Repairs Design Furniture

How to clean the chimneys in the furnace folk remedies. How to Clean the Chimney: Methods, People's Methods, Expert Tips. Hose - what is happening at hand

July 25, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (bookmark the foundation, construction of walls, roof design, etc.). Domestic construction work (laying internal communications, roughing and finishing). Hobbies: Mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

As it turned out, in the yard, relatives stood a bathhouse, which they have not used for a long time, as chimney clouted in the oven. Fortunately, I knew how to cope with this problem with my own hands, so I quickly took up the work and restored the overall furnace. Award from the heart shaved in the steam room and gathered very valuable information.

The results of everything was the instruction for cleaning chimney pipes, which I suggest your attention.

Why do you need a clean chimney channels

Many in their childhood saw how their grandfathers and great-grandfathers were cleaned with pipes from soot, but not everyone knows why you need to spend this not too pleasant operation. Therefore, I will work a little lecturer so that you have something to tell your children long winter evenings, swinging in the rocking chair by the fireplace.

So, when combustion of solid fuel, in addition to thermal energy and hot gases, soot is formed in the furnace. The streams of ascending thermal air it rises up the chimney and gradually settles on the walls of the smoke tube.

As the heating device is working, the soot layer becomes thicker. And in the end, all this can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • the channel for the output of gases formed during burning is strongly narrowed, due to which the thrust in the pipe is reduced;
  • soot, pouring on the walls of the chimney, damages the surface of the pipe and reduces the life of the device;
  • the efficiency coefficient of the furnace (generating heat energy) is reduced, that is, to maintain the desired temperature in the room you will have to use more firewood, coal, fuel briquettes or what you have there;
  • the likelihood of fire sediments inside the furnace chimney increases.

It will help to get rid of all troubles, only cleaning the smoke canal will help. It is only important to determine when it is necessary to start this not the most pleasant procedure. That's what I will tell you next.

When it is already impossible to postpone this unpleasant

In principle, based on our own experience, I can tell you that if the fireplace or wood-burning furnace is folded by an experienced master and they are complied with all the requirements, worry about how to clean the pipe from soot, it will be necessary to be more often once a few years.

Especially if you use high-quality fuel. For example, if in the furnace, in addition to firewood, you will throw different garbage, plastic bottles, plastic bags and other plastic objects, no need to count on clean chimney.

I can still advise you not to use for heating. Firewood, especially pine or spruce wood.
Most of all, birch fields are suitable for the furnace, which have lacquered in your field at least 2 years since the workpiece.

So, I will tell you about what signs indicate the need for urgent cleaning of the chimney:

  1. Changing the color of smoke. Clean pipe is clean, light and transparent smoke. If soot has accumulated there, it will change its color to the darker. And the smoke itself will become more dense.

  1. Changing the shade of an open flame in the furnace. If the rod in the tube is normal and chimney clean, the firewood burns with a light flame of an orange shade. The need to clean the chimney will testify the fire of orange color.

Whatever it was, I advise you to carry out the preventive cleaning of the pipe every 6 months: until the beginning of the cold season and after its end. This allows not only to remove the soot in time, but also to get rid of clogging the smoke canal by web, bird nests that fled leaves and so on.

Focusing on the signs outlined above, you definitely determine what you need to start work. But how to do it - we'll figure it out below.

Pipe cleaning methods

There are many ways to clean the pipe from soot. You can use both folk remedies and tips and the achievements of the modern chemical industry. Yes, no one canceled the mechanical way, that is, you can well work out for the pipeline.

In my practice I had to apply all the available ways, so I can safely talk about each of them in more detail.

Method 1 - use grandmother

It is not necessary to wonder the waistly. Our grandparents have long known that you need to burn in the oven to get rid of soot. I will not say that these ways are very effective, but they have the right to exist.

Here are some funds that you can use:

  1. Rock salt. The usual dining salt must be poured on burning firewood or coal.

This method is quite common, but not particularly effective. My grandmother often poured salt to the stove, but she did it not so much to get rid of soot deposits in the smoke-free channel, how much to prevent its accumulation. Therefore, I will not stop for a long time, I will tell about another way.

  1. Skirts from potatoes or potatoes themselves. The amount is determined by the size of the furnace in the furnace, but it usually grabbed near the bucket of such waste. They need to pour into already burning fire.

The essence of the method is that when burning, the potatoes from potatoes are distinguished by starch, which has a property softening soot deposits on the chimney. After this, the underlining waste is falling into the lower part of the pipe, from where they are removed through a specially made hole (it is provided for the furnace closer).

  1. Firewood from aspen. To tell about the technology itself especially nothing. It is necessary to distort the firewood from aspen lane, after which melt the fire in the furnace.

This is what. Aspen firewood is lit with a very large temperature, so hot gases come into the smoke tube, which burn soot deposits. This method is sufficiently dangerous, so I advise you to comply with some precautions:

  • make sure that the chimney material will endure the effects of high temperature;
  • check that sediments of soot in the channel are not so great to ignite.

And in principle, no one bothers you to buy special chemicals for cleaning stoves from soot. Their price is small, and effectiveness is proved by practical experience. At least my. Therefore, the story will go about them.

Method 2 - call for help science

Modern industry produce a lot of funds specifically designed to remove soot from the chimney. They can be supplied in the form:

  • powders;
  • liquids;
  • fuel briquettes.

