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A period in a woman's life that. Midlife crisis in women: symptoms and timing. When to wait and how to get through the midlife crisis? Scientists' views on the age periods of human life

The midlife crisis in women is a conditional concept. When does a woman have this very midlife crisis? It can start at age 30, 40 or 50. There are no clear boundaries. And this concept itself belongs to the field of psychology, and many authors interpret this concept and the process of the crisis itself in different ways. There is no medical diagnosis. I.V. Dubrovina defines the concept of "critical age" as something fuzzy, which was still practically studied in the first third of the 20th century. And then the research stopped, but nevertheless the age crisis was seen as something obligatory and immutable. As a fact.

In Erickson's concept, for example, a crisis is a period of formation of a new psychological formation. For example, in the period from 0 to 1 year, a person develops basic human trust in the world around him as a whole. That is, in other words, how the people around him (first of all, the mother, of course) will approach a person, with sincere warmth or will reject, then, accordingly, he will also relate to the world around him. A crisis is also a period of rethinking your life. Therefore, a midlife crisis in both men and women is a common and widespread phenomenon.

Throughout our life, we all go through 12 stages corresponding to the signs of the zodiac. And there is a point of life that moves at a speed of 4.3 degrees per year, starting in Aries and ending in Pisces.

We can always determine exactly what problems we will face at a given age. Each of us must fulfill his own program at each specific age and, as a result, for the whole life.

See how your life program is being implemented, draw your own conclusions.

0-7 years old.

The point of life at this age is moving along the quickest sign - Aries.

The babies are full of energy, they are restless and inquisitive, they immediately want to know everything and about everything, and there is no force that could stop them.

And it is not necessary to restrain a child at this age, on the contrary, it is necessary to give him more freedom, because it is very important for him to assert himself and show his abilities.

The task of parents is to instill in the child a feeling of love and compassion for others, to prevent selfishness and cruelty from developing. After all, the motto of this age and Aries: "I want!" Do not let your child offend animals and other babies, teach to take care of nature, educate willpower. If you are not able to instill these qualities in a child up to seven years old, you will never be vaccinated!

7-14 years old

The life point moves to the curly Taurus.

Therefore, gentlemen, parents, do not indulge all the material desires and whims of your child. At this stage in life, he must be taught to control his emotions, especially anger and aggression. It is necessary to develop and train memory.

Try culturally, but firmly, form a teenager's social circle, since at this age the negative energy of the crowd accumulates in him, which can then manifest itself in cruelty and intransigence towards others. But also do not isolate the child from peers.... The place of their meetings and the atmosphere are of great importance.

It is also important to lay the foundations for systemic learning. Try to make the child more assimilated the different studied material, the more - the better. At this age, it is quite easy for a child to instill a love for art and aesthetics. The best time to study in music and art schools.

And at the age of 13-14, you need to instill and form the correct attitude towards your ancestors and roots. You can also speculate on philosophical topics. It is time!

From 15 years old to 21 years old

The point is moving in the sign of Gemini.

It's time to actively develop intelligence and independent thinking. At the age of 15-16, a person enters into society, where their own laws and rules, which must be learned to comply with, for society to accept it. It is necessary to get rid of incoherence, irresponsibility, craving for gossip and speculation.

It’s time for parents to start sex education for their children, or they’ll find out for themselves (actually, I think these recommendations about sex education are outdated, start earlier).

At this age, it is useful to travel a lot, get to know the cultures of other countries, absorb a variety of information.

From 21 to 28 years old

The point of life is in Cancer.

This is a very important stage in the life of every person. The main task is to improve the inner world, to form their own value system based on the experience of older generations.

Engaging in introspection and improving spiritually, a person should try to get rid of many negative qualities: suspiciousness, isolation from others, greed.

The most difficult thing at this age is to overcome the boundary of 25-26 years, when a person is overcome with the desire to give up everything and start living anew. During this period, it is very important to make the right choice, since many have already started a family. Often reckless actions break the life not only of him, but also of those close to him.

In order not to make mistakes, you need to establish strong spiritual ties with parents and relatives, just with the older generation. In a difficult situation, they are able to really help both in word and deed.

