Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchen shelves - types, fastening methods and independent manufacture. Standard regiment on the kitchen with their hands shelf for dishes do it yourself

The kitchen is one of the most "meaningful" places in any house where every hostess spends a lot of time, glading close to culinary masterpieces. The issue of organizing space is one of the key when the arrangement of this room. Solve the task help the mounted shelves for the kitchen, which came to replace the traditional suspended cabinets. They successfully perform two functions at the same time: speaking an indispensable assistant to store things in the farm.

Times when the kitchen was a fireless room in the house, go back. Today it combines style and functionality. Shelves help maintain it in a tidy form, saving the inner space from the rubble.

Depending on the type, they are several species.

Thanks to the use of mounted systems when interior design, the room acquires completed features.


Classic open-type shelves enjoy the greatest demand due to their ease of installation. Quick-free systems provide fast access to kitchen utensils.

Indisient advantages:

  • you can even place in a small room;
  • when operating, free space is required to open the doors;
  • a complete overview allows you to save time in search of the necessary items.

On open surfaces it is convenient to place seasonings in bulky jars, tea sets and decorative plates

They are made to exhibit beautiful kitchen accessories for review, and bulky ordinary utensils are better hidden behind the door of the suspended cabinets.

Multi-level, which have "branches" of horizontal surfaces in different directions use very popularity.

Even the most common straight shelf can play the role of expressive accent


They are ideal for small kitchens, very compact, occupy a minimum of space. May have one or two-level structure. This type appropriately looks above a sofa or a high corner.

Convenient to accommodate recipes, notebooks with recipes

Adjusting the depth and height, it is possible to use free space as rational as possible, cycling each free centimeter wall.

Open systems serve as an original showcase on which it is possible to demonstrate decor elements, elegant dishes.

The installation involves the entire angle, due to which the functionality of the room increases

Shelves lattice

Modern designers are constantly experimenting, giving this subject of furniture various forms, sizes and colors. The fruits of such efforts can rightly be considered lattices that act as an personification of some openness and purity.

Grilles, although they look light and weightless, can withstand considerable weight

Convenient solution for storing dishes of everyday use.

With built-in boxes

The shelf with small boxes can replace the mounted cabinet, especially convenient for small kitchens, where each square meter is valuable. In the boxes it is convenient to add tanks with spices, pastry accessories, necessary trivia for comfortable work in the kitchen.

If closed cabinets are able to visually narrow the space, the boxes make it more spacious

The indisputable advantage of such structures is their low cost. Acquisition of closed cabinets in the equivalent will be released much more.

With backlit

Internal illumination systems can serve as a full source of lighting.

One or two point lamps capable of expanding the decorative features of the functional element of the kitchen headset

The role of decorative illumination can perform:

  • ribbons with LED modules;
  • spotlights;
  • graceful Bra.

To enhance the effect, the rear walls often make mirrored. The diffusable light from the backlight introduces a special coziness and home heat into the atmosphere.

Light shelves will help create a romantic setting in a dark room, bringing mysteriousness and mystery to the atmosphere.

Here will amazingly look at culinary books, photos of families brought from various souvenirs countries.

Choose and order wall shelves for the kitchen at a good price you can in the company.

Selection of material for the manufacture of shelves

Today, natural textures are popular. When choosing a material is to be guided, for what purposes they are planned to be used. They can be:


Designs from natural material introduce to the interior of comfort and heat. From oak, pine, alder or beech are famous for high strength.

On open wooden surfaces there are kitchen accessories and dishes, which are constantly used in the farm

The lack of wooden structures - vulnerability to high humidity limits their scope. They are more often suspended outside the working area, not used to accommodate pots with plants.


They successfully combine with kitchen headsets, in the design of which there are metal elements, railing systems.

Metal lattices

To protect the surface from corrosion and giving metal products of the presentable appearance, they are often covered with polymer paint.


Transparent glass suspensions, look air.

Glass surfaces fit well into modern styles, where the main focus is on ease of

Using glass with a thickness of 6 mm and more, you can not worry that Kalenny material is cooled under the severity of items placed on it. Glass designs are discharged under the utensils, thereby unloading the upper cabinets.

Thanks to the coloring of the apron, these glass shelves are fault


Heavy plates used as shelves and support are popular among connoisseurs of natural materials.

Important! Heavy designs are suitable for mounting only on a solid base.

Stone suspensions echo with apron or flooring of a kitchen made of the same material or imitating a natural surface.

