Repairs Design Furniture

Repair in Khrushchev 3x. Redeveloping Khrushchev - Possible options. Redevelopment of a three-room apartment: photo

Repair in Khrushchev often start with alterations. In general, the layout of such apartments limit the ideas of the owners, since to implement and legitimize redevelopment at the cost comparable to the sale and purchase of an apartment in a new building. But not everyone is ready for such a step. We are offering to you operate option three room Khrushchevka . The photo is taken from the network, the project is developed by the Ukrainian designer Anton Sankin.
The interior design is made in bright colors. Blue color in the interior refreshes the space and gives the apartment lightness and, in my opinion, male style.

He was also in line for his own apartment, through the institute, where he worked. Finally came his turn, and he and his wife were given two-room apartment On Grimau Street 16. With the support of the President of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, announced the program "absolute necessity" to replace aging housing. He promised that the replacement of apartments would be an average of 20% more.

However, for Rudakova, this is another example of profit from heritage. This is the first housing unit built by Khrushchev. They have nothing to do with it now, "he said about his home. "Money goes before all." He added that he did not "know why Putin said" to break such flat blocks. "The building is good, the walls are thick."

Redevelopment of three-room Khrushchevka

Apartment plan after alteration

The following premises were subjected to redevelopment:

  • Bathroom. Bathroom and toilet are divided. The entrance to these rooms was transferred to the side of the hallway.

Many residents joined him in a conversation, fearing that the government will build a huge residential towers, and not comfortable quarters, and will split people away from their current addresses. They say many of the buildings of Khrushchev can be renovated. They displace people like under Stalin.

In addition, federal legislation in order to give the power of the city of Moscow to destroy entire quarters, causes concern about the rights of residents and owners of small businesses. Residents who do not sign an agreement on the transfer of ownership of their apartment for two months will be transferred to the court. They make people, as before, said the activist Lena Bogus.

  • The room adjacent to the kitchen is defined by the living room from which the entrance to the kitchen is carried out. The room itself is combined with the corridor, which expands the space of the initially small room. On the wall of the corridor, placing the TV panel is provided.

Following the corridor, there are two bedrooms, their redevelopment did not affect.

The project is really very successful and deserves attention. Ideas will also be useful for those who are looking for options for redeveloping a three-room Czech. Just consider that in the Czech project wall between the kitchen and the carrier room. Ready to realize visualization of this design when repairing your apartment. Send your wishes and clarify through feedback.

It is interesting to know your opinion in the comments: what advantages or disadvantages do you see in the proposed redevelopment? Perhaps you yourself live in such an apartment? What are your ideas implemented or want to implement in this layout?

Many apartments do not boast convenient location Rooms. Sometimes there are cases that no designer tricks and repair, for example, visual expansion useful Square With the help of mirrors, they will not be equal to the demolition of the walls. That is why many come to the opinion that the 3-bed apartment redetected in Khrushchev, the location of which is not always successful, therefore needs some changes, which will make it more comfortable and comfortable.

Built in the Khrushchevsky era of a typical building building, it is already more than half a century and inhibit the same as much. If the building is observed, the service life will increase. Khrushchevsky was erected as temporary housing with a low level of comfort, so the redevelopment such an apartment is pretty often. The main combining features of Khrushchev:

  • very low ceilings;
  • small area of \u200b\u200bresidential and non-residential zones;
  • combined bathrooms;
  • passing rooms;
  • bad heat and sound insulation.

The big advantage is that internal partitions In the house carriers are not, and this greatly simplifies the process of redevelopment, repair. IN brick house meet bearing structureswhich are based on the internal, external intercorporation walls.

Typical layout of three room apartments

There are several options for planning 3 x room apartments in Khrushchev:

  • two of the three rooms are very small, as if one of the rooms were divided into two;
  • 2 large adjacent rooms And one small separate;
  • residential premises are scattered on both sides of the house;
  • option is found when all rooms are completely isolated from each other.

Often there is a storage room in one of three rooms. It is here that it is best to equip the bedroom, since the storage room can be turned into a small dressing room. Thus, you can unload the room and solve the problem of organization of space. One of the rooms is often drawn up under the living room where you can assemble the whole family and receive guests. If there are children, then the third room turns into a nursery.

