Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchen design 9 sq m in the panel house. Household appliances in a small kitchen

Nothing unites all family members as a kitchen space. Beautiful, stylish and functional kitchen design makes stay on it comfortable. For this, the space must be carefully planned and tastefully decorated.

Before starting repair, you need to make a project of the kitchen room. It can be ordered from professional designers who will take into account the planned budget for repairs on the development of the customer's wishes for the style and organization of space, features of the room and existing communications. Based on these data, visualization and the technical rationale for the optimal option planning and the design of the future kitchen will be created. If the kitchen space does not need a cardinal change, the layout can be made independently.

Pay attention to the basic rules when working on the kitchen design.

Features Square

Kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 sq.m. According to modern standards, it is small. But if you compare with kitchens 5-6 square meters. m, then we can say that it is where to turn around. Here are options for the placement of the necessary furniture for kitchen and technology, on design and style selection. This makes it possible to fully use small kitchen space, make it cozy and comfortable. The main thing in the kitchen zone layout is the correct ergonomics of space.There is a concept * working triangle *. The vertices of this triangle are places where the stove, refrigerator and washing must be located, and the distance between them should be 1.2-1.5 m. Since the location of the washing is tied to the location of water supply communications, then according to the principle of the working triangle * can be defined and Place for plates with refrigerator.

By the configuration of the kitchen headset, design options can be divided into three groups:

  • Linear location. This is when the kitchen set is located along one or two parallel walls. As a rule, used in elongated rooms. A kitchen set is installed along one wall, the other is the dining area.
  • Corner location. Very convenient layout from the point of view of the ergonomics of the workspace. The most popular option for kitchen facilities with a small area. Such an arrangement frees the place for a full-fledged dining area.
  • P-shaped location. It is usually well suited when the dining area is planned outside the kitchen space. This option has a large working area and additional places for storing items appear.

The largest object in the kitchen is a refrigerator. It enters the * working triangle * kitchen space. When planning, it is necessary to once one rule - the kitchen set should begin or end with a refrigerator. This is necessary in order for no visual overlap or cut-off part of the space. Design the place of the refrigerator in the middle of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen headset is inconvenient and just inappropriate. When combining the kitchen with an adjacent room adjacent to it, a balcony or loggia can be embodied the design of the working area with an island. The headset is located along the wall one of the three options with the working island in the center. Thus, we obtain an additional work surface and storage space.


Choosing style

The stylistic solution of the kitchen zone must correspond to the main style of residential space. For her, any style is suitable - from the classics to modern. We highlight the main:

  • Elegant classic for lovers of warm, cozy and aristocratic style. Soft, pastel shades in decoration, texture and warm colors of wooden furniture, beautiful stained glass windows, exquisite dishes. It is concise, it turned out, characterized by symmetry and is quite restrained, but is flawless in its performance. This style is out of time.
  • Gentle Provence.Even in the territory of 9 sq.m. You can create a piece of provence. Gentle, broken shades of beige, lavender and sage characteristic of this place will make the kitchen cozy. And bright wooden furniture with the effect of making, natural fabrics with picturesque floral motifs, lace and mirrors will only be added to the interior of a rustic charm and simple luxury.
  • Romantic Shabby-Chic Literally translates "Shabby Chic" or aged luxury. Great for fans of white in the interior. There are many different ones on the configuration of antique wooden furniture in white tones with "Starfish" in combination with a white or dairy interior of the room. Diluted with subjects of pastel shades decor.
  • Industrial High Tech - For those who love glass and metal. This style is characterized by simplicity and laconicity in the interior, strict, proper geometry objects of furniture, advanced technical filling. Nothing superfluous, everything is aimed at practicality and functionality.
  • Authentic Scandinavian style. It uses wooden surfaces and white finishes. For the kitchen area, open shelves are characteristic instead of mounted cabinets, which gives the feeling of lightness and non-unloading space.


Since the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room is only nine squares and has a standard ceiling height, you need to comply with the rule - do not overload space. Regardless of the selected style, it is better to follow the principle of minimalism.


In small rooms, the optimal use for finishing bright and monophonic materials. If wallpaper is provided, it is better to choose monophonic, with a small pattern or vertical strip. It is not necessary in a small space to use the wallpaper with a large pattern of drawing, too bright or dark background, as all this makes the space visually less. The color for the ceiling is better to use white. No need to make level drops. The ceilings of complex forms of different levels are suitable for rooms with a height of at least three meters. The ideal option will be the use of stretch ceiling. They are glossy, matte and with different effects. The version of the glossy stretch ceiling visually increases the height of the room. The advantages of this ceiling is that it is easy to care for him, it is fire-resistant and waterproof.

To finish the floor, the most eco-friendly material is a tree. It has a beautiful texture, a long service life, is great for any style. But this is a material that requires constant attention and care. The practical option is a ceramic tile. Today there is a huge selection of ceramic tiles of different colors, textures and sizes. The rule for the floor finish is the smaller the room, the less the size of the floor tile should be. You can make a combined floor covering, if in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen put the tile, and in the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe laminate or parquet board.

Filling space

Following the principle of minimalism, the kitchen should not have too many furniture and decor items.

The function of the room originally implies the mandatory availability of the working surface, household appliances and the organization of storage and storage. These tasks are easily solved by the proper filling of the kitchen space.