They are added to the furnace during fuel combustion. The chemical elements contained in preparations do not harm human health, but have a destructive effect on soot deposits, causing its collapse into the lower part of the chimney.

Use additives must be used as deposits accumulated or from time to time, as a preventive tool.

The most popular means for cleaning chimneys from soot I described in the table with which I propose to get acquainted.

Name Description
Anti-barbecue chemical composition Special bulk powder, which must be poured directly on firewood during their combustion. This is a very effective means that allows you to quickly get rid of Nagara in the chimney channel. It can also be used for prophylaxis. In this case, the consumption of powder is 200 g per ton of fuel.
Comungonek Means for removing Czech production. It also comes in the form of a powder, which contains a catalyst that allows you to burn out so in safe at low temperatures. However, the powder is only suitable for removing the Nagar's not too thick layer.
Polyseen-carvilla The most popular method in our country is the method of cleaning chimney from soot. It can be used to clean pipes of furnaces and boilers working not only on solid, but also on fuel. Effectively removes sauhing accumulation and can be used for prophylaxis. In my case, to maintain the pure chimney of the fireplace in the country, there is enough of one PLAN, which I burn every month.

Considering that most likely you will use exactly the "Pinbyness", I will tell you how to clean the sage in the pipe with it:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the smoke channel is not completely packed with a soot, garbage or outsiders.
  2. You can burn the fuel briquette itself both with the main fuel and completely independently.
  3. To achieve maximum efficiency, I burn in firewood fireplace, after which I put the briquette on hot wood coals (like kebab, just not on skewers).
  4. Before use, you need to remove the packaging, but not the wrapper itself, into which the substance is wrapped.
  5. Usually it flashes on their own, but if for some reason it did not happen, set fire to the wrap from two sides alone.

The chemical itself, corrupting South, continues to operate about 14 days. Throughout this time, there is a collapse of chips from the pipe from the pipe into the furnace or the bottom of the smoke channel. It needs to be constantly removed from there.

In conclusion, this section I want to mention one characteristic about which not all knows about which. "Polyentener" during combustion forms gases with a temperature of over 1000 degrees Celsius, which can melt the flue pipe from steel. Therefore, it is possible to use a substance in furnaces with stone and ceramic pipes.

Method 3 - We climb on the pipe

I think you all familiarize the folk wisdom about what you can do good job only with your own hands. This is exactly what I was guided by cluttering pipes on a bath in the village. In this case, you get rid of not only from sauhing accumulations, but also from garbage in the canal.

At the end of the work, you yourself make sure how efficiently and smuggling the oven will work. And how I was shaped in the bath, I will not tell, otherwise you will envy.

We only talk about the scheme of work when cleaning the chimney from the internal saving accumulations. The sequence of action is:

  1. First, close the doors or lay the holes with the holes in the chimns, which are specifically designed to clean the stoves from the saving accumulations. If this is not done, you are then tortured to wash off the inner rooms of the bath (or what you have there) from a black unpleasant flying.

If you brush the fireplace with an open furnace, I advise you to curtain it with a damp cloth, so that, again, avoid the Parco-economic day of cleaning the living room.

  1. Then depicting Carlson and climb the roof. Since you don't have a motor, I advise you to come up with something as insurance, so as not to break down in the world's rank. Believe me, I don't want to carry you into traumatology.

By the way, if it rains, climbing the roof is also better to avoid. You will hit you or lightning, or you slip on the roof. Both are hardly like you and your loved ones.

  1. First of all, you need to inspect the pipe from above. If the saving accumulations do not exceed 2 mm, you do not need to complicate your life. Travel to the store, buy a pipe cleaning agent and scatter it into the furnace. This will be more than enough.

You also need to see if a foreign object is not overlapping. Often it can be a bird's nest or fallen leaves. In this case, the plug must either pull up, or push down to remove through the door.

  1. If soot, as in my case, a lot, we clean it with a special scraper. Then it can be replaced by a special brush that is sold in a specialized store.

To achieve maximum efficiency, I recommend to measure the diameter of the pipe in advance and purchase a tool whose diameter is somewhat larger than the smoke channel dimensions. It will turn out to be a kind of rash, similar to the one who soap moms in childhood a bottle of milk.

  1. Another point. In the process of work, it turned out that some cork was formed inside the pipe, which prevented the cleaning. In this case, you need to use a special girlet on the chain that breaks the blockage and wrap it down.

I do not advise in this case to use a sports gircuit with a handle. She is shifted by the center of gravity, so it can get stuck inside the tube channel and pull it out from there you can not. We will have to partially disassemble the smoke canal.

  1. If you do not clean the furnace, but, you can partially release the smoke channel from the soot, flying-up. For this, special brushes on a long and durable handle are sold. It builds up in length, so you can get very deep inside the pipe.

  1. At the end of the cleaning, it is necessary to remove the flowing soot from the furnace and from the pipe through specifically for this, the provided doors. Do not forget to clean up, there is also a lot of soot, which you want to delete.

On this cleaner, the chimney could be considered over. If it were not for one important stage - quality control of work. It can be safely entrusted with your second half, unless, of course, she will not be afraid to climb onto the roof.

Quality quality control

Upon completion of work, you need to check the quality of the work done and, most importantly, the state of the chimney itself. This can be done visually, but it is better to rent a special camera-endoscope, with which you can see the pipe throughout its entire.