25-26 years is the most favorable time for the birth of children, as they adopt the best qualities of their personality from their parents.

From 28 to 35 years old

The point of life is in Leo.

A tendency towards adventurism, alcoholism, drug addiction begins to appear; there is an influx of energy that not everyone can use correctly, many begin to waste it, indulging in pleasures and entertainment, often empty and useless.

The best way to deal with temptations is to study philosophy, religion, reading books that raise morality and purity of the soul. It is very important to choose the correct philosophical concept, not to go into sectarianism, not to accumulate negative energy that can destroy a person.

The turning point is before the age of 32. From the age of 28, family problems fade into the background, the main thing is your own ego. A person tries to prove himself in a team so that he is noticed and appreciated. At the age of 29, for the first time, he sums up the results of his past years.

For women, the period is very important - 32 years. Time to change feelings, revise your personal relationships. At this age, divorces often occur, new love relationships are formed. We must try to analyze the past, weigh all the pros and cons, not cut off the shoulder at once. New feelings may not last long, sometimes only a year.

35 to 42 years old

The point of life is in Virgo.

The time comes when a person must give up most of the energy accumulated in the previous period. Clarity and methodicalness are required in the approach to solving a variety of problems.

A favorable time for professional growth and marriages of convenience.

Age from 37 to 38 years old - a karmic test, a test of societies. This is the first exam on how you observe the principles of the zodiac, whether you fulfill your life program. And if not, then you will be punished in the form of various life problems: dismissal from work, serious illness, betrayal of friends.

During this period, you must definitely pay close attention to your health. You should especially pay attention to your nutrition, try not to slag the body.

At the age of Virgo, unpleasant traits can appear in the character: grumpiness, pickiness, stinginess, disregard for the feelings and needs of others. But most importantly - prepare for the most responsible cycle of your life- 42 years - the half-cycle of Uranus, when the point of life crosses the vital "equator". At this age, many are trying to change their lives, as it seems to them, for the better: they change their family, place of work, place of residence, hobbies.

Age 42 to 49

The point of life moves according to the sign of Libra.

During this period, a person tries to surrender himself to a creatively chosen business at 42. This age is also called "Indian summer", when harmony and maturity comes in both personal and social life. Everything that has been accumulated in previous years has been analyzed, systematized and awaits implementation.

The main planet of Libra is Venus. It is she who guides a person in an effort to create strong harmonious ties, to follow the laws of ethics and morality in deeds and feelings.

During this period, it is necessary to establish social ties, get a new job, show your organizational skills and overcome shortcomings. Such as, for example, egocentrism, selfishness, a tendency to dictate. It's a good time to develop talents, if you have them.

From 49 to 55 years old

Scorpio time.

A difficult, critical period in the life of any person, especially women. You have to change long-held views, which is very difficult to do. Breaking is difficult and painful. On the physical plane, many often develop oncological diseases, many (especially at 52) ​​have a sexual syndrome - increased sexual dissatisfaction.

At the age of Scorpio, a person has tremendous self-destructive power and, in order to achieve a goal, is sometimes ready to go all-in. It is necessary to control your emotions, in no case to withdraw into yourself and not indulge in self-delusion. Go out more often, meet friends, study psychology, be creative or work in a group.

This period is favorable for the disclosure and improvement of magical and occult abilities. Women are especially prone to this at 52 years old.

For those who until this time led an unrighteous lifestyle, fate provides a chance to correct themselves, abandon delusions and start living on completely new philosophical principles.

56 to 63 years old

At this age, the point of life moves along the sign of Sagittarius.

A person begins to aspire to philosophy or religion. Many have a fussy craving for knowledge that they did not have time to acquire at some time. I would like to know several sciences at once, different philosophical trends. But, as a rule, this fails. Mercury is in captivity, and, grasping at many things, a person does not achieve results at all. Try to pick one thing and study the subject deeper.

At the age of 56, a person undergoes another test by society. This is where all the mistakes and mistakes made at the age of 37 and 38 are manifested. Whoever approached this stage of his path correctly occupies high positions in society. Those who do not pass the test do not achieve their goals and go on a well-deserved rest.