The furniture for the kitchen should correspond to the overall stylist of the room. It will be correct to choose a bright or white furniture and from a practical point of view, and with aesthetic. Furniture of bright shades, oddly enough, is more practical, since it is not visible traces from fingers, splashes, dust and small scratches. The space seems easy and clean. But if you want contrast of light room and dark or bright furniture, you can do lower bases in this color, and the upper tier is light. In this case, the integrity of the space will be saved.

  • Retractable drawers Always more convenient cabinets with doors and shelf. If they are supplied with the closer system, then the closure will occur with one easy pressing. There will be no need to bend and look for the desired thing, all the contents of the box - before your eyes.
  • Base for washing It should be at least 60 cm. Too small size will be inconvenient.
  • Large items, such as pencils, fridge or showcase in a small kitchen should be at the beginning or end of the headset.
  • If the headset ends at a distance from the corner, extreme database and mounted wardrobe is better to make rounded. The grace will add doors with stained glass windows.
  • With a linear location of the kitchen headset For the work surface, it is not necessary to choose an artificial stone. In the market there are tabletops with a coating of high-strength plastic, which withstands high temperatures, there are no stains and scratches on it, and for the price it is much cheaper.
  • The table should be small, rectangular or round shape. If necessary, you can use folding chairs.

Selection of technology

The equipment for the kitchen is better to choose embedded from reliable manufacturers.

  • Cooking surface - glass-ceramic of 60 cm in size for 4 burners.
  • Hoodlocated above the hob, its width can be 60 or 90 cm.
  • 60 cm width oven. The most convenient location of the built-in oven - at the chest level. If the pen penalty is not provided, then the classic location is under the cooking surface.
  • Dishwasher 45 cm wide is suitable for such a kitchen, but it is possible to install 60 cm. It should be at a tap riser after the base with the sink.
  • The refrigerator can be built-in or separate.Built-in width - no more than 60 cm.


Lighting - Important component when filling space. The light is even more emphasized zoning the room. Much attention should be paid to the lighting of the working area and provide additional light in the dining area. The decorative decoration of the room will be the backlight inside the mounted cabinets with stained glass windows. You can add scave on the walls to the overall style of space.

The article will include where to start the planning of the kitchen of 9 square meters. meters. What style to choose and color. What curtains are best suited and what technique to buy. What to prefer bar rack or kitchen table. And several advice how to increase the space in the kitchen of 9 square meters. meters.

"Eviled /"


Start the design of the kitchen of 9 sq. M. Meters is necessary from the selection of style in which the placement of objects and color gamut is thought out. There is a sufficient number of styles of which you can choose a suitable kitchen atmosphere.

The most successful styles for the kitchen:

  • Modern;
  • Classical;
  • High tech;
  • Minimalism.

"ART-M Workshop /"
"Eviled /"
"Couperfield /"

Less successful will be, as well as not at all:

  • Art Deco;
  • Constructivism;
  • Baroque;
  • Rococo;
  • Classicism;
  • Gothic;
  • Romanesque.

Kitchen layout

First you need to go through the possible layout options in the kitchen. You can use special design programs, it will help the whole to see the future cuisine, understand that it is not so easy to fix the shoals.

Here are the top 10 programs for designing apartments

1. Planner 5D, you can use here


4. STOLPLIT 3D, you can download it

5. Sweet Home 3D, download


7. SmartDraw, download\u003d351200&gclid\u003dcm3sxbo1vkmcfsuxswodorslcq

8. Design a Room - Armstrong,

9. HomeStyler,

10. Pro100, download

There are several suitable kitchen layout options for 9 sq. M.

Corner or letter G (is the best choice, as it allows you to combine convenience, compactness, functionality and generally looks very good)

"Alexandre Zveiger /"

Linear or one row (like the angular, is also a good choice, but there are difficulties with the arrangement of the working triangle (this is a sink, refrigerator and stove).

"Cinematographer /"
"Richman21 /"

Planning, which are not suitable for the kitchen for 9 sq. M. Meters:

  • Parallel;
  • P-shaped.

Optionally, they can be used, as everything is very individual here. But for the kitchen for 9 sq. Meters, this is not the best solution, due to the fact that in the kitchen there will be no dining place and in general there is little space.

P-shaped layout is quite convenient, but it takes a lot of space, it will be suitable if there is no need for a dinner table.

As the ideal option for the kitchen is written above, there will be an angular layout, and the most successful style is modern (minimalism and high-tech fit well).

"Yury Stroykin /"
"Aleks kend /"
Jaroslav Moravcik /


There are several options for curtains that are well suited for a kitchen for 9 sq. M.

Roman curtains (Simple and functional, do not occupy a lot of space, you can make from different materials, quite high-quality and elementary to use).


Jalousie (easy to use and easy to clean, made from different materials, protect well from the Sun).

"Dmitry Pistrov /"

Curtains on lover (It is good for modern cuisine, there are from different materials, you can choose their size and shape, easy to use and clean well).

What curtains should not be chosen into the kitchen 9 sq. Meters:

  • Classic model curtains;
  • Long curtains;
  • Curtains in the style of a cafe.

These curtains will not be the best choice, as they need a spacious room for them, they look good, but they will not be practical in the kitchen.

"Skoda /"
"Christopher Meder /"

Bar rack or table

Bar rack is cool and attractive. The dining table is convenient and cozy. The best solution is to put the bar counter and highlight the place for the dining table. But in the kitchen with a size of 9 square meters it is better not to do. Since there will be no place in the kitchen. It is necessary to choose something one.

