Repairs Design Furniture

What the ticks look like. How to get rid of the lounge tick at home. External signs, symptoms of "bite" bed tick

About a third of his life a man spends in a dream. In the cozy bed, he rests and recruits forces for a new day. However, often bedding ticks will fall in the same bed, along with people. That's certainly an extremely unpleasant surprise - learn about such a neighborhood. They are able to live in imperceptibly in homes for many months and even years, and the owner will not assume it at all. Nevertheless, who is this bed tick? What kind of danger is? How to get rid of bed ticks?

Bed tick is one of the numerous series of domestic inhabitants, a person does not even know about whose existence. It is very difficult to detect it, since its dimensions are no more than a millimeter. That is why it will not be possible to be absolutely convinced that there are no bed ticks in the dwelling. In fact, they are most likely present, at least the households do not notice them. However, on the Internet you can find photos of bed ticks.

What do pincers look like?

How to fall into the dwelling of people

Based on this, we can safely say that people themselves, animals and birds are pest transporters. And since they are very rapidly perforated, their settlement at home for a short period can grow rapidly.

Where inhabit

Do bed mites bite

Below is the photo of the bites of bed ticks on a person.

Signs of presence in the house

  • rash on the skin (like urticaria);
  • the body temperature rises;
  • irritation and itching;
  • difficult breathing, ticking in the throat, hoarse voice;
  • the eyes are red, it is scratched and wage;
  • a colorless nose mucus is distinguished (not related to cold).

Most often, adults are easier to carry the presence of ticks than children. Here the immunity has a great influence, which is stronger, and the specificity of the skin. Sensitive and thin children's leather answers sharply to the stimulus.

What to do if an allergic reaction was detected

To the question of how to get rid of bed clashes, you can answer this: in case of detection of the unreasonable numerous rash, it is recommended to turn to the doctor. Usually the doctor can write off everything on food allergies. However, knowledgeable experts in diagnosity will not exclude a version with bed ticks, since their manifestations are similar.

Methods of struggle

  • Any soap - 50 grams dissolve in warm water (1000 ml).
  • Add ammonia (100 gr.) And mix well.
  • This mixture can be processed by the place of stay of the ticks and put into the machine-machine together with the usual powder.

Preparations for the destruction of arthropods

For the best result you can try to use synthetic preparations:

From afar, bugs and ticks are very similar. But if you look closely, you can see that the representative of the class of spider-shaped eight paws, and the beds are six.

Beddings they have impressive dimensions and can be dimensional up to 8 mm. Their fellows of dust mites due to small sizes are quite difficult to detect. Furniture bugs are night bloodshots, while linen pliers are powered by dead skin particles.

Bed bugs live in secluded dark places of the apartment. They can be found in furniture, under plinths and wallpaper, in old things. Home mites are inhabited in feathers, pillows, blankets.

What do furniture bugs look like?

Insect sizes from 3 to 8 mm Maybe from dirty yellow to dark brown. It has a flattened taurus and special trumps on the head. This proboscis is divided into narrow and wide channels. From the narrow in the wreck is injected with a saliva painkillery, and blood is absorbed through a wide channel.

What does a typical place of his stay look like? Ordinary household dust accumulated in mattresses, hard-to-reach furnace corners, under beds. In one gram, order of hundreds of individuals of the bed tick can live. In addition, they are very prolific - the female can postpone up to three hundred eggs during the day.

How bed ticks fall into the house

Tip! Bedding ticks are afraid of constantly ventilated premises, direct sunlightBig open spaces.

External signs, symptoms of "bite" bed tick

What do biting bed ticks look like:

  • multiple bugister reddish "pimples", a little similar to the bites of the mosquito;
  • rashes are located some track at a distance from each other from a few millimeters to a centimeter;
  • skin sites on which the tick visited is strong.

"Bites" bed ticks in the photo, or rather allergic to contact them, is very different and expressive.

When contacting the livelihoods of the bed tick "Burdening" observes the following symptoms:

  • rash on the body;
  • rubber, cough, sneezing without signs of Orz or ORVI;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, redness of the eyelids, tear;
  • in rare cases - difficulty breathing with wheezing, an increase in body temperature.

In addition to physical discomfort and sleep disorders, the effects of bed ticks can bear a serious danger to human health. In particular, a strongest allergic reaction can manifest themselves with the swelling of quinque, which threatens with a sick suffocation.

The bites of bed ticks on a person are still the causes of scabies. The disease quickly applies to the body due to combing damaged places. In this case, the temperature increases, "lays out" the nose and throat. With handshake, using a common towel or other contact, scabies can be transmitted to other people. This disease does not pass by itself, it should be treated immediately.

Treatment of an allergic reaction

When diagnosing these signs of allergies, the bed tick should seek as quickly as possible to a dermatologist. It will be useful to rinse a damaged place with soap or soda solution, and then process it with an antiseptic.

Suitable itching will help:

  • essential oils of wormwood, cypress, mint, lavender, lemon, geranium, coniferous plants;
  • cotton disk, moistened in pure vinegar;
  • ice for drinks wrapped in a clean towel;
  • squeezed sachet black or green tea;
  • sticks from beams of plants possessing healing properties, - Scarlet, daisies, plantain, calendula.

It is important to note that the listed means only soften the symptoms, but do not heal from the allergies itself.

Tip! Drink activated coal (according to the mass of your body - one tablet / 5 kg) - this will help to derive toxins that cause allergic irritation.

The following medications are used to treat:

  • Tsindol - "drying" of rash;
  • Acrider - Fighting inflammation;
  • Afloderm, Propolis tincture - copes with itching;
  • TAVEGIL, OFLODERM - removal of the symptoms of the reaction;
  • Rescuer, Phenistil - remedy for swelling;
  • "Star" - Fighting pathogenic microbes on the surface of the wound.

Note! Everything medicinal products Be sure to be appointed by the attending physician!

Bedding tick removal

Mechanical method

How to get rid of bed ticks in this way:

Preventive measures

In order to never divide your home with bed ticks, it suffices to follow this small list of rules:

  • slowly get rid of feather bedding, carpets, pales, and put on the mattresses of special covers;
  • pillows, blankets, mattresses periodically endure on the balcony in winter for a few hours, as well as several times over the summer warming them under the sunny rays;
  • to regularly ventilate the room, not to clutter it with "dust collectors";
  • spend daily wet cleaning Using a 20% percent salt solution, for "general" cleaning to use a steam cleaner;
  • boil linens or to erase it at high temperatures;
  • follow the hygiene of your pets.

We hope that the article will help you cope with uninvited guests, and beddings will never visit your home again.

Often bed bugs Appear in the human dwelling. Their feature is that they feed on human blood. For a person, the danger represents the bite itself, since the tick, during the piercing of the human skin, is distinguished by a special substance that can lead to different consequences. This is especially true when human body Is predisposed to allergies.

Naturally, many people think that these are mosquitoes, for example, and do not give it much importance, although tick bites differ from the bites of other insects in their specifics. The characteristic differences should include:

  • As a rule, there are quite a lot of traces of bites, and the traces of bites are distinguished by special soreness and itching. In the fields of bites may appear edema, with a pronounced red tint.
  • Blind bites are much smaller and brighter on the color, besides, the tick can be seen as he drinks blood. But the bug has time to escape before it is destroyed.
  • The bite places are somewhere as after the bite of the wasp or bee, but somewhat weaker.

Bite bed tick has another distinctive feature: In the center of the Red Spot, a bumps from the rolled blood is noticeable. In addition, bites are carried out in the period when a person sleeps tightly, and this is from 3 to 5 am.

Pliers are capable of transferring many viral and other diseases, but during the bite, a person does not occur. In any case, scientists failed to prove the opposite. Most likely, nature takes care that bed ticks had a permanent source of food. If a person is infected and dying, the ticks will remain without such a source.

The bitches of bed ticks are not absolutely harmless. For example:

Effective methods of treating bites

The organism of many people adequately reacts to the bites of bed ticks, and they heal themselves in a few days. There are people when they need to provide emergencySince their body responds very specifically. In cases of manifestation of non-typical reactions, it is necessary:

  • Thoroughly wash the bite places with soap or soda solution, after which they are washed with clean running water. For the preparation of the solution you need to take a glass of water and add a tablespoon of soda or liquid soap to it.
  • The bite places should be disinfected by any alcohol-containing agent, such as vodka or moonshine, cologne or spirits.
  • Strong itch indicates manifestation allergic reaction. To reduce these symptoms, you can take advantage of both pharmacies and folk.

There are a number of effective and proven recipes. For example:

  • The bite places should be wiped with clean vinegar. Flush the tool is not needed.
  • You can attach a piece of ice or a product from the freezer to the place of bite.
  • If an used black or green tea bag is attached to the place of bite, it will eliminate the victims from unpleasant sensations.
  • Also are made on the basis of healing herbs. St. John's wort is considered the most effective tool. For the preparation of the solution you need to take a tablespoon of the Hypericum and pour steep boiling water. After cooling the infusion, the wedding disk is wetted into the infusion and applied to the wound for half an hour. Suitable herbs like a chamomile or calendula. The tool is prepared in the same way as on the basis of the Zverboard.
  • Processing composition based on aloe and plantain. After mixing the ingredients, the wound is processed several times a day. Juices of these plants help reduce the swelling of the bite space, reduce itching and possess an antibacterial effect.
  • Luke and garlic juice, connected together, act in place of bite in the same way. The smell of Luke and garlic, besides that they save from unpleasant sensations, help to scare these bloodsuckers.
  • There should be no less than 5 tablets of activated carbon so that the toxins can be removed as quickly as possible.

Usually, folk remedies help a person cope with negative consequences on the initial stages. If these funds do not cope with the task, you should use pharmacies. Alternatively, you can take advantage essential oilswho possess the same effect as infusions on herbs.

  • Lemon.
  • Orange.
  • Lavender.
  • Geranium.
  • Tea tree.
  • Needles.
  • Juniper.
  • Cypress.
  • Sagebrush.
  • Mint.

Exist as special meansDesigned from the bites of various insects and not special, but which are coping with this task. The thing is that each organism reacts in different ways to the bites of bed ticks.

As a rule, pharmacy means are used:

  • Special ointment "Fenidist" and "Rescuer". These funds have a wide range of action and help to save victims of negative consequences.
  • Vietnamese asterisk, which is characterized by the manifestation of the antibacterial effect.
  • "Afloderm" helps to cope with a strong itch.
  • Anti-propolis tincture effectively operates against any bites.
  • The ointment "Afloderm" is applied with "TAVEGIL", which allows you to remove the symptoms of allergic reactions.
  • The "Tsindol" bolt will easily cope with the task.
  • "Acriderm" perfectly removes signs of inflammatory processes.

Prevention measures

What a bed tick looks like, you can understand only by pictures or when the pest is viewed through magnifying devices. It is almost impossible to notice the naked eye. However, there are other factors indicating the presence of this kind of problem. For example, in the apartment constantly a lot of dust, despite regular cleaning. But mostly dust can accumulate in dirty things, bird feathers or even pet wool. We must not forget about bedding: pillows, periods, poucher blankets, towels, etc.

Types of insect

Bed ticks are a nightmare for the owner of any apartment or a private house. They can start anywhere: in a pillow or bed, in the sofa.

Danger of bed mites

As soon as the bodies appear on the body, they are immediately cleaned, and the situation is only aggravated. Ordinary redness turn into scabies and tons. That is, the presence of bed ticks in the house leads to the emergence of people of infectious diseases transmitted by others. Therefore, if you have such suspicions, you need not only do the disinfection of the apartment, but also to ask for help to a dermatologist.

Remember: if there are more than 1 thousand ticks in 1 g of dust, it is no longer good. Disinfection of the room in this case is simply mandatory.

It remains only to find out more accurate how to get rid of bed ticks. In any case, you need to act immediately, because not only your health depends on this, but also the well-being of your loved ones.

Methods of struggle

The radical methods should be resorted if after conducting sanitary analysis it turned out that the number of bed ticks exceeded all possible norms. Another signal to action is a sharp deterioration in the well-being of your household. Using ticks can be removed using several ways. One of the most efficient is the use of antiallergenic caricidal preparations. What is their advantage? The thing is that they are instantly killed by ticks, but are not dangerous for a person. What professional funds are most effective in combating bed ticks:

  • Akaroks. This powder must be diluted with water and then use. What is interesting, the actions of the drug can last up to 14 days;
  • Milball. This is a spray to which the bed and other fabric things are treated;
  • Sipaz super. Among modern drugs are considered one of the most efficient;
  • Dig poles. Another mixture, which is necessary before applying water. In this case, you will need re-processing.

But it is not necessary to buy insecticidal drugs. Although they are considered harmless to humans, they are, first of all, chemicals. Therefore, those who want to protect themselves from various chemicals, it is worth applying people's way. Fill a quarter cup liquid soap. Then stir it in a liter of water. In the process of mixing, you will need to pour half a cup ammona alcohol. How to use a cooked solution? Everything is quite simple: it is necessary to add it during the washing process. detergent. Thus, you can remove any signs of presence of bed ticks from bed linen.

It is noteworthy that it is completely difficult to remove the ticks from the apartment. Put in front of you real objectives: disinfect the room, erase bedding thoroughly, and the population of insects will not reach critical numbers. Which apartment do not come in pincers? To date, this problem is quite common. Therefore, learn how to compete competently. With a minor number of bed mites in the home there is nothing to be afraid.