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Scenario on March 8 in a small company. Scenario of the corporate "March 8 in the fabulous kingdom" in verses, contests and musical accompaniment

How nice to celebrate holidays in the company of men, swimming in the friendships of my colleagues! But if they, then mean male colleagues, just do not exist? Missing, chewing the cookie under the chair? In no case! And without a strong sex, corporate on March 8 in the women's team will turn out to be cheerful, bright and noisy, if approaching the organization with a fantasy!


First of all, find the room in which it is possible to organize a mini-scene, a dance floor, place the tables. It is desirable that no one interfere with you and you did not interfere with anyone

Corporate in the team of teachers can be held directly at school, educators - in kindergarten, corporate in the medical team in the clinic area, if there is an assembly hall. But all the ideas need to discuss in advance with the leadership.

  • decorate the room to make ladies from the threshold in the festive atmosphere. Instead of expensive in the spring of live colors, use paper pumps, lanterns, fan. Always raise the mood shimmering electric garlands, especially if the light is muted in the hall;
  • make a congratulatory banner and / or funny stand with photos of colleagues. In the team of teachers, on March 8, it is possible to put five for excellent work under pictures, in the medical team - to sign ridiculous diagnoses (chronic weselness, progressive, and so on.);

  • choose fun contests, congratulations in verses, songs - corporate party for women unthinkable without music. If March 8 will be held at the table, make a selection of humorous tests, crochets, thematic toast;
  • do not forget to think over the menu, because in the women's team it is not necessary for each first sweet tooth, and each second is on a diet. See the "Delicious" ideas for the corporate party on March 8 to enter a treat in a festive entourage (toppers, skirts, fish cutting / fruit flowers, etc.);

  • distribute beautifully decorated invitations, even if you work in the same room literally side by side - A nice little thing, about which you should not forget.

Scenario, Entertainment

Our scenario of the female corporate party on March 8 is universal, regardless of the scope of the company. After all, this is a female holiday, and main topic Corporate - congratulations to the culprits of the celebration. And in order to emphasize the scope of the institution's activities, add prof. Jokes in the replica of the lead.

If all each other knows well, and in general, the team is friendly, the scenario can be supplemented with alcoholic contests and spicy games. When it is appropriate, such ideas on the corporate part on March 8 for women, as well as on purely male holidays, invariably raise the degree of fun!

Opening part

The corporate starts from the scene on March 8 - a short preamble. Two ladies are sitting on the chairs, talking, passing a test from the magazine:

Mash, here such a test interesting "how much you are dependent on men." Let's go out?

And what to guess? I can't open a jar of cucumbers without the help of my husband, it means dependent, I love cucumbers passion like!

Under vodka? (giggle). And you can open the bottle yourself?

Ugh on you, what vodka! I am a decent woman. But I can open a bottle.

You can not a bottle, you can not - it is not clear. Let's guess. The first question is: "Did you drive a car at least once in your life?"

Her, I pound an exam

What was the pupillary, practice or theory?

She, I like a joke - a trash and a couple of passersby ...

Hmm, here's a really stunning woman. Then the next question is: "Have you ever raised the luggage heavier handbags?"

Husband on the 6th floor had ... It is considered? And on February 23, he made me a gift - to the 3rd reached!

Okay, I am writing that yes. The next question is: "If you are lost in an unfamiliar city, who you will soon ask for help, in a man or a woman?"

Have a smartphone, damn. Kat, 21 centuries in the yard. What is the test, what is the essence?

Well, here if you answer most of the questions, it means that you are strongly dependent on men, and if "no" - they do not need them at all.

How is it "at all"? But what about, well, this ... uh ... a stupid test, in short. This is what, women are needed, only to shop to carry Yes to carry bags? I myself, from the burning horse, I will carry a horse, but without a man, it's still in any way!

She will lead the horse, and can not open the bank! Okay, Mashun, it is good to sharpen, won all the guests have gathered. One evening without men exactly do not bother?