"Patryk Kosmider /"

Pluses of the bar counter:

  • Bar rack will help save free space in the kitchen and there will be no many space.
  • Bar rack is a good solution for bachelor's apartment and for a young couple.
  • It is not suitable for families with children.

The dining table will be a good solution for both a large family and family of two, and for a bachelor, the table chosen under the interior will be harmoniously fit into the kitchen atmosphere.

Pluses of the dining table:

  • You can easily rearrange.
  • Quickly change to another.
  • It is convenient to eat food (a bar with a convenient to drink drinks, but not to eat).

If the table is folding, then he is removed and does not interfere with it.

Tip! If you really want a bar rack and the table, but the places are not enough: there will be a good access bar between the kitchen and the living room as a separator, or between the kitchen and the loggia (this is if there is a common wall with a living room or loggia).


It is desirable that household appliances in the kitchen are built-in.

This gives a number of advantages:

  • Aesthetic beauty.
  • Saves a place.
  • Easy to clean up.
  • Easy to use.

There are several minuses:

  • Dear cost.
  • Individual manufacture.
  • Difficulty in repair.

In the kitchen must be subject to:

  • Cooking panel and ovens.
  • The refrigerator and the freezer (well, when together, but for a large family it is desirable separately).
  • Sink.
  • Hood.
  • Cabinet for dishes.
  • Surface for cooking.

A number of desirable, but not mandatory items in the kitchen:

  • Dishwasher.
  • Microwave.
  • Multicooker.
  • Coffee maker.
  • Drainer.


Color kitchen headset

For a small kitchen, light colors and pastel shades will be a good solution. For such a kitchen, dark tones and bright colors will not be suitable. It is very important to take into account the style in which there will be a future kitchen.

Ideal combinations of colors in the kitchen headset:

  • White - universal, well combined with almost all colors, perfectly with red, black and blue.
  • Black - universal color, perfectly combined with white, red, green, pink.
  • Green - combined with yellow, black, brown.
  • Blue - combined with yellow, red, black.
  • Beige - combined with blue, gray, white.
  • Gray - combined with beige, red, blue, violet, pink.
  • Red - combined with white, black, blue, gray, green.
  • Orange - combined with purple, green, blue, blue.
  • Yellow - combined with blue, black, green, gray, blue.
  • Blue - combined with red, yellow, white, gray.

Jannoon028 /
«Ivica Drusany /»

Wall color

It is desirable that the walls are painted in calm not catchy. It is best to stick to close colors in the interior.

It looks good warm soft shades, such as:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • beige.

Tip! Do not abuse black and dark shades of brown, as they make the room less and worsen the mood.


Curtain color

The color of the curtains must match the total color of the kitchen.

There are several tips to color the curtains combined with the kitchen:

  • Selection of curtains under the color of kitchen furniture.
  • Well suitable neutral color (beige, cream).
  • Combination of color curtains with the brightest color of the interior.

If there are doubts about choosing a curtain color, then a good option will be blonde and neutral color, which will most likely look good and ensure the penetration of light into the kitchen.

"Mama_mia /"

How to increase the space in the kitchen 9 sq. Meters

Increase the space in the kitchen in several ways:

Supplies kitchen with living room (It will be a good and easy solution, you can make between the kitchen and the living room bar).

"Eviled /"

Squash kitchen with loggia (also a good solution, if there is such an opportunity, if you wish, you can make a bar counter).

"Eviled /"

To make her lighter (The use of light tones visually makes the kitchen more).

"Lukasz Stefanski /"

Using rails, lockers, shelves (They will help increase the place in the kitchen, since everything you need can be stored in them, or hang in the right places).

"Christopher Meder / Raisa Suprun"

Such a kitchen is traditionally considered to be quite spacious to embody a wide range of designer ideas: from stretch ceilings to full-size and spacious heads. But, on the other hand, it is especially here and do not walk, you need to understand in advance what can be implemented on such an area. Therefore, it is logical that those who have conceived repairs are looking for options for planning with placement of furniture, household appliances and examples of registration.

Do not worry. We will talk about all these moments in this article. And will help us in this interior Designer Svetlana Murtazinawhich herself lives in an apartment with a 9-meter cuisine.

Svetlana : Indeed, with competent zoning, all the necessary household appliances, and a spacious work area, and a cozy dining area will easily fit here. A properly selected design and following with stylistic concepts will turn your kitchen in the island of comfort, comfort and beauty.

Earlier, I told in detail in detail (regardless of Square). Therefore, all "construction and engineering" moments are looking in that article. Here, I will tell you what to draw attention to zoning, choosing a color scheme for walls and furniture, and what style will be the most attractive for such a kitchen. Let's see what ways and tricks can make your kitchen more.

Expand the space

In the concept of "expansion of the area" I invest two options:

  • physical (dismantling of walls, union with other rooms);
  • visual (selection of the most winning color solutions).

Let's start with a more rough version.

1. Real extension of the kitchen area

These methods require additional investments, as it is necessary to repaint space due to related premises.

  1. 1 Remove the entrance door. She just "eats" space. At the entrance place it is better to arrange an arch - not square, but a semicircular, oval or invent an original form for the opening. And in general - the more smooth, semicircular lines, the less interior overloaded
  2. 2 can be. Of course, if the balcony is pre-closed and insulated. On the balcony you can make one of the zones - a working or dining room.

