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Finishing walls of a house of aerated concrete. Exterior decoration of a house of aerated concrete. Facing with brick and tiles

The internal finish of the house of aerated concrete serves not only for the decoration, but also performs a number of functions for insulation and protect the walls. Since the aerated concrete is a porous material, the temperature and humidity of the air strongly affects its condition, so the outer and interior decoration of the fetal walls acts as a natural protective barrier. This means that the owners are important to know which materials to choose for cladding and how to apply their properties in practice.

The "naked" walls from aerated concrete is not a presentable look to leave them without finishing Source

Features of the interior decoration of walls from aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete due to the porous structure has high air permeability. If the wall does not have interior decoration, warm room air easily seeps through it. In the cavity of the wall, it is cooled to the outdoor temperature, forming condensate, which accumulates in the pores of the material. Thus, the walls from aerated concrete without decoration create large thermal losses and dance due to condensate formation.

The main task of the internal finish of the house from gas silicate blocks is to reduce the permeability of the walls, that is, the "sealing" of the material from the room. This uses special plaster, drywall or wooden sheets. Decorative wall decoration on this basis can be any kind.

Gas blocks are quite democratic in terms of compatibility of materials - in a pair with them can be both plaster and wood source ASM.RU

Types of materials and methods of interior decoration

In modern construction, there is a large selection of finishing materials for aerated concrete. Due to this, choose the facing to your taste and the wallet is not much difficult.

For rough decoration, aerated concrete is used:


    plasterboard sheets with insulation.

For decorative decoration, aerated concrete can be used:

    paint and varnish formulations;

    textured plaster;

    wooden or plastic trim.

For the right choice, it is necessary to imagine the properties and advantages of each of these materials.

When mounting the draft finish, if necessary, the walls can be additionally insulated BOARD.BAU.COM.UA source

Stuccoing wall

With the help of plaster, you can align the surface of the walls under painting or blending wallpaper. However, for the decoration of walls from aerated concrete indoor, a conventional cement-sandy solution is not suitable. The construction uses special plaster mixtures that have the following parameters:

    Hold moisture, so when applied it does not penetrate aerated concrete;

    Improve the grasp of plaster with aerated concrete;

    Make the solution more plastic and comfortable in applying;

    Accelerate the process of frozen the mixture on the wall;

    Increase the strength of the coating;

    Exclude cracks when applied.

Works on the application of plaster on a wall of aerated concrete is better to entrust professional masters. The surface is quite difficult to align due to the texture of blocks and irregularities of the seams. It is also important to note that for drying the plaster requires a reserve of time, so the finish of the whole house may take several days or weeks.

Plaster - one of the optimal materials for the draft finish Source UKRSMETA.UA


Alternative plaster is the installation of plasterboard sheets. The method of laying material depends on the smoothness of the wall. If blocks are laid exactly, the drywall is simply glued to the wall. This method if the wall requires alignment, you will have to install sheets on a metal frame with a layer of insulation.

Plasterboard is an ideal base for any decorative finish. It can be covered with decorative plaster, painting and hugged with wallpaper. All rooms in the house can be lined with sheets of drywall.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of houses from aerated concrete from construction companies presented at the "Low-rise Country House" exhibition.


The tree is an environmentally friendly material and has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the house. This house finishes looks very comfortable. If you make a wooden cladding throughout the house, it will be like a real log house at all.

Wooden cladding is well combined with a fason from aerated concrete due to the technical similarities of the materials. And wood and gas silicate have a porous structure and good thermal conductivity. However, the lining is subject to compulsory processing with water-repellent and propatalky varnishes.

The most popular wood breeds for finishing the house are pine and fir. They are characterized by high strength, aesthetic appearance and a pleasant coniferous aroma.

Facing the walls of the wallpaper will make room indistinguishable from the room in a brusade house Source

Laying ceramic tiles on a gas-concrete is recommended in rooms with high humidity - bathroom or kitchen. The tile will create a protective barrier that will not give the walls from steam and condensate.

To lay the tile, you need to use special glue, which will create good adhesion with a fuel-concrete wall. An ordinary cement mortar for these purposes is not suitable, a hermetic composition with antifungal additives is needed.

When lining walls from aerated concrete tiles, additionally need to take care of a powerful ventilation system so that the moisture is not delayed in the room. Only so you can avoid the appearance of fungus and mold in the bathroom.

Ceramic tile - Excellent moisture protection Source

Casting walls by wallpaper

After putting on or placing with plasterboard, the walls can be covered by any wallpaper. It should take into account their breathability. For example, vinyl wallpaper creates additional protection of aerated concrete from moisture and temperature drops. Paper cloth is more "breathing", it is recommended to combine it with a dense layer of plaster.

