Repairs Design Furniture

Children's toys and crafts from cardboard boxes. Household appliances from cardboard boxes for preschoolers plot games

Every day we throw a large number of Different unnecessary things, including boxes. But crafts from cardboard boxes Very love to make children. The versatility of this material allows you to fully reveal your creative abilities.

Large and small, multicolored and monophonic, from under sweets, shoes, household appliances. This list can be continued to infinity. And few parents wondered what beautiful and original crafts obtain from this sound material. You just need to show creative abilities and fantasy. Believe me, even now, when everything is ready to buy in the store, our children with no less pleasure will take care of crafts from the boxes. Note: When making crafts from the boxes, the adhesive gun is very useful.
1. DIY CARDON. Cardboard boxes
From large and small boxes, spending quite a bit of time and effort, you can make furniture and household appliances for children's games. Plate, refrigerator, washing machine, cot for doll, wardrobe - All this is easy to make out of cardboard boxes.
Buttons, burners, control panels, handles - all these parts can be either drawn on cardboard, or make out of old, unnecessary CDs, plastic covers from bottles and other challenging. The sink will replace the iron bowl built into the box.
Of course, toys can be bought in the store. Only benefits from them will be less than from homemade. After all, the process of creating crafts (toys) from the cast material has been promoting the development of creative thinking and imagination in a child. In addition, games with homemade toys, substituent toys also develop a fantasy much more from the child than games with ready-made toys. Playing with homemade toys, the child is forced to think something, imagine, because such toys are not an accurate copy of the real things. Kid has more opportunities for creativity. The same cardboard box today can be a stove, tomorrow - a table for dolls, and after - TV. And the child himself, in his inner world Moves the box missing details.

The bed for the doll can be made from one box, figuringly cutting out the sides, or from two boxes, gluing them together. In the second version it turns out a bed for a doll with legs.

Useful for the development of a connected speech in children of the handicraft - a homemade TV from the box. On how to make this craft from cardboard, and how to use it later in developing purposes by reference.

2. Crafts for children from boxes. Cardboard and paper crafts
From a large cardboard box, for example, from a refrigerator, can be made children's house. Do it the door, windows, bed mat inside the house, decorate the house with cheerful curtains, plunday the walls beautiful pictures, stickers or children's drawings.

An interesting idea is to decorate a children's house LED garland.

From the smaller cardboard boxes, you can make a house for dolls or knightly castle.

If you have accumulated a large number of boxes small sizethen you can make a whole city.

From cardboard rolls from toilet paper and boxes, you can make a garage for machines or parking.

A large cardboard box can cut the side and make a playing field out of it. To do this, draw on the cardboard with colored wovers of the road, bridges, forest, river, at home, in general, everything you wish.

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

Natalia Chernikov

Thanks to the gender education of children preschool The successful formation of a child as a person depends on the age. Gender education of children should contribute to the formation of their ideas about the role of women and men in the family and in society. Creating a glass environment, it must be borne in mind that in the group there should be equipment for games, in the process of which girls will have the opportunity to reproduce the model of social behavior of a woman - mother, hostess, which can arrange a life of the family, create a comfort in the house, be a good mother for Dolls.

We must not forget that girls for plot-Role game requires a small space. In order to prepare lunch, they need a stove, dishes, alternate items that they can use as products. Products must be stored in the refrigerator. Preheat food can be in a microwave oven. Be sure to be created conditions for washing the linen and its ironing. It is necessary to have a washing machine and ironing board. And all this should be near, in one place.

Where to take the whole listed household appliances? After all, some items can not be bought even in the store. Household appliances You can make it yourself. Material can serve cardboard boxes and cardboard Packing material.

For registration boxes You will need a color self-adhesive film or wallpaper, firming materials: Covers from mayonnaise jars, calendars - magnets, empty jars from under gobies paints, etc.

We used carton boxes, packaging materials for manufacture household appliances When designing a kitchen and room.



Conditional washer



Mini fridge

Gas stove

In the manufacture household appliances It is necessary to remember the requirements of GEF to the creation of a spatial-developing environment of the group.

Custom objects for the game are safe, transformable (they are easy to rearrange, move, move from place to place, i.e. it is possible to make changes to the subject and spatial environment depending on the educational situation, from the interests of children, available (located in the game area, each The child can take an item and use in the game, thanks to the manufacture of several items household appliances The medium has become meaningful.

Publications on the topic:

"Household appliances in the kitchen." ON OO "Cognition" for children 5-6 years Immediate educational activities With children 5-6 years old. Subject. Objects facilitating human labor in everyday life. Node as part of implementation.

With the approach of the holiday "New Year" I want fairy tales, magic and miracles. I want to be in a fabulous house in the forest, sit down by the fireplace with a cup.

Household fairy tale "Proud vacuum cleaner" Lived - there were a vacuum cleaner, broom and mops in one beautiful house. They lived together, but once a dispute was gone between them, who in the house is the most indispensable.

February 23 - the birthday of the army, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. We are grateful to those who served and serves in the army who defended our homeland during the years.

For the manufacture of a house, we will need: cardboard boxes (size depends on what kind of house you need, pieces of wallpaper, ceiling pieces.

Warm better battery, He is warm and more fun. (Fireplace) When pronouncing the word "fireplace", many people immediately arise a pleasant association.

Cardboard crafts for children of different ages - One of the most popular topics of modern parents. The story develops on the spiral, and today, as in the distant years of the 20th century, joint creativity and exclusive toys for babies are published on the fore. It is important that many buildings are amazingly good and comfortable in the game, but at the same time the family budget is significantly saved.

Consider one of the pretty - washing machine.

All you need is:

  • Cardboard box (from boots or shallow household appliances)
  • Dense transparent stationery A4 file
  • Black Marker and Simple Pencil
  • Construction knife with replaceable blades
  • Sharp scissors
  • Glue capable of gluing plastic to cardboard.

The algorithm of work is simple, but fascinating!

She is charming, is it not true? Our wonderful, exclusive, functional and fast in the manufacture of a washing machine is ready!

Just one fast handicraft from cardboard with your own hands, but it opens so many curious and natural ways to develop intelligence and attention!

Now you are waiting for you funny Games And unattended teaching colors, patterns, time and self-service meetings. What scripts are always at your disposal?

  • Sort things by category and color (and here you can add all sorts of shades and patterns)
  • Wash the thing of dolls and their own, noticing time by the clock (what is not a reason to start learning time?)
  • Download rags by connecting two-handed activities
  • And unload (including looking for a specific thing for your task!)
  • But the linen still needs to rave - Long live clothespins and small motility!
  • And after the game, all this can be repeated along with mom on a family washing machine - with a real big washing.

Tried a simple representative of household appliances, you probably want to complete the daughter with a full set of amenities of civilization. Below we collected for you a small gallery of business crafts from cardboard with your own hands for children:

Children love to repeat everything for adults, and wash things in a washing machine - one of the favorite activities. My son began to "help" to be washing from 1.5 years and in order for the washing machine to remain in working condition, I decided to buy a nursery.

However, looking at a bunch of options for children's toy washing machines found that most of their girls (pink, red, etc. flowers), and the price is rather big.

Therefore, it was decided to make a children's washing machine from a cardboard box.

Materials for children's washing machine:

Production options are many, and many unnecessary little things will be useful, in my case it is:

  • carton boxes
  • colander (or deep plate of unbreakable material)
  • transparencies
  • button with a lid
  • paint (anyone suitable: gouache, watercolor, oil)
  • adhesive tape
  • bilateral adhesive scotch
  • transparent Scotch
  • super glue
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • pencil

Making a toy washing machine step by step

First you need to choose Several cardboard boxes:the first is for the most washing machine, the second is for a compartment with a washing powder, and an additional cardboard or boxes from cookies, sweets - to strengthen the design inside.

Next, choose a bowl, a plate of unbreakable material, or a colander, I had an old red, and used it, but it was better than a metallic shade for greater truthfulness of the drum washing machine.

Put on the side of a large box colander and pencil outline the border of the bottom, to cut a round hole with a stationery knife, and with the superclone, fasten the drum to the washer.

After that we select a small box that will be compartment for washing powder and glue it with a film. I bought in Fixprase, good quality and very cheaply - only 49 rubles.

Next, you need to delay the boundaries of a small box on a children's washing machine and cut the corresponding hole by adding 2-5 mm. And in order for the compartment to go freely, we make strengthening from the inside, I used the box from under cookies and cardboard from baby food.

After that, you can proceed to staring the children's washing machine itself.

Now do door of the washing machine. Take the carved circle and cut out a tight cardboard sheet, adding about 5 mm to the diameter, and on one side, leave a rectangular piece for attachment. Inside this circle, cut another, smaller diameter, retreating somewhat cm. Color the resulting clipping, I approached the metal shade of paint.

From the transparent film cut the circle of the diameter of the average between the first two. I used a transparent film from the box from a children's toy for the door. Take double-sided adhesion and proof in the place for fastening the film. You will have a real door from the washing machine.

So that the door is well closed and opened instead of the lever I did button, just having finished it from the packaging from the children's toys. You can easily use bilateral scotch button.

Actions on opening and closing the door, manipulation with the button will help the child develop a shallow motor in accordance with .