Shelves in different interior styles

The kitchen interior, supplemented by mounted shepherd ensembles, it looks cozy.

For the classics, the ideal solution will be suspended structures with sides and cornices. They will add respectableness.

Rustic coarse, artificially aged shelves made of wooden array will become a worthy addition of the interior decorated in the style of "Country", "Shebbi Chic" or "Provence". Massive suspensions made of coarse boards or untreated wood will be supplemented with small chests, braided baskets for storing kitchen equipment.

The spectacular shelves made of glass and metal are perfect for the modern "High-Tek". They are ideal for the embodiment of non-standard ideas. In modern styles like "Loft" or "Art Deco" trendy, cavities of a hidden fastening.

Designs with internal illumination, made in laconic strict forms and discreet colors, help create an atmosphere of space.

The choice of finished shelf systems, presented on the furniture market, is quite wide. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the selection of the optimal option. Simple tips will help make the right decision:

  1. Attachment should not burden space. For premises with a small area, it is better to prefer 2 small spacious shelves than one cumbersome.
  2. Choosing models with suspended fasteners, you simplify yourself the task in the subsequent disassembly for cleaning the surface from contaminants.
  3. You purchase a shelf for decorative purposes - choose elegant single-level items, planning to place on it as small things as possible - give preference to multi-level.

If there was no option that would satisfy your preferences, you can always do it with your own hands.

How to make the shelf yourself

The attached system of the rectangular shape is the simplest performed. The dimensions depend on the place of its placement, the sizes of the objects located on it.

The main disadvantage of open shelves is that the objects placed on their surface are very quickly covered with dust and fat.

Tip: Determining the optimal height of placement, focus on not to accounter too high to it stretch or, on the contrary, beat your head about the lower band.

Based on this drawing, it is not difficult to perform any variation, if necessary, having reduced the width of the bands or adding the structure to 3-4 blocks

As an example, consider the process of manufacturing a simple rectangular shelf with a size of 300x250 mm at a length of 1100 mm.

You will need:

  • wooden boards or sheets of chipboard;
  • brackets for fastening shelves;
  • fine-grained sandpaper for surface grinding;
  • line and simple pencil;
  • building level;
  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • paint or veil.

Making advantage of the correctness of the markup, the electroll bissing 4 long and 2 short blanks

Prepared boards are laid on the table. With the help of a pencil and ruler carry the dimensions of the drawing drawn. The height of the side walls, taking into account the thickness of the boards, will be 268 mm.

To make the smooth surface details, each workpiece is stuffed.

Tip: To extend the life of the wooden structure, all sides of each workpiece, including end faces, are coated with an antiseptic and moisture-repellent composition.

By installing side blanks with displacement to the center of the bands, you will get a new original design.

Now the lower board is laid on a flat surface, retreating from each end to 8 mm, parallel to the sections are carried out 2 level lines. According to the contour of the outlined lines, retreating 50 mm from the edge, drill 2 holes under the self-tapping screw. The same manipulations are performed with the top blank.

By setting the upper strip on the side blanks, fasten with self-draws. By the same principle, the bottom board is fixed to the opposite ends of the lateral blanks.

At the ends of the side walls pinned the brackets. Having measured the distance between the attachments of the brackets of the collected design, tolerate the measurements on the wall, determining the place under the holes for the dowels. At the final stage, it remains only to push the brackets on the fasteners and hang.

It is interesting to have a regiment of non-standard form, which is also simple.

Important! In the manufacture of such a design, the main thing is to make sections with symmetrical, otherwise the strips will not be folded. To withstand the desired angle and get a smooth slice is easiest using the stub.

The subject in the form of a simplified labyrinth is made of 6 blanks, the ends of which are cut at an angle of 45 ° and 90 °

When creating more original and sophisticated designs, it is better to use the services of professionals. They will help competently calculate the dimensions of the design and make such a wall shelf into the kitchen, which will organically fit into the place allotted for it.

Video selection: shelves in the kitchen interior

Wall mounted shelves are an excellent designer solution. They will help streamline space by making it stylish and functional.

The kitchen is not just a beautiful accessory, but also a place to store a variety of kitchen utensils. Usually, men do not understand why a woman needs so many shelves when any hostess knows that much faster and more convenient to prepare delicious food, if everything you need is at hand, in a prominent place.