Here's another! Between us, girls even more cheerful, without a vigorous look! Okay, raise the corner of the homeland from the chair, it's time!


The choice of two songs for corporate on March 8. They are easy to replace with others at your discretion, in the network there are many examples. Girls from the scenes can support their friends who came to them at the end of the dialogue - a chorus singing not so flattened.

On the motive "Good girls":

Owl girls, cherished girlfriends,
Looking in faces, lights of evil eyes!
Only we tighten the song as everything is all-all in the district
Like the militia to pick us rapidly.

On heels to fate we rush without looking back,
Wherever we send, you will send you there!
We celebrate ready in the barrack and the tent,
If the whole team suddenly wander there.

But not today, what are you! Today we are all lady
Today we are all ladies and solid Madmoiselle
Girls, spill - snack cools,
Just need to close the tight entrance door.
Girls, spill - snack cools
And OMONE for the holiday to us not to get now!

On the motive "If you, frowning":

With a sunny smile, we got out of the house,
After all, today the best festive day!
We can congratulate everything - Uncle Stranger,
Dad, husband and every counter cute guy!

And smile without doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
We will give you now!

On the corporate part of us together
And it is definitely not in vain!
Gentle, good, modest, women's best
From March 8 from the soul, we will congratulate!

And now from the dying
We will take all eyes.
Pour - toast to tell you,
What do we pull the gap!

Next, a minus without words, the music is better to silence and pour drinks under it. When everyone is ready, congratulations on March 8 are sounded for a female team from lead or those who sang. Congratulations in verse:

Congratulations to neat
Gentle, gentle, depraved
Cute, kind and dangerous
Smart, stupid and beautiful!
Congratulations to birds, hooks
Cat, Oles, Natasha and Raek (colleagues names)
Mice, Pyshek and Hinders ...
Stop, and I generally about what?
All with the Spring Women's Day!
2. Every day we will immediately like a bee
Then rags in hand, then sweatshoes
Feed, drink, wash
Cook and after remove
And to work yet, do not forget
Through the care of your way to pave.

But today without a doubt
We will inform problems
And we will celebrate the holiday brightly -
Let's drink, sit down!

Our holiday! We have right
Cognac slightly for start!
Happiness, joy, health
Girls, from 8 MARCH US!

Games, contests

After the introductory part - scenes, songs, toasts and greetings, - Spend contests at the table. Corporate for women, and on March 8, poorly linked with active contests (all elegant, in dresses, on heels).

Of course, sitting at the table, the whole holiday will be boring, so dancing and a few in the measure of active games to add to the script can and even need. We offer fun contests for corporate corporate on March 8 in the women's team:

  • Bad Miss (Title for humorous diplomas winners) - guess who is depicted in the photo. It can be children's pictures or parts of the body (neckline, ass, knee, eyes). B. shows the photo who will quickly answer correctly - plus a score;
  • The Sweet Mademoiselle. This competition can be held both at the table and coming to the scene. Requisites - caps with a ribbon hanging on the visor (on the clothespin). At the end of the tape is tied with sweets. To put on the cap, without the help of hands to dig in candy and catch the mouth before rivals;

  • miss Charm. Suggest jigshaw. V. says that now he will read phrases, guests must repeat them all together. They say, check, who has a tongue without bones, and whom bubbles hit the head. The first phrase: Lilac fog covers the eyes of the next morning after corporate party. Everyone repeat. Second phrase: Runners run fast running. Repeat.

Here the presenter is very natural says: "Well, what are you, on the second phrase made up!". And catch the moment - certainly someone will begin to indignant, which they said correctly. The diploma of a charming miss and a fine is to come up with a toast on March 8 with the words "repeat, accurately, drawing."

