Repair Design Furniture

How to get rid of bed mites at home. Bed mites - how to identify and how to remove parasites? Linen mite: habitat

Laundry mites give preference for their residence to objects that contain a large amount of dust accumulation. It can be:

  • pillows;
  • blankets;
  • mattresses;
  • items of upholstered furniture;
  • carpets;
  • slippers.

But there are times when bed mites feel calm at home, as well as with due observance of sanitary rules.

Unlike other types of pests that feed on human blood, the diet of ticks consists of exfoliated scales of dead human skin cells mixed with dirt particles.

The bites of bed ticks themselves do not pose a danger to human health, which cannot be said about the reaction human body on their bowel movements. The waste of these creatures contains digestive enzymes.

It is they that contribute to the destruction of human skin cells, and can also provoke severe allergies and severe asthma in people.

Elimination methods

For people who first encountered this problem, the question arises of how to get rid of linen mites forever. The positive effect can be achieved by performing a number of actions.

First of all, objects should be carefully processed bed linen by washing, using high temperature regime, which must be done at least 1 time per week, as well as obligatory ironing.

Bed mites love to live in stuffed animals, so they should be placed away from the bed and washed at least as often as linen. This also applies to curtains and curtains.

Due to the fact that dust mite bites entail the development of unpleasant diseases, it is sometimes advisable to use chemicals in the fight to eliminate these bed itching. Various special sprays and solutions act as cardinal agents.

The most common and effective among them can be distinguished:

  • Cyfox based on 25% cypermethrin emulsion.

  • Acaritox based on 5% alphacypermethrin.

  • Milbiol.

Allerqoff is a spray effective for destruction at any time of its development. It is completely safe for humans and animals, and has a neutral scent.

Sipaz-Super, the main component of which is 25% cypermethrin. It differs from other drugs in the absence of a pungent odor.

Milbiol is a spray for cleaning bedding and furniture. It contains medicinal natural oils from the neem plant.

Rules for the processing of premises and the use of folk remedies

After processing the premises with chemicals, it is not recommended that people, as well as pets, be present in it during the day. Further, after thorough ventilation, a general cleaning of the home is required using saline or bleach.

Cleaning will clean the premises from chemicals

Treat all bedding, pillows, blankets, mattresses, soft toys, and upholstered furniture in the house with a steam cleaner.

You can get rid of domestic ticks by decomposing some herbaceous plants in the supposed places of their accumulation:

  • wormwood;
  • marsh rosemary;
  • tansy.

With observance of hygiene standards, maintaining cleanliness and order in the home, as well as timely therapeutic action in relation to the allergic symptoms that have appeared, you can forever forget about the troubles associated with such unwanted guests in the house as linen mites.

"Fighters of the invisible front" - bed mites are one of 150 species discovered to date by microscopic apartment dwellers.

Bed mites can be a big nuisance. See what a bed mite looks like - photo

Everyone needs to know: why are house ticks dangerous?

Their size (only from 0.1 to 0.23 mm) does not allow, without special optical means, to detect "lodgers" or cockroaches, which annoy household members with their appearance. And they do harm “in a quiet way: they don’t bite, they don’t suck blood.

But they cause allergies in people susceptible to a special type of protein secreted by ticks in feces. These allergens do not affect everyone, but their fair concentration in house dust, caused by accumulation over a certain period of time, can cause a lot of inconvenience, irritation, asthmatic manifestations, dermatitis, rhinitis based on allergens in people genetically predisposed to these diseases. By settling on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, fecal formations ranging in size from 10 to 40 microns dissolve, causing allergic manifestations.

Mite, people prone to allergies can cause great harm

Attention! Despite the fact that the bed mite acts selectively, i.e. causes allergies only in susceptible people, it should not be allowed that the concentration of arthropods in 1 g of dust exceeds 100 animals. Considering that there are about 50 thousand of them per 1 g in the dust of the mattress, it becomes clear why prevention and maintenance should be carried out.

"Bed rest" for ticks

There is no better habitat for ticks than a human bed. In a dusty, warm, humid environment of feather pillows, mattresses or featherbeds, woolen blankets, these animals take place. Here they lay eggs, reproduce, giving life to new generations.

A tick, like a bug, feels great in bed.

Clinging with suckers on legs to a person's clothes, they travel with him, settling on upholstered furniture in hotels, in laundries, schools, etc. Mites are invisibly present in the carpet pile, on a soft toy, "gathering dust" on window curtains, traveling in airplanes, trains and public transport, feel great in other "dust collectors". Their habitat is so vast that no one can say with 100% certainty: "There are no ticks in my apartment."

Blood does not drink and does not bite: what does the tick feed on then?

Mites in bed are found in all parts of the world. They find their food in the form of flakes of peeled skin, dandruff. It is there that a favorable "edible" microflora is created: fungi and bacteria. Unmade bed with dust settled on it, sweat residues perfect place, chosen by ticks. Studies have shown that about 1 g of dead skin particles remain in bed from one person in a weekly interval. This is the “diet” for thousands of starving arthropods. In fact, a bed tick bite in the form of a rash and redness, accompanied by itching, is nothing more than an irritating reaction of the body to protein material in the fecal masses of arthropods.