The technology of sticking wallpapers on a wall of aerated concrete differs little from the standard. Before starting work, the wall is necessarily ground. The rest of the recommendations associated with the type of wallpaper and the basis for sticking are followed.

When choosing wallpaper, the main thing is to choose not only the material, but also the picture source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the reconstruction service and restructuring homes. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Painting Walls

Painting of walls in a house of aerated concrete is made on top of plaster or plasterboard sheathing. For decoration, the water-level paint of one of the four types is most often used:





In order to further protect the aerated concrete from water uses acrylic paint, which has moisture-repellent properties. Silicon and silicate paint vapor permeable, so they require stacking reliable plaster.

Before painting, the blacks for the walls is required - primer, plaster or drywall Source

PVC panels

Installation of plastic panels on a wall of aerated concrete is a budget and easy to perform finishing option. PVC panels can be of different colors, as well as mimic the texture of a tree or stone. The main condition for their installation on aerated concrete is the presence of a waterproofing layer. This is especially important when finishing the bathroom or kitchen. Also, PVC panels suffer from temperature drops, so they should not be used in the trim of balconies and hallways.

PVC panels are a fairly pretty and budget solution source

    Finishing mixtures should be selected based on their compatibility with aerated concrete. Building materials with such a note have any company.

    Instead of conventional leveling plaster, you can use a decorative textured mixture. Wallpaper does not work on it, but the paint will look very impressive.

    For the facing to serve for a long time and performed functions assigned to it, a forced ventilation system should be organized in the house. This primarily concerns the premises of the bathroom and kitchen.

Examples of the interior decoration of the house of gas blocks

In this small gallery, you can see examples of finishing houses from gas-silicate blocks.



Very practical use of upsembly Source source

At the attic it is desirable to install large windows Source

Video Description

And a little non-standard look at the decoration of aerated concrete in the following video:


Since the decoration of walls from a housekeeping indoor plays an important role in maintaining a home microclimate, you need to know and understand the difference between popular options for lining rooms. Only after the selection of the material in the characteristics of the material, you can move to the selection of the most beautiful and suitable type of finish.

Upon completion of the construction of a house of aerated concrete, you can think about its external facing, as it is very important for the correct visual perception of the structure. Its species depends on many components, including a leading place occupies the main material of the structure. Private houses from aerated concrete are more in need of high-quality external design due to block structure.

Characteristics of the house of aerated concrete

Aerated concrete is a type of lightweight concrete that is performed from a silica aggregate in combination with knitting substances. Some time ago, the aerated concrete was used only to create thermal insulation inside the house. Now, aerated concrete blocks are used as a full building material. Constructions built from aerated concrete have a number of advantages. But such private houses require compliance with some rules when designing, which are mandatory to avoid poor quality results:

  1. When erecting the supporting structures of the house from the aerated concrete, in no case should you neglect the quality of the construction, as any flaws will be noticeable even after external decoration.
  2. Facing should be carried out strictly according to the instructions, taking into account the fact that the aerated concrete has high vapor permeability.
  3. It is not necessary to carry out additional thermal insulation, as the wall thickness and the specificity of the aerated concrete is sufficient to create comfortable conditions within the house.
  4. If a stone or brick finish is selected, you need to calculate the basement of the foundation in order to ensure that it is possible to withstand the weight of the design.

Important! The decoration of the facade of the house of aerated concrete is held only after the construction of the construction itself and in the warm season.

A variety of finishing facade of a foam concrete house

In order to choose the only correct option for finishing a house of aerated concrete outside, it is necessary to understand the varieties and features currently existing options.

Brick decoration

The exterior design of the brick is one of the best options for the house of aerated concrete, due to the strength and reliability of the resulting design. Such a facade will resist external influences and looks stylish. Due to various ways of laying and designing the surface of the facing brick, you can choose the appropriate appearance to create a particular design of the house of aerated concrete. The design of aerated concrete due to their hollowness will be created in the room the correct microclimate, and the outer design of the brick will protect such a structure. The only thing to remember is the need for leaving the gap between brick and aerated concrete to eliminate condensate education. Best of all this clearance to equip the ventilation of the supply type. In this case, the brickwork is left in the brickwork, which are called products with a diameter of at least 1/100 of the entire wall area.

Tip! To maintain the ensemble, the brick lining of the house of aerated concrete can be combined with the same fence or tracks, as well as the local buildings on the plot.

Usually, high buildings are faced with natural bricks. If a private house consists of two floors, it is rational to decorate it with clinker tiles. The surface of the tile has the same specifications as a facing type of brick. For the finish, it is best to invite a specialist, since work is difficult for a wizard that does not have a certain experience.