    The first option is more complicated, since the gas pipes and water pipe will have to pull. But to organize a dining room on the balcony - not a problem, especially since dining, admiring the look at the opening view, is much more pleasant.

    Another option: Organize a storage area on the balcony: Install the built-in wardrobe, place the drawers and shelves for storing products. You will see how to immediately "unload" your kitchen.

  3. 3 Kitchen and living room - The most radical method, but also the most difficult. Firstly, this union is impossible if you have a carrying wall between the kitchen and the living room, which cannot be broken. Secondly, for you need to choose the same design style, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect. Thirdly, you will have to spend money on a powerful hood, so as not to irritate households with kitchen flavors.

    But this studio layout immediately decides the issue with a shortage area in the kitchen.

2. Visual expansion of space

1 Choose bright and neutral shades. Such colors visually spread the walls, and the white ceiling seems much higher than, for example, dairy or beige. Boldly "dress" walls in bright paints, but for the floor, on the contrary, you can choose saturated dark shades to increase contrast.

In the photo kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 sq.m. With suspended ceiling equipped with strokes around the perimeter. Above the table additional lighting provides a lamp.

2 Lighting is your most reliable assistant. The more natural and artificial lighting sources will be, the more spacious the kitchen will seem:

  • For the window it is worth picking transparent curtains that are not preventing the penetration of sunlight.
  • Suspended luminaires are not necessarily installed exclusively in the center.
  • You can select the dining area, hanging the chandelier over the dining table, and emphasize the working area by placing a whole range of lamps over it.
  • And do not forget about the built-in backlight! Backlit niches and shelves, a number of built-in lamps above the working apron, the LED tape, bruised at the top of the cabinets - these are simple techniques that immediately add your kitchen volume and depth.

3 There is one designer trick - the more free sex, the more spacious it seems the room. For example, well, if the bottom cabinets are on the legs, the dining table is on one leg, and not on the 4th, and no palaces or carpet tracks!

4 The abundance of patterns and drawings tires And makes a room visually closer.

  • Instead of painted wallpaper, it is better to choose a wallpaper with a relief pattern, but in pale colors. The same applies to textiles - the smaller and more concisely drawing, the better. For window decoration, short curtains are better fit or blinds.
  • If you do not want to refuse patterns, you will pick up a photo wallpaper with a large print-style print. Such wallpaper can be placed part of the wall near the dining table.
  • The same applies to the tiles for walls and gender - instead of mosaic it is better to use widescreen tiles. And put it not with standard ways, but, for example, diagonally or steps. To add the illusions of the space, the walls and the floor in the kitchen are recommended and in the adjacent corridor it is equally. This visually combines the premises, and the kitchen will seem spacious.

5 Furniture. Transparent furniture seems to be less cumbersome, so it is worth choosing a dining table with a glass countertop, the facades of cabinets - with transparent doors, and for apron, pick up skinned or lay out it with a mirror tile.

6 Household appliances. Of course, if on an area of \u200b\u200b9 sq.m. Place all available household appliances, then there may be little free space.

If you have a separate oven, grill, coffee maker, food processor, microwave and washing machine - it is better to order a special vertical rack, where it is easy to accommodate everything you need. Embedded technique will help solve the problem of lack of space.

Selection of decoration style

Immediately make a reservation that the choice of color gamut and the overall style of the kitchen is the taste of each of you. I advise you to do in that manner in which you first like you personally. Watch the photo, look at what kind of kitchen design options you liked and already "dancing" with the final choice of everything else.

But, in any case, my task is to show the good and most successful styles that will fall to the taste of many of you. Let's start with the classics.

Classic interior styles

There is no universal formula that would calculate what style for designing the kitchen is considered ideal.

Each style has its advantages and disadvantages that are soothable by one person and categorically will not fit the other. But there are so many styles in design that, for sure, there is one that will suit you in all respects.

Similar requirements are presented by other classic styles: natural materials, discreet, but expensive decor, symmetry in layout and pastel gamma. And the decor will help to recreate this or that direction.

With all its delicacy, stylish and luxury, classic styles have one essential disadvantage - they are expensive.

On the other hand, in the kitchen at 9 square meters. m may not have enough space - so you have to be limited to a certain set of furniture, which may affect the placement of storage areas.

Consider the most popular and try to highlight the main features of each style.

English style

The choice of people of conservative, preferring the combination of the foundation, luxurious restraint and aesthetic comfort.

  • Palette: pastel and deep shades of brown, green and mustard.
  • Planning is based on symmetry. The same lockers are installed on both sides of the working table. Dining table shape is preferable round or oval.

    Furniture - from a wood massif, expensive, respectable, often with artificially aged surfaces, with intricate carvings and rich fittings. Especially good looks in this style upper furniture eaves made of carved wood and cast handles.

  • Main patterns: strip, cage, heraldry.
  • Nothing modern should not be in sight: you have to abandon the washing of stainless steel, point lamps, and it is better to hide all the technique for deaf facades.
  • Decor: The style of porcelain, brass or copper utensils will be emphasized, - with lambrequins and brushes, woven porridge and classic crystal chandelier.