If direct reach will be detected slots or defects in the surface of the chimney, they must be eliminated. This can be done as follows:

  • divide clean clay with water and loss of cracks and cracks;
  • after drying this layer, it is necessary to make a clay-sandy solution and carefully lure them all other defects;
  • the last stage is the whims of the processed areas with lime or painting with a water-emulsion.

If in some places you could not clean the chimney, you will have to resort to partial disassembly of the furnace, since the residues of soot in the smoke canal can cause serious trouble.


As you can see, nothing complicated in cleaning the pipe from soot. The main thing is to decide on the fulfillment of this dirty and unpleasant work. But in my case I was waiting for a reward in the form of a pleasant pastime in Banke. And I suggest watching the video in this article, where there is a bunch of information about the design and operation of furnaces.

And one moment. I would be very grateful if in the comments to this material you shared our own secrets and tips on how to better clean the pipe from soot. Perhaps the next time I do not have to spend so much time on the restoration of the overall furnace.

July 25, 2016.

If you want to express your gratitude, add clarification or objection to ask the author - add a comment or tell me thanks!

Many owners of fireplaces and furnaces are wondering how to clean the chimney? And it is not by chance, because the reduction of thrust can lead to the failure of the chimney and fire. Let's figure it out in this matter.

Household owners, where there is a furnace or fireplace understand that it is necessary to regularly clean the chimney pipe from the soot for the reason that when combustion of fuel, it stands out and under the influence of heat rises up. Then it remains on the walls, which causes negative consequences. The question arises, how to clean the chimney from soot? Let's look at detail.

Before getting the answer to the main question, it should be understood than dangerous pollution of the chimney channel.

Causes and consequences of pollution of the chimney channel

When combustion of fuel, not only smoke is selected, but also soot, which is worn into the chimney and settles in it. The settling soot forms a thick layer of plaque, which contributes to the deterioration of the thrust. This is especially rapidly happening, if you use conifer, which is isolated by resin and water vapor.

The consequences of chimney pollution are presented:

  • reduction of thrust due to the narrowing of the removal;
  • accelerate its wear;
  • reducing the efficiency of work;
  • increasing the likelihood of fire inside the chimney pipe.

Tip! In order to be less likely to clean the chimney, measures should be taken to prevent and not apply coniferous species of trees that are not dried raw firewood for firebox, as well as a birch bark containing a lot of tar, for extracting a furnace or fireplace.

Avoiding such trouble will help regular cleaners of chimney. Let's deal with when cleaning should be done.

When does the chimney channel require cleaning?

It has been proven to practice that a professionally laid out a furnace or a fireplace can be operated without holding cleansing events over several years, but at the same time pay attention to firewood. Turn the furnace is needed by dried lanes. They should be ruined for at least one and a half years. Length can strongly pollute the chimney hole, such as: spruce or pine, as well as raw firewood of any tree breeds.

Tip! In no case can not be in a furnace or fireplace to burn such garbage as plastic or plastic bags, as in this case the chimney will quickly and very clogging and require cleaning for which there will have to make a lot of effort.

The chimney plot is easily determined by how smoke changes. If the chimney is clean, it will be light or white, and when the chimney canal is clogged with soot, its color changes due to its burning and becomes darker and thick. Also changing the flame from a light orange shade on a dark orange, which means it's time to think about cleaning.

Tip! If there are no signs of pollution, specialists are recommended to clean the chimney channel at least two times a year, which will extend its service life.

Cleaning the chimney channel is required not only when pollution of soot, but also from the web, the nest of birds, from the garbage that fell there.

Choose how to clear the chimney from pollution, you need after determining its degree.

Channel chimney cleaning methods

There are three well-known options, how to clean the chimney from the soot. This is chemical, mechanical cleaning and folk remedies. Each method is made in its own way. They give various results. The best option is to use several ways at the same time.

Chemical chimney cleaning method

Let's consider in detail how to clean the chimney from the soot with chemicals.

Now industrial companies produce a large number of diverse tools used for high-quality cleaning of chimney pipes. They include: powder, liquid, in the form of briquettes. They are added to the firebox during burning, which contributes to the release of a substance that does not harm the person, but destroys the axial residues of soot on the walls of the chimney channel. The most effective includes such funds as:

  • PCC and other anti-challenges. Powder means should be filled with lamps, but should be observed norm: one ton of firewood is about two hundred grams;
  • clean the chimney with a small layer of Nagar will help the Czech agent, such as "comungiles". Such a powder substance, heating, leads to a catalytic reaction that contributes to the burnout of the soot, while the temperature remains low;

  • large-fame uses a "Pulleted-chipper", which is used in various types of furnaces. Independence on the type of fuel used, on which they operate: solid or liquid. Such a means applied as sedimentation in soot pipe. For the fireplace, which is lit no more than two times a week, you will need only one briquette at six months. For furnaces, boilers used daily, one is required one half of two months. Before applying "Poultrying" for the first time in front of the heating season, it is worth checking whether the chimney is clogged by outsiders.

Tip! "Polyse-chipper" can be used both with fuel, and without it, but to obtain the maximum effect of cleaning the chimney channel from soot, it should be postponed on hot corners.

This method is directed to the fact that soot falls off from the chimney channel, and then it is necessary to clean the furnace, the flap, the pipe, and the knee of the fireplace or the furnace, applying the mechanical method.