House design brick is planned at the stage of designing the future structure, so that it is possible to calculate the load and create a basis that it will endure.


This finishing material is the most accessible and budget for the external finishing of the house of aerated concrete. It is distinguished by the following advantages:

It is possible to perform the facade of the facade of the house from a housekeeping by siding in a horizontal or vertical location of the panels. The first version of the design helps imitate a log wall, and the second usually finish non-residential buildings.

If necessary, space under siding can be issued with a heat insulator, such as foam, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. For the design of the house of aerated concrete, you can use all the current types of siding. This is metallic, vinyl, wooden or cement. The main condition for the acquisition of such a material is its high quality. The use of such registration directly depends on the material that is selected for panels. Vinyl siding is most durable for finishing houses from aerated concrete. We will talk about it in more detail.

The material is a system of decorative planks that can create a single design on the wall surface. This siding option has several polymer layers in its composition, which give it high technical and qualitative characteristics.

Such panels meet modern requirements for facing material:

  • Presentable appearance. A large assortment of shades and textures allows you to make a building in a certain style and combine it with buildings on the site. Panels most harmoniously fit into the facades of houses from aerated concrete.
  • Protection of house walls from external atmospheric influences.
  • The reliability and strength of the coating, thanks to which the house of aerated concrete is opposed to mechanical effects.
  • Durability. Vinyl panels can serve for more than 50 years with proper operation.
  • Easy care. To purify the surface of the siding, it is necessary to use water and soap solution. No special tools to buy.

For houses from aerated concrete, two-layer vinyl siding is usually used, which has an additional layer that improves the forms of the panel itself. For better protection, such panels are covered with a special outer layer.

Stucco finish

For aerated concrete blocks, special plaster formulations are used with the addition of components that prevent moisture absorption. For high-quality work on the plaster, it is necessary to execute an algorithm. First of all, preparatory work is performed. This includes cleaning the facade of a house of aerated concrete from the old coating, if it is, as well as from dirt and dust. After that, the walls must be primed up with a composition that is intended for aerated concrete.

Montage of the reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass or analogue of metal, but with small cells, is carried out on the dried wall of aerated concrete. The grid is necessary for the best clutch of plaster with the wall.

After drying the plaster, it can be painted in one or more shades, depending on the desire of the owner of the house. Also, the facade can be decorated with patterns that are applied through stencils.

Tip! If in the process of plastering on the house, irregularities were formed, they are grinding and covered with a layer of paint.

If the house of aerated concrete is in a soft climatic zone, then the surface can be plastering without insulation. For more severe districts, the inner layer of thermal insulation of the structure will be required.

For registration of aerated concrete blocks, lightweight plaster is usually used, quartz sand in the composition of which is replaced with mineral components. Due to this composition, the plaster layer does not affect the carrying ability of the walls, and its diffusion qualities are quite high. Also in such plasters high thermal conductivity coefficient.

But there is a small minus - this is the low strength of the material, which is why experienced builders do not recommend using such a coating in the trim of the base and the walls of the basement of the house.

Facade ventilated device

Such an outdoor decoration of the house of aerated concrete will be convenient in terms of the fact that you can immediately warp the walls of the building. In addition, such registration will allow you to divert moisture from aerated concrete due to the presence of ventilation gaps in the facade.

A ventilated facade from the profile, which is most often performed from metal, layer of insulation and finishing facing. You can use a wooden profile, it will become the only solution for those buildings from aerated concrete, whose bearing ability is small. Registration of the ventilated facade can be performed by any currently known finishing material.

Options for successful decoration

To date, to separate the facade of the building can be in any available way. A novelty is considered to form a plastered surface of the header. This allows you to mimic the framework design on the surface of the aerated concrete. To complete cladding on the walls, polyurethane moldings are attached in the form of boards.

The plastered surfaces are perfectly combined with tiles or decorative panels that can accommodate the base of the house, window and doorways or corners.

Beautifully looks like a part of a part of the house with wooden siding, and a portion of a light plaster. Thus, it is possible to achieve a Scandinavian style in the design.


The external finish of the house of aerated concrete is a challenge that requires compulsory design. The selection of the material must be carried out in accordance with the specifics of the aerated concrete so that the design performed not only the decorative, but also the protective function for the house.

Aerated concrete blocks are warm and breathable material. In addition, they are distinguished by high hygroscopicity and well absorb all moisture on them. That is why for different premises of the house built from gas packs, you need to properly select finishing materials.

The internal decoration on a gas-concrete must have a sufficiently high breathability to support comfortable microclimate in the house. However, the selected option of the outer decoration should be taken into account. If the aerated concrete and its coating will pass a large amount of wet air, and the exterior cladding will be impermeable for it, there is a risk of cluster water inside porous gas blocks.