Classic interior

Hinged shelves for the kitchen are used for storing spoons, bowls, glasses, jars with croups and spices. It should be noted that such a subject of the interior can be worn as a purely decorative nature and practical. In the first version, the shelves are usually located outside the cooking zone. Decorative vases, figurines, painted tableware or various cute little things made by their own hands are perfectly looking at them.

Decorative mounted shelves for the kitchen are usually made of wood because it mostly emphasizes the comfort and comfort of the room. It cannot be said that in the interior design they will play a decisive role, but will definitely bring their highlights. For classic style, wooden hinged shelves for the kitchen are perfectly suitable, which are presented below.

Modern kitchen

In the case of an interior in the style of Modern, shelves will be more relevant with a large number of chromed parts. They can be attached to the walls, but more and more often on sale you can see metal attachments for rails, which have compact dimensions and are easily attached on the iron rail. The photo of attached shelves of this type is presented below. They usually have the type of grilles and are associated with cleanliness and order.

In modern interiors, highlighting designs are very often used, which can be favorably complementing the main lighting. A bright accent in the interior of any kitchen can be a hinged shelf with glass.

Optimal sizes of mounted structures

This type of interior can be radically different in width, height and depth. As for the last parameter, the heights of 30-33 cm are considered the best option. The height and width will depend on the purpose of the attached structures, as well as the size of the room. For a small family, a shelf 40 x 60 cm can be quite sufficient, and for four or five people it is better to choose a more practical option.

In the spacious room, wide, but low mounted shelves for the kitchen are much better. And for a small room is more appropriate to choose high and narrow options. It will also be good to look at the design of several identical little shelves.

Materials and tools for creating mounted structures from wood

In order to manufacture the shelves of mounted kitchens, some tools and materials that can be easily found almost in any building store are needed. You will need:

LDSP sheets (width - 30 cm);

Furniture corners;


Screws and screwdriver;

Spring brackets;

Glue joiner;

Rods for hanging the kitchen inventory;

Electric jigsaw;

Drill and drill;

Roulette, pencil, ruler, measuring rack, clamp.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the manufacture, you must view the photo of the hinged shelves and choose the most liked option. Then you need to make a drawing and calculate the desired amount of material for the future attachment. It is best to purchase factory billets from laminated chipboard. But you can also buy a chipboard and cut it on drawn up drawings.

For this work, it is best suited that practically does not leave defects on the edges of the product. For a qualitative result, the ends of the parts can be pulled using a manual machine. It should also be used to cut a chipboard of electric heating with a carbide disk having a return tilt of teeth.

Assembling shelves

All sleeps are closed by melamine clamp. For this, the edge is applied to the end of the part and gently pressed into the measure of the hot iron, is superfluous.

So that the kitchen shelves serve for a long time, their housing must be fully assembled on screws. To do this, the holes of a depth of a third of the rotary length are drilled in each detail. To make the correct placement of internal sections, it is better to use a measuring rail that needs to be attracted to the bottom of the shelf with a clamp.

If the design has folding doors, then you need to attach the supports of spring brackets. They are first fixed on partitions and side walls of a mounted shelf, and then fasten directly to the doors. It should be borne in mind that the upper edge of the door must defend from the top edge of the shelf body by 3-5 mm, then nothing will interfere with opening and closing.

How to give aesthetic view of homemade shelves

Depending on the overall style of the kitchen interior, as well as the personal preferences of the home owners, you can pick up various options. The easiest solution to the question is painting. The mounted shelves for the kitchen are better to paint the acrylic paint on a water basis, since it is not toxic, practically no smell, will dry very quickly and has an incredibly wide color and shades palette.

Another option is to make a lobby pattern with a jigsaw and cover a shelf with a varnish for wood work. You can also cover its self-adhesive paper suitable coloring. Here, as they say, you need to rely on your fantasy and create a real masterpiece.

It is impossible to introduce a modern kitchen without hinged shelves who enjoy the dishes, cutlery, small household appliances, products and other necessary things. The lack of good, spacious shelves lead to a mess in the kitchen, while the elements of the kitchen headset are selected with taste not only decorate it, but also give the pleasure of the hostess.

Used by all for a long time, kitchen boxes are departed into the background. Large dimensions "eat" a lot of space in the already small kitchen space, a lot of weight makes it difficult to install.

Hinged shelves in the kitchen - it is fashionable and stylish

Hinged shelves - a practical and stylish solution for. Despite its small sizes, the hinged shelves are quite spacious and with a properly selected material from which they will be made are able to withstand even a pan and pan.

The installation of the mounted shelf does not require special skills, does not take much time. Such an element headset visually does not narrow the space, contain all the necessary things and decorate the interior of the room. Unlike the usual cabinets, everything is in mind here.


Hinged shelves can be used:

  • As a replacement of mounted cabinets in the kitchen, Where lockers will look rude. In this case, all the upper kitchen space is equipped with mounted shelves of various sizes. They are placed frying pan, pans, plates, mugs and other household items.
  • As a support. They are a secondary element, serve to connect cabinets, filling out free space (between the closet and wall) or increase the place for storing various cans, boxes.
  • As a decorative element. The shelf is used exclusively for the purpose of decorating the interior as the stand under the frames with photos, lamps, pots with flowers, candles, etc.

In the interior

Selecting the mounted shelf is important to take into account the overall design of the kitchen. Beautiful outcome depends on the harmonious combination of color and material of the shelf with a kitchen head. In a room with wooden furniture, plastic shelves will not be placed.

The size and material of the future shelf depends on the role it performs. The more things are supposed to keep it, it should be larger, and the material is more reliable.


Attached shelves in the kitchen, among other things, still a good decor.

Wood shelves - affordable and practical solution, will especially appropriate to look in the classic interior or in the style of Provence. A bright ornament, carving on the shelves of the shelves will give comfort and elegance.

A tree is an environmentally friendly material, shelves from it have low weight and high strength. Copies treated with a special solution protecting moisture, rotting and insects are distinguished by durability.


  • Wake up with frequent contacts with water.
  • Attractive for insects are easily damaged by rodents.

Shelf for seasoning in the kitchen: Convenient, interesting and accessible. Watch the video with explanations of the Master:

Metal, for rails

Interior items made of metal (for example,), harmoniously fit into the kitchen in the style of "Modern" or "High-tech". The use of this material does not imply the creation of a coarse shelf, on the contrary, thin mounts, steel or bronze lattices with the presence of chrome-plated parts will give the design of refinement and ease. Used both for storage of things and drying dishes.

Metal shelves are distinguished by durability, strength and ease of construction, especially the design of. The use of suspension fasteners will allow you to remove a wet cleaning. Mounting such shelves immediately to the walls or by means of a metal rail. Do not deform under the influence of high temperatures and are not afraid of high humidity.

Small shelves for rails are very convenient for storage.


Mounted plastic shelves will allow you to decorate the interior, thanks to a wide range of colors and the ability to portray on the surface of the subject any drawing. Lightweight, durable designs do not lose room, unload the walls, bring order, will be quite good for the boxes and.

Plastic - the most affordable material, has high chemical stability. Plastic shelves can be any form, with built-in flashlights. Such shelves are easy to transport, install or outweigh.


  • Plastic products are not suitable for storing heavy things. Most preferably, the use of a plastic shelf as a decorative element.


Glass shelves will best fit into a modern interior, emphasizing the sophistication and elegance of the owners of the house. The hidden fasteners will create the impression of the "hanging" of the object in the air, and the special holders will give the shelf a more serious and fashionable look. An interior element can be chosen in classic design - transparent glass or pick up the overall style of the kitchen room. For decoration, you can use glass shelves in the kitchen.

To give the interior of the room more elegant species, one-level shelves are suitable for the most necessary or memorable things. To enhance functionality - multi-level, capable of placing a large number of items.

The glass thickness should be chosen at least 6 mm, better 8 - 10 mm. Then you are sure that it will not crack the things under it. Frames with photos, glasses, crystal dishes - everything can be placed on this fragile, but very durable shelf.


  • You need to handle such a shelf as extremely gently, accidentally damaged - still glass.

Stone or acrylic for dishes

Acrylic - modern and stylish material, which is increasingly used in the kitchen

Stone shelves are a stylish and rare option. Products successfully fit into any interior. The use of such a shelf must be appropriate in the overall design of the room: the presence of tabletops from the same material and apron or floor, similar to the color with the shelf.

Despite the strength, the stone shelves are more often used for the stand under vases, candles, figurines, caskets, etc. The game on the contrast gives charm and solidity to the room.


  • Not suitable for plasterboard walls.
  • Heavy.

How to make inexpensive do it yourself

The mounted shelf can be made independently, most importantly, armed with the necessary tools and stock materials. Such work will not require a lot of time and strength, but will please the result.

