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The use of multimedia presentations in the cognitive development of children. Methodical development on the topic: Multimedia presentation is one of the forms of using information and communication technologies in the educational process of the teacher Dow

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

urban district Balashikha

« Kindergarten Combined View No. 43 "Amber Islet"


Representation of work experience

Topic: "The use of multimedia presentations in the immediate educational activities with kids preschool age»

Educator: Hasanova E.A.

In my professional development and development, the pedagogical team of kindergarten No. 43 played a large role, where the growth of my pedagogical skills continues in the atmosphere of creativity and professional debt.

Today, society needs an educator - a competent, wise, master of his case and is an example for a child. A kindergarten in which I work is a steadily functioning, developing. In this institution, I work for the second year, and every day I see in the eyes of children a manifestation of curiosity, imagination, communicating with each other my children invent games, fantasize about the unknown world. The task of my pedagogical activity is considering the creation favorable conditions For a full residence of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the basic culture of the personality, the comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities, preparation for life in modern society. Our society makes new requirements for modern manOne of them skill to navigate in the information space.

Computers in school classes are no longer perceived as something rare, but in kindergarten they have not yet turned into a well-developed teacher tool. Therefore, a pre-school educational institution, as a carrier of culture and knowledge, can also not stay aside. In its activities with children, it became the most interesting use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as a means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.

This direction of development of the educational industry is emphasized in state documents, is recognized as the most important national priority.

We, educators, should keep up with the times, to become a guide to the child to the world of new technologies, to enable the participants of the unified educational space of the Russian Federation. This requires the introduction and use of information technologies in DOU.

Main tasks:

Development and implementation of multimedia technologies for the educational process;

Creation of a bank of computer training programs, didactic and methodological materials on the use of information technologies in the work of DOU;

ICT implementation in an educational process has many advantages

Makes it possible to expand use electronic means learning, as they transmit information faster than using traditional funds;

Allow you to increase the perception of material by increasing the number of illustrative material;

The use of multimedia presentations provides clarity that contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, considering the visual-shaped thinking of preschool children;

At the same time, graphic, textual, audiovisual information is used;

On the this moment The multimedia support technology of the educational process is a priority direction in our preschool institution.

I use ready-made presentations in various educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", artistic creativity "," Socialization "," Fiction", Safety," Health ".

For example:

    Education area "Cognition" is the topic of "wild animals", "The World of Animals", where it is described appearance, animal habits, and the quality of which he possesses.

    The educational area "Artistic creativity" - the topic of "Russian artists" is familiar with the paintings and painting of artists. As well as familiarity with Russian folk crafts.

    The Educational Region "Safety" is the topic of "Road Rules" - the consolidation of children's knowledge about compliance with the rules of behavior in a big city.

    The educational area "Health" - theme " Useful vitamins"," To be healthy, you need to do sports. "

In our multimedia piggy bank, a collection of presentations is collected to help educators and with further replenishment of the children's garden website for parents.

My practice has shown that subject to systematic use of multimedia presentations in combination with traditional methods learning, the efficiency of work increases significantly, namely the quality of mastering the material, the development of memory, imagination, creativity of children.

However, when organizing directly educational activities using multimedia presentations, health-saving technologies must be taken into account:

    Temporary restrictions. Since I have older children are not more than 10 minutes. All presentations used by me have 10 - 15 frames.

    Using the multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to the chairs, on which children are sitting 2 - 2, 5 meters. (Institute of Age Physiology RAO) or a computer monitor at a distance of 50-70 cm.

    Regularly carry out gymnastics for eyes and fizminutka.

Speech I would like to complete the prospects for introducing information communicative technologies in your own practice:

Thanks for attention.

Larisa Kalacheva
Use multimedia in kindergarten

Use multimedia in dow

Using Information technologies in the educational process of DOU is one of the new and relevant problems in the domestic pre-school pedagogy. The relevance of its decision is due to the urgent need of the system upgrading preschool education, improving its quality.

Scientists note that using information technologies in the joint and independent activities of adults and children is one of effective ways Correction of issues in mental, personal development child: activate and restore higher mental functions, increase the motivation of activities, its regulation by the child. In addition, they are a means to ensure the individualization of education and training of pupils.

