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Funny scenario game contests. Cheerful games for drunk company. Funny harmless contests for all

A person celebrates his birthday every year, and if the holiday is accompanied by one feast with alcohol, it becomes monotonous, and guests will learn to visit such holidays. The generosity of the table is usually quickly forgotten, but contests, birthday congratulations at the table, raising the atmosphere, are remembered for a long time. So people already for a long time Invent new drinking entertainment, so as not to give the gathered company to load, but at the same time make it once again to move the brains.


This very funny game does not require special details, and joy delivers a lot. All of its participants need to be divided into pairs and give everyone to a piece of paper and pencil. On the leaves you need to write any name noun, denoting a real object. It is desirable that 10-20 such words have typed. Then the coarse pieces need to be collected in a box or bag.

Then the first pair comes into play. One member takes a piece of paper from the bag, reads the word to himself and trying to describe the partner this subject, of course, without calling him. As soon as the partner guesses what is for the word, you can go to the next. To solve the riddle of each pair, there is a limited time (20-30 seconds), after which the bag is transmitted by the next pair. For this short time you need to guess as much words as possible to become a winner. Therefore, in a hurry, everyone starts to actively gesticulate, to taitorish, stuff, so the surrounding such fun, feasting contests cause a storm of joyful emotions.


Recent birth can not do without toasting and congratulations. However, not everyone can, and they love to pronounce them, so often these congratulations are limited to "happiness-health" duty. To get more magnificent and non-standard congratulations, toasts need to be pronounced by the agreed rules. For example:

  • Tosset with food. For example, "Let your life be in chocolate!".
  • To elect a thematic style for congratulations (depending on the nature of the company's assembly) - mysterious, mystical, in the style of criminal jargon.
  • Ties toast with animals. For example, "be beautiful, like a butterfly!"
  • Pronounce toast foreign language, or by portraying a foreigner.
  • On the go to come up with a poem congratulation.
  • Connect to a toast arbitrarily taken set of words.

Tasks can be much more, they need to write on paper and distribute to guests. Such congratulatory contests at the table will surely like and worshiper of the birthday man.


Before the participants of the game, you need to put leaflets on which the letters of the alphabet are written. The first participant chooses a piece of paper, and all the others should come up with this letter for one word so that it turned out a more or less related story. Here is a very wide field for the manifestation of fantasy than it will be more, the more fun, it turns out stories.

Tale with missing words

The presenter must come up with a story in which guests of the holiday participate. However, it lacks some words that players must come up. Each participant in turn offers its word, depending on the text, it can be different parts of speech. You can even preferably use the funniest and ridiculous epithets, to give the will of fantasy, even more appropriate such funny feasting contests for the girl's birthday.

You need to fold a lot of paper with all kinds of questions written on them. Next, the participants of the game pull out in turn from the box of the leaves with questions and are trying to answer them not only truthfully, but also with the share of humor. Questions can be inventing the most diverse and the most unexpected topics limited to the degree of homogeneity of the company. We win such in this fun competition at the table for the birthday of those parties whose history turned out to be the most interesting and earned the approval of the entire company.

Questions can be the most different, for example:

  • What is your funny purchase ever?
  • What was your favorite toy in childhood?
  • What is the funny drawing can you remember?
  • In what crime situations have you been to?
  • What vacation remember most?
  • What is the funny thing happened in your childhood and remembered?
  • If there is an animal at home, what funny case Can you remember (what did he eat)?
  • Have you ever come true New Year's desires?
  • Do you like home neighbors and for what?
  • What is the most memorable case happened to you in the hospital / at the cottage / at work / at school?
  • What did you dream about in childhood and it came true?
  • Do you like a mixer / test / mother-in-law / swing and for what?


The essence of this entertainment is very simple - you need to blindly guess the object. Such cool packaging contests will surely cause special revival of those present guests. One of them tie their eyes, and in the hands they give along fork. For the assured time, he must, not touching anything with his hands, but only forks, determine as many items as possible.

To carry out this fun, it is necessary to pre-prepare several simple household items:

  • the pencils;
  • toothbrushes;
  • calculations;
  • fruits;
  • candy, etc.

The player is allowed to help - can it ask leading questions like "Is it a subject of hygiene?", "Is it edible?", "Is it made of glass?", Which will help him orient him with the answer. But surrounding answers must be one-room: "Yes" and "no". The one who had guessed more objects for the designated period, he becomes the winner. The special charm of this fun is that you can conduct similar contests for your birthday, sitting at the table.

Question answer

The meaning of the game is clearly visible from its name, at the same time questions, and the answers are written on cards that text down the text down in two stacks. One player gets a question from a stack and chooses an opponent who pulls out the answer from another stack, while both loud read the content of their cards (the presenter must come up in advance what will be written on them).

Similar funny feasting contests for young people's birthday will help learn a lot of unexpected: in which unexpected places it hides sandwiches or why he, sitting naked on a garden, howls to the moon.

Mysterious ball

Funny feasting contests for adult birthday can be associated with the manifestation of erudition. For this fun, short riddles, foil and small souvenir written on paper. The gift must be wrapped in a foil layer, to which scotch and attach the first riddle. Then follows the next layer of foil and a new riddle, and so on. Such layers with riddles need to be made at least 6-7. Closer to the center should be the most difficult riddles, and the outside is simpler.

One of the participants read the first riddle, and the one who first solves her removes the foil layer and reads the next riddle. He who gave the last and most complex riddleAnd becomes the winner. Such contests for the feast may turn out very entertaining.

Noun and adjective

This competition resembles the previous one. The latest participant thinks the word and reports what kind of kind it is. The following participants in turn offer their epitles in the form of adjectives, and at the end of the game "Author" says it out loud. Therefore, his "cutlet" can become charming, glass, grilling, mysterious and even sexy. These funny feasting contests for the birthday of adolescents flow quite vividly, and the participants constantly change places so that everyone can come up with his noun.

I have in my pants ...

The meaning of this fun must remain mystery to the last. Each member of the feast calls his neighbor on the left name of a famous film or a cartoon. He must remember this name, and to the next convey another name, and so in a circle. Then the presenter requests everyone to pronounce the beginning of the phrase "I have in my pants ...", and then complete its name transferred by the neighbor's film. So it may turn out that someone "in the pants Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession," another "Hello, I am your aunt", and the third "in the pants my tender and gentle beast".

Care Polon Roth.

For this interesting home contest at the table, minor iris or caramel will be required. Participants of the fun put sweetness in the mouth and try to pronounce "Congratulations on the day of birth!", After that, they send the following candy in the mouth and repeat the same phrase. One wins the phrase will remain recognizable with the greatest amount of candy in the mouth.

Who am I?

In this entertainment, each participant is a feast of the scotch and a piece of paper, which is written any noun (animated or inanimate item). The easiest way to be limited to famous personalities, Film characters or cartoons. All sitting at the table can see all the words on the forehead of the participants of the game, except for their own.

All players take turns ask leading questions to the neighbor "I am a man?", "I am a confectioner?", What are the one-step responses "Yes" and "no". The one who first rents his word, he becomes the winner. And the one who guesses incorrectly or gets a comic punishment, either dropping out of the game. If the deposits are not allowed to be given to the participants, it is possible to make a relaxation - to answer more unfolded, but clearly does not call the subject.

Guess who I am on my features

In this game, all guests invited guests can participate. Each of them leads a piece of paper and a pencil, and they must write their own distinctive feature, striking: Mountain on the nose, obvious character trait, color of clothing, etc., on which it would be possible to allocate from the crowd of this person. Then all the leaflets are folded and folded into the box.

The presenter is suitable for a birthday party, he pulls out a note from there and the description on it is trying to determine the guest. The same should not give themselves anything, while the birthday room does not "calculate." But the "marked" guests can join the culprit of the celebration to look for the next guests to their signs. Similar entertainment contests are usually well splitting a team.

Lock in sentence

In this competition, everyone can participate. The leaders are pronounced three words that are not connected by a single meaning of the word, and the participants of the game must compile a meaningful phrase from them. At the same time, the words are allowed to be inclined. For example, these words may be offered: "lipstick", "Bear" and "Name Day". You can offer such a phrase: "The host's name was smeared by his red lipstick." Or "the bear returned from the name and forgot to erase the lipstick from the cheek - then the bear will be happy!". At the end of the competition, the presenter will choose the most successful offer, the author of which will become the winner of the competition.

Broken phone

Choosing funny contests Happy birthday at the table, you can not pass past the classic and well-known "spoiled phone". The more people in it participate, the more funnier and the result is unexpected. The first participant comes up with the phrase and records it on paper (documentary evidence), after which hesitates to his neighbor this phrase. She needs to whisper quietly, so that the neighbors do not hear. He transmits the next participant heard, the next, and so on the chain. The latter on the "telephone line" says something that heard. As a rule, it is very different from the original phrase. Then begins the fun - disassembly, who and when something did not hear something and handed over.

Robot "yes-no"

Before the game you need to prepare cards on which the names of different animals are written. Those present on the holiday should use these names using leading issues. But the answers can only sound the one-eyed "Yes" and "No", only as a last resort - "I can not say." As soon as the name of the animal is guessing, the presenter places the card with the right word.

The usual questions in this topic concern wool, paws, the presence of tail, claws, diet, etc. Instead of animal names, you can use the names of inanimate objects, then the leading questions will change. If feasting funny contests on the birthday of men in the men's team are held, and frivolous topics with the bottom linen are also possible, and in the most replicated companies with goods from sex shops.

Find a crocodile

When small contests are used at the table, then this one can add this. Before the start of the game, you need to introduce everyone with its rules, and it can continue throughout the evening, alternating with other fun. In the midst of the parties, the host secretly transfers the "hunter" - one of the guests of the "crocodile" (clothespin), which should imperceptibly attach it to the along with their chosen arbitrarily "victims" (a man can put it in his pocket, and a woman in a handbag). Also imperceptibly he notifies the lead that the case is done. After that, the host announces loudly: "The crocodile fled! Where did he climb? " And then it begins to count out loud to 10. At this time, all guests visiting themselves with feverishly - I did not become a matter of drawing? If during the reference of the "victim" will find the "crocodile" hidden on it, then the hunter is poured the "penalty" glass, otherwise they will have to drink "victim".

Pite and alphabetic chain

When contests for the birthday of adults suggest the presence and drinking of alcohol, they become even more desirable. Therefore, for this competition you need to cook glasses with alcoholic beverages, and all participants will need knowledge of the alphabet and good memory for names.

The first player in the circle calls the name and surname of celebrities, the second must remember the celebrity, whose name begins with the first letter of the name of the named person and so on. In the game you can use the names of celebrities from any spheres of life: actors, politicians, athletes. The one who can not be on time (for example, for 5 seconds) remember suitable name, I have to drink a glass of alcohol. The move goes to the next player, and the glass is again filled. Repetitions are not allowed, drunk pressure on the brain and bladderSo the game is gradually becoming more fun. The main thing is not to overdo it!


In addition to paper and handles, it takes nuts, a pie or fruit for this game. The guests sitting at the table should be divided into pairs, some in which will be "speakers", and others - "stenographers". The speaker puts over the cheeks of nuts, pieces of cake or fruit, which makes it difficult for his speech. It is arowing with poems or prosaic text, which one should be as many as possible for his state to pronounce. Stenographer must record everything that was able to hear from speech. At the end of the "transcript" compare with the source. That couple wins, whose text will turn out to be closer to the original. This competition at the bottom of birth at the table can be modified - leave one speaker, and everyone else will turn it out.


Comic contests at the table are hard to imagine without phantom. The variants of this classic entertainment are invented by many, we will offer "Phanti on a schedule." All participants are distributed to the number with the corresponding tasks. For example, give different phantom tasks to pronounce a toast in a specific manner:

  • as an entertainer;
  • as a hopelessly loved man;
  • as a Caucasian guest;
  • as the order of a gost;
  • someone will get to touch your toast.

In the process, the presenter prescribes a speech of another fifty, and he performs its program - either by a pre-harvested pattern, or with complete improvisation.

Competitions for the birthday of a teenager at the table can also add a similar fun game that is good for a small friendly company. It will be necessary to prepare cards with memorable, bright images of cartoon characters, birds and animals. You will still need cards on which phrases are written containing the phrase "I look like ...", for example:

  • Waking up, I look like ...
  • At work, I look like ...
  • Drinking in the company, I get similar to ...
  • When the wife caught up with me near the refrigerator, I look like ...
  • When I suddenly causes the bosses, then I become like ...
  • After a rapid night, I look like ...
  • When I recognize that I was fired, I will look like ...
  • When I eat, I'm going to ...

Such cards can be made an arbitrary amount, but it is desirable that no less than 10-15 pieces. In the process of the game, the guest blindly pulls the card with the phrase written on it and read it out loud. After that, he pulls the cartoon with a cartoon or animal, which shows all those present as an answer.

Ask? I answer!

Similar original contests at the table for birthday can not bad "start" the team. For the game you will need two boxes - you need to fold the cards with questions in one, and in the second - with the answers. It is advisable to send players alternately men and women so that the answers are more fun. The first participant gets the first question, and loud reads his neighbor. He, without looking, pulls out the first response from another box and also announces it. Sometimes a couple of questions and answers form very funny combinations. Depending on the company's closeness, such questions can be used, for example:

Can you deceive me right now?
Do you like to walk on the roofs of your hometown?
Do you often wink in transport strangers / strangers?
Do you often knock on the door at night?
True, what is your husband / wife like to consider other people's women / men?
Do you like to swim in the moon?
Do I get acquainted on the street?
Will you fall asleep at work?
Do you like to dance with married men / married women?
Why did you say that there is a lot of guests?
Have you ever read fat books?
In easily find a common language with guests in an unfamiliar company?
Are you a fan of exotic kitchen?
Do you often drink alcohol?
Can you lend me right now a thousand dollars?
How do you react to experiments in your girlfriends clothes?
Can you say that you love to go shopping? (It does not matter a man or woman answers)
Why do you smile so mysteriously?
Why do you like to watch striptease so much?
Do you like to eat anywhere on a visit?
Do you like me?
Why are you afraid of little dogs?
In childhood, climbed to the neighbors for Malina?
If the phone will now call, and say that you won a trip to the sea, believe?
Do you like your strangun?
Do you often shift your work on others?
Do you like my smile?
Are you often hungry?
Can you look into my eyes and smile?
What do you say when in transport you come to your feet?
Why are you afraid to drink milk?
Why throw a pebble from the balcony in passersby you call your favorite sport?
Do you like to receive gifts?
Right now drink?
Are you a lot of relaxing at work?
Do you like watching horror movies?
Can you tell me your secret?
Why did you ask my photo?
Do you like to eat meat products?
Are you a very temperamental man?
True, what did you prefer to go to the cottage, and not in the Maldives?
Why do you sometimes go to the car with a hare?
Why do you eat marinated bread crusts on Sundays?
Why do you hide your age?
Do you rather do at night?
Do you love roasted searer?
Have you ever run away from the policeman?
Are you afraid of taxi drivers?
Do you often promise too much?
Do you like to give gifts?
Do you like to take a bath in clothes?
Do you really want to answer my question now?
Have you ever wake up in an unfamiliar bed?
Do you like to scare those surrounding?
If I'm a kiss now, is your reaction?
Do you like to draw?
Why do you often ask for work from work?

And answers:

And I'm proud of it.
My years is my pride.
With great pleasure!
I blushed (a) - this is the answer.
When not at home, why not.
I can, but only on Mondays.
I rarely can afford it.
Yes, I'm capable of you / you are capable of everything!
I'll tell you a little later about this.
Fortunately, yes.
If they are very promoted.
Nowadays it is not a sin.
Do you really think that I will tell the truth?
In the form of exception.
If you rest, then yes.
And who does not happen with?
How dare you ask me about it?!
Just if they pay me.
Not now.
I'm silent something now to answer.
Ask my husband / wife.
Who are you taking me for?!
And you guessed.
Let me better kiss you.
After the glasses of champagne.
So I told you now the truth!
This is my cherished dream.
Let's do better!
Unfortunately no.
This is my passion!
I will say about it when you give your phone number.
You're embarrassing me.
If there is no other output.
I can not tolerate it.
How do you miss this opportunity?
If you get a salary.
Do not put me in an awkward position.
Since childhood, I love this business.
Well, yes ... happens to me any ...
What about different?
By itself!
I can't live without it and the day.
How am I without it?!
Only on birthday.
Now I will not tell you.
Only when well rest.
I will tell about it only with an eye on the eye.
Exclusively on holidays.
How great is it!
I was told that it was good.
Only in a good company.
I consider this a political issue.
Only when no one looks at.
And you tried to ask me all evening about it?
And at least now I can tell you the same thing.
Only in the morning.
This is completely simple.

Which of the packaging contests did you like most? Do you have your favorite contests at the table? Tell us about it in the comments.

Tasty and active contests for adults ...)

Birthday ... adults at the table ... Toasts, snacks, at best - funny memories ... And for some reason most of the "adults" believe that the competitions and games are a lot of children ... Comrades adults - you are deeply mistaken! Fun is the youth of the soul, and not only ... Return yourself the joy of childhood, zador youth and thirst for life. You will see how the world will play with new paints! Allow yourself to be your own, do not be afraid to look ridiculous and even won

Contests and birthday games for adults

You can start with the game "Sun Sms-Ka", it will allow, without leaving its places, right at the table, have enough to have fun and rummage. The essence of the game is that one person from the company reads the text, allegedly sent to him SMS and offers to all those present to guess the name of the sender. The whole "chip" is that the role of addresses are ... then the notorious, hangover, then Salad "Olivier", then the stomach ... -))
- "Happy Birthday. I'm on the road. I will be in the morning tomorrow. " (Hangover)
- "If I hiss - do not be offended, because it is from the feelings overwhelming me." (Champagne)
- "Report: I started with creak!" (Chairs)
- "Today you will listen only to us." (Congratulations and wishes)
- "Although I am inconvenient and changeable, I never happen bad. Therefore, I accept me today, what I mean. " (Weather)
- "Pey, Gulyi, just enough for me!". (Health)
- "It is not enough to squeeze me so long and stroke me. Take, finally, the solution. " (Wine glass vodka)
- "I am empty as always on your birthday." (Refrigerator)
- "Do not drink without me!". (Toast)
- "I want to cuddle to your knees. Or to the chest. " (Napkin)
- "How we hate your birthday. If your friends will handle us with us, you will stay without our us. " (Ears)
- "Breasting!". (Table)
- "I want to congratulate the birthday girl, do not step on my throat." (Song)
"Let me get drunk today, I still don't drink." (Talent)
- "Slug in comparison with your charm." (Bouquet)
- "From such physical exertion, you can and fuck." (Jaw)
"You wish us come true." (Dreams)
"" I'm ready to sacrifice your life for your happiness. " (Plate)
- "Sorry, that I am in the fur coat. Help remove. " (Herring)
- "Here you all drink, and I thought about me?". (Liver)
- "You wanted to congratulate me to congratulate me!". (Telephone)
- "If you get up, there is nothing to make it on me." (Mirror)
"Maybe I and a fool, but how nice to feel stuffed." (Stomach)
- "You celebrate, and we will wait." (Deed)
- "I forgive you that you do not notice me. (Time)
- "Oh, and I'll unwind today." (Toilet paper)
- "Ah, when will all go when we stay together and you will start to look at me?" (Present).
- "Be careful, we can not hold you." (Legs)
- "Tuk, Tuk, Tuk, that's me! Open the door!". (Happiness)
- "Thank you for the holiday. I come in a year. " (Your birthday)

Competition »Portrait of the birthday man"

Great Birthday Competition: Watman's sheet made two slots for hands. Participants take each sheet, traveled hands in the slots, draw a brush portrait of a birthday room, not looking. Who "masterpiece" turned out to be more successful - takes the prize.

Competition "Congratulations Birthday" -)

1. Practitioner by template
For such a congratulations, you need to prepare text with games by misiting adjectives. For example, "In this ____________ and ___________ evening, when __________ stars are burning on __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Nn.
We wish him friends, _______ love. smiles, success and
Today in honor of NN we will sing _________ songs, ____________, give _____ gifts and drink _________ wine. On our _______ party will be _________ jokes, ________ jokes, ______ Dances-Shmannians and fictions. We will play _____ games and put __________ scenes. Let our NN and __________ ".
Congratulations can be made for any celebration, anniversary, graduation, professional holiday.

Directly at the party, the presenter gets up and says: "Dear friends, I prepared a congratulation here, but I have problems with adjectives, and I ask you to call any adjectives that come to mind, and I will write them down." The presenter records pronounced adjectives in the empty seats of congratulations on the game in order how they are pronounced. Next, the text is read, and everyone laugh from funny coincidences.

For a lot of fun, you can ask you to call adjectives from a specific area, for example, medical terms, scientific, army jargon, etc.

Funny contest "Nose to the nose"

You will need: Matchbox boxes

To carry out this game, you must divide for 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, not all boxes are needed, but only the upper part of it. The inner, advanced part along with matches can be postponed in the direction. For the time to start the game, all the teams are built into the column, the first person puts on the boxes on his nose. The essence of the game is that as soon as possible to transfer this boxes from the nose to the nose to all members of your team, the hands should be behind the back. If someone has fallen boxes, the team begins the procedure again. The team that will finish the transmission box faster is considered.

Lack of laughter in this competition will not be!

Birthday Competition »Shooting Eyes»

Participants are divided into pairs and one lead. One group sits on the chairs set in the circle, the other becomes behind their back, each near his partner. The presenter stands near an empty chair and keeps behind his back. The presenter should lure to himself some player sitting on a chair. He does it, imperceptibly winking to him. The player who stands should keep his partner, if it failed, he becomes the lead.

Cheerful acting talent competition

When a person is arranged to work, he usually writes autobiography. Imagine how she could look, and write on behalf of some famous personalities of their autobiography. Among these celebrities: Baba Yaga, Carlson, Old Man Hottabych, Baron Münhgausen, Koschey Immortal

Competition for speed and imagination

You know from childhood and, probably, love fairy tales H.-k. Andersen "Floor", "Ugly Duckling", "New Dress of the King", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Thumbelina". Try to tell one of these fairy tales, while using the most using in your retelling special vocabulary: Military, Medical, Legal, Political, Pedagogical.

Competition "Answer for a neighbor"

Participants of the game are in a circle, and in the middle of his presenter. He asks to play various questions, without observing the order. Asked must be silent, and the neighbor is responsible for him on the right side.

The one who answers the question itself or is late to respond for a neighbor comes out of the game.

Competition for the birthday "chairs"

Chairs put in one row. Players sit on them and close their eyes. The presenter must remember where everyone sat or written on a piece of paper. He gives the players of the team: "Make 5 steps forward", "Turn 2 times", "Make 4 steps to the left", etc. Then, on the command "in places!" Players must find their own stools with closed eyes. Who will be mistaken - coming out of the game.

Competition "The most quiet"

The king is sitting on a chair. Other players are sitting by a semicircle a few meters from it, so that it is good to see it. The king's hand gesture causes one of the players. He gets up and silently goes to the king and sits down his legs to become minister. During this move, the king listens carefully. If a player does at least the slightest noise (rustling of clothes, etc.), the king sends him a gesture of his arms.

The king must save silence himself. If he leaves the sound if he leaves the sound, he is immediately overthrown from the throne and replace the first minister who takes its place in full silence and continues the game (or the tired king announces that it should be replaced and invites the minister to sit in his place) .

Birthday Competition »Molchanka"

Lead Pronounces:

Who will tell the word or emit any sound, he will pay a fine or execute the desire of the lead.

And everyone subsides. You can only communicate with gestures. Everyone is silent until the presenter says "Stop!". If someone issued the sound during the silence - he is sentenced to fine.

Competition "Stirlitz"

Players freeze in different poses. The presenter remembers the poses of playing, their clothes and comes out of the room. Playing make five changes in their poses and clothing (not every five, and there are only five). The presenter must return everything to its original position.

If the host found all five changes, then the players perform some kind of desire. In the opposite case, you need to led again.

Competition »Two bag of joy"

You will need: paper, pen, 2 bag

Before sitting at the table, each guest writes on paper what he would like to give a culprit of the celebration (the birthday girl should go to another room), subscribe and comer sheet of paper. For example, a car, a dog, a gold necklace. After the paper is mixed, the birthday name is called, it closes his eyes and chooses any crumpled piece of paper lying in a specially cooked bag.

After the culprit, the celebration says that it is written in the piece of paper chosen and announces the signatory.

The host says: "This gift you have to appear during this year if the name (signed note) fulfills the following task ...".

The guest who wrote this note is offered from another bag to choose a task written on a piece of paper (pre-prepared), which it will have to perform, for example, sing a song for a birthday room, etc.

Birthday is not a frequent holiday, although the annual. Therefore, it is important to note it so that the positive is enough for the remaining new year. Purchase products and make a dish for a feast, call guests - on this list of cases for the organizer does not end. Create atypical entertainment program. Games at the birthday of an adult at the table and outside it will be filled with an unforgettable emotion.

Contests for feast

While the guests are too relaxed after meals, you should not withdraw them to active games. But it turns out to start a fun already at the table. Funny and cool elements of this program are verified in the case not one holiday. Listen to both fantasy: almost any way to diversify the birthday or anniversary will suit.

For a large company

Classifieds related to the request

  1. This game is suitable for those who are still weakly familiar, because the competition is aimed at uniting guests. Each is given a phanta with a word. For three minutes, with the help of a brief communication with each other, people must host the teams in two or three people each. For example, guests with Phanti "Pencil", "Wooden Rule" and "Magaza" - Team of the Office.
  2. Arrange the competition of artistic booklers. To do this, select three people, let them advise alone. Their task is to retell the famous book in the genre of Horror, Thriller or Trash comedy. It all depends on the solution of other players. The team that told the most exciting story.
  3. This can be considered a mixture of phantas and pantomimes. All guests receive on a piece of paper on the type of activity with the suffix "East": scablast, pianist, fetishist, illusionist, parachute, and so on. The owner of a paper must be silently showing his occupation. Wins the one who will do it is most fun and convincing.
  4. Another variety of this game with pieces is characterized by content and is called "Show your country." The bottom line is that on the phantas you must write the name of the country. The one who got a Phanti should show this state through a well-known landmark that is located in it. It will be interesting to observe the participants of the game and how to show one or another country.
  5. Distribute to the parties to the celebration of a piece of paper, where there will be fun questions in the spirit "as a birthday girl learned to speak", "how he made the first step" and so on. Those who have extended the question, you need to portray this event. The one who will do is the most ridiculous and the one whose action is guessing the fastest. These are interesting reasons to look at yourself with other people's eyes and laugh from the soul.
  6. A fun competition for the birthday with alcohol will be this one. Run each guest on the tray two glasses, but show from the distance. In one water, in another vodka (drinks can be changed, for example, red wine and cherry juice). The goal of the player is to choose a glass of water. If this does not happen, it is obliged to drink a stack and fulfill the wishes of the birthday man. But try not to enter too much into the program. Do not allow all contests to be associated with alcohol.
  7. A certain object is placed on the middle of the table. The game task of each of the birthdays is to come up with him original application. Everyone alternately calls his ideas, and the one who will last longer, wins.

For several people

  1. The main destroyer will help to find this contest. Take two bowls and two sheets of fine paper A4. With the help of the stopwatch, check out the time, and the mission of the players' pair is to break the leaf on the shreds without scams for half a minute. Won that contestant who completely inspires his sheet or one whose piece will be smaller.
  2. You can feel direct childhood joy from the next game. Each guest is a glass with water, tube and one empty glass. The goal of the player is to faster the remaining fluid from the full in empty only with the help of straw. The winner is the one who conveyed the maximum amount of water is faster than the rest.
  3. Tests distribute album sheets, as well as well-writing markers. At the same time, their hands are associated with their backs, because the guests will have to draw with teeth. It is not easy, but you need to try, because the task of the birthday room is to guess that he tried to portray his friend or girlfriend.
  4. Similar entertainment is called "like a chicken paw." Offer guests to write a birthday congratulation on Watman. The subtlety is what to do it is needed. To do this, secure the sheet on the floor so that it does not slip at an inappropriate moment, and the marker or felt-tipper hold down between the thumb and the index.
  5. For each participant, put a number of ten burning thin candles. The champion is recognized by one who fastened most of the most burning candles.
  6. Distribute the guests of the holiday markers and one A3 sheet at all. On it they draw a portrait of a birthday man: Let them take one of the details of the face. The peculiarity of the competition is that it is not necessary to draw a hand or with closed eyes depending on the wishes of the birthday man.
  7. One participant fills his mouth with Marshmallow's moisture. The elected player is issued a little-known poem, which the player extends with alive and expressive intonations. The remaining participants in the celebration must record on paper what hears. Wins the one who recorded close to original text Version of a verse or one whose creation caused more laughter.

Active games

On your birthday, all guests want to feel young, plenty to have fun. Why not satisfy their need for active entertainment? Games can be held in the apartment, on the street: anywhere. The main thing is to think over the script and charge guests with a positive attitude.

For a large company

  1. For this competition will need free space. Prepare the balls of two colors by the number of birthday guests. Let the guests are divided into team teams and tie the balls to the legs. On the birthday sign, everyone starts to burst the balls of rivals, but protecting their own. That team wins, whose ball will last the last on the battlefield.
  2. Note on the floor circle or somehow otherwise limit the game space. On the head of two players, watered the hat with wide fields. The leading hand of everyone ties behind your back. To get the title of champion in this competition, it is important to protect your headdress, but to rip the head from the head of the enemy. At the same time, remember that leave the circle is prohibited.
  3. Form the diverse pairs. Between your belly, put on the balloon. When the music starts, each pair begins fun to dance. But at the same time, guests try to protect the ball from crushing.
  4. Each team has at least 4 people. First, give them time to advise: you need to choose the name of the animal or the birds that they will portray. Then make the eyes contestants and mix the players with each other. After the signal, each makes the sounds of the creature that chose. And this is the only sound they can publish. In this asthony, people should form teams anew. The champion is recognized by the team that will be gathered faster and take hands.
  5. Arrange a silent relay. To do this, mark the points of change of participants: big circles bright color. Tighten the gum between the legs and secure the rattle, the bubrels or the bell. Everyone seeks to get to the nearest point, creating as little noise as possible. You can ring and branding only during the transfer of rubber band to another person.

Do not be afraid to resort to traditional games.

  • Spend a run in bags! To do this, prepare two large pure bags and sufficient space for action. Arrange the players in two equal ranks. Participants climb into them and get to the finish line as quickly as possible and slip back, changing with another contestant. A team will win, which quickly coped with the task.
  • But another variation of the relay. The task of the participants is to come with a spoon with a tennis ball to the installed place. Instead of a ball, you use a chocolate egg or another object that can be easily damped. If the thing fell, you need to return to the beginning and run on the new one.

For several people

  1. For this competition, prepare a package with clothing (take an equal number) for every two guests. The eyes are tied with one of the pair. It must properly wear a second person without help from the side, but usually it turns out something funny and ridiculous. The winners are those who were able to dress relatively correctly and quickly.
  2. A group of players comes to the center of the hall. The clothespins are hanging on their clothes in an equal number, eyes are tightly tied. While the music is played, the task of everyone is to ignore as much as possible cloves of competitors and save their own.
  3. Competition is suitable if there is a crystal clean floor or carpet in the room. Two players of one growth and the set are on all fours. Each paper is attached on the back (make sure that it is large enough) with the word. The victory will won the one who will read someone else's word, but will not show his own. At the same time, get up, tear the sheet and tear off the hand from the floor is prohibited.
  4. You can otherwise organize a contest with running in bags: instead of bags simply offer to surcharge to the finish line on one leg. The foot chooses the organizer, in the middle of the route he can change it. To complicate the task, organize the game on the street next to a small elevation. Then the players will have to jump both in the hill and from it.
  5. Participants divide into two equal in the quantity and capabilities of the team. Each of them is issued long twine. That team will win, which is faster than the rivals "shelters" of all participants to each other. You can do it, passing the rope through the loop for the belt, the sleeve and other speakers of the wardrobe. Use a strong but not too wide a rope to play it happens without incident.
  6. Under the ceiling on thin threads, secure small presents for guests. Everyone cuts off or disrupt themselves one with tied eyes, provided that it is impossible to get up on furniture items. The prize will receive every guest if it hits and will show a mixture.
  7. Notify the alleged participants bited to a poisonous snake. But save the positive and arrange the following contest. Inconsider them to dance, despite the problems, in the second minute, let them know the legs. Now you need to continue to move to the music, but you can not move with lower limbs. And so with fifth to the head. The winner is recognized by the dancer who was able to move to move, ignoring adversity.
  • Think the place of the game. Head of the room and other resources. This will avoid unpleasant incidents if the company is numerous and you want to organize moving entertainment;
  • Take into account the contingent of the guests: the difference in the age, features of characters and physical development. For example, you should not arrange entertainment related to large physical exertion if people with health problems will be among the invited
  • Prepare a program in advance. Do not keep up with memory, even if you are sure of it. Write out the names of contests, resources and actions algorithm, as well as gifts, if provided for. In these papers, make spare entertainment options. It may happen that the competition will not like guests;
  • Check that you have inventory for contests and dwells in working condition: the rope is strong, all the inscriptions are printed by readable font, and markers are written;
  • Do not allow the excess of the vulgar games offensive for some participants of the celebration or those associated with drinking;
  • Encourage guests and words, and material prizes. They will become like pleasant little things that they will fit in everyday life and champagne or box of sweets, if a person won a complex competition. Determine the costs of gifts in advance. It is better to buy more than to divorce one or several guests with a pleasant present;
  • If you are a birthday boy, try to participate in the entertainment, serve personal example. Being the Organizer, take into account his wishes in the preparation of the program: after all, the person himself knows better, as he wants to spend his day;
  • Do not make those who do not want to participate, play and have fun through strength;
  • Distribute contests so that physical and mental activities alternate. Try not to overdo it with them, sometimes guests will just have to relax in the company of each other and delicious food;
  • Between contests (if you are just an organizer) pay attention to a person, because of which the celebration is happening. Dilute the program with congratulations, jokes;
  • Do not forget to do as you can big photo And remove the video, fix memories of the holiday and then send them to guests;
  • Support the participants and ask other contestants about it. The sense of cohesion will benefit everyone, therefore, the results can increase.

People remembered positive moments of life and days filled with sincere fun, happiness. So try to please and rejoice. Do not stay aside during contests during a birthday party and strive even to a small festive victories. And then you will feel the charm of games even on an adult birthday.

Wallpaper track is put on the floor. Women are offered to spread their legs wide, go through the "stream" without sleeping the legs. After the first attempt, it is proposed to repeat the "walk along the stream", but already blindfolded. All other future participants of the game should not see how it is held. Having passed the rod with blindfolded eyes, and at the end of the way, removing the bandage from his eyes, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (a man is placed on the wallpaper after the task is made, but the bandage from the participant's eyes has not been removed). Woman confused. The second participant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant from the soul laughs. And then the third, fourth ... fun!


Playing for a bar: a glass of glass / glass / vodka / beer was installed in the center, which is put on a napkin so that a smooth plane is formed on the neck (the edges can be beaten in a circle, if necessary, smoother). A coin is put on the center (like the ruble - not very heavy, so as not to pull the napkin, but not too easy, so that the game does not delay), the cigarette is searned and playing in turns must touch the napkin to the napkin, burning holes (do not forget that in the napkin They sprawling). The one loses, after the touch of which the web burst burst, and the coin will fall into the glass. And the loser is announced that it should have a drink of a vessel (along with ashes, of course, you can spite the coin).


Only women participate in the competition. Participants become faced with the audience. Behind each cost a chair. Master imperceptibly puts on each chair a small object. By team, all participants are sitting and trying to determine: what the subject under them. Watch and use hands forbidden. Wins defining the first.


Music, slow minutes for 9-10. Couple, a man holds a girl on his hands. What a couple will last longer, she won. With the manifestation of fatigue, players or guess, or they suggest putting a partner over his shoulder, put on the shoulders of the OTD.

3 pairs are involved. Competition props: 3 chairs, standing apart 1.5 m., 3 needles with threads, 3 scarf, 15 hearts from the fabric. Women sit on chairs blindfolded, role sewing machine Performed men who have become on all fours in front of women. The task of a woman is the seamstress while music sounds, sew 5 hearts on the ass man. The same couple wins, whose seamstress gently sewing hearts to its partner.

With closed eyes

Nulling thick mittens, it is necessary to determine the touch, what kind of man in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls - guys. You can feel the whole person.

With lemon slices

The girl falls horizontally, the napkins with lemon slices are folded according to her body, and one must in the mouth (it is impossible to swallow). The guy tie his eyes, and he must find all her slices and eat. It is possible to pick up with vodka / water. A softer option - instead of lemon - candy. Wins the fastest steam.

With coin

The essence of the game is as follows. The girl or guy falls on the floor (on the carpet) or, if possible, on the sofa (sofa, bed). He (her) on the belly (belly) is a coin. On the player on top there is a player of the opposite sex (of course, who, as like), and they must turn over so that the coin is at the stomach of the second player without falling. And so on. If the coin fell, then the guilty of its falling steam should kiss.

The game is as follows. 3-4 men are invited to participate in the game. For the game requires empty beer bottles of 0.5 liters. In an amount by the number of players. Participants are tied to the belt fresh carrot in such a way that it hangs in front at the knee level. At the team of men, the men should hit the carrot in the neck of the bottle in such a way that then picking a bottle on the rope for which carrot is tied.

Sniper - 2.

Players on the waist are strengthened belts to which an apple is suspended on the rope. The players put a nail against nails. It is necessary as quickly as possible "folding" an apple on a nail.

With cucumber

It can be played with any number of players who, by the way, can be any age and any sexes. The game passes with a bang also in any condition. And its essence is. Everyone becomes in a circle, which is watered and a certain lead. Moreover, the circle should be quite dense - shoulder to the shoulder, and the hands are behind. It takes the usual fresh cucumber, preferably more. The task of the leading to determine in whose hands this cucumber is now located. And the task of players is to transfer the cucumber to each other, and when the presenter does not look, bite off on a piece.

Chewing is also very careful, in order not to arouse the extra suspicion of the lead. If the operation passed successfully, and the cucumber is happily, and most importantly - unnoticed from the lead, it was eaten, it means that this victim of his own inattention fulfills the desire of the entire team that has already matured!

With cucumber - 2

Two or more couples are involved. The task of each pair is the fastest to eat (long) cucumber - or banana - at the same time from two ends, without touching his hands. The rest observe and provide moral support. An option with tied eyes: Couples are selected by mutual agreement, and after their eyes have tied, partners are imperceptible.

With a blanket

Mds are involved, but if you want to extend yourself, you can hide a few more couples for a time of primary (secondary) joke. The guy and the girl, whose acquaintance does not play any role, plant apart separately, each under the blanket. Participants are squatting on the floor. The presenter, usually the only one who knows what everything should end, hiddenly under the windows, the participants say the following: "On each of you there is one extra thing, remove and give it to me."

Then the unnecessary logic follows the sequence of removable things pulled by a trembling hand from under the blanket. Well, if the game has reached such a climax, when there is nothing to shoot something, then the master pronounces the phrase, which at one point makes the victims to experience a feeling of horror: "My friends, you have not guessed, this item is still on you, it is - Blanket! Remove and give it to me. " The scene is further observed when something under the blanket is joining with all the limbs to it from the inside, yells and shamefully passes. Everything, however, depends on the degree of cigarette. It should be said that if one of the participants guess at an early stage, i.e. When it is also almost dressed, that this is a blanket, he (she) just moves away and having fun over all that is happening.

Nightingale robber

A bottle (vodka, wine, brandy, etc.) is put on the table. There is a deck of cards on top of it ( better card New or plastic). The task of playing is to blow up a few cards from the deck, but not all the deck. Who blocked all the deck, must start from the bottle.

With chairs

This is an ordinary children's game when the chairs are put in a circle, and players per longer than chairs. Players for music move in one direction around the chairs, and when the music breaks down - they sit on the nearest chair. To whom the chair did not have enough - he drops out of the game, carrying out one chair. The game continues until the next two players do not sweat at the last chair. The transformation of this game in the "adult" lies in the fact that men sit on the chairs, and girls dancing around the chairs, when they stopped music, they plunge on their knees.

To whom he did not get knees - dropping together with her husband or friend and chair, on which he was sitting (this is his little punishment for the fact that the partner was not enough to be prompt). The most cool moments in the game, when two girls, repulcing each other, try to stay on the knees from one man, and also need to see the people waiting for men - which will be his girls. Culmination, naturally, at the end of the game. Almost all the company has already flown out, and everyone starts to hurt loudly and encourage the remaining players. You can try to play this game on the contrary - on the chairs of the girl, on the knees guys.

Props: glasses (glasses or bottles) and straws or children's nipples, respectively. Who quickly sends a liquid from a glass of straw (from a bottle with a nipple). The composition of the fluid is set depending on the status of the players. The most difficult through the straw pull thick tomato juice, and from the bottle is a liquid semolina (or powder, poorly stirred milk).

The game is quite tough. Designed for men. Before the start of the game in a basin, a large bowl or some kind of large vessel pour beer. Players with 100 gram winegirls sit around this vessel and frightening beer with their glands, drink every minute. So 100 times 100 grams. Wins the one who "lives" to the end, i.e. He drinks 100 stagmagne beer. The game is good because no one often wins. Therefore, the envy does not exceed anyone.
P.S. Participants can go to the toilet, but only to be knocked out from the drink graphics are not right, i.e. Exactly minute after a minute, they should drink another glass of beer.


Each of the players is issued a blank sheet of paper. The player in the upper part of the sheet writes the question (for example: "What are your girlfriend your eyes?"). The next sheet is bends so that the text of the question is not visible, and the brief question is written on the bend (in this case, "what?"). The sheet is transmitted to the next player. He responds to the top question, writes his own (for example: "poisonous. Who bring storks?"), List bends, signs a brief question and gives a sheet further. And so until paper is running out. After that, the sheets unfold. At the same time, the texts of questions and answers to them will be on the one hand of the sheet, and short questions on the other. Read having fun.

With rubber bands

With the help of colored hair bands, you can conduct such a contest. Men participate in it - 2 or 3. Each receives elastic bands. The task of participants for several musical minutes "Okolzat" as possible large quantity present women. "Rings" - rubberry put on ladies on their feet, above the feet. And then count the number of "heated" by each participant. The most prompt receives a prize.

We are invited 4-5 pairs (ms). Music turns on. Task is given: the young man plays the role of a pillar, and the girl should dance around him, but with the condition that at the end of the dance on the "post" remains as possible less clothes. It is advisable to recruit playing a good prize. The most successful this contest is held in the jetty company.


In secret from the culprit (or culprit) of the holiday, make a silhouette of a human figure in a cardboard full height. At the face of the face, glue a photo of the birthday book (Birthday). Put on this mannequin all possible clothing items: from panties to the cap. They can be both real and paper. Paper simply stick to mannequin. Then the presenter sets guests about the anniversary: \u200b\u200bwhen it was born, a favorite dish, etc.

If the guest is mistaken, it must remove any object of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be closed with fingest sheets of green paper. And, if you are sure that the birthday man is offended, on these leaves you can write comic wishes.

Guests get or sit in a circle and to music begin to transmit a large box. As soon as the presenter stops music, Guest, who had a box, opens it, removes one thing with himself and puts into the box. After the players are already enough space, the box is started in a circle, but after stopping music, players must already, without looking into the box, get the first thing that came across and put on themselves. This item must be to wear a certain time. For example, half an hour or until the end of the party. You can pre-put a variety of clothing items in the box: from children's capes to huge specially cross-lifted pants and bras.

Dancing on a sheet

Two or more pairs are selected. There are more sheets with a larger format (A1..A3) by the number of couples participating, and each couple should dance, without going with these sheets while music is played (for a while). He who stumbled - leaves. If the music ends and several pairs remain, the most interesting thing begins - the leaflets are folded in half and everything is repeated. Who can last longer, wins. Another detail - the choice of partners in such games can be entrusted with the case and pull the piece of paper with the name from somewhere. It makes sense to get rid of the possibility of matching the floors of playing, and then girls will dance with girls, guys with guys. One option - for girls whole pieces, for guys - cropped. Checked: With this declaration, the laughter does not subscribe for a long time.


It is necessary to prepare two identical set of pieces of paper on which parts of the body: head, back, hand, chest, ass, leg, etc., - in the measure of fantasy and degree of merger of the company. Then each set is placed in a separate box (header). In our case, we even packed every piece of paper into a box of "Kinder Surprise". It is desirable that the boxes are somehow different. This is necessary in order to continue the sets of pieces of paper. Then all those present are divided into pair ms. Then choose a couple that will start the game. Each is given a personal set of paper.

For a start, everyone pulls out arbitrarily from his set (and how you remember the same) on one piece of paper. For example, M - hand, w - back. These parts of the body they must come in touch. Further, the participants pull another piece of paper: M - head w - chest. Now they should, keeping the previous contacts, contact new parts of the body. Etc. During the game, the pose can constantly and even need to be changed. After the couple pulls out the third or fourth piece of paper, it is usually impossible to resist the legs. This is where utility products are started into the move - chairs, sofa, floor. It is allowed to use any furniture. The game continues until the couple can no longer hold all those parts of the body in contact simultaneously. Then the next pair is caused, the paper is placed in their boxes, and it all starts again. The same couple wins, which managed to simultaneously hold the largest number of contacts.

Panties with rubberbar

For each participant of the competition, panties are distributed, an elastic band with a pin. Under turbulent ovations and applause, participants begin to inhibit these gum into panties, and then they are obliged to put them on themselves. The winner is the one who will "make" panties and dress them.

Guess who drinks vodka?

This game is a draw and play it only just once, but it is worth it. Conditions are simple: any number of participants are called. Then the host of the game makes the appropriate number of glasses (glasses, etc., but preferably transparent!), In which there is a gram of 150 liquids with straws. The presenter announces: "Now I will give each participant on a glass. In all, except for one gland, nanita pure water. And in one glass - clean vodka! "The task of each participant: To drink through the straw the contents of your glass, trying not to guess that he drinks. The task of observing (all others) guess: who exactly is nanite vodka. Well, on, respectively, participants Pulling the liquid, the observers are trying to guess: who drinks vodka, expressing their assumptions, doing bets, etc. When all the contestants drank everything, the lead announces that ... it is actually a draw and in all glasses of vodka !!!

A bottle (vodka, wine, brandy, etc.) is put on the table. On top there is a deck of cards. The task of playing is to blow up a few cards from the deck, but not all the deck. Who blocked all the deck, must start from the bottle.

Who is on the knees?

Chairs are placed in a spacious room in a circle. They are sitting on playing - men and women. Choose leading. He ties his eyes. Music turns on, and the leading goes in a circle. As soon as the music is interrupted, the leading stops and sits on his knees towards who he stopped. He whom he sat down to, should slow his breath and not to issue himself. The rest are asked: "Who?" If the leading guards, who he sits on his knees, then he becomes leading.

Before the game, remind women to participate that men, like birds, are most attractive in the married period. Let each participant choose a man at the time of the game and create from him the "fucking". For this, the ladies are distinguished by multicolored hair gums. Their task is from the hair of men with a rubber band to arrange as much as possible "Khokholkov". The satellite of the "fucking" is awarded the prize.

The real board for checkers is used, and instead of checkers - wine glasses. On the one hand, vodka is poured into a glass, and on the other hand, cognac. Next, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. For a variety you can play giveaway.


Two participants are called. They are issued on the roll of toilet paper. The task of the participants - to sink it all by pockets, for the collar, in trousers, in socks, panties, etc. (It all depends on fantasy and skills) in small pieces (as if the crib leading should follow this). Who is the first, the winner.


The game can play as many people. Everyone is divided into two teams (the differences in the field are not important), most importantly - to be the same number of people in each team. Teams are lined with each other. In front of them at a certain distance put a support on it:
1. Bottle of vodka (any alcohol, just with vodka more interesting),
2. Ryumka (glass - someone how to like),
3. Plate with a light snack (nr, lemon).

The first person runs - pours vodka into a glass and runs back, the second - he drinks and runs back, the third - bounces, also runs back, the fourth - does everything: pours, drinks, bounces and runs back, etc. The team wins the team that fastened the alcohol.

Outfast 4 to 200

3-4 men are invited to participate in the line 4 to 200. Each participant is presented with 4 faceted cups: 1st with water, 2nd with milk, 3rd with beer, 4th with vodka (can be replaced by wine). Winning drank it all first.

2 commands are recruited, preferably mixed, i.e. Of girls and young people. Teams need to be soldered in the next competition: the lead takes 2 eggs and says they are raw. Men must skip the egg through one pant and pull out through the other, well, and girls from one sleeve through another. It is advisable to hold a competition for merry music. Command participants can help each other. The funny thing is that, naturally, the eggs boiled and the winners get these eggs.


Duelists Two - a guy and a girl, other things, nothing will prevent you from increasing the number of players. Duel passes bloodlessly - playing alternately remove things from themselves and put them on a chair or somewhere else. Who will stop first - he lost. You only need to determine in advance, whether the keys pulled out from the pocket, coins, tokens, etc., are considered for the removed item.

Several couples participate. Each pair is given on a piece of ice. The wins the pair that will melt the ice first. You can breathe on ice, you can lick, suck, put under any parts of the body, in general, to do anything with him, if only melted, except for use technical devices and appliances.

Delicate touch

All participants are written on 3, 4 (etc.) Papers of a piece of body (hand, thigh, ear, nose, ass, intimate places). All paper folded in a hat. Hat put on the floor and the participants get up around her. Shoulder, getting paper, they touch the specified places. As a result, unique postures are formed. The game ends when the shell remains in the hat.

Dressing clothes-dressing

Volunteers are caused - 2 guys and 1 girl. And so 2 or 3 teams. The task of the leader's team to wear a girl on as quickly as possible and more things removed from the guys. As a result, imagine such a picture: there is a girl, dressed up to the head in men's clothing, and two naked guys! The degree of their nudity is determined by the degree of their modesty!


Two teams are formed: in one man, in another woman. At the signal, players of each team begin to remove clothing from themselves (what they want) and lay out in the line. Each team has its own line. The team made the longest line from clothing wins.

No truly cheerful and clockwork party do without contests. They help to create a relaxed atmosphere, do not let me be bored. We offer you the scripts of the most interesting games and merry competitionssuitable for the most different situations. There are entertainment contests for large number Few people familiar with each other, contests for a small company of loved ones, competitions for children. Make a memorable evening - select festive contests in this catalog, prepare everything you need to carry out and involve as many participants as possible in them.

Before the game, blanks are made (newspaper headlines, and the headlines themes can be the most diverse, for example: "Pooh and feather", "winner of the competition", etc.) The cuttings are stacked in the envelope and ...

For the game will need big box or bag (opaque), in which add various subjects Clothes: 56 sizes, caps, 12 size bras, glasses with nose, etc. Funny things. The presenter offers ...

The victim of the draw say that now everything in the company is coming out one famous fairy tale. He will have to guess her, asking the company questions on the plot of fairy tales. Answers the whole company chorus (and not alone) ....

Props: Do not need everyone sitting in a circle and someone speaks to his neighbor any word, he should say as quickly as possible to the ear next to the first association with this word, the second - the third and solande. until...

The game is a modification of the "New Year tree" and is offered in the company where there are boys and girls (uncle and aunty). It starts all trite. On the boy and on the girl, whose eyes are tied, is risening 5 clothespins. Pair ...

Guests on speed come on festive tableHolding the teeth a glass behind the leg. The longer the leg of the glade, the better. Who survived all the fastest and did not break the contents - the winner with flour on the face. Two guys sit at the table opposite each other. Before...

Reminds the game with clothespins, but a little more frank ... (person on 4-8). The pins are taken (the amount of arbitrary, usually approximately equal to the number of playing), and everything besides the leading ...

Two (or more) pairs are called. After an introductory conversation about fashion and fashion designers, each "tailor" is issued .. a roll of toilet paper from which he needs to make a dress for his "model" ....

You will need: empty glass bottle, notes. Write in advance on the small leaflets of the task, for example: "Kiss three times", "make a compliment", "wish health", "dance together dance", etc ....

This game is good if you relax with several families or companies not one day. Participants are all vacationers. All the names of the participants are written on separate notes, which are folded in the inscription ...