Procedure of work and recommendations for the manufacture of wall shelves: open, corner, direct

The most suitable materials for the manufacture of the mounted shelf do it yourself are LDSP (width 25 - 30 cm), plywood or wood. From the tools you need to prepare a drill, electric jigsaw, sandpaper, screwdriver and self-tapping screws, glue.

  • On the sheet of material, we draw the drawing of the desired size. The edges should be made a little rounded.
  • We cut the blank using the jigsaw gently and slowly so that the lines are smooth.
  • We process the edges of sandpaper, making them smooth, smooth.

Wooden shelf scheme in the kitchen.

The workpiece of the future shelves is ready, now you need to give her a presentable look. If you used a paneur or tree, you need to paint the shelf and cover the entire surface with a special varnish. The shelf from LDSP special processing does not require, just glue the rubberized Kant with glue to the end part (you can find in any construction store).

Attach the "craft" can be attached to ordinary corners, or use special fasteners by choosing suitable under the type and weight of your future shelf.

Video: How to fix the suspension cabinet or shelf on the wall

How to fix the shelf on a plasterboard wall, watch the video:

Unusual kitchen decorative shelves - non-standard solution

  • Shelf installed on the table, adds places for drinks, hot, etc.
  • Folding mounted shelf It intends to use if necessary, convenient for. You can add to saving space.
  • Provides an additional light source and highlights a memorable subject.
  • Retractable Shelf Promotes an increase in the working surface.

The use of mounted shelves significantly saves the place in modern small-sized kitchens, does not waste the wall, does not darken the space. Such shelves will help refresh the interior, make a highlight, and they are much cheaper than the cabinets at almost the same capacity you can purchase.

Unusual shelves from old saucepan

Interesting stone shelves, boxes

The mounted wall shelf (open direct or angular) can be made independently on their own sketches and inexpensive, and this is a unique subject of the interior and master pride. You can also buy, for example, in the IKEA store. Read on kitchen furniture knobs. Read in.

For the economical and hardworking owner there is nothing more pleasant than to make useful things for home with your own hands. And if the construction of large-sized furniture like beds and cabinets requires special locksmith skills, then make the shelf to the kitchen die even lovers. In this article you will learn everything about how to build a beautiful and functional kitchen regiment.

The kitchen is the heart and soul of each house, because it is here that all family members are going to enjoy delicious food, talk and relax. Therefore, it is very important that a favorable calm atmosphere rear in the kitchen, and the pledge of comfort is always order. If everything lies in their places, you do not need to spend time and nerves in search - it is enough to stretch your hand. That is why each kitchen needs to arrange all sorts of shelves and cabinets.

The main requirement for any shelves is a compliance with the overall interior design, and it applies not only to the color, but also to the form and size of the structure.

The most common mistakes when choosing and installing kitchen shelves:

  1. The shelf is not suitable in texture or color to the main furniture. For example, if light pastel shades are dominated in the kitchen, the massive shelf with a metal edging will be clearly inappropriate, and vice versa.
  2. The dimensions and characteristics of the shelves must correspond to its functional purpose. So, if you need a drying shelf for dishes, then you should not use massive narrow boards, because the water will spoil the tree very quickly - it will swell and "bloom." In this case, stainless metal products are suitable with drain holes. Metal shelves in the kitchen will withstand the weight of the dishes, and the water will not be formed on them.
  3. Brackets and fasteners should be maximized as much as possible in color with shelf and wall. If you do not comply with this condition, the shelf will be knocked out of the overall interior and rushing into the eyes with a non-stain stain.

Select design

To the selection of the design of future shelves, it is necessary to approach the most carefully as possible. Under the design it is necessary to understand not only the appearance (decor), but also functionality.

The easiest way to make a rectangular shelf from the tree Idi chipboard, so if you are not sure about your abilities, it is better to start with elementary structures. The main thing is to remember that the size and thickness of the shelf must correspond to the dimensions of things placed on them. So, for the storage of spices is quite narrow plastic shelves, and for cereals and conservation it will take something much more powerful.

Place the shelves should be so that all family members can reach them, or vice versa - could not, if we are talking about young children.

If you want to use space along the whole wall, you can make hinged shelves in the kitchen in several rows.

Methods of fastening the shelves

Methods for fastening kitchen shelves depend on a variety of factors: materials from which they are made, load, design, etc. However, the defining criterion is still the material. Below we will tell you in detail how and from what you can build a shelf for the kitchen. Before separating the shelves by type, it should be noted that construction on the construction is mounted, outdoor and retractable. And if with the first two more and more less clearly, the retractable shelves in the kitchen should be considered in more detail.

Natural tree and chipboard

The most common appearance. Wooden shelves in the kitchen will be able to make even a teenager, which will certainly please his mother.

To make the shelf of wood, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • actually the material itself is a chipboard, boards or wooden boxes;
  • perforator (drill a concrete wall to install fasteners);
  • electrolzik (cut a tree);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • sandpaper of various grainability (grinding the surface of the tree);
  • circul (if there are rounded elements);
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • brackets or assembled consoles for hanging shelves;
  • wood simer (if you are toned);
  • brush;
  • alkyd varnish (it is better to take an alkyd varnish, because it is more resistant to moisture).

The shape of wooden shelves can be any, but it is better to make them traditionally rectangular or triangular if placed in the corner. Round or oval shelves are not suitable for each kitchen and are mostly suitable for spacious premises.

In order for the wooden coating to light up as long as possible, pay attention to its finish and protection - use varnishes, ribbons for edging, do not expose wood with excessive moisturization.

Useful advice: For a small kitchen, you should not make thick bulky shelves. It will not look good and comfortable, but very cumbersome.

Plasterboard for shelves

Kitchen shelves made of drywall are suitable for storing dry and non-heavy items. They should be positioned as far as possible from the sink, plates, steamer or multicuroca. Since the gypsum is very sensitive to moisture and is not able to withstand heavy loads, shelves from drywall are better set closer to the windows and rather for decorative purposes.

To increase the strength of the plasterboard shelf, it is necessary to strengthen its metal profiles from the back. What can be put on such a shelf? Place small musical columns, figurines, vases with dry plants or spices.

Plasterboard shelves look very natural and gently, especially if we are talking about the interiors in a romantic style.

To work, you will need:

  • plasterboard;
  • metallic profile;
  • mounting tape for overlapping joints;
  • self-tapping screw "Hypok-Tree" or "Metal";
  • fastening "corners";
  • putty;
  • materials for decor (paint, fabric, wallpaper, mosaic, etc.).

Decorative shelves

Quite often, decorative shelves in the kitchen are made in the same style to organize a small complex where you can store a beautiful collection dishes, original statuettes or solonki, purchased while traveling.

Useful advice: small decorative shelves can be fixed using finished fasteners, creating spectacular contrasting combinations with color or texture. For example, colored consoles for a shelf of a pastel blue shade or black brackets for a shelf of coarse wood.

Shelves - Bottles

This is a separate "elite breed" of shelves, which will take place in the kitchen of true connoisseurs of the noble drink. Bottles are designed specifically for wine storage under proper conditions. Each sommelier is known that wine requires a careful and respectful relationship, otherwise it will quickly lose its taste.

The unique properties of the bouquet are saved only when the bottle is properly stored - in a strictly horizontal position. What happens to wine that just stands in a closet or refrigerator? Through the plug slowly, but the oxygen is properly penetrated, devastating for swimming. It reacts with wine bacteria and changes the taste of the drink.

Bottles allow you to store bottles in an inverted tilt position, completely overlapping oxygen access. In addition, what to say, such shelves look very exquisite.

Of course, for one kitchen enough shelves are 3-5 bottles, otherwise it will turn into a wine cellar.

Retractable shelves

Gradually, we approached the most interesting and most popular kind of kitchen shelves. Retractable shelves today every day are becoming more demanding. Minimalism in fashion is for more than 3 years, and this trend continues to keep, diluted with only new trends like eco-style. The retractable mechanism allows you to save the maximum of free space, save the owners from unnecessary gestures and use each useful centimeter of the square.

There are several types of retractable shelves: shelves themselves, covers for storing covers, baskets for products, bottles, breadnings, etc.

The advantages of retractable shelves are obvious, especially when it comes to small kitchens. So, from the most ordinary close "Khrushchev" you can easily make a functional and pleasant kitchen using this technology. In addition to retractable shelves, retractable tables, seats, beds, etc. are also popular. Minimalism in combination with ergonomics is the perfect solution for the modern hostess.

For a small kitchen, the optimal option is the retractable shelves-baskets. They can store vegetables, cereals, bread or other products that need regular ventilation.

Corner shelf in the kitchen with their own hands

Any furniture can be made with your own hands, and if you show a droplet of fantasy, then ordinary items can become exclusive interior decorations. This rule concerns and kitchen shelves. The instruction described below will help you make the original and comfortable angular shelf for dishes, pickles or bulk products.

The material for the manufacture of the design was the trimming of LDSP, which remained after the construction of the kitchen headset. Such trimming can be bought in any furniture workshop for a low price. With the construction of such a shelf, anyone who knows how to keep the drill in their hands, and a maximum of 7 hours will go to work.

What instruments will need:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • grinding or sandpaper;
  • iron;
  • drill on a tree of different diameters;
  • 4 mm hexagon;
  • knife cutter (you can normal durable stationery knife);
  • pencil;
  • corolnic;
  • compass;
  • roulette.

Furnitura (can be purchased in any construction or furniture store):

  • confirmation - 16 pcs;
  • the edge ribbon, suitable for tone to the LDSP - 10 m (better than 12 m);
  • hinged loop - 4 pcs;
  • screw - 8 pcs;
  • plug - 16 pcs.

Creating a sketch

Before constructing something, you need to create a sketch on paper or, as in our case, on the computer.

Future product detail:

  1. Two shelves with a radius of 19x90 cm.
  2. Two shelves are more with a radius of 19x110 cm.
  3. Two racks 60x26.5 cm.
  4. Two racks 44x26.5 cm.

Manufacturing shelves

Pick the sketch of your kitchen sketch, prepare the necessary materials and proceed to the construction of the shelf.


  1. First of all, the sidewalls should be cut. Make a markup on the sheets of the LDSP, starting with a smooth section of 3-10 cm. If there are clamps, you can cross two sheets and cut two identical sidewalls in one way.

  2. There is no top protrusion on the inner rack, and its size is slightly less external. Please note that even if you use a new saw in the jigger, chipsets may form around the edges. You can fix it with grinding or manual grinding.

  3. Puck the part of the thermal tape. To do this, attach the ribbon to the side cut, cover the cotton rag and heat the iron. Go to the ribbon to LDSP gluing. Processing internal bends, apply the Iron only with a spout. The tape is always a little wider than the end, so the uncrossed part should be trimmed with a stationery knife.

  4. When the surplus is cut, treat the corners of small emery paper to remove the contrast adhesive strip. As a result, you will have two neat racks.
  5. Now you can collect the design. As a crossbar, use rectangular segments of the same LDSP, equal in length. Carefully choose the width so that the regiment does not protrude for the vertical rack.

  6. So that the shelf looked original, cut the inner rack in two places. The length of the slot must match the width of the shelf.

  7. Crerate the bottom and upper stand confirmation using a kitchen or an angular clamp.

  8. 8 mm from the edge of the drill suitable for confirmation, make a hole, deepening the second stage of the cutter no more than 2 mm.

  9. When the hole is ready, secure the details of the confirmation. Tighten until the stop so that the joint between the details completely disappeared. The main indicator is a light cracking when tightening.

  10. Attach the inner vertical rack at any suitable distance from the outside.

  11. Install the upper shelf by attaching it first to the outer rack.

  12. Drill it and fix it with confirm. During drilling, keep the drill clearly perpendicular to the shelf so that there is no convexity after twisting the confirmation.

  13. In the same way, attach the shelf to the inner rack.
  14. It remains only to stick decorative plugs to hide the places of fasteners and hang the shelf on her rightful place. In this case, it is not necessary to use any additional fasteners on the corner, since the chipboard is rather durable and bend it is almost impossible (in any case, the weights of cans and dishes are not enough for it).

Creative ideas

Finally, we offer you a material for inspiration - a selection of interesting options for kitchen shelves, which can be easily made with your own hands.

Shelves for the kitchen do it yourself - this is not just an additional surface for the kitchen inventory, but also the opportunity to save on the update of the kitchen headset by creating the author's design of the room. Such interior details are not necessary to buy: if you have the necessary tools, girlfriend and the original shelves, you can make it easily.

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Wooden shelves for the kitchen

Sometimes even in a large kitchen, there is no place for the entire kitchen inventory available. If buying ready-made headsets is too expensive, you should find another solution. In this case, the optimal and economical output is to make the original shelf into the kitchen with your own hands using the necessary tools.

The simplest wood shelf for the kitchen has a square or rectangular shape. The functional purpose of the product plays a key role in the manufacture and selection of parameters of building materials, since the thickness of the material used must withstand the estimated load.