It should also be remembered that vapor-permeable materials are very often permeable for water. In order for in humid premises, the aerated concrete blocks did not drink moisture, under some finishes it will be necessary to lay insulating membranes with leaving air gaps. And in turn, to withdraw to the general ventilation channels.

Overview of popular finishing materials


The perfect option for creating an eco-friendly house - natural wood. Interiors, fully completed "in the tree", look very kindly and cozy. The decoration of walls from gas-silicate blocks by imitation under the profiled timber or block house and will make a cottage similar to a wooden log house.

Budgetary options include lumber from pine or spruce. It looks such bright wood simple, but aesthetically, plus it fills the air with useful phytoncides. However, finishing with lining even inside the house requires protection against rotting and drying. Therefore, wooden lamellas will have to impregnate with antiseptic composition and cover or paint or varnish. So it's not worth counting on the smell of coniferous forest.

The least chipper of the Eurovantia, which still passed all the stages of protection against external influences. It can be used for the inner cover without covering the LKM.

The good decoration of walls from a dais concrete wood, so it is the similar properties of materials. Both the tree, and the cellular blocks of the porrips, the air is well and perfectly copble with the thermal insulation of the house. When preserving the layer between the trim and the walls (due to the lattice of the frame under the lining), additional insulation of the walls is obtained. No other materials will be required. But such a "pie" is very sensitive to the outer cladding - the ventilated system should be mounted on the facade.


The inner lining of gas-blocks by plaster allows you to get the perfectly even or patterned embossed surface of the walls with leveling and decorative mixtures. But heavy compositions based on sand and cement for this purpose are not suitable, as the fetal blocks do not withstand their greater weight.

For cellular concrete, special gypsum and lime thin layer compositions are produced, for example: it will be found, Aegis will defeat the Egid. Such plaster is easily applied, well kept on aerated concrete and has sufficient vapor permeability. But for the decoration of premises with high humidity, the plaster is better not to use or perform it with a facade mixture. Wet plaster requires to comply with the technology of preparation of aerated concrete masonry, especially paying attention to the soil.

After applying a starting mixture, the finishing turnkey finish can be performed by anything: wallpaper, paint, decorative compositions. Color the minimum of 2-3 layers. Moreover, each next layer should be applied by movements perpendicular to the previous one. Then the interior decoration will be homogeneous, with a saturated color.


Ceramic tile creates a vapor and waterproof coating inside the house. But on aerated concrete it is necessary to lay it with a special glue, not a solution. Facing a cafeter of gas blocks is allowed and even welcome, but only in rooms with high humidity. In the bathroom, a solid adhesive layer under the tile will save aerated concrete from wetting and subsequent destruction.

When choosing such a method, a fairly powerful forced ventilation should be thought out in advance in the room. Otherwise, the premises will turn into a low thermos - ideal conditions for the development of fungus and mold.


Bathroom can be used and plastic lining. It can be quite reliable finishing of a timber imitation or flat vertical panels. But under them it will be necessary to lay impermeable waterproofing, as the typewheat lamellas can pass moisture to the aerated concrete.

The inner plastic finish will help and where there are not enough funds on natural finishing materials. Instead of lining of natural wood, you can use artificial. Just keep in mind that cheap panels, although they are not afraid of excess moisture, poorly carry critical temperatures and their sharp differences. Therefore, a tambour or a balcony from gasoblocks to wash plastic inside with caution.

However, plastic lining is perfect for the ceiling. Especially if you design a "turnkey" house from a housekeeping in the style of Country, where all surfaces in theory should be sewn with wood.

Fake diamond

Such a cladding is only gaining popularity, but thanks to its practicality, it is increasingly interested in private developers. Most often, decorative inserts are created from the artificial stone in the interiors, decorated internal angles, plinths or doorways, since the wall completely closed by imitation of the wall is poorly misses couples.

The main thing - for aerated concrete artificial stone you need to choose from lightweight materials:

  • hypertour
  • artificial travertine on a lime-based basis
  • any gypsum imitation.

Internal finishing of wet premises with artificial stone requires additional protection to special hydrophobizers for interior work. It may be impregnated Bionics (450 rubles / l) or a cheaper stack of the Moscow company Stroytechnhim (85 rubles / l).


If the house of aerated concrete was built on conscience, and the masonry turned out to be smooth, the sheets of plasterboard can not be screwed to the rush frame, but to glue directly on the walls. This will reduce the time of finishing and will save the useful area of \u200b\u200binterior. But the problem masonry using drywall can be aligned without problems. No wonder GLK is called dry plaster.

Wall panels have a thickness of just 12 mm, and the ceilings can be seen by cheaper 9mm sheets. For a kitchen made of gas packs, it is better to take a special moisture-resistant or even fire-resistant variety of GLC.

Such a rich selection of facing options, as well as lightweight drywalls allow you to finish from the inside throughout the house. And after glue wallpaper, apply decorative plaster or bright paint - that the soul will wish.

Previously, the scope of application GLC was not so wide - cardboard with a gypsum layer is difficult to attribute to reliable materials. But with the advent of new improved types of drywall, restrictions on their use are practically left. The only warning is the interior decoration of unheated premises in the house of gas blocks does not allow the use of ordinary GLCs.

Gasilicate is an affordable and practical material for the construction of houses of any type of destination. It is chosen for unpretentious in leaving, fast and inexpensive installation, as well as for high sound insulation, energy efficiency and resistance to fire, for which it is an order of magnitude superior to a more expensive brick.

Gasilicate blocks allow you to build a strong, durable and reliable house in a short period of time. The feature of the material is a porous surface that allows the walls of the house to breathe, naturally when choosing the right finish.

Do not think that gas-silicate houses constantly limit the selection of finishing materials.

Just like houses from other materials, the buildings of porous blocks of gas silicate can be separated:

  • brick or stone;
  • paint (for plaster or blocks);
  • stucco;
  • siding;
  • clapboard;
  • tile;
  • glass magnesium sheets;
  • flat slate.

Consider each of the options of the house facing with the algorithm of the installation of materials.

Brick for decoration of gas-silicate houses

The decision that the house will be finished brick should be taken at the planning and laying of the foundation, calculating the weight of the finish. In this case, the foundation will need to lay more taking into account the brick finish, which will be required to leave an external perimeter.

The decoration of the house brick outside in principle is no different from the usual brickwork and is performed with a thickness of one brick in compliance with the verticality of pre-installed beacons. To cover the porous gasilicate blocks, it is better to use silicate or hollow quality brick that will not require additional shockting. You can perform the masonry with a gap between the finishes and the base or close.

If a second option was chosen, then the main condition is a relatively non-rigid decoration with the wall. This is important, given that it is necessary to deal with different by the expansion ratio, which, when the temperature drops, with an excessive rigid connection, can lead to disastrous consequences - the destruction of the wall of the house. Severe two types of brick masonry with a gas-silicate wall.

The first option - in the process of mounting the blocks between them, thick rods are mounted, the ends of which go beyond the walls of 10 centimeters. In the process of facing the brick, the ends of the reinforcement are laid by the walls, thus strengthening it.

The second option - after laying the first row of bricks into blocks, metal pins with a 10 centimeter washer are clogged, after which there is a half thickness of the pin in the cladding, the subsequent rows overlapping the pins, resulting in a practical design.

Plastering House of Gasilicate

Stucco for finishing the house outside of any type of material is the most affordable finish option. In the case of gas-silicate buildings, this is a fairly popular option, which can be used both independent and in conjunction with the subsequent color.

Considering that gas-silicate blocks are a porous material, pick up the plasters for its finishing also stands with high vapor permeability.

Choosing materials for plastering the walls of a breathable house, you should follow the following rule: each subsequent layer must have parry permeability indicators not less than the previous one. That is why it is extremely recommended to use cement-sand solutions in the process - they will not only adversely affect the vapor permeability of the material, but also the cause of the deterioration of the microclimate inside the house.

The decoration of the walls of the gas-silicate structure by plastering outside is carried out according to the algorithm below:

  • the base is ground using special compositions intended for porous surfaces;
  • the surface is reinforced with a special fiberglass-based facade mesh using a self-tapping screw;
  • plastering the surface with high high-performance vapor permeability;
  • treat by hydrophobic compositions a year or two to increase the service life of the finish.

Qualitatively performed work will make a durable finish as a result, which can become reliable protection for a gas-silicate house.

If the decorative facade plaster seems to you an unfinished solution, then additionally the walls can be used after work on plastering. For painting it will also be necessary to use vapor-permeable paints, which are applied to the surface with rollers or brushes.

Please note that the painting of walls outside can be carried out and without prior plastering of the walls - with the application of the LKM directly to the surface of gas silicate blocks. This is the most economical finish option for those who plan to fit into the narrow framework of the allocated budget.

Before staining the wall of the structure, it will be necessary to process with special soil mixtures for porous bases, to pre-align and polish with special emery paper.

Recently, the water-free paint is most often used, affordable and easy to use. Paint is applied in several layers, first horizontally, then vertically on a fresh, not dried layer.

Siding for finishing a gas silicate structure

Experts strongly recommend using siding to use porous walls. This is an affordable and practical material that will be excellent protective for the base will retain an attractive appearance and basic physical properties throughout the entire use period.

Installation of siding on the gas silicate blocks is the following scheme:

  • on the base of the wall, a wooden crate, which will be necessary to create a gap between the layer of finishing and the base are mounted;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bopenings, the crate is set to their perimeter;
  • there can be a heater, for example, minvatu, an additional protected waterproof membrane to be installed between the crate and the basis.
  • at the base of the house stretch the line horizontally - it will be possible to navigate, performing the installation of siding panels;
  • siding is attached to the crate of self-drawing.

Most often, vinyl siding is used for finishing due to the wide selection of products presented in different color solutions and affordable prices. Less often - metal, for mounting which it will be appropriate to use a crate of metal plates. The facade, covered with siding, is distinguished by durability, practicality, safety and aesthetics.

Please note that the rail is important in compliance with a small gap for not close to avoid damage to the finishes in the process of expanding materials under the influence of temperature changes.

As for the lining, it is mounted on the same principle as siding. Additionally, in addition to plastic and metal panels to cover a gas-silicate house, wooden lining can be used - a block house. The material is also attached to the prepared in advance framework with styling heat insulation if necessary.

Clinker tile for finishing a house of gas silicate

An alternative to brick masonry in the case of a shearing house from a gas silicate can be a clinker tile, the installation of which will require less costs, time and means. In addition, it is worth noting that the clinker tile may have a view of the panels that can be put up for an order of magnitude faster than products separately.

The surface of the house of aerated concrete before the tile will be prepared - to arrange a layer of waterproofing, plastered at least a few days before the start of the work.

The tile is mounted on the base using special glue, which can be cooked at home, according to the instructions on the package. The compositions are applied only on the basis using a conventional toothed spatula, which will eliminate the formation of excess mixtures on the surface of the walls. Between the tiles it is important to leave the seams with a width of no more than 12 mm. Carrying work should be carried out at a temperature not higher than 5 and not lower than 30 degrees Celsius.

Start the process of fastening the clinker tiles from the openings, and not from the corners, as many may seem. For the design of the latter, special elements are fitted in a set of tile products for decoration. For cutting tiles, you can use a special tool - the tiles of both manual and electric type, and the Bulgarian with a diamond string is also suitable.

The final stage of the installation of tiles is grouting the seams using special compositions that are diagonally with the removal of excess. Finished tile finish is obtained spectacular and practical, having a similarity with high quality silicate brick.

Glass Magnifying Sheets - New Generation Finishing

A completely new version of the material for the objects of houses including from a gas-silicate is the sheets of glass champion. According to functionality, the material has some similarity with gypsumless sheets, but unlike them is more practical and durable, suitable for both internal and exterior decoration. The basis of the material is a magnesium chloride chip. The lungs reinforced on both sides of the sheets exhibit increased resistance to moisture, do not burn, have a spectacular appearance with an ideally smooth surface.

Finishing sheets from glass chagrin is particularly relevant when it is important to carry out the trimming of houses located in a climate environment with high humidity. Sheets can be additionally stained and shuffled - the surface demonstrates excellent adhesion indicators with finishing materials. Additionally, it is worth noting the environmental friendliness of the material, which does not include harmful substances.

As for the installation, the process has a lot in common with the fastening of plasterboard sheets. Fasten material with self-drawers, an electrolovka or a sharp knife is used for cutting. Between the sheets, there are no gaps equal to half of the thickness of the product, which at the final stage of the finishes put off with the subsequent grout.

Flat slate for plating a house of gas-silicate plates

If with a wave-like slate, though in absentia, but everyone is familiar, then the flat slate for many can become something new. In fact, this material is the closest relative of the famous wave-like slate, ideally suitable for finishing the house of economy option.

The advantages of the material include the following points:

  • resistance to frosts;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • practicality and durability;
  • resistance to fire;
  • high sound insulation indicators;
  • resistance to the effects of aggressive substances.

Other articles on this topic:

Aerated concrete blocks are the most popular material for laying the walls of the private house. As shown, 8% of all developers use aerated concrete blocks for the device - without additional insulation of the facade. Another 12% of the hosts build houses from a daisy concrete with two-layer walls, closing the facade of a layer of highly efficient insulation.

Finishing of the facade of single-layer walls of houses of aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks

Building aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks - hydrophilic (absorbing water) Material with high vapor permeability and developed open pore system.

When sawing the array into separate blocks, open pores turn out to be on the surface. If the wall from the blocks is left without an outer finish, then the dust particles suspended in the air will fall on the developed porous surface of the blocks, and the direct hit of atmospheric precipitation will lead to the wetting of the outer layers.

Dust and rainwater are mainly acidic. Long-term foundation in the weakly acidic medium will lead to uneven darkening of the surface of the blocks and press the initially uniform wall is an untidy look.

Moreover, wet moisturizing will reduce its thermal insulation properties.Therefore, the outer surface of the wall of aerated concrete blocks must be finished in one way or another. Outdoor decoration of fuel-concrete walls should not prevent diffusion of water vapor From the premises outside.

Therefore, for the outer decoration of gas silicate walls is not suitable Watching the usual cement-sandy solution, coloring with film-forming paints.

In this fundamental difference between the properties of a wall of aerated concrete blocks From walls of brick, foam concrete or other concrete.

Due to high vapor permeability, aerated concrete finishing is recommended to perform after the completion of all wet construction processes inside the house. While these processes are not completed, an increased amount of moisture emerging from the inside through the walls can damage outdoor finish, especially in winter.

The plaster of the walls should be started a few months after the construction of the house of the house when the sediment of the building is over. Otherwise, microcraults may appear on the surface of the already decorated wall.

Outdoor decoration options for a single-layer fuel-concrete wall

As an outdoor decoration, gasilicata is recommended:

  1. Any attached ventilated facades with decorative panels, siding, clapboard;
  2. Facing facial brick with air (preferably ventilated) gap 30-50 mm. between brick and masonry from blocks;
  3. Plaster with special light plastering mixtures for aerated concrete;
  4. Thin layer (3-5 mM.) Plaster (putty) with special compositions for aerated concrete;
  5. Wall painting with textured facade vapor-permeable paints or putty. Preparation of the wall for painting can be made in two versions: with grouting of masonry seams or with immitating boxes of laying blocks.

Facing a facade of aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks brick

If in the future it is planned to facing walls from brick blocks, then the conditions for this need to be created at the stage of laying the foundation. The width of the foundation should be such that brick and blocks can be relying at the same time. Svet facing masonry in the Pollipich with the foundation should not be more than 30 mM..

The vapor permeability of the brickwork with the joints of the seams is significantly less than that of the walls of aerated concrete blocks. Therefore, it should be prevented on the border of brick facing and walls from aerated concrete blocks.

To do this, between the brick masonry and a fuel-concrete wall, it is necessary to leave the air clearance 30-50 mM.. The width of the gap is chosen on the basis of the building height and the convenience of its arrangement.

In order for the masonry of the facial layer, the clearance was not clogged with a masonry solution, a rearranged sheet from foamed plastic should be started between brick and aerated concrete in the zone of masonry work. The thickness of this sheet and task the width of the gap.

The gap also needs provide ventilation. To do this, leave in masonry from brick ventilation products with a total area of \u200b\u200bat least 1% of the cladding area. Production is made at the top under the cornese swelling and in the ground level, leaving the vertical seams between bricks with unfilled mortar.

On the inner surface of the brick cladding in the gap is possible the appearance of water that will flush down. Water can penetrate during the wetting of the wall outside or appear as a result of steam condensation with insufficiently efficient gap ventilation. To protect the aerated concrete walls from moisture, you must correctly perform .

The gap between the brick facing and the aerated concrete wall can not be done. Mandatory in this option it is necessary to finish the walls of indoors inside with a low vapor permeability materials, especially in wet rooms.

Such cladding without a gap inevitably leads to improving the operational humidity of the wall and, as a result, to a decrease in the heat resistance of the wall. The microclimate of the premises deteriorates, energy consumption for heating is increasing.

Facing a brick without a gap is quite acceptable for buildings that are not intended for year-round accommodation (not heated in winter).

Brick cladding is attached to the wall with the help of connections. Between bricks and blocks There must be at least four connections per square meter wall.

Window and doorways in cladding overlap steel corners with a support on the edges of the openings of 250 mm. from each side.

Options for mounting brick facing to a fuel-concrete wall:

Through mortgage detailsremained when the construction of aerated concrete masonry is erected.

When laying on glue As mortgages, a 19.1x1,1 stainless steel band can serve mm. or ordinary galvanized perforation 20x1,5 mm.used for electrical work. For a more durable mounting, the band can be additionally nailed to aerated concrete.

When laying blocks for mortar For fastening cladding apply:

  • Special flexible basaltoplastic bonds that are laid in laying seams. Flexible basalt compound must enter the carrier and facing wall at least 90 mm.
  • The masonry steel galvanized grid, which is laid in the laying seams of blocks and cladding. The masonry mesh can serve as a comfortable support for the plates of the mineral wool insulation, which is laid between the wall and facing.

Fastening a layer of cladding to the wall of stainless steel rods (left) or spiral nails for aerated concrete (right)

In addition, the brick cladding is connected to the wall with special spiral nails for aerated concrete, which are clogged into the body of aerated concrete hammer;

or stainless nails long at least 120 mm.shown in aerated concrete pairwise at an angle of at least 45 ° to each other, or rods that can be peeled out of stainless or galvanized wire with a diameter of 3-6 mM..