From 63 to 70 years old

The point of life moves along the sign of Capricorn.

The Last Chance is coming! It is at the age of 63 that the last choice of a person takes place, when he, if desired, CAN change his life. The one who makes the wrong choice, as a rule, dies or severely breaks it. This is especially true for people who seek to create another family: in 90% of cases, nothing comes of it. It is possible to destroy the old, but to create a new one is practically unrealistic.

At the age of Capricorn, it is necessary to abandon some stereotypical ideas, finally develop a life, philosophical core and learn to give a clear assessment of every phenomenon, every event, but in no case impose your opinion and listen carefully to your opponents.

It is very important to build relationships with your loved ones correctly, since many at this age are trying to show despotism towards them. Try to develop diplomacy in yourself, the ability to make compromises.

From 70 to 77 years old

Aquarius time.

The time of contemplation of life, a philosophical look at it, the look of an outside observer. Throughout his life, a person changes his attitude to the world around him, changes priorities.

In childhood, we say "I". In his youth: "I and the world." In maturity: "The world and me." At the age of Aquarius, only "MIR" remains.

This fourth stage of perception is the most important in realizing life and one's place in it. If over the years such a perception of the world does not come, then the spiritual qualities of a person gradually begin to fade, he falls into insanity, which inevitably leads to the collapse of the physical body.

The time of Aquarius is the time of enjoying solitude or family solitude with your half, since the life program has already been completed.

Agree, there is something to think about ... published by

Vasilchenko Anna

Let's talk about why menopause occurs. A woman's life expectancy has increased significantly over the past century. Judge for yourself - at the beginning of the 20th century it averaged 50 years, and at the end - already 80. And the childbearing period lasts for a rather long time - up to about 50 years.

It turns out that about a third of the life of a modern woman falls on a difficult period, menopause. How to be healthy in these years, be able to enjoy and be pleased with yourself, we will try to tell in this article.

Climax ... Translated from Greek, this term means a turning point. There is a gradual extinction of ovarian function, as a result of which the woman stops menstruating. The climacteric period can be roughly divided into several stages: the transition to menopause, menopause, postmenopause. The time that combines the transition to menopause and two years after the cessation of menstruation is called perimenopause. It is then that significant hormonal changes occur in the physiological and, as a result, in the emotional state of a woman.

The transition to menopause begins with the appearance of the first menopausal symptoms in the form of "hot flushes", irregular periods until their complete cessation. How long does menopause last? These manifestations begin at about 45-47 years of age and are observed for about 4 years. Menstrual irregularities are one of the first signs of impending menopause. Delayed periods from several days to several months can be interspersed with regular cycles. Sometimes delays are permanent, bleeding becomes shorter and less severe. In some women, delays alternate with uterine bleeding. And there are those who have regular menstruation until menopause and the transition to it proceeds without deterioration of health.

Women often ask: is pregnancy possible during the transition to menopause? Yes, both at this time and during the year after the last menstrual period. Therefore, it is necessary to use contraception. The most acceptable barrier methods of protection, for example, candles, sponges, diaphragms, condoms. If a woman has not had independent periods during the year, we can say that the last menstruation is menopause.

In a healthy woman, natural menopause occurs at the age of 50-52. Early menopause - from 40 to 44 years old, and at 36-39 - premature. If a woman is removed the ovaries and (or) the uterus, then they talk about the complete cessation of menstruation (surgical or artificial menopause).

How to postpone the onset of menopause? What affects the early onset of menopause? Active smoking (more than 10-15 cigarettes per day), stress, underweight. As well as chronic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, thyroid dysfunction, type 1 diabetes mellitus and a number of other ailments. Menstruation may stop after chemotherapy or radiation for serious illness.

At what age does menopause begin? Postmenopause is the period from the onset of menopause to 65-69 years. It is at this time that the symptoms of the climacteric period gradually develop.

How does menopause manifest in women

Early menopause

It is characterized by "hot flashes", night sweats, headaches, surges in blood pressure, dizziness, palpitations, changes in the psycho-emotional sphere. Hot flashes usually bother women for 1–2 years after menopause, but rarely occur for 10–15 years. During the "tide", the face, neck, chest, back turn red, this can be accompanied by profuse sweating, palpitations and fever.

