Repairs Design Furniture

Half-smoking electrocrust with his own hands. Homemade electric smoked smoking. Electric smokehouse for the most delicious dishes

What could be more pleasant to the collapse in the country area, in a circle of loved ones and native people? In the fresh air always want to pamper yourself with something delicious and unusual. If you are the owner of a private house or giving, why not make an emptycle cold smoked do it yourself? This does not require special skills or knowledge. In this article, we will look at how to construct anchitka from the girlfriend to diversify your table with tasty and fragrant dishes.

Cold smoking is a process in which products are digging and prepared under the influence of smoke. The duration of cooking ranges from 3 to 4 days, depending on the size of the product. Subsequently, moisture is completely derived from food, the product becomes dense and elastic, and the surface acquires a golden crust. The temperature of the smoke is equal to 20 - 23 degrees.

Cold smoked smoking with her hands, photo

Cold smoking implies the stable effect of cold smoke, which should come smoothly and without interruptions. That is why smoking smoked smokehouse has a kind of structure, a little different from the container for hot smoking. Since the temperature of the smoke should not be above 23 degrees, it is important to make so that smoke, reaching the product, cooled. This can be achieved by dividing the smokehouse into two parts, where one will be furnace, and the second container. The stack from the tank should be at a certain distance - no less than 1.5 m. Two tanks are connected using the pipe along which the smoke will be moved.

The smokehouse device includes the following items:

Smoke design.

The principle of operation of the crystal smoked smoking consists of such actions:

1. The shavings are covered in the furnace, which torture will form smoke.
2. A special hole forms a craving, thanks to which smoke is pulled by chimney.
3. MADING TO CAPACITY WITH THE PRODUCTS, smoke has time to cool.

The main role should be given to chimney, since it is he who creates a constant stream of smoke in the smokehouse. What kind of sawdust can be used for smoking? Experts do not recommend applying pine tree chips, since the resins secrets negatively affect product qualities. The most optimal option is sawdust of fruit trees, such as an apple tree, pear or plum. If such is not found at hand, you can use oak or widths.

How to make smoking with your own hands?

To make an emptychat without assistance, to begin with, it will be necessary to find or create a design in which coal will directly. To do this, you can approach both the old barrel and a large enameled saucepan. The only nuance is to come up with a cover that would close the container so that it does not go smoke. So, the process of creating smokers with your own hands is as follows:

1. In the container where the product will slip, you need to install an additional grille on which the burlap or filter fabric. It will be protected from resin or soot.
2. You need to think through the fasteners to which the food will be suspended. It can be both a metal and wooden hook.
3. A small hole is done in the lid where the chimney is inserted.
4. The pipe itself is recommended to bury and cover with a sheet of metal or slate. This is done in order not to leak smoke.
5. The furnace in which the coals are smolden, should also be appropriately equipped: a metal sheet is placed on the bottom, which will allow the coal to smoothly uniformly.

As you can see to make a cold smoking smoking with your own hands, you do not need a lot of knowledge and skills. Just adhere to the instructions and have the desire to delight yourself and our loved ones with unusual dishes.

Cold smoked smokehouse Must give the cold smoke to the zone of the products. The incoming smoke should be, if possible, smooth and stable throughout the entire period of smoking. Coat hot smoke products for a long time, sometimes up to 7 days, it depends on the size of semi-finished products.

The smoke temperature should not exceed 25 degrees C. To get such a cool smoked smoke smoke should be divided into two parts.

The first part is a firebox, and the second is the container where products will be located, and it is necessary to place them at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from each other, connecting the chimney.

1 - firebox; 2 - burning firewood; 3 - chimney; 4 - brickwork; 5 - lattice (metallic sieve); 6 - wooden or metal box (barrel) without the bottom; 7 - suspended meat semi-finished products; 8 - metal rods with hooks; 9 - bubble covers; 10 - Fire doors.

This is the simplest Cold smoked smoking smoke and chimney located in the ground and the container for booking products above the ground.

On the bottom of the furnace you need to put iron sheet.

How to make homemade smoking do it yourself

Preheated iron will give a more flattening sawdust, chips and twigs. The furnace can be lit with brick, but not necessarily.

The chimney is digging approximately depth to the bayonet shovel and the width to the width of the shovel, then it is simply covered with a sheet of iron or slate flat or wave and the edges of the earth are sprinkled, so that the smoke neither breaks through, not reaching smoking.

The bottom in the barrel is attached a solid grid, or a grid to which you can put a filter.

This filter will protect products from soot and resins contained in smoke. As a filter, you can use a wet sickle, rare burlap, or rarely unfolded moisturized straw. Also, the grid or grille is protected from dropping products into the chimney when the suspension breaks.

Up cold smoked smoking Metal rods or pipes are fixed, for which meat products will be suspended.

The hooks are better made from a stainless rod with a diameter of 10 mm. So that the meat does not break, or hang twine folded into a thick rope. From above, the smoke chamber is covered with an iron sheet, a wooden shield, sickle or burlap.

There is another way to make a cold smoking smoked smoking. All you need is to choose the desired box or any other cooping container and attach a cold smoked cold smoking generator to it.

It turns out a cold smoked portable smokehouse, which can be removed in a convenient secluded place if necessary.

Learn about simple ways to make a smokehouse in the country or in the apartment. Read what will be needed for the construction of a cold or hot smokehouse, how to make a smokehouse from the girlfriend and surprise friends and acquaintances.

Fish or meat of own smoking is not only excellent taste, but also confidence in the naturalness and quality of the product obtained. With the help of your own smokehouse, it is possible to prepare the products of the Intex or invent an unusual treat for friends.

Speed \u200b\u200bspecies for giving

There are several technologies for the manufacture of smokers - from elementary devices from undergraduate materials to more complex stationary structures (see photo).

Cold smoked smoking with her own hands - drawings, sizes and construction instructions

It all depends on culinary preferences, the method of cooking meat or fish (hot, cold smoking), frequency of use.

