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List of engineering posts. Unified Qualification Directory of posts in the section "Qualification characteristics of posts of employees of education" - Russian newspaper

There are a huge number of activities, skills and posts in the world. In view of such a variety, the employer often has difficulties both at the personnel management level and at the personnel documentation level. In such cases, uniform reference books and classifiers come to the rescue. In the article we will discuss what classifier professioner is 2019 with deciphering the Russian Federation and a single tariff-qualifying reference book-2019. Let us dwell on the qualifying characteristics in more detail.

Basic concepts

Working with unified forms, personnel specialist is often in confusion due to the abundance of terms and abbreviations relating to reference books. Consider them.

Name Abbreviation Decision Content purpose
Unified Tariff Qualification Directory 2019 Workers' Professions ETKS Minthouse from 12.05.1992 №15A Characteristics of the main types of work on the profession of workers Tariffing of works, assignment of discharges
All-Russian classifier of professions and posts 2019 OKPDTR State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 №367 Professions workers, posts of employees Statistics (Evaluation of the number of workers, distribution of frames, etc.)
Unified qualifying directory
EKS Ministry of Labor dated 21.08.1998 №37 Names of posts and qualifying requirements Unification of regulatory regulations

These documents are interconnected. The general classifier of posts and professions 2019 underlies EKS 2019. OKPDTR 2019, in turn, takes the basis of its first section of the ETKS 2019 working professions. ETKS 2019 leaders and specialists are absent, therefore the second section of the OKPDTR is based on a single nomenclature of employees.

What is a qualifying directory of posts

The unified classification directory of professionals and employees (EKS) is a list of qualifying characteristics (job responsibilities and levels of knowledge and qualifications) of managers, specialists and employees depending on the scope of activity. Additional Sections of the EX are introduced by the corresponding orders of the Ministry of Labor. To date, the latter is the order of 10.05.2016 No. 225n, approving the "qualification characteristics of workers of military units and organizations of the Armed Forces Russian Federation" The frequency of updates of the reference book is not regulated by law. Thus, the document, modified by the above order, is currently a qualifying reference book of the posts of workers and employees 2019.

What is it needed for what

The NEX, which was the basis of the All-Russian classifier of professions of employees' work positions, was compiled in order to develop universal standards for organizing labor. In fact, this document helps the employer competently build the structure of the organization. Qualification characteristics At the same time, the following functions optimize:

  • selection and placement of personnel;
  • training / retraining staff;
  • rational division of labor;
  • definitions of official duties and zones of staff responsibility.

The personnel worker relies on the classifier of posts and professions 2019 in working with such documents as a staffing schedule, job descriptions, regulations, etc. OKPDTR Classifier (2019) with a search by name is posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

How to apply it

The EX is applicable in any enterprises, regardless of their forms of ownership or organizational and legal forms of activity. However, the law does not oblige, but only recommends the employer to be guided by this document in personnel work. The procedure for applying the EX approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of 09.02.2004 No. 9. In accordance with it, qualifying characteristics form the basis of the job instruction and include three sections:

  • responsibilities (List of labor functions fixed in whole or in part);
  • must know (special knowledge, knowledge of regulatory acts, methods and means for carrying out employment duties);
  • requirements for qualifications (level of training and work experience).

The distribution of responsibilities constituting the qualifying characteristics between several employees is allowed. Assessment of the conformity of the employee by qualifying characteristics is made only by the attestation commission.

What to apply - Qualification Directory or Professional Standard

As we found out, the qualifications of the employee make up his knowledge, skills, skills and experience. Professional standard is a narrower concept and is defined as "the qualification characteristic necessary for the employee to implement a certain type of professional activity, including the implementation of a certain employment function" ( Art. 195.1 TK RF.). In addition, professandraty, in contrast to the EX, can be mandatory. The relevant amendments are made to the Labor Code of the Federal Law of 02.05.2015 No. 122-FZ. According to article 195.3 of the TC RF.The employer is obliged to operate by professandards if the requirements for the necessary employee for the fulfillment of the skills of qualifications are dictated by the Labor Code, federal law or other regulatory acts. In other cases, the use of professional standards is recommended, but not required.

System administrator, cultural workers, foreman in construction, electrician, janitor, accounting experts, Procurement specialist - Representatives of various industries and professions can find information about the one you need to know from the qualifying reference book for workers, employees and managers.

This document is all-Russian and general industry. For the purpose of convenience, it is divided into sections. That is, for example, representatives of pedagogical and medical professions will be easy to find the necessary positions in a single qualifying directory with the same name.

Qualification directory of posts - what is a summary

For each industry in the qualifying collection of positions there is its own list of managers and workers. The head, choosing those who work for him and serve their profession, before approving, are often based on the characteristics of this document.

Each specialists have three characteristics: Must know, requirements, duties. There are requirements for work in the organization and for the leaders themselves. For example, they should not only have a relevant education, but also have knowledge to solve tariff issues. The decision on the approval of the provisions current today was issued in the Russian Federation back in August 1998.

Qualification Directory of Work and Employees 2017

If you rely on the Labor Code, and more precisely on its 143 article, then the work charts, as well as the subsequent assignment of discharges to employees and employees in 2017 will continue to be carried out in accordance with the described document. The second important factor for policies in enterprises is professional standards. New professions appear in Russia, and therefore every year this documentation expands.

Unified Qualification Directory of Education Workers

This separate document is divided into three categories: managers, pedagogical workers and educational and auxiliary staff. Educational institutions happen, as elsewhere, issues related to labor relations and requiring regulation. This helps a qualifying collection. Thanks to him, it is possible to organize effective management of pedagogical personnel. Characteristics are the basis for job instructions developed in educational institutions.

Handbook of Medical Workers 2017

In July 2010, the profile ministry approved the characteristics and for the health sector. In this document, all experts are divided into four categories: managers, experts, junior pharmaceutical and honey staff, other personnel honey organizations. Due to the fact that the importance of employees of medical institutions is particularly high due to the fact that the health of others depends on them, almost every specialty in presented requirements, and work experience.

Directory of employment institutions

A separate order of 2011, the requirements for working in educational institutions providing higher vocational education were allocated. Professors-teaching staff, management and administrative and economic employees with staff auxiliary are three separate categories related to this document. For example, the same professor must have at least a degree of doctor of science and five-year-old scientific and pedagogical experience, whereas for the associate of a doctrine enough candidate and three years experience.

All-Russian qualification directory of posts and occupations 2017

This regulatory document is in open access to download. About what needs to be done at certain positions and what you need to know to get there, read

  • Engineer for the organization and standardization of labor
  • Labor Region Engineer
  • Technician according to work
  • § 4. The date of the work worker
  • § 5. Terms of remuneration worker
  • § 6. Labor and recreation
  • § 7. Compensation for work in special conditions of labor
  • Typical sectoral norms of free issuance of personal protective equipment
  • Rules for providing employees with special means of individual protection
  • § 8. Conditions defining the nature of the work (mobile, traveling, on the way, another nature of work)
  • § 9. Additional conditions of employment contract
  • 1. On the clarification of the place of work (indicating the structural division of its location) and (or) on the workplace
  • 2. Test
  • 3. On non-disclosure of secrecy protected by law (state, commercial, official and other)
  • 4. On the conclusion of an agreement on the full individual personal self-sustainability of the employee for the lack of property entrusted to him
  • Workers
  • § 10. The provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which appropriate to include an employment contract (part 4 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • Warranties and compensation provided by the employer of the employee * (11)
  • Chapter III. Conclusion of the employment contract § 1. Guarantees at the conclusion of an employment contract
  • § 2. Documents imposed on the conclusion of an employment contract
  • § 3. Labor book
  • § 4. Form of employment contract
  • § 5. Registration of employment
  • Chapter IV. Changing the employment contract
  • § 1. Transfer to another job. Move
  • § 2. Temporary translation to another job
  • § 3. Translation of an employee to another job in accordance with medical conclusion
  • § 4. Changes by the Terms of Labor Conditions defined by the Parties for the reasons associated with a change in the organization's technological conditions
  • § 5. Labor relations when changing the owner of property of the organization, a change in the jurisdiction of the organization, its reorganization
  • § 6. Removal from work
  • Chapter V. Termination of an employment contract § 1. Regulation of the termination of an employment contract in labor legislation
  • § 2. General grounds for termination of the employment contract
  • Chapter VI. Termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employer § 1. General
  • § 2. Termination of an employment contract with an employee who did not sustain the test (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • The procedure for conducting KPO for candidates for vacant positions of category "Head"
  • Candidate's profile (Category "Head") for office ___________________________
  • Worker adaptation sheet
  • Employee work plan at the time of adaptation
  • § 3. Termination of the employment contract in the case of liquidation of the organization or termination of the ADD
  • 3.1. Termination of an employment contract in the event of the liquidation of the organization
  • 3.2. Termination of the employment contract in case of termination by the employer - an individual
  • § 4. Termination of the employment contract while reducing the number of employees of the organization, an individual entrepreneur
  • 4.1. PRESENTAL RIGHT FOR OUTENIENE WORKS OF SOME CATEGORY OF Employees in the Application or State of Employees
  • 4.2. The procedure for termination of an employment contract with an employee of his dismissal to reduce the number or staff of employees
  • 4.3 Staff development as an alternative to dismissal employees to reduce the number or staff of employees
  • 4.4. Actions of Russian trade unions on prevention of staff dismissal to reduce the staff of employees in restructuring and bankruptcy of organizations
  • 4.5. Russian legislation on the obligation to employ activities to prevent the dismissal of employees to reduce their number or staff
  • § 5. Termination of the employment contract in case of inconsistency of the position of the position or performed by the work of the test qualification, confirmed by the results of certification
  • 5.1. TK RF to terminate the employment contractor, paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Art. 81 TC RF
  • 5.2. What purpose is the certification of employees?
  • 5.3. On the rules for certification of employees
  • Much of positions on certification of employees _______________________________________ (employer name)
  • I. General provisions
  • II. Organization of certification of employees
  • III. Formation of the attestation commission.
  • IV. Certification
  • V. Decisions taken by the Attestation Commission.
  • Mock attestation sheet
  • Layout of the protocol N _____ Meetings of the Attestation Commission _____________________________ (Employer Name)
  • 5.4. On the regulation of the procedure for certification of managers of specialists in the industry
  • Instructions on professional certification Specialist of the construction area Head 1 General
  • Chapter 2 Applications for certification and decision making on request
  • Chapter 3 Warming of the Qualification Exam and the decision on its results
  • Chapter 4 Registration, Registration and Extracted Certificate
  • Chapter 5 Lifetime of the Qualification Certificate
  • Chapter 6 Station and Renewal of the Action Certificate
  • Chapter 7 Reception of the Qualification Certificate
  • Chapter 8Information on the results of certification
  • Approved certification of managers and a specialist of the field of construction
  • Ministry of Architecture and Construction Realities of Belarus
  • 5.5. On the concept of a multi-level system of certification of managers of venerable enterprises and organizations of OAO Gazprom
  • § 6. Termination of an employment contract with the head of the organization, his deputies and chief accountant
  • § 7. Termination of the employment contract in cases of repeatedly inflaming the employee without valid causes of employment, if it has a disciplinary penalty (paragraph 5 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • § 8. Termination of the employment contract in cases of repeatedly-boiled violation by the employee of labor duties (subparagraphs "A", "B", "B", "G" and "D" 6 h. 1 Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • § 10. Termination of the employment contract due to the commissioners performing educational functions, immoral offense incompatible with the continuation of this work (paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • §12. Termination of the employment contract in connection with a single-bubbling violation by the head of the organization (branch, representation), its deputy employment duties (paragraph 10 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • §13. Termination of an employment contract in the case of providing an employee to an employer of substrate documents at the conclusion of an employment contract (paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • §fourteen. Termination of the employment contract, in cases provided for by the employment contract with the head of the organization, members of the Collegial Executive Body of the Organization (paragraph 13 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • §fifteen. Termination of the employment contract in other cases established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws (paragraph 14 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 15.1. Additional foundations of termination of the employment contract with part-time obscene (Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 15.2. Termination of an employment contract with employees, a concluding contract for a period of up to two months (Art. 292 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 15.3. Termination of an employment contract with employees engaged in pumping work (Art. 296 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 15.4. Termination of an employment contract with an employee engaged in an employee - an individual (Art. 307 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 15.5. Termination of an employment contract with obscons (Art. 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 15.6 Additional reasons for termination of the employment contract by the organization of the organization (Art. 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • 15.8. Additional foundations of termination of the employment contract by progressive workers (Art. 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • §sixteen. Guarantees to certain categories of workers in the examination of the Employer Initiator
  • §17. TK RF about the consideration of labor disputes on the restoration of work in court
  • Chapter VII. Labor contract and "borrowed work"
  • § 1. Transformation based on the workforce of two-sided fishing relations in trilateral
  • § 2. All-Russian trade unions about "borrowed labor"
  • § 3. Foreign experience of legislative regulation of the use of "borrowed" labor
  • Chapter VIII. Protection of personal data worker
  • Layout of the rules of the internal labor regulation * (21)
  • 1. General Provisions
  • 2. The procedure for admission to work
  • 3. Basic rights and obligations of the employee
  • 4. Rights and obligations of the employer
  • 5. Responsibility of the parties to the employment contract
  • 6. Self-defense workers of labor rights
  • 7. Working time
  • 8. Working time mode
  • 9. Rest time
  • 10. Encouraging for work
  • 11. Disciplinary recovery
  • 12. Forms, order, place and deadlines for paying wages
  • 13. Professional training, retraining and increased employee
  • 14. Features of the regulation of women, people with family responsibilities
  • 15. Features of labor regulation of workers under the age of eighteen
  • 15. Material responsibility of the parties to the employment contract
  • 16. Changing the employment contract
  • 17. Termination of the employment contract
  • Layout of the Provision on the Committee (Commission) on Labor Protection * (37) __________________________________________________ (Organization Name)
  • 1. General Provisions
  • 2. Committee tasks
  • 3. Committee functions
  • 4. Committee rights
  • Unified qualifying directory of managers, specialists and employees