Mechanical method cleaning the chimney channel

  • initially, it is necessary to explore the chimney. At a layer of soot less than two millimeters, from mechanical cleansing should be refused and dwell on the chemical method;

Tip! In no case should not clean the chimney in bad weather. But if such a need arose, then it is necessary to use a cable for insurance or a belt, because there is a risk of falling from the roof.

  • all holes should be tightly. The doors close tightly, with an open fireplace, it is necessary to cover it with a rag moistened in water. These measures will allow to avoid sazhes into the premises;

  • when discovered in the chimney of foreign things. They are recommended to eliminate, applying a cable and a heavy metal ball attached to it, which should be lowered into the chimney strictly in the center. It is necessary to carefully follow, so that it does not touch the walls.

Tip! In no case cannot be used by sports gigures or objects, the center of severity of which has a displacement. Such things are stuck in the chimney channel, and it is possible to pull them out, only disassembled design.

With a sufficiently large layer of soot, it is originally necessary to consider the scraper. After that, use the brush or the flusher to clean the chimney with a diameter of a slightly more smoking hole and remove the late soot from all the walls.

After cleaning the chimney, it is necessary to extract soot as well as garbage from the furnace.

Folk remedies and methods for cleaning the chimney channel

Chimneys already exist over the years. The most common option for their arrangement is Russian ovens. Funds and methods for cleaning them are transmitted from generation to generation. Let's look at what to clean the chimney from the soot by the people. Of the well-known effective folk agents allocated:

  • aspen lamps;
  • potato cleaning or cut potatoes.

Two effective ways are known:

  • purification with aspen lanes is carried out by burning in the furnace of several ohaphocks. It is dangerous to apply this method, since the high temperature highlighted during the burning of this tree of wood, burns out the soot, but it can also affect the strength of the chimney;

Cleaning the chimney by the folk remedy - potato cleaning, an effective means for softening in Nagara

  • the required amount of potato cleaning or cut potatoes is determined by the size of the stove or fireplace. For such actions, one bucket is somewhat. They fall on fire. The starch highlighted from this steam contributes to the softening of soot.

Tip! Information how to clean the chimney from the soot by folk remedies will help soften the resulting layer of soot. This cleaning is carried out before mechanical, as it contributes to relief.

In order to clean the chimney channel less often, preventive measures must be taken.

Methods of prevention

The main preventive measures are:

  • the insulation of the chimney pipe to reduce condensate in it;

  • the use of catalysts in the form of special wood or tablets to reduce soot;
  • during the furnace stove, wood should be thrown into dry aspen firewood, which at the time of burning form a high height of the flame, which contributes to the destruction of the binding elements of soot;
  • sprinkment of a small amount of salt.

These simple measures will help to avoid the rapid clogging of the chimney and the need for frequent cleaning.

Video: Chimney cleaning tips with their own hands

Cleaning the chimney is a mandatory process that should be carried out on a regular basis, while the method depends on the degree of contamination. It is often applied not one, but at once a few. After cleaning, you can check its quality with a mirror. On time, the measures taken will help avoid multiple problems.

Regardless, what type of fuel will be given preference, chimney cleaning is very important. Since over time, all combustion products that are discharged through these channels form a naiga and a fallow, and, simply speaking, South inside your chimney. Such pollution can be cleaned with their own hands, and continue to enjoy a pleasant evening crackling from your hearth. . How to do it, and which ways to you more acceptable, you will learn by reading the options presented below.

Why do you need to clean the chimneys, stoves and fireplaces from soot

When using the chimney heating of their home, you must not forget about the safety of your health, and the safety of the property of the house as a whole. Since fireops and stoves are an open source of fire, you need to ensure their safe use in everyday life, so it is necessary to produce a chimney in a timely manner.

When combustion of any fuel, be it firewood or a special briquette, carbon black gas is distinguished, which is very dangerous for the human body. The chimney canal with a good traction provides us with a slightness, but a comfortable condition and comfort.

In the clogged chimney from the combustion products, blooming on the walls of the pipe and over time, the soot layer becomes thicker, thereby makes it difficult to pass smoke. Because of this, the thrust deteriorates that in the investigation will lead to the fall of the efficiency, overruns of the heating material, the penetration of smoke into the room. It is with such difficulties that you will have to fight when disregarding the flushing of the chimney.

There is also a risk of inflammation of the chimney from the inside, due to the same soot. This can lead to the destruction (cracking) of the walls of the pipe. However, the greatest danger is a departing spark that can become a source of fire.

What will happen if you do not clean the chimney from the soot:

  • Reduction of thrust, bad patency of smoke;
  • Worn chimney from the inside (cracking);
  • Loss of efficiency, consumption of firewood (briquettes);
  • The probability of ignition of the chimney inside;

The safe work of your fireplaces and furnaces directly depends on chimneys that are an important part of such a source of heat and comfort in your home. Support them in cleanliness will provide you with safety.

How to understand that cleaning the oven is necessary

First of all, the state of the stoves and fireplaces affects the intensity and operation time, as well as the choice of fuel for them. When using raw mines as the main, the blockage will be more often manifested in chimneys.

Firing uses fir and pine. However, this breed of wood is more resinist, and it is not necessary to use it too often. The most optimal version is dry firing, which were departed at least 1.5 years. The first "symptoms" of the blocking in the chimney tube will be obvious, and they will not be difficult to notice.

