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Special vocabulary. Professional vocabulary: education and consumption

Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra
Surgut State Pedagogical University

Department of Linguistic Education and Intercultural Communication

Coursework on the topic

"Special vocabulary in English"


Student III course

Philology faculty

Malyk Julia

Group 941.

Scientific adviser:

Quilger N.N., teacher

Surgut, 2010.

    Introduction .................................................................. ... ... 3

    Goals and tasks ...........................................................................................................

  1. What is a special vocabulary .......................................... ..5
  2. Special vocabulary ...................................................... ..6
    1. Professionalism .......................................... .........
    2. Terms .................................................................. 10
    3. Slang ................................................................................... 13.
    4. Jargonisms ............................................................ 20.
    5. Vulgarisms ...........................................................24
    6. Dialectisms ...........................................................26

    Conclusion ............................................................ .............. ...... ..28

    Bibliography…………………………………………………. 29.


Special vocabulary of English is a very important component of general lexicology. Special vocabulary is used in all styles of English, however, with varying degrees of intensity. For example, narrowly specialized terms are used mainly in scientific style Speech, when talking on production and technical problems, etc. In artistic literature, professionalism and terms are used in scientific fiction works, works on production topics, etc. Special vocabulary include: Professionalism, terms, professional jargonis and slang, which are usually not commonly used. Special vocabulary is a source of replenishment of the vocabulary of the literary language. Special vocabulary, mainly terms, are used with other lexical means in urambal newspapers and magazines, in fiction. Special vocabulary is widely used to create words not a narrow specialty nature, i.e. metaphor. Using a special vocabulary, with one purpose or another, it is necessary to submit it so that the reader understand the need for a special word, understood its meaning or imagined at least in general terms that special subject of the concept of which is discussed.

Goals and objectives

The object of this work is a special vocabulary as part of lexicology.

The subject of this work is a special vocabulary of English.

The purpose of this work is to study the special vocabulary of the English language.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to put certain tasks:

  1. Examine the theoretical foundations of the vocabulary of English.
  2. Examine the theoretical foundations of a special vocabulary of English.
  3. Examine the types of special vocabulary of English.
  1. What is a special vocabulary

    Special vocabulary - words and phrases, who call items and concepts related to various areas labor activity man.

2.1. Professionalism

Professionalism are words associated with the production activities of people united by one profession or rising classes. Professionalism relations with terms. Professionalism in a new way indicate already known concepts, usually objects and labor processes (activities). Professionalism is a specialized part of non-leaturated spoken vocabulary. Professionalism is mostly in circulation of people associated with data from classes. The meaning structure of the term is usually clear and logical. The semantic structure of professionalism is darled with a figurative representation in which the highlighted features can be quite random and arbitrary. The emergence of professionalism is the semantic specialization - narrowing the meaning of the word. Here are examples of professional surveys used by American financiers:
Frank Soon Picked Up All of the Technicalities of the Situation, a "Bull", He Learned, Was One Who Bought in AntiCipation of A Higher of the Opposite Sex Is Said to Be Quite Nutty Upon Him or Her. "- Ibid. From context It becomes quite obvious that these words are incomprehensible not only by the hero of the work that joins the ranks of the financial figures of its city, but also wide circles of the reading public.
Professionalism, in contrast to jargon, is the name of objects (tools, tools, their parts) and processes directly related to this profession and, in most cases, intended for the emotional and figurative characteristics of objects and phenomena. Such, for example, the following professionals from military vocabulary: Tin Fish (Tin fish) - submarine; Block-buster (letters. EXTERNAL QUARTER) - a special bomb designed to destroy large buildings; TIN-HAT (Tin Hat) - Steel Helmet.
The closer the area of \u200b\u200bproduction activities with the general interests of society, the rather professionalism becomes well-known, the less they need copyright explanations if they are necessary. For the English people, one of these areas of production activities is navigation. A huge number of terms and professionalism from this area entered the vocabulary of the literary language and, therefore, almost not felt as professionalism. Many, although we are generally understood, remained by the professionalism of navigation. So, the expression of Fore and AFT - from the nose of the ship to the stern - remained by professionalism. The same can be said about the following words and expressions: to Let Go The Lines - to give ends, otmill, tear off; poop - semi; FO "C" SLE - tank, semi-kin, etc.
The same combinations like to Be Well Under Way, to Come Alongside, to Muster (The Crew) and others have moved from the discharge of professionalism in the category of neutral English vocabulary.
A considerable amount of professionalism appeared in English from sports. Here are some examples of sports professionalism (sports terminology and commonly used vocational vocabulary are given in brackets): Four-Bagger (HOME-RUN); Coveted Paste Boards (Hard-to-Get Tickets); Grid Classic (Big Game); Tankmen (Swimmers); CENTURE (100-YARD DASH).
In English newspapers, in reports of sports life, such professionalism are not allocated and not explained. It is assumed that they are well known to the reader interested in sports.
In the style of artistic speech, professionalism is usually allocated with quotes (as an indication of the alienity of such elements in the system of the literary language) and, if the meaning is not impaired, explained.
So in the "Notes of the Pickwick Club":
In His Most Expressive Language He Was "Floored". So Was Mr. Ben Allen. So Was Mr. Pickwick.
The word "Floored", from boxing terminology, the meaning of which is clear and without explanation. The emotional significance of such professionalism is emphasized by the author. In the environment of people united by one profession and linked by one type of work, it becomes indispensable to designate this or that phenomenon in a new way. This necessity is caused by the application of new, more advanced forms of work, new methods, innovation innovations. Often, however, a new designation is an expression of the appreciation of the professional group to this subject, the instrument and the labor process (activity). Professionalism are often used in a figurative value, i.e., not in relation to the production processes of the field of human activity. In this regard, professionalism, in contrast to terms, easily finish additional shades of values. The stylistic functions of professionalism flow from the very nature of this layer of vocabulary. In an environment where professionalism was born if it was used in its intended purpose, he carries no stylistic function. But professionalism used in various speech styles acquires stylistic functions. It either serves as a speech characteristic means or is used as a figurative expression that is highlighting emphasizing one line, one characteristic of the described phenomenon.
For example, a boxing terminology in the story of O. Henry "The Duel", where, in accordance with the author's plan, the struggle between New York (Father KnickerBocker) and two seekers of happiness, which arrived in this city, is described by professional boxing terms.
Father KnickerBocker Met Them at the Ferry Giving One The Righthander On The Nose And The Other Uppercut with His Left, Just to Let Them Know That The Fight Was ON. Professionalism RightHander, Uppercut, as well as other boxing equipment professionals like Ring, To Counter, to Clinch This story uses in a figurative value. The function that they bear in such descriptions is the function of the figurative interpretation of the abstract idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. Separate professionalism of some sports and other areas of activity are difficult to separate from production and technical terminology, on the one hand, "and from professional jargones on the other. The only criterion here may be a synonymous series. For example, the words from the boxing vocabulary are the only notation. These antics of struggle. They are approaching production and technical terminology and are considered as professionalism only in shaped use. But Four-Bagger, Tankmen, Centure, Fan (fan) from sports vocabulary and words from financial vocabulary as Bull, Corner, To Be Loaded Up , BEAR, etc. are professionalism.
Professionalism is sometimes identified with the healthy vocabulary of individual professions. This is natural, because the jargon elements can be often among professional surveys. Professionalism are most often the names of production processes, guns, products, labor, inventions, etc. Professionalism is very often used as a means of speech characteristics of the heroes of works. Their professional orientation, the limited sector of use immediately determines the area of \u200b\u200bactivity, the sphere of appeal, the interests and aspirations of the heroes of the work.
We give as an example the next place from the 14th song "Don Juan" by Byrona, Strafing XXXIII:
And Now in this New Field, with some Applause, He Clear "D Hedge, Ditch, and Double Post, and Rail, and Never Craned, and Made But Faw" Faux Pas, "
The word crane is professionalism. Its value is unclear for the wide mass of readers, and therefore the author gives an explanation in the footnote: "To Crane," writes Byron, "the expression from equestrian sport, denoting the rider attempt to pull the neck to watch through the fence before you jump over."
In order to understand the differences of professionalism from jargon, you must first consider the nature of the latter.

2.2. Terms

In the functional literary and book vocabulary of the English language, a significant place occupies a layer that is generated by the summary of the term. As you know, the terms are words that designate new concepts associated with the development of science, technology and art. The terms in English are mainly devoid of emotional significance, although they can in some cases acquire a certain emotional color in the text. By nature, the terms in English have a greater resistance to the process of overgrown with additional values.

The sphere of consumption of the term is the style of scientific prose. However, one should not think that english terms are the belonging only to this style of speech. Terms are widely used in other styles english speech, such as, for example, in a newspaper and journalistic, in the artistic, official-based English speech and in DR.

The purpose of terms in other English speech styles differs from what they have in the scientific literature. In the style of scientific prose, English terms are used to indicate a new concept resulting from research, experiments.

The use of English terms in other speech styles is already connected with the specific tasks of statements. In the artistic work, the terms of the English language are used, giving the most common idea of \u200b\u200bthe facts of public, industrial, scientific activity. The terms act here only as a phenomenon characteristic and serve as one of the means to create the necessary color. For example, financial terms of English:

There Was A Long Conversation - A Long Wait. His Father Came Back to Say It Was Doubtful Whether The Could Make The Loan. Eight Per Cent, Then Being Secure for Money, Was a Small Rate of Interest, Considering Its Need. For Ten Per Cent Mr. Kugel Might Make a Call-Loan. Frank Went Back to His Employer, Whose Commercial Choler Rose At The Report.

(Th. Dreiser. The Financial.)

The English words Call-Loan, Loan and the combination to Secure for Money, Rate of Interest are almost well-known financial terms of the English language. In any case, the meaning structure of these financial terms is so transparent that it does not require any additional explanations, the use of the English dictionary. Thus, the financial term of the English language Call-Loan is such a loan that must be repaid at the first requirement (Call); Rate of Interest and Loan almost determined and carry the terminological function only in a number of other financial terms.

Sometimes terms in artworks in English are used and as a means of speech characteristics of heroes. In this case, scientific and technical terms of English are acting as conditional techniques of indirect description of the environment, the situation, the interests of the characters of the work. Sometimes the reader for understanding the text is not even necessarily accurate knowledge of the content of these terms, the English Dictionary of Terms. In some cases, special terminology in the direct speech of heroes creates not so much a speech portrait as a satirical effect. For example:

"What a fool Rawdon Crawley Has Been," Clump Replied, "To Go and Marry A Governess! There Was Something About the Girl, Too."

"Green Eyes, Fair Skin, Pretty Figure, Famous Frontal Development," Squills Remarked. (W. M. Thacheray. Vanity Fair.)

The medical term of the English language Frontal in conjunction with the word Development forms a perifrastic turnover with an euphemistic and satirical tint here.

As you know, in the formation of the term and in its further fate there are two processes, a) the process of education of a new term from the general dictionary of English, Latin and Greek morpheme, borrowing and b) gradual determination, i.e., as seen from the very designation of the process - gradual loss of terminological significance.

So, for example, it is known thatenglish words Atmosphere (Lively Atmosphere), The Missing Link (Zoological term introduced by Darwin to designate the species transition from human-like monkeys to a person, also used to characterize people) determined. Such words of English, like Telephone, Radio, Electricity, etc., completely lost their terminological color.

In the history of the development of English, as is known, sea terms are very easily determined. This phenomenon is associated with a specific history of the English people, its position as the island people and the place that shipping and navigation at all occupied in the lives of the English people. Some navigation terms of English are so determined, which are included in the general phraseological fund of the English language.

The use of such determinism and phrases can have a stylistic effect only in case of violent restoration of the terminological color.

2.3. Slang

In English lexicography The term "slang" was widespread in approximately at the beginning of the last century. The etymology of this term is contused and was not exactly established by any of the Soviet or foreign linguists who engaged in this problem.

Slang is recognized as an antipode of the literary language and is identified partially with jargon and professionalism, and with spoken language.

In the literature, various concepts of slang are known, the essence of which can be reduced to the following:

1. Slang is often recognized by the antipode of the so-called literary language and is identified partly with a jargon and professionalism, and partly with a conversational language (some authors strongly reject slang as a littering oral-literary standard, and others, on the contrary, consider it a sign of life and progressive development language);

2. Slang is considered as a deliberate use of certain elements of a dictionary in purely stylistic purposes; Some researchers are generally not considered to speak about slang as an independent language category and include appropriate phenomena to various categories of vocabulary and stylistics;

3. From a psychological point of view, Slang is understood as a product of an individual language (or even "spiritual") creativity of individual social and professional groups, which serves as a linguistic expression of public consciousness of people belonging to a particular environment.

In modern foreign lexicography, the concept of "slang" is mixed with such concepts as "dialecticism", "Jargonism", "vulgarism", "spokenage", "spacious", etc.
However, despite the fact that many foreign lexicorate theorists have expressed a wide variety of contradictory points of view on the issue of "slang", they all come to the same conclusion: "slang" is not a place in English literary language. This is explained by the fact that the concept of "slang" in English lexicography is mixed with words and phraseologists, completely dissimilar in terms of their stylistic color and areas of use.
In various dictionaries, the following categories of words and phrases are given in various dictionaries:
1. The words belonging to the thieves jargon, for example: Barker - in the value of the revolver; to dance - be hung; to crush - escape; IDEA POT - in the meaning of the head.
Other examples of explicitly slang words and expressions can serve: DIRT - in money; Juice - a sip of Coca-Cola, known in the US drink; Dotty - Crazy.
2. Words related to other jargons, for example: Big-Boy - in the value of a large-caliber gun; knitting Needle - in the meaning of the saber (from military vocabulary); to Eat The Ginger - perform in the best role; Smacking - in meaning having a huge success; DARK (literally dark) is in the value closed (from theatrical vocabulary); Dead Hooper in bad dancer values; Sleeper - in the meaning course of lectures (from student vocabulary), etc.
Thanks to the inclusion in the "Slang" of the most diverse jargon, the latter begins to differentiate. So, in the English and American lexicography, the varieties of "slang" appear: Military "Slang", Sports "Slang", theatrical "slang", student "slang", parliamentary and even religious "slang".
3. Many spoken words and expressions - neologisms inherent only by living unofficial communication are also classified as "slang".
The main qualities of these words are the freshness of their use, novelty, the surprise of their use, i.e. typical traits The neologism of the conversational type. But it is these features that contribute to the enrollment of such words in the category "Slang". For example, words and expressions like for good - forever, to have a hunch - to predict, show - in the value of the theater, are counted to "slang"; To Get Someone - In the meaning to understand, Cut-Throat - in the meaning of the killer, and many other colloquialism in a number of dictionaries also have the "Slang" litter.
The difference between literary conversational words and some words ranged to "slang" is so difficult to determine that double stylistic litters appear in reputable English and American dictionaries: (talk) or (slang). Such, for example, words: chink - money; Fishy - suspicious; Governor - Father; Hum (from Humbug) Cheating and others.
4. Under the "slang" there are also random education arising from literary associations and the importance of which are due to their semantic ties with its original concept. So, for example, the "abbreviated glue of slang" fixes the word SCROOGE in the meaning of the evil and stingy person with the litter "Slang". The word is formed on behalf of the hero of the work of Dickens "A Christmas Carol".
5. Fashion words and expressions.
It should be distinguished here, on the one hand, figurative professionals, for example, Shark (literally - shark) - in the meaning student value (from student vocabulary); Suicide Ditch (literally - suicide trench) - in the value of the front (from military vocabulary); Black Coat - (literally - Black Sutan) - priest; On the other hand, commonly used shaped words; For example: Rabbit Heart (literally - a hearty heart) in the value of a coward or belly-acher (literally - a stomach) - that is, a person who always complains about something.
6. Many English and American dictionaries refer to the "slang" words formed as a result of using one of the most productive ways of word formation in modern English-conversion. For example: Agent's noun in value Agent has no placet "Slang"; The verb to Agent formed from him - in the value of being an agent has a "Slang" litter. The word altar is stylistically neutral, no placement in dictionaries has no; The verb to Altar formed from him - in the meaning to get married in one of the English dictionaries is given with the "Slang" litter.
The same can be said about the adjective Ancient - ancient, ancient. Educated from it by the Confirmation The noun Ancient in the value of Starzhil has the litter "Slang".
7. In some dictionaries, abbreviations are also considered as "slang". Words such as REP (reproduction) - reputation; CIG (from Cigarette) - cigarette; Lab (from Laboratory) is a training office and others. Among the student "slang".
Words AD (Reduction from Advertisement) - Announcement and FLU (from Influenza) - Influenza "Abbreviated Dictionary of English Slang" also leads to the "Slang" litter.
It is characteristic that such common cuts, most often used in colloquial speech, like that (abbreviation from MAMA) - Mother, or SIS (from Sister) - Sister also have a "Slang" litter.
Even the most common words and phrases of the English literary language are credited to the discharge of "slang". For example: to Go Halves - in the meaning of entering into a share; to go in for - in the meaning to get involved in anything; To Cut Off With A Shilling - End of Inheritance: Affair - Love Adventure; in a way - generally; How Come - why etc.
Slag is a special historically developed to a greater or lesser extent common to all social layers of speaking variant of language (mostly lexical) norms, which is mainly in the sphere of oral speech, and genetically and functionally different from the slang and professional elements of the language. The main and most stable part of the slang, its linguistic bones is the territorial-dialect elements. It is quite clear, for, as is known, the initial carriers of Slangichemov were, on the one hand, peasants from various areas of the UK, who went to the cities for earnings, as well as divided by the shots (most of them are peasant people), and on the other - different types of declared Elements that for the most part also came out of the peasant class. In this regard, one of the specific features of slang is a mixing, conglomerate of territorially different dialect elements, including those that have already been separated from the appropriate dialects or are archaeisms for them (the actual dialect elements at the slang level are already outside the limits of a certain territory which they are inherent).

TO special The vocabulary includes words used by groups of people united by classes or professional community. From a dialectic special vocabulary differs in what is part of the literary language. Two layers of words are distinguished here: professional terminological Lexica I. actually professional vocabulary. The first group of words is the most numerous. Scientific and technical terms form terminological systems in various fields of knowledge. TO terminological The vocabulary includes words or phrases used to accurately determine special concepts. For the term, in contrast to ordinary words, the main function is the function of definition, or definition. In addition, for terms as a whole, definitiveness is typical, but there are also multivalued terms: colloquium(Spec.) 1. »Teacher's conversation with students in order to clarify their knowledge. "2. "Scientific Assembly with discussion of reports on a specific topic." (CO). The term may be associated with Omonimia relations with a common word: Notation 1. (statute, talking) "instruction, reprimand" and Notation 2. (Spec.) "System of conditional written signs of what - n." Chess notation. (CO).

In the terminological vocabulary, private and general terminological systems are distinguished. Private related, for example, linguistic terms: phonetics, accommodation, orphoepium, semantics, dialect, semem etc., described in "Linguistic terms", "linguistic encyclopedic dictionary". In general, the terms used in different areas of knowledge are: analysis, synthesis, assimilation, reduction. For the formation of terms Used: 1) Metaphoric name transfer: pelvis (honey.), shepherd bag (bot.), pillow(Geol); 2) Addition of the foundations: using borrowed elements bio-, ultra-, electrical etc.: bioengineering, ultraacousty; 3) Borrowing words: laser, scanner, scooterand etc.

Actually professional vocabulary (professionalism) are words or expressions characteristic of a particular professional team. Each profession has its own set of such vocabulary: outpatient, dropper, injection, x-ray, procedure - in medicine.; couple, hour (Educational time units), procotist, specialization - training activities. The most common way to form professionalism is the metaphorical transfer of the value of specific nouns: a) the names of the parts of the human body: turbine shopper; b) animal names, parts of their phone: hog furnaces; c) clothes names: steam shirt, rolling pocket; d) home utensils: rocker scales plate antennas, etc.

The development of the literary language of terms and professionalism leads to their determination and the transition to commonly used vocabulary: catalyst ideas, success; synthesis Knowledge, ideas, opinions. Special vocabulary is used in artistic, memoir, journalistic literature in the speech of characters, when describing professional activities.

  • Lexicology. Word in the semaxiological and sociolinguistic aspects
    • Didactic plan
    • Lexics as a language subsystem, its specific features. Vocabulary and lexicology. Lexicology and other sections of linguistics
    • Three dimensions of vocabulary: epidigmatics, paradigmatic and syntagmatics
    • Word as the main nominative unit of the language. Differential signs of words
    • Semaxiological and sociolinguistic aspects of studying vocabulary
    • Semasiology. Form and meaning of the word. Word and concept
    • Lexical and grammatical meaning of the word
    • The structure of the lexical meaning of the word. Typology and their hierarchy
    • Polysemy. Multivalued word as a system of lexico-semantic options. Types of names of Names
    • Types of lexical values \u200b\u200bin a multi-valued word
    • Omonium paradigm. Omonium typology. Omonium and Polemia
    • The concept of paronymy. Paronymic paradigm
    • Lexic synonymy. Synonymmic paradigm and its dominant. Synonym and Poland. Types of lexical synonyms for meaning and structure. Functions Synonyms

Each profession has its own specifics not only in the field of activity, but also in vocabulary. Terms, Tool Names, Work Action - All this has its definitions, understandable only by specialists. Progress steps on the planet, and with the development of science, more and more new words appear. For example, it is worth noting that today in the field of electronics there are almost 60 thousand items, and in the widely known dictionary of the Ozhegov of them for 3 thousand fewer. Otherwise, as a terminological explosion, it is not called.

Professionalism in Russian: place and meaning

First of all, let us define this phenomenon. Production vocabulary - autonomous language system, which is a totality of all scientific and technical concepts and titles. It has the most developed information function.

Special vocabulary penetrates into a literary language, which is completely inevitable, since narrowly special words may well become commonly used for objective reasons. This includes the popularization of scientific knowledge, and an increase in the level of culture of people, and accessibility to modern communication technologies. For example, today everyone knows what apoge and perigee is, no one will not surprise the expression "soft landing" or the science of selenology.

The literary language and professional vocabulary have a common word-forming basis, therefore there may be a reverse cycle: a well-known concept receives a new meaning having a narrow specialization.

Communication of specialists, all sorts of scientific work, reports and production reports contain examples of professionalism that have their own classification.

Special vocabulary

First of all, it is a term (from the Latin - "border"). This is the name of the word or phrase (differently - a linguistic sign), which correlates with a special concept. It is the terms that enter the vast majority of neologisms that have recently appearing. Examples can serve as professionalism in medicine.

Thermal system: its components are, in fact, all the same language signs, but have already passed evolution from functioning as disparate (single) definitions before compounds in a holistic scientific theory.

Nomen (from the Latin "generic name"). This is an independent category of vocabulary, denoting a single, visible subject. For example, when the device is shown to us and say that this is the oscilloscope, then we will present it every time it's it, as soon as I heard this word. For non-specialists it is impossible to present another device visualizing electrical oscillations.

The most democratic concept of special vocabulary is professionalism. They received special distribution in since most of them are informal synonyms scientific concepts. Examples of professionalism can be found in sensible dictionaries, and in magazine newspapers, and in literary works, they often perform a fine-expressive function in these texts.

Classification of occurrence

Three ways of education of special words are distinguished:

Actually lexical. This is the emergence of new special items. For example, fishermen from the verb "Chery" (gutter fish) formed the name of the profession - "Shkhershik".

Lexico-semantic. The emergence of professionalism by rethinking the already known word, that is, he has a new meaning. For polygraphists, the cap is not a headdress, but combining several publications heading. And the pipe for the hunter is nothing but a fox tail.

Lexico-word formation. Examples of professional surveys that have arisen in this way are easy to determine, since this uses suffixes or the addition of words. Everyone knows what the reserve (reserve mechanism or part to something) or the chief editor is the editor.

Features of speech and special words

Despite the apparent restriction in use, professionalism are found in all dryness official-business style do not surprise anyone, therefore professionalism in it simple feature Transfer of the meaning of saying.

As for scientific speech, here professionals are used for several reasons:

For better assimilation of information through the form of a special vocabulary;

Make it possible to remember the text at the expense of the concepts of concepts;

Avoid tautology, putting the terms of the terms of professionals.

For journalistic and artistic styles, the use of special words occurs with the same functions:


Communicative (not only communication hero hero, but also reader-author);

Saving speech efforts - professionalism always explains the shorter term;

Cognitive, formerizing cognitive interest.

Where do special words come from

The main source of professionalism, first of all, is the original Russian words that were subjected to semantic rethinking. They appear from the commonly used vocabulary: so, for electricians, the hair becomes thin wire. The colloquial-spacious layer of vocabulary gives the name of the handle of the hammer - a clever, and the jargon offered the driver time to downtime to "kick". Even local dialects shared the definition for the big road - Bolshak.

Another source of advent of special words is borrowing from other languages. The most common professionally diseases are examples of words in medicine. What is neither the name, continuous Latin, except the duck under the bed. Or, for example, a foreign printing machine with a form, called the cliché, from which we only have the designation of the picture made by it.

Any manufacturing industry has objects that make up the system in which classes may allocate. Both requires certain names To unite into thematic groups.

About lexico-thematic groups

Professional items contain not only the knowledge of the industry, but also the attitude of the speaker to the subject. From this point of view, they are objective (as a rule, these are nomena) and subjective:

Expressing negative or irony to the subject. So, a faulty car in motorists - a coffin.

Attitude directly to the title. It is in this way in aviation a bomber became a bomber.

Even on the quality of work can indicate professionalism. In the construction of brickwork they say: a wastelife (a little solution) or the dummy (uneven wall).

All these thematic groups are in certain connections, and it is they who will crush reality with the help of words.

About lexico-semantic groups

They are combined not only by the presence of an emotional assessment to the subject or its name, but also to interact with each other. This applies to semantic relations: synonymity, homonymity, multigid, metaphoricity. In this regard, the following groups can be distinguished:

Words having an equivalent in general-purpose vocabulary. Their meaning can be found by opening the explanatory dictionary. Professionalism of this order in Russian is a lot of: mines - large intercaltal spaces on the newspaper page.

Terminological synonyms. In different fields, professionalism means the same thing. For example, motorists, builders and machine builders scrap called "pencil".

Multivalued words. The word "Zhiguli", except for the well-known value of the car as a trademark, has an indication of a certain camshaft in mechanical engineering.

And finally about the jargon

Each profession has a number of words, phrases, expressions that contain very bright expression. This is usually unofficial synonyms of certain terms. They are used exclusively in the communication of specialists and are called "professional jargonisms".

The specifics of this vocabulary makes a question of an incomprehensible third-party person who is outside this activity. Many programmer professionals have a shade of jargon: a kettle, a dog or a bed. They already resemble the Argo - a social dialect, common in a narrow-productional or even asocial environment. The function of this language is conspirative, it is only for "its".


Everything related to professional vocabulary, jargon and even Argo, it is necessary to constantly study, as this is a fairly large lexical reservoir, which cannot be paid to, as it reflects the historical processes and development of society.

Special or vocationally terminological vocabulary includes two groups: terms and professionals.

The words and phrases used in a certain branch of science, technology, art are the terminological and professional vocabulary [LEKANT 2007].

The most significant group in special vocabulary are scientific and technical terms forming a variety of terminological systems. Terms are the names of concepts in a certain area of \u200b\u200bscience, technology, art. The terminological vocabulary includes words or phrases used to logically accurately determine special concepts, establishing the content of concepts, their distinctive features. The emergence and functioning of such a vocabulary is due to the development of science, technology, art; It has a pronounced social character and is under the control of society.
Terminology is one of the most mobile, rapidly replenishing parts of nationwide vocabulary. Modern researchers note that the pace of scientific and technical revolution over the past decades has led and more and more lead to avalanche-like growth of information in all areas of knowledge, industrial and scientific activities.

There is a double process: a sharp increase in special terms available only for specialists of special terms, the number of which in each highly product language is extremely growing and is calculated by millions, many times exceeding the generally accepted vocabulary, and at the same time intensive penetration of special terminology into an extended language. Special terminology becomes the main source of replenishment of the vocabulary composition of the literary language.
The semantic essence of the term and its specificity consist in the character of its value, which is established in the process of conscious, deliberate agreement and within a given terminological system is direct, nominative, syntactically or constructively uncommon. IN different systems The values \u200b\u200bof the terms can be expressed notionably - with the help of words and phrases, formulas or other signs of signs. The terms are to a certain extent artificial lexico-semantic education, their meaningful essence must reflect the amount of information that the sum of scientific knowledge that

help to reveal the content of the concept.
Unlike non-neurons, words are no limited use, many of which are meaningful, terms within the same science, as a rule, should have unambiguity. They are inherent clearly limited, mainly motivated specialization and absolute semantic accuracy. However, the concept of unambiguity used usually as an absolute differential feature of terms is somewhat relative. This is most likely the requirement for ideal terminological systems. In actually existing terminology, there are many terms inherent in the so-called categorical multi-consciousness. For example, one of the types of terms possessing it are nouns with the value of the action and its result. : Winding - 1) the distribution of turns of something; 2) The cone-shaped or cylindrical form of the product acquired as a result of winding (compare also the multigid of a number of other textile production terms: fizz, processing and other).
Multivality of terms, as well as their synonym (linguistics - linguistics) as well as homonymy (reaction - chemical and socio-political) and antonymia (monosemia (monosemia) are usually noted among the disadvantages of many modern terminology. In this case, apparently, the terminological systems are distributed by the general lexico-semantic patterns of functioning and development of the language. Consequently, speaking of unambiguities, multigid, homonymy, synonymous terms, it is necessary to take into account the well-known realistic relativity of this feature.
The word-forming distinctive features of terms includes the regularity (one-dimension) of their formation within a certain terminological system. The formation of terms is constantly different ways. Along with the process of creating new items, there is a terminology of existing in the language of words, that is, their rethinking (transfer of the name), as a result of which secondary, in this case, special-terminological nominations occur. For the formation of terms are used:

Metaphoric name transfer: the loop (sport.), pelvis (honey.), shepherd bag (bot.) - The similarity of the form; pillow (Geol.), sail (arch.), golden cross section (suit.) - the similarity of the function;

Actually a lexical way, that is, the formation of words and phrases on the basis of the original Russian words (charging, the maternal substance is physical);

Lexico-word-forming, that is, the creation of terms using existing in the language of Russian or borrowed word-forming elements, morpheme, according to the models available in the language.

The most productive among them are addition and affixation. So, apply different types Addition of the foundations and words. Addition of full bases: sejdol, oxygen-containing etc; Adopting truncated bases (comprehensive words): baroAption, cosmipaling other; the use of foreign-speaking elements of air, auto-, aero, bioco, video, zoo-, geo-, hydro, hyper-, inter-, iso-, macro, micro-, para-, , television, ultra-, electric and others: aeronomies, Biophysics, Hydrometeor, zooplankton and others; abbreviation: AMS. (automatic interplanetary station), PN (magnetic saturation), computer (electronic computing); Mixed method, that is, the combination of complex partially dismembered items and different word-forming elements: hydroprostrous perforation.

Terms formed by addition, can be indivisible lexicalized units ( cosmology, biocyberneticand so on), but they can be and units of incomplete lexication, that is, those that are not one indivisible lexery ( vector function, alpha particle), as evidenced by the defisal writing of words.

Extremely productive and different types of term formation by the method of affixation (submissive, subfixtime): swimming, Grounding, Relations and etc.

No less productive is a lexico-semantic method of replenishing the terminological vocabulary; That is, the creation of a term in the process of scientific (or technical) rethinking well-known words. This process goes in two ways:

1) by completely rethinking the existing word and the subsequent separation of the newly created unit from the source word. This arose, for example, one of the terminological values \u200b\u200bof the word elementary in combination elementary particle;

2) by using the names of the name, taking into account the emerging associations. So there were the terminological meaning of the word snow - special view Images. This method allows in some cases to create terminological names with elements of expression in semantics, for example: a worm image, a dead time, an alien atom. [Special vocabulary, its functions 2012]
A significant role in the replenishment of the terminological systems is played by foreign-speaking borrowings. For a long time, many international scientific and technical, economic, cultural and historical, socio-political terms Latin and greek origin, eg: agglutination, binary; Humanity, dictatorship, literature and other words from the Latin language; agronomy, Dynamics, Grammar, Space, Democracy And others greek. Many terms came from other languages.

The use of borrowed terminological vocabulary is primarily due to the specifics of the scope of activity - in scientific and technical literature, in professional communication. However for modern language The use of terms in the household, everyday speech [Vintagina 2012] is characteristic.

Distribution of scientific and technical terminology, its intensive penetration into different spheres Life leads to the fact that both the language, along with the terminology process of commonwood, there is also a return process - the development of the literary language terms, their determination . Frequent use of philosophical, art historical, literary, medical, physical, chemical, industrial and technical and many other terms

and terminological phrases made them commonly used lexical units, for example: argument, concept, consciousness; drama, concert, romance, contact, tension, resonance; Analysis, synthesis, and others as well point of support, freezing point, boiling point, center of gravityand
etc. Many of these words and revolutions in weathered use have a different, often portable metaphoric value: catalyst - (special) substance, accelerating, slowing down or changing the course of a chemical reaction, and catalyst - (portable) stimulator of something.

Determinology of vocational items contributes oral speech, systematic transmissions on the relevant themes on the radio and TV. The inclusion of special words in this case is due to the theme and genre of publications (or oral gear), that is, caused by a certain situation. Distribution, and then complete or partial (which is more often observed) the determination of professional-terminological names and artworks in which these words are used with certain stylistic or characteristic purposes are helped; the desire to update the generally accepted tone of the narrative, focusing on unusual for artistic work Collectivity.
However, the excessive saturation of the artistic and journalistic works of scientific and technical terminology reduces the force of their impact and artistic value.

Through the media, as well as as a result of the active introduction of equipment in life modern manSpecial concepts and terms become the active components of the household lexicon. Moreover, such lexical introductions are observed in the integral vocabulary. Of course, such a vocabulary is often transformed, it sounds distorted, reailed: "She rengenomworks. In the apartment limitlives.

Professional vocabulary include words and expressions, peculiar speeches of people of one field of activity and being household and expression-shaped naming in this kind Classes.

Production "words and expressions are created" for themselves ", as duplicates or synonyms of terms of the chosen field of activity. Often, professionalism is substituted by the missing terms of thermosystems. For example, in the technique: nose burner, shaft neck, spike body. These semi-official names give speechs of the liveliness and discrepancy, possess expressive-emotional connotations.

Distinctive features Professionalism are the oral nature of use, image imagery, semantics of names different species Labor activity, lack of systemic organization in nominative ranks.

Professionalism is characterized by significant differentiation in the designation of special concepts, guns and means of production, names of objects, actions, and so on. For example, in meteorology in accordance with the diffused species of snowflakes there are several of their names: asterisk, needle, hedgehog, plate, fluff, column. In hunting speech there are many fox names (according to suit and breed), for example, simple, redhead, forest, fire, red-brushing, russia, black and brown, black, white, karsun, karaganka, sealed fox and so on. In the speech of carpenters and carpenters there are quite a few kind of tools, for whose name literary language There is a word of the planer: chips, Gorbach, Road, Medveda, and so on. [Special vocabulary, its functions 2012]

Professionalism are formed metaphoristically: tear, bull (tech), flies (sea), plates (geogr.); Lexico-word formative: Holders (Sewing), Falket (Zootal); Calculatively: Speed \u200b\u200bBox, Silence Zone, White Noise (Tech.), Invertebral Pillars, Acute Belly, Painted Glaucoma, Spinal Brain (Honey). [LEKANT 2007]

A widely distribution in the literary language, narrow-professional words usually do not receive, that is, the sphere of their use remains limited. Special and professional vocabulary is used in artistic and memoir literature, in speech of characters when describing professional activities, etc. [Special vocabulary, its functions 2012]

Thus, special terminology becomes one of the sources of replenishing the vocabulary composition of the literary language.

Special vocabulary - these are words and combinations of words, denoting the concepts of a particular area of \u200b\u200bknowledge or activity. For example: Avalara (`cash, checks, bills, letters of credit, at the expense of which payments can be made and redeemed their owners`), dividend (` part of the profit received by the shares holder`), convertible currency (`Currency that may be freely exchanged for another currency`) - words related to the field of the economy; Axúd (`half-headed or polygonal protruding building, having the overlap actually`), áttik (` wall, located above the eaves, crumpled constructions`), nave (`longitudinal part christian church, usually dissected by colonnade or arcade on the main and lateral oils`) - words related to architecture; Verlurubre (`verse that is not bound by a rhyme nor a certain metric`), lita (` Stylistic figure of the subject of the subject`), tank (`Ancient form of a five-member poem in Japanese poetry, without rhymes and without a clearly felt meter`) - Words named Concepts from the field of literary studies, etc.

Among special words, the terms and professionals can be distinguished.

The term (from lat. Terminus - `border, limit`) - word or combination of words, which is officially accepted, legalized by any concept of science, technology, etc. As a rule, in the system of this terminology (i.e., in the system of this scientific discipline or given scientific school) The term is unequivocal, emotionally and stylistically neutral.

Among the terms are distinguished by narrow specialty and commonly used (they are also called conventional), bearing in mind last words, understood (with one degree of completeness) and used not only by experts. Examples of the first - medical: immobilization (`creating immobility, rest`), hemotorax (` blood cluster in the field of pleura`), pericarditis (`inflammation of the shallower bag`), etc.; Linguistic: Determination (`transforming before the segimental basis of words in the infinite, in a new root`, Wed;" Cloud "," Rim "," Forget ", associated once with the words" envelop "," Craise "," be "), Proteza (`The appearance of an additional sound in. Absolute start of the word`, Wedway:" Eight "and" Oskmushka "," Lamb "and" Lamb "," Ipture "and" Exposition "," Caterpillar "and" UC "). Examples of the second - medical: amputation, hypertension, cardiogram, mangartageous potassium, pleurisy, angina, etc.; Linguistic: antonym, infinitive, metaphor, adverb, case, synonym, connecting vowel, suffix, etc.

The boundaries between the narrow-social and commonly used terms of the variable. There is a permanent movement of a part of narrowly social words into commonly consulting, which may not be realized by non-specialists as terminological (although they remain the terms in one or another special area in a particular terminological system). This movement contributes to a number of objective factors. One of these factors is an increase in the general education, cultural level, the degree of special development of native speakers. The role of one or another science, the economy, the field of culture in a period of life of society has great importance. With awareness of the role of any knowledge, scientific achievements are associated with the propaganda of these knowledge, familiarity with the achievements in this area, etc., which are carried out by means of the Company. Such means are fiction, criticism, popular science literature, finally, modern media - print, radio, television. For example, huge public interest, which caused the development of cosmonautics, the constant coverage of its achievements in periodic printing was determined by the output of a number of relevant terms beyond the limits of narrow specialized circulation. Such terms can be attributed to the apogee, perigee, weightlessness, survocamera, soft landing, selenology, etc.

Proclamation and course economic reforms The Government of Russia (and other countries of the former Soviet Union) and daily publications in the newspapers of materials related to this course, advertising firms, banks, etc. Made a common circles of non-specialists such terms such as a share, dividend, investment, freely convertible currency, marketing.

Artistic literature contributes to the development of terms. So, romanticization of the sea, people associated with marine professions in the stories of K. Stanyukovich, A. Green, in a number of translation works (J. Verne, J. London, etc.), contributed to the acquaintance of wide reading circles with marine terms: Avral, Brig , drift, cable, kubrick, cutting, schooner, knot, etc. Writers sciences closer to readers a considerable number of scientific terms, such as antimatterium, asteroid, galaxy, gravity, modulator, plasma, repeater, power field, etc.

The degree of understanding of the term and the inclusion of it in the category of conventional words is connected with its structure. So, the terms consisting of familiar elements, Wed: Airbus, Seamless, Bituminization, Hermoshlem, Adhesiveton, Camsheet, Breeprability, Neoralism, etc. It is easy to understand and many terms arising from the rethinking of words are easily understood. An illustration of such terms can serve as the names of a set of details of mechanisms, devices similar to appearance, Functions, etc. With household items: fork, janitor, hammer, sled, apron. Cf. Also anatomical term blade, pelvis, cup (knee), apple (eye), term cybernetics memory. Conversely, the terms borrowed, consisting of elements, before semantically unknown, can become clear only as a result of acquaintances with the concepts denoted. Cf., for example, such terms as Avaara, Music Anddate, Cantabil, Moderato, Presto, like apse, attic, littown, nave, prosthesis, tank and under.

Entering the literary use, many terms are subjected to metaphorization and thereby serve as a source of proficulate language. Cf., for example, such metaphors (and metaphorical phrases) such as agony, apogee, atmosphere, bacillus, vacuum, coil, zenith, impulse, ingredient, orbit, perturbation, potential, symptom, embryo; center of gravity, point support, specific gravity, the star of the first values, reduce to zero, the nutrient medium, tune in to the desired wave, the state of weightlessness, etc.

Special vocabulary also includes professionally diseases. Professionalism is such words and phrases, which are currently not officially recognized designations of special concepts. They usually appear in cases where the need arises to designate a kind of concept, subject, and exist as professionalism until they are not officially recognized (and then they are already called the terms). So, in essence, the difference between the term and professionalism is in the temporary unofficiality of professionalism. This difference can be demonstrated by the following examples. IN " Reference book Corrector "K.I. Vernsky and AH Zhilina (M., 1960) to the number of professionalism (they were given in quotes) Along with the words and phrases" Hanging string ", the" eye "error," entrance "," Corridor "were attributed" To be aspirated Marakha "and" hat "(Marata - typographic marriage in the form of a square, strips, etc., appearing as a result of a gliblial sheet; cap - a major title in a newspaper, common to several materials). In the second edition of the academic" Russian dictionary "The Word of the Marashka is given as a term, with a litter type., The hat is given here without any litter, in the later publications of the regimen of Ozhegov (for example, in the 20th edition) with a hat stands the litter of specials. (I.e. litter, Which is accompanied by the terms in this dictionary). It is quite obvious that the generic concept of "title" was insufficient and needed a special word - a hat, which began to call large headlines typical for the newspaper, "covering" several materials on one topic. (ostas And the word Marashka, in order to designate exactly such a marriage.) By the way, with the litter of specials. Dictionary of Ozhegova gives another relatively recently distributed header designation in the shaggy newspaper - `cap, a major title in the newspaper`. (True, in this interpretation there is not enough instructions on the fact that the manshlag is a title of a sensational nature.) In any case, it is clear that professionalism arise when there is a need to call some specific concept, a special phenomenon.

The name "Professionalism" as the designation of a special subject, the concepts in relation to some activities, lessons are generally more suitable than the term. Such activities belong amateur hunting, fishing, amateur handling, etc. In short, all those (having a long tradition) classes and classes of those who do not fall into official, legal relations with the state (and these relations should always be defined in the exact terms of the law).

The professionalism of this kind is a vocabulary, in the overwhelming majority Russian by birth: Belotrop (`first powder), get lost (` to transfix`), Narysk (`Lysiy trail`), right (` tail dog, foxes), hips (`muzzle Borza Dog`), Flower (`Tail of the Hare`) - Hunting Words, widely reflected in our classical literature - N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Bunin et al. From the Soviet writers, hunting professionals are found in the works of M. Privina and V. Bianki. Professionalism of fishermen Find at V. Solowkina in the sketch of "Grigorov Islands" (Wed, for example, the types of artificial bait for fish - Mormushki, klopicks, crusts, crushers, droplets, fishery, etc.).

Professional jargonisms are adjacent to the terms and professionals - informal designations of concepts, subjects of a special and non-society that are in the colloquial speech of representatives of a profession. So, chemists, especially young, called solicular acid with a solicky, glass winds - glass fiber; In the speech of the military (and serving military service) Gaptwaht - Guba, Guaoptvakta - Gubari, Civil Life - Citizens, Demobilization - Demob; Seafarers Bottchesman - Dragon, Captain - Cap, Mechanic - Grandfather, telling noby or just to merry, rush - to practice, etc. Professional jargonis are usually expressed.

Rakhmanova L.I., Suzdaltseva V.N. Modern Russian. - M, 1997.