Repairs Design Furniture

Replacing locks on iron doors. Replacing the entrance door in the apartment Installing the Swing Door

The breakdown of the locking mechanism on the metal door always causes stress at the owner of the apartment. But even if the element is new and high-quality, it can break due to the factory marriage. Services for the replacement of locks in the iron door at low prices, with the departure of the master in Moscow and I recommend booking in a reliable service. Our employee will take with you a large range of mechanisms, pick up the lock, taking into account the wishes of the customer and gives the keys.

Safely call wizards to replace locks on steel door with departure to the apartment

As a rule, the replacement of the castle is not the will of the case. There are a number of reasons that precede this. In addition, the price of a good shut-off mechanism of foreign production cannot be cheap. So the following reasons are distinguished, why it is reasonable to use the lock of the lock in the metal door, namely:

  • lost the last or only set of keys from the apartment;
  • the locking mechanism was outdated, morally outdated;
  • such a need arose as a result of hacking attempts;
  • the locking device failed, and is no longer repaired, restoring the master;
  • change locks in the apartment after departure of the tenants.

The operational call of the wizard will allow you to solve this question as soon as possible. All service staff for more than 10 years work in this area of \u200b\u200bservices. In 99% of cases, all the work on the replacement of locks in the iron doors are performed in just one departure of the company "Castle-SAO". With our master, there are all equipment, tools and high-quality locks that have high burglary resistance.
The average waiting time for the arrival of the Master in Moscow is not a few hours, but literally 40 minutes. This will certainly appreciate the occupied people of the capital, which do not have a minute of extra time. After that, the service officer will select the most rational solution.

Change the castle on the iron door for one departure of the Master

In most cases, there is no need to disassemble the door leaf to replace the locking mechanism. As a rule, it is necessary to dismantle the old device, and so as not to damage the metal door. Then the master carries out the lock on the canvas. Of course, this will happen if the mechanism is correctly selected, suitable for a hole in dimensions, as well as the position of the keyhole.
Immediately after installing the lock case into the iron door, the service officer checks how correctly it is functioning, it tests for working capacity. It is worth noting that from the moment departure Masters Replacement Castles Moscow does not take too much time. Of course, if this work is performed by a professional. The challenge of our specialist carries out on the day of appeal, while he is well versed in all the intricacies of this case, owns the necessary skills, tools. After the service is completed, you can get detailed advice on strengthening protection against hacking.

Urgently order wizards with departure to the house to replace locks in the iron door - this is the right decision of each resident of Moscow, who wishes his door to be reliable, and life is as calm and safe. You will certainly please the branded components, attractive prices of services and the operational solution of the tasks!

The number of situations where the need arises to replace the entrance doors in the apartment, very large. For example, the most typical can be attributed, for example, the purchase of housing in a new building, when the contractor usually sets the easiest and cheap product that does not involve long-term operation. Another similar situation is the malfunction of the input structure, when it is much easier to purchase and mount a new metal door than to repair the old one. In any case, the owner must seriously come to solving the issue, especially since this depends not only by comfort in the apartment, but also the safety of its inhabitants.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the entrance door in the apartment

Any housing owner strives to replace the entrance door in the apartment being made quickly, efficiently and without the need to solve numerous problems. For this, experts recommend using the next step-by-step instructions. It describes the actions of the owner, which it must consistently implement:

  • Step number 1. Choosing a manufacturer or supplier. Today, this is not required to personally visit the demonstration halls of various manufacturers, as it is quite realistic to get all the necessary information on the Internet. That is why online stores of enterprises acting in the role of suppliers of products at once several of the most popular domestic and foreign manufacturers are most popular;
  • Step number 2. Challenge the measurer. By choosing a company for further cooperation, you need to contact her by phone or leaving a message on the site. A compulsory condition for ordering an entrance door is a free departure of a specialist for measuring measurements. The need for this event is due to the characteristic feature of domestic builders who do not differ in the desire to observe the design dimensions;
  • Step number 3. After receiving the exact dimensions of the future metal door, it is required to make the final choice of a suitable product for subsequent manufacture or acquisition of the ready-made model. In this case, it is advisable to consult with specialists of the company with serious experience and qualifications. Solid suppliers will always be willing to meet the client, providing any necessary assistance;
  • Step number 4. Determination of the delivery method and installation of the finished product. An important stage from which the end result of the event under consideration strongly depends. Today, the most popular is the integrated service when the entrance door is replaced in turnkey apartment. In other words, the company supplier not only implements the product, but also delivers it to the place of installation, and then installs, adjust and further maintenance under warranty.