  • Michelangelo in Skirt. This competition is great for the corporate party in the collective of educators in kindergarten, but by and large universal. V. gives guests a handle and asks to write on a napkin (not to show anyone) the most important quality of the real man.

And now it is necessary to make your ideal of plasticine or draw, highlighting the recorded dignity. For example, a big head - wisdom, widely placed hands - openness, generosity. Then you need to guess (everything is in turn, as sitting at the table), which quality depicted a neighbor on the left / right. Evaluate creative and humor applause.

In the medical team, you can draw on the same principle an ideal man iodine, green and cotton chopsticks. Distribute to participants surgical gloves so as not to spoil the manicure.

Gifts - not Randing!

This entertainment, even if a team acquaintances, still causes a laughter on a head-fried champagne. Everything is simple - the host proposes to take two papers from two different trays. Pashers are numbered - if anyone has numbers (the same on both), reward the title "Donna Fortuna".

But the essence is not in this - it is ridiculous just because of the discrepancy. For example, the photo of the idol lady pulls out "since childhood I love, immediately eat!". First Pump Paper - Gifts, Second - Application (Mix Good):

gold chain - This gift can only be proud to wear on the neck!
Photo Mikhailov (anyone who for women of your team is a sex symbol) - I will kiss every evening before bedtime
Chocolate - Eat and with friends will share
Silver spoon - I will stir tea, she kills microbes
Barrette - I will wear on my head, but what else?
Silk Nappet. - The nose does not make sure that I will not make a lot, it's a pity to spin such a thing!
Candy on a stick - since childhood I love immediately
Soft toy - I will sleep with her in an embrace
Basket of fruit - naolas salad, pollen yogurt and eat
Trinket - Immediately hook on the keys not to lose, etc.


To raise the degree of fun or, on the contrary, to lose the emotions a little after contests. On the corporate party in honor of March 8, the crochet about what is important for every woman.

IN.: Cute ladies! We all a little sorcerer, and someone even witches, if you believe the evil gossip. But we are in your hand! Now we find yourself a simple woman's happiness - The louder to scream, the faster the desired will come true!

The presenter reads, the ladies are supported by the choir:

That everyone needs a girl
We answer the choir, friendly!
Foreign car, house, perfume?
(Choir) To love men!

All beautiful such
Better than ours - not to find!
But admit, because we need
(Choir.) To love men!

Maybe a fur coat, chocolate,
In Sochi a year three times?
No with you, Baba, Sladule!
(Choir.) To love men!

What, girls, ignite?
Away from boredom and longing!
We are so walking today,
(Choir.) To love men!

For a beautiful finale script prepare non-sabroval congratulations. You can take a touching text from the network, but definitely add something from yourself related to the team. In addition to the expected gift bouquets, buy funny souvenirs, sets of candies, etc. As a presentation for the activity shown in contests.

Leading 2 (behind the scene): March 8 - solemn day, day of joy and beauty,
Throughout the Earth, he gives women smiles, joy and flowers!

Lead 1: Hello, the most charming, the most cute and most beautiful representatives of the beautiful half of humanity!

Leading 2: All of you understood correctly: we are talking About all women in the world, which today it is customary to congratulate, cherish and, of course, love!

Lead 1: And this we do not take away, because we are always ready to love you!

Leading 2: All of us today collected Spring - the wonderful time of the year, which became a symbol of female beauty!

Lead 1: We will try today to do for you, cute ladies, a real holiday that will give everyone a good mood!

Leading 2: So, we will greet the stormy applause of all women who gathered in this bright room!

Note: All women are divided into 2 teams

Lead 1: I have 2 envelopes in my hands, I will ask for me to approach me representatives of the teams to get the first task. In each envelope is written a mystery. Guess it, dear women - and you will learn how your team will be called today.

Mystery number 1:
The rustle of lovely petals
White pearls dismissed,
Spring gentle little flower
S-under snow rushed to the sky
(Answer: Snowdrop)

Mystery number 2:
He is always with light friendly,
If the sun is in the window,
He is from the mirror, from puddles
Running around the wall.
(Answer: Sunny Bunny)

Lead 2: So, all you guessed that the name of the first team is "Snowdrop", and the second - " Sunny bunny" The next stage of the festive competition is inventing the maiden for his team.

Lead 1: The task of our girls is to come up with the most interesting and original motto who will tell about the best female qualities!

Competition "Motor Commands"
(applause of the visual hall determine which motto it turned out more interesting)

Leading 2: I propose to go to our ladies to school of grace and beauty. Do you agree? ... Great, it means that today you will still become more perfect!

Leading 1: So, the first lesson at the School of Essengers is a defile lesson, because it's no secret to anyone that every fashionista should have a beautiful gait.

Leading 2: And it will help us to find a cool gait of essential books (the lead gives each team a solid book, which can be dropped on the floor)

Contest "Defile"
Participants of each team must pass as much distance as possible on the improvised podium. All girls participate in the competition. When summing up, the number of steps of each participant of the team are summed up.

Lead 1: Yes, world podiums envy you, our beauties!

Leading 2: Let's make the fashion designers with world name be jealous. For this, I suggest everyone to take part in the competition "Festive outfit for March 8."

Competition "Festive outfit for March 8"
Each team receives props - a roll of toilet paper from which to make an evening outfit. A model becomes any beauty from the team, and all the others are creative fashion designers.

Lead 1: Excellent, but now let's dance a little!

Lead 2: But it is easy to dance - it's completely uninteresting. You need to connect to this dance of our men.

Dance competition
Under the fun music, the girl of each team is invited to their men's circle. The team wins, in the center of which will be large quantity Participants of the opposite sex!

Lead 1: Well, expensive women, you once again showed us your beauty, wit and, of course, charm!

Lead 2: Be always so happy as today!

How to spend corporate in the women's team on March 8, 2019 to create a fun atmosphere at the holiday, and none of those present bored? The organizers of such celebrations diverse them with cheerful competitions, comic scenes, funny games. At the same time try to take into account the age of all participants.

It is important that all the ladies participating in the event felt comfortable. We offer one out possible options how can be organized in a holiday team on March 8, which includes interesting tasks that will like most present.

Corporate Scenario on March 8 in the Women's Team

Decorate the room where the holiday will be held, garlands, balloons. You can draw 1-2 congratulatory posters or prepare a wallpaper for this day.

- Head, our dear guests! Again the amazing holiday comes again when the sun shines brighter, and the smiles are more, and the droplets of the call. We are glad to welcome you in this room, like a flowering meadow. This is you, our cute ladies, filled it today with the light of their beauty!

The most beautiful and most beloved
Women's beautiful, unique
With the female holiday now congratulations
We wish the best in my life!
Be loved always and welcome,
Laskov are very and long-awaited.
In life - emotions of wonderful and bright!
Happy holiday, women, you! From March 8!

Next, on the festive corporate in honor of March 8, according to the scenario, congratulations will be made from the company's management. At the same time, it is important to mention each employee, thanking for the contribution to the general case. You can give them awards: "For the best report", "the most punctual", "golden hands", etc.

Then the word leading will take:
- snow will melt March-prank,
Hearts will catch off from winter.
Let's meet a female holiday
So, as we can only!

- Men about the so-called female logic are unflattering. At the same time, many fair sex representatives in this respect are not only not lagging behind them, but they can give them odds. Let's check your abilities and spend a cheerful quiz.

The scene invite several participants who need to answer questions. In each sentence, there is a unnecessary word that is not related to the rest in meaning. Girls and women must define it.

For example, in the list "Cotton, Polyester and Len" is extra - polyester, as it is artificial material. In the phrase "Henna, Supra and Basma" the word "Supra" is too much chemical compositionMade in the laboratory, and Henna and Basma - natural dyes. The computers are summing up the results of the competition and the winner is awarded.

- What, with this task you coped brilliantly! And so that you do not bounce, I suggest you pass a cheerful test.

You at least once in life ...

  • sit down the car's wheel?
  • scored a nail?
  • raised luggage harder to the lady's handbag?
  • changed the wheel of the car?
  • swear with sellers in the store?
  • did you buy yourself decorations?
  • do you know what the word "Passatia" means?

Leading will summarize:

  • those who have never answered "yes", men are simply necessary for survival in this complex world;
  • the answers affirmatively afters of the questions still have a chance to become independent and independent;
  • a response "yes" to most of the questions, do not be discouraged: you are real Russian women who will stop at the race, and in the burning hut will enter!

Corporate on the occasion of the celebration on March 8 in the women's team will continue the scene "Harmful Tips".

- It is said that women's friendship does not happen, and about how the smuggling can be a female team, jokes go. Everything else in our company, so I want to give you some harmful advice.

Tip 1:
- If your colleagues
Dali a premium is big
And about you completely forgotten
And they did not give any
Instead of paint
Pour in printer
Strawberry jam
And about you in the institution
Will never forget.

Tip 2:
- if in the workplace
Everything is bored with paper,
And find there what they ask
No hope no
Quickly dump everything to the floor,
Top legs swept
And go from such work
Where there is no one to get the table.

Tip 3:
- if in the office all at once
Fell by terrible flu
And the work immediately got up,
And customers call,
You with some piece
To them, sick.
Let them get sick too
Will no one call!

The corporate scenario on March 8 may be provided to carry out various fun competitions.

In the "Hostess" contest, participants will need:

  • cook tasty dish, for example, salad, for the allotted time;
  • determine on the touch, with closed eyes, types of croup (buckwheat, barley, semolina, etc.);
  • answer questions: "How much is a liter of milk, a kilogram of doctoral sausage, a bunch of bread, a pack of washing powder, children's tights?"
  • as soon as possible to sew a button and so on.

In the next competition at the corporate celebration of March 8, teams consisting of two participants will take part.

One participant will turn out of the card with the words "car", "Flowers", "Child", "Iron", "Cat", "Candy", "Dress", "Bracelet", "Vase", "Carcass", and others . Another lady will get in random order from another box of the card with phrases: "I'll cook for lunch," I will get as a gift, "" I will send kindergarten"," Put on in the evening "," I will go to this in a restaurant "and others.

If the words coincide with the meaning, the team will receive prizes. The winner will be the team that scores the maximum number of points.

At this holiday, you can also talk about the achievements of employees at work and not only. After all, many have a hobby, learn about which it will be interesting to all. Surely someone from your colleagues writes poems, perfectly sews and knits, grows rare flowers at home or in its garden.

Organize a lottery with humorous gifts on the festival: it can be a compliment from the boss or a prize in the form of several free hours for shopping.

- Once again with the female holiday all of you! We wish each other happiness, spring, love, good!

- My dear colleagues,
With the female holiday I congratulate you!
I wish you a lot of love,
I wish you a lot of happiness!

A lot of joy and mood
Many new, wonderful ideas,
And I also wish the luck,
And health, and memorable days!

And colors, and I wish gifts
And the attention of the best men,
From the soul of you, friends, congratulations!
Let the care melting as smoke!

The eighth of March is a day when men are trying to surprise, to conquer women.

It is doubly pleasant if the men's part of the team is capable of an incendiary, cool idea to please something really ridiculous and unforgettable its beautiful half.

What can it be? Everything is very simple!

We are offering to you funny scenario "Beauty 2018!", Where the most courageous men will be disguised in women will participate in humorous competition Beauty!

Designation, costumes

For this enchanting show, it will be necessary to work somewhat over the decoration of the hall.

To do this, it is necessary to highlight places where the jury of the competition will be, and it is necessary to place the place that the role of the improvised scene will play.

Some moments should also be considered:

  • The whole success of the evening will depend on the lead. The brighter, more vigorously, the person will be likely to whom this role is assigned is the more interesting and the competition will be funnier.
  • Costumes will play not the last role. Complex decorations and triggers, as in the present beauty contest, will not need, but still it will be necessary to make certain efforts that costumes "played" and fit into the role of those characters that they are dedicated.
  • IN obligatory In advance, we should think about musical accompaniment and appoint a person who "will sit on the remote". Without this, the evening can lose some share of Charm.

So, the contest "Miss Uymis - 2018" begins!

Do not forget before the beginning of the holiday, distribute invitationsDecorated in the appropriate style - Whatever the collective women knew what they had!



1. Leading

2. Antoinette Zapamotnyuk. Woman Vamp, Office Queen and Male Hearts, Playing Zavodnyuk. (Plays a man).

3.Dasha Bukina. - Red wig, apron, slamming. Housewife. (Plays a man).

4. Veronica Maria - Business Woom, business and cheap. (Plays a man).

5. Bodyguards Veronica - Two people of formidable outerness (you can put under your shoulders and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands of a piece of fabric to achieve a comical brutality of characters).

6. Claudia - milkmaid, worm crawl of a wide profile. Simple, rustic, no complaints. (Plays a man).

Before the beginning of the ceremony, you can hold a solemn choice of jury: either by the drawing method, or by the method of universal voting, or simply appointing it to members.
But the jury will be played more fun in the blitz auction.

Scene 1. Presentation of participants

All four participants go to the scene in the evening dresses, make a "circle of honor" and are built before the lead.
Naturally, outfits should be well thought out and correspond to the image that the participant represents on the scene.

Leading: Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you on our contest "Miss Udyz - 2018!". Today, the whipped cream of our company gathered here, the diagrants of our hearts and the devastants of our wallets - the most beautiful women of the company! Well, the competition will judge the highlywater jury!

(The presenter presents the jury members and says several funny characteristics of each of them. It is desirable that representatives of the male can be sitting in the jury - it will be more interesting).

Leading: And now, I present to you our excellent participants. Let's get acquainted with them closer! So, participant №1: Antoinette Tspottnyuk!

Topspotnyuk (sings erotic, not falling into notes, with a breath): Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You ...
Oh, sorry, it seems, the holidays slightly confused. So good afternoon! Happy Spring and Sun, joy and happiness, everyone from me - the most charming and attractive girl of our company ... And not only!

Leading: Antoinette, glad to see you on this scene! How is Mr. President? I would very much like to know your plans for the very near future, so to speak, your growth prospects.

Topspotnyuk: Of course, first of all, it is definitely a victory in this competition. And it is not even discussed! Well, and I also want to urgently find a man, solid. Well, and, of course, I would see in me not only a beautiful blonde with the 5th number of the bust, but also a smart, devotee, and, what there are still there they are ... In short, a friend. But the main thing is that a solid man.

Leading: Is it really possible?! It seems to me that it's just incredible!

Topspotnyuk: Unfortunately yes! While I'm not at all lucky. Therefore, we tend to go to the monastery ...

Leading: How?!!

Topspotnyuk: Yes, in the male monastery - in Shao Lina. I am sure - Chinese men really know how to evaluate the woman, they know what she wants and can provide it.

Leading: Dear Antoinette, it is doubtful that your ensuring that even such an essential monastery as Shao-Lin! You are undoubtedly worthy of more: more than Chinese, more than men, more than the inhabitants of the planet Earth - with such an immense beauty just the universal sizes! But, we will not despair, and wish you good luck in your hard searches! And now, we will get acquainted with member №2: Dasha Bukina! We meet Dasha, dear friends, and ask her to say about yourself a few words! Applause Member №2!