These unpleasant sensations are aggravated by stress, smoking, abuse of spices, coffee, chocolate, cola, and very hot food. How to postpone menopause? Hormone replacement therapy can help here, which should be agreed with the doctor. In addition to the prescribed treatment, adhere to some rules for the prevention of menopause:

  • take a contrast shower in the morning and evening with alternating warm and cool water;
  • give up bad habits and adjust your diet;
  • exercise regularly;
  • when choosing a wardrobe, give preference to loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • often ventilate the rooms where you are for a long time;
  • try to avoid stress and learn to respond to them correctly.

During this period, women become irritable, whiny, forgetful. They get tired quickly, have difficulty concentrating. Difficulties appear in communication in the family, at work. Women are easily offended, they feel especially loneliness, lack of understanding of others. Due to low self-esteem, they make inadequate attempts to assert themselves and experience changes in the sexual sphere very hard.

However, not everything is explained by hormonal changes. In many ways, these are just family difficulties: children grow up, leave, the husband moves away or has another woman, housework is done with great effort, thoughts of old age prevail. In such a situation, it is useful to visit women's centers and the so-called "Menopause Schools".

If menopause occurs early:
  • do not withdraw into yourself;
  • actively look for a way out of difficult situations;
  • change your attitude to all unpleasant events in a more positive direction;
  • do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Medium-term manifestations of menopause occur 2-4 years after the onset of menopause. Pain during intercourse, dryness, discomfort in the vagina, pain in the bladder during urination, urinary incontinence appear. Skin and hair become dry (the latter fall out), nails - brittle, wrinkles are added.

Late menopause

It can lead to metabolic disorders. Atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, postmenopausal osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease develop. But angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and cerebrovascular accident occur in women of reproductive age 3 times less often than in men.

After the onset of menopause, the risk of getting sick is still equalized. This happens more often with excess cholesterol and high blood pressure, overweight and inappropriate nutrition with a large consumption of animal fats, as well as a lack of vitamins. During late menopause, people with reduced bone mass, especially fragile bones, are more likely to develop osteoporosis.

The risk group includes representatives of the European race - graceful, small in stature, with thin fair skin, as a rule, smokers. They had their menstruation late (after 17 years) and stopped early (before 50 years). The menstrual cycle was disturbed, infertility at a young age, or, conversely, a large number of births and prolonged lactation (more than 6 months). In childhood, they consumed little dairy products, and later their body experienced a chronic lack of calcium. They moved little, drank alcohol in excess, suffered from various chronic diseases, and their relatives had fractures in the past.

For those who have a late postmenopausal period, to improve their well-being, I advise:
  • regular exercise and swimming, this contributes to a good blood supply to the pelvic organs, has a positive effect on the condition of the bladder, genitals, skeletal system;
  • it is very important to avoid constipation, to monitor the function of the large intestine;
  • eliminate possible sources of irritation of the external genital organs: wear underwear only made of natural fabrics, do not use soap when washing, do not use harsh fragrances when taking a bath, do not perform hygiene procedures with very hot water;
  • avoid falls;
  • it is important to wear low-heeled shoes;
  • take active forms of vitamin D3 (400-800 mg per day) if there are risk factors for osteoporosis.

Keeping hormones normal

Breakfast: oatmeal with berries, whole wheat toast, a glass of unsweetened fruit juice. Lunch: Lean chicken or fish with salad, vegetables and whole grain bread. Dinner: pasta, fried fish with rice and curry; or baked potatoes with tuna; or grilled veal liver; or an omelet with cheese; or a salad of steamed beans and vegetables, followed by fresh fruit, low-fat natural yogurt, or ice cream for dessert.

Bean salad. Mix several types of beans (one tablespoon of each color). Add finely chopped onion and coriander. Season with salt, pepper, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. It turns out 2 servings, each calorie content is 88 kcal.

The main diet for menopause in women

Animal fats are known to contain saturated fatty acids, which can increase triglyceride and bad cholesterol levels. Vegetable products (avocados, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils) contain poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, which, on the contrary, reduce the level of harmful elements. It follows from this that vegetable fats should be the basis of the diet (but you should not get too carried away with them).

  1. With menopause, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of meat. Sausages and offal are not useful during this period. Please note: before cooking meat products, it is worth removing all visible fat (the poultry must be cooked without the skin). The limitation is also imposed on eggs (in particular on the yolks).
  2. During this period, a special role is assigned to dairy products: low-fat milk, granular cottage cheese, hard cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. The main condition is to control the fat content in the products.
  3. With menopause, it is useful to eat fish and seafood. Do not forget about cereals (polished rice and semolina are not welcome, although no one forces them to be excluded from the diet). Seeds and nuts are excellent sources of complete protein, unsaturated fats, minerals and vitamins.
  4. As a food additive, it is recommended to include bran in the diet (this valuable product is a source of dietary fiber and B vitamins). Thanks to the bran, you can not be afraid of constipation.
  5. With menopause, doctors recommend limiting salt intake to minimize the risk of developing hypertension and swelling. You can season your food with herbs and soy sauce.
  6. Vitamins and minerals are catalysts of metabolic processes, therefore, during menopause, it is worth increasing the consumption of foods containing them. Greens and brightly colored vegetables, fruits and berries (bell peppers, red cabbage, carrots, black currants, cherries, etc.) bring benefits.

All these measures taken together will help you prolong youth and preserve beauty and femininity for a long time. It is not only possible to postpone menopause, but also necessary, because it allows you to improve the quality of life and prolong it.

The concept of "age" can be viewed from different aspects: from the point of view of the chronology of events, biological processes of the body, social formation and psychological development.

Age covers the entire path of life. Its counting begins from birth and ends with physiological death. Age shows from birth to a specific event in a person's life.

Birth, growing up, development, old age - all human lives, of which the entire earthly path consists. Having been born, a person began his first stage, and then, over time, he will go through all of them sequentially.

Classification of age periods from the point of view of biology

There is no single classification; at different times it was compiled differently. The differentiation of periods is associated with a certain age when significant changes occur in the human body.

Human lives are the periods between key "points".

The passport or chronological age may not coincide with the biological one. It is by the latter that one can judge how he will perform his work, what loads his body can withstand. The biological age can both lag behind the passport and ahead of it.

Consider the classification of life periods, which is based on the concept of age based on physiological changes in the body:

Age periods
0-4 weeksnewborn
4 weeks - 1 yearchest
1-3 yearsearly childhood
3-7 years oldpreschool
7-10 / 12 years oldjunior school
girls: 10-17 / 18 years oldadolescent
boys: 12-17 / 18 years old
young men17-21 years oldyouthful
girls16-20 years old
men21-35 years oldmature age, 1 period
women20-35 years old
men35-60 years oldmature age, 2 period
women35-55 years old
55 / 60-75 years oldelderly age
75-90 old age
90 years and morecentenarians

Scientists' views on the age periods of human life

Depending on the era and country, scientists and philosophers proposed different criteria for the gradation of the main stages of life.

For instance:

  • Chinese scientists have divided human life into 7 phases. "Desirable", for example, was the age from 60 to 70 years old. This is the period of development of spirituality and human wisdom.
  • The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras identified the stages of human life with the seasons. Each lasted 20 years.
  • The ideas of Hippocrates became fundamental for the further definition of the periods of life. He singled out 10, each 7 years long, starting from birth.

Periods of life according to Pythagoras

The ancient philosopher Pythagoras, considering the stages of human existence, identified them with the seasons. He distinguished four of them:

  • Spring is the beginning and development of life, from birth to 20 years.
  • Summer is youth, from 20 to 40 years old.
  • Autumn is blooming, from 40 to 60 years old.
  • Winter is extinction, 60 to 80 years old.

Periods according to Pythagoras had a duration of exactly 20 years. Pythagoras believed that everything on Earth is measured by numbers, to which he treated not only as mathematical symbols, but also endowed them with a certain magical meaning. The numbers also allowed him to determine the characteristics of the cosmic order.

For the age periods, Pythagoras also applied the concept of "quaternary", because he compared them with eternal, unchanging phenomena of nature, for example, the elements.

Periods of human life (according to Pythagoras) and their advantages are based on the doctrine of the idea of ​​eternal return. Life is eternal, like successive seasons, and man is a part of nature, lives and develops according to its laws.

The concept of "seasons" according to Pythagoras

Identifying the age intervals of a person's life with the seasons, Pythagoras emphasized that:

  • Spring is the time of the beginning, the birth of life. The child develops with pleasure absorbing new knowledge. He is interested in all around, but so far everything happens in the form of a game. The child is blooming.
  • Summer is the period of growing up. A person blooms, he is attracted by everything new, still unknown. Continuing to flourish, a person does not lose his childhood fun.
  • Autumn - a person has become an adult, balanced, former gaiety gave way to confidence and slowness.
  • Winter is a period of reflection and summing up. The person has come most of the way and is now considering the results of his life.

The main periods of the earthly path of people

Considering the existence of an individual, the main periods of a person's life can be distinguished:

  • youth;
  • mature age;
  • old age.

At each stage, a person acquires something new, revises his values, changes his social status in society.

The basis of existence is formed by periods of a person's life. The features of each of them are associated with growing up, changes in the environment, the state of mind.

Features of the main stages of personality existence

The periods of a person's life have their own characteristics: each stage complements the previous one, brings with it something new, something that has not yet been in life.

Maximalism is inherent in youth: the dawn of mental, creative abilities occurs, the main physiological processes of growing up are completed, the appearance and well-being are improving. At this age, the system is established, time begins to be appreciated, self-control increases, and the reassessment of others occurs. A person is determined with the direction of his life.

Having reached the threshold of maturity, a person has already reached certain heights. In the professional field, he occupies a stable position. This period coincides with the strengthening and maximum development of social status, decisions are made deliberately, a person does not avoid responsibility, he values ​​the present day, he can forgive himself and others for the mistakes he has made, realistically evaluates himself and others. This is the age of achievement, conquering the peaks and getting the maximum opportunities for your development.

Old age is more associated with losses than gains. A person finishes working, his social environment changes, and inevitable physiological changes appear. However, a person can still engage in self-development, in most cases this happens more on a spiritual level, on the development of the inner world.

Critical points

The most important periods of a person's life are associated with changes in the body. They can also be called critical: the hormonal background changes, due to which there are changes in mood, irritability and nervousness appear.

Psychologist E. Erickson identifies 8 crisis periods in a person's life:

  • Teenage years.
  • The entry of a person into adulthood is the thirtieth anniversary.
  • Transition to the fourth decade.
  • Fortieth anniversary.
  • The middle of life is 45 years.
  • Fiftieth anniversary.
  • Fifty-fifth anniversary.
  • Fifty-sixth anniversary.

Confident overcoming of "critical points"

Overcoming each of the presented periods, a person moves to a new stage of development, while conquering the difficulties that have arisen on his way, and strives to conquer new heights of his life.

The child breaks away from his parents and tries to find his own direction in life on his own.

In the third ten, a person revises his principles, changes his views on the environment.

Approaching the fourth ten, people try to gain a foothold in life, climb the career ladder, and begin to think more rationally.

In the middle of life, a person begins to wonder if he is living correctly. There is a desire to do something that will leave a memory of him. Disappointment and fear for your life appears.

At the age of 50, a slowdown in physiological processes affects health, age-related changes occur. However, a person has already correctly set his life priorities, his nervous system is working stably.

At 55, wisdom appears, a person enjoys life.

At 56, a person thinks more about the spiritual side of his life, develops the inner world.

Doctors say that if you are ready and know about critical periods of life, then they will be overcome calmly and painlessly.


A person himself decides by what criteria he divides his life periods, and what he means in the concept of "age". This could be:

  • Purely external attractiveness, which a person seeks to prolong in all available ways. And he considers himself young as long as his appearance allows it.
  • Division of life into "youth" and "end of youth". The first period lasts as long as there is an opportunity to live without obligations, problems, responsibility, the second - when problems, life difficulties appear.
  • Physiological changes in the body. A person clearly follows the changes and identifies his age with them.
  • The concept of age is associated with the state of mind and consciousness. A person measures his age by the state of his soul and inner freedom.

As long as a person's life is filled with meaning, a desire to learn something new, and all this is organically combined with the wisdom and spiritual wealth of the inner world, a person will be forever young, despite the weakening of the physical capabilities of his body.

When we feel bad, there comes some kind of crisis in life, then we look for salvation everywhere and everywhere. But there is no life without crises, so all efforts must be made to overcome them, and not to try to dodge.

Many in such moments are tormented by one thought: bad luck only haunts me, all the problems are in me, a failure in life. These experiences make it even harder to get out of stress.

Psychologists say that not a single person can bypass age-related crises, however, they go through them in different ways, depending on the character, attitude, lifestyle, etc. happens not only to you, but to other people too. Many have heard about the midlife crisis, about the transition period in children, but we know much less about other age crises.

People have problems with its birth. Psychologists have compiled a list of age-related crises starting from the first year of a child's life. It is especially important to know about children's crises, which can and should be helped by the child's parents. After all, it is in childhood that a view of life, the ability to resist difficulties, responsibility, resilience and much more are formed, which is the basis of the human character. How a child perceives himself in childhood depends on what kind of person he will grow up to be.

Many will incredulously object: they say, what crises can babies have ?! This is the main parental mistake - a lack of understanding of what happens to your child as they grow up, what worries him, how he perceives the world around him and those people who are next to him, including parents.

What crises lie in wait for the child? In the first year of life, a small person decides whether this world is worth trust, and those around them are worth love. He develops a common attitude towards the world. At the age of three, stubbornness manifests itself, because the child begins to realize himself as a person with his desires and requirements.

Age - 7 years - is considered the time of birth of the child's social "I". It is at this age that he either begins to feel himself the crown of the universe, or acquires an inferiority complex. At this age, he goes to school, that is, he leaves a family where he is loved, protected, cherished, into the world of other people. How prepared he is, how your child adapts to this world, depends only on you.

At 12-14 years old, the child is already a teenager. He begins to fight for independence, for his rights, for the opportunity to make his own decisions. In addition, at this age, for the first time, he fully realizes his belonging to one or another sex.

When he turns 18-20 years old, the child has a final separation from childhood. Now the age crisis occurs because there is a desire for independence, the beginning of the struggle for a better place in life.

What age crises lie in wait for adults? When the time of student life ends, the first steps in a career are made, at the age of 27-29 the time of maturity begins, and a person has to combine dreams and reality. During this period, a person usually makes the last dramatic changes in work and personal life.

At the age of 35-37, a midlife crisis begins, when a person questions everything that has been achieved, and a reassessment of values ​​occurs. Midlife crisis is usually harder for men. Perceiving their age as critical, they are trying to make an attempt to "jump on the last car" of the outgoing youth, and this often brings problems to family relationships. And how the family will survive this crisis largely depends on the woman, her behavior, wisdom and patience.

53-55 years - a crisis of pre-retirement age. A person is afraid of a change in social status. Many women worry about losing their former attractiveness. Keeping youth in their souls, they cannot bring together their physical and psychological age. At this age, illnesses begin, and a deterioration in physical condition, and a decrease in strength and capabilities is very difficult for the psyche. Well, if a friendly family, successful, happy children have survived, there are grandchildren, then the life lived does not seem in vain. And if loneliness?

The crisis of 65-67 years is a preparation for death, or the "nodular period", when a person gathers everything that has been achieved into a knot, exists, as it were, in two worlds - here and there, gains greater freedom in preferences, creativity, love ...

Few people live to be 100 years old. At this age, a person feels tired of life, a feeling of emptiness, he has a desire to die ...

Age crises are different for all people. Someone does not notice them, someone is experiencing especially hard, making mistakes, suffering and torment. Once Epicurus said: “Always work. Always love. Love your wife and children more than yourself. Do not expect gratitude from people and do not be upset if they do not thank you. Admonition instead of hatred, smile instead of contempt. Always have a new book in the library, a full bottle in the cellar, and a fresh flower in the garden. " No matter what happens in our life, no matter what crises shake it, we live, move forward, and to a great extent it depends on ourselves whether we enjoy life or not. Let's try to be happy?