Mediterranean style: sea breath in your kitchen

The best motives of the French Riviera, Egypt, Tunisia, Italy and Spain have imagined. This style is not a fastener luxury and glamorous chic. His main advantages are conciseness, unassumature and quality.

  • Planning. The main place in the Mediterranean cuisine is allocated to the dining area, while the entire working compact is placed in one corner.
  • Colors: saturated natural shades - sea color, sand and magnificent vegetation: blue, turquoise, blue, emerald, lemon yellow, strawberry, orange, pistachio, fuchsia color.
  • Finishing: Brickwork, textured plaster, mosaic, imitation of frescoes are welcome. For floors - porcelain stoneware, sandstone, marble or imitation of natural stone terracotta. The apron is laid out with a tile by adding compilation: rubbing, uneven edges, the effect of "breakdown".
  • Furniture - often massive, cumbersome, but laconic forms. Stressed the style of a mosaic table top, a massive buffet with transparent doors, open wooden shelves, decorated with carvings, metal chairs with tied pads. Ideally fits into the style trend of furniture from rattan.

Scandinavian style - Norman calm

Looks like Mediterranean - the same conciseness, thoroughness and restraint. And it is said Scandinavian many designers consider 9 sq.m.

First, for this style, the abundance of bright shades is characterized: beige, dairy, matte white. The deaf facades of furniture create the illusion of a solid wall.

Minimum fittings and maximum functionality are distinguishing features of the Scandinavian style furniture.

The distinctive features of the Norman style also include abundance of lighting, a lot of textiles made of natural fabrics (pillows on chairs, napkins, curtains, tablecloths, covers). If the drawing is a nonsense floral patterns or a traditional cell.

Scandinavian style Loves a lot of indoor plants. So, if you are interested in breeding home cacti, orchids, or you have a luxurious collection of geranium or violet - then the Scandinavian style is simply created for you.

Other modern styles

Modern styles - the choice of people of dynamic, active, prefering functionality and bright image. This is an excellent choice, as they allow you to more quickly handle the placement of household appliances, and clear zoning attaches to the premises of completeness.

High Tech - High Technologies for Your Comfort

Someone can call the style of a sore and cold, but such a kitchen will always look stylish and relevant.

Main features:

  • abundance of glass and stainless steel. So in the kitchen there is a place for stainless car wash, and for numerous rails, and for metal tiles.
  • Preferred furniture colors: glossy white and metallic. Request bright color inserts.
  • Working surfaces - from Coriana, steel or other composite materials. Well fit into the concept of styles glass shelves and furniture from plastic. If you want to add cuisine transparency and lightness - pick up chairs from transparent plastic, and glass countertop.
  • The abundance of metal is diluted with a tree or stone: for the floor you can choose a laminate or a stone masonry, for walls - tiles.
  • As a decor, small household appliances and dishes are used from matte glass.

Loft - Mix of Starny and Innovation

Loft is the choice of creative natures, which easily refuse to generally accepted norms and do not accept any restrictions. Loft style kitchen turns out to be spacious, unusual and interesting.

Here are the main features that can be implemented in such a kitchen:

  • Open planning. Loft style is ideal for a kitchen combined with a balcony, living room or dining room. The smaller the walls and partitions, the better.
  • Finishing - deliberates is coarse, with a raid "Industriality": brickwork, concrete, coarse plaster, deposited with cast iron pipes. The ceilings are often decorated with massive beams.
  • The windows are large, and no lush curtains or curtains. It is better to leave windows without curtains. In extreme cases, you can allow something easy and transparent.
  • Technique - all in sight: It can be a stood cooking panel, an ultramodern TV, a brass closet or a refrigerator.
  • Furniture - any, but best will emphasize the style of a combination of retro and novelty. So, for example, a retro chair can coherent with a fashion glass table, behind the doors of the ancient buffet well accommodate modern stainless steel dishes or matte glass.
  • The palette is muted. Loft loves discreet shades of brown, gray, matte white.

As a result, it turns out a kitchen with a history and an industrial spirit that gives it a special charm.

In the interior of the 9-meter cuisine, it looks good at minimalism with its "sterility", bright pop art or any other modern style. The chief council of designers - clearly decide on the style of the interior. And he suggests and choosing color, furniture and accessories.

Does your kitchen 3 on 3 and have questions about its arrangement?

We know answers on them!

Read in our article all secrets of competent kitchen design 9 sq m and inspire photos of the most relevant solutions.

    Style: Provence

    Style: Loft.

  • What color for kitchen 9 sq.m?

    The kitchen of 9 square meters is considered to be medium in size. It is more than kitchenettes in standard Khrushchev, but less than in modern residential complexes and new buildings.

    The palette of shades in such a space can be advantageously played on the arm, and it can disaster to disastrone. It will aggravate the situation also unsuccessful, prints and poorly thought-out illumination.

    Here are some solutions implemented by designers in the kitchens 9 sq.m.

    Although they are all fulfilled in different colors, all of them are combined with one tend to use a light base tone and a bright accent color. The more accent color is brighter, warmer and impulsive, the less it is used (in the percentage ratio to the background).

    What kind of kitchen did you like most? Write to us in the comments!

    What to choose a style for a 9-meter kitchen?

    The one in which you will be comfortable.

    How to make a kitchen-studio on 9 squares?

