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Gos-advantages and disadvantages of the education system. Retained colleagues, please participate in the discussion. Pre-school education without FGT and GEF: pros and cons

The history of the introduction of GEF to school Education and the path of continuity with FGT "Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution" (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from G., 448)

Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in the preschool educational institution (Annex 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996. 448). They included the criteria of A. Evaluation of the content and methods of educational - educational work with children of each year of life in the following areas: development, physical development and health, interaction of employees with children, development gaming activities, child development in visual activities, child development in musical activity, child development in theatrical activity, development of constructive activities, speech development Child, the development of elementary mathematical ideas, the development of elementary natural science representations, the development of the ecological culture of children, the development of ideas about a person in history.

B. Criteria for the organization of the activities of the pre-school educational institution (management and control). B. Criteria for evaluating material and technical and social and social conditions of children in the Dow (developing environment, security, child health).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from "On the federal components of educational standards of pre-school education" Competition for the development of standards of pre-school education

"The federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program pre-school education "(Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from 655) entered into force

The principle of integration 1. Integration is carried out within the framework of the educational, and not educational - educational Process 2. As grounds for integration, combine problems and the content of the educational process, the so-called "educational areas" are the so-called "educational areas". Task Integration Content Meeting Mechanisms

Accounting for the principle of integration in the development of an educational program kindergarten It was: an educational program as a systemic model of the educational process, covering all the main points of their livelihoods, taking into account the priority of types of children's activities in each age period. It became: a general education program as a comprehensive model of integration of educational areas in accordance with the complex-thematic principle of planning an educational process.

Monitoring requirements should be monitored to describe the "integrative quality of the child, which he can acquire as a result of the development of the program." Types of monitoring Intermediate results The final results of the development of development in the transition to school

1. Determination of pre-school education as one of the levels of the general education system, which is not preparatory. Recognition of the uniqueness of this level on the basis of the recognition of the self-satisfaction of preschool childhood, the requirement to provide the same level of such socio-economic opportunities, as well as other levels, including government financing.

"Pluses" of Standard 2. Despite the minimization of the educational process to the educational service, enshrined in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the orientation of the standard and educational program on the psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, the development of the identity of children of preschool age and the implementation of an individual approach to Each child.

Pluses of the Standard 4. Reflection in the content of the educational program of the following aspects of the educational environment for the child of preschool age: an objective-spatial developing educational environment; The nature of interaction with adults; the nature of interaction with other children; The system of relations between the child to the world, to other people, to themselves.

"Pluses" of Standard 5. Formulation for the teacher of the main competencies necessary to create a social situation of the development of pupils, relevant to the specifics of preschool age: 1) Ensuring emotional well-being, 2) support for individuality and initiatives of children, 3) establishing rules of behavior and interaction in different situations, 4) Building a developing education focused on the zone of the nearest development of each pupil, 5) interaction with parents on the formation of a child, directly involving them into the educational process, including through the creation of educational projects in conjunction with family on the basis of identifying the needs and support of educational family initiatives .

Pluses of Standard 6. Justification of the need to use (or administering) new forms of organizing the educational process related to the interaction of children with each other in pairs and among themselves, with parents. Such forms will contribute to the socialization of children, the formation of a positive microclimate and friendly relationship in the team of peers.

Pluses of Standard 7. Many attention is paid to the federal state standard for pre-school education support for children's initiative and independence. At the same time, independent activities are one of the "West" links in our education, and not only in preschool. At the same time, the main problems are associated with adults - parents and teachers who do not own as an independent (free) activity and this activity itself. The work on self-education in this area will have a huge. Moreover, many practices do not even imagine how you can combine the education of independence and collectivism in preschoolers.

1. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Federal State Educational Standard - a set mandatory requirements To the formation of a certain level and (or) to the profession, specialty and direction of training, approved by the federal executive body, carrying out functions to develop public policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education. This concept determines as an object, so the subject of regulation of the federal state educational standard for pre-school education.

"Cons" standard 2. Objectives and objectives, the targets of pre-school education among themselves are not agreed. Objectives, tasks and targets of preschool education, pre-school educational organization, educational program of kindergarten and educational activities The teacher is not the same thing. In the GEF of pre-school education, they are not differentiated, superimposed on each other and replace each other.

3. The most "patient" place in the standard is to manage the quality of the process. There is no mention of the text that such an educational process associated with it is an individual educational route and the development trajectory of each child, their types and forms. If so we are talking On individualization, educational needs are not special, but for all children, in accordance with the right to education, referred to in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Based on the context of using this term, It can be concluded that the educational process has lost signs of the system and the possibility of its continuity with the standard of primary school education, they are only declared.

4. Most of all "confusion" will be due to the allocation of five educational areas, among which the socio-communicative development is completely wrong with the direction (instead of socially personal or socio-moral, fully covering the tasks indicated in it), the speech development and Cognitive development, although they always penetrated each other and previously united by the term "mental development". Along with mathematical and environmental development.

5. From the educational program, the model of the organization of the educational process is splashed - a single managerial mechanism capable of restoring the systemic process. The program instead is required to describe the day mode in different age groups and events during the year at the level of kindergarten. The volley-unilous teachers of the kindergarten is imposed by the event or situational model of the organization.

6. Among the terms of the program implementation, great attention is paid to financial conditions. At the same time, there is a completely lack of interrelation of these conditions with the content and results (especially!) Implementing the educational program. When accreditation there will be many problems, especially since there is no criteria for assessing the results of the kindergarten, and the targets are not solved this task. The organizational and legal forms of DOO are not taken into account, among which there are autonomous, budgetary and government institutions. Legal conditions for the conclusion and termination of educational legal relations, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the state order for services in the text are also not reflected, although GEF is intended to regulate legal relations in the field of education. Step 1. Creating a Coordination Council and working Group To develop and manage the program of changes and additions to the Educational System of the DOO Step 2. Definition of changes and additions to the Educational System of the DOW Step 3. Development of single draft changes to the consolidated program of changes and additions Step 4. Development of a plan schedule for changes in the educational system of basic general education

GEF pre-school education 2.6. The content of the program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in different types activities and cover the following structural units representing certain directions of development and education of children (hereinafter - educational areas): social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Plan of measures to prepare for the introduction of GEF ... Tasks: 1. Develop local regulations governing the preparation and introduction of GEF; 2. Develop a project of the main educational program; 3. Ensure the methodological support of teachers involved in the pilot project on the introduction of GEF.

In the city of Moscow, the introduction of a federal state educational standard for pre-school education is carried out by: the city methodical center; Moscow Institute for Education Development; Federal Institute for Development of Education RAO; Institute of Strategic Studies in Education in the Russian Federation RAO; City Pedagogical Universities.

Positive and negative points in the introduction of GEF into the primary education system.

In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, the standard of general education was developed, which is called "Federal State Educational Standard (GEF)".

According to the authors of the standard, he is aimed at modernization russian education. However, in the process of introducing and implementing GEFs, practitioners and administration of the educational organization have had a lot of unresolved issues, problems and ideas to solve them.

Before switching to the disclosure of the introduction of GEF, I will present the main characteristics of the Federal State Educational Standard.

If you compare the first generation standards and the second generation standards, you can see the transition from the school of the formation of Zunov to the school of formation of thinking and universal educational actions, a fundamental difference in the subject and personal development of the student, in the formulation of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

The idea, the basis of the new generation standard, is as follows: "From recognizing knowledge, skills and skills as the main results of education, a shift occurred to an understanding of training as a preparation process for real life, readiness to take an active position, successfully solve real tasks, be able to cooperate and work in a group, be ready for rapid reappearness in response to updating the knowledge and requirements of the labor market. "

This idea It is very relevant in our developing society, as traditional education largely aimed at the formation of objective knowledge, skills and skills. School graduates knew perfectly on objects ones, but they did not always know how to work in a group, competently carry out the process of communication, to defend their point of view, quickly retracted.

The feasibility of introducing new generation standards is also in the fact that many graduates have a paradox of excellent. Practice shows that many excellent students are not able to adapt to real world. They know and (theoretically) know how more of their peers, but they impress the less developed, less independent, significantly more dependent person. While the poor students, on the contrary, are more often achieved in the lives of greater only due to developed communicative abilities, the skills interact in the group, go to risks, etc.

We conclude that, over the past decades in society, there have been significant changes in the formulation of the objectives of education and the ways of their implementation. The Federal State Educational Standard does not exclude the formation of knowledge, skills, skills from students, but emphasis is on the development of personal and metapredal knowledge, while subject knowledge is given less importance. And this is the most important minus modern system Education. I would like to clarify the basic principles of GEF, that is, to tell more about personal and meta-delicent results of education.

Under the personal results of educational activities, the standard means a system of value relations of students - to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the most educational process and its results formed in the educational process.

The personal result is made to attribute such characteristics as:
. self-determination;
. Motivation K. learning activities;
. love for the family;
. moral and aesthetic estimation;
. Patriotism, etc.

Under the meta-delimited results, we understand the methods of activity applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations, developed by students on the basis of one, several or all learning items. In other words, metap loat results are universal training activities (Wood), the formation of which will allow students to independently master any academic object, socialize in society, continuously self-study, etc., that is, "do", and not "know."

Based on this, you can highlight the positive aspects of the introduction of the standard.

The first plus is the transition from a simple transfer of knowledge to a schoolboy, to the design of the creative abilities of the person. Therefore, at the head of the implementation of GEFs lies a systemically - an activity approach that involves widespread introduction of project and research activities.

The second plus GEF is an educational function.Creating conditions for the formation of a creative, independent, humane personality capable of appreciating themselves and respect others in conditions of personal-oriented education.

The third plus is the continuity of approaches and principles in building standards of primary, primary and older school:

Primary school gives primary skills to self-search knowledge;

The main school develops independence in the use of knowledge and skills in solving specific tasks, develops primary goals of goalic and reflection;

The older school enshrines the skills and abilities for independent goaling, the choice of tools and means of achieving the goal, contributes to the consolidation of the skills of the application of the knowledge gained in educational, project and study activities at the prefesting level (6)

Fourth Plus - Material - Technical Cabinets primary classes Maintains the requirements of GEF.

One of the main advantages of GEF can safely attribute much attention to extracurricular activitiesunder which it is understood:

sports and recreational activities;

spiritual and moral direction, the formation of a sense of a full-fledged citizen in children;

generallyactive development by solving special tasks;

social direction;

communication development.

At the same time, the content of classes is drawn up on the basis of the experience of leading specialists, wishes of parents of students and children themselves. In the class of extracurricular activities include individual classes with a speech therapist (for speaking oral, written speech, Hand writing), teacher-psychologist, etc. Meeting with this kind of specialists never passes in a gift, children get special knowledge necessary psychological support that only a real professional can provide. Group and individual advice for schoolchildren of different ages are held excursions, round tables, Sections, Disputes, Conferences, Olympics, Competitions, scientific research. All this allows you to break away from the bore textbooks and most interest the child.

And now I will submit the minuses of the introduction of the GEF, which teacher faces during work.

In the process of administration, GEFs launched the following problems:

1. Insufficient amount of funds for the acquisition of educational literature, screen manuals (including digital form), interactive boards, educational and practical and teaching equipment, natural objects.

2. In addition to the usual subject checks, it is now necessary to carry out metap-free diagnostic work, compiled from complex tasks.

3. The problem for the school is the diagnosis of personal development results. The usual form of written test work is now complemented by such new forms of control of results as:

Targeted observation (fixation of the actions and qualities manifested by pupils on specified parameters),

Self-assessment of the student on adopted forms (for example, a list with questions on self-reflection of concrete activities),

The results of training projects,

The results of a variety of extracurricular and out-of-school works, student achievements.

4. What has changed in the professional activities of the primary school teacher in connection with the implementation of GEF? If the application of a systemically active approach was the personal initiative of the teacher, now, is a mandatory component of work for the formation of a Wood. Now, when preparing for a lesson, the teacher spends almost two times more time compared to the past school years. If you used to try to fulfill what was planned, now you need to organize the activities of children. Landmark for student self-esteem, formation of adequate self-esteem. Accounting for the dynamics of the results of teaching children regarding themselves. Evaluation of intermediate learning results.

5. According to new standards, the main thing is not easy to create conditions for obtaining new knowledge and skills, our task to teach children to learn, create favorable conditions For personal I. cognitive development Each student, teach children to apply, develop these knowledge and skills in the urgent and extracurricular time. And this is the most basic problem. After all, there are students who are truly capable of such training, and there are those that simply cannot be independent and active. Also, there is a problem in the fact that not all children have the possibility of entering the Internet at home.

Sources of knowledge, as a rule, were a teacher and a textbook. Now, we want this or do not want this, the information base in children is much wider, and the task of the teacher show the range of information search capabilities. And not just a search, but how to perceive this information, evaluate how to operate it. The child must understand what knowledge he is missing, where and how can you get additional knowledge. But many children have no opportunity to even learn elementary objective knowledge when the teacher is, as in the traditional system, the source of knowledge transmission.

It is impossible to miss the fact that students in elementary school do not want to learn, they suffer from motivation to obtain new knowledge. The student does not suit the explanation that he needs one or another material only because he will come in handy in adulthood after graduation, that is, in a few years.

Consequently, the teacher must understand, "how to teach?" or, more precisely, "how to teach so to initiate in children own questions: "What do I need to learn?" And "how to learn this to me?"

In addition, following the requirements of the new standard, the teacher needs to master modern educational technologies, choose the CMD, use the possibilities of material and technical base, to learn to develop and implement training programs, programs of extracurricular educational activities, participate in the design of the educational program.

The most significant minus of the introduction of GEF into the educational process is the complexity of the full implementation of the system. For this, the state should fundamentally change the financing of the education system, especially this applies to improving teachers' wages and high-quality improvement in the material and technical base of all schools. New standard Must be implemented in a new environment. Also, the attitude to business should change the teachers themselves, otherwise it will become a serious obstacle.

In general, if the state can fulfill its part of the duties for the successful introduction of the GEF, this system will be able to become a real breakthrough. The benefits of this standard have a lot, the main thing is to correctly organize the educational process. In this case, this task completely falls on the shoulders of leading teachers, which, to greatly fortunately, in our country is enough. They can gradually introduce GEF, to strip out the pros and get rid of flaws.

The decision presented above the teacher's problems see in the implementation of the following ideas:
. Development of textbooks in accordance with the requirements of GEF of the main general education;
. developing to each textbook of guidelines for teachers;
. reducing the number of students in the classroom;
. Reduction of teacher training;
. introducing additional payments to teachers wage for the supervision of the project activities of schoolchildren;
. Improving the educational environment.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the thoughts expressed in the article are just assumptions. At this stage of introduction of GEF, it is certainly answered the question: "Positive or negative results are achieved by the introduction of GEF main general education?" It is impossible, until the second generation standard starts working in full strengthuntil all the requirements and regulations of the GEF will be met.


3. Evplova E. V. Gos Main General Education: Problems and Solutions / E.V. Evplova // Standards and monitoring in education. - 2014. - № 3. - P. 62-64

4. Federal State Educational Standard.\u003d230.

5. Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education. Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from December 17, 2010, No. 1897.

6. Kablashova O. V. Implementation of the principles of continuity and systematic system of GEF NOO and GEF LLC // Social network of education workers. - .

In the section on the question of what the pros and cons of introducing GEF in until? Posted by the author clear The best answer is for a long time I do not work in the kindergarten, but what is being done - aware. Personally, my opinion - children are not quite ready for school (they do not know how to sit at the desk) and poor experienced teachers fight for students to sit down the lesson. Teachers say that the new generation has a plus personality. It's good. And about the diagnosis is silent, since it turns out everything is fine, at the same time children do not know how ... do not know ... about planning --- B. Our garden themed weeks Were more than 10 years ago, when I worked.

Answer from 22 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: what are the pros and cons of the introduction of GEF in until?

Answer from ЎLih Borzoy[guru]
And you still have to doubt the GEF, we have been working for two years and forgot about old. I do not understand what the problem is. We believe that only the advantages:
- Previously, there was a unilateral influence of the "teacher-child", and now the "child-adults-peers";
- the strict "classes" disappeared, we received a more game and versatile approach, welcoming the maximum exploitation of innovative and active methods of pedagogical interaction, more individualized and aimed at disclosing our own potential of each child;
- the dictational pedagogy will finally be completely outlined, at least from the field of preschool education, and its more modern pedagogy of development, pedagogy of creativity and freedom will be replaced;
- planning has become the most interesting and easier (for me): You take one topic of the month and develop it in all educational areas;
- Previously, the diagnosis was aimed at identifying a child having a certain set of ZUN, and is now replaced by the diagnosis of development that is intended to maximize the knowledge, skills and skills of the child. That's how something like that. Successes and wish you quickly understand and introduce it at yourself, and then the kids do not wait, they grow.

Answer from Food[guru]
the problem is one - they do not want to redeem (do not know how)

Answer from dewy[guru]
you have one with these fgos, and do not have time to see children. Do not play caregivers with children, just all whether they develop and diagnose.

Speech on the topic " Comparative analysis State and GEF of the second generation. "

Today, each educational institution seeks to live and work in a new way. This requires modern society, which is necessary to be developed, purposeful, erudite, competitive, initiative, spiritually and physically healthy personalities that are able to occupy a worthy place in society. Modern children have changed much. The awareness of children, polarization of students at the level of mental and intellectual development increased dramatically. The skills relating to information literacy are formed in the target in the lessons on subjects and in extracurricular activities. New requests for family, society, states are formed.

So what happened to the introduction of GEF, what has changed, has become new and unusual?

First, a new presented psychological picture A graduate where the motto is standing: learning independence \u003d learning to learn. Education in elementary school is the base, the foundation of all subsequent training. First of all, it concerns the formation of universal training actions, mastering which gives students the possibility of independent successful assimilation of new knowledge and skills based on the formation of the ability to learn. This feature is ensured by the fact that the Wood is generalized actions that generate motivation to learning and allow students to navigate in various subject areas.

The teacher conducts traditional lessons on the generally accepted structure:

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson;

2 Check homework;

3. Statement of the lesson;

4. Preparation of students for the perception of the new educational material. actualization of knowledge, practical and mental skills;

5. Studying a new material, incl. and an explanation;

6. Fastening the material studied at a given lesson and previously passed associated with the new;

7. Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills, the connection of new with previously obtained and formed;

8. Summing up the results and results of the lesson;

9. Home task.

the teacher conducts innovative lessons that have something new, the original, creatively brought by the teacher. With the introduction of GEF lessons should be built in a completely different scheme.

1. Motivation to educational activities.

2. Actualization and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial action.

3. Detection of the place and the cause of difficulties.

4. Building an exit project from difficulty.

5. Implementation of the built project.

6. Primary consolidation with progress in external speech.

7. Independent work With self-test on the standard.

8. Enable knowledge and repetition.

9. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson.

The explanatory and illustrative method of work is common when the teacher, standing in front of the class, explains the topic, and then conducts a selective front survey

the emphasis is placed on the interaction of students and teachers, as well as the interaction of the students themselves

the priority becomes the developing learning function, which should ensure the formation of a person junior schoolchild, disclosure of its individual capabilities.

Types of lessons:

combined lessons;

lessons to familiarize students with new material;

lessons of consolidation of knowledge;

lessons check and control knowledge.

Types of lessons changed:

lessons "Opening" of new knowledge;

reflection lessons;

lessons of general methodological orientation;

educational control lessons.

The student's work was assessed only at a specific lesson.

at each lesson, the achievements of a specific student are tracked, this result is compared with the previous one, the teacher encourages the slightest promotion of the student forward, analyzes his mistakes

a special place in the new assessment system is paid by the portfolio, the portfolio becomes a "history of success", which helps trace the individual progress of the student.

Total test papers on subjects

complex final work at each stage, input control in grade 1.

The content of education has changed.

Project activity Pupils are a plus of FGOS. It provides the development of cognitive skills and skills. In the textbook detail (to help the child and parents) is painted, how to execute the project. First, in the lesson, we discuss the topic of the project, which can be done to achieve the goal, and choose the method of implementation.

In accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standards of the second generation, the system of requirements for the result of education is changing, the system of assessing the achievements of students is changing. There are many ways to evaluate their achievements learning. In every lesson there is evaluation activities. Children are familiar with the algorithm of assessing their achievements.

Training in the GEAS 2 generation is based on an activity approach, which involves the organization of educational activities on the independent development of new knowledge, and the implementation of the development and self-development of the individual. Training is organized from common to private. The teacher does not give a lesson ready Material, but asks logically built questions, during which it has to send students to the process of mastering knowledge. Didactic rule on new standards: learn to learn in the lesson!

One of the innovations of the FGOS is extracurricular activities. So, the "pros" of the FGOS:

Project activities for each subject from grade 1;

Application of an activity approach in training;

Extracurricular activities;

Using ICT.

" Minuses":

Insufficient cabinet equipment;

There is no continuity between kindergarten and school;

Some teachers are hard to rebuilt from an authoritarian learning method for an activity approach.

In the "Message of the President of the Russian Federation ..." special attention was paid to education, and it is correct, because on how high-quality education in the country will depend on its future. There is no doubt that the education system starting with preschool institutions And ending with medium-special and higher educational institutions, must comply with modern requirements.

The child needs such knowledge and skills that would help him not just navigate in a constantly changing world, but also find their place in it, move forward. Therefore, changes in the education system are necessary and inevitable, it understands everything. However, the steps taken in this direction are alarming.

"Caring for future generations is the most reliable, intelligent and noble investments."
From the Message of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Realization of the Federal Law of May 8, 2010 No. 83-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions", which was developed in accordance with the budget message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of 25 May 2009 "On Budget Policy in 2010-2012", causes many questions and concerns. The essence of the changes made down to the transition from the estimated funding of existing budgetary institutions that does not contribute to improving the quality and volume of services provided, to financing the established state (municipal) task through the provision of subsidies. On paper, everything is wonderful, but in the implementation of the law in specific institutions, serious problems are already arising.

For example, after the introduction of a new learning system of teachers, when the teacher is relying a ruble of ninety kopecks (on average), the number of students in many classes increased to 30 - 32. This is, first, contradicts the sanitary standards for which the educational institution pays a fine For overcrowding (more than 25 students), secondly, the training variability suffers: if earlier the gymnasium, lyceums could provide students with one class the possibility of choosing an object, for example, some of them studied in-depth right, and part of the economy, now such a division is economically unprofitable. And what if the school is small, and there is no "necessary" number of students?

Suppose, with the introduction of a new wage system, schools were given a lot of independence at the disposal of financial resources provided for on wages workers. But this "independence" leads to a reduction in the personnel necessary for the school. System 30 by 70, when most of the funds goes to pay for the labor of the pedagogical composition, and less to the wages of educational and auxiliary personnel, already now deprived many school opportunities to pay full unit Psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher. And find a laboratory assistant to computer classes, not to mention a qualified specialist, for the fee that the school can offer is simply impossible. In addition, many concerns the article on the provision of schools paid services. What will enter the state standard of education, and what will be paid?

If we talk about standards, then the introduction of a mandatory third hour of physical education has caused great difficulties from schools. In a standard educational institution, one gym. Classes in it and so went without breaks, and now you need to find time to accommodate all classes there are still on one lesson. This is impossible, teachers say. And the lesson on the street in most regions of Russia will not allow the weather. How to be?

Not less problems Reveal in those schools where "pilot" classes of primary school on new educational standards are working. There is not enough premises, special furniture, there is no possibility to organize nutrition kids who are spent at school for five hours.

This is only a small part of the questions that arises in society in connection with the introduction of a new law. It has already entered into force, but until July 2012 provides a transitional period. What it will be unknown. Direct participants in the educational process, which are now "in suspended", the nevertheless, they find the strength to continue to carry out this process at the proper level. But where it will be this very "level" for Russian children, while many are incomprehensible.

The bill "On Education" causes even more emotions, its rapid discussion continues for quite a long time. We only touched the problems of school education, but changes will occur at the earliest steps. I would like the modernization of the system to improve its improvement, but it is clear that not everything is thought out, much requires adjustments and improvements.

We asked the opinion of the immediate participants of the educational process.

Teacher of the first "A" class, pilot on approbation of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (Federal State Standard) of the Gymnasium No. 8 Svetlana Isaaneko:

The emergence of new educational standards I accepted as the next stage of the development of education, which is necessary to bring it in line with the changes in society in the children's environment, in the scientific and technical achievements of humanity over the past decades. I liked the idea to dye learning comfortable, primarily for children and teachers. It seemed to me that for this you need to equip the office modern furniture, Create all the conditions for the education process. But, the child to fully develop should feel comfortable in the class, and it is impossible when 32 student are studying at the same time. And in itself, staying in the Great Team, daily for four hours, acts on the baby tedious. Therefore, after studying a child, a rest is simply needed, a full lunch, a walk. It was assumed that it should be equipped for this game room Without a part, but there is no such opportunity at school. Children like mugs organized at school, they are happy to visit them, but mandatory extracurricular activities begins immediately after classes, without a break. Tired of studying children, in fact, are sitting on the fifth hour, and this is overloading for kids. Suddenly the benefits of such classes will be less than the harm caused to children's health. It is also necessary to take into account that part of the children does not visit the dining room, and only buffet products receives.
Probably, today our school is ready to work on new standards yet in this form, but if my child studied in this class, I would refuse his extracurricular activities in such conditions.

President of the Public Organization of the Parental Public Cities of the Altai Territory Nikolai Chen Kashin:

It seems that the law was created without taking into account the characteristics of educational institutions of different regions of our country. After all, it is impossible to compare educational institutions big cities And, for example, rural. From the document is not very clear who will monitor and eventually respond to the so-called "standard" of education. In addition, the law has already entered into force, and many of its provisions have not yet been worked out. Can the budget of the city of Rubtsovsk ensure the implementation of these mandatory programs? It is further revealed that the modernization of school and education is now - a step back, and not forward, too much contradictions in it. But, wait and see.

From the letter of veterans of pedagogical labor:

"Education reform is a serious and long-term process, it is definitely necessary. But the project proposed for implementation has obvious weakness in the absence of an alternative version (possibly two, three) ...

In an explanatory note, nothing is said about the potential of the pedagogical corps of Russia, on the shoulders of which this project is assigned. Who took into account the mass aging of the teacher's corps of our country and the zero competition in pedagogical universities? A ever-growing burden on the teacher, which will still increase in the transition to new education standards?<...>».