In the manufacture of shelves, with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account the size and weight of the items that will be placed on it. Bottles with butter and vinegar require high and stronger design than low containers.

Before proceeding with the development of joinery craft, preparatory work should be carried out:

  • Choosing a place where the regiment is installed. The size of the design depend on the location.
  • Schematic application drawing design for work. It is not worth a strictly to a millimeter to create a graphic pattern, it is enough to simply draw an estimated product on a piece of paper by specifying its parameters. Also on the sketch you need to specify the place of attachment of the structure.
  • Preparation of the working tool so that in the future it is not distracted from the workflow.

Making sure the availability of the necessary inventory, you can start making the shelf for the kitchen with your own trees.

Phased production:

  1. On wood material, drawing markings on which the board is cut, then the parts are grinding sandpaper.
  2. The processed billets are bonded with self-draws. Fasteners cling to the frame.
  3. The protective layer is applied. Such measures are necessary to protect the design from exposure to external factors: moisture, fat, chemicals. To achieve the goal, paint, varnish or adhesive film are used. When painting the product, pick up the color corresponding to the overall interior and kitchen style.
  4. Installation. The method of fastening depends on the carrying capacity and material of the walls of the kitchen.

Wooden walls allow you to make fasteners of various products using nails, screws and other fastening elements. Working tool: hammer, screwdriver.

In working with concrete walls with a high level of carrying capacity, it is better to apply a perforator and dowel. You need to drill holes in the appointed place and score a dowel. Composing nails to attach the shelf with a hammer. If the wall in the kitchen is plasterboard, it will not be possible to attach heavy structures. For fasteners, special nails and drill will be needed.

Knowing, from the wood how to make the shelf, it will be possible to quickly make the desired kitchen element.

Corner facilities

Often in the kitchen there is a lot of free space in the corners. To accommodate the standard bedside table, there is not enough space, but it is possible to make an angular shelf independently.

For operation, several screws and surface harvesting are needed. If the accommodation is scheduled next to the already available hinged bedside table, you need to screw the screws on an unused wall and the side wall of the headset so that the caps look out for 2-3 cm. On the resulting support, you need to put a blank - an angular regiment is ready.

For more reliable racks, the angular shelves are designed using utility materials, additional fasteners and tools.

Shelf for spices

When many different spices were gathered in the kitchen, which are packaged by tanks, the problem of the location of all these small cans arises. To arrange the seasoning, the shelves for spices can be made it yourself.

The shelf material can perform a fibreboard of medium density stove (MDF).

The design of plywood is simple in its version:

  • determine the size of the shelf;
  • placed on the kitchen wall location of the attachment of retaining elements;
  • drill holes, holders fix;
  • in fixed elements set the created item.

Such a structural part in the kitchen will help streamline spices and add space in the kitchen.

Decorative designs

Decorative shelves for the kitchen with their own hands just just do, having the necessary tools and raw materials at hand.

The decorative shelf is made of fragile material and does not carry the functional load.

From drywall

You can make the shelf on the kitchen even from drywall do it yourself.

To build such a design to the kitchen, you need to remove the measurements, transfer them to the drawing, and then on the material. Cutting the Special Sketch Sketch, it is required to bore a part of each other. When the design is ready, it should be saved by wallpaper or self-adhesive film to give the product completed.

Plasterboard shelf, with their own hands made, fragile, so its durability is not guaranteed. The location of such a surface in the kitchen should be away from the stove and sink, a convenient option - near the window.

Options for constructive

The execution of shelves in the kitchen may be not only angular and vertical. The design of coaching surfaces may be different. Some designs have a movable facade, so they are complex for making at home, but if you work hard, it will be possible to make it possible to make it easier.

You can create an interesting shelf in the kitchen with a pallet, attaching it on the wall or drill a few holes in the plywood. This will create a mounted stand in the kitchen for bottles with your own hands, placing them with the neck into the hole. Using healthy items, you can present hundreds of forms and varieties of designs for the kitchen.

Open and closed

Open shelves in the kitchen began to push down hinged headsets. Such designs are the coach of the kitchen interior. Open surfaces visually expand the space, and everything you need is available at any per minute.

Closed shelves in the kitchen are familiar hinged headsets and small bedside tables.

Shelves lattice

The shelf for the kitchen in the form of a lattice is designed to store dishes in the kitchen after washing and can be mounted inside the attached headset.