Of course, the owner of the apartment has the full right to independently do delivery and the subsequent installation of the acquired input metal door. This will allow him to save a fairly noticeable amount. However, it does not guarantee the quality of installation work. In addition, the possible savings do not play a special role against the background of the steel product cost. It is important to note that the price for replacing the entrance door in the apartment established by solid suppliers companies starts from 2.0-2.2 thousand rubles, therefore is quite reasonable and affordable to a large number of potential customers.

Criteria for choosing a suitable apartment entrance door

The competent selection of the entrance design for installation in the apartment has serious importance for subsequent successful operation. It is recommended to use several of the most significant and significant criteria. First, the degree of security, which is ensured by the product. Security of accommodation in the apartment is a mandatory requirement for any steel door.

Secondly, the insulating parameters of the input structure. The installed door should protect the apartment from cold, noise and unpleasant odors. This acts as a condition for achieving the necessary level of comfort. Third, the durability and reliability of the product. To buy a metal apartment door, a lot of money is spent. Of course, the owner plans to use it not one or two years, but several decades.

Fourth, the appearance of the product. The apartment entrance door is the owners business card. In addition, it plays an important role in the formation of a beautiful interior of the hallway room, so the design design is always paid serious attention. Fifth, all previous criteria should be considered in conjunction with a financial factor, which in modern conditions still often acts as the most weighty and, often, determining.

Price for replacing the entrance door in the apartment

The cost of replacing the steel apartment door is determined by two important factors. The first one is the price of the entrance design. Today's Russian market offers an extremely large range of a variety of products that are seriously different in characteristics, both operational and cost. The range of existing prices is extremely wide - it begins with 7-8 thousand rubles and, in fact, does not have an upper limit, since many manufacturers provide customers with the possibility of manufacturing products according to individual sizes and projects.

The second factor affecting the cost of replacing the door, which is installed at the entrance to the apartment is a way of installation. Works can be performed as employees of a specialized organization and the owner itself. In the first case, the minimum price for the installation is at the beginning of 2018 a few more than 2 thousand rubles, in the second, the proposed funds are saved by the owner. Of course, the choice of a method for performing work is always provided to the buyer.

Decided to replace interroom doors in their apartment or house? Perfectly! Do not want to pay money to third-party installers? Not a problem! Any interior doors can be installed with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in this event. It is only necessary to understand the order of performing work for the doors of different types and do everything in accordance with the manual for your case.

Work on the replacement of interroom doors begins with dismantling old door structures. If your dwelling is "naked" doorways, you can skip this part of the instructions and move to the manual on the direct installation of the product.

The order of dismantling will vary depending on whether you need to keep the old door in the appropriate form or you simply get rid of it after dismantling.

If the door is no longer needed

First step. Remove the door leaf with loops. If the hinges are collapsible, quite simply lift the cloth. Otherwise, you must first unscrew the fastening looping screws and only after that you can remove the door.

The second step. Remove the ticket. To do this, put the platbands using a fombus and tear them off the door frame.

Third step. Remove the fasteners that secured the door fixation. In the absence of anchors or other fasteners, go directly to the next step.

Fourth step. Run the layer of foam with hacksaw. To do this, we start the hole in the upper layer of the mounting foam, so that it can be started to start the hacks, and then supply the material to the bottom. Repeat the operation on each side of the box. So you can easily get rid of the mounting foam.

Finally will only be aligned with the opening before installing the new door.

If the door needs to be saved

First step. Remove the cloth with loops.

The second step. Get a rock between the door frame and the cowver at the point of fixing the nail item. Carefully try to disrupt the nail with the help of the chisels. After the fastener is shifted for a while, capture it with pliers and pull it out. Extract all nails according to such a scheme and remove the items of cash.

Third step. Remove the box and thoroughly clean it from foam residues. Cut the possible amount of mounting foam with a knife. For the remains of the foam, apply a pharmacy domexide. Under its exposure to foam will be soft, and you can remove it.

Installing a swing door

Regardless of the manufacturing material, all swollen single-door doors are installed in the same order.

First step. Remove the old door in accordance with previously obtained recommendations. If you wish, you can leave the old box and install a new web into it, but this option should be considered only if the budget for repair work is strictly limited.

The second step. Measure the opening or an old box. Typically, the size of the boxes and openings comply with the standard, but it does not prevent in particular in the case of replacing interroom doors in a private house.

If the dimensions do not meet the standard, the box and directly the cloth will have to be ordered by individual measurements.

If you have the need to trim the box or the cloth, it is strongly recommended to do this solely in the joinery shop. With the home execution of such a work, the slightest error can lead to full damage.

Third step. Determine the side of opening a new door and the place of installation of the handle. Apply a label to the door loop installation. The optimal distance between the bottom loop and the bottom edge of the canvas is 20 cm, between the upper loop and the corresponding side of the canvas - 15 cm.

The loops must strictly coincide with the door to the door. Use screws for fixing loops.

Fourth step. Install the door to the fastened loops. Make sure nothing prevents the doors to open and close. If necessary, adjust the position of the loop.

Fifth step. Remove the web with loops and lock the door frame in the opening. To do this, set the box in the level, drill in it and on the surface of the opening the mounting holes and fix the product with anchors and dowels.

Sixth step. Take the web back to the loop and check out the result of the work.

Seventh step. Fasten the elements of deasure using decorative nails.

Finally, you will remain mounting the door handle. If desired, set the score or more modern door lock. In most models of modern door handles there are built-in locks. Pre-prepare for them the corresponding recesses in the door frame.

Control the smooth installation of structural elements at each stage of operation. Immediately get rid of all defects, because In the future, they can lead to serious problems and inconveniences.

Installation of the door type "coupe"

First step. Remove the old door in accordance with the previously obtained recommendations.

The second step. Carefully align all the gaps. It is important to get rid of all available gaps and other defects.

Third step. Make a groove from the bottom end of the panel. This will help you a chisel. Then put in the finished groove the guide in the form of the letter "P" and fix it with high quality. Inside this guide, the rollers of the mechanism will be moved.

Fourth step. Insert the rollers into the fixed bar.

Fifth step. Install the door to the guide by simultaneously attaching it to the mobile rollers. To do this, you need to start the cloth in the grooves of the rollers. It is more convenient to perform this operation with an assistant. One holds - the second exhibits the door.

Sixth step. Determine and check out the right place to install the guide at the top. Check with a plank below. The top bar must be placed in the wall above the opening.

Seventh step. Attach the metal guide to the wood bruster. Laming with guides Fix anchors to the upper end face of the canvas. Check the level of installation of the door. It is important that the bar is placed in a horizontal position. Otherwise, the doors will be closed and open without your participation.

Eighth step. Install the door canvas. First, set it up vertically and slightly tilt into the opposite side. Next, you need to start the top rollers on the appropriate guide, then slightly lift the web and start it on the bar at the bottom, while at the same time installing it on moving rollers.

Ninth step. Install the limiters that will not allow the canvas to fly out from the guide slats. Set the handles. Hide the top rake with a platband. To fix the platband, use self-tapping screws or decorative nails.

Check out the door performance. The canvas should move smoothly and gently. Any defects eliminate immediately after they are detected, without postponing for later.

First step. Get rid of the old door in case of its presence. Align the walls of the liberated opening - the differences are unacceptable. For alignment, it is very convenient to use wooden boards. In the deepening of the plank, you feed on the protrusions - spill.

The second step. Check out the free opening and calculate the required number of panels for assembling the door.

Third step. Cut the side profile so that its length was 25 mm less than the height of the opening.

Fourth step. Cut the panels so that their length is 40 mm less the height of the opening.

Fifth step. Collect individual panels into a single design. It is most convenient to do it on the floor.