Signs of clogging of the chimney:

  1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the smoke. From a clean chimney pipe comes white or transparent smoke. If it is already necessary to clean the smoke will be gray or even black. However, it can affect the resins that contain firewood.
  2. Cleaning fireplaces and furnaces is needed if the fire has changed the color from light orange on an orange.
  3. The stove must be cleaned, if not all smoke goes through the pipe. Part of the smoke in this case can be back to the house.
  4. The time for which one briquette was burned or was halved.

If you notice one of these signs, it means you have to clean the chimney. However, even if they are not, it is desirable to free the chimney from Say twice a year.

Ways to clean the stove

If you see that the chimney has been hammered, then you need to proceed to its cleaning. Of course, a pipeline can help you in this, but it is cheaper to do it yourself.

If your chimney often requires cleaning, then you need to find out why it is clogged. Usually the problem lies in the wrong choice of fuel or in the absence of a protective cap.

Sooner or later, before each owner of a private house, a question arises: "How to clean the chimney, without disassembled?" There are several ways and we suggest talking about them.

Ways to clean the chimney:

  1. To clear the chimney mechanically, you will need a special device. The meaning of such a cleaning is to remove soot by scraping it.
  2. Chemical cleaner for chimney. Chemistry is now presented in a wide variety, so you can easily find the appropriate means.
  3. Cleaning by folk remedies is one of the ways to remove soot from the chimney. At this time, there is a huge amount of cleaning of the pipe.

Each method is good in its own way. With cleaning chemicals, you can cope on your own, but we will talk about the removal of soot by popular means and mechanically in more detail.

How to clean the chimney folk methods

Folk methods for cleaning the chimney are considered the safest. They are gently cleaned soot and do not lead to serious consequences. To clean the flue pipes by people, you do not have to disassemble the oven. All the actions described by us are easy and safe.

If you top the furnace firing, then instead of the ax, you can use the chainsaw. If cutting firewood correctly, then you will save a lot of time.

The clearer pocket is designed so that the person can be as comfortable to remove the soot from the chimney pipe. If you built a furnace and fireplace correctly, it should not have problems with cleaning problems.

How to clean comicies by folk remedies:

  1. The first way is to protrude the oven aspen firewood. The meaning of this method is that such fuel warms the chimney to very high temperatures, which contributes to its cleansing. Therefore, burn the smoother pipe with firewood is a great option.
  2. Another great option is to flow the oven firewood with salt. The fuel is laid out a salt layer, after which the fire is burned. Such a composition decomposes soot into components and cleans the chimney. The remaining powder will help remove the vacuum cleaner.
  3. A fun way to clean the chimney is its brand in potato peel. To do this, it must be dried and put in a melted furnace. After that, the soot is easily considered a whisk. In addition to cleaning the chimney, so you can get rid of food garbage.
  4. You can also clean the chimney with a shell of walnuts. To do this, you need a couple of peel to add to the melted furnace. From such a high temperature of the soot will be departed by itself. At the same time you can also get rid of unnecessary garbage.

Such folk ways are effective only when the soot layer has not yet achieved critical size. Strongly clogged "chimney wells" will help clean only chemistry and brush. However, before such events, it is necessary to post an ad for their households so that they do not interfere with the oven.

What to clean the chimney mechanically

The most effective method of cleaning the chimney is mechanical. With the help of coarse impact, much more large results can be achieved than when using salt or potato cleaning.

Some "inventors" to clean the chimney offer burn aluminum banks. However, the effectiveness of this method has not been proven. Since the reviews about it are not unambiguous.

There are several ways to clean the chimney mechanically. We offer you to get acquainted in detail in detail with the most common of them - the cleaning of the chimney with a brush.

Smoky cleaning instructions Brush:

  1. First of all, you need to take care of the right choice of brush. You will fit a tool with a long and flexible handle, as well as a nylon handle. Such a brush is not only tough enough to clean the chimney from soot, but also can penetrate even in the most difficult corner.
  2. Try not to scratch the pipe from the inside. Such damage contribute to a faster and abundant accumulation of soot.
  3. Before cleaning, you need to take care of protecting your eyes and respiratory tract from soot. To do this, wear glasses and a protective mask.
  4. Furniture, windows and walls in the house also need to be protected. To do this, everything needs to be covered with a film or newspapers.
  5. Make sure the chimney is completely cooled. Remove the fuel residues, including coal and soot. Remove the damper from the chimney.
  6. Slide the brush into the chimney from the roof side and thoroughly clean the chimney. Do not skip a single site and do everything gradually. Repeat the same by the fireplace.
  7. After cleaning the chimney, return the damper into place. Wash the brush thoroughly in warm water.
  8. Without removing the protective film from furniture, walls and windows, wipe the soot that fell into the room. After that, remove the protection and swipe wet cleaning.

This method is considered the most efficient and safe. However, there are several more mechanical cleaning options.

You can take a garden hose for planting plants. To the end that will descend into the chimney, attach a round short brush. Next, the hose must be omitted and removed from the chimney until the soot gather inside it.

The mechanical method of cleaning the chimney is considered the most efficient. In addition to the brush and hose, you can use the rash or cane. The most unusual option is the weight of the chain. However, this option is very dangerous and can cause the collapse of the chimney pipe.

How to clean wells in the stove (video)

Cleaning the chimney is dirty, but necessary work. If you want to save money from the family budget, you can completely do without the help of a pipeline. In addition, the cleaning of the soot with different methods is a very interesting job. If you have already used one of the methods described above, or has some kind of option, you can write your opinion just below!