Dasha (Freshly flirtary, very fast, almost patter): My name is Dasha. I live with my husband, seller of shoes, and two wonderful children - the daughter of the Svetochka and the son of Romochek. We also have a wonderful courtyard named "Baron". I do not go to work - I myself am a real housewife: I love the series and do not really like to cook, so I feed my husband and children by the fact that they themselves will find in the kitchen. My Gayochka loves sticking in the garage and drinking beer with friends, and children do not deliver any trouble at all - I practically see them - a school, mugs of self-study, classes in sports sections. And I also love to take part in a variety of contests: "Send SMS and get a prize," "Win the best discount!" And here is our contest "Miss Uymis - 2018!" Yes, and taking this opportunity, I will give Hi Genze, light, Roma and Baron!

Presenter (trying to stop the word Dash): Your applause Dasha Bukina! Our next contestant, participant in number 3 - business and beautiful Veronica Maria. ( Turning to Business Woman) Let me offer you your company, dear!

Veronica Maria: Let's! And how much do you sell it?

(Behind Veronica has two security guards in black glasses, with pistols and all sorts of different necessary protection by attributes. During the call, Veronica is distracted all the time - she has two phones in her hands. Conversations relate to business purchases and contracts).

Leading: Veronica is the commercial director of the Test Foundation "Left". By the way, can you ask where to such an interesting name?

Veronica: How from where? After all, it is there that the funds of all our customers go. And, I advise you not to concern those related to my business - there may be my competitors!

(Bodyguards Meanwhile, can approach leading or some viewers and arrange a small search for listening devices.).

Leading: Veronica, tell us what desires can borrow such a successful and secured lady? What are you dreaming about?

Veronica: Oh, well, like any woman - I want to love, wore on your hands! Tired of listening to all the time about these nightmarish finances, futures, offshore. I want romance and holiday!

(The bodyguards, literally understanding the team, raise Veronica on both sides, and in the room, meanwhile, a poster "Veronica, we believe in you!")

Leading: Well, just this is your desire we will provide - see how many men are ready to congratulate you on March 8! The truth is said that nevertheless not in the money happiness.

Claudia (suddenly appears - without invitation: So I knew that everything was purchased at these contests! Simple Baba and not break there. And we, by the way, not that these ... ( with contempt for a look of competitors) - All your own, native, natural! There is something boast! ( Picking up, demonstrates its large forms).

Lead (frightened): And here is the number 4 - our Claudia! This Woman will stop the horse on the race, and will go to the hut - in the burning - if you need, your prolonged applause participant №4!

Claudia (with satisfaction accepts applause): Tyuyu, yes, Cho there is a horse! Here, let's fight our bull, the manufacturer means, from the pound escaped - I had to return. Oh, and we suffered with him!

Presenter (not knowing how to support a conversation about the struggle): You probably have a lot of work in the village? Cows to cost, garden, again, feed the cattle to feed!

Claudia (Neppae): Well, not such a bad man, our chairman!

Presenter (puzzled): Eeee ... Yes, obviously, a man is not bad ... Uh ... Your chubby applause! And, let me declare, the first task for our girls!

Scene number 2. Erudition

Leading: Now, beautiful contestants will demonstrate to us all their erudition! This competition will be held in two stages. Everyone knows that men love their eyes. And we now prove that they can also hear - and also with their eyes! To do this, check the ability of our participants. We will give them the most famous sayings, the task of beauties: illustrate them without the help of words.

Examples of sayings that girls should depict:

1. Do not spit into the well - it will be useful to get drunk.
2. One head is good, and two better.
3. You do not look at a gift horse in the teeth.
4. How the wolf is not feeding - he is all looking into the forest.

Scene number 3. What do you know about spring?

Leading: Well, since you coped so wonderful with the proverbs, we will complicate the task! Check how our participants are in the subject. In what topic, you ask? Yes, in the spring, of course! Now, each of them will eventually call verse, song, film, painting, theatrical presentation or any other work of art, where it is about spring - in the topic, in the title or in the content. It is allowed to ask for help from the hall, but only once for all the test. Who will name more works - she will be the winner of this contest!

Scene №4. Date with late

Leading: Congratulations to the winner of the contest about the spring! But, this is not all! Now we have a challenging task, to fulfill which we will need several assistants!

(4 male assistant is chosen from the hall, caused to the scene).

Leading: And now, we offer participants and assistants to submit the following situation. She was late for a date for an hour (two, three). He waited for her, but he really eager to hear explanations. Her task is to come up with the most fantastic arguments, but it is quite logical to state them. His task is to be able to bring it on clean water.

Scene number 5. Talent show

Leading: We successfully coped with intellectual contests. Now, it's time to check how our charming participants are possessed!

Conducting this competition will depend on the real talents of women, from what they can do on stage.

Antoinetta Either a striptease dancing, either sings a song, playing his role in the style of Merlin Monroe: She must speak with the breath, roll the eyes, send kisses.

Veronica Makes instead of doing his guard - not a royal business - the most businesswoman is to portray something on stage! It will be very ridiculous, for example, the "dance of small swans" performed by two Veronica guards.

Dasha Bukina. Perform the simplest focus with the intriguing name "paradox". For this contest, you will need a hat - a sufficient volumetric, handkerchief and small soft toys.
Dasha announces that she will now show a "paradox". Then comes to men (and only to them!) And, communicating with everyone, suggests putting a bill in the hat. It is desirable that the bill would be as much dignity as possible. After that, he holds his hand over a hat, pronounces the spell - and, pulls out of the hat soft toy, with a smile offering her man. After, without stopping the hem and smile, Dasha will pass by sufficient quantity Men, giving them toys and gather money, she is beautifully bowed and goes on stage.

Leading: Dasha, and what is the paradox itself of this focus?

Dasha: Yes, how! The fact that all these men think they know how to make a lot of money, but you have seen everything that it is even better to do I!

Leading: Well, in general, yes - paradox! And what did Claudia prepared for us?

Claudia: And I will prove you that it is capable of performing even a nejevskoe business! Who is ready to surpass with me?

(Causes the scene of the most subtitle man. After that, they are two boards, hammers and nails - everyone is trying to score so many nails, how much will it cost per minute).

Scene №6. Defile in swimsuits

Leading: Well, now, when we were convinced of the presence of talents from our participants, I propose the final, most important contest - a defile in swimsuits!

Competition in swimsuits to a very large extent depends on the artistry of participants. But, as a rule, by this time the audience is already breaking enough, so the competition will pass "with a bang." Bathing suits are better to make solid, out of the girlfriend - than absurd, the better.

Scene number 7. Lottery winner

After a short meeting, the jury is determined with the winner.
For solemn music, she is awarded a crown, a colorfully decorated ribbon, and a surprise prize: as a reward, the winner is the right to hold a win-win comic lottery-congratulation of all women of the team from March 8.
Two drums are made: in one card with prizes, in another - the names of the ladies present.
The winner of the Beauty Competition pulls out a card with prizes from the first drum, from the second - a card with the name, to whom this prize will be handed.

The inscriptions and prizes may be as follows:

1. A lover of acute sensations (Spice is awarded - chili pepper).

2. Lovers of soft solutions (prize: a small soft toy).

3. Lover of temptations (prize: apple).

4. Lover Puck (prize: nasal shawls).

5. Lover think (prize: a mask for sleep).

6. Lovel to dream (gift candle).

All nominations can be spelled out specifically under the company and its employees - it will be more interesting and more fun - after all, only its employees know the concrete habits and weaknesses of your company.
Gifts are distributed to all women along with small bunch of colors and words of congratulations.

Of course, the whole scenario can be successfully working for their company, a company, an educational institution - everything depends on the fantasy and the number of employees who will take part in this cheerful spectacle.