    When decorating a kitchen-studio 9 sq. M. It is important to clearly understand: is it the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen area, which is part of a large open studio space, or is it all the area on which the zone should fit and kitchen?
    In the first case, you can experiment with zoning, make it conditional or real noticeable. In the second, it will have to allocate the necessary minimum furniture items for each zone and maximize ergonomically place them relative to each other. For example, instead of M-planning a kitchen, use the one-row, and put the sofa near the dining table.

    What to fade the walls in nine-meter kitchen?

    Painted walls are a concise and universal background for medium-sized kitchen premises. It is easy to combine with other types of facing materials for walls, which can be part of the stylistic solution - wallpaper, a cafeter, decorative brickwork.

    What should be the floor in the kitchen of 9 square meters?

    Sturdy, well washed, beautiful.

    What to choose accessories for kitchen 9 squares?

    Accessories brings the facades of your kitchen to the maximum matching of the selected style: you can not install on the monolithic glossy facades of the door in the style of high-tech wrought-iron sophisticated with enamelled medallions of the image of flowers!

    Modern closers allow them to do without pens in the kitchen at all, and modern handles turn from decor into functional parts, such as towel holders.

    Will there be enough for a nine-meter kitchen for the dining table?

    If you do not take the whole kitchen space with a kitchen head, then yes - enough.
    The view of the table at the same time can be any - from single round tables, to folding and even in the form of bar racks for.

    Is it worth using a kitchen corner in the kitchen 9 sq.m?

    Modern designers are increasingly using kitchen sofas and in their projects, as they are stable associated with the remnants of the Soviet past.

    What table top to choose for nine-meter kitchen?

    If you are interested in detailed characteristics of materials from which modern countertops are manufactured for the kitchen, see our.
    From the point of view of the design, the tabletop should not be eased from the general ensemble, distracting attention to herself, or, on the contrary, become its main emphasis and decoration.

    What kind of sink for kitchen 9 square meters?

    The kitchen sinks are quite universal in its appearance, so it is difficult to use them enough (for example). Exceptions - Bronze luxury luxury sinks or concrete.
    The design needs to choose the one that is convenient for you.

    How to arrange a kitchen apron in the kitchen at nine squares?

    In combination with or without a tabletop, but it is often the main decorative role in the standard kitchen three or three.

    Here are some interesting decisions:

    On the merits and disadvantages of materials from which apron can be made, see our.

    What accessories can be 9 square meters in the kitchen?

    Average size in the amount of several pieces. Ideally - walls.
    And without fanaticism!

    What are the lamps for the kitchen nine square meters?

    • General lighting for kitchen
    • Fongucration lighting over working area
    • Decorative lamps over a dining table and / or bar counter.
    • The appearance is completely dependent on the selected kitchen design style.

    What to choose curtains for nine-meter kitchens?

    We have already talked about trends for, but we can repeat: in the kitchen, you can often do without them without them, but sometimes their presence is required (for example, olive or classic).

    And here are some ideas that you can use in the interior of your kitchen.

    How to enter household appliances in the interior on 9 squares?

    Household appliances can be hidden behind the facades of the kitchen headset, but usually there are problems with its reinstallation, if suddenly you have to change something.
    Therefore, modern manufacturers offer a wide range of appearance of kitchen appliances, from neutral models to extravagant, bright and even in retro-style.

    The first are more suitable for traditional classic kitchens, and the latter can be played in modern styles.

    Did you like ideas? Have questions? Write to us about it in the comments!

Making a small kitchen is a difficult task. So that it turns out beautiful and functional, it is worth considering a lot of nuances. In the first place is the layout. Proper placement of furniture and other items will provide an opportunity to make a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 square meters by a paradise. A competently chosen style solution implements the dream of any, even demanding, hostess.

Make the design kitchen 9 kV not only attractive, but also convenient will help the correct layout. For this, the project is preparing for paper. Thus, all component elements are distributed. This includes the door, windows, plumbing, kitchen appliances and furniture. Be sure to indicate their parameters.

What to make a small kitchen cozy and functional need to consider many nuances

Kitchen style need to pick up carefully

Best in advance on paper make up the kitchen layout

In developing, the design project will help the rules that are offered by experts. They will help to take into account all the nuances of the dining room, make her interior attractive and comfortable.

  • Spacious. To all subjects free access, nothing prevents movement. It does not matter which style is chosen;
  • Triangle rule. The stove, refrigerator and washing are installed in such a way that the figure formed. Her vertex will be washing. This will give the opportunity to avoid unnecessary movements in the process of preparation;
  • The dishwasher is installed near the furniture, where the dishes are stored;
  • Everything is thought out to small details. During the planning process, the location of the desktop, the dining area, the placement of shelves and cabinets is taken into account.

The main secret of the right plan is to get a comfortable kitchen design of 9 square meters. The height and dimensions of the working surface must comply with the standard. Shelves and cabinets are placed as convenient as possible so that they can be easily put and getting dishes. The refrigerator should not interfere. Its dimensions are relatively large, so often such kitchen equipment is placed in the corner.

Furniture in the kitchen is worth choosing compact and functional

Recently, during the arrangement of various premises, zoning methods are actively used. They allow you to combine comfort and harmony. 9 sq m kitchen interior design did not exception. It is important to competently carry out the boundaries between the functional parts of the room: dining and working.

If possible, the kitchen can be combined with a balcony or living room. It will enable significantly increase the area. For zoning, in this case, the bar counter, the podium, the multi-level floor will fit well. The circuit of each region is visually highlighted by point lamps.