For cladding, it is best to use clinker brick. The article "" describes the benefits of clinker, as well as other secrets of wall facing brick.

In low-rise construction, the design of the outer three-layer wall is very popular: carrying wall - insulation - brick facing.

Finishing of the facade from aerated concrete, gas-silicate plastering blocks

Special light plasters for aerated concrete produces most of the manufacturers of dry building mixes. Usually, it is a light dry building mixture on a cement or mixed binder (lime-cement).

Another option of finishing is a wall of aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks can be placed on the insulation, glued to the wall. The method is often called

Facing on the following - ventilated facade

The distance between remote rails (pitch) for the installation of vinyl siding should be no more than 400 mm., rail width 70-80 mm., thickness 25-40. mM.. The thickness of the remote rail sets the width of the ventilated gap.

Facing is made by sheet or handling materials.

For such a cladding on a fuel-concrete masonry, it is necessary to consolidate the substructure - the guides to which the cladding will be attached directly or through the crate, for example, lining, metal or ceramic sheets and plates.

The most important when cladding with the gap is a reliable fastening of the substructure to aerated concrete. The fasteners can be diverse - from ordinary nails, pairly at an angle to each other to the body of aerated concrete through the crate, to special spacer anchors for aerated concrete.

The hinged ventilated facade is the most optimal option for the outer decoration of walls from aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks.

There are many certified facade systems equipped with fasteners, brackets that guide profiles, seals and clamps for different facing options - these systems are suitable for cladding buildings in various, including elevated, floors.

For finishing low-rise buildings A sufficiently vertical wooden crate with wooden strippers (lining, imitation of timber, etc.), or with cladding slab or sheet materials. In this case (for buildings that are not subjected to significant wind loads), the fastening of a wooden drying can be carried out by expansion plastic dowels or nails, pairwise scored through the racks of the crates into blocks at an angle to the wall plane.

Perhaps the cheapest way of insulation walls Houses outside is the device of the ventilated facade. At this link, you can also learn about the various options and other details of the device of the crate and facing facade.

Thin layer plaster Putty facade from aerated concrete

The fetal blocks have fairly accurate dimensions, which allows with a neat masonry it is easy to obtain a smooth surface of walls that does not require alignment.

Local irregularities are enough to lose with a grater. The surface of the wall is carefully divened.

Wall from aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks with finishing of thin layer facade plaster powder

With a limited construction budget, To protect gas silicate walls from rain and finishes, it is enough to apply a special facade putty (plaster) for aerated concrete with a layer thickness only 3-5 mM..

The rules for applying putty are contained in the relevant instructions of manufacturers. When choosing a material, make sure that the manufacturer recommends the selected composition for walls from aerated concrete.

Look at the video clip, how to properly separate the facade of the house with an outer wall of aerated concrete thin layer plaster - putty.

Facade plaster for aerated concrete in your city

Mixes for alignment of walls and ceilings facade

The cheapest way to finish the facade of aerated concrete

Coloring facade from aerated concrete textural vapor-permeable paints or putty

Carefully and smoothly folded wall can be on the outside to directly paintain permeable.

As a paint, you can apply a well-known and inexpensive facade putty (brands "prospectors"). This dry mixture based on white cement is diluted with water (on 20 kg Putty 7.4 liters of water) and thoroughly mixed. It turns out the creamy mass of beige color.

With a wide brush and roller, the facade is painted. Puttyka begins to harden in an hour and a half after water dilution. To obtain another color, in the finished mass in front of the painting, add an appropriate water-mounted meter.

The cost of painting the square meter of the front wall in this way will be almost 10 times cheaperthan using inexpensive facade paint. To improve the result, we paint the facade putty the second time.

Before painting, putting the seams between blocks and small irregularities, filling the dents and chipping chipping and alignment of the wall of the grater.

Decorative facade of a wall of aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks

Aerated concrete, gas-silicate blocks are manufactured at the factory and have accurate dimensions and the correct form. From such blocks, if desired, it is fairly easy to fold the wall with a smooth surface and clear lines of the seams. The surface of such a wall does not require alignment.

Stuccoings or putty walls before painting will not need if for laying the wall use specially prepared blocks.

The wall of aerated concrete blocks with the simulation of the joints of the seams is painted by facade paint.

To prepare blocks for laying such a wall around the perimeter of the front side of the block, before laying the blocks into the wall, the chamfer is made by the Angular Ruban.

Removal chamfer around the perimeter of the block

A wall of blocks with removed chamfer acquires a textured decorative surface suitable for