For cold smoked

Cold smoked smoking consists of a foundation (support), a smokehouse with a pallet for dripping fat, chimney and combustion chambers.

The smoke temperature should be + 30 ... + 50ºС. In order to ensure heating, the focus is arrange at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the smoking chamber. The processing process takes from 6 hours to 3 days. The duration of smoking depends on the magnitude of pieces: the larger, the more time it will be necessary.

When compliance with technology, harmful substances from smoke and water condensate fall into the chimney in the chimney.

The product is obtained juicy, with a subtle taste, harmless to health. In a cool, dry cellar, such smoked meats are stored until six months - the taste will remain the same, except that the product will lose part of the moisture over time, will become rolling.

When stored in the refrigerator, the deadlines are sharply reduced: the increased humidity is preventing, due to which smoked breath begins to spread and deteriorate.

For hot smoked

The principle of the device of the hot smokehouse is different - the product and fuel for smoking are located in one chamber.

On the one hand, this ensures compactness, and on the other, it requires careful compliance with the rules of smoking. The main components of the classic hot smoking:

  • smoke casing with confusion;
  • camera for products with solid bottom and holes in the walls;
  • hooks or grille for products;
  • pallet for fatting;
  • thermometer.

Heating is conducted outside. Here are the options for many: bonfire, gas burner, electric stove, etc .. The main thing is that it is possible to adjust the degree of heating inside the chamber. Too much temperature will spoil the product, and too low will not give meat to proceed.

Use a special chip or sawdust for smoking as fuel.

You can not pour them with a bunch. The air will not penetrate into the inner layers, the resulting pyrolysis gases and meat are formed by carcinogens.

Single-tier and multi-tiered smokehouse

Single-tier smoking allows you to smoke large (compared to the sizes of smoking) pieces. It is one-tier structures that are used to smoke whole rims or large fish.

In a multi-tiered smokehouse, you can smoke a large game of small pieces - ideal for smoking the mid-sized fish, pork ribs, chicken.

Horizontal and vertical smokehouse

These species obtained their names according to the method of location of products. In the horizontal smokehouse, meat or fish are lattice. Vertical - hang on the hooks.

When arranging smokehouse with your own hands, take care of the design of the design and vertical location, and horizontal laying.

To do this in the walls, set the lattice stops, and at the top - the rod for hooks.

Yulia Petrichenko, Expert

Horizontal smokehouse is suitable for handling small and medium slices of uniform thickness.

In the vertical smoke, you can put on the smoking of the whole ham - the design will ensure uniform impregnation with the smoke of the entire surface.

How to make stationary smoking hand

Consider a simple and low-cost way to build a stationary cold smokehouse in the country.

Since not only functionality is important, but also aesthetics, a smoke chamber from the boards.

Materials and tools

What will be needed for the manufacture of smoking:

  • bricks for foundation and furnaces;
  • building mixture;
  • boards;
  • door hinges;
  • chimney cast iron door for firebox;
  • wooden rails (maximum length is equal to the diameter of the barrel);
  • stainless steel hooks;
  • shovel;
  • hammer and nails.

Step-by-step instructions - how to build smoking

How to make a smoke sidelny

In the network there are smokers made from old refrigerators. Do not repeat other people's mistakes: plastic and warm smoke - incompatible things.

There are other, more acceptable ways to arrange a design for smoking fish.

Skolna from bucket

The described view of the smokehouse is designed for half-spurs.

The shelf life of products is the maximum week in a cool place. However, the smokehouse from the bucket will be useful not only in the country, but also in the campaign or on long fishing.

  1. Put two bricks at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Between them there will be a small bonfire. Install on bricks bucket. At the bottom of the bucket, put a handful of sawdust for smoking. Attention! Speakers should not lie a bunch or close the bottom with a thick layer!
  2. Take a broken grid or something similar, for a couple of centimeters more than the diameter of the bottom of the bucket.

    The lattice of the correct size should be stalled on a quarter of height without reaching the walls.

  3. The grille will be the support of a small pallet for fat.

    The latter should not close the free access of smoke in the upper, "smoke" part.

  4. At a distance of about 15 cm. From the edge of the bucket, we set another lattice. Products are laid out on it. Over the bucket, place a pair of rails and cover from above the wet burlap.

    Smokehouse is ready!

How to make a smokehouse for an apartment

For the easiest way, you will need a stove, dishes with a thick bottom (cheat or cauldron), sawdust for smoking, foil, lattice on the legs.

Foil wrap the lid of scribe for a more dense fit. Place a little sawdust or pinch on the bottom. Install the grille. Turn on the plate to the maximum and wait until the container is warm up.

Put products on the grille. The distance between the pieces and between the walls should be at least 2 cm. Cover the lid and set the minimum burner heating.

Smoky smoked meat and fish products

  1. Do not neglect the pallet for fat. The fact is that flowing fat, getting on smoldering sawdust, begins to burn and highlight carcinogenic substances and unpleasant odor. Smoked to get harmful and tasteless.
  2. Wet burlap, thrown over the smoke chamber, absorbs the remnants of smoke with all the harmful substances.

    Burlap waker as drying, otherwise the process will go in the opposite direction.

  3. Sawdust is very important. It is impossible to use sawdust of coniferous trees. You can - oak, juniper, apple tree, plum, pear.

Smoking - real science. Has her, you can always pamper yourself with delicious meat or fish, surprise guests and familiar with fragrant products of our own manufacture.

Do you have your own fish smoked secrets?

Yulia Petrichenko

Gardener-amateur, experience 18 years

About myself: I will share the secrets of a rich harvest, teaching garden compositions.

Smokehouse at the cottage: for fish, meat, how to make it yourself - print version

Cold smoking electric smoking is extremely popular thanks to its compact dimensions. It, unlike the traditional installation, allows you to smoke meat and fish not only in the country site, but also in the house. You can cook smoked delicacies in both the factory and homemade electrical installation.

Both electrical devices are perfectly coping with the task of cooking smoked products.

The difference is in appearance and cost. In addition, homemade installations are not recommended to post in apartments.

How to make a smoking smoked smoking

To this end, it is better to acquire the factory option.

Factory and homemade electric smoking

Electric installations for cold smoked, produced in factory conditions, more powerful self-made. This is reflected at the speed of cooking dishes, which is higher than in the smokehouse made by their own hands. Such instruments and more aesthetic species are distinguished.
They are produced by rectangular and cylindrical, and, instead of sawdust, can work on special briquettes.

The cost of the simplest models is about 2000 rubles, and more powerful and functional in the area of \u200b\u200b10,000 rubles and higher. Consequently, a truly good installation for cold smoking has a pretty decent price.

Homemade electric smokehouses are collected from undergraduate means, which makes the cost of minimum settings. This was the reason that many homemade masters prefer such aggregates factory. It is enough to spend one day to work to always have cold smoking products on your desk.

No special skills are required.

It is only necessary to have at your disposal some materials and tools, to understand how the installation is functioning, correctly perform a specific sequence of work.

Principle of operation of electric cold smoked smoking

The products located in the smoke chamber are treated with hot smoke.

It is formed as a result of sawdust, pinch or braces. The thermal effect of smoke leads to the fact that the liquid from meat blanks evaporates, and the product acquires a bright taste and a magnificent fragrance.
Cold smoking, in contrast to hot, is carried out at low smoke temperatures, equal to about 20-25 degrees.

Reach meat products to the state of readiness from ten o'clock and to several days. Fish smokes faster than just, and pork, on the contrary, longer.
The long-term cooking process is compensated by the high quality of the resulting product. This is also reflected on taste characteristics, and on a longer storage period, which is sometimes much higher than many shopping smoked delicacies.

What materials are suitable for the manufacture of electric smoking?

The basis of the installation is the container.

It must be made of heat-resistant material, to have a volume that allows you to prepare the required amount of fish or meat. It is necessary to expect that smoking can occupy from ten o'clock and to several days, and the camera of the future smoke must be quite spacious.

Homemade smokehouse can be made from:

  • barrels for 200 liters;
  • old refrigerator;
  • steel sheet.

There is no preferred option.

The choice is due to the availability of one or another material. Not everyone has a refrigerator who has spent its time, and with a steel sheet you have to work almost "from scratch", but the advantage is that you can independently count the dimensions. Barrel and refrigerator are the most optimal options.

Electric crystal smoked meat

Capacity takes from durable and heat-resistant metal.

In such barrels, chemicals and explosive substances are stored. If there is no such farm, it can be purchased. The cost will not be high.

The main thing is that it is with a lid.
Along with a barrel, the following materials will be required:

  1. Four wheels. This element is not mandatory, but it allows you to easily move the smokehouse. Any furniture is suitable.
  2. Heating element and electrocabel. Without these components, the installation will not work from the power grid.
  3. Thermostat. The optimal option will be the device with adjustment ranging from 20 to 90 degrees, albeit only cold smoking.
  4. Thermometer. Without this device, the use of smokehouse will not be absolutely safe, it will be impossible to control the smoking process.

From the tools it will only be necessary for the metal drill, which makes the creation of electric smoking as simple as possible.

Be sure to require two pallets. One container will serve for fuel, the other is to collect flowing fat. You can position the blanks on the grille or the hook system. For convenience, both options can be combined.

Preparation of barrel

The container is thoroughly washed.

It is especially necessary to carefully clean the barrels that were not used in their own needs, but were purchased from the hands. Inside laid and burned firewood or twigs. This is done in order to get rid of any oily precipitation and calcining the walls.

When the tree completely burns, the inner walls of the barrels are cleaned with a metal brush to remove the remains of the car.

You must do from 5 to 8 holes with a circle diameter of 10 millimeters.

Placement of heating element

You can disassemble the old and already unnecessary burgundy. If you independently remove the TEN, either the old electric stove is simply no, you can purchase a heating thermal element on the market or in a specialized store.
Ten need an open type.

It is placed in the center of the barrel. It must be completely dry. Fasten the element with bolts. In the immediate vicinity of it, there is a thermostat, consistently connected by a copper wire with a cross section of 2.5 mm2.

Place the device is necessary in a convenient location.

Arrangement of the upper part

Make a hole of a small diameter through which the thermometer is fixed. In the center of the barrels there are pallets or a baking sheet. This ideine is necessary to collect fat flowing during cooking from meat (fish). In the lid make a hole-chimney with a diameter of 50 mm, which is equipped with a flap closed at the beginning of a cold smoking.
Pallet for fuel can be made mesh or from an old ordinary pan.

The volume of this container determines the time of the sawdust (chips). The five-liter pallet is enough for 10 hours of smoking at a temperature of 20 degrees. Consequently, planning to prepare a pork, you need to either increase the volume of the container, or make several pinching bookmarks.

Testing Installation

If all the work was carried out correctly, the smoke setting will be opened at the bottom of which is an electric stove, and the area is located on top to accommodate billets.

Ventilation is necessarily present, pallet under dripping fat, sawdust capacity, chimney opening in the upper lid.

When the assembly of the electric smoke is complete, it is not recommended to smoke smoking. First, the barrel is needed slightly. The first warming should last from 10 and to 20 minutes. After it, you can already lay meat (fish).

Electric Cold Smoked Speeding from Refrigerator

If the old refrigerator failed, it will become an excellent basis for the electrocrust.

The sequence of work with the arrangement of such an installation is as follows:

  1. The cooling system and insulating elements are extracted from the refrigerator.
  2. At the bottom of the unit, a heating element (TEN) is installed or an electric stove.
  3. The challennik is removed in a niche where the compressor was located before. It is connected to the switch.
  4. The heat-resistant metal baking tray is put straight over the pen.

    Capacity for sawdust is located on the heating element or electric stove.

The convenience of such an installation is that old grilles that are in the refrigerator can be used to accommodate meat and fish blanks.

It should not take too much an assembly.

First, difficulties may arise with its location, and secondly, the efficiency will decrease.

The amount of fuel burned determines the duration of the sinking of sawdust (chips).

Five kilograms, as in the case of a barrel, is enough to ensure the time of smoking for 10-12 hours.


Electric homemade smokehouse is perfect for installation on a rustic and summer cottage. Stir in the house this installation is not recommended. Some home masters put such aggregates on balconies and balconies, but it is not entirely safe.

For the apartment it is better to acquire the factory model. It will be different as compact size, excellent insulation.

The task "Make the apparatus for smoking with your own hands" is even a woman. For this you need:

  • Have the necessary components at hand. To buy everything in advance and prepare;
  • Have a clear plan for assembling smokelock (in the head or on paper - no difference);
  • Clearly follow the specified instruction. Flight of fantasy in this case can lead to spending time.

The process of assembling the electrocrust for the house takes a maximum of one day.

Electric smokehouse consists of two main parts - housing and heating element. The heating element receives electricity from the network and heats the container with wooden sawdust. The heat and smoke comes from sawdust, at the expense of which meat is preparing.

Method number 1: Classic electric smoking

The easiest apparatus for hot smoked meat. Consists of a minimum number of parts.

What do you need?

  • Metal barrel with a lid (for 200-250 liters)
  • 4 wheels for moving barrels
  • Electric stove (heating element)
  • Cable for connecting the stove to the electrical network
  • Thermostat
  • Thermometer
  • Capacity for wooden chips
  • Capacity for grease collection in the process of smoking
  • The metal grille on which meat fry.

How it works?

Metal barrel is a housing of electric smoking. Power plane - heat source heating homemade smokehouse.

First of all, you need to separate the heating element from the stove.

As a heater, take the burner from the electric stove

The heating element is installed down the barrel and heats the container with wooden sawdust. From sawdust, heat rises upstairs, warming up meat. The thermostat adjusts the temperature inside the housing. And the fat from meat drips in the tank allotted for this. As a result, the meat is baked to a roasted crust.

Assembly process:

  1. The barrel is thoroughly cleaned by dirt and fat;
  2. The wheels are attached to the bottom of the barrel. This is done so that the smokehouse is easy to move;
  3. At the bottom of the barrels, 6-7 holes for air intake are done;
  4. The heating element is installed at the bottom of the barrel and fastened with screws in the center. It is obtained by separation from the electric stove. Be sure to leave two wiring for power supply from the network;
  5. The heating element is connected to the thermostat;
  6. The capacitance for sawdust is set above the heating element by 7-8 centimeters;
  7. The thermometer is installed on top of the barrel. The thermometer shows the real temperature inside the apparatus;
  8. To the very top of the barrels there is a grille for meat. A little lower - the pallet for fat, which will flow there during the heating of meat;
  9. From above, the device is closed with a lid, in which it is necessary to make a round hole for the exit of smoke. As a chimney, a hollow cylindrical metal element is suitable.
  10. It's time to experiment with meat! Electric cryptille ready!

The instruction given is the easiest way to build smokers with your own hands. The device is easy to use, mobile, and, most pleasant, is immortal. Why? And because in case of breakdown, any item is easily replaced similar. It is in this that the huge advantage of smokehouse, collected by her own hands, rather than professional.

  • Where to find a metal barrel;
  • Original methods for producing heating element;
  • Homecoat based on a gas balloon with their own hands;
  • What makes the container for wooden sawdust;
  • Than drowning electric smoking.

Where to find a metal barrel?

The home electrocrust will serve as long as the high-quality metal barrel will be. The barrels for 200-250 liters are either from the paint or from under the oil, or from under gasoline. Therefore, you can find them in the area of \u200b\u200bthe buildings or housekeeping stores.

When the cherished capacity is found, it must be carefully cleaned from the internal content. If there was paint in the barrel - rinse with water with a detergent, if the machine oil is to throw on the bottom of the wood, set fire to them, and then rinse with water. The finished hatching bar must be hermetic and clean.

Methods for obtaining heating element

The heating element is also mined with their own hands. It can be obtained:

  • From electric tile
  • From Iron

Household electric spills contain a heating element that is easy to remove. To do this, open the case, delete all the insides and gently remove the desired part. Standard tile is opened with a screwdriver, which consistently twisted four screws. The heating element must necessarily have two holes for wires. Through them are connected to the electrical network.

From the iron - the original way of creating smokers

You did not hear! Ordinary Iron (the simpler model, the better) is quite good to obtain the heating element. In the case of the iron, the desired element will be the surface for strokes. Our task is to separate the metal panel from the case.

Disconnect the heating element of the iron

You can check the operation of the heating element with wood chips. They are put on the heating element, and the wires are connected to the network. After 5 minutes, the characteristic smack should go from the pinch. The haze testifies to the rise in the temperature on the metal surface. This is what we need! Primitive design ready!

The heating element can be used in any smoking hand - both based on a metal barrel and based on a gas cylinder.

Homemade Gas Ballon Based

The basis of high-quality smokehouse for the house is a good chassis. It should be hermetic, clean and resistant to change temperatures.

The basis for smokers manufactured by their own hands can be an empty gas cylinder. Before using it for its intended purpose, you have to lie to a little. Namely - cut off the top of the cylinder with the handle. For this, follow the instructions given:

  1. We recruit fresh water into the balloon;
  2. We draw the contour by which we will cut;
  3. Cut off the saw or another tool the top of the cylinder;
  4. Remove the lid, we drill a round hole in the center to exit steam;
  5. We insert a hollow cylindrical object from metal into the cover. He will act as a chimney;
  6. Close the smokehouse back the lid.

Case ready. Now you can enjoy internships. Namely, the fasteners under the capacitance for sawdust and the bowl of fat. They can be made using ordinary metal circles. To do this, make a few recesses in the housing, which will be laid these circles. A capacitance for sawdust is placed on the bottom circle, on the top - the bowl for fat, which will stand out from meat.

At the bottom of the housing, the heating element is installed - the heat source for meat. Be sure to make several holes for the wires that will connect it with the electrical network. The network can both be portable and common. The heating element can be obtained from the electrolycot, and separated from the iron (see "Methods for obtaining a heating element").

Hot smoked smoked smoking boards ready! It remains to check how it works. For this you need:

  1. Flood fresh fuel into the capacitance for sawdust;
  2. Install the metal grid on top of the housing. Lay out pieces of meat on her;
  3. Close the smoke lid;
  4. Enable in the network.
  5. Make a sample of the resulting meat.

The video shows another version of the Skolni from the gas cylinder:

Capacity for sawdust

Capacity for sawdust is a place where the fuel for smoking is laid. It is in it that the tree burns, the heat from which rises upstairs and warms the meat. Therefore, the device must be made of non-toxic and durable material.

The cast-iron pan or the bowl is ideal for the role of capacitance under the sawdust. Such is in the home headset of each dachnik.

Sawdust for electrocreets do it yourself

Hot smoked fuel plays a huge role. During the operation of the device, there is incineration of sawdust, whose smoke rises upstairs and interacts with meat. On the correct sawdust, the meat is obtained fragrant and grilled to the correct state.

Smoking lovers converge in opinion - there are suitable sawdust, and there is not very. It is connected with a variety of wood from which fuel is obtained. Summary of tree sawdust is considered to be distinguished during the burning of the resin.

Suitable fuel for smokers are collapsed by:

  • Birch
  • Alder
  • Juniper

Listed trees varieties during burning saturate meat with a unique smell.

The owner of the smokehouse can be chopped with their own hands and purchase fuel in the store. High-quality crystalks for smoking are distinguished by bright color (birch chips - saturated beige, olhovy - bright gray) and a pleasant smell.

Ready chipping option

The smokehouse do it yourself is an indispensable apparatus for a country house. From now on, you and your family will eat a delicious, useful and fragrant meat of personal preparation.

Unlike expensive imported equipment, which increasingly replaces natural woody smoke synthetic fluids, your smoke will be cleaned as a tear of a unicorn. In the sense that meat-fish-sausage will smoothly acquire the aroma of a natural haze from sawdust or is full. What kind of wood to choose for cold smoking, it is already to solve you.

By the way, it is proved that the most successful meat is obtained with smoke from oak, aspen, and fish - from fruit types of cherry type. Conifers are not suitable, as they contain resin, spheres the taste of the product.

The second point: making such a device with their own hands, choose the cold smoking method, and that's what the essence. With hot processing temperature ranges from 60 to 120 degrees, the process lasts long. This, of course, is great, once you can achieve the result in a few hours. But when processing in electric smokehouse at 20-25 degrees, the product is preserved better and stored even longer shop. So, closer to business.

Smokehouse do it yourself from 200l barrels

The main treasure that will have to receive is a durable metal bar, preferably from heat-resistant steel. Such in which explosive liquids or substances, chemicals are stored. Buy similar in the state of used will not be difficult, for example, through the Avito announcement board either at the nearest wholesale warehouse of metal products. Just take care that the barrel had a lid (hereinafter will understand why).

But besides barrels need:

  • Electrocabel;
  • Sudine for collecting fat dripping in the processing process;
  • Pedone for chips, sawdust, briquettes - in a word, for fuel;
  • Thermometer;
  • Metal drill;
  • Rabita grid or grille for the location of the product.

The grid can be replaced by the hook system, in the end, to equip both options. It is important that your homework is convenient for use as any professional.

Electrocoptilli drawing

Assembling electrocoptilli

Briefly the result should be like this: the barrel is placed on the bottom of the barrel, ventilation is done and the zone is attached to the location of the product. The barrel must be pretty well to wash (you never know that it was stored in it before). Next, it is necessary to put inside the yeast of the twig or firewood and burn them to eliminate the remaining oil, and at the same time rolling the walls. Only then do not forget to scrape the net with a metal brush and sufficiently slip with the use of detergent.

As the barrel is drying, we set on the wheels and make ventilation, for which the holes are drilled at the bottom. The diameter of each circle can be 10mm, all such holes need 5-8 pieces. Next, proceed to the electric stove: from it, in fact, only a TEN is required. Therefore, if you know how to put the stove at your own hands, dare, if not, call the wizard or just buy a thermal heating element on the market.

As a source of fire will be the open type TEN

With the helns, it is fastened to the center of the barrel and the thermostat with a serial connection is located nearby (the wire is copper at least 2.5 mm2 by cross section). Place its sensor in a convenient place.

Then proceed to the arrangement of the top. Through a small drilled hole, the thermometer is mounted, the tray is installed in the middle of the barrels.

Attention! Hole-chimney should be closed by the flap and at the beginning of the cold smoking procedure must be closed.

The pallet for sawdust can also be mesh or manufactured from a simple pan. As practice shows, one full 5-liter fuel pot is enough on smoke for 8-10 hour sessions at 20 degrees or 2-3 hours of fast "hot" smoking. Ready: The first heating is recommended for 10-20 minutes in order to "take out" a barrel, and then you can put meat or fish in the electrocrust.

Below are a drawing taken from the Magazine Times of the USSR, benefits for amateur engineers.

The figure is explained in detail the essence of how to build a smokehouse with your own hands and in view of small dimensions you can put it at home, but better in the backyard of giving or cottage. By the way, the sizes of the camera are as follows:

  1. Small for the formation of smoke 260x240x220 mm;
  2. Major 340x430x220 mm.

Such a home thing is useful to lovers of smoked smob or freshly dried fish.

So, in this case, the housing is a collection of steel sheet, although it is possible to make it from plywood 15mm thick. In this case, it is necessary to consider fire safety, placing smoldering raw materials in the chamber with asbestos or other refractories. Capacities for sawdust do not need - its role is performed by smoking bar, smoldering as a result of rotating motor pulley. The motor operates from AC, and it is best to choose with a capacity of 0.5 to 2 kilowatt (similar household units from broken mopeds, a powerful washing machine and other techniques can be bought on a flea market).

Optionally buy a new electric motor, look at the flea market

In order to find the desired rotation force for the appearance of smoke, use the adjusting screw, which twists the pulley spring and presses it stronger or, on the contrary, weakens the pressure on the bar.

Naturally, the bar is gradually erased, so the screw has to be adjusted, and the tree can be changed periodically.

The camera of cold cooking meat or fish is located next to the bar of the bar, the grid or grille separates them. In the picture, the products are suspended on hooks, but you can position, say, fillet on the grid as in the previous scheme. It is important that the separating grille is connected to a source of negatively charged particles, and fastening for fish / meat - to positive, then smoke will be attracted.

We see that such a homemade smoke has its own magneto, as a voltage source, which is connected to the motor. The condenser sequence circuit and their capacity is indicated as well. Recommended values \u200b\u200bat the operating voltage of at least 2 kV are two capacitors of 2200 PF and alarm 1800 PF. To make sure that the magneto works, it is supplied with an LED light bulb.

We hope that these two ideas will inspire you to assemble a similar design of the house with their own hands. If there are refinement or suggestions, make them in the form of comments, with pleasure we take into account!

Electric smokehouse - a device with which you can cook meat and fish in the shortest possible time.

The device has a fairly simple design, its really make it yourselfusing sweater materials.

What is the smokehouse for cold and hot smoking? Use in the house, apartment

Smokehouse is metal container, reliably closing the lid:

  1. Plugs are embanked on the bottomwhich when heated is starting to smoke and produce smoke.
  2. Inside are locatedgrids for semi-finished products and pallet for grease collection.
  3. In order for the device to workYou must connect to the grid at the bottom of the transformer wire.
  4. In the top you need to suspend productsthat need to be scored. In this case, each of them must be connected to the opposite pole of the transformer.
  5. Smoking need to close the lid And set fire to fuel in the smoke generator.

Attention! The transformer must be enabled after the smoke appears from the fitting on the lid.

Smokehouses are two species, namely: working on the principle cold or hot Smoking. They differ in the way that the second is disinfected with heat treatment, and the first by long-staying food in smoke.

Photo 1. Electric cold smoked smoking, made of old refrigerator.

Another difference lies in the cooking time. The cold smoking device must work during 1-2 daysSmoke in this device is served using a special pipeline. The device for hot smoked will prepare food for 2-4 hours. Here, smoldering sawdust are at the bottom, and smoky masses simply rise.

The principle of operation of electric smokehouse lies in charge action. With it, smoke rises and envelops foods, after which it turns out through the tapper.

For home use, smoking smoked smoking. In the walls of the apartment or home it is better to use the electric mini smoking For hot smoked.

You can find models in which both smoked modes are present, they are complemented by function. heat cabinet. Make a smoking on its own easily, if you listen to recommendations.

Stages of manufacturing electric smokehouse with their own hands

Create such a device can anyone who wants if it has a barrel of the desired diameter and other components.

With the help of such materials you can make a device for hot smoked while compliance next algorithm:

  1. Case preparation is carried out. It needs to be checked for tightness. In the upper element of the housing a hole is drilled. In the future, a chimney tube will be installed in it.
  2. Below you need to put electric tileswhich will stand the pallet for smoldering sawdust.
  3. Mounted pallet designed to assemble fat. It can be made of sheet metal. To have the ability to place products, you need to build grills or hooks.

Important! Knowing people recommend checking the smokehouse before use. It is worth assessing the level of smoke concentration, lack of open fire in the pallet with sawdust, the location of the grids for products, and how effectively the TEN works.

Qualitative check - the key to the long and trouble-free work of the smokehouse. If you ignore this step, you can to ruin all the products along with the smokehouse. With good assembly and high-quality verification, the service life of the device is significantly extended and the quality of its work increases.

How to prepare for the assembly?

To properly assemble this device, you do not need to have a large number of construction skills, but it is worth preparing Certain components, such as:

  1. Metal capacitance with lid. The best option in such a situation is a metal barrel having volume 200 L.. It is better to take the container in which various oils or chemicals were stored. From the residues of the content you can get rid of, if you thoroughly wash the barrel before use. If oil was previously stored in it, you need to add dry firewood into it and set fire. After all the procee, the container should be treated from the inside to the floor or dishes.

  1. Electric thermostatadjusting temperature from 20 to 90 degrees Celsius.
  2. Special tile.
  3. PalletMetal made. It will die in it.
  4. Thermometer.
  5. Metal grid.
  6. Cablewhere electric current will be connected.
  7. Grille or old saucepan for sawdust.
  8. You can fasten Furniture wheels for the bottom smoke. Moving heavy equipment becomes easier, the mobility of the entire installation increases.

Reference.It is worth remembering that no matter how high-quality the assembly, the homemade smokehouse is inferior to professional power and cooking speeds. Devices from the store have a more beautiful appearance, but for them will have to give away from 10,000 to 20,000 p.

Do not forget that the manufacture of smokehouse needs to be carried out Under certain conditions:

  1. Indoor air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. Humidity is not allowed above 80%.
  3. If products are located in a running unit, It is impossible to touch him.
  4. All components that perform their own functions need to be insulated.

Additionally, it is worth preparing:

  1. Drill For drilling holes in the case.
  2. Furniture wheels.
  3. Scrap or screwdriver.
  4. Scissors for metal or nippers.

These tools will be useful when assembling.

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How to make, photo process

When creating a cooking device must be adhered to next algorithm:

  1. Need to determine what project Electric smoke will be made. When creating installation, you can use 4 different schemes. The choice remains for a person engaged in the assembly. Smoking can be made from bucket, metal sheets, barrels, bricks and stainless steel.

Photo 2. Drawing of an electric smoking device. The order of the elements is from top to bottom: a grid, a thermometer, a water bowl, a pallet for fat, a capacitance for sawdust, an electric stove.

  1. Start K. manufacturing body. Are looking for metallic barrel and prepare the method described above. Furniture wheels are mounted on the bottom. To do this, you will need to drill a few holes. It should be done below the hole for the exit of smoke. Their optimal diameter is 10 mm.
  2. Installation base should be created from dielectric material, for example, tree or plastics.

Photo 3. Cutting metal mesh with scissors for metal. From her you can cook grills for smoking.

  1. Need to make grills. They must correspond to the width of the case and securely fix it in it. It is worth choosing a metal grid and, if necessary, enhance it with the help of bodies or scissors for metal.
  2. As a pallet, you can use ordinary PansBut you need to ensure that the diameter allows it to be in the case.

Photo 4. Grid and pallet, which is made of pan, in electric smoking.

After all the preparatory procedures are completed , proceed to the assembly:

  1. Need to secure rods for products With the help of fasteners. They must be made of dielectric material.
  2. Need to dress Hose for Decree Smokeon the nozzle and bring it into ventilation.
  3. Connect the cooler. To do this, take a plastic or metal hose of a small diameter and wound on the chimney along the helix. Then one of its end is connected to the crane, and the other to the sewage.
  4. Hang products, Introducing the fuel and when smoke appears, connect the transformer to the network.

If you do everything qualitatively, then for the service life of the smokehouse, you can not worry.

Those people who love delicious dishes simply will not be able to resist not to try delicious smoked homemade cooking made with the help of smoking. Such instruments can not only be purchased in a specialized store, but also make it yourself.

Several electric smokers presented in the market

You can find a variety of types of electric smokers.

You can find a variety of types of electric smokers. Each model has its advantages and disadvantages. They are characteristic and price. Next, consider the most common electrocrusts, which have recently become extremely popular.

Thermix electric smokehouse is equipped with a very powerful ten. Additionally installed temperature adjustment. There are two different levels of the location of pre-prepared products.

A huge advantage is that you can choose the most suitable temperature, given the volume, weight and type of smoking products. You can smoke in such an electric smoke in any weather.

The design is additionally equipped with a special pallet for grease collection. It is made of material that is easily clean and does not deteriorate over time.

The two-tier electromash device is designed for short-term inclusion. The design has an enamelled coating, which significantly increases its service life. In the chamber of the device, you can put approximately 5 kg of products. The advantage is that different products can be prepared at the same time, as there are two different levels of the lattices. TEN is additionally protected from falling drops of fat.

It is worth noting that the design cannot be used to smoke meat. You can prepare in such an electric smoke can only cheese, fish and vegetables.

Electric smokehouse refers to a high price category. The device is quite functional and has a higher cost than other models. The advantage of the design is that the camera has double walls. Due to this, the heat loss is minimal, respectively, the consumption of electrical energy is several times less.

Prepare with the help of such a device a variety of fish and meat dishes. Interesting is that you can cook even frozen foods. Complete with electric smokehouse goes two bars - one deep, other smaller, two flat grilles and two lattices that can be used to smoke fish. All these internal elements are made of high quality stainless steel.

The temperature is set automatically. The device is turned off independently by timer. At the same time, you can cook quite a lot of products. At the same time, you can prepare different dishes.

Electric smoking fragrance produces the company pace. They cannot be called small, but the advantage of the device is that it is possible to use them both for a cold type of smoking and for hot.

It does not need to further buy any devices. For the first time, the aroma electric power was released twenty years ago. Since then, nothing has changed in her design.

The design refers to the number of budget, universal smokers, which are calculated on the semi-industrial loading. You can use both in the country and in a private house.

Because of its height and cylindrical shape, the aroma smoke will take too much space in the apartment.

We will analyze the principle of operation of electric smoking

The device and the principle of operation of the electric smoke is quite simple. In this version of the device, all products used need to be placed in a special department. As a rule, future smoked breaths are suspended using special hooks so that excess moisture and fat can constantly drain into the pallet.

In the smoke regulator, due to the operation of the electric heater, the smoke begins to form. It passes through the charged grille with a high voltage pole. The ions quickly penetrate the products that are placed on a negatively charged pole. Thanks to this, smoking does not take much time and all products are prepared very quickly. During construction, all unnecessary smoke will go through the chimney.

Production of electrocoptilli with their own hands

Make electric smoking can be without problems with your own hands. On the Internet you can find a variety of diagrams and drawings and use them for construction construction. The cost of an independently manufactured device will be several times lower, and the characteristics are not worse than most factory models.

What features and differences in the manufacture of smoke

Each electric power has its own characteristics, so it is worth it to familiarize yourself with them in order to make a truly suitable device.

For hot smoked

It is worth a separately talking about the benefits of smoking products with a hot way. In this case, ready smoked meats will be very juicy, because during cooking in them there will remain a sufficient amount of moisture. But the dishes prepared in this way can be stored for a short time.

If you do not use preservatives or stabilizers to use, then you need to use smoked smoking for several days after cooking.

In this case, the products will shock at a temperature of 35-150 degrees. The most optimal temperature is the indicator of 90 degrees. In a device with an average of 500-600 W at a time can be placed about five kilograms of products. If some products are preparing, then the smoked time is reduced.

For cold smoked

This method of smoking makes it possible to increase the shelf life of ready smoked smoked apcrations. Products prepared in this way can be stored for a couple of months. Products during smoking will be filled with smoke at a fairly low temperature - not higher than 25 degrees. All products will pre-saline and maridious.

Smoking smoked smokers have a more complex device. In addition, they additionally need to be connected to the exhaust. Such structures are usually low, but they can have special functions, for example, a liquid smoke generator.

Step-by-step description of the manufacturing process

Make an independently electric smokehouse is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. Devices of this type allow several times faster to prepare smoked drives. In this case, the entire process of smoking is fully automated.

The cost of the factory model began to increase recently, therefore it will be easier to independently make the design. Frequently often as the base use electric tiles or refrigerator.

Required tools

In order to collect a fairly powerful electric smokehouse, you may need the following tools and materials.

  • Barrel with thick metal with a lid and a volume of 200 liters.
  • Cable and electric tile.
  • Four wheels.
  • The container in which the chips will be loaded.
  • Pallet where fat will drop.
  • Thermometer, thermostat.

Case with a lid.

First you need to prepare the case. To do this, clean the prepared container from the remains of what was in it. Use for this need detergents or soda. Due to this, there will be no harmful substances on the products that could be stored in a barrel. Then the barrel must be checked for tightness.

You can take a thick sheet of metal as a cover.

Installing Tan

It is necessary to remove the cover from the electric tile and remove the TEN from it, pre-disconnecting the wires. You can buy a new TEN if there was an old electrolycker. With the help of special screws, the heating element is attached to the base in the central part of the barrel.

Be sure to attach the thermostat. It is set slightly above the place where the TEN is located. Then the elements are sequentially connected. The sensor is best attached to the top of the tank, where there will be products for smoking.

In order to attach the thermometer to the future electric smokehouse, you need to drill several holes in the tank wall and fasten it inside the device. With the thermometer, it will be possible to find out which temperature inside the smokehouse, and the thermostat will help you adjust it to the desired indicator.

Device smoke generator

The smoke generator is used for a cold smoking method. Its main elements are an ejector, pump, which pumps air and a combustion chamber. As a rule, for electric smoke smoke generator is removable. You can buy a design in a specialized store or make it yourself. With the help of the device, the smoke is converted from the chamber for the hot smoked method into the design for cold smoking.

You can find options for smoke generators with the lower arrangement of the ejector or the top. The second option is considered more functional. Models with the lower arrangement of the ejector are usually used for small chambers, but they do not have their own natural traction. Together with the device with the lower ejector, a special pump should work all the time. It is worth noting that in such structures it often fades chips, so it needs to be constantly checking.

In order for the electric smokehouse to work properly, you need to take care of the organization of the exit of smoke and the arrival of sufficient air. To do this, several holes are drilled in the capacitance cover. You can make one hole more and set the chimney into it.

An ideal option will be a small metal tube, through which smoke will slowly disperse outward.

It is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of air has been received inside the device. To do this, at the base of the container, a few more additional holes are drilled. When smoke just starts to form, you need to close the holes made in the lid. Otherwise, the smoking process will not be high-quality enough.

In order for the electrical smokehouse of its own manufacture fully and at the same time safely worked at home, it is necessary to install the hydraulic and other words of the water castle. The element is used to capture smoke or other odors. Thanks to this, they will not penetrate the residential premises.

The withdrawal of smoke will be carried out using the fitting, which is attached to the capacitance cover. It must be connected to a special chimney tube. The end of the tube is displayed in the exhaust or ventilation hole. In the extreme case, you can use the open window.

Designs with installed water locks can also be used outdoors.

Grid and pallet

During the smoking of products, the fat will be dragged with them, which should fall into the reservoir provided for this. As a pallet, you can use a small baking form or iron container. Set the pallet in the middle of the barrels, after making a few holes on the sides.

Before installing lattices or hooks, it is worth determining how future smoked meats will be placed inside the container. In the upper part, the grid is initially mounted. Then, if necessary, it will be possible to attach hooks that are manufactured at home from small spots.

Capacity for sawdust

You can use a grid with minor cells for chips as a tank or, for example, a saucepan, five liters.

Advantages of electric smokehouse

Electrical devices for smoking a variety of products have a huge amount of advantages. The main one can be attributed to the following:

  • The design has a relatively small size. If we talk about household electric smoking, it can be installed even in a small kitchen cabinet. The devices are compact enough and do not occupy a lot of space.
  • They are easy to use. In order to prepare delicious smoked meats, it is not necessary to have experience or special skills. You only need to select the most suitable temperature mode and strictly follow the instructions provided.
  • Smoked people are very quickly prepared. Due to the fact that the lid is most tight to the walls of the tank, the preparation of homemade smoked meat will take an average of half an hour. All heat is saved inside the smokehouse, so you can cook even enough large pieces of products.
  • Smoked smoking is prepared without temperature drops. The desired mode can be set as manually, so leave the smokehouse to work in automatic mode.
  • Electric smokers are completely safe and have a long service life.

How to use it

Before placing certain products in the smokehouse, they need to be carefully prepared. For example, the fish is cleaned and soaked in brine. On 4 kg of fish you need to take about a glass of salt. Some varieties of fish should be generously grasp the salt, wrap in the food film and, pressing the lid, leave for two days. Further fish for a pair of hours is lying completely cooled. Only after that you can proceed to the smoking process.

What can be prepared in the electrocrust

With the help of electric smoking, you can make a variety of smoked smoked.

Most often, meat and fish, cheese, homemade sausages, vegetables and even some fruits are preparing.

The finished product is obtained not only delicious and fragrant. It contains no harmful components and additives that may adversely affect the human health.

In order for the use of electrocardials to be completely safe, and the cooked products are really tasty, you should stick to some simple rules.

  • It is necessary to ensure that the products do not touch the walls or the heating element during smoking.
  • Completely all items that can electrify, you must carefully, isolated from the device case.
  • During cooking, it is impossible to touch the products with your hands.
  • Humidity indoors or on the street should not be more than 80%.

Cooking in electric smoke is very simple, regardless of whether the factory production model is operated or self-assembly.