This zoning option is not the only one. There is a lot of other ideas.

  • Color selection of zone. This method can be used in the dining room with any cubage. It involves the use of several colors when interior design. Each zone will have its own.
  • Contrast. Well suited for rooms, where only the table and stools apply. On one wall you can make a bright strip. It will be a contrast to the main shade.
  • Election pattern. It is mainly located in the dining area, subject to the saturated color of the finish and headset. Large drawings look good as such an accent: rhombus, colors.

The placement of the dining table in the corner of the room requires the use of significant zone secretions. Excellent for this is suitable for the texture trim of walls, an interesting single design of the workplace. The originality of the embossed plaster on the wall and the headsets of the same color as the wallpaper. Wood panels are often installed in the dining area. They have an interesting view and easy to operate. At the same time, the direction of their fibers is horizontal. The working surface has the same facade, but the vertical location of the components. Not only materials and color are used for borders, but also lighting.

Kitchen need to competently zonate

If possible, then the kitchen can be combined with a balcony

Dining table is best placed at the wall

Place for lunch: how to organize correctly?

Place for meals, as a rule, small sizes. The main requirement that is presented to it is convenience. It should be cozy to every inhabitant. This takes into account the amount of time carried out by the owners in this area. If it is used only in the mornings for drinking coffee, you can install a bar counter. It is small, and comfortable chairs.

As for families, here without a full-fledged place for lunch can not do. An excellent option for its arrangement is a separate room or a dining room with a living room, but such an idea is not available to everyone. There is another 9-square kitchen design. m, more ergonomic and comfortable. It allows you to equip the dining room on modest square meters.

If the room is long and narrow, then the dining place may be near the window. It will be presented as two sofas standing on the contrary, and between them are not larger than the table. By organizing such an interior, it is necessary to use a headset consisting of two rows and a small width.

9 sq m kitchen interior can accommodate dining area. It includes a sofa and a concise table. This option of arrangement is well suited for families who spend a lot of time in the kitchen, gather at the table for breakfast and dinner. The corner headsets are spacious and comfortable.

The most modest idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning such a zone is a table and four stools. They are compactly located even on the smallest kitchen, will take a minimum of space. Especially popular was such a design earlier, modern designers offer more comfortable solutions for small kitchens.

The dining area should be compact and comfortable.

The most modest idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning such a zone is the table and four stools

Features of registration

Area 9 square. M is one of the most common kitchen options. This room is found in houses built dozens of years ago. For arrangement, these are not convenient parameters, so require a special approach. It makes it possible to make a beautiful, functional and practical room.

In any kitchen room, there are several zones:

  • Working. It serves to fulfill the main and additional processes that are important when cooking food. There is a table, stove and washing;
  • Dining. This part of the room is used to eat food, tea drinking, receiving guests. Its presence in the kitchen is necessary. Even if the size of the room is modest, it is necessary to find a place to install the table and stool;
  • Passing. It does not prevent special requirements. It must be, but may have a small size. Since it is not the main one.

These zones are present on all modern kitchens. And it is not surprising. Many modern people can go to the restaurant for lunch and dinner. In this case, you can use other ways to arrange the kitchen.

Each kitchen should have a dining, working and passing area.

What would visually increase the size of the room you can use transparent furniture

It is better to use light shades in the kitchen, it will allow visually to enlarge the room.

Exit to the balcony from the kitchen: how to arrange?

The balcony in the kitchen is a huge plus in the planning of the apartment. This is an excellent opportunity to increase square meters of room. It will significantly unload the space of a small kitchen.

On the balcony you can organize a dining area. It is enough to install the table and stools. As a result, the kitchen will be used only for cooking. A beautifully decorated balcony will get the true pleasure of meals.

Loggia can be a good place to accommodate kitchen items, home appliances. Cabinets, shelves that are used for storage of dishes are fixed on the wall. If the area allows, then the refrigerator is installed and much more.

To competently use the balcony, it must be pre-glazed. Well, if it is your heating. This will allow the use of the room all year round, regardless of weather conditions.

The transition of the kitchen on the balcony should look harmoniously. Perfect for this case of arches or racks from drywall. If you disassemble only the door, and the opening is left unchanged, you can equip the bar. This option will emphasize the style, will become the main decoration of the room. The balcony allows you to fill the kitchen with sunlight. Since it has a large number of windows.

The kitchen can be combined with a balcony.

Usually in small kitchens I use M-shaped layout

Color range: Fashion trends

The color of the room plays an important role in its arrangement. He creates a mood, attaches an interesting and attractive interior. The kitchen did not exception. Therefore, when it is arranged, it is necessary to correctly choose the dominant color. This takes into account several nuances:

  • specificity planning;
  • appointment of functional zones;
  • individual owners.

If the repair is carried out in a narrow kitchen, it takes it to visually expand. Bright finishing materials will help. Furniture, set and so on should be similar. Such a gamma looks calmly, fills the room with a comfort and feeling of peace. For fans of contrast, you can install dark tones furniture. At the same time, the headsets are light.

Parenly yellow, blue, green and beige tones are very popular. They allow you to get an unobtrusive noble interior. It is comfortable and pleasant. Always in fashion white. Its use in the kitchen arrangement will be a win-win option.