On the sides, place a special panel with channels - on the left fixing bar, right to the lock bar. For connecting items, use end planks. Additional fixation will provide staps. Make a pair of holes for magnetic latches on the lock bar and lock the latches.

Sixth step. Prepare axial marks on the left side of the upper end of the planks. Make holes on the markup.

Seventh step. Insert the axes. After installing their ends should go beyond the boundaries of the ends of the panels.

In the design of different "harmonica" there are often certain differences. If your door design is equipped with runners, then the holes for the axes do not need to drill. In this case, the sluts need to be screwed to the end faces of the panels. Start fixing the sluts from the lock panel and secure through one bar.

Eighth step. Cut the guide bar in accordance with the width of the opening. Set aside the third part of the length of the guide and drill in the intended point the hole for the screw. Fix the shocking screw.

Ninth step. Install the runners in the guide bar, pre-enabling them.

Tenth step. Align the guide using a level and fix it with a second screw.

Eleventh step. Secure the side guides. To one of them, you need to fix the clips of the side profile, to the second guide to attach the magnetic latch plate.

On this, the installation of interior doors of the "Harmonica" type is completed. Check the mounting quality, make sure that the door moves smoothness. When troubleshooting is detected, immediately eliminate them.

Work, as always, start with dismantling the old door, if present. Align the walls of the opening and go to the fulfillment of the main stages of work.

First step. Collect the door frame. For assembly, use the boards of a width of about 10 cm and a thickness of about 6 cm. For bonding boards, it is convenient to use the usual spike connection. The angle of the compound should be equal to 19 degrees.

The second step. Secure the aligned box in the doorway. Pre-drill the wall mounting holes in the wall, and then fasten the design with pins or thick nails.

Third step. Make sure in accordance with the dimensions of the doorbeated box size. If necessary, compatheet the end sides of the clouds to the required size.

Fourth step. Secure the loop in the appropriate places. Previously determine which way it will be more convenient to open the doors.

Fifth step. Take the door cloths on the loop. Set the handles and make sure the work done.

Thus, in an independent replacement of interroom doors there is absolutely nothing complicated. Having understood in the main provisions of the presented guidelines, you can cope with all the upcoming events without attracting third-party specialists. This will allow you to save additional funds and be completely confident as an installed installation.

Good job!

Video - Installation of double doors

Video - replacement of interroom doors do it yourself

No matter how difficult the task seemed to not, but replacing the entrance door in the apartment does not require the participation of professionals. It is working for everyone. And examined the sequence of work, we will be convinced of this. We also offer to prepare for the process by studying the range and the device of modern inlets of metal products, to get acquainted with the instrument necessary for installation, and learn the main difficulties in installing the canvas.


But before we propose to refer to the range and choose the product suitable for your requirements. And the requirements for everyone alone: \u200b\u200bsecurity. Therefore, the door must be made of a strong material, its loops must be protected, and the castle to personify the top of reliability. The design is not so important, but still the strongest upholstery is wooden. Before buying, do measurements. The door must approach the sizes of the opening in your apartment.

Door device

Before replacing the front door to the apartment, you should familiarize yourself with the device of modern doors. In addition to conventional details, such as a box, coating, eyes, loops, lock and handle, in the inlet canvas also have:

New entrance door

  • installation pin (below loops);
  • stiffeners (inside the door - the base of the canvas);
  • anti-blank pin, providing protection of loops;
  • sealer to protect housing from wind and cold;
  • finishing corner, vertical locking riggers (pass through the main lock, along the door).

Inside the door consists of a metal structure, through which a layer of insulation passes, and outside the finish layer. It can be made of wood, upholstery, plastic.

Action plan

If you are confident in your abilities, we have time, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the main stages of the upcoming work.

  1. Preparation .
  2. Installing the box.
  3. Installing a metal product.

Each stage will require your effort. Do not hurry, make every step carefully, our instruction will prompt the correct sequence.


An appropriate tool will help independently cope with the task. First of all, these are tools for protection:

  • for hands - gloves;
  • for eye - glasses.

