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Cheat Sheet: Development of curiosity and interest as a manifestation of cognitive activity of preschoolers. Why curiosity is more important than erudition

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Children are born inquisitive: they come to the world with an innate desire to understand how everything is arranged around, seek to touch how more items to get new experienceThey ask many questions, explore and study to satisfy their curiosity.

If you want your child to stop learning throughout life, encourage and develop its curiosity. Congenital curiousness have all children, however, it is important that you take into account individual style Inquisitive inherent in your child.

All children show curiosity in different ways. For example, some children love to learn how the world is arranged, with the help of observation and reflection, while others prefer to do it with physical action (Touch, examining odors or tasting). Try to ensure the use of each style in a safe and inspirational setting.

Studies have shown that the search for new impressions, knowledge and experience does not encourage the external pressure, and the inner desire to satisfy their curiosity. Inquisitive people are constantly in search of new knowledge. They not only love learning and research, but they actually like to set themselves difficult tasks and with passion to look for their solution. Curience also helps people to respond positively to uncertainty.

Recent studies have shown how important the curiosity in training is played. Best children coped with educational materialWhen teachers managed to call them sincerely surprise from the unexpected exit of the demonstrated experiment.

Given the important role that the curiosity plays in the learning process, we offer several tips to help develop this quality in a child:

  • Encourage the interests of your child. Best of all, children learn through actions that hold their attention and stimulate imagination. Find the activities that like the child most and practice them together as often as possible. For example, if the child loves to dance to certain music, create it all the conditions for this classes. If he loves animals, drive him more often in the zoo, demonstrate movies and transmission of animals, together read books about them.
  • Create an interesting space. The smallest children spend most of the time, watching the environment. They are interested to learn new about environment, so give them curious and safe toys and items that they can explore and which will stimulate their sensations and feelings.
  • Encourage games stimulating imagination. Despite the rich variety of electronic toys in our time, try to give children the opportunity to play with such simple objectslike boxes, cubes, plasticine or sand. Some they may seem boring, but they are indispensable for the development of creativity and imagination. In fact, these toys are one of best tools learning because they give a wide space for curious time during the game. Do not tell the child what to do with materials, how to use them or what should be the final result of his creativity. Let his guide be his own curiosity.
  • Use open questions. Try to avoid issues that suggest single responses like "yes" or "no". Specifying open questions, you will stimulate the thinking of the child, pushing it to an independent search for the solution. Try to ask him questions like: "What do you think about ...?", "How would you do on the site of the chief hero of the book? Why?".

For the development of inquisitive, it is important not only to create favorable external conditions, but also to eliminate the factors that kill the desire to learn something new - fear, restrictions and the lack of parents' interest in child's classes.

  • 1. Fear. This factor is the enemy of curiousness number 1. When the child is worried or afraid, he will most likely refuse to search for new knowledge and experience. Remember that, from how you help the child cope with the stressful situation, it depends on how soon it adapts and returns to the desire to receive new knowledge and experience.
  • 2. Restrictions. When parents strictly indicate children: "It is impossible!", "Do not touch!", "Do not climb!", "Do not shout!", "Do not get into!", Children will sooner or later lose interest in research. If we are inspiring a disgust for blurred clothes, their enthusiasm of naturalists will significantly decrease. Use as few restrictions as possible, but do not forget about precautions and safety.
  • 3. Lack of parental interest. It is very important that parents are not eliminated from child classes, but with hobbies and enthusiasm took part in them, which provides a favorable psychological and emotional environment for optimal creativity and research. Adult participation gives the child a sense of security, as well as approval of his effort, which is very important for the formation


It is important not to cease to ask questions ...
Do not lose with the years of holy curiosity.

Albert Einstein

Curiosity - feature Ingenious personality. It is unlikely that you can meet the giant of thought that is not an inquisitive person. Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman - they all possessed this feature. It is thanks to his curiosity that Richard Feynman became famous for many adventures.

So why is curiosity important? Here are four reasons:

  • It activates mental abilities
    Inquisitive people always ask questions and find answers. Their mind is always active. Since the mind is similar to the muscle, which becomes stronger thanks to frequent exercises, regular mental exercises stimulate your mental abilities.
  • She helps reason to notice fresh ideas
    When you are passionate about something, your mind is configured to appear fresh ideas. As soon as the ideas come, they are immediately recognized. If the curiosity is absent, even ideas that are right in front of you may be missed due to the fact that the mind is not ready to perceive them. Just think how many ideas could have lost for this reason!
  • She opens up new faces and opportunities
    Being inquisitive, you can discover new faces and opportunities that are usually not visible. They are hidden behind the screen everyday life, and a torture mind is required to look there and discover them.
  • She gives life interest
    Life of inquisitive people can not be called boring. There is no place in monotonous existence. Something always attracts their attention, and you can always challenge something. Instead of boring, curious people lead an active lifestyle.

Now, when we know why curiosity is important, I offer several tips for its development:

1. Keep the perception of mind

This is a necessary step towards curiosity. Be ready going out, forget and learn again. Some of the facts known to you may be incorrect, and it is better to be ready to allow such an opportunity in advance and change your opinion.

2. Do not consider anything to go

If you just perceive outside The world, not trying to look deeper, you will definitely lose the "holy curiosity". Never consider anything to go. Try to look under the surface of what surrounds you.

3. Increases ask questions

A sure way to look deeper - ask questions: what is it? Why is it true? When was it done? Who is invented? Where does it take? How does it work? "What", "why", "when", "who", "where" and "how" - best friends inquisitive people.

4. Do not call anything boring

By doing so, you close the next door of the opportunity. Inquisitive people always see the door to exciting new world. Even if they currently have no time for studying, they will leave the door open to return later.

5. Treat your learning with interest.

If you perceive learning as a grievous burden - it does not want to look at things deeply. It will only make the burden even more severe. But if you find a way to learn with interest - you will naturally want to know more. Looking for life through the prism of interest and participation and enjoy the process of knowledge.

6. Read the most diverse literature

Do not dwell only in one field of life; Learn and others. This will open up new horizons before you, which in turn may awaken interest in further development. One of possible paths - Read a variety of literature. Choose a book or magazine on a new topic for you, and let this text begin a fascinating journey to a new world.

interest Cognitive Preschool Water

The problem of cognitive interest was widely investigated in the psychology B.G. Ananyev, M.F. Belyaev, L.I. Bozovich, L.A. Gordon, S.L. Rubinstein, V.N. Meatsischev and in pedagogical literature G.I. Schukina, N.R. Morozova.

Interest, as a complex and very significant education for humans, has many interpretations in their psychological definitions, it is considered as:

  • - the election orientation of the person's attention;
  • - manifestation of his mental and emotional activity;
  • - the specific attitude of the person to the object caused by his consciousness vitality and emotional attractiveness.

G.I. Schukina believes that in reality interest in front of us:

  • - and as the election orientation of human mental processes on objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
  • - and as a tendency, the desire, the identity needs to engage in this area of \u200b\u200bphenomena, this activity, which brings satisfaction;
  • - and as a powerful personality activity.
  • - And finally, as a special electoral attitude towards the world around the world, to its objects, phenomena, processes.

Interest is formed and developing in activities, and the influence of it does not have separate components of activity, but its entire objective and subjective entity (character, process, result).

Interest is the "alloy" of many mental processes forming a special tone activity, sPECIAL STATES Personality (joy from the teaching process, the desire to deepen into the knowledge of the object of interest, in cognitive activities, the experience of failures and volitional aspirations for their overcoming).

The most important area of \u200b\u200bthe total phenomenon of interest is cognitive interest. Its subject is the most significant human property: to know the world Not only for the purpose of biological and social orientation in reality, but in the most significant person to the world - in the desire to penetrate its diversity, reflect the essential sides, causal relations, patterns, inconsistency.

Cognitive interest, being included in cognitive activity, closely conjugates with the formation of diverse personal relations: the electoral attitude towards a particular field of science, cognitive activity, participation in them, communicating with accomplices of knowledge. It is on this basis - the knowledge of the subject peace and attitude towards him, scientific Truths - Muroponimation, worldview, minority, active, biased nature, which contributes to cognitive interest is formed.

Moreover, cognitive interest, intensifying all human mental processes, high level The personality is encouraged by the personality to the constant search for the transformation of reality through activities (changes, complications of its goals, allocations in the subject matter of the current and significant parties to their implementation, finding other required methodsbringing in them a creative start).

A peculiarity of cognitive interest is his ability to enrich and intensify the process not only cognitive, but also any human activity, since the cognitive principle is available in each of them. In labor, a person using items, materials, tools, methods, needs to know their properties, in the study of the scientific foundations of modern production, in understanding the innovation processes, in the knowledge of the technology of this or that production. Any kind of human activity contains a cognitive principle, search creative processes that promote the transformation of reality. Any activity of a person, spiritualized by cognitive interest, makes with great addiction, more efficiently.

Cognitive interest is the most important education of the person, which develops in the process of human life, is formed on social conditions of its existence and in no way is not an immanently inherent person from birth.

The meaningful of informative interest in the life of specific personalities is difficult to overestimate. Cognitive interest contributes to the penetration of personality into significant relations, relations, the patterns of knowledge.

Cognitive interest is the integral education of the person. It, as a general phenomenon of interest, has a complex structure, which is based on both individual mental processes (intellectual, emotional, regulatory) and objective and subjective human connections with the world, expressed in relations.

Cognitive interest is expressed in its development by various states. Conditionally distinguish the consistent stages of its development: curiosity, curiosity, cognitive interest, theoretical interest. And although these stages are highlighted purely conditionally, the most characteristic of their signs are generally accepted.

Curiosity- the elementary stage of the electoral relationship, which is due to purely external, often unexpected circumstances that attract human attention. For a person, this elementary orientation associated with the novelty situation may not have much significance.

At the cost of curiosity, the child is only content with the orientation associated with the enormality of a particular subject, a particular situation. This stage does not yet detect a genuine desire for knowledge. And, nevertheless, enormality as a factor in identifying cognitive interest can serve its initial impetus.

Curiosity- valuable state of personality. It is characterized by a man's desire to penetrate the limits seen. At this stage of interest, quite strong expressions of emotions of surprise, joy of knowledge, satisfaction with activities are found. In the occurrence of riddles and their decoding and is the essence of curiosity, as an active vision of the world, which is developing not only in class, but also in labor, when a person is renounced from simple acting and passive memorization. Curious, becoming a stable feature of character, has a significant value in the development of personality. Inquisitive people are not indifferent to the world, they are always in the search. The problem of curiosity is being developed in patriotic psychology For a long time, although it is far from its final decision. A significant contribution to the understanding of the nature of the curiosity was made by S.L. Rubinstein, A. M. Matyushkin, V.A. Kruttsky, V.S. Yurkevich, D.E. Berline, G.I. Schukina, N.I. Reinwald, A.I. Large and others.

Theoretical interest It is related both to the desire for the knowledge of complex theoretical issues and problems of specific science and using them as a tool of knowledge. This step of active exposure to a person on the world, on his reorganization, which is directly related to the human worldview, with his convictions in the strength and possibilities of science. This step characterizes not only the cognitive principle in the structure of the person, but also a person as a leader, subject, personality.

In the real process, all the indicated levels of cognitive interest are the most complex combinations and relationships. Recurrences in connection with the change of the subject area are found in the cognitive interest, and coexistence in a single act of cognition when curiosity goes into curiosity.

Interest in knowledge real Mira - One of the most fundamental and significant in child development.

Preschool age - the heyday of children's cognitive activity. By 3-4 years, the child seems to be released from the pressure of the perceived situation and begins to think about what he is not in front of his eyes. The preschooler is trying to somehow streamline and explain for himself around the world, establish some connections in it and patterns.

In senior preschool age cognitive development - This is a complex comprehensive phenomenon, including development. cognitive processes (perception, thinking, memory, attention, imagination), which are different forms Child orientation in the world around the world, in itself, and regulate its activities. It is known that the older preschool age is noticeably growing the possibilities of initiative transformative activity of the child. This age period It is important for the development of the cognitive need of a child, which finds an expression in the form of search engines, research activity aimed at discovering a new one. Therefore, questions are predominant: "Why?", "Why?", "How?". Often, children not only ask, but they are trying to find an answer themselves, use their little experience to explain the incomprehensible, and sometimes to conduct an "experiment".

The characteristic feature of this age is cognitive interests, expressed in attentive viewing, independent search for information of interest and seek to learn from an adult, where, what and how it grows, lives. The senior preschooler is interested in the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, manifests the initiative, which is found in observation, in the desire to find out, approach, touch.

The result of cognitive activity, regardless of which form of knowledge, it was carried out, are knowledge. Children at this age are able to systematize and group objects of living and inanimate nature as external signsand on the signs of habitat. Changes in objects, the transition of a substance from one state to another (snow and ice - into water; water-in ice, etc.), such phenomena of nature, like snowfall, blizzard, thunderstorm, hail, fog, fog, etc. They cause special interest in children of this age. Children gradually begin to understand that the state, development and changes in living and inanimate nature largely depend on the attitude towards them.

Child's questions are discovering an inquisitive mind, observation, confidence in adult as a source of interesting new information (knowledge), explanations. The senior preschooler "imposes" his knowledge of the environment, its attitude on adult, which is for him the true measure of all things.

Psychologists experimentally investigated that level development of the cognitive sphere determines the nature of interaction with natural objects and attitude towards them. That is, the higher the level of knowledge of children about nature, the more they show cognitive interest in it, focusing on the state and well-being of the object itself, and not evaluating it with adults. Psychologists emphasize that for the development of a child, a decisive type of activity in which knowledge was acquired. Cognitive activity is understood by us not only as the process of learning knowledge, skills and skills, and, mainly as search Knowledge, acquisition of knowledge on their own or under the tactful leadership of the adult, implemented in the process of humanistic interaction, cooperation, creativity.

Therefore, an adult is important in the learning process, maintaining cognitive activity, create for children to independently find information. After all, knowledge is formed as a result of the interaction of the subject (child) with this or that information. It is the assignment of information through its change, the addition, independent application in different situations And generates knowledge.

Children love to explore. This is due to the fact that they are inherent visual-effective and visual-shaped thinking, and the study, like no other method, corresponds to these age characteristics. In preschool age, he is a leading, and in the first three years - practically single way knowledge of the world. Its roots research goes into manipulation of objects, which has repeatedly spoke by L.S. Vygotsky.

When forming the foundations of natural science and environmental concepts The study can be considered as a method close to ideal. Knowledge, hoped not from books, but mined independently, are always conscious and stronger. For the use of this method of teaching, such classics of pedagogy were performed as Ya.A. Komense, I.G. Pestalotski, J.-Zh. Rousseau, k.d. Ushinsky and many others.

After three years, their integration is gradually beginning. The child passes in the next period - curiosity, which, provided that the child is properly becoming properly engaged in the curiosity period (after 5 years). It is during this period that research activities acquire typical traits, now experimenting becomes independent view Activities. Child senior preschool age Acquires the ability to carry out experiments, i.e. It acquires the following series of skills in this activity: to see and allocate the problem, accept and set a goal, solve problems, analyze an object or phenomenon, to allocate essential signs and connections, compare various facts, to put forward hypothesis and assumptions, select funds and materials for independent activities, exercise Experiment, draw conclusions, fix the steps of actions and the results graphically.

The acquisition of data skills requires a systematic, targeted work of the teacher aimed at the development of children's experimentation activities.

Experiments are classified according to various principles.

  • - by the nature of the objects used in the experiment: Experiments: with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; The object of which is a person.
  • - at the place of experiments: in the group room; Location on; in the forest, etc.
  • - By the number of children: individual, group, collective.
  • - Because of them: random, planned, delivered in response to the child's question.
  • - by the nature of the inclusion in pedagogical process: Episodic (conducted on occasion), systematic.
  • - By duration: short-term (5-15 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).
  • - in terms of observations of the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.
  • - at the place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.
  • - by the nature of mental operations: statements (allowing you to see some one state of the object or one phenomenon out of connection with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing you to see the process dynamics or mark changes in the state of the object), generalizing (experiments in which general are traced The patterns of the process studied earlier at individual stages).
  • - by the nature of the cognitive activity of children: illustrative (everything is known to children, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search engines (children do not know in advance what the result will be), the solution of experimental tasks.
  • - According to the method of use in the audience: demonstration, frontal.

Each type of research has its own methods of holding, its pros and cons.

It is important not to cease to ask questions ...
Do not lose with the years of holy curiosity.
Albert Einstein

Curience is a characteristic feature of a brilliant personality. It is unlikely that you can meet the giant of thought that is not an inquisitive person. Thomas Edison, Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman - they all possessed this feature. It is thanks to his curiosity that Richard Feynman became famous for many adventures.

So why is curiosity important? Here are four reasons:

  • It activates mental abilities
    Inquisitive people always ask questions and find answers. Their mind is always active. Since the mind is similar to the muscle, which becomes stronger thanks to frequent exercises, regular mental exercises stimulate your mental abilities.
  • She helps reason to notice fresh ideas
    When you are passionate about something, your mind is adjusted to the appearance of fresh ideas. As soon as the ideas come, they are immediately recognized. If the curiosity is absent, even ideas that are right in front of you may be missed due to the fact that the mind is not ready to perceive them. Just think how many ideas could have lost for this reason!
  • She opens up new faces and opportunities
    Being inquisitive, you can discover new faces and opportunities that are usually not visible. They are hidden behind the live life of everyday life, and an inquisitive mind is required to look there and discover them.
  • She gives life interest
    Life of inquisitive people can not be called boring. There is no place in monotonous existence. Something always attracts their attention, and you can always challenge something. Instead of boring, curious people lead an active lifestyle.

Now, when we know why curiosity is important, I offer several tips for its development:

1. Keep the perception of mind

This is a necessary step towards curiosity. Be ready to learn, forget and learn again. Some of the facts known to you may be incorrect, and it is better to be ready to allow such an opportunity in advance and change your opinion.

2. Do not consider anything to go

If you just perceive the outside of the world, not trying to look deeper, you will definitely lose the "holy curiosity." Never consider anything to go. Try to look under the surface of what surrounds you.

3. Increases ask questions

A sure way to look deeper - ask questions: what is it? Why is it true? When was it done? Who is invented? Where does it take? How does it work? "What", "why", "when", "Who", "where" and "how" are the best friends of inquisitive people.

4. Do not call anything boring

By doing so, you close the next door of the opportunity. Inquisitive people always see the door to an exciting new world. Even if they currently have no time for studying, they will leave the door open to return later.

5. Treat your learning with interest.

If you perceive learning as a grievous burden - it does not want to look at things deeply. It will only make the burden even more severe. But if you find a way to learn with interest - you will naturally want to know more. Looking for life through the prism of interest and participation and enjoy the process of knowledge.

6. Read the most diverse literature

Do not dwell only in one field of life; Learn and others. This will open up new horizons before you, which in turn may awaken interest in further development. One of the possible ways is to read a variety of literature. Choose a book or magazine on a new topic for you, and let this text begin a fascinating journey to a new world.

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