Chimney, this is an integral part of any stove on firewood, because it is precisely the removal of smoke from the room. But over time, any chimney clogs, and soot is formed on its walls, and the smoke begins to enter the room. At first, this is expressed by a small amount of smoke, which enters the room during crossing, but gradually its number increases, and even with a melted stove, smoke can enter the room. This is a guaranteed sign that the chimney is needed, as he clogged.

To actually clean the chimney pipe is not so difficult, there are quite a few ways to do it. But the most important thing is to remember that when cleaning you need to completely remove the soot from the walls, then the chimney will again completely remove the smoke. Semi-dimensions, never lead to the desired result, because if the soot remains on the walls, then it begins to accumulate much faster than before. Therefore, you should think about how to clean the chimney from the soot so to remove it completely, even if you do it with your own hands.

Why the chimney clogs

If you do not delve into the physical terms, the appearance of soot can be explained simply, the fuel is not completely combustible, and the burning waste is simply settled on the walls of the pipe. This is a natural process, since even in the best stove fuel does not burn completely.

There are three main reasons for the rapid clogging of the chimney, it is:

  • Poor-quality fuel;
  • Burning garbage in the stove;
  • Insufficient thrust.

Embossed fuel

The rate of clogging of the chimney pipe in a private house depends on the quality of the fuel itself. After all, raw firewood is burning much worse, and in the smoke much more not-slip carbon, which forms South. Therefore, with such a fuel, it is worth considering that the pipe will have to be cleaned much earlier than when heating with dry wood. Therefore, if you want to do not deteriorate with the time, you should be able to monitor the quality of fuel if possible. Indeed, in most cases, on the quality of firewood or coal, the hosts simply do not pay attention, choosing options cheaper, and not better, as any fuel, it is first of all costs. Burning in the stove of garbage, you are guaranteed to clog the chimney with your own hands, since any chemical impurities in smoke lead to the fact that the soot is formed much more active, and it will have to clean it much earlier.

Burning garbage in the stove

Polyethylene bottles and packages, pieces of plywood or firewood with paint, the remains of old furniture and many other waste that is often burned leads to an accelerated clogging of the chimney pipe. Even in the furnace after such a fuel you will find a lot more ashes, solid not burned residues. And in the chimney tube, the oxide will settle much more active. Therefore, if you do not want to think about how to clear the chimney, then try to avoid to burn any garbage in the furnace.

In any case, the garbage can not burn

Insufficient traction

The third and most common cause of clogging of the chimney is insufficient thrust. There may be several reasons here. The first is an insufficient air supply to the furnace when the firewood leaves just to smooth. Of course, this approach can significantly save on fuel, but leads to contamination of the pipe walls. The second reason is an insufficient height when natural traction is not enough to delete smoke. As a result, smoke is simply delayed, and the oxide settles much faster.

Regardless of the cause of clogging, you should choose for yourself the most suitable way how to clean the chimney, because the presence of soot will lead to the fact that the stove or fireplace will be guaranteed to smoke, and this will lead not only to discomfort, but to the danger of penetration of chado gas to the room.

Ways to clean the chimney

Since the flushing of the chimney procedure through which all owners of heating devices on solid fuel are necessarily held, that is, and quite a lot of ways to do this. In fact, cleaning the chimney pipes in the furnaces and fireplaces is divided into three types:

  • Chemical;
  • Mechanical;
  • Folk methods.

Therefore, there is a choice than to clean your chimney from soot, with minimal time spent effort and funds. Therefore, before making a final decision to make chimney, you should familiarize yourself with all possible cleaning methods.

For most owners of furnaces, preferably, chimney cleaning with their own hands, as it allows you to not just save money, but and to carry out this procedure at any convenient time. But at home, quite often the materials may not be enough to clean the pipe so out, since the process itself will depends on it.

Therefore, in order to avoid problems when cleaning the chimney pipe from soot, you should consider not only all available options, and the conditions in which you will have to work. In addition, such additional factors are worth considering such additional factors as a cloghood, accessibility with the other side of the pipe, the material and stability of the chimney itself as well as the oven itself, because each private house has these parameters individual, naturally and cleaning agents should be selected individually.

Chemical purification of chimney

The easiest way to clean the chimney is the use of chemicals that simply drop into the furnace. There are quite a few chimney cleaners from soot, they may differ by the manufacturer and form of release, but they have one pretty significant drawback.

A means of cleaning the chimney of soot helps only in the early stages of clogging, if the layer of scale on the walls is quite larger than a few millimeters, then such funds are ineffective. In fact, to combat soot, the chemical cleaning of the chimney pipe from soot is used only as a prophylactic agent. Therefore, if the thickness of the soot layer in the chimney is significant, then you will have to resort to other methods.

Almost any chimney cleaner works according to the following scheme. You put a box or in a melted furnace, after which they are distinguished by burning with active substances that calm soot. The easiest way to use exactly the lamps, as they are easily placed in the furnace, do not require special conditions, and in addition, in most cases inexpensive. The same action also has a tablet to clean the chimney, but it is worth considering that they also have a rather limited spectrum of action.

Chemical cleaners are a means of prevention, so if you want to avoid labor-intensive work, you can use it from time to time. After all, no matter what kind of firewood you will use, cleaning the chimney without preventive tools, you will not be able to avoid.

