wanted to save something from the past, to become a house. This is our first housing and first experience design, repair and decorating.

  • Location: Almaty (Alma-Ata), Kazakhstan
  • Rooms: 2.
  • Coales: 1.
  • Ceiling height: 2.55 meters
  • Budget: about 600,000 rubles (3 million tenge)

Having lived the year in this apartment, we knew exactly what you need to remake during the repair and how to redeem the space for our needs. We made a plan for a future apartment with the placement of furniture. When began repair workWe knew exactly where we need sockets, lamps, which width should be doorways and how much to shift them to arrange furniture.

During this year we were selected and ordered lamps, plumbing, fabrics and various little things on the Internet, bought chairs. To do not spoil appearance brick wall And avoid excess sticks, we ordered ceramic switches with external wiring.

Directly repair work from the first to last day occupied 2 months.

In the process of alteration, we abandoned corridors by increasing the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, kitchen and room for 4 m². Transferred a couple door openingsBy making any anfladic passages. The opening in the kitchen was strengthened by a channel that we did not hide, because it was very beautiful rust. IN great room arranged a dressing room. Completely replaced wiring and water pipesMade a new screed and changed floor coverings, changed windows. Walls and ceiling visually leveled and shuffled.

Space invaders in the bathroom are the idea of \u200b\u200bNikita, he also strictly followed the work of the Tilee.

Kitchen - Solution Marie: Technology, kitchen furniture And she chose everything else. Kitchen set Ordered in a local workshop, and ceramic handles brought from a trip to India, another 7 years ago, and decided to use instead of standard.

Since the kitchen is tiny, the windowsill have been involved as working surface, Therefore, posted it with a cafeter - it turned out very practical and elegant.

We like not only a simple and convenient Scandinavian style, we are also retro fans. Therefore, we decided to use the part of the furniture, which was already, but add to it and something from ourselves: repainted the cabinet in turquoise color, restored and re-abandoned the chair from the 70s. The fabric for the upholstery of the chair, as well as for the new cover on the old, but an exceptionally convenient American sofa, I had to order in Hong Kong - we did not find anything suitable in local stores. By the way, sofa, big mirror in the bedroom that last Life It was a door from a huge ancient cabinet, and the prestole in the kitchen was waiting for their o'clock in warehouse - and waited. The old Soviet wardrobe was perfectly stood in the dressing room. We removed the doors from it and use as a huge storage rack.

When it comes to the quality repair of a 3-bedroom apartment, the first thing arise thoughts about its redevelopment. And this applies to both morally outdated Khrushchev and panel houses. Indeed, truly transform the dwelling and make it most comfortable as possible will only help fundamental changes. How to successfully implement these changes? First, you need to get acquainted with the main features of redevelopment of apartments in homes of different types. Secondly, it is necessary to consider all possible options The transformation of the dwellings and evaluate the photo of the already implemented design ideas. And then you can already start the third step - the development of the project to redevelop your apartment. Next, we will get acquainted with the peculiarities of all three stages.

Redeveloping Khrushchev: Expose Care

So that in the process of repairing an apartment in Khrushchev, you did not break any official decisions and norms, be sure to pay attention to the next two months of redevelopment.

Expansion of the bathroom. In most Khrushchev, the most problematic zones are bathroom and toilet: they are very small, therefore, they do not have to talk about comfort and full functionality. Naturally, in such a situation there is a desire not only to combine, but also to expand these two spaces. It is important to remember the sanitary standards, according to which the wet zones, that is, a toilet and a bathroom cannot be transferred to any living rooms - they are allowed to expand only by using non-residential spaces: a storage or corridor.

Often in the panel houses make redevelopment to expand the bathroom

The second problem of Khrushchev - close kitchen. If you want to expand it, do not forget that the kitchen cannot be transferred:

  • on the territory of wet zones;
  • to the room over which there is a living room;
  • under the bathroom, located in the floor above;
  • if the kitchen is equipped gas deviceIt is forbidden to connect it with any residential room.

Council. You can get out of a difficult situation with the extension of the kitchen in three ways: 1) partially move the kitchen in a non-residential area; 2) replace the gas stove on the electric; 3) Install between the kitchen with the gas device and the residential room of the partition.

Very often, questions arise regarding the bearing walls, because they cannot be affected when redeveloped. But in the case of Khrushchev, everything is simple: in most cases, carriers here are outer wallsBut the internal can be dismantled without fear for the consequences.

Variations of Transfiguration Khrushchevki

There are many projects for redeveloping Khrushchev with three rooms, which are characterized by variations in the location and dimensions of the premises. Consider some of them.

Council. In order to give a balcony design necessary reliability and stability, preferably after combining the premises to fill the entire area cement screed. In addition, it will solve the problem of sex drops.

Submissions of redevelopment of the apartment in the panel house

Speaking about the features of redevelopment of the dwelling in panel buildingOne should stay at three important points:

  • Carrier structures - in panel houses carriers may not only be external, but also interior walls, so before redevelopment you need to find out which panels are capital. Such information is indicated in the BTI documents. Bearing walls can not be demolished or partially deformed, since any destruction can disrupt the integrity of the whole house.

Attention! In carrying walls, sewer and any other pipes are also not allowed - they can damage the working reinforcement of the structure.

  • Attaching the loggia - if you decide to connect the room and the balcony, remember two points: 1) In the panel buildings it is forbidden to demolish the door threshold at the entrance to the loggia; 2) remove the windows zone outdoor Wall It is permitted only in those buildings that were built until 2007.

  • Redevelopment by typical project - Perform the repair of the apartment in the panel building is possible by a typical project included in the directory of the same name. The coordination of such a procedure is faster and easier than in the case of non-type repair. But at the same time, a new dwelling layout should coincide with the layout of the chosen project - no deviations are allowed. And then it is worth noting that this moment In the project catalog, not all apartments are presented, so it's not always possible to choose a suitable layout.

Ideas Apartment arrangement in a panel house

In apartments in panel houses, though less problematic zones, rather than in Khrushchev, but there is anyway anyway.

Most often, the owners want to increase the kitchen. But here you need to understand that in most panel houses carrier is the wall between the kitchen room and the neighboring residential room, so it is not always possible to equip the living-dining room. For expansion kitchen space It is best to use a balcony if he adjoins the room. In this case, on the territory of the kitchen directly can be equipped working area, and on the territory of the balcony - the dining room.

Also a good redevelopment option without the involvement of the walls is the connection of the central room with a balcony and the separation of it into three parts. Thus, you can get a spacious living room with several functional zones:

  • recreation area with sofa, library and tv;
  • mini-cabinet;
  • dining room on the site of the former balcony.

More bold idea - connection of two residential rooms In one space by demolishing the wall between them. As a result of redevelopment, you can get an ergonomic bedroom-living room or bedroom-dressing room. This option will be appropriate if the premises in the apartment are so small that separately cannot fully fulfill their functions. For visual separation of zones, it is best to use partitions or racks - they will be more efficient delimiters than finish.

Redevelopment decoration

After decide on the idea of \u200b\u200bredeveloping an apartment, start the coordination process overhaul. First you need to contact the project company to compile a competent project of work. It must include the following mandatory sections:

  • apartment plan before redevelopment;
  • installation plan and disassembly procedures;
  • housing plan after redevelopment.

In addition, depending on the nature of the redevelopment, the schemes of sewage, water supply, ventilation, waterproofing and floors may be required.

In parallel, start collecting documents. To submit an application for redevelopment, you will need: Extract from H Hwell, Passport Apartments and documents on the right of ownership. The application is submitted to local architecture management. There they will say you, in which instances you need to approve ready project. As a rule, this is a fireman, sanitary and gas service, as well as the Balancer at home.

Already after all instances, the project must be submitted to the Office of Architecture - here and will undergo final agreement.

As you can see, redevelop a 3-bedroom apartment and in Khrushchev, and in panel house He has many subtleties, if notes can reduce the originality of any project. But when fully compliance with all rules and norms, 100% return is guaranteed: you will receive a truly unique housingexactly responsible for your requests. So do not be lazy to think through each step of redevelopment.

Planning a three-room apartment: video

Redevelopment of a three-room apartment: photo