    The size wages leaders, specialists and other employees, as a general rule, is determined mainly by the magnitude of the official salary paid for fulfilling these employees of their job responsibilities for their positions. In this regard, a clear fixation of these duties - their content, volume, technology and responsibility, has primary importance for workers.

    Qualification characteristics of each position consist of three sections: "Official duties"; "I must know" and "qualifying requirements."

    The "Official Responsibilities" section contains a list of basic functions that may be charged in fully or partially an employee who occupies this position.

    The section "should know" contains the basic requirements for the employee for special knowledge, as well as knowledge of regulatory legal acts, methods and means that the employee must be able to apply when performing job duties.

    The "Qualification Requirements" section defines the level of professional training of an employee necessary to fulfill duties assigned to it, and the required work experience.

    As an example, we give the qualification characteristic of the director's position (General Director, Managing) *(1) .

    Official duties. Manages in accordance with the current legislation, the production and economic and economic activities of the enterprise, carrying the full responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made, the safety and efficient use of the property of the enterprise, as well as the financial and economic results of its activities. Organizes the efficient interaction of all structural units, workshops and production units, directs their activities on the development and improvement of production, taking into account social and market priorities, improving the efficiency of the enterprise, the growth of sales of products and an increase in profits, quality and competitiveness of products, its compliance World standards in order to conquer the domestic and foreign market and meet the needs of the population in the relevant types of domestic products. It ensures the implementation of all obligations to federal, regional and local budgets, state extrabudgetary social funds, suppliers, customers and creditors, including the Bank's institutions, as well as economic and employment contracts (contracts) and business plans. Organizes production and economic activities based on the wide use of the latest technology and technology, progressive forms of management and labor organization, scientifically based regulations of material, financial and labor costs, studying the market opportuncture and best practices (domestic and foreign) in order to enhance the technical level and quality Products (services), economic efficiency of its production, rational use of production reserves and economical spending of all types of resources. Takes measures to ensure the enterprise by qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, creating safe and favorable working conditions and health conditions, compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation. Provides the correct combination of economic and administrative methods of leadership, uniance and collegiality in the discussion and decision of the issues, material and moral incentives to improve the efficiency of production, the use of the principle of material interest and responsibility of each employee for the work entrusted to him and the results of the whole team, paying the salary on time . Together with labor collectives and trade union organizations, based on the principles of social partnership, the development, conclusion and implementation of a collective agreement, compliance with labor and production discipline, contributes to the development of labor motivation, initiatives and activities of workers and employees of the enterprise. The issues relating to the financial and economic and industrial and economic activities of the enterprise, within the limits of the legislation provided to him, instructs the conduct of individual areas of activity to other officials - deputy director, managers of production units and branches of enterprises, as well as functional and production units. Ensures compliance with the law in the activities of the enterprise and the implementation of its economic relations, the use of legal funds for financial management and functioning in market conditions, strengthening contractual and financial discipline, regulating social and labor relations, ensuring the investment attractiveness of the enterprise to maintain and expand the scale of entrepreneurial activities . Protects the property interests of the enterprise in court, arbitration, government and management bodies.

    Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production and economic and economic activities of the enterprise, the decisions of federal, regional and local government and management bodies, which determine the priority areas for the development of the economy and the relevant industry; Methodical and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise; prospects for technical, economic and social development of the industry and enterprises; production facilities and personnel resources of the enterprise; technology of production of enterprise; tax and environmental legislation; The procedure for the preparation and coordination of business plans for the production and economic and financial and economic activity of the enterprise; market methods of economic management and management of the enterprise; A system of economic indicators allowing the enterprise to determine its position in the market and develop programs to enter new markets; the procedure for the conclusion and execution of economic and financial contracts; market conjuncture; Scientific and technical advances and advanced experience in the relevant industry; management of economics and finance of the enterprise, the organization of production and labor; the procedure for the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, collective agreements and regulation of social and labor relations; labor legislation; Rules and norms of labor protection.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher Professional (Technical or Engineering and Economic) Education and work experience on leadership positions In the relevant profile of the enterprise of the industry for at least 5 years.

    Qualification characteristics are given in the qualifying directory of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 N 37 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2006 N 749).

    The qualification directory contains two sections. The first section provides the qualification characteristics of general-industry positions of managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers), widespread in enterprises, institutions and organizations, primarily industrial sectors of the economy, including those on budgetary financing. The second section contains qualifying characteristics of posts of workers employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations, as well as editorial publishing units.

    The specified directory was developed in accordance with the classification of employees into three categories: managers, specialists and other employees (technical performers). The attribution of employees to categories is carried out depending on the nature of predominantly performed works that constitute the work of the worker (organizational and administrative, analytical and constructive, information and technical).

    The names of the posts of employees, the qualification characteristics of which are included in the directory, are established in accordance with the all-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employees and tariff divisions of OK-016-94 (OKPDTR) (as amended. Changes 5/2004 OKPDTR, approved Action from January 1, 1996.

    In connection with the outlined, pay attention to the readers to the fact that according to Art. 57 "The content of the employment contract" of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if, in accordance with federal laws with the performance of work on certain positions, professions, specialties is related to the provision of compensation and benefits or the availability of restrictions, the names of these posts, professions or specialties and qualification requirements need to be complied with the names and the requirements specified in the qualification directories approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Thus, if, for example, the remuneration of a specialist in accordance with Art. 147 TC RF is carried out in an increased amount of work in harmful conditions of labor, the employer must be guided by the relevant qualification characteristics included in the qualification directory of managers, specialists and other employees, that is, the name of the post, profession, specialty and qualification requirements for them must be qualifying characteristic.

    If, in accordance with federal laws with the performance of work under this position, profession, the specialty is not related to the provision of compensation and benefits (increased labor payment, the provision of additional leave, therapeutic and preventive nutrition, etc.) or the availability of restrictions, the employer is free to The choice is to be guided or not guided by the qualification characteristic in the one given. In other words, the employer has the right to independently decide on the name of the post, profession, specialty and qualifying requirements for them.

    With the practical application of the qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and other employees, it is necessary to keep in mind the following.

    1. The directory does not include the qualification characteristics of derivative positions (senior and leading specialists, as well as deputy heads of departments). Official duties of these employees, the requirements for their knowledge and qualifications are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding basic positions contained in the reference book. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the use of the official name "Senior" is possible, provided that the employee, along with the fulfillment of the responsibilities provided for by the office, leads to the leaders subordinate to him.

    The position of "senior" can be established in the form of an exception and in the absence of performers in the immediate submission of the employee, if the functions of the management of the leadership of the work are imposed on it.

    For specialist positions, according to which qualification categories are envisaged, the official name "Senior" is not applicable. In these cases, the management functions of the subordinate performers are imposed on a specialist I qualifying category (for qualifying categories of specialists, see further on the text).

    Official duties "leading" are established on the basis of the characteristics of the respective posts of specialists. In addition, they are entrusted with the functions of the head and responsible performer of work on one of the activities of the enterprise, institutions, organizations or their structural units or the responsibilities for coordination and the methodological management of groups of performers created in the Departments (Bureau). Requirements for the necessary experience of the leading experts are rising for 2-3 years compared to those provided for specialists of the I qualification category.

    Official duties, knowledge requirements and qualifications of deputy heads of structural divisions are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the relevant positions of managers.

    2. In the qualification characteristics of the posts of specialists, it is envisaged within the same position without changing its name, intrasionally qualifying category of labor. Qualification categories for the remuneration of specialists are established by the head of the enterprise, institution, organization.

    At the same time, the degree of independence of the employee is taken into account when performing official duties, its responsibility for the decisions made, attitude to work, efficiency and quality of labor, as well as professional knowledge, experience of practical activity, determined by work experience in the specialty, etc.

    As an example, we give the requirements for the qualification of the designer engineer (designer), set out in the qualification characteristics of this position.

    Engineer: Higher professional education without making requirements for work experience.

    3. Qualification characteristics of the posts of chiefs (heads) of departments serve as the basis for determining official duties, knowledge requirements and qualifications.

    4. Qualification characteristics can be applied as regulatory documents directly or serve as a basis for the development of internal organizational and administrative documents - job descriptions containing a specific list of employee duties taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibility. If necessary, the obligations included in the characteristics of a certain position can be distributed among several performers.

    The qualification characteristics present the most characteristic of each job position. Therefore, when developing job descriptions, a list of works are allowed to be clarified, which are peculiar to the relevant position in specific organizational conditions, and the requirements for the necessary special training of workers are established.

    5. In the process of conducting measures to improve the organization and improved labor efficiency, it is possible to expand the range of responsibilities of workers compared to the corresponding characteristic. In these cases, without changing the official name, the employee may be entrusted with the duties stipulated by the characteristics of other positions close to the content of the work equal to complexity, the implementation of which does not require other specialty and qualifications.

    6. The compliance of the actual duties and qualifications of workers with the requirements of qualification characteristics is determined by the attestation commission in accordance with the current statement on the procedure for holding certification. At the same time, special attention is paid to the qualitative and efficient performance of work.

    7. Persons who do not have special training or experience of the work established by qualification requirements, but possessing sufficient practical experience and perform qualitatively and fully entrusted with their official duties, on the recommendation of the certification commission in order of exception can be appointed to the corresponding posts , like persons with special training and work experience.

    8. The directory includes the qualification characteristics of mass positions common to all sectors of the economy, the most widely used in practice. Qualification characteristics of posts specific to individual industries are developed by ministries (departments) and are approved in the prescribed manner.

    The Government of the Russian Federation by a resolution of October 31, 2002 N 787 (as amended. Of December 20, 2003 N 766) approved the procedure for approval of a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees. The Government of the Russian Federation established (confirming this) that the unified qualification directory of managers, specialists and employees consists of the qualification characteristics of managers, specialists and employees containing job responsibilities and requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications of these employees.

    This resolution was entrusted to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, to organize jointly with the federal executive bodies, which entrusted the management, regulation and coordination of activities in the relevant industry (sub-separation) of the economy, the development of a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees and the procedure for their use, And also approve the specified directory and the procedure for its application.

    In pursuance of the mentioned Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided on February 9, 2004 N 9 approved the procedure for applying a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees. The specified order basically repeats the text of the section " General provisions"Qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and other employees.

    In accordance with clause 5.2.52 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 321 (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2898; 2005, N 2, Art. 162; 2006, N 19, Art. 2080; 2008, N 11 (1 h.), Article 1036; N 15, Article 1555; N 23, Art. 2713; N 42, Art. 4825; N 46 , Art. 5337; N 48, Art. 5618; 2009, N 2, Art. 244; N 3, Art. 378; N 6, Art. 738; N 12, Art. 1427, 1434; N 33, Art. 4083 4088; N 43, Art. 5064; N 45, Art. 5350; 2010, N 4, Art. 394; N 11, Art. 1225; N 25, Art. 3167; N 26, Art. 3350; N 31, 4251) order:

    To approve a single qualifying directory of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of the posts of education workers" according to the annex.

    Minister T. Golikova


    Unified qualifying directory of managers, specialists and employees

    Section "Qualification Characteristics of Education Employees"

    I. General provisions

    1. "Qualification characteristics of the posts of employees of education" of a single qualifying certificate of managers of managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter - the EKS) is intended for solving issues related to the regulation of labor relations, ensuring effective system Personnel management educational institutions and organizations regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

    2. The section "Qualification characteristics of the posts of education workers" EKS consists of four sections: I - "General Provisions", II - "Positions of Officers", III - "Positions of Pedagogical Workers", IV - "posts of educational and auxiliary personnel".

    3. Qualification characteristics are applied as regulatory documents or serve as a basis for developing job descriptions containing a specific list of employee job responsibilities, taking into account the characteristics of the organization of labor and management, as well as the rights, responsibility and competence of employees. If necessary, the duties included in the qualification characteristics of a particular position can be distributed among several performers.

    4. The qualification characteristic of each position has three sections: "Official duties", "should know" and "qualifying requirements".

    The "Official Responsibilities" section contains a list of basic labor functions that can be fully or partially assigned to the employee who occupies this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing to ensure optimal specialization in employee positions.

    The section "Must know" contains the basic requirements for the employee with respect to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other documents, methods and means that the employee must apply when performing official duties.

    In the "Qualification Requirements" section, the level of professional training of an employee, certified by educational documents, as well as the requirements for work experience, are identified in the "qualifications".

    5. When developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works, which are peculiar to the relevant position in specific organizational and pedagogical conditions (for example, a vacation period, which does not match the holidays of workers, cancellation for students, students of training sessions, modified educational process According to sanitary and epidemiological, climatic and other grounds, etc.), as well as the establishment of requirements for the necessary special training of employees.

    6. In order to improve the organization and increasing the efficiency of labor of the institution workers, it is possible to expand the range of their responsibilities compared with the established relevant qualification characteristics. In these cases, without changing the official name, the employee may be entrusted with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the qualification characteristics of other posts close to the content of the work of difficulty, the fulfillment of which does not require another specialty and qualifications.

    7. When developing job descriptions for employee posts relating to general-industry positions of employees, as well as employee posts inherent in other types of economic activities (medical workers, cultural workers: art leaders, conductor, directors, ballersters, choiries, library workers, etc. ), the qualification characteristics provided for the relevant posts of employees with the refinement of the list of work, which are peculiar to the relevant position in specific organizational and pedagogical conditions are applied.

    8. The official name "Senior" is applied, provided that the employee, along with the fulfillment of the duties, provided for by the position of office, leads to the executive subordinate to him. The position of "senior" can be established in the form of an exception and in the absence of performers in the immediate submission of the employee, if the functions of the management of the leadership of the work are imposed on it.

    9. Persons who do not have special training or experiences of the work established in the "Qualification Requirements" section, but possess sufficient practical experience and competence that perform qualitatively and fully entrusted to them duties, on the recommendation of the certification commission, in order of exception, Can be appointed for relevant posts as well as persons who have special training and work experience.

    II. Positions of executives

    Head (director, head, chief) of an educational institution

    Official duties.He leads the management of an educational institution in accordance with the laws and other regulatory legal acts, the charter of the educational institution. Provides systemic educational (educational) and administrative and economic (manufacturing) work of the educational institution. Provides the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state requirements. Forms the contingent of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their lives and health during the educational process, the observance of the rights and freedoms of students (students, children) and employees of the educational institution in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Determines the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of an educational institution, makes decisions on program planning of its work, the participation of the educational institution in different programs Both projects ensure compliance with the requirements for the conditions of the educational process, educational programs, the results of the activities of the educational institution and the quality of education, a continuous improvement in the quality of education in an educational institution. Provides an objectivity of assessing the quality of education of students (pupils, children) in an educational institution. Together with the Council of the Educational Institution and public organizations, it provides development, approval and implementation of programs for the development of an educational institution, educational program of educational institution, curriculum, training programs, disciplines, annual calendar curricula, charter and regulations of the internal labor regulation of an educational institution. Creates conditions for innovation, ensures the formation and implementation of initiatives of educational institutions aimed at improving the work of the educational institution and improving the quality of education, supports a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Within its powers, it is disposed of budgetary funds, ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of their use. Within the established funds, the fund of remuneration of labor is formed with its division on the basic and stimulating part. Approves the structure and staff schedule of the educational institution. Solves personnel, administrative, financial, economic and other issues in accordance with the Charter of the educational institution. Carries out the selection and placement of frames. Creates conditions for continuous improvement of employee skills. Ensures the establishment of wages of employees of the educational institution, including the stimulating part (surcharges, surcharges to the salaries (official salary) by the rates of employees) to pay full size due to employees of wages in terms established by the collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor regulation, labor contracts. Takes measures to ensure safety and working conditions that meet labor protection requirements. Takes measures to ensure the educational institution by qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, ensures the formation of reserves of personnel in order to replace vacant posts in an educational institution. Organizes and coordinates the implementation of measures to improve employee motivation to high-quality work, including based on their material incentives, to increase labor prestige in the educational institution, rationalization of management and strengthening the discipline of labor. Creates conditions that ensure the participation of workers in the management of an educational institution. Takes local regulatory acts of educational institution, containing labor law norms, including on the establishment of a wage system, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers. Plans to coordinate and controls the work of structural divisions, pedagogical and other employees of the educational institution. Provides effective interaction and cooperation with state authorities, local self-government, organizations, public, parents (persons replacing them), citizens. Represents an educational institution in state, municipal, public and other bodies, institutions, other organizations. Promotes the activities of teacher (pedagogical), psychological organizations and methodical associations, public (including children's and youth) organizations. Provides consideration, safety and replenishment of the educational base, compliance with the rules of sanitary and hygienic regime and labor protection, accounting and storage of documentation, attracting activities provided for by the Charter of the educational institution additional sources Financial and material funds. Provides submission to the founder of the annual report on the admission, expenditure of financial and material resources and a public report on the activities of the educational institution as a whole. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education in the areas of training "State and Municipal Management", "Management", "Personnel Management" and work experience in pedagogical positions for at least 5 years, or higher vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of state and municipal management or management and economics and work experience on pedagogical or senior positions for at least 5 years.

    Deputy Head (Director, Head, Chief) of an educational institution

    Official duties.Organizes the current and promising planning of the activities of the educational institution. Coordinates the work of teachers, educators, workshops of industrial training, other pedagogical and other employees, as well as the development of educational and other documentation necessary for the activities of the educational institution. Provides the use and improvement of the methods of organizing the educational process and modern educational technologies, including remote. Carries out control over the quality of the educational (educational) process, the objectivity of the assessment of the results of educational activities of students, work of circles and electives, ensuring the level of training of students, relevant to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state requirements. Organizes the preparation and examination work. Coordinates the interaction between representatives of pedagogical science and practice. Organizes educational work for parents (persons replacing them). Providing assistance to pedagogical workers in mastering and developing innovative programs and technologies. Organizes educational, methodical, cultural and mass, extracurricular work. Carries out control over the training load of students, pupils. Makes the schedule of training sessions and other types of educational and educational (including cultural and leisure) activities. Provides timely preparation, approval, submission of reporting documentation. Provides assistance to students (pupils, children) in conducting cultural and educational and health events. Carries out the acquisition and takes measures to preserve the contingent of students (pupils, children) in circles. Participates in the selection and alignment of pedagogical personnel, organizes an increase in their qualifications and professional skills. Makes proposals for improving the educational process and management of the educational institution. Takes part in the preparation and certification of pedagogical and other employees of the educational institution. Takes measures to equip workshops, educational laboratories and cabinets with modern equipment, visual benefits and technical means of training, replenishing libraries and methodical offices of educational, methodical, artistic and periodic literature. Carries out control over the state of medical care of students (pupils, children), housing and living conditions in hostels. When performing the duties of the Deputy Head of the Educational Institution for Administrative and Economic Work (Parts), economic activities educational institution. Carry out control over the economic service and the proper state of the educational institution. Organizes control over the rational expenditure of materials and financial resources of the educational institution. Takes measures to expand the economic independence of the educational institution, the timely conclusion of the necessary contracts, involvement for the implementation of the activities provided for by the Charter of the educational institution, additional sources of financial and material resources. Organizes the analysis and evaluation of financial results of the activities of the educational institution, the development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of use of budgetary funds. Provides control over the timely and complete implementation of contractual obligations, the procedure for issuing financial and economic operations. Takes measures to ensure the necessary social and living conditions for students, pupils and employees of the educational institution. The founder is preparing a report on the receipt and expenditure of financial and material resources. Manages work on improvement, gardening and cleaning of the territory of the educational institution. Coordinates the work of subordinate services to him and structural units. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy; Achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice; psychology; Fundamentals of physiology, hygiene; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training; Methods of persuasion, arguments of their position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; Technology diagnostic reasons conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; Basics of the economy, sociology; ways to organize the financial and economic activities of the educational institution; civil, administrative, labor, budgetary, tax legislation in terms of regulating the activities of educational institutions and management bodies of various levels; Fundamentals of management, personnel management; Basics of project management; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education in the areas of training "State and Municipal Management", "Management", "Personnel Management" and work experience on pedagogical or senior positions for at least 5 years, or higher vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of state and municipal management, management and economics and work experience on pedagogical or senior positions for at least 5 years.

    Head (Head, Head, Director, Managing) Structural Division

    Official duties. Manages the activities of the structural division of the educational institution: an educational and consulting point, a department, department, section, laboratory, a study, educational or training workshop, boarding school, hostel, training, industrial practice and other structural divisions (hereinafter referred to as the structural unit) . Organizes the current and promising planning of the activities of the structural unit, taking into account the goals, objectives and directions, for the implementation of which it is created, ensures control over the implementation of the planned tasks, coordinates the work of teachers, educators and other pedagogical workers to fulfill educational (educational) plans and programs, developing the necessary educational and methodical documentation. Provides control over the quality of the educational process and the objectivity of evaluating the results of educational and extracurricular activities of students, pupils, ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Creates conditions for the development of workers' educational programs of the structural unit. Providing assistance to pedagogical workers in mastering and developing innovative programs and technologies. Organizes work on the preparation and conduct of final certification, educational work for parents. Organizes a methodical, cultural and massive, extracurricular work. Carries out control over the learning load of students (pupils, children). Participates in the acquisition of the contingent of students (pupils, children) and takes measures to preserve it, participates in drawing up the schedule of training sessions and other activities of students (pupils, children). Makes proposals for improving the educational process and management of the educational institution. Participates in the selection and alignment of pedagogical and other personnel, in organizing an increase in their qualifications and professional skills. Takes part in the preparation and conduct of certification of pedagogical and other employees of the institution. Provides timely preparation of established reporting documentation. Takes part in the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the institution, equipping workshops, educational laboratories and cabinets with modern equipment, visual benefits and technical means of training, in the safety of equipment and equipment, equipment and replenishment of libraries and methodical sites of educational and methodical and fiction, periodic publications, in the methodological support of the educational process. Carries out control over the state of medical care of students, pupils. Organizes the conclusion of contracts with concerned training organizations. Takes measures to ensure the creation of the necessary social and living conditions of students (pupils, children) and employees of the educational institution. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy; Achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice; psychology; Fundamentals of physiology, hygiene; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; Basics of the economy, sociology; ways to organize the financial and economic activities of the educational institution; civil, administrative, labor, budgetary, tax legislation in terms of regulating the activities of educational institutions and management bodies of various levels; Fundamentals of management, personnel management; Basics of project management; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher vocational education in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution, and work experience in the specialty that corresponds to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution, not less than 3 years.

    Head master

    Official duties.Manages practical exercises and training work on professional (manufacturing) training, participates in work on the professional orientation of educational institutions (divisions) of primary and / or secondary vocational education. Manages the activities of industrial training masters. Organizes the delivery of equipment necessary for learning and the corresponding equipment of classes. Takes measures to ensure the timely provision of students, instruments, materials and learning tools. Provides observance of labor safety, as well as mastering educational advanced working methods, modern technology and production technology. Controls execution practical work and the level of training of students corresponding to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Takes part in organizing an educational institution aimed at attracting additional sources of financial and material resources, incl. associated with the manufacture of high-quality products and the provision of services to the population. Takes part in concluding contracts with organizations to conduct training practice (production learning) and monitors their implementation. Provides training students to the performance of qualifying work and handling qualification exams. Participates in the work of subject (cyclic) commissions (methodical associations), conferences, seminars. Promotes general education, professional, cultural development of students, attracts them to technical creativity. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Pedagogy, pedagogical psychology; Achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice; Fundamentals of physiology, hygiene; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with studying different ages, their parents (persons who replace them, colleagues in work; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; the foundations of ecology, economics, law, sociology, financial and economic activities educational institution; administrative, labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher vocational education in the specialty, relevant training profiles, and work experience of at least 2 years or secondary vocational education in the specialty, appropriate training profiles, and work experience at least 5 years.

    III. Positions of pedagogical workers


    Official duties. Exercises training and education of students, taking into account their psychological and physiological features and the specifics of the subject matter, contributes to the formation of the total culture of the personality, socialization, conscious choice and the development of educational programs, using various forms, techniques, methods and means of training, including by individual curriculum , accelerated courses within federal state educational standards, modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Reasonably selects programs and educational and methodological support, including digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions, based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, age psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies and learning techniques. Plans and implements a learning process in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, develops a working program on the subject, a course on the basis of exemplary basic general education programs and ensures its implementation, organizing and maintaining diverse st different types The activities of students, focusing on the identity of the student, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities, organizes independent activities of students, including research, implements problem learning, communicates in the subject of learning (course, program) with practice, discusses with students current events of modernity. Provides achieving and confirmation of educational levels of education (educational centers). Evaluates the effectiveness and results of learning students on the subject (course, program), taking into account the development of knowledge, mastering the skills, the development of creative activities, cognitive interest to students using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students, supports educational discipline, the regime of visiting classes, respecting human dignity, honor and reputation of students. Carries out control and evaluation activities in the educational process using modern methods Assessment in the conditions of information and communication technologies (maintenance of electronic forms of documentation, including e-magazine and diaries of students). Deals on improving the educational process in an educational institution. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodical associations and other forms of methodical work. Provides the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them). Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; the basics of general theoretical disciplines in the amount required to solve pedagogical, scientific and methodological and organizational and managerial tasks; pedagogy, psychology, age physiology; School hygiene; the method of teaching the subject; programs and textbooks on the subject matter; method of educational work; Requirements for equipment and equipment of educational books and utility rooms to them; learning tools and their didactic capabilities; Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor; regulatory documents on the training and education of children and young people; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with studying different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.

    Lecturer 1.

    Official duties. Conducts training students in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards. Organizes and controls their independent work, individual educational trajectories (programs) using the most effective forms, methods and means of learning, new educational technologies, including informational. Promotes the development of the personality, talents and abilities of students, the formation of their common culture, the expansion of the social sphere in their upbringing. Provides achieving and confirmation of educational levels of education (educational centers). Evaluates the learning effectiveness of the subject (discipline, course) of students, taking into account the development of knowledge, mastering the skills, the use of the skills gained, the development of creative activity, cognitive interest, using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students. Supports educational discipline, the mode of visiting classes, respecting human dignity, honor and reputation of students. It carries out control and evaluation activities in the educational process using modern methods of assessment in the conditions of information and communication technologies (including electronic documentation forms). Deals on improving the educational process in an educational institution. Participates in the work of subject (cyclic) commissions (methodological associations, departments), conferences, seminars, participates in the activities of the pedagogical and other councils of the educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodical associations and other forms of methodical work. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them. Develops working programs of academic disciplines (modules) in their discipline and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students are responsible for the implementation of them in full in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, as well as for the quality of graduates. Provides the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; the content of curricula and the principles of organizing training under the subject matter; Major technological processes and techniques for work in organizations in organizations in accordance with the training profile in an educational institution, as well as the foundations of the economy, organization of production and management; pedagogy, physiology, psychology and methods of vocational training; modern forms and methods of teaching and education of students; Basics of labor legislation; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with studying different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field that is appropriate to the subject story, without the presentation of work experience, or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of an educational institution without presentation Performance requirements.

    Teacher organizer

    Official duties. Promotes the development of personality, talents and abilities, the formation of the total culture of students (pupils, children), the expansion of the social sphere in their upbringing. He studies age and psychological features, interests and needs of students, pupils, children in institutions (organizations) and at the place of residence, creates conditions for their implementation in various types of creative activities using modern educational technologies, including informational, and digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions, educational and other events, based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, as well as modern information technologies and learning techniques. Organizes the work of children's clubs, circles, sections and other amateur associations, a variety of individual and joint activities of students (pupils, children) and adults. Manages work according to one of the activities of the educational institution: technical, artistic, sports, tourist-local history, etc. contributes to the realization of the rights of students (students, children) on the creation of children's associations, associations. Organizes evenings, holidays, hiking, excursions; Supports socially significant initiatives of students, pupils, children in their free time, leisure and entertainment, focusing on the identity of the student, pupil, child, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities. Organizes the independent activities of students (pupils, children), including research, includes problem learning in the educational process, contributes to ensuring communication learning. Analyzes the achievements of students, pupils, children. Evaluates the effectiveness of their training, based on the development of experience of creative activity, cognitive interest to students (pupils, children), using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, in other forms of methodical work, in the work on parental meetings, health, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents or persons replacing them. Attracts to work with students (pupils, children) of employees of cultural and sports institutions, parents (persons replacing them), the public. Provides support for children's forms of employment organization (pupils, children), organizes their vacation rest. Provides the protection of the life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; the specifics of developing the interests and needs of students, pupils, children, their creative activity; methodology for finding and supporting young talents; Content, methodology and organization of one of the types of creative activities: scientific and technical, aesthetic, tourist-local lore, health and sports, leisure; the procedure for developing programming programs of circles, sections, studios, club associations, the basis of the activities of children's teams, organizations and associations; methods and ways of using educational technologies, including remote; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training; Methods of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents who are replaced by their colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field that meets the profile of the work without the presentation of the work experience.

    Social teacher

    Official duties. Carries out a range of measures for education, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions, organizations and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children). He studies the features of the personality of students (pupils, children) and their microenvas, the conditions of their lives. The interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and provide social assistance and support in a timely manner. Acts as an intermediary between students (students, children) and a facility, organization, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies. Defines tasks, forms, methods of socio-pedagogical work with students (pupils, children), methods for solving personal and social problemsUsing modern educational technologies, including informational, as well as digital educational resources. Takes measures to social protection and social assistance, the realization of the rights and freedoms of the personality of students (pupils, children). Organizes various types of socially significant activities of students (students, children) and adults, activities aimed at developing social initiatives, the implementation of social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval. It helps to establish humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment. Promotes the creation of the situation of the psychological comfort and safety of the personality of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their lives and health. Organizes a variety of activities of students (pupils, children), focusing on the features of their personality, the development of their motivation to the relevant activities, cognitive interests, abilities using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in organizing their independent activities, including research. Discusses with students (pupils, children) topical events of modernity. Participates in the implementation of employment work, patronage, housing, benefits, pensions, issuing savings deposits, the use of securities of students (pupils, children) from the number of orphans and left without parental care. Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations, etc. In providing assistance to educational (pupils, children), in need of workers and trusteeship, with disabilities, deviant behavior, as well as those who fell into extreme situations. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, in other forms of methodical work, in the preparation and conduct of parental meetings, wellness, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them) students (pupils , children). Provides the protection of the life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Fundamentals of social policy, rights and state construction, labor and family legislation; general and social pedagogy; pedagogical, social, age and children's psychology; Basics of health care and organization of a healthy lifestyle, social hygiene; Socio-pedagogical and diagnostic techniques; methods and ways of using educational technologies, including remote; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training; Basics of working with a personal computer, with email and browsers, multimedia equipment; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; social and pedagogical diagnosis (surveys, individual and group interviews), skills of socio-pedagogical correction, displacement of stress, etc.; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy", "Social Pedagogy" without the presentation of work experience.

    Teacher-defectologist, teacher speech therapist (speech therapist) 2

    Official duties. Carries out the work aimed at the maximum correction of deficiencies in the development of students, pupils with violations in development, including those in special (correctional) educational institutions created for students, pupils with disabilities (for deaf, hearing impaired and late boilers, blind, Weakhead and late children, children with severe speech disorders, with a violation of the musculoskeletal system, with a delay in mental development, mentally retarded and other children with disabilities). Exercises a survey of students, pupils, determines the structure and severity of their disorders of them. Complete groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. Conducts group and individual classes to correct deficiencies in the development, restoration of disturbed functions. It works closely with teachers, educators and other pedagogical workers, visits classes and lessons. He advises pedagogical workers and parents (persons who replace them) on the use of special methods and techniques to assist children with disabilities. Leads the necessary documentation. Promotes the formation of the general culture of the personality, socialization, conscious choice and the development of professional programs. Implements educational programs. Complete groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. Explores individual features, abilities, interests and tendencies of students, pupils in order to create conditions for ensuring their development in accordance with the age norm, the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of training independence, the formation of competencies, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and learning tools, modern Educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources, ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state requirements. Conducts training sessions, based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, age psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students, pupils, ensures the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the period of the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in the work on parental meetings, wellness, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; Anatomy-physiological and clinical foundations of defectology; methods and techniques of prevention and correction of deviations in the development of students, pupils; regulatory and methodological documents on professional and practical activities; software and methodological literature on working with students, pupils that have deviations in development; the newest achievements of the defectological and pedagogical sciences; Rules for labor protection and fire safety; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher vocational education in the field of defectology without the presentation of work experience.

    Psychologist teacher

    Official duties.Carries out professional activities aimed at preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of students, pupils in the process of upbringing and learning in educational institutions. Promotes the protection of personal rights in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Promotes the harmonization of the social sphere of the educational institution and implements preventive measures to prevent social disadaptation. Determines the factors that impede the development of the personality of students, pupils and takes measures to provide them different species Psychological assistance (psychocorrection, rehabilitation, advisory). Provides consultative assistance to students, pupils, their parents (persons replacing them), the pedagogical team in solving specific problems. Conducts psychological diagnosis; Using modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Conducts a diagnostic, psychocorrectional rehabilitation, advisory work, based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, age psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Makes up psychological and pedagogical conclusions on materials research work In order to orientate the pedagogical team, as well as parents (persons replacing them) in the problems of the personal and social development of students, pupils. Leads documentation on the prescribed form using it for its intended purpose. Participates in planning and developing educational and corrective programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and age-age features of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state educational requirements. Promotes development from students, pupils of readiness for orientation in various situations of life and professional self-determination. Carries out psychological support of creatively gifted students, pupils, promotes their development and organization of the development environment. Determines from students, pupils, the degree of violations (mental, physiological, emotional) in development, as well as various types of social development violations and conducts their psychological and pedagogical correction. Participates in the formation of the psychological culture of students, pupils, pedagogical workers and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of publishing. He advises employees of the educational institution on the development of students, pupils, practical use of psychology to solve pedagogical problems, increasing the socio-psychological competence of students, pupils, pedagogical workers, parents (persons replacing them). Analyzes the achievement and confirmation of learning levels of development and education (educational centers). Evaluates the effectiveness of educational activities of pedagogical workers and a pedagogical team, taking into account the development of the personality of students using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodical work, in the preparation and conduct of parental meetings, health, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and consultative assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Declaration of human rights and freedoms; Convention on the Rights of the Child; regulatory documents governing issues of labor protection, health care, care guidance, employment of students, pupils and their social protection; general psychology; Pedagogical psychology, general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, children's and age psychology, social psychology, medical psychology, children's neuropsychology, Pato psychology, psychosomatics; Basics of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, psychohygiencies, vocational guidance, profession studies and psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling and psychoprophylaxis; Methods of active learning, social and psychological training of communication; modern methods individual and group consultation, diagnosis and correction of the normal and abnormal development of the child; Methods and techniques for working with students, pupils with disabilities; methods and ways of using educational technologies, including remote; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Basics of working with a personal computer, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Pedagogy and Psychology" without providing requirements for work experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of training "Pedagogy and Psychology" without presentation of work experience.

    Educator (including senior)

    Official duties. Carries out activities to raise children in educational institutions and their structural units (boarding school, hostel, groups, extended day groups, etc.), other institutions and organizations. Contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for individual Development And the moral formation of the personality of students, pupils, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of their upbringing. Implements the study of the personality of students, their inconsistencies, interests, promotes the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of their learning independence, the formation of competencies; Organizes the preparation of homework. Creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each trainee, pupil. Promotes the development of communication of students, pupils. Helps a learning, pupil to solve problems arising in communicating with comrades, teachers, parents (persons replacing them). He carries out assistance to students, educational activities, contributes to ensuring the level of their preparation of relevant to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state educational requirements. Promotes additional education to students, pupils through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized in institutions, at the place of residence. In accordance with the individual and age interests of students, students are improving the vital activity of the team of students, pupils. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students, pupils, is responsible for their lives, health and safety during the period of the educational process. Conducts observations (monitoring) for health, development and education of students, pupils, including using electronic forms. Develops a plan (program) of educational work with a group of students, pupils. Together with the bodies of the self-government of students, pupils leads to active promotion of a healthy lifestyle. It works closely with teachers, teachers, psychologist, other pedagogical workers, parents (persons replacing them) students, pupils. Based on the study of individual characteristics, the recommendations of the teacher-psychologist plans and conducts with students, pupils with disabilities, correctional and developing work (with a group or individually). Coordinates the activities of the assistant teacher, the younger educator. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in the work on parental meetings, wellness, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Makes proposals for improving the educational process. Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of the Senior Educator, along with the fulfillment of the duties provided for by the position of the educator, coordinates the activities of educators, pedagogical workers in the design of the educational institution educational environment. Provides methodological assistance to educators, contributes to the generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, improve the qualifications of educators, the development of their creative initiatives.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, children's, age and social psychology; Psychology of relations, individual and age features of children and adolescents, age physiology, school hygiene; Methods and forms of monitoring the activities of students, pupils; pedagogical ethics; theory and methods of educational work, organizing the free time of students, pupils; methods of managing educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without the requirements for work experience or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without the presentation of work experience.

    For a senior educator - Higher professional education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" and work experience in the position of an educator at least 2 years.

    Tutor 4.

    Official duties. Organizes the process individual work with students on identifying, formation and development of their cognitive interests; organizes their personal support in the educational space of prefigure training and profile training; Coordinates the search for information by learning for self-education; accompanies the process of formation of their personality (helps them understand the successes, failures, formulate a personal order to the learning process, build goals for the future). Together with the student distributes and evaluates the resources of all kinds of resources to implement the goals; Coordinates the relationship of the cognitive interests of students and directions of prefigure preparation and profile training: determines the list and methodology of the subject and orientational courses, information and advisory work, career guidance systems, chooses the optimal organizational structure for this relationship. Assists the learning in the conscious choice of the education strategy, overcoming the problems and difficulties of the refective process; Creates conditions for the realization of the learning process (drawing up individual curricula and planning individual educational and professional trajectories); Provides the level of training of students that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, conducts a joint reflexive analysis of its activities and results aimed at analyzing its strategy in learning, adjusting individual curricula. Organizes the interaction of students with teachers and other pedagogical workers to correct an individual curriculum, facilitates the generation of its creative potential and participate in project and research activities, taking into account interests. Organizes interaction with parents, persons who replace them, to identify, form and develop the cognitive interests of students, including the younger and middle school ages, the preparation, adjustment of individual training (educational) students, analyzes and discusses the course and results of the implementation of these plans. Monitors the dynamics of the process of becoming the choice of the student path of its education. Organizes individual and group consultations for students, parents (persons replacing them) on the elimination of educational difficulties, correction of individual needs, development and implementation of abilities and opportunities, using various technologies and methods of communication with students (group of students), including electronic forms (Internet -The technologies) for the quality implementation of joint activities with students. Supports the cognitive interest of the student, analyzing the development prospects and the possibility of expanding its range. Synthesizes cognitive interest with other interests, subjects of training. Promotes the most complete realization of the creative potential and cognitive activity of the student. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodical work, in the preparation and conduct of parental meetings, wellness, educational and other events provided for by the educational program of the educational institution, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents of students (persons replacing them). Provides and analyzes the achievement and confirmation of educational levels of education (educational censes). Controls and evaluates the effectiveness of building and implementing the educational program (individual and educational institution), taking into account the success of the self-determination of students, mastering the skills, the development of creative activity, cognitive interest to students using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Provides the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Basics of pedagogy, children's, age and social psychology; Psychology of relations, individual and age features of children and adolescents, age physiology, school hygiene; Methods and forms of monitoring the activities of students; pedagogical ethics; theory and methods of educational work, organizing free time students; Open education technologies and tutor technologies; methods of managing educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods for establishing contacts with studying different ages and their parents (persons replacing them), colleagues in work, beliefs, arguments of their position; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economics, law, sociology; organization of financial and economic activities of the educational institution; administrative, labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" and experience of pedagogical work for at least 2 years.

    Senior council

    Official duties.Promotes the development and activities of children's public organizations, associations, helps in the development and implementation of programs of their activities on the principles of volunteering, amateur activities, humanities and democracy, taking into account the initiative, interests and needs of students (pupils, children). In accordance with the age interests of students (pupils, children) and the requirements of life, their collective and creative activities are organized, it helps to update the content and forms of activities of children's public organizations, associations. Provides conditions for broad informing students (pupils, children) on existing children's public organizations, associations. Creates favorable conditionsallowing students, pupils, children to exercise a civil and moral position, to implement their interests and needs, interesting and benefit to their development to conduct free time. Carries out care of the health and safety of students (pupils, children). Organizes, participates in organizing vacation recreation, studying and using best practices with children and adolescents. Conducts work on the selection and preparation of managers (organizers) of primary teams of children's public organizations, associations. Provides the interaction of the self-government bodies of educational institutions, pedagogical teams of educational institutions and children's public organizations. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodical work, in the preparation and conduct of parental meetings, health, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program of the educational institution, in organizing and conducting methodical and consultative assistance to parents (persons replacing them) students ( pupils, children). Provides the protection of the life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities, physical education and recreational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; regularities and trends in the development of children's movement; pedagogy, children's age and social psychology; Individual and age features of students, pupils, children; the specifics of the work of children's public organizations, associations, the development of interests and needs of students, pupils; methodology for finding and supporting talents, organizing leisure activities; Basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment; Methods of belief, arguments of their position, establish contact with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), pedagogical workers; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.

    Pedagogue of additional education (including senior)

    Official duties. Exercises additional education of students, pupils in accordance with their educational program, develops their diverse creative activities. Comprehensive composition of students, pupils Mug, sections, studios, club and other children's association and takes measures to preserve the contingent of students, pupils during the term of study. Provides a pedagogically reasonable choice of forms, means and methods of work (learning) based on psycho-physiological and pedagogical expediency, using modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions, based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, age psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Ensures respect for the rights and freedoms of students, pupils. Participates in the development and implementation of educational programs. Makes plans and programs of classes, ensures their execution. Recalls the creative abilities of students, pupils, contributes to their development, formation of sustainable professional interests and inconsistencies. Organizes various activities of students, pupils, focusing on their personality, develops the motivation of their cognitive interests, abilities. Organizes independent activities of students, pupils, including research, includes problem learning in the educational process, communicates learning with practice, discusses actual events of modernity with students, pupils. Provides and analyzes the achievements of students, pupils. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, given the mastering of the skills, the development of experience of creative activity, cognitive interest, using computer technologies, incl. Text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. It provides special support for gifted and talented learning, pupils, as well as students, pupils that have deviations in development. Organizes the participation of students, pupils in mass events. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, associations, other forms of methodical work, in the work on parental meetings, health, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents or persons replacing them as well as Pedagogical workers within their competence. Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Provides when conducting classes, observance of labor protection and fire safety rules. When performing the duties of the senior teacher of additional education, along with the fulfillment of the duties provided for by the Pedagogue of Additional Education, coordinates the activities of teachers of additional education, other pedagogical workers in the design of the educational institution's developing educational environment. Provides methodological assistance to educators of additional education, contributes to the generalization of the advanced pedagogical experience and advanced training, the development of their creative initiatives.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; the specifics of developing the interests and needs of students, pupils, the basis of their creative activity; methodology for finding and supporting young talents; the content of the curriculum, the methodology and the organization of additional education of children, scientific and technical, aesthetic, tourist-local lore, health and sports, leisure activities; Circuits, sections, studios, club associations; activities of children's teams, organizations and associations; Methods of development of skill; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents, persons who are replaced by colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Pedagogical diagnostics technologies; Basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the area corresponding to the profile of a mug, section, studios, club and other children's association without the presentation of work on experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of "Education and Pedagogy" without presentation Performance requirements.

    For the senior teacher of additional education - higher professional education and experience of pedagogical work for at least 2 years.

    Music leader

    Official duties. Carries out the development of musical abilities and emotional sphere, creative activities of pupils. Forms their aesthetic taste, using different types and forms of the organization of musical activity. Participates in the development of the educational program of the educational institution. Coordinates the work of pedagogical personnel and parents (those who replace them) on the issues of musical education of children, determines the directions of their participation in the development of musical abilities, taking into account the individual and age features of pupils, as well as their creative abilities. Defines content musical training Given the age, the preparedness, individual and psychophysical features of pupils, using modern forms, methods of training, educational, musical technologies, achievement of world and domestic musical culture, modern methods for assessing the achievements of pupils. Participates in the organization and conduct common events With pupils in the framework of the educational program of the educational institution (musical evenings, entertainment, singing, dance, dancing, making doll and shadow theater and other events), sports events with pupils, ensures their musical accompaniment. He advises parents (persons who replace them) and educators on the preparation of pupils to their participation in massive, festive events. Provides the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in conducting parental meetings, wellness, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy and psychology; age physiology, anatomy; sanitation and hygiene; Individual features of the development of children, musical perception, emotions, motility and musical abilities of children of different ages; Methods of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contact with pupils of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), pedagogical workers, musical works of the children's repertoire; when working with children who have deviations in the development - the foundations of the defectology and the corresponding methods of their training; Modern educational musical technologies, achievement of world and domestic musical culture; Basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment, music editors; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy", Professional ownership of execution technique on a musical instrument without the presentation of work experience.


    Official duties. Develops together with teachers of special and profiling disciplines thematic plans and programs. Conducts individual and group training classes with students, relying on achievements in the field of methodical, pedagogical and psychological sciences, as well as modern information technologies, carries out musical support of training sessions. Forms at the student executive skills, instills the skills of an ensemble game, contributes to the development of artistic taste, the expansion of musical and shaped ideas and education of creative individuality, organizes their independent activities using modern educational technologies, including informational and computer technology, as well as digital educational resources . Provides professional performance of musical material in lessons, exams, credits, concerts (performances), demonstration performances (sports competitions in sports, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, swimming). Reads from a sheet, transpontes musical works. Coordinates the work on accompanation during music and mass events. Evaluates the effectiveness of learning, mastering the skills, the development of creative activity experience, cognitive interest, participates in the certification of students. Takes part in the development of thematic plans, programs (general, special, profiling disciplines). Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in wellness, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program. Provides the protection of the life and health of students in the period of the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Methods of teaching and educational work, musical and educational activities; programs and textbooks in the field of musical activity; Musical works of different eras, styles and genres, their interpretation traditions; methodology for conducting classes and rehearsals; Basics of pedagogy and psychology; Rules and methods of layout of musical fragments, selection of music to individual elements of movements, taking into account individual physical data of students; methods of development of students, formation of performing skills, skill; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods for establishing contact with studying different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues, musical works of the children's repertoire; technologies of pedagogical diagnostics and correction; Basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment, music editors; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher Professional (Music) Education or secondary Professional (Music) Education, Professional possession of execution technique on a musical instrument without the presentation of work experience.

    Head of Physical Education

    Official duties.Plans and organizes training, optional and extracurricular activities in physical education (physical culture) in institutions (divisions) of primary and secondary vocational education. Conducting training sessions on the physical education of students in the amount of no more than 360 hours per year. Manages the work of physical education teachers. Organizes the accounting of the academic and attendance of the studies. Introduces the most effective forms, methods and means of physical education of students, ensures control over the state of their health and physical development during the entire period of study, for conducting professional-applied physical training. Organizes with the participation of health care institutions to conduct a medical examination and testing students in physical training. Provides the organization and conducting health advantages to extracurricular and vacation time, organizes the work of sports and recreation camps. Takes measures to physically rehabilitate students who have deviations in health and weak physical training. Organizes the work of physical well-recreational centers, Health Cabinets. Carries out control over the condition and operation of existing sports facilities and premises, compliance with safety when conducting training sessions, for storing and the right use of sports form, inventory and equipment. Plans allocations for the acquisition of sports property. Promotes the preparation of social physical training. Makes reporting on the prescribed form, including using electronic forms of documentation. Makes proposals for improving the educational process. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodical associations and other forms of methodical work. Provides the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process. Communicates with parents of students (by persons replace them). Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports, wellness activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Basics of pedagogy, psychology, theory and techniques of physical education; rules for the protection of the life and health of students; methodology for conducting classes in sports facilities and shells; Forms of compiling reporting documentation; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods for establishing contact with studying different ages, their parents, pedagogical workers; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education in the field of physical education and sports without the presentation of work on experience or higher professional education and additional vocational education in the field of physical education and sports without the presentation of work experience, or secondary vocational education and work experience in the field of physical education and sports for at least 2 years .

    Physical culture instructor

    Official duties. Organizes the active holidays of students, pupils in the training and extracurricular time of the educational institution. Organizes and conducts with the participation of pedagogical workers and parents (persons replacing them) physical education and sports holidays, competitions, health days and other recreational days. Organizes the work of circles and sports sections. Consolidates with institutions of additional education of sports orientation and sports facilities. Organizes the activity of the physical investment asset. Exercising educational work among parents (persons replacing them) students, pupils, pedagogical workers with the involvement of relevant specialists. Determines the content of classes, taking into account age, preparedness, individual and psychophysical features, interests of students, pupils. Works on the mastering of educational, pupil skills and technique of performing physical exercises, forms their moral and volitional qualities. Provides the safety of students, pupils during physical and sports activities, provides them with first prefigure help. Constantly monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and premises. Together with medical professionals, he controls the health status of students, pupils and regulates their physical activity, monitors the quality of recreation work in an educational institution using electronic forms of accounting for health and physical exertion. In the exercise of physical culture work with students, pupils in swimming pools, it is conducting together with pedagogical workers to teach their swimming, taking into account the age composition of the Group; The schedule for swimming for each group, logs, fixing the content of swimming classes and the development of its students, pupils, organizes pre-working with parents (by persons replacing them) on the preparation of students, pupils of younger age to class in the pool, conducts conversations, Instructors with students, pupils starting classes in the pool, on the rules of behavior in the premises of the pool and their implementation. Taking into account the age of students, primary pupils provides them with assistance in changing and taking the soul, taking them to comply with the requirements of hygiene; Supports contacts with medical personnel, checks the hygienic condition of the pool. He advises and coordinates the activities of pedagogical workers on the theory and practices of physical education of students, pupils. Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in the work on parental meetings, wellness, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents or persons replacing them. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports, wellness activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy and psychology; age physiology, anatomy; sanitation and hygiene; teaching methodology for sports shells and devices; teaching methodology for playing sports, swimming; rules of behavior on water; security rules for physical education and recreational activities; the foundations of correctional and recreational work and the corresponding techniques (when working with children with deviations in development); modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods for establishing contact with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replace them), pedagogical workers; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal regulation (labor regulation) of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of physical education and sports without the presentation of work on experience or higher or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of physical education and sports, prefigure help without presentation of work experience.

    Methodist (including senior)

    Official duties. Methodological work in educational institutions of all types and species, multimedia libraries, methodological, educational and methodological offices (centers) (hereinafter - institutions). Analyzes the state of educational and methodological (training) and educational work in institutions and develops proposals for increasing its effectiveness. Takes part in the development of methodological and information materials, diagnosis, forecasting and planning training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of institutions. Provides assistance to pedagogical employees of institutions in determining the content of curricula, forms, methods and means of training, in organizing work on scientific and methodological support for educational activities of institutions, in the development of workers' educational (subject) programs (modules) on disciplines and training courses. Organizes the development, review and preparation for the approval of educational and methodological documentation and benefits for educational disciplines, typical lists of equipment, didactic materials, etc. Analyzes and summarizes the results of the experimental work of institutions. He summarizes and takes measures to disseminate the most effective experience of pedagogical workers. Organizes and coordinates the work of the methodological associations of pedagogical workers, provides them with advisory and practical assistance in relevant activities. Participates in the work of organizing advanced training and retraining of employees in the relevant areas of their activities, on scientific and methodological support of education, in the development of promising plans for ordering textbooks, tutorials, methodical materials. He summarizes and disseminates information on advanced learning and education technologies (including information), advanced domestic and world education in the field of education. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for the holding of competitions, exhibitions, competitions, flights, competitions, etc. In additional education institutions, participates in the recruitment of training groups, circles and associations of students. Deals on improving the educational process in an educational institution. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodical associations and other forms of methodical work. Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of the older methodologist, along with the fulfillment of the duties provided for by the method of the Methodist, leads to the leaders subordinate to him. Participates in the development of promising plans to publish tutorials, methodical materials.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; principles of didactics; Basics of pedagogy and age psychology; general and private teaching technologies; Principles methodical support training subject or activity; system of organization of the educational process in an educational institution; principles and procedure for the development of educational and software documentation, curricula in the specialties, educational programs, typical lists of educational equipment and other educational and methodological documentation; methodology for identifying, generalizations and distribution of effective forms and methods of pedagogical work; Principles of organization and maintenance of the methodological associations of pedagogical workers of institutions; Fundamentals of work with publishers; Principles of systematization of methodological and information materials; Basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive learning tools, their rolled products; Contents of the Foundation of Tutorials; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods of belief, arguments of their position, establish contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), pedagogical workers; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with a text editor, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years. For the older methodologist - higher professional education and work experience in the position of at least 2 years.

    Methodist instructor (including senior)

    Official duties. Organizes the methodological support and coordination of the work of educational institutions (branches of educational institutions) of sports orientation of children in groups for physical culture and sports activities, conducting their sports orientation. Organizes and coordinates the training and educational process, determines its content, ensures work on conducting training sessions. Organizes work to improve the qualifications of teacher coaches, conducting open lessons. Carries out control over the acquisition of training groups (sections), the content and results of training and educational processes, the quantitative and qualitative composition of sections (groups). Statistical accounting of the results of the educational institution (separation of an educational institution) of a sports orientation at the stages of sports training, as well as many years of accounting, analysis and synthesis of the results, content and experience of the work of training-teachers of the educational institution (branch of the educational institution) of sports orientation. Together with the medical service carries out control right Organization medical monitoring of students, pupils. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for the competition. Provides advice and practical assistance to pedagogical workers of educational institutions for relevant activities. Participates in organizing advanced training and retraining of pedagogical workers in the directions of physical education and sports training. Organizes work on scientific and methodological support for the content of education. Participates in the development of promising plans to publish tutorials, methodical materials. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodical associations and other forms of methodical work. Provides the protection of life and health of students, pupils during training and educational processes. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior instructor-methodologist, along with the performance of the instructor-methodist, coordinates the work of instructors of the educational institution of sports orientation, conducts seminars of teachers and methodologists and teacher instructors, leads to the leaders subordinate to him or an independent area of \u200b\u200bwork, the work of methodical associations of specialists in the field of physical education and sports.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports, wellness activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; principles of didactics; Basics of pedagogy and age psychology; general and private teaching technologies; Methods of mastering and principles of methodological support of the educational subject or direction of activity; system of organization of the educational process in an educational institution of sports ordeal; methodology for identifying, generalizations and distribution of effective forms and methods of pedagogical work in the field of physical education and sports; Principles of organization and content of the work of methodological associations of specialists in the field of physical education and sports; Fundamentals of work with publishers; Principles of systematization of methodological and information materials; Basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive learning tools, their rolled products; Contents of the Foundation of Tutorials; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; Basics of labor legislation; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education in the field of physical education and sports without the presentation of work on experience or higher professional education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" and additional vocational education in the field of physical education and sports without the presentation of work experience requirements.

    For the senior instructor-methodologist - higher vocational education in the field of physical education and sports and work experience in the position of the methodologist, an instructor-methodist for at least 2 years.

    Labor instructor

    Official duties.Forms at the students, students, labor skills and skills, prepares them to the practical application of the knowledge gained. Conducts with students, pupils, career guidance work, organizes socially useful and productive work, participates in prefigureous training of adolescents and organizations of professional training of high school students, expands the knowledge of students, pupils about labor and its types, using modern knowledge of labor, educational and manufacturing work Technologies. Promotes the formation of the main components of the competence of communicative, information, legal among students, pupils. Provides the execution of the training program. Takes the necessary measures to equip workshops, technical equipment, tools and materials, is responsible for their safety and rational use. Carries out the current and preventive repair of equipment and technical means or organizes its holding. Provides the execution of educational, pupils of labor protection and fire safety requirements. Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Provides first-hand help if necessary. Applies skills to work with a personal computer, email and browsers, multimedia equipment. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in organizing and conducting health, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to pedagogical workers. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; Forms and methods of teaching and education; instructive and regulatory documents and recommendations on the organization of labor education and education; The concept of profile learning; Methods of development of skill; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues; Existing standards I. technical conditions operation of equipment, technical means; Basics of Labor Organization; ways to provide first prefigure assistance; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education or secondary vocational education without presentation of work experience.

    Lecturer-organizer of life safety basics

    Official duties. Exercises training and education of students, pupils, taking into account the specifics of the course of the security of life and pre-examination preparation in the amount of not more than 9 hours a week (360 hours per year). Organizes, plans and conducts training, incl. Optional and extracurricular activities using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and learning tools. Organizes a variety of activities of students, pupils, focusing on the identity of students, pupils, the development of the motivation of their cognitive interests, abilities. Organizes independent activities of students, pupils, problem learning, communicates learning with practice. Discusses with students, pupils current events of modernity. Promotes the formation of a general personality culture. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, taking into account the development of knowledge, mastering the skills, the development of creative activity experience, cognitive interest, monitors and certify students, pupils using modern information, computer technology in their activities. Participates in planning and carrying out measures to protect workers of the educational institution, as well as the life and health of students, pupils. Interact with interested organizations. Together with healthcare facilities, it organizes a medical examination of the youthful donor and reciprocal age to register them to the military office. Help assistance to the military office in the selection of boys for admission to military schools. He accounts for accounting of military-ridicated educational institutions and presents relevant reports to the military registration and enlistment office. Develops a civil defense plan of an educational institution. Organizes classes on the employees of the educational institution. Prepares and conduct command-staff, tactical and special teachings and other events on. Participates in ensuring the functioning of the educational institution in the event of various emergencies. Provides the content of protective structures, individual means protection and formations of go in proper readiness. Conducts practical classes and training of students, pupils and employees of an educational institution for actions in extreme situations. Provides the creation and improvement of the educational base, compliance with students, pupils of security rules when conducting classes in the course of the basics of life safety and pre-examination training, is responsible for the safety of the property. Makes reporting on the prescribed form, including using electronic forms of documentation. Makes proposals for improving the educational process. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodical associations and other forms of methodical work. Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them). Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; legislation in the field of and to ensure the functioning of an educational institution emergency situations; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Basics of pedagogy, psychology; theory and methods of the basics of life safety; rules for the protection of the life and health of students; Methods of work on sports shells and devices; organizational structures of prevention and actions in emergency situations; Basic principles and methods for protecting the population in natural disasters, large production accidents, catastrophes, as well as protection against modern means of defeat; The procedure for notifying the population in emergency situations; rules and methods for conducting measures for emergency situations; Methods for the provision of first aid; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods of belief, arguments of their position, establish contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), pedagogical workers; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Basics of ecology, economy, sociology; labor legislation; Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional education and vocational training in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or GO without presentation of the work on experience or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or go and work experience in a specialty for at least 3 years, or secondary professional ( Military) education and additional vocational education in the field of education and pedagogy and work experience in the specialty at least 3 years.

    Trainer teacher (including senior)

    Official duties. Carries out a set in a sports school, a section, a group of sports and wellness orientation of children and adolescents who want to do physical culture and sports and non-medical contraindications. Selects the most promising students, pupils for their further sports improvement. Conducts training and educational work using a variety of techniques, methods and means of training, modern educational technologies, including informational, as well as digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions, based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, age psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies using the most effective methods of sports training of students and their recovery. Organizes a variety of activities of students, pupils, incl. independent, research, problem learning, focusing on their identity, the development of the motivation of their cognitive interests, abilities; Contributes learning with practice, discusses actual events of modernity with students, students, pupils. Provides and analyzes the achievement and confirmation of students, students of sports (physical) training, assesses the effectiveness of their training using modern information and computer technologies, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Provides an increase in the level of physical, theoretical, moral, volitional, technical and sports training of students, pupils, strengthening and protecting their health in the process of occupying, the safety of the training process. He behaves prophylactic work on countering the use of educational, pupils of various types of doping. Systematic accounting, analysis, generalization of the results of work, including using electronic forms. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in the preparation and conduct of parental meetings, health, educational and other activities stipulated by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents, persons replacing them. Provides the protection of the life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of the Senior Trainee-teacher, along with the fulfillment of the duties provided for by the teacher's coach, coordinates the activities of trainers-teachers, other pedagogical workers in the design of the educational institution's developing educational environment. Provides methodological assistance to teachers' coaches, contributes to the generalization of their advanced pedagogical experience and advanced training, the development of their creative initiatives.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical education and sports, wellness activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; teaching methods; Features of the physical development of students, pupils of different ages; methods of sports training of students, pupils and their recovery; Modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developing learning, the implementation of the competence approach, the basis of working with a personal computer, with e-mail and browsers; multimedia equipment; Methods of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contact with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons, from replacing), work colleagues; technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; technologies of pedagogical diagnosis and correction, displacement of stress, etc.; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of physical education and sports without the presentation of work experience or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of physical education and sports without the presentation of work experience.

    For a senior teacher coach - higher vocational education in the field of physical education and sports and work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years.

    Master of production learning

    Official duties. Conducts practical classes and training work related to professional (manufacturing) learning. Participates in conducting work on professional orientation of students using modern educational technologies, including informational, as well as digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions, based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, as well as modern information technologies. Prepares the equipment and the corresponding snap-in to classes, improves the material base. Heads the garage, workshop, the office and takes measures to make their timely provision of equipment, tools, materials, spare parts and training tools. Ensures compliance with labor safety, mastering educational advanced labor methods, modern technology and production technology. Organizes the performance of practical work, as well as works on the manufacture of high-quality products and providing services to the population. Takes part in concluding contracts with organizations and farms on the conduct of educational (production) practice and monitors their implementation. Prepares students, pupils for the performance of qualifying works and the delivery of qualification exams. Participates in the work of subject (cyclical) commissions (methodological associations, departments), conferences, seminars, pedagogical, methodological advice, other forms of methodical work, in the preparation and conduct of parental meetings, health, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conducting methodical and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Promotes general education, professional, cultural development of students, attracts them to technical creativity. Provides the protection of the life and health of students during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; training curriculum training programs; production technology for the training profile; rules for the technical operation of production equipment; Basics of pedagogy, psychology; Methods of vocational training and education of students; Methods of development of skill; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, educational training, the implementation of the competence approach; Methods of belief, arguments of their position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (by persons replace them), colleagues in work, technology diagnostic causes of conflict situations, their prevention and permission; Pedagogical diagnostics technologies; Basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment; Basics of labor legislation; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in areas appropriate training profiles and additional professional education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without the presentation of work experience.

    IV. Staff posts

    Duty regime (including senior)

    Official duties. Exercises continuous monitoring of the behavior of pupils with deviant behavior in the territory of a special educational institution and beyond. Warns disorders of discipline and order. Controls the observance of the routine of the day and fulfill the pupils of the rules of conduct. I reveals pupils prone to discipline breaks and disorders, and conducts preventive work. During duty on the watch, vehicles entering the territory of the educational institution and traveling beyond its limits, as well as the liagement of them, leads the appropriate entries in the prescribed manner. Indicates the instructions of the Deputy Director of a Special Educational Institution on the regime or representative of the administration in the event of unrest or in cases of the underconditions of individual pupils. Participates wanted by pupils that have left a special educational institution. Responsible for compliance with pupils located in a quarantine room, the routine of the day and rules of behavior. In order to identify and withdraw in the pupils of unauthorized and prohibited objects, things and food, it carries out personal inspection of pupils, as well as household, game and other premises with the compilation of an act of inspection results. Provides the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of the senior duty by regime in the outfit, organizes the operation of the regime on the regime. In the absence of pupils during inspections, it establishes the reason for their absence and location, adopts measures to search for their search and return to a special educational institution. In the absence of a deputy director of a special educational institution on the regime, it is obligated.

    Must know: Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Regulatory documents on the work of a special educational institution; Pedagogy, pedagogical and age psychology; sanitary rules content and regime of a special educational institution; Basics of labor legislation; Requirements for the protection of juvenile rights; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education installed program Without the presentation of the work on experience.

    For the senior duty officer in terms of regime - higher professional education or secondary vocational education and work experience in the position of at least 2 years on duty.


    Official duties.Promotes the development and activities of the children's team (groups, units, associations) in various institutions (organizations) engaged in working with children of different ages, including in wellness educational institutions organized in the vacation period or operating on a permanent basis (hereinafter - institutions). He provides assistance to the educator in programming the activities of pupils, children on the principles of voluntariness, amateurness, humanities and democratism, taking into account their initiative, interests and needs. In accordance with the age interests and demands of the life of pupils, children contribute to updating the content and forms of activity of the children's team, organizes collective creative activities. Together with the educator and other employees of the institution takes care of the health and safety of pupils, children, creating favorable conditions that allow them to show a civil and moral position, to implement their interests and needs, interesting and benefit to their development to carry out free time using best practices with children and adolescents. Provides the protection of life and health of pupils, children during the educational process. Interactions with senior counselors, self-government bodies, pedagogical teams of educational institutions and public organizations. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Basics of age and special pedagogy and psychology, physiology, hygiene; Trends in the development of children's public organizations; Basics of children's age and social psychology; Individual and age features of pupils, children; the specifics of the work of children's public organizations, associations, the development of interests and needs of pupils, children; Basics of creative activity; methodology for finding and supporting talents, organizing leisure activities; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.

    Assistant teacher

    Official duties. Participates in the planning and organization of vital activity of pupils. Exercised under the guidance of the educator everyday work, providing the creation of conditions for their socio-psychological rehabilitation, social and employment adaptation. Together with medical workers and under the guidance of the educator, ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, compliance with the routine of the day. Organizes taking into account the age of pupils work on self-service, compliance with the requirements of labor protection, provides them with the necessary assistance. Participates in the prevention of deviating behavior, harmful habits At pupils. Provides the sanitary condition of the premises and equipment. Provides the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Interacts with parents of pupils (persons replacing them). Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Basics of pedagogy, psychology, age physiology, hygiene, prefigure medical care, child rights, theory and educational work techniques; rules for the protection of life and health of pupils, care care; sanitary and hygienic standards of premises, equipment, equipment; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Secondary (full) general education and training in the field of education and pedagogy without presentation of work experience.

    Junior educator

    Official duties. Participates in the planning and organization of vital activity of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the educator. Exercised under the guidance of the educator everyday work, providing the creation of conditions for socio-psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils. Together with medical workers and under the guidance of the educator, ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, compliance with the routine of the day. Organizes taking into account the age of pupils of their work on self-service, compliance with the requirements of labor protection, provides them with the necessary assistance. Participates in the prevention of deviating behavior, bad habits in pupils. Provides the condition of the premises and equipment corresponding to the sanitary and hygienic standards of their content. Interacts with parents of pupils (persons replacing them). Provides the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Basics of pedagogy, psychology, age physiology, hygiene, prefabricated medical care, theory and methods of educational work; Methods of persuasion, arguments of their position, establish contacts with pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them); rules for the protection of life and health of pupils, child care; sanitary and hygienic standards of premises, equipment, inventory, the rules of the domestic labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Secondary vocational education without presentation of work experience or secondary (full) general education and training in education and pedagogy without presentation of work experience.

    Secretary of the study part

    Official duties. Accepts the correspondence entering the educational institution, transfers it in accordance with the instructions of the head of the educational institution into structural units or specific executives for use in the process of either the preparation of the answers. Leads office work, including in electronic form; He prepares projects of orders and orders on the movement of the contingent of students, draws up personal affairs of adopted for training, leads the alphabetical book of students and accounting hours of educational institutions of the educational institution, processes and draws out the passing of personal files of students to the archive. Performs various operations using computer equipment for programs intended for collecting, processing and presenting information. Chairs for timely review and preparation of documents, orders received for execution, structural divisions of educational institutions and specific performers. On behalf of the director (his deputy) makes letters, requests, other documents, prepares answers to authors of appeals. It monitors the execution by employees of the educational institution published orders and orders, as well as in compliance with the terms of the implementation of the instructions and instructions of the head of the educational institution made to control. It works closely with the head of the educational institution (his deputies), pedagogical workers, heads of structural units. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; provisions and instructions for conducting office work; the structure of the educational institution, its staffing; rules of operation of office equipment; Terms of use of receiving and negotiation devices, fax, multiplier device, scanner, computer; rules for working with text editors and spreadsheets, databases, email, browsers; technology of creating, processing, transferring and storing documents; rules of business correspondence; state standards a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation; Rules for printing business letters using typical samples; Basics of ethics and aesthetics; regulations business communication; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications. Secondary professional education in the field of office work without presentation of work experience or secondary (complete) general education and training in the field of office work without presenting requirements for work experience.

    Dispatcher educational institution

    Official duties. Participates in drawing up the schedule of classes (lessons) and the implementation of operational regulation of the organization of the educational process and other activities in an educational institution, its divisions in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, including using computer programs and technologies. Controls the security of classes, groups, divisions of the educational institution with the necessary premises, teaching materials, information and technical equipment, as well as transport. Carries out operational control over the course of the educational process, ensuring the rational use of educational and extracurricular premises of the educational institution. Ensures compliance with sanitary standards and rules in drawing up the schedule of training sessions. Reviews the reserves of the educational process to establish the most rational modes of operation of information and technical equipment, more complete and uniform loading of educational and methodological equipment and educational premises of the educational institution. Provides rational use of modern electronic means of operational management of the educational process in an educational institution. Leads a dispatching magazine (e-magazine), represents reports, reports and other information about the course of the educational process. Participates in the work on assessing the schedule of classes in classes, groups, divisions of the educational institution, provides recommendations for its improvement. It works in close connection with deputy director and heads of structural units of the educational institution, methodological associations of pedagogical workers. Performs rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; Guidelines and regulatory documents regarding planning and operational management of the educational institution; Requirements for the organization of the educational process and the preparation of the schedule of training sessions; psychological and physiological features of different school ages; Modern educational technologies; computer programs on the organization of the educational process in educational institutions; Fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics, rules of business communication; rules of the internal labor regulation of the educational institution; Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

    Requirements for qualifications.Secondary vocational education in the field of labor organization without the presentation of work experience.

    1 In addition to teachers assigned to the faculty of universities.

    2 Name of the post "Speech therapist" in educational institutions does not apply, but used in health and social services.

    3 With the exception of responsibilities for the direct education of children in educational institutions, in which the regular schedule is provided for the independent position of the senior caregiver.

    4 With the exception of the tutors engaged in the field of higher and additional vocational education.

    In this article, we will consider a single tariff-qualifying reference book (ETKS) of a labor protection specialist. We give the definition of ETKS and explain the difference between the ETKS from other reference books and professional standards. We will analyze the structure of the ETKS "Specialist in Labor Protection" and, of course, tell me how the ETKS labor protection specialist should be used in its production activities.

    To see what the ETKS specialist in the field of labor protection looks like

    So, let's begin…

    What is an ETKS specialist in labor protection?
    What is the difference between ETKS from the EKS?

    In order to unify (lead to one standards) all possible professions in the country, the state has developed and implemented the reference books of professions, which are periodically updated depending on the emergence of new specialties, technologies or obsolescence of some others.

    In Russia, there are two major reference books that need to be guided by labor activity At any enterprise or organization. Both reference book approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787 and are legal:

    1. ETKS - a single tariff qualification reference book of works and professions of workers.
    2. EKS- a single qualifying directory of managers, specialists and employees. (Ekd is another name for this directory)

    Single Tariff Qualification Directory (ETKS) - This is a large collection of regulatory documents, combined volumes, which is intended exclusively for classification workers professions.

    Unified Qualification Directory of Managers, Specialists and Employees (EKS) - this is a collection of regulatory documents intended for non-working professions, namely, managers, employees and all kinds of specialists.

    Thus, two reference books close all possible professions.

    The question arises: In which of the two reference books to seek a profession of a labor protection specialist?

    Correct answer: In the EKS directory !!!

    It should be noted that as such an ETKS specialist in labor protection does not exist. After all, this directory is intended only for workers' professions. Therefore, when someone speaks about the ETKS Specialist in labor protection, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is about the EKS specialist in labor protection. So that it does not arise confusion, in the future we will call any of the reference books "ETKS".

    ETKS (EKS) Occupational Specialist - This is the official document that introduced

    What is ETKS?

    Unified tariff qualification directory apply to:

    1. Assignment of tariff discharges to workers and employees (according to the principle than higher work, the higher the discharge, article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    2. Definitions of wages of civil servants (Article 144 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
    3. Tariffices and accounting of professions, on which the benefits and compensation of the state are provided (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Of course, not only government structures should apply ETKS. Commercial organizations should use the profession directory for their own purposes.

    First, with the help of the directory it is very convenient to prescribe official instructions of workers, because The profession is fully described in the ETCC, which should make an employee, which knowledge and skills should own, etc.

    Secondly, the company's head is very convenient to "distribute" qualifications to all employees, and build a wage system at its enterprise, based on the qualifying level of each employee.

    Thirdly, with the help of ETKS, it is possible to build labor relations with the state, justify the transfer of taxes, receiving state. Subsidies and so on.

    ETKS labor protection specialist is needed in order to bring his position in line with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    How to apply an ETKS labor protection specialist in its activities?

    As we said, ETKS (EKS, EKD) Labor Protection Specialist is a regulatory document that is represented

    ETKS Specialist in labor protection consists of sections:
    In the 1st section General information are presented.
    In two section Information is provided regarding the posts of the head and labor protection specialist. The section indicates the correct name of posts, the official duties of the head and specialist from what knowledge, the skills should have a person holding a specialist or manager for from and what requirements.

    What should a labor protection specialist do in accordance with ETKS?
    First of all, a labor protection specialist should redo its job description and re-refund its contract with the organization according to new requirements, make changes to staffing and so on. So, if a profession for labor protection was called "Labor Engineer", now, the profession is supposed to be called according to the requirements of ETKS "Head of Labor Protection Service", or "Specialist for Occupational Safety", other profession names and including ETKS "Engineer for labor protection" or ETKS "Engineer industrial safety" - does not exist! (Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 05/15/2013 No. 205).

    It is also necessary to pay special attention to the fact that some functions of a labor protection specialist have changed, and most importantly, new requirements for the profession have appeared.

    So, the position of the head of the labor protection service impose requirements for education. To work in this post a service manager from, it is necessary to have or any higher education Together with, while the head of the labor protection service must have five years of experience in this area.

    The position of a specialist in labor protection is presented the same requirements for education. For a specialist in from, it is necessary to have a higher education for labor protection. And in the absence of such, retraining is allowed in the presence of secondary education (valid for a labor protection specialist who has no category).

    What are the laws to be guided by a labor protection specialist? ETKS or professional standards?

    Due to the fact that according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, from July 01, 2016, they come into force and are mandatory for use (valid), specialists in the field of labor protection are asked about what is guided by ETKS or professandards?
    We will try to answer this question.

    Now ETKS and professandards are existing regulatory documents that should be applied in their activities a labor protection specialist. It is enough to learn in which the Ministry of Labor refers to the ETKS and professional standards, as fundamental documents.

    Despite the fact that two documents have a different structure, the information set out in both documents is almost identical. It turns out, the professandards are most close to reference books and contain more specified information. Why is this happening?

    In our opinion, this is because the state wants to combine the two reference books of ETKS and EKS and come to one standard to create a single unified reference book with a single classification with even more extended information. Those. All profession directories are gradually replaced by professandals.

    A single tariff-qualifying reference book of works and professions of workers of the ETKS contains an 8-bit estimate scale. For a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees (EKS) - the scale can be their own, depending on the profession. As for the professandards, there is a single 9-bit qualification scale scale for all professions without exception.

    Therefore, professandals are more unified, and allow you to compare the level of qualifications of labor protection specialist with the level of qualifications of any other profession.

    For example, according to ETKS "Specialist in labor protection of 2018", the profession of labor protection specialist qualifies at the "specialist", "specialist 2 of the discharge", "Specialist 1 of the discharge" and "Head of Labor Protection Service". Based on this, it is impossible to compare the level of a labor protection specialist with a level of any other profession, because This qualification applies only for labor protection professionals.