Gloves and goggles

When replacing window structures and door cavities to fill emptiness, the mounting foam slots are simply indispensable. And also prepare a pulverizer with water.

From the manual tool you will need a hammer, a hammer, a level for measurement, a Bulgarian for metal or hacksaw, a screwdriver and screwdriver.

To install the design - spacer wedges.


If everything is ready, proceed to dismantling. Remove old doors with loops, pre-removing the protective mechanism (if you have a metal door, and not normal). Remove the loops.

Then remove the old box, you can use a saw or a grinder. Always a new metal helper need to be placed on fresh. Any suitable tool (for example, Lomik) can eliminate the design. Do not care, at this stage you can twist and break, not fearing anything (except to damage the wallpaper next to the opening). The walls of foam concrete are fragile enough, so if you have such - carefully operate the instrument in the opening.

Then make the opening, prepare it for installation. The perforator will remove excess solutions, plaster. If necessary, replace the timber at the bottom of the opening (or brickwork), remove the old material and collect trash. Form a temporary substrate of the desired height (to the bottom of the door, close) so that it is more convenient to put a new door.

Installing a box

The national bought design will have to make out your own hands: separate the cloth from the box.

Installation in the apartment will take place otherwise than in a private house.

  • In the House.

Installation of the door box

Fastening this method occurs with the help of special mounting plates. Along each of the racks, 3 such plates are mounted, right on the walls from the inside (not from the side of the entrance to the apartment). They are driven by rods (if there is a welding machine) or fittings or. Using the rod, remember that they will later need to be welded to the plate itself. But this will make it difficult to dismantle (suddenly you will move and want to pick up the inlet canvas and the box). Take with a cross section from 12 to 15 mm, and more than 100 mm long.

By inserting a box in the opening, leave a gap of 1 or 2 cm. The method is suitable for mounting the front door in the apartment, but provided sufficiently thick and durable walls.

  • In the apartment.

This method provides for the drowning of the input web in the opening: the doors and edges of the walls will not be on the same level. No mounting plates will be needed.

Before entering the installation in this way, check the thickness of your wall. It should not be less than 15 cm. Especially if we are talking about a metal thick inlet door.

In the box itself, we do the holes in the marks provided by the manufacturer. At the anchor bolts, plan the box and fastened in the opening. We close the head plugs, which are also included.

Experts also fix the box with rods already known to us. On the inside, they are collected using a welding machine.

Observe the indent to the wall of at least 50 mm, a maximum of 150 mm, but the same all over the perimeter!

Door mounting scheme

Installing Door

Make measurements on both sides, on the side racks are easiest with the magnetic level. The magnetic level with a distance of 40-80 cm is ideal for this task.

Take the wedges (make yourself or buy) and pour the door box to fix it. Drill or perforator drill holes 10 cm deep and width (diameter) - 1.5 cm. Bolts or pins insert into holes. Checking the level of work, whether the box did not move. And then there is a welding of pins or fastening bolts.

Drive a couple of droplets of the machine oil in the loop. Next, take the door cloth and begin to align vertically, parallel to the racks with hinges. Making sure the door on the loop. If you have moved with lubricant, the part will come out of the loops. Remove the extra rag. In some designs there are balls, they are embedded in the loop before hanging on them the canvas.

Install accessories on the door, and then on the rack. Only then set the right rack with a gap 2 or 3 mm. Making sure that the doors are free to go on the hinges, close and also easily open, and accessories gives back to your efforts, attach it, like the left rack.

Now we need a harvested spray gun. They need to moisten the gap between the wall and the box. Let the water absorbed around the perimeter. This measure is needed so that the mounting foam is better closed with the opening. If the kit does not have a protective film, plunder the walls with painting tape to protect against foam. Filling the slit, leave to dry for 1 day.

Choose a mounting foam with a gun: it's easier to work with it. On the door there is a single cylinder standard value.

And the next day the final stage is to be preserved - finishing the slopes, but this is another story.

When it is better to call professionals

There are several cases in which many people have difficulties. In such situations, of course, it is easier to call qualified assistance.