Creating a duet can be performed on a beige color. It is harmonized with different shades of white, yellow and beige. Get a warm interior will allow gray in combination with blue, white. Such a combination looks original and beautiful. The result is influenced by the proportion of colors, which is selected.

The kitchen interior should not be boring. Otherwise, it can be addicted by throwing accents. A picture is well suited with a bright accent, a saturated color curtains.

When choosing a color scheme, it is worth considering the psychological effects of tones. Blue, yellow, emerald is suitable for modern design of the kitchen. The first will have a soothing effect on a person. The second and third tone provoke positive emotions. You can add such a design with red accents that give him dynamism. Thusing shades should be no more than two. They do not need to be combined.

Kitchen design should not be boring

Light colors can visually increase the size of the room

Very often in the kitchens use warm shades

Classic kitchen

Different styles are suitable for cuisine. Universal and perfect does not exist. It is necessary to choose from the features of the dining room and the owners preference. Each style has its pros and cons. After examining them, you can choose the direction that will be optimal for this case.

Equipping the kitchen interior, use classic style. It gives a luxurious and cozy view. Its main requirements are to use natural materials during finishing, expensive items, but restrained, pastel colors and symmetrical layout. Elements of decor will help to emphasize the direction.

Classic style - beautiful, stylish and luxurious. It has many advantages, so it is often used in the kitchen premises. The main disadvantage is the cost. He is quite expensive. Only people with good financial incomes can afford it.

It is also worth noting that the nine-meter kitchen is not the best option for this direction. The area is small, and the furniture that is placed cumbersome. It will be necessary to limit it to the set, which will not be better reflected on the functionality of the zones.

Kitchen can be issued in any style.

Classic style has many advantages in the kitchen interior

English style kitchen

The English direction allows you to combine luxurious restraint and aesthetic comfort. It is mostly choosing conservative views. For them, there is a foundation in everything in everything.

The interior of the kitchen, made in this style, has a number of characteristic features. The color scheme is presented in the form of pastel tones in combination with green, brown or mustard.

In the room symmetric layout. The same cabinets and bedside tables are installed on the sides of the workplace. Dining table round or oval shape. Used furniture made of wood. Her kind is dear and luxurious. It looks good for artificial composition of surfaces, original carving and rich fittings. Employed the style of kitchen will help eaves from a carved tree. The design highlight will be patterns on the walls, headset. Requests will be strip and cage.

English Style does not tolerate modernity in the design. Therefore, it is better not to use them when arranged. The necessary kitchen appliances can be hidden behind the facades headset. Only the owner will know about its existence.

Cookware from porcelain, brass utensils, figurines are suitable as decorative elements. The final element of the design is curtains. They are presented in the form of Gardin with lambrequins and brushes. The light will provide chandelier from crystal.

Kitchen can be issued in English style

You can arrange the kitchen in any style, it all depends on the owner's preferences

English-style kitchen combines comfort and beauty

Mediterranean Kitchen

The roots of this direction are far abroad. Its founders became beautiful countries like France, Tunisia, Italy and Egypt. The style is impregnated with their motives from beginning to end. It is concise, unassuming and good. In this case, the pure luxury and glamor is not appropriate.

The main place in such a kitchen is the dining area. For her, the largest plot is given. Places beautiful and comfortable furniture. The working area is paid less attention. It is compact installed in one corner.

Saturated natural colors are used: marine, vegetation, penda. They emphasize the motives reigning in the room. The breath of the sea reigns in the kitchen, captivates and chas the inhabitants.

For finishing, different materials are used. On the wall looks good laying of brick, mosaic or texture plaster. The floor is drawn up marble, porcelain. Mimic materials can be used. The working area provides for the presence of apron. It is laid out with a tile, which has the effect of the composition, there is a scuff.

As for the furniture, it is massive and cumbersome. This is characterized by its conciseness. Stress the style will allow a mosaic table top, a wardrobe with glass transparent doors, wooden shelves. It is important to use metal chairs. So that they were comfortable, you can put the pillow on the seat and tie it. Perfectly fit into the overall picture Furniture made of rattan.

To finish the floor in the kitchen, a tile or linoleum fit perfectly

On the balcony you can organize a dining area

An important component is the details. They emphasize the reigning atmosphere, give her character, make fashionable and cozy. Different decorations are suitable for this: backlight, apron, shiny surfaces.

Interior details


Artificial finishing materials

This is a stone, tile, wood. The main requirement to them is similar to natural product. They are used when designing walls, facades of furniture.

Shiny coatings

They allow you to visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Facades are well looking, which shine, mirror shelves, glossy surfaces. They emphasize modernity

It depicts various scenes: nature, abstraction or urbanism.


It will give brightness to the room. It can be installed both on separate zones and throughout the ceiling. Options Its mass: color, monophonic, multi-level. When choosing, it is necessary to be guided by the characteristics of the zone.

Furniture transformer

This option is great for nine-meter kitchen, where the metra is limited. Table for lunch, if necessary, can be enlarged, extendable table top.

They are embossed patterns. They attract attention to themselves and retain the overall color palette of the kitchen.

The kitchen is a special place in the house. Here every family spends a large amount of time. They are going for cooking and use it. Its arrangement requires strength and attention. Kitchen design should be beautiful and comfortable. With a competent approach, it is possible to obtain such a result quickly and easily.

Video: Little Kitchen Design

50 Photo of a small kitchen design ideas 9 sq.m.: