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Educational games for children dancing. Cheerful dance games for children

Dance and music give the opportunity of spiritual, physical and emotional Development Child. And one of the most effective development tools can be dance games. They combine two important human abilities - listen to music and move to the music.

The main task of dance music games in child Development - In the most affordable and interesting form to work on the formation of the formation of the child's abilities, to develop a sense of rhythm, musical hearing, fantasy and self-expression ability. Children, as a rule, with a big hunting and interest are involved in such classes. Dance games in children cause mass positive emotions, bring them confidence in their actions, which, in turn, helps them to liberate, make them more sociable and attentive.

The role of dance and musical games In the perception and training of children are very large. Moving to the music, the child listens to her, perceives her character, developing her images. And as the child learns to coordinate its movements with the nature of the music, he begins to feel deeper to her that, in turn, leads to a more accurate mapping of music in the movements performed by him.

Like any game, a musical game should include the development of game action.

The child must hear, distinguish, compare some properties of music, and then act with them. But we should not forget that dance games should be simple and accessible, interesting and attractive. Only in this case they become a kind of causative agent for children to listen, play, dance.

Games intended for dance and musical education are quite different. But, as a rule, they include the main types of movement - walking, running, jumping. And thanks to one or another theme and diverse nature of music, which accompanies them, they acquire and the corresponding nature of movements.

Such games contribute to the moral and psychological development of the child. In the process of the game, children not only acquire musical knowledge and choreographic skills, they have the necessary personality features, and first of all, a sense of responsibility is developing a sense of partnership, mutual assistance, there is an exchange of game experience.

In addition, dance games are useful in that in the process of collective classes, the individual abilities of the child are developing. In the game, it is supplied to the conditions when it is to show the initiative, resourcefulness. Often, children fulfill individual roles with certain tasks. Such games are especially loved, as they contribute to the education of independence in timid children.

Dance games can be divided into the following functions and tasks:

Games aimed at developing a rhythm feeling - they teach children to feel rhythmic expressiveness in music, passing it in motion;

Games aimed at developing hearing - help children learn to distinguish with shades in music and its holistic perception;

Games aimed at developing memory and hearing - in them children learn to constantly listen to music, memorize her to correctly reflect their musical impressions in accurate and characteristic movements;

Development Development Games children's creativity In general, they affect the psychological component of the child's education and development. As a rule, they are based on the competition, and by comparisons show playing the level of their preparedness, training, suggest the ways of self-improvement, and therefore awaken their cognitive activity.

Examples of dance musical games.

Rhythm development game.

The game "Three Duckling"

Description: Children are divided into 2 groups. Each group of children to the music performs its rhythmic pattern.

1 group 2 group

There were three ducklings - cotton ticks are performed, so, Tuk - obstacles are performed

Well and together lived - cotton ticks are performed, so, Tuk - bumps

Somehow in the morning fishing - cotton ticks are performed, so, Tuk - obstacles are performed

Purpose: help music teachers, pedagogical workers, music leaders are most interesting to organize leisure children. "


    Educational - to train dance games for children of the younger (medium) age.

    Developing - Develop the ability to improvise, showing arbitrary dance movements during the dance game.

    Educational - to bring up a sense of solidarity and mutual understanding to each other through the process of participation in dance games.

"There is often a deep meaning in the game of children." (Johann Friedrich Schiller )

Everyone is well known that for the development of children, the feelings of rhythm, tact, musical hearing and memory is necessary with early years Tightly acquaint them with musical games.Music accompanying games should have an incendiary, cheerful rhythm, thanks to which children quickly rises and rises physical activity. Music accompaniment of various moving games brings only positive results, as it is based on the basis of harmonic development and strengthening the health of children.

The game introduces a child to life, to communicate with those surrounding, with nature, contributes to the acquisition of knowledge. She always has a certain goal. In music gamesthis goal is the development of intelligence, feelings of rhythm and tact, memory, musical hearing, voices, the most creative activity of the child. Music dance games contribute to the rapid memorization of the material studied, the intensity of training, the liberation of children, getting rid of the complexes. Music introduces a child to the beautiful, to the feeling of harmony, in a word - enriches his spiritual world.

The game is an integral part of children's activities. Playing, children remember better, faster understand that they are required. The game helps to achieve many pedagogical tasks.

Children love to invent. In order for them to express and show themselves, they need to give as many independent time as possible for fictions and the incarnation of their ideas. The task of leading classes is only to send a fantasy and glowing a child, and not to impose his own. Therefore, encourage them fantasy and allocate "Another time" to embody their ideas.

I am grantedcard files, Which I use in working with children.

« Each game has its own rules. " (Johan Hewing)


purpose : Explore the possibility of entry into contact and interaction in the group.

Participants are in the column and move the snake. Their hands are in constant clutch, which by team of the lead takes various forms: hands on the shoulders, on the belt, will increase, by arms, under the hands of etc.

At the same time, the lead changes the proposed circumstances: "We are moving along a narrow path on the socks", "We go on the swamp - go cautiously", "step puddles", etc.


Purpose: Remove the inner clamp, help self-consciousness and self-impact, as well as the release of feelings.

Participants are located throughout the hall in chaotic order and perform dance walking on the spot. According to the leading signal (cotton in your hands or whistle) stop and freeze:

1 Option: In different poses, representing a sculpture.

2 Option: with a smile on the face.

The presenter makes a comment after the repeated signal, everything continues to move (repeated 5-8 times). The game can be held as a "competition of sculptures" and "smiles contest".

"We are looking for each other."

Purpose: Explore mutual acceptance of each other and entry into contact, develop a feeling of a quick reaction.

Participants move dance walking on the site chaotically, welcoming all past the passing members of the group of the nod. Music breaks down - everyone should find a couple of themselves and say hello to the handshake (5-7 times repeated).

"Everybody dance".

purpose : Heat the body, wake emotions, remove muscle clips, create a set of work.

Participants are or sitting by camouflage. The presenter gives the task "Dancing the right hand", "Dances left leg"," Dance Head "," Dance Shoulders ", etc. - participants improvise. On the team "Dance everything" - all parts of the body are included in the work (it repeats 3-4 times). The presenter can combine an explanation with the show.

The game is usually held at the beginning of the classes and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.

"Dance acquaintance"

Purpose: Develop group senses of cohesion, involvement, accessories, induce to interpersonal relationships.

Participants form a circle and holding hands, move a slow step clockwise. A leader with a handkerchief in his hand goes in the opposite direction inside the circle, stops opposite any participant (at that moment the circle also stops traffic), makes a deep Russian bow and transmits a handkerchief. After the opposite bow, it changes with it places. The game can continue until everyone is crossing the role of the lead.


purpose : Help orientations in space, give the opportunity to experiment with the movement, realize your peculiarity of self-expression, develop the ability to improvise.

The game recreates the atmosphere of the ball.

1 Option: The participants are slow, the power step is moving around the site in a chaotic order, while welcoming the nod of everyone who comes to meet. Music pause - a signal to the fact that it is necessary to make a renerest (5-7 times repeated).

2 Option: The group is built into a row. The king (queen) passes along the participants, each of which, in the sign of greeting, alternately freezes in the reneranous, and becomes the end of the row. The game is repeated until everyone is in the role of the king.

"Allow invite."

Purpose: Ability to experiment with the movement. Everyone becomes a circle. The presenter invites any of the participants and dances with him in a pair, showing the movements that "curses" a partner. At the signal "Music Pause", the couple is divided and invites new participants. Now there are two pairs on the court, and so that all is not included in the dance process. At the same time, every invited "cleansing" the movements of the one who invited him.

"Solo with a guitar."

purpose : Stimulate creative self-expression, the release of feelings, develop the ability to improvise, increase self-esteem.

Everyone gets in a circle and move in the rhythm of music. The leading guitar in his hands goes to the center of the circle and executes the solo, expressing his feelings in the dance, then transmits a guitar to any participant. Further, each participant does the same, while he may, if desired, to interact with any of the group. Each solo dance at the end is awarded with applause.

"Circular dance"

Purpose: strengthen the communication of children in the team, training dance and musical memory.

Children become couples in a circle face to each other. The presenter shows the movements that will need to be done to the music, they need to be painted without music: Power steps to the right and left to four accounts with a blow on the last tact, then four steps back with cotton, then four steps forward and return not in your pair, And, shifting to the left, - to a new partner (partner). Turn on music and dance!

« Dance of nature "

Purpose: Coordination of movements, feeling of dance space.

All kids are divided into pairs and three (if desired - a group of more), and then under the same music group prepare each dance on the general topic. (For example, the sunrise dance, sea surf, clouds, stars, fire, fountain).

Well, so that you find time to watch not only the "process" of dancing every group of children, but also arranged a common "view" of what happened. Let all children sit in one part of the hall, as in the auditorium, and then each team in turn will show their dance.


Purpose: Development of coordination of movement, creative imagination and improvisation.

The host of the game is preparing cards with situations that will need to play in the dance. Babies are divided into teams of two or five people and get their card. After that, the music and the teams are given time to prepare. The task of children is to distribute roles, prepare and show before all the dance-situation, as if a small scene.

Spectators look, who has what happened, and then try to guess and retell that it was in their opinion that was played out. Makers for example: a priestess spread fire in the temple, the girl collects In the forest, the traveler climbs the mountain, a fire, etc.

"Fire Dance"

Purpose:development of imagination, creative smelting.

Everything sit in a circle. They are fire and their total task - Dance the bonfire dance. Movements may have each other, or they can "ask" one person, and best of all - each of the dancing in turn. It - preliminary preparation To the game, after which children can be offered to complicate it.

The whole circle becomes just travelers who rest near the fire (savages orpirates), and only one of the dancing remains in the center and the bonfire dances. He has the right to move in all directions like flame languages. Travelers try to bonfire not burned them. (At the same time, the movements of the seating around the fire should remain synchronous.)

Dance without music

Purpose: Movement to liberty, identifying emotions, dance plastic development.

Everyone becomes in a circle, one person goes into the center. Children must come up without music and create for dance atmosphere. For example, rain, a fire or a gust of wind. (Circle can clap in a certain rhythm, click, stump, blow, hum, sweat, spinning, bouncing, etc.)

The task of who remained in a circle is to feel and convey to the dance of the state of the space that he is asked.

There is another option of the same game: children choose someone alone and then come up with a dream for him (the fabulous circumstances in which he found himself. In this dream, every dancing canplay your role, but you can dance to everyone together.) Taskplaying "With his dance without preparation to react to the circumstances in which he was." It can interact with sleep characters or even direct them, the main thing is that the sleep atmosphere was "picked up" and is transmitted correctly.

"Ocean Dance"

purpose : Development of creative activity, plastics.

All children are divided into three teams. Best of all - with an unequal number of people. (The first team should have the most people, in the second - a little less and in the third - no more than three or five people). Then the music is placed and the same task is set to all three teams - to feel with the team one and invent the ocean dance.

After preparation, the circles show each of their dance, and then - one in another, so that the total ocean of three invested circles is. Each group is at the same time dancing its part.

The acquaintance of children with the world of dance should be pleasant and fascinating, and what could be more interesting game for a child? Only a dance game!Dance games It is suitable for any holiday, besides, many adults will not give up such fun. Some games with dancing can be carried out without reason, for example, at the end of the "tense" workout with children can be played for relaxation, thus encouraging them for diligence.No, there is no light of such children who do not like fun games and entertainment. And if they are still conducted on a musical background, it contributes to the versatile development of a small person.

As a result, we can safely say that games with musical accompaniment Will ensure the development of abilities in children in general, and teachers are here by the main assistants.

Childhood is the state of the soul. The game, and especially in combination with the dance, is the perfect way to plunge into a happy carelessness.

with children dancing!

Merry games that occupy children entertain and form from the point of view of their use are not too burdened by parents. There are many resources available on the Internet with highly interactive and educational games that are completely free. Electronic versions come to replace the classic traditional games, because of which children are less actively moving, as they spend more time sitting at a computer or a game console. It is necessary to understand the parents and all adults who are responsible for the development of children. Therefore, now, more than ever, the relevance of children's moving games has increased. And dance games for children in particular.

Earth, air, fire, water
This game causes children to act quickly clearly, expands the horizons, allows them to be creative. All children become on the circle, and one is placed in the cent and give a tennis or other small ball. To the music of children, holding hands, move around the circle counterclockwise, and the leading moves in the opposite direction. When music calms, everyone stops. A child with a ball in his hands should neatly quitting the opposite in a circle and say one of the words to choose from: earth, air, fire or water. The child caught the ball should answer the animal or a creature associated with this element.
For example, if the water screaming, the second child should call the animal that lives in water, for example, dolphin. If the child shouts "air", another child must call an animal that flies, for example, a crow. Nevertheless, if the child screams "fire", a child who takes the ball must call a fabulous or mythological animal, for example, "Snake Gorynych" or "Dragon".
Ice figures
This game is designed for children of any age. All you need is music. Collect children in a certain place. Prepare CD player or music center. Use music appropriate children's age. When music begins to play, children begin to dance. They must dance all the time while music is played. When music stops, they must frozen in dance poses. Which of the children moves or laughs, he drops out of the game. Stop music for 15-20 seconds, no more. The game will continue until only one child remains. You can give a prize to the winner.

Dancing around chairs

This game will be played as ordinary music chairs, but children should add dance movements. Before starting the game, be sure to prepare a few corresponding age songs. You will need chairs for one less than the number of players. Arrange the chairs in a circle. When music begins to play, tell me the children that they should dance around chairs. If they do not dance, but only moving, they automatically drop out of the game. When you stop music, children must try to sit on the chair before all. A child who did not have time to take a chair leaves the game. Then you need to remove one stool and play again. When the participants remain two, the one wins the first to take the remaining chair.
This dance game is also popular in adults. The essence of the game is simple: a lone party, moving along the corridor formed by dance couples, must choose a soul mate and get up at the end of the corridor. Left is one, the next participant must choose the partner in the same way. The game passes accompanied by cheerful rhythmic music. Participants can slowly move forward.

All children dance around the chairs when music stops, it is necessary to take any free stool, who does not have time to come out of the game.

Dancing hat

Children dance in a circle, the hat is passed in a circle, the one who got a hat puts her on his head, makes one turn around him and transmits the next. Music stops and one who has turned out to be a hat goes into the center and shows the dance. Evidence, all other children repeat after him.

Musical frost

When music is played - everyone is dancing, who wants, as soon as the music stopped, everyone fuses in the poses of any heroes (from fairy tales, from cartoons, etc.). The leading gadgets the first, then they guess the second together together, and so far do not guess all the characters.

Musical frost 2.

Everyone dance for music, the leading says - and now we have a right hand freezed, and everyone is hiding right hand Behind the back and dance with all the rest of the body, then it is frozen the left hand to the legs and head, then the legs are frozen, dancing your nose, etc.

Musical buns

While playing music, children holding hands, walk around buns (mugs from a children's pyramid), which are one less than children. Children must grab only one bun as soon as music stops. He who takes no time to take a bun, leaves the game and becomes the assistant lead. Wins the one who has time to grab the last bun.

"Grandfather Mazay and Hares"

Dancing like bunnies, chanterelles, mice, cats, etc.

Dance Competition for Couple Creation

Boys come out, get into a circle, in the center of the circle there are two girls with back back, blindfolded, turns on Music for 10 seconds, at this time the boys go in a circle, after the music turns off, the girls should not looking away to choose a couple.

Dancing with balls

To carry out this competition, there will be balloons - one for each couple of participants, and of course music.
From among the participants, pairs are formed, and not necessarily the diverse - close contact between dancing will not be anyway.
Each pair is awarded an air ball that is placed between players. As soon as the music sounds, the couples begin to dance, holding the ball with belly. Those who could not hold the ball are dropped out of the competition. Also drop away and those who kept the ball too much and burst. A couple that touched the ball with their hands, also disqualified.
Wins the steam remaining the latter.

Ice dancing

Competition participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is issued by Watman A2 sheet. The pair should be located on the sheet, and in addition, a certain dance dance on it depends on the music and whims of the lead.
Further, on the team of the lead, the dance composition changes to faster, and the ice buckles on which participants dance are melting - Watman turns around twice. It becomes closer, and dancing is faster. Those who stand behind the ice are drowning, that is, leave the competition.
Next, ice is melting again, that is, the paper is folded even twice, and the music is replaced by even faster. Dance becomes almost impossible. Only the most slender and prompt remain.
The couple wins, which remains the last.

Dancing peoples of the world

Wonderful dance competition. God will warm up anyone even the most silent company. There are several pairs for the competition. The more people will be, the more fun and more interesting it will pass.

Couples become in the center. The lead explains the rules. When music includes, participating should start dancing that dance that matches music. A sound recording of various dances and songs is prepared in advance: Lezginka, Lambad, Gypsy, seven forty, East Dance, In the field birch stood (dance of the stream), Tango, Waltz, Chardash, Kalinka, etc.

What a pair is faster oriented, that will win.

Some dances are inserted specifically to show the collective cohesion of participating.
After such a contest, any company will be friendly and open for further fun.

(Primitive dance, "robot dance" to the music of techno)


This contest is perfect for adult companythat celebrates birthday.

The presenter chooses two and gives them a rope or rope in the hands.
Children stretch it first at an altitude of 1.5 m. From the ground. Musicians include incendiary melodies, and the guys are in turns must pass under the rope without taped it. Not just, but dancing under the incendiary motive. With each stage, the rope is lowered and lower.

Where to celebrate your birthday


For children from 1, 2, 3 years

Interactive fairy tales, Animation with Pony Rainbow, Show Soap bubbles, Video holidays, photo

Children love to invent. In order for them to express and show themselves, they need to give as many independent time as possible for fictions and the incarnation of their ideas. Even if you are Plisetskaya or Nikolai Baryshnikov, the task of leading classes is only to send a fantasy and glowing a child, and not to impose his own. Your experience will be dead for children. Therefore, encourage their fantasy and allocate "An independent time" to embody their ideas. It will be much better if you prompt children dance techniques and movements to "their territory", when creating interesting dancing for them. Let the first time these dances may seemble to you bad, not interesting, complete ostentatious "steepness". Give children the opportunity to overcome it. (As a rule, for its first dances, they bring something like "hands up" or "red mold"). Do not discourage them. Follow patience. Over time, if they constantly show how it can be done better, children will want to try something else.

1. Compare figures

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is proposed to build its own composition-shape as follows: one person leaves the line and takes some beautiful pose in his opinion. (Invite it to close the eyes and take the position of the body, which dictates a momentum mood, music and inspiration). The next in the line approaches him and is trying to "complete" the composition, taking some complementary position next to the first person. He can concern the first, can stand closely or far away from him, the main thing is that they create a general composition that fills the space.

Then, the third person, the fourth, and so contribute to them, "adjusts" to them - until the most recent participant. As a result, each team should turn out a beautiful multiple figure.

Teams can play both at the same time, and in turn, watching each other's success from the position of the audience.

Each child is offered its own task - to dance some animal, plant or part of the landscape. To create some images (let's say, the stream or clouds) kids can be combined by several people.

Cards you can come up with yourself, but here are a few examples: bee, chamomile, apple tree, pink bush, lily, grasshopper, rabbit, kitten, sun, rod, cherry, lilac bush, sparrow, swallow, tuchka, etc.

After that, the dance suggest children to complicate the task - to dance all together one common garden. To do this, you need to explain to them what is common, group dance, that the overall picture strongly depends on the efforts of each.

Then there is a gradual embedding of images into the overall picture of the dance. That is, one group of people, say, the trees begins to dance. Then animals are adjusted to them, flowers ... and so - to the last participant.

3. Dance of nature

All kids are divided into pairs and three (if desired - a group of more), and then under the same music group prepare each dance on the general topic. (For example, the sunrise dance, sea surf, clouds, stars, fire, fountain).

Well, so that you find time to watch not only the "process" of dancing every group of children, but also arranged a common "view" of what happened. Let all children sit in one part of the hall, as in the auditorium, and then each team in turn will show their dance.

4. Rouh

Babies are taken by arms, and then everything except the first in the line closes their eyes. The task of each person in the line is to repeat and transfer the next movement of the first. If the first raises the hand, then the second must raise the hand, passing the movement of the third. So - to the most recent person in the line. As a result, a real stream from movements should turn out.

Then it will be possible to start passing movements with steps and movement of the entire stream. After several given movements, the first person changes, leaving the end of the line, and the leading becomes the next.

5. "Bird in a cage"

All children are taken by arms and form a circle - "cage". Someone else remains in the center. He becomes a bird that fell into the cage. He needs to dance his dance so that the cell is released. The circle of children can play the bird, raising and lowering hands, opening out sometimes. The task of the cell is not to prevent bird break out, but on the contrary, help. But the dance should be worthy of freedom!

6. Ball - invisible

Children are at a distance opposite each other or in a circle. The game is that everyone is transferred or transmit a non-existent ball. It is necessary to help the children feel this ball in their hands. It should not be small or large, curved, light or heavy. You can offer children for a minute to rub the palm of the palm, and then slowly dissolve them on the parties - there is a sense of communication between the palms. This connection should be expanded to the size and shape of the ball.

When this stage is passed, you can try to form, feel in hand and transmit other items - jug, tray, fabric, flowers ... they can be transmitted along with some dance movement.

7. Mirror

Babes are divided into pairs and sit apart opposite each other. One of them to music slowly begins to ask movements. The other becomes a "mirror", and its task is to accurately reflect all the movements of the specifying. He should be able to renounce himself and feel reflection so that from the side it was impossible to distinguish - who sets the movement, and who repeats them. Then children change roles.

8. Who am I?

The master game is pre-prepared for all number of cards with simple concepts. (For example: Tale, Sea, Wolf, Baba Yaga, Book, Star, Fox, Swan, Dwarf, etc.)

Children sit in a circle. The presenter gives someone from them a card so that others cannot be high. The child goes into the circle. His task is to dance the image given to him. Explain to children that for this you need to strongly reincarnate in your image and dance it as if "from the inside." It is useless to show the hands of the horns of a deer or fall at the crocodile, you need to pass on with your plastic and posture, facial expressions and movements - that deer feel and crocodile feel and then everyone will be able to guess who you are!

After giving a child a minute or two for dance, other children can start giving up - who he was. When the image is gone, the first person is inferior to the next one in a circle.

9. Rope Rope

This is pretty cheerful gameSo get ready for noise and laughter! It is best to play a small number of people or several teams.

Children become in a circle, take hands and begin to be tangled. They can be twisted, put down their legs through the hands and feet of each other, sit down, lie down, lift each other in hand and so on. As a result, it turns out a completely undisputed ball of children.

The presenter includes music and sets participants a speed or pace for unraveling. He says: "Now you have to wrap with the speed of the sea wave" or "as a tropical cactus." The task of children - dancing and avoiding "non-harmonic", falling out of the given rhythm of movements, unravel their rope.

10. Dance-Situation

The host of the game is preparing cards with situations that will need to play in the dance. Babies are divided into teams of two or five people and get their card. After that, the music and the teams are given time to prepare. The task of children is to distribute roles, prepare and show before all the dance-situation, as if a small scene.

The spectators look, who has what happened, and then try to guess and retell that it was in their opinion that was played out.

Cards for example: a priestess spread fire in the temple, the girl collects flowers in the forest, the traveler climbs the mountain, a fire, etc.

11. Dance of Fire

All playing sit in a circle. They are fire and their overall task - to dance the bonfire dance. Movements may have each other, or they can "ask" one person, and best of all - each of the dancing in turn. This is a preliminary preparation for the game, after which children can be offered to complicate it.

The whole range becomes just travelers who relax by the fire (savory or pirates), and only one of the dancing remains in the center and dances a fire. He has the right to move in all directions like flame languages. Travelers try to bonfire not burned them. (At the same time, the movements of the seating around the fire should remain synchronous.)

12. Dance without music

Everyone becomes in a circle, one person goes into the center. Children must come up without music and create dance for playing atmosphere. For example, rain, a fire or a gust of wind. (Circle can clap in a certain rhythm, click, stump, blow, hum, sweat, spinning, bouncing, etc.)

The task of who remained in a circle is to feel and convey to the dance of the state of the space that he is asked.

There is another option of the same game: the children choose someone alone and then come up with a dream for him (the fabulous circumstances in which he found out. In this dream, every dancing can play a role, but you can dance to everyone together.) The task of playing - With his dance without preparation, to react to the circumstances in which he was. It can interact with sleep characters or even direct them, the main thing is that the sleep atmosphere was "picked up" and is transmitted correctly.

13. Tale of Spring

Each child is issued a card with a role (one of the acting characters fairy tales) as well as time to prepare your dance. After that, all children are sitting in one part of the hall, and the other becomes the hall. The leading game begins to read a fairy tale, causing to dance those children whose role appears in action. This turns out the overall tale in dancing.

Example of fairy tales:

"Something early in the morning the sun came out and illuminated the desert. In this desert there were many, many colors, cacti and palm trees. There was a butterfly. She was very hot and wanted to drink all the time. Then the butterfly went to search for water. In this The time of the sky flew Tuchka. And the butterfly asked her to go rain. Tuchka agreed and a lot of a lot of droplets flew to the ground ...

But suddenly the wind blew! He blinked the rain further and the butterfly could not get drunk. And ahead seemed a snake! The butterfly asked her - where to fly and snake pointed her the path. Through time, the butterfly saw real green trees and bushes! And among them, the tech is a ring and young stream.

Butterfly drunk and everything ended well!

Cards: Sun, Desert, Flower, Cactus, Palm, Butterfly, Tuchka, Multiple Drills, Wind, Snake, Wood, Bustard, River.

Do not be afraid to invent such fairy tales yourself!

14. Dance Scene

All players are divided into pairs, after which each pair is issued a card with images for each of them. Children distribute roles and come up with a small scene-dance, where their characters are found and played out some kind of plot. After that, the prepared dances are shown before everyone.

Cards: Man and dragon, cockroaches, joyful elephant and butterfly, bird and cat, two hares play, spruit and fish, penguin and seagull, spruce and predatory flower, stump and young boring, puppy and experienced dog, swans, lan and pig, Rooster and chicken, fly and cow, horse and sheep,

15. Dance adjustment

All children are sitting in a circle, one person goes to the center. He is issued a card with a role. The child must tune in to his image and to double it for a minute or a little longer. Then he "transmits" to another player: Sitting the following person goes into a circle and his dance "adjusts" to the first. (If the first was water, then the second should feel it and also to dance water, if the first was some animal, then the second should become animals). After a while, the first person returns to his place in a circle, and the second dancer remains. He is issued a new task that he starts to dance, transmitting his role further.

16. Magic Country

From among the players, 2-3 people are chosen behind the door - they should not see the beginning of the dance. The rest choose another 2-3, which begin to dance improvised dance for some kind of music. At some point, they command "Zamre". Children are frozen in those poses, in which they found them. Music is changing (if it was fast - you can put a slow and vice versa). We invited those who expected outside the door. They should take the places of dancing, become in their postures and to draw a dance for new music as they see it and feel.

17. Fabulous heroes

This game can be played even with the smallest children. They are divided into couples, after which every child pulls the card with the name of some famous fabulous character. The task of the pair is to prepare and then dance to all the dance of the meeting of these heroes, even if they are from different fairy tales.

Cards for example: red hat, grey Wolf, Hunter, Cinderella, Fox, Snow White, Gnome, Koschey Immortal, Mouse, Tsarevna Frog, Thumbelina, Old Man Hottabych, Kolobok, Dunno, Chamomile, Elena Lovely, Chipollino, Muha Centochoha, Old Man, Mowgli, Panther Bagira, Alice, Pinocchio , Malvina, Piero, Poodle Artyamon, Karabas Barabas, Firebird, Konk-Gorboon, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet.

For older children, the proposed characters must be more interesting and less well known.

Exemplary cards: Cakakamambochka, Wizard Forest, Spirit of the Well, Brambrolyak, Graphant Manya, Mysterious Deities of Africa, Asia, India, etc.

18. Dancing brush

Kids are given paints, paper and brushes, music is put. Then the adult offers to all draw a drawing as if the tassel is dancing on paper their own dance of the flowers that dictates music. When the drawings are ready, the children are invited to see them all together, and then take turns to go out and dance that the dance they painted.

19. Ocean dance

All children are divided into three teams. Best of all - with an unequal number of people. (The first team should have the most people, in the second - a little less and in the third - no more than three or five people). Then the music is placed and the same task is set to all three teams - to feel with the team one and invent the ocean dance.

After preparation, the circles show each of their dance, and then - one in another, so that the total ocean of three invested circles is. Each group is at the same time dancing its part.