Repair Design Furniture

Bed bug mite. Dust mites - what do they look like and how to get rid of them? How do they get into people's dwellings

For some, it takes months. But such a long wait for the result, as a rule, is caused by the wrong approach to work.

Bed mites in the house

However, they reveal the manifestation of their vital activity rather quickly. First of all, the presence of bed mites becomes noticeable by the characteristic bites.

When such symptoms appear, it is urgent to take action. To get rid of bed mites, you need to choose effective, but relatively safe ways fight. Given that you will have to process places where a person sleeps and spends a lot of time, the task will be very difficult.

Reasons for the appearance of ticks in the house

Given the fact that it can be difficult to detect ticks right away, it is also difficult to identify the real reason where they came from in the house.

But still, it is worth trying to restore the chronology of events in order to know where you need to be especially careful next time.

Ticks can get home in feather pillows and blankets

Ticks can "move" on animals. A cat or a dog is quite capable of bringing them on the coat.

In addition, these can be birds that are fed in a feeder right outside the bedroom window. Infection can also occur after visiting a place that has a lot of bed mites, for example, hotels with poor quality of service.

In order to prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to carefully remove dust, wash and iron things, and especially linens, and ventilate the room. Ticks in pillows and blankets, in terry sheets, as well as in all kinds of hand-made home decorations are not uncommon. Handicrafts are wonderful and useful, but in limited quantities.

V clean room, where they always carefully clean, using disinfectants, ticks, bugs, cockroaches and other unpleasant guests should not be. Therefore, you should not be lazy, but devote more time to the cleanliness of your home.

Habitat and appearance

The bed mite is not very different from its other relatives. Their only explicit distinctive feature- these are very small sizes. Because of this, even an adult can be seen only under a microscope. The size of the tick body does not exceed half a millimeter. They have 6 legs and a large enough jaw that can even chew on human skin.

Bed mites are often the cause of allergies of unexplained etiology.

However, from time to time marks appear on the skin of a person, similar to small wounds. One or two bites may not be noticed, but when a huge colony of ticks gathers in bed, this is already dangerous and can cause serious damage to the skin.

In fact, such marks are called bites only conditionally. Bed mites they can bite through the skin, they even feed on it, but this applies only to microscopic dead particles, and not to healthy epithelium.

How are allergies treated?

In case of irritation to the tick, lubricate the affected area with fenistil

First you need to treat the affected area with a special anti-allergy ointment. Fenistil is well suited, which not only relieves irritation, but also eliminates itching, redness, and also disinfects the problem area. After that, you need to carefully monitor your health.

The bed mite does not bite through the skin and does not drink blood, so it cannot be called an active carrier of diseases. However, such a development of events is not excluded. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

You need to be especially careful if a child has an allergy. Children need to handle well problem areas, and then take care to completely get rid of ticks in bed and at home. In a child, being close to ticks can cause not only hives and itching on the skin, but also breathing problems.

How to kill bed mites?

As for how to get rid of bed mites, there are many ways to do this. First, it is necessary to process things and furniture in which small bugs could settle. Bed linen, pajamas, and other clothing should be washed thoroughly. Tar soap is best suited for this. If possible, it is worth boiling all the things, and then hang them out to dry on fresh air.

Wash all home textiles first.

If it's winter outside, this is another chance how to get rid of bed mites. You can take furniture, blankets and pillows out into the cold. Freezing for 24 hours is enough for the ticks to disappear. They die when the thermometer drops below - 5 ºС, so there is no need to wait for a severe frost.

Therefore, they can be destroyed by steaming. For this, a special apparatus is used that releases steam at 90 ºС. This is enough to kill all the ticks. It is best to entrust the furniture processing process to professionals. They use not only hot steam but special chemicals as well. But here you need to be very careful, since you cannot use the furniture for some time after cleaning. Otherwise, poisoning may occur.

You can use ammonia soap on sofas and mattresses. Feature this method is that in this case there will be no harm to human health after processing the premises. You can stay in the room right away, and not wait several days for chemical poisons to disappear.

Treating a room to kill bed mites is a complex undertaking. If you do not follow some important rules, then there will be no sense from the procedure.

In order to clean the room efficiently, you must first carry out wet cleaning at home.

Preventive measures

In order not to suffer from allergies, not to endanger the lives of your children and not to think about how to deal with bed mites, you need to make sure that they do not bother the residents of the house. To do this, you need to follow preventive measures.

Bed linen should be changed regularly. After washing, it must be ironed, and only then put into the closet. This will minimize the risk of mites breeding.

There are about 150 different types of mites that live in bed, but they all share common properties. The size of these arachnids is less than 0.5 mm in length, so they cannot be seen with the naked eye. The average lifespan of a tick is 70-80 days, they prefer to live in warm rooms with high humidity air.

The female arachnid lays over 300 eggs in her entire life, from which larvae emerge. Gradually, the larva molts and turns into an adult. Adult mites feed on particles of the human epidermis, which is mainly used for household dust. During the year, several kilograms of keratinized skin cells are exfoliated from the surface of the body of an adult. The flakes mix with fine dirt particles to form household dust. 1 g of dust contains about 100 adult mites.

About 70% of all dust mites are concentrated in mattresses, duvets and pillows - in places that are not subject to regular wet cleaning using detergents... So, three years after using the mattress, about 10% of its mass will be these arachnids and their waste products.

In the photo, the bed mite has three pairs of legs and a dense chitinous shell. With its paws, the animal easily clings to the smallest dust particles and moves with their help.

Bed mite symptoms and signs

Ticks are not believed to be harmful on their own. the human body... How to find a bed mite? These animals are ubiquitous, and people are constantly in contact with them while breathing, sleeping, in a hairdresser or at work.

Due to the constant itching, scratches and small wounds appear on the skin. Without treatment, pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the wounds - the scratches fester. This can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, chills, headache, and weakness. The addition of a secondary infection in an allergic process is a rare occurrence, but it must be quickly eliminated in order to avoid complications.

Ways to eliminate bed mites

Wet cleaning, special washing vacuum cleaners or air purifiers, as well as chemical additives for laundry and anti-mite agents. There are several simple measures that, if performed regularly, can cleanse the room of these arachnids:

  1. Remove objects that accumulate dust. Instead of curtains, it is advisable to hang blinds, remove carpets and fur capes, reduce the number soft toys... If it is not possible to remove the item, then it must be washed once a week with the addition of anti-mite preparations for washing.
  2. Pets. It is undesirable to take a pet to bed, since a huge number of bed mites live in the fur of animals.
  3. Replace woolen blankets and feather pillows with accessories made of special hypoallergenic materials.
  4. Daily wet cleaning will help reduce the amount of dust in the air. It is effective to add a little mite repellent to your vacuum cleaner every time you use it.
  5. The use of air purifiers significantly reduces the amount of dust in the room.
  6. The remedy for bed mites is used in the form of sprays for the treatment of household surfaces and bedding.

These control methods will help reduce the frequency of asthma attacks and the body's allergic readiness.

It is very sad when, in the most secluded and beloved place, danger can lie in wait for us. Returning home after a hard day's work, we look forward to the moment when we can lie down on a comfortable and soft bed. But, sadly enough, sometimes we are not the only inhabitants in it. No, we are not talking about children or a spouse now, but about those creatures who are daily tenants of our bed linen - bed mites.

Bed mites are very small and their proximity can negatively affect our health with you. But where do these microscopic pests come from? It may seem strange to you, but the bed mite appears from the most common dust and pet hair. Everything natural materials that come into contact with bedding in one way or another are a potential home for ticks. If you regularly use woolen blankets, feather pillows, terry sheets, wadded mattresses and fluffy capes, remember that the bed mite, photo (1) of which you see, can live there with great pleasure. Since these items are rarely cleaned or washed, and moisture and temperature regime in them it is optimal for a tick, it becomes almost a permanent inhabitant in your bedroom. These invisible neighbors make good use of the fact that we do not always have the opportunity to wipe the floor under the bed with a damp cloth or change the sheets every day. In the best case, we do this no more than once a week, and this contributes to the successful stay of the bed mite.

The bed mites, the photos of which you have already looked at, are about half a millimeter long. The six-footed creature is visible only under a microscope, which helps to see the chitinous shell of the bug. Such a mite feeds on dead particles of keratinized human skin. It is customary to refer them to saprophytes, since, from a medical point of view, they are not capable of causing significant harm to a person, due to the fact that they do not live on a person, do not drink his blood and do not lay larvae. But you must admit that the bed mite, the bites of which we feel on ourselves, can hardly bring us positive emotions... In addition, asthmatics may develop an allergy to the products of the life of the bed mite, which can hardly be called a harmless effect.

The harm that bed mites bring, symptoms and ways to deal with it.

Reply to earlier the question asked lies in the contact of a person with the faeces of a microbe. The products of life of the activity of a tick when interacting with a person lead to an unpleasant and contagious disease, which is known to everyone as scabies. In a word, bed tick bites are not so terrible as his feces, which are near us all the time. If a person has experienced on himself Negative influence bed mite, it usually has one very obvious symptom: the appearance of red, itchy patches on the skin. By the way, many people mistakenly believe that these spots provoke a bed tick bite, but, as you can see, this is not entirely true. In some cases, in addition to this symptom manifests itself allergic reaction in the form of a stuffy throat or nose.

How to get rid of bed mites

It is clear that the treatment itself and contact with ticks are not pleasant activities. Therefore, most of us ask one single question after learning who a bed mite is: how to get rid of it?

To minimize the presence of ticks in bed, try to follow a few precious rules:

  • - Ventilate the room daily and, if possible, do wet cleaning;
  • - Do not allow dust to accumulate, especially under the bed.
  • - Periodically wipe the mattress covers;
  • - Fry bedding in the summer in the sun, and in the winter put it out in the cold;
  • - Periodic washing of pillows, bedspreads and blankets.

By doing everything on this list, you will significantly reduce the risk of bed mites in your home.

Bed mites are a fairly urgent problem that can affect every family when certain conditions... The main problem is bed mite bites with characteristic symptoms. The only solution to this problem is to get rid of the “tenants” of the bed. You can get rid of bedbugs forever at home using special effective means and drugs.

They can live in the following favorite places:

  • bed;
  • pillows;
  • carpets;
  • dark corners;
  • furniture;
  • books;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • cabinets and shelves, various dusty / dirty places.

Symptoms of bites

Despite the fact that bed pests do not have direct contact with humans, they can be especially dangerous. The danger is that an adult tick can defecate about twenty times a day. Contact with their feces is the cause of the development of all kinds of allergic reactions, the occurrence of bronchial asthma. Many people have a misconception about what bed mite bites look like and symptoms caused by lesions.

An allergic reaction can be manifested by scabies - a rather painful pathology of the skin. As a result, you can observe signs such as: increased body temperature, severe itching. If you find these symptoms, seek urgent medical care to start timely treatment.

Elimination of pests

Observe the following algorithm:

  1. Wash bed linen and clothes at high temperatures (not sixty degrees), dry in the fresh air and iron with a hot iron. The storage place for such things is a dry place.
  2. Vacuum all carpets and upholstered furniture.
  3. Prepare a special saline solution and rinse the baseboards throughout the house / apartment.
  4. Change pillows.
  5. Do wet cleaning regularly.
  6. Avoid dust and dirt formation.

You can use the following tools, for example:

  • "Tsifox";
  • "Acaritox" - a popular remedy for bed mites, quite cheap;
  • "Sipaz Super" and others.

Observe cleanliness and order, then you will not be affected by a similar problem. Take care of yourself!

What does his typical place of residence look like? Common household dust accumulated in mattresses, hard-to-reach corners of furniture, under beds. In one gram of it, about a hundred individuals of the bed mite can live. In addition, they are very fertile - the female can lay up to three hundred eggs during the day.

How do bed mites enter your home

Advice! Bed mites are afraid of constantly ventilated areas, direct sunlight, large open spaces.

External signs, symptoms of a "bite" of a bed tick

What do bed mite bites look like?

  • multiple bumpy reddish "pimples", a bit like mosquito bites;
  • rashes are located in a kind of path at a distance from each other from a few millimeters to a centimeter;
  • the areas of the skin that have been visited by the tick are very itchy.

"Bites" of bed mites in the photo, or rather an allergy to contact with them, is very different and expressive.

Upon contact with the waste products of a bed mite, the "bitten" one observes the following symptoms:

  • rash on the body;
  • runny nose, cough, sneezing without signs of acute respiratory infections or ARVI;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, redness of the eyelids, lacrimation;
  • in rare cases - shortness of breath with wheezing, increased body temperature.

In addition to physical discomfort and sleep disturbances, exposure to bed mites can pose a serious health hazard. In particular, a strong allergic reaction may occur - Quincke's edema, which threatens the sick with suffocation.

Bed mite bites on humans are also causes of scabies. The disease spreads quickly throughout the body due to scratching of the damaged areas. At the same time, the temperature rises, "clogs" the nose and throat. Shaking hands, sharing a towel, or other contact can spread scabies to other people. This disease does not go away by itself, it should be treated immediately.

Treatment of an allergic reaction

When diagnosing the indicated signs of bed mite allergy, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. It will be helpful to wash the damaged area with soap or soda solution, and then treat it with an antiseptic.

To help alleviate the itching:

  • essential oils of wormwood, cypress, mint, lavender, lemon, geranium, conifers;
  • a cotton pad dipped in pure vinegar;
  • ice for drinks, wrapped in a clean towel;
  • a squeezed bag of black or green tea;
  • lotions from decoctions of plants with healing properties, - scarlet, chamomile, plantain, calendula.

It is important to note that the listed remedies only alleviate the symptoms, but do not cure the allergy itself.

Advice! Drink activated charcoal (according to your body weight - one tablet / 5 kg) - this will help remove toxins that cause allergic irritations.

For treatment, the following medicines are used:

  • Tsindol- "drying" of rashes;
  • Akriderm- fight against inflammation;
  • Afloderm, propolis tincture- copes with itching;
  • Tavegil, Ofloderm- removal of reaction symptoms;
  • Lifeguard, Fenistil- remedy for removing puffiness;
  • "Star"- fight against pathogenic microbes on the surface of wounds.

Note! Everything medicines must be prescribed by the attending physician!

Removing the bed mite

Mechanical method

How to get rid of bed mites this way:

Preventive measures

In order to never share your home with bed mites, it is enough to follow this small list of rules:

  • slowly get rid of feather bedding, carpets, rugs, and put special covers on mattresses;
  • periodically take pillows, blankets, mattresses to the balcony in winter for several hours, and also warm them up several times over the summer under the sun's rays;
  • regularly ventilate the room, do not overload it with "dust collectors";
  • carry out wet cleaning every day using a 20% saline solution, for "general" cleaning use a steam cleaner;
  • boil bedding or wash it at high temperatures;
  • monitor the hygiene of your pets.

We hope this article will help you deal with intruders and that bed mites will never visit your home again.