Required documentation for changing the planning

Redevelopment of a three-room Khrushchev consists of several stages. First of all, a project is being created, which is ordered to specialists. Such a decision will avoid problems in the next step when the project will have to be approved in the relevant instances. While how difficult the repair will depend on the choice of a scheme for coordination:

  • according to the sketch;
  • according to the sketch, taking into account changes in capital structures;
  • on the project.

It will be necessary to collect a package of documents if the alteration is carried out according to the sketch, then the reflection of it on paper. Three-bedroom apartment is distinguished by the fact that there is a storage room, a built-in cabinet with the mezzanine. So, before starting to work on getting a comfortable, spacious, very convenient housing, you need to get a plan of a modified project, a certified licensed draft of the relevant organization.

Typical and non-standard options for changing space

Really change the dimensions of the apartment will not work, but increase the space using non-standard solutions can. Principles for the reorganization of space Two:

  • combine all rooms, get an apartment studio, with specific zoning;
  • partial area union: kitchen with living room, bathroom with hallway, balcony with bedroom and so on.

Traditionally, the kitchen is traditionally close in such a house, so those who have such an apartment, a natural desire arises to combine it with any room and expand. Typical kitchen is a room of 6 sq m, rectangular or square shape.

The most prominent option - the kitchen room is combined with the living room. Close up old doorway. The bathroom expands, due to the former passage to the kitchen. This project is really considered one of the most successful. After all, there is still an adjacent zone between two rooms, which can be used as a small dining room.

For zoning space, removable sliding partitions are used if necessary. Corner 3 bedroom apartments are attractive by presence additional windowwhich gives one one large room Divide into two with a separate window in each of them.

Apartment Studio Room and Balcony

Bathroom and toilet

Kitchen and balcony

Kitchen living room

Reference to the bathroom and isolated adjacent rooms

Change the position will help dismantling the bathroom, if you install a functional shower cabin and washing machinewhich occupies free space in the kitchen. You can increase the space, by combining one of the rooms with a balcony. If this does not break the facade of the building, there will be no problems with the statement in the BTI. You can transfer to the balcony household appliances With a kitchen or arrange a cozy corner for tea drinking or a cabinet. Before this, the balcony insulates and make repairs.

Adjacent rooms are a catastrophe, even in the photo they look awful. They cause inconvenience, especially when several people live in the apartment. Sacrificing the area of \u200b\u200bone of the rooms, you can independently solve this problem. Small narrow corridor It is extended to the end of the apartment. As a result, both sides long hallway There are doors to the kitchen, the bathroom and the room are insulated.

Registration of walls

Redevelopment of 3 x room Khrushchev or other apartment is always transferring or demolition of the walls, which should not only be pricked, but also made neatly and efficiently. The demolition of carrier and non-permanent designs is a very important process that is reasonable to entrust specialists. Dismantling brick wall, dividing the kitchen with a corridor or living room is justified, only when the places critically lack.

It is often enough to pierce the opening and decorated it elegantly. So, the space of the kitchen and the living room will visually expand, which can be seen in the photo. However, if the apartment is in the construction of the 90 series, this wall carrier, so it is impossible to obtain permission to weaken.

Small tricks:

  • the remote effect of the wall gives light cold shades, a small pattern. Near the wall, make a room visually less dark, juicy and warm tones, large drawing;
  • wallpaper with a horizontally strip "spread" walls.

Choosing an outdoor coating

Outdoor coverage should pay special attention. Often initially floors in Khrushchev apartments are made from wooden boardswhose service life does not exceed 20-30 years. That is why overhaul and redevelopment can not do without removing wood coating and screed. This is especially true of those rooms where laminate or linoleum laying is planned. Indoors where as outdoor coating It is planned to use the tile alignment of the surface optional.

The best choice of floor covering for 3x room apartments - tile. With an option, when a studio has turned out as a result of the combination of three rooms, the need for zoning appears. As can be seen in the photo, a multi-level floor with a different coating look originally. Walls are painted in different colorsAs a result, it turns out spacious, stylishly decorated, comfortable and comfortable apartment. The finishing of the walls of the non-working space is made with the help of decorative plaster.