  1. The old door does not dismantle. Swimmed and not removed - a fairly frequent situation. Especially in the case of obsolete metal models.
  2. There is no strength to raise and install a new door on the loop: it is too heavy and huge. There are such canvases that can only be lifted together. These are those who make to order: wider and above ordinary, more thickness, and from special steel. Many consumers who offer money believe that such a door will protect them better. But according to experts, there are no more important in a metal friend. Of course, it is better when the canvas is made of high-strength steel, such that you do not exoperade. But it is also important that the designs are important protective details. Such as the pin passed through the loop. It is created to prevent the ability to remove the door outside, cutting off the loop.
  3. It is impossible to figure out the details. The technology requires the installation of additional parts, and sometimes - the installation of a unique castle (the only one in its kind). Here without specialists can not do. Let them remove the old themselves and give you true safety, putting a unique keyboard mechanism.

Small repairs

Manufacturers appreciate their products and, reaching new heights in their work, presenting their improved model to the light, they say in one voice. Installing a modern metal product on an entrance to an apartment or a house is not a whim, but the need. For the sake of its safety and each family member, it is necessary to do this and as soon as possible. But if the budget does not yet allow, you can take at least the following:

  1. Change the upholstery (not attractive, shabby and possibly already cut by hooligans on a modern, aesthetically pleasant);
  2. Replace the lock (as described earlier, such an opportunity exists);
  3. Or improve protection by adding structurally important details (such that in the device of any modern door).

As the famous Rockefeller said, on what should not save, so it is on the alarm. You can also say about other methods of protecting your housing. Therefore, remember that all these measures are temporary.

Despite the complexity of the design of the metal product, despite its weight, an adult "sleeves" owner is able to cope with the task of the software.

Each person understands that any entrance door must be responsible for the main criterion. Of course, planning the purchase of such a product, at first glance it is quite difficult to determine how durable and reliable it is, therefore it is important to accommodate to this process. If a person wants to replace the doors to the apartment, then of course he will initially study her appearance, as the door can be considered a face of any home. But do not forget that the main function of the door canvase is the protection of the room, so the reliability of the design, though you need to take care.

To replace the entrance door to the apartment, and stay satisfied with this process, you need to properly choose the product. When choosing the door leaf, it is initially necessary to familiarize themselves with the design features, type of lock system, characteristics of the insulation and not only. Since not every person knows what kind of design should have the door, you must first familiarize yourself with this information.

Choose correctly and replace the entrance door

Every person must understand that replacing the door to the apartment is a responsible process. The external features of the product are not difficult to evaluate, the main thing is to choose the appropriate version of the facing material. But on major constructive features should be paid much more attention, especially for the following moments:

  • the thickness of the metal, which is used in the manufacture of the design, should be at least 1.5 millimeters. It is better to choose products made of solid metal sheet;
  • the profile used in the manufacture of the door leaf frame must be solid, since welding elements make the design more vulnerable and not so durable;
  • the presence of horizontal and vertical ribs of rigidity improves the operational properties of the structure;
  • the presence of insulation in the middle of the door, which increases the sound and thermal insulation properties of the structure.

The exterior finish can be any, but if a person wants to replace the entrance door to the apartment in cheap, then it is better to choose budget options, for example, with powder painting, vinyl crew or plastic. In addition to all of the above, when choosing a doorway, it is also worth considering the number of locks, it is recommended that there are no less than two. The loops are also of great importance, their number must match the characteristics of the structure. When choosing a door leaf, you need to make sure that anti-seams, anti-disconnecting pins, armored layers and not only.

How to replace the entrance door to the turnkey apartment

The choice of the door canvase itself is the initial stage of product replacement, in addition, it is necessary to thoroughly think about other related processes. Our company makes it possible to replace the entrance door to the turnkey apartment, that is, we provide a full range of services related to such a process. We have experienced and qualified specialists who are engaged in the professional level engaged in the installation of door structures, as well as are able to properly measure the measurements of the doorway.

We independently carry out the process of manufacturing door canvases, respectively, our specialists know exactly how to carry out the installation of the product. Design installation Our specialists are produced taking into account existing standards. We understand that the quality of the installation is largely affected by the durability of the door design, so we are responsible for the implementation of such a process.