Mechanical cleaning

Since the flushing of the chimney is obligatory if you want to burn well and was safe, then with strong pollution, the mechanical way to eliminate soot is best suited. Of all possible ways, mechanical manual cleaning is the most reliable option that guarantees the complete elimination of soot from the chimney pipe.

Expert comment: Open fireplaces with straight chimns can be cleaned not from the roof side, but from the side of the furnace. For this, metal brushes are used on a composite knob.

It is possible to carry out mechanical cleaning in two ways from the stove and from the external yield of the chimney pipe. It is from the method that you will be cleaned that depends on what to use a tool or a cleaning device, as they can differ significantly.

True cleaning

To clean the stove, you will need it, which will allow you to carefully go into the pipe and clean. It is worth noting that the cleaning of the stove is quite complicated and at the same time a dirty occupation, as the soot will turn down as purification. Naturally, it is worth considering this and cover furniture and floor to avoid room pollution. All work must be made as accurate as possible.

Cleaning pipes from the chimney is much easier, but for it you need to have free access to the roof. The device itself for cleaning the pipe from the outside is very simple. It consists of a hero on a flexible rod to which ordinary weights are attached to ensure that the cleaner passes without excess effort. Of course you can use and simply rams without a weight, but they can rest in the walls, bent and as a result, you will spend a lot of effort in order to clean the pipe than would have to be expected when using Giri.

If you decide to carry out work yourself, then you should thoroughly prepare for this event. After all, self-cleaning of the chimney, especially if you have little experience, a rather difficult task. You need to prepare a tool, take all security measures and only after that start work. Also, there are many tricks, for example, if you do not have a rash, you can make it from plastic bottles, if the chimney cleaning is urgently needed, and there is no store with the right goods.

Folk remedies

Since the furnace heating is used with centuries, there are many options, how to clear the chimney from soot by folk remedies. Many of them are quite effective, especially in order to prevent.

The best means for cleaning chimneys from the soot is aspen firewood, especially in the early stages of pollution. Despite the fact that the aspens cannot be called high-quality fuel, it highlights the substances that help get rid of soot, so this means is quite efficient. If you have a small stock of aspen firewood, then their periodic use will allow you to clean the chimney, without applying any effort.

Potato cleaning

Another proven folk remedy, dried potatoes. Clean the chimney from the soot of this popular way is very simple, and such methods enjoy a long time ago, and they have proven their effectiveness. The dried cleaning is simply falling asleep into the furnace, when burning, they also distinguish substances that peel the oxide on the walls. It is worth considering the fact that after preventing potato cleaning, soot can fly out of the chimney for two to three days.

People's Method - Burning in Potato Cleaning Furnaces


If you faced the question of how to clean the metal chimney, then you should remember such a common tool as a simple salt. Salt can even clean the chimney of stainless steel, as it is also one of the best and most affordable funds. Salt is also simply falling asleep in the furnace, when heated, sodium chloride reacts with carbon dioxide, as a result of soot, it simply flashes. But it is worth remembering that the pieces of soot may simply be peeling, and fall down, so the chimney vane should be periodically checking and clean.

In addition, modern folk remedies appeared how to clean the chimney pipe from soot, prepared by the folk craftsmen, they are also effective, but in some cases are unsafe, so we will not mention them. Do not conduct experiments, since soot with a large accumulation in the chimney can simply flame and in the worst way to explode. Therefore, choose carefully, how to clean the pipe so as not to damage the oven or chimney itself.

Remember, the chimney pipe that you will periodically clean will be guaranteed to maintain comfort and safety in your home.

Everyone who has a stove, a fireplace or a boiler, inevitably faces the problem of cleaning chimney. Over time, the passage of any smoke pipe becomes already due to the accumulation of soot in it.

In addition to the narrowing of the cross section of flue and ventilation channels, deposits do not give the chimney. And most importantly blocking from soot and dust significantly reduces the thrust and contributes to the accumulation of carbon monoxide in the room. The most unfavorable option is the ignition of the sediment contributing to the destruction of the structure. Sparks from burning sediments can also cause a serious fire.

If you do nothing, oven or gas boiler over time will become unsuitable for use. The purification of chimneys in private and apartment buildings is usually dealing with a pipeline system from the relevant firm that has the right to engage in the service of chimneys. He has special equipment for removing cleaning, mainly use a special brush or metal rash. Call a specialist by calling the telephone to the serving company.

If there is even an agreement with the appropriate organization, each owner of the house or apartment must know how to check and do it yourself at home to clean the smoke and ventilation pipe from soot and other more difficult blocks. It is often necessary to clean these designs not only from soot, but from large garbage, sputum or bird nests.

When it is necessary to clean the chimney

Regardless of the quality of the furnace, the chimney will ever ever have to be cleaned. It is the matter of time. With the right masonry of the furnace or fireplace, you can do without this procedure for many years, especially if you use dry wood and refrain from burning household garbage. Firewood before consumption should be ruined at least one and a half years. The variety of wood is also important. When using pine or spruce wood, cleaning will be required faster (due to the presence of resin).

The first chimney clogging signal (fireplace) chimney pipe is dark smoke from combustion products. If wood or pellets hardwood wood firewood are used, smoke transparent, sometimes white. His darkening testifies to the accumulation of soot, nagar and dirt. The second sign - firewood is not fused during the burning, the flame becomes dark orange. If these features appear, it's time to think about calling a pipeline or prepare for cleaning.