The presence of a bed mite: signs

If it is not possible to conduct laboratory tests, then it is possible to determine by a person's well-being that a bed mite has wound up in the room: the symptoms are common, typical:

  • bumpy skin rashes without a characteristic bite mark;
  • atypical, but possible increase in body temperature;
  • sneezing without signs of a cold;
  • breathing problems, wheezing;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, accompanied by tearing and redness;
  • runny nose.

Baby's delicate skin “signals” first. Bed mite bites on a person - photo

Bed mite: prevention of occurrence

The fight against ticks at home is carried out different ways, although almost always it is not possible to achieve complete disposal of them. But, if the house is allergic to dust, carry out preventive actions, as well as the use of intensive methods of struggle is simply necessary.

Remember! The amount of dust is directly proportional to the prevalence of mites. With a decrease in it, the population of arthropods sharply decreases.

  • if possible, replace pile carpets with wicker or homespun paths;
  • remove upholstered furniture;
  • abandon draped compositions on the windows;
  • ensure regular ventilation of the premises and maintain a microclimate with a relative humidity of less than 40%;
  • periodically wash and comb out pets;
  • boil bed linen;
  • pillows and mattresses in winter time take out for an hour or two in frost, in summer dry in direct sunlight.
  • use steam and air cleaners for cleaning;
  • at the earliest opportunity, replace feather bedding with sentipon or other non-allergenic bedding.
  • put on special covers on mattresses;
  • it is advisable to do wet cleaning every day with 20% saline solution.

Tick ​​control: when all methods are good

Getting rid of a tick in bed can only be done with radical measures.

  • "Acaritox": powder for further preparation of an aqueous solution based on alphacypermethrin. The effect of the drug lasts for 14 days.
  • Spray for treatment of bed, furniture "Milbol". It contains medicinal oils of the neem plant.
  • Easy Air liquid.
  • Sipaz Super is a highly effective product that gives almost 100% positive results.
  • Allergoff: as a spray or as a component added to the detergent solution.
  • "Tsifox" is a strong dry insecticidal preparation. Prepared before application, according to the instructions, by diluting in water. The active phase of action is half an hour, followed by re-treatment.

Who is wary of chemicals, can check the action folk way... It consists in making the composition of the following recipe. Quarter glass liquid soap should be stirred in a liter of water. With continuous stirring, add half a glass to the solution ammonia... Stir the composition thoroughly. Add the resulting mixture to the soapy solution when washing bed linen. They also treat the "risk zones" in a room with a maximum population concentration.

They are one of the reasons for the development of asthma, allergies and skin rashes in humans. The favorite habitat of this mite is upholstered furniture, mattresses, pillows, blankets, carpets and household dust, with the help of which the pest easily moves around the house.


Approximately 75% of mites live and reproduce in objects that are not frequently treated with cleaning agents. They can be found in places such as:

  • down, feather blankets and pillows;
  • mattresses;
  • carpets;
  • soft furniture;
  • space behind wall hangings and paintings;
  • sockets;
  • behind the skirting board;
  • under the windowsills;
  • in window frames;
  • in the crevices of the bed;
  • inside furniture;
  • in clothes;
  • on fabric lampshades.

The feces of these mites have high level antigenic activity due to the special digestive enzymes they contain. The latter are the cause of allergies and bronchial spasms. A person susceptible to allergies, after contact with a surface infected with furniture mites, instantly develops a skin rash that looks like red spots. Due to the constant itching, scratches and wounds are formed. If they are left untreated, there is a risk of infection of the skin with dangerous infections. When the waste products of mites enter the respiratory tract along with dust, the allergic person develops bronchial asthma.

Symptoms that appear after contact with bed mites:

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • bumps and red spots on the body;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • tearing;
  • asthma;
  • sneezing.

Tick ​​control methods

All these methods will help a person to significantly reduce Negative consequences from the life of furniture mites.

That is why it is important to know what a home tick looks like and how to get rid of it.

Household ticks are dangerous not only with bites, but also with the effect of their own feces on the condition of humans and pets.

What does a dust mite look like - photo under a microscope

Dust mites invisible when viewed with the naked eye, because their length reaches only 0.5 mm. To study the details of the structure of his body is possible only with the help of a microscope.

Where do dust mites start and live?

Often dust mites concentrate in a dusty environment, hard-to-clean places, as well as in bed linen. They can be found:

The waste products of sofa mites, causing allergic reactions, enter the air, slowly settle on the surface and gradually accumulate. Allergens get not only on pieces of furniture and things, but also on human skin and even in the respiratory tract.

How do bed mites bite? Do they bite?

A rash that occurs on the skin in response to the activity of a mite is sometimes confused with bed bug bites. Actually, bed bugs, unlike ticks, they leave quite specific bites: they are numerous and grouped, look like large swellings with a pronounced red compaction in the middle.

What causes ticks in bed?

Why is the bed most often attacked by dust mites? How do they get here?

If wet cleaning premises and bed linen is rarely changed, it accumulates in the layer of dust and on the fabric of bedding a large number of keratinized skin particles that clothing mites feed on. Thus, favorable conditions for their nutrition, development and reproduction.

You should be especially careful: bed mites are often observed in rented apartments and rooms of inexpensive hotels, in which guests often change.

Means and methods of getting rid of bed mites

How ? There are several types of means with which you can control their vital activity.

It is possible to independently prepare a product for treating places where a lot of dust and things accumulate. To do this, you need to prepare a saline solution, observing the following proportions: a liter of water per 200 g. salt. This composition will help fight household ticks.

Allergic reaction to bed dust mites

Dust mites are a source of severe allergic reactions. They act on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and cause:

  1. Conjunctivitis, rhinitis, allergic dermatitis;
  2. Respiratory allergy;
  3. Rinoconjunctivitis;
  4. Quincke's edema;
  5. Bronchial asthma.

The occurrence of allergies triggered by bed mites is indicated by signs such as frequent sneezing, wheezing in the chest, suffocating cough, watery eyes, and redness of the eyes.

The disease is diagnosed through data collection, blood tests, and microbiological tests.

Treat by limiting the patient's contact with allergens, the use of medications, and desensitization. These are measures aimed at reducing the body's perception of allergens. For these purposes, an allergen extract is administered to a person, gradually increasing the dosage and concentration. With the help of desensitization, the allergy sufferer's body does not react so strongly to the source of irritation.

Prevention: what to do to prevent bed mites from appearing?

Eradication of bed mites is a drastic measure. In order not to resort to it, you can make an effort and regularly carry out some activities. They will help prevent the likelihood of their uncontrolled reproduction.

First of all, it is necessary to remove all carpets with natural pile, and replace pillows and blankets filled with feathers and down with synthetic ones. Woolen blankets are also best removed.

You also need to get rid of everyone soft toys or vacuum and steam them regularly.

Bed linen should be changed as often as possible, ideally once a week. After washing, all bedding must be thoroughly dried for fresh air... In winter, it is useful to freeze them outside, when sub-zero temperature.

Upholstered furniture with a cloth cover should be cleaned or washed on a regular basis.

The floor, furniture surfaces and baseboards must be regularly treated with a saline solution, the recipe for which was given above.

Shelves, books standing on them, accessories and accessories should be wiped with a damp cloth every few days.

You can try to maintain a dry indoor climate, as dust mites feel comfortable only in conditions high humidity... For this purpose, air dryers are used.

It is also worth paying attention to the temperature regime in the rooms: it is desirable that it is not too high and does not exceed 22 degrees.

Despite the widespread belief that bed mites are companions of unsanitary conditions, this is not entirely true. Even in houses where cleanliness is constantly maintained, there is a small population of these insects. As a rule, if the room is often spring-cleaning, bed linen is changed and home clothes are washed, the population of these creatures is extremely small due to the fact that they have nothing to eat.

In cases where cleaning the room and changing bed linen is rarely done, on fabrics and in a layer of dust on different surfaces a significant amount of keratinized skin particles accumulates. Having received a rich nutrient medium, dust mites begin to multiply rapidly. Bed mites can be carried not only by people, but also by pets, and even other insects, for example, cockroaches, so it is impossible to accurately determine the way these creatures enter the living space.

Common signs of bed mites

Adult linen mites defecate at least 20 times a day. Feces on contact with human skin can cause severe allergic reactions. In some people, at the same time, there is not only a pronounced skin rash, but also a feeling of general malaise, a nervous state, sleep disturbance and fatigue. Among other things, an increase in body temperature is often observed in the first days of the manifestation of an allergic reaction.

An increase in the number of bed mites can provoke an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the eyes, accompanied by lacrimation and severe redness. In addition, allergic rhinitis and sneezing may develop without significant symptoms of a cold. There are cases when ticks caused bronchial asthma. As the number of bed mites increases, symptoms may worsen. If people living in an apartment with big amount linen mites, not prone to allergic reactions, they may not even know about such a neighborhood

Methods for eliminating bed mites

The use of such means of combating bed mites allows you to destroy the entire population of these creatures, but given the high risk of re-introduction, pest control will often have to be carried out, which can negatively affect the health of households. Since it is not easy to get rid of bed mites without the use of chemicals, you can pay attention to some folk remedies... First of all, a solution of soap and ammonia helps well. To prepare such a mixture for 1 liter of water, you need to take 50 g of liquid soap and about 100 ml of ammonia.

All surfaces in the apartment should be treated with a similar solution. Considering that a lot of insects usually live in the sofa and mattress, these items should be given special attention. It is not always possible to carry out complex cleaning with a solution of soap and ammonia or chemical poisons, so additional methods may be required to eliminate insects. It is now known that bed mites die at temperatures above 45 ° C. Given this feature, they can be easily eliminated by treating fabrics and surfaces with a steam generator.