Currently, one of the most dynamically developing and promising areas of information computers are multimedia technology. This term came to us from of English language (Multimedia-from Multi- Multi-Multi-Media -Seda)

MultimediaAs noted in the literature - this is a complex of hardware and software that allow you to enter into a computer, process, store, pass and display such data types such as text, graphics, animation, digitized fixed images: video, sound, speech.

What kind multimedia Means We use In working with children and parents? This is a digital camera, camcorder, voice recorder, projectors, computers, printer. Moreover, not only teachers can enjoy some species of this complex technology, but also under their leadership and the preschoolers themselves.

Multimedia technology are used both in working with children and with parents.

Spectrum used Teachers in the educational process of information resources today are very diverse. First of all, these are computer educational programs for children. Their number includes the program "Soon to school" It contains a complex of exciting assignment games, which, in combination with colorful illustrations, exciting stories, animation contribute to the development of mental processes. children: speech, memory, imagination, thinking, expanding their horizons. Great popularity among children and adults "Country of Knowledge". It is intended not only to collaborate teachers with children, but also for independent work preschoolers on a computer. The program includes interactive educational games that describe the adventures of various characters with which they occur. various events. The advantage of this program, in our opinion, is the fact that games have different levels, Therefore, children can independently achieve various results in it. The game presented in this program do not require complex technical skills from preschoolers, in particular the ownership of the skills of the keyboard. By clicking, children move various objects on the screen. In addition, the program provides a system of prompts that allow the child without an adult to find the correct answer. Thus, teachers have the opportunity to organize individual child classes with a computer in a tempo suitable for it, help children master practical ways Work with information.

However, it is important to note that not always available computer programs can use In working with preschoolers. As a rule, various games and presentations that are in open access on the Internet do not correspond to the Didactic Principles (primarily the principle of scientific relations, accounting for the age characteristics of children, is aimed at developing aggressiveness, cruelty, violence. Therefore, specialists are developing and actively. used Copyright thematic multimedia presentations. Presentations allow you to deeper to immerse the child in the subject of study, create the illusion of the relationship, empathy with the object being studied. Children are pleased with pleasure in the subject, tell me at home about what came on the screen.

Practice shows that the creation of presentations takes a lot of time, as it is necessary to find the necessary illustrative material, think over its location, technical design. In search of information of educators multimedia encyclopedia. In these disks they used not only illustrations, videos, as well as texts that are already adapted for children's perception.

In Dou multimedia Means and technologies also are used in project activities.

During project activities with using multimedia The following is solved tasks: Development of creative abilities, creating conditions for social self-expression of children, familiarizing teachers, parents with computer technologies, digital technology, children's teaching skills, formation of initial ideas in children about the professions of the journalist, correspondent, TV host.

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Today, many talk about the need to introduce innovative technologies. In education, innovative technologies are designed primarily.

Anisimova Valentina Sergeevna MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outlooking Type №19" Firefly " G. Gubkin Belgorod region

Development of Information Computer Technologies presents modern specialist 21th century new requirements. It is expected not only high professional skills, but also the ability to use modern methods learning I. pedagogical technologiesFundamentally changing the educational environment enriching and making it more active, reflexive and transparent for the entire pedagogical community. It is impossible to imagine the modern development of society without information and communication technologies. The computer quickly enters the life of every child and becomes a good assistant teacher when working with children. It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed. Computer carries shaped type Information closest and clear preschoolers. Movement, sound, animation for a long time attract the attention of children. Children get an emotional and informative charge, causing the desire to consider, act, play, return to this lesson again.

The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and more relevant problems in modern preschool pedagogy.

The direct educational activities have a huge role in the educational process of the DOU, so it is very important to maintain in children a constant interest in it, to intensify cognitive activity Each child.

Currently, there are many traditional methods of learning, which can be used in the educational process to enhance cognitive interest: view illustrations on the topic, conversations, teacher stories, observation, experimentation, etc. But there are innovative learning techniques, one of which is to use in educational The process of multimedia presentations.

The role of information innovations in working with preschoolers is great. ICT helps to interest, intensify children not only in cognitive, but also in the speech plan. One of the main means of expanding children's ideas is multimedia presentations.

Presentation is a training mini - cartoon; Electronic sound book with beautiful pictures; Excellent allowance to tell the child about the world around, without leaving home and not flying to distant countries. The principle of children's electronic presentation - "Having entertained - learning!" Presentation appointment - visual support of the teacher's activities.

In our work, we use multimedia presentations relatively short time, but we have already identified many advantages of this admission: the use of such presentations stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers; Heroes, illustrations, tasks on the screen attract the attention of children, cause the greatest interest and are postponed for a long time in the memory of each pupil; Presentations allow children easier to assimilate a difficult material for perception.

We use multimedia presentations when conducting a node according to: familiarize yourself with the outside world; formation of lexico - grammatical categories and connected speech; The formation of proper sound.

Browsing the presentation, the child easily and unobtrusively meets the variety of animal and vegetable world, begins to learn the sights of the world, transport, professions, tools, etc.; faster and better remembers information; Impries the sounds, repeats words for the speaker, and therefore develops his speech; classifies the world, combines different items and things in one species or divides it into the components; learns to compare a picture and sound; Simulates such life situations that can not be difficult to see in everyday life.

The direct-educational activity in kindergarten has its own specifics, it should be emotionally saturated, bright, with the involvement of a large illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. This helps a computer technique with its multimedia capabilities. We actively use the development in this area. The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make direct educational activities more interesting, emotional and memorable for children not only older, but also other age groups.

Most of our presentations are built on the basis of a surprise moment: familiar cartoon characters come to children and offer to go on a journey and learn a lot of new things.

Also, the use of multimedia is permissible to different stages Dating with the topic: at the stage of dating with new material; At the fixation stage of the material passed; At the control stage of knowledge.

In the process of work, we developed educational and visual benefits combined into a series called "Our territory is Native Belogorier" . Along with speech, they solve patriotic tasks as part of the use of the regional component. Using presentations, we carry out virtual excursions to those places that we cannot visit ("The capital of our Motherland" , "Animals of the North" , "Space" and etc.).

The greatest interest in children causes assignments that are included in each presentation, and how to sum up its result. When fixing the material passed, the basis of the presentation becomes tasks over the topic ("Find too much" , "Name in one word" , "What is missing" and etc.) In the process of observation, we found that the children perform tasks offered on the screen with greater activity and interest than similar tasks in notebooks.

The most liked presentations ("My native city» , "Victory Day" , "We read Pushkin's fairy tales" other)The children offer to show and out of occupation, which allows to consolidate the material, and the knowledge gained remains in memory for a longer period.

While watching presentations, children get a lot of positive impressions. At home, they tell parents about what he saw, together with them are looking for in encyclopedias, the Internet additional information And they share it in kindergarten. This creates an atmosphere of cooperation, the relationship between the teacher, parents and children. Thus, in preschool age, children are trained to independently mining knowledge, increasing their cognitive activity, which will play an important role in further school learning.

The use of multimedia presentations in practice has shown that their systematic use in the educational process in combination with traditional methods and receptions increases the efficiency of work on the intensification of cognitive interest in children. This is confirmed by the following factors: children are better perceived new Material; Knowledge obtained in classes is most brightly remembered to children due to the visual and sound support of presentations; Children more easily assimilate complex topics ("Space" , « solar system» and etc).

Thus, we can say that the use of multimedia presentations in a preschool institution allows us to make an educational process with a simple and interesting for children, as well as contributes to its effectiveness. The use of information computers allows you to optimize the pedagogical process in a preschool institution, to individualize the training of children and significantly increase the effectiveness of educational work.

List of used literature.

  1. Gorwitz Yu.M., Chainov L.D., Poddelakov N.N., Zvorygin E.V. and others. New information technology in preschool education. M.: Link-IiPess, 2008
  2. Kukushkina O.I. Computer technologies in the context of the profession: learning students. Educator Dow - M., 2011. - № 3.
  3. New pedagogical and information technology in the pre-school education system. / Ed. Polit E.S. M.: Academy, 2009.

Municipal preschool educational institution No. 106

"Kindergarten supervision and recovery"

"Using a presentation multimedia technology in Dow"

(counseling for teachers)


Bikmaamatova Svetlana Aleksandrovna,

PDO (choreographer) Higher

kemerovo, 2017

Purpose:Improving the quality of education through active introduction into an educational process of presentation multimedia technology.

IN last years There is a massive introduction of information and computer technologies in pre-school education. Informatization process B. preschool institutions Determined by the requirements of a modern developing society, where the teacher must keep up with the times, use new technologies in education and education.

In the context of the modernization of the education system, new problems and tasks appear, over the decision of which teachers will have to work. One of the problems is a fall in the motivation of the preschooler for learning. How to optimally solve this problem?

Now wins that educator and teacher additional educationwhich makes the progress of direct educational activities visual, entertaining, bright, interesting, emotional, memorable. That is, the material must contain elements of extraordinary, surprising, unexpected, causing interest from preschoolers to the educational process and contributing to the creation of a positive emotional situation of teachings, as well as the development of mental abilities. We are talking On the use of presentation multimedia technology.

Since Multimedia technologies have advantages over traditional classes. Multimedia implies the simultaneous use of various forms of information presentation: audio - video images, animation of text. Thus, affecting the auditory and visual channel, multimedia creates conditions for obtaining and assimilating information.

Multimedia technologies can be used in the form:

It is forces forces most teachers, since it does not require in-depth knowledge of computer technologies. The educator can create a film or presentation, given the features of his pupils, goals and objectives set at a particular occupation. Such computer products, as a rule, are of interest in children due to the realism and dynamic image, the use of animation, and the computer itself is very attractive for most children. Many parents know how to hardly tear off the child from him. And if there is an interest, then the desire arises to do.

Another plus is an opportunity distance learning Parents. Parents would like to do at home to develop their children. However, they often do not know what exactly to deal with the child, or do it methodically illiterately. The main problem is the lack of knowledge among parents in choosing training computer games that could correspond to the age and individual characteristics of children. The problem can be solved by offering parents to discs with classes or multimedia presentations. The topics of presentations may be different: classes in mathematics, virtual visits to art galleries, familiarity with nature, rules safe behavior Houses and on the street. So the child who missed different reasons a large number of classes can receive necessary knowledge at home. To help parents, you can also provide a list of recommended computer games (game mathematics, tales travel, game Fantasia, etc.), where the name of the game should be indicated, short description (goal, tasks, age characteristics) and link to the Internet address.

1. The presentation rarely costs without clarity. Their task is to give a statement conviction. Proper use These funds will significantly revive the presentation and will fix the material in memory.

2. Tools are preferably used only when they can enhance the impact of the statement.

3. When demonstrating slides and access to pupils, it is best to stand on the left of the screen (if you look from the hall). Due to the fact that we read from left to right, first the listeners will look at the teacher, and then turn the right to the right to the screen, where more detailed information is presented.

4. The teacher will look natural if it is located at a low angle to the children's audience. You can take a more "strong" position, completely unfolding face to preschoolers.

5. Quickly looking at the image (item), you can gesture the left hand to attract the attention of children to it. The gesture should be very short. Then you should turn back again and contact them.

6. With temporary shutdown of the projection equipment or break in the slide show, it is advisable to move to the center of the hall and continue the presentation.

7. If you use the use of visibility anymore, it is recommended to stand in the insertion to the children to the left of the equipment and continue the occupation.

8. Do not do it:

- speak, turning his back to children;

- Bloat the displayed image;

- allow the tool used to play a major role in the presentation;
- give out distribution material during the presentation.

Practice has shown that subject to systematic use in the developing process of multimedia presentations in combination with traditional learning methods, development work efficiency cognitive abilities Preschool children increase significantly.

Modern pedagogical technologies in Dow are aimed at implementing GEF, where one of the tasks is: ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of organizational forms of pre-school education, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of pupils. Therefore, the main task of the teacher-educator is to choose methods, forms, innovative pedagogical technologies for organizing work with children, which would be optimally suitable for the purpose of the personality development. Innovative technologies are a system of methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational funds aimed at achieving a positive result due to dynamic changes in the personal development of the child in modern sociocultural conditions. They combine progressive creative technologies and stereotypical elements of education that have proven their effectiveness in the process of pedagogical activity.

In Russian preschool education, innovative processes are related: - with an understanding of childhood as an introspective period of development of a child characterized by a cultural function; - recognition of the child main value pedagogical process, an equal subject of his joint with the teacher of activity; - implementation of a personality-oriented approach in education and training; - creation, modernization, testing of variable programs of pre-school education; - using educational training technologies, game forms of education and education, using a variety of methods and forms of diagnosis and correction of the level of development of children and pedagogical process DOU; - creating a developing environment as the most important conditions for the development of independence, activity and creativity of the child; - creation of a system of non-state preschool education.

In the development of innovative processes in the DWA there are a number of problems, among which are, as: -schecking innovative programs with realizing in DOU; -The care in the new scientific and methodological support of educational and educational activities and new pedagogical frames; -Adapting innovations to the current conditions, production of innovation and the creation of conditions that contribute to this process.

Productive activity - One of the main activities of preschoolers. In addition, there is no possibility to store pictures for many years, collective, volumetric work, etc., because there is nothing easier than photographing the children's work you like and make an electronic exhibition from them. All photos can be accompanied by comments, sign the name of the child, age, etc. And another advantage of the multimedia presentation - it can be used as an archive of events held, with the inclusion of text, picture, photo and video materials. But sometimes when creating a presentation, we allow mistakes. This may be: insufficient teaching methodological preparedness; improper definition of the didactic role and the place of ICT in classes; Freeness, Accident of ICT; Overloading a demonstration.

Requirements for the design of the presentation. There are several rules for which a presentation is drawn up. Thus, the following requirements are imposed on its design: the title page indicates the name of the presentation, its author. The headlines of all slides are desirable to perform in a single style: color, font, drawing, size; At the end of the headlines, the point is not put; The size and color of the font is selected so that the written is clearly visible; underscore is not used; graphic Images must be clear good quality; Text, diagram and images are placed at the discretion of the author.

The multimedia presentation in classes with children can be used as: 1. Demonstration material: - Reproductions (when viewed by paintings) - Portrait (artist, author of work, man ...) - Illustrations for the work - accompanying material to the performance of the teacher - et al. (Scheme for Fig.) 2. Didactic game: - Gaying of the mysteries - "Find the differences" - "whose voice" - "whose contour" - etc. 3. The prize for the correct task: - An animation picture can be used; - Beep (maintenance).

The most common mistakes in presentations are: - to endure the words, goals and objectives, rules, words of the educator, greeting and farewell. What can be said in words - in the presentation will be superfluous. - The use of animation distracts children and takes advantage of precious time, it is better to use it for something useful. - No need to animate headlines on slides. It is uncomfortable and disrespectful in relation to the one who will watch your work. - Everything is so bright and beautiful, everything moves! Children will be delighted. But our goal is to teach them something. So, limit the variety and brightness, we remove all the animations. After all, this is an extra load on sight and distracts children. -

If the idea requires a hand-drawn background, and it is not possible to replace it with a less beautiful opportunity, it is possible to make it less bright, for example, to put a white rectangle on the entire background, making it translucent and installing the order "to the background". - You should not post small text and pictures on the slide. Text for preschoolers, it is better to exclude altogether. - Blurred drawings should not be included in the presentation. It is ugly and again tension on the eyes. - It is not recommended to use graphic files of different formats on one slide, for example, simultaneously photos and pictures. - It is not recommended to use pictures with a white background. - When selecting a photo to the presentation, you need to pay attention to the quality: good resolution, successful perspective, no extra, distracting parts and inscriptions. It is not recommended to use in working with preschoolers pictures with aggressive animal behavior.

A very interesting point in the presentation is triggers. Trigger, or "Hot Zone" - an object on a slide, clicking on which animates it or other slide objects. The use of triggers in the presentation gives the playing point and interactivity of the presentation itself. Now pictures, texts, separate words They may not appear in order, but in random order according to the plan and as the task is done. With this function you can, on your own, create didactic games in multimedia presentation.

It must be remembered that the presentation is needed when only with its help the child can see what can not see and feel personally in practice. If there is an opportunity to demonstrate to children experience, phenomenon in reality or do it yourself, then the presentation is better not to use.