But, before cleaning the chimney itself, it is still better to examine the pipe.

The observation of the cook: In any smoke tube at the bottom there must be a cleaning pocket, through which dirt and garbage is extracted.

The cleaner weight with a diameter corresponding to the size of the chimney must be in every home. If it is easy to go into the pipe, then the reason for the bad work of the stove is in something else. If the battery stops in one place, the pipe has been scored and the duties of the pipeline cannot be avoided.

However, there are folk remedies that allow to delay this work. The most ancient people's way is to impose a raw potato cleaning (or sliced \u200b\u200braw potatoes).

With their burning, starch is distinguished, which softens timing. One part of the deposits flies through the pipe, the other falls into the stove (fireplace). To prevent the formation of soot deposits, you can also burn the stone salt at the same time with firewood.

The most reliable, but also a dangerous method - to impose a good oxine lane oxca in a huddled stove , Do not closing the door. The stove will start to buzz, soot will light up, the flame will seem out of the pipe. This method can be used if the chimney is really very reliable.

Fixtures and rules for cleaning

The oven smoke (fireplace) pipe is clean, if the layer of soot and in the car reaches a thickness of 2 mm. Sequence of work:

Main devices:

  • for a round-cross-section pipe - a metallic rings with a diameter, by 20% exceeding the size of the pipe;
  • for a pipe with a square cross section - a brush with metal bristles;
  • scraper;
  • for breaking blocks - metal core.

If the layer of soot is too dense, then before using the rash, it must be resurrected to the scraper. Only after that you can use the ERS (or brush). The ERS must move up and down smooth movements. The brush should be provided with holders that will be connected when moving down. If the tap (garbage or fenced brick) is detected, which does not miss the YORS, you need to apply a metal core with a diameter of 2/3 from the pipe cross section, which is fixed on the cable - throw in the construction center, trying not to get into the walls so as not to destroy the design. In addition, the kernel can be used to lose the brush or the brush.

If the house has a fireplace with an open design , connected to a straight pipe, it is possible to clear it with a brush with a long handle directly from the furnace. After cleaning the pipe, it is necessary to clean the same way all the windows for cleaning, subttage, the door and the very furnace.

Chemistry to combat soot

In order for the need for a pipeline service less often, it is possible to use chemicals for the prevention of nagar formation, powders or briquettes that need to be added to burning firewood. All of these means contribute to the destruction of the layer from the soot and its sprinkling down the walls of the chimney.

Most popular means:

You can buy all the above chemicals in any economic supermarket.

Perhaps the most common means, according to consumer reviews, is comung. The influence of comewinkles occurs a chemical process that turns the soot into the oxide, which burns without flame at low temperatures.

According to the instructions, one package is enough to clean the stove or fireplace, for the wood heating boiler, two will be required. The bag should be thrown on the burning firewood, without opening, and close the firebox door. Dose can not be increased.

If the soot layer is very thick, it is better to repeat the procedure. For prevention, it is advisable to burn one bag in two weeks. In addition to removal of soot, this tool increases the efficiency of wood heating devices and allows you to save money when you purchase fuel.

The second most popular means of the Trucina - a bar (briquette), during the combustion of which substances affect the sediments of the soot and contributing to their squeezing down. The main purpose of this chemical cleaner is the prevention of the narrowing of the cross section of chimneys due to sediments of soot and nagar.

"Petropher" is suitable for use in any stove, in any fireplace, heater, stove, boiler. If the heating device uses daily, for the season (half a year), it will take four lines (one briquette for two months). For the fireplace, which only sometimes uses, is enough one briquette for the season.

Michetics Note: In large Russian stoves it is necessary to burn two briquettes of the "Pediffs" at a time.

The "pipeline" consists of sawdust, coal wax with coal dust, ammonium sulfate, urea, zinc chloride, sodium sulfate, silica and phosphorus oxide. This is especially effective. This is a means for brick chimneys.

Before the first application of the "Petrystone", it is necessary to make sure that there are no falling off bricks, garbage, bottles or bird nests in the chimney. The most effectively burning briquette on hot coals. The additives falling into the pipe affect its inner surface up to two weeks. All this time in the furnace drops from above the soot falls. Two weeks later, it is desirable to clean the knee and a smoke damper.

Why the stove smokes with a pure pipe

Smoke from the furnace may occur at pure chimney, there may be several reasons. In addition to sediments of soot in a chimney, the impassability of smoke can cause:

If in the chimney too much moisture, then you need to put thin sticks or dry alcohol in the window for cleaning and set fire. At the same time, you should flood the stove, and after recovering the rod closure.

Prevention to avoid blocks

Avoiding the mechanical cleansing of the chimney, if you follow a few simple rules:

If it still happened so that the chimney was hammered, the best option is to call a professional carp. He not only clears the chimney, but will determine other flaws and advises how to eliminate them.

Cleaning the chimney is important for the efficient and safe operation of the heating unit. However, it is better to prevent any malfunction than to eliminate. Polished walls that exclude abundant sedimentation of soot and obstacle contamination have chimneys of a sandwich made from stainless steel. A properly chosen under the type of heating device, the steel brand will provide long-term operation of the chimney without headaches.

See the video in which the craftsman will determine the chimney with a vacuum way with a special adaptation that combines the elements of chainsaws and a vacuum cleaner: