Repairs Design Furniture

What can glue foam - the main types of means for fixing. How and how to glue foam in various surfaces like glue insulation polystyrene foam


When performing heat insulation, a question may arise than to glue the foam to concrete. Not excess will be familiar with the characteristics of this material.

What is a foam (expanded polystyrene)

The foam possesses not only an attractive value, but also multiple good thermal insulating, noise insulating characteristics. Thanks to them, the foam can be applied quite widely: for the interior decoration of the room, and for the outer. Polyfoam, or polystyrene foam, can be strengthened almost on any surface: most often it is just glued.

To glue the plate of foam plates and not be afraid that they will begin to dig, it is necessary to competently select the locking material. It must first of all respond to the properties of the insulation.

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How can I attach to the surface of the foam

A large variety of construction chemistry, which is provided to modern consumers, makes it possible to choose the optimal option for fastening and gluing materials. To glue foam on concrete, you can use one of the following ways:

  • fixation on glue prepared from a dry mix;
  • fastening on "liquid nails";
  • gluing on the mounting foam;
  • fastening using dowels.

What exactly to glued to the concrete surface of polystyrene foam, solved depending on the following factors:

  • wallet states;
  • the state of the surface to be warmed by foam;
  • installation is carried out outside or inside the building.

When choosing a composition to which polystyrene foaming will be glued, it is necessary to take into account so that there are no organic solvents. The material used in thermal insulation is not particularly resistant to this category of elements.

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What is the difference between different ways of attachment of foam on concrete

Dry mixes for the preparation of glue are made on the basis of cement, adding a variety of polymers for binding there. The composition is subject to diluting with water immediately before use.

Pros of using adhesive compositions in a dry form:

  • good adhesion with concrete surface;
  • long service life;
  • when the resulting composition solidifies, it will not only differ resistance to moisture, but also will not succumb to temperature fluctuations;
  • within a few minutes after applying the composition there is still the ability to adjust the material;
  • low price.

The cons of use is that it is impossible to install at temperatures below zero, the diluted glue must be used in two hours. When mixing the composition, the proportions must be treated as carefully. In order for the adhesive composition fully hardened after the work, it must pass at least three days.

The adhesive mixture in a dry form is preferable to use in cases where the polyfoam is covered with a base on which there are various irregularities. They can be hidden by applying a mixture to a heater according to a specific technology.

To stick the foam correctly, it is necessary to think about how to apply the adhesive mixture to the heat insulation material. To do this, you can choose from several ways:

The gluing of foam on the mounting foam can be carried out at a temperature below zero.

  1. Solid - it is convenient to apply when the irregularities are no more than 3 mm. The adhesive mixture is applied using a toothed spatula to the entire base area, then insulated material is superimposed on it. To glue well fill all irregularities, it is desirable to press the foam from above as close as possible.
  2. Extensive - apply no more than 5 mm for irregularities. From the edge of the insulation, it is necessary to retreat 1.5-2 cm, applied glitters, separated by one from the other: first they must be placed around the perimeter, then in the middle of foam plates. So create gaps for a specific purpose: so that the air traffic jams are not formed when the foam will come into contact with the surface.
  3. The beacon is chosen if the irregularities reached 15 mm. In this case, the glue is applied along the perimeter of the insulation by strips, retreating 1.5-2 cm from the edges. The diameter of the bands withstand it is necessary 50-60 mm, the height is about 20 mm. Also in the center of the slab make similar stripes.

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Gluing material on mounting foam

A toothed spatula is used to apply glue to foam.

In some cases, it is considered to be appropriate to fix polystyrene foam on the mounting foam. It is represented by a polyurethane aerosol, one-component concluded in a standard cylinder. Before starting work, it is fixed in a special-pistol device that helps to adjust the foam output. With the use of a gun, it will go out in the quantity needed for a specific operation. Before using a can with foam, it needs to be a little shake - it helps in stirring particles that could be composed of content during storage.

Advantages of adhesive compositions of aerosol type:

  • no unpleasant smell;
  • between the execution of operations are allowed large time intervals;
  • provides good clutch with most building materials;
  • frost resistance, moisture resistance;
  • works can be performed at temperatures below zero;
  • low weight and compactness;
  • suitable for external, and for internal works;
  • bled surfaces are not deformed;
  • shrinkage and glue expansion excluded;
  • resistant to the occurrence of fungus and mold;
  • toxic pairs are not distinguished;
  • ease of use;
  • after a couple of hours, you can additionally strengthen the dowels.

Cons Application of mounting adhesive foam:

  • for applying a substance, a smooth base is required;
  • it is necessary to protect against the effect of ultraviolet harmful to foam;
  • it is necessary to enjoy a special flushing for a gun to increase its life;
  • the cost of such a foam is rather big.

Before glue polystyrene foam on the mounting foam, it should be clarified whether it is suitable for use in such conditions. Apply the mounting foam should be strips around the perimeter of sheets, and it is necessary to make indents from the edges. In the center of the sheet, it is necessary to apply a foam to a foam, in particular, it is necessary if the surface is not very smooth.

The best way for fastening foam on concrete is admitted by glue-foam, provided that the surface is relatively smooth. The use of this adhesive makeup makes it possible to reduce the time of work and save a little on energy resources.

Extruded polystyrene foam on - the material is extremely useful and convenient in operation. It is used as a heater, a decorative element (ceiling tiles, stucco, etc.) and a variety of other similar areas.

In the construction of extruded polystyrene foam or penplex, won its popularity due to unique characteristics and extremely unpretentiousness.

However, it is also important to understand how to work with this type of material. You may need to use special adhesive for extruded polystyrene foam. It will be discussed in this article now.

1 Montage features

The penplex itself is extruded polystyrene foam. That is, in many respects it repeats the properties of polystyrene foam, like insulation. That's just the structure of him is different, as being extruded, it is integrated in special furnaces.

At the output, the standard polystyrene foam raw material is very glued, forming a dense, reliable structured plate. There are no separate balls in it, as is observed in the usual foam. And even on the contrary, the entire stove consists of a uniform foamed polymer material.

A serious share in the total mass of the fox plate is air. Extruded polystyrene foam consists of a polymer and air balls with a diameter of up to 1 mm.

An important nuance here is that expanded polystyrene performs the functions of the insulation. It is also often used to create ceiling tiles, decorative elements and other similar tasks, that is, to form an appearance or heat insulation of structures.

This means that for the decorative plate, both in the form of a heater, and for ceiling or any other decorative finish, should be specifically glued to the design. And glue qualitatively.

And here it just lies the main problem. Penoplex, as we have already noticed, very dense and uniform. Its facial square is too smooth to go well on other designs or glue.

A relatively low adhesion indicator is the main problem in working with extruded polystyrene foam.

And it is simply necessary to correct it. After all, it is necessary to glue the penplex in any case and glue it so that there is no longer a doubt about the strength of the entire design.

You do not want the whole design of the insulation, finishing layer and frames fall apart?

2 Selection of a suitable glue

The glue for extruded polystyrene foam is made in different configurations. Each specific variety is suitable for performing certain works. For the installation of concrete, some formulations are used for fastening in the winter season on the same brick concrete - others.

Even more exotic substances apply when it is necessary to combine properties and isolation. For example, the same heatchalter, is a kind of universal composition, which also has low thermal conductivity.

That is, heatchalters are capable not only to glue the penplex, but also to improve the overall thermal insulation of the house.

Which is very important, the adhesive mixture or adhesive for fastening plates of polystyrene foam cannot contain solvents, acetone, alcohol substitutes, etc. Such materials destroy the fastener body itself, as insulation. They corrode it, and very quickly.

This, by the way, is another reason to use specialized mixtures of type warm-up, Tytan Styro 753, Cerezite C-84 and others. Unlike handicraft solutions, manufacturers of such materials know exactly what they deal with, and therefore the risk of damageing the insulation material is reduced to zero.

The adhesive mixture for fasteners can be carried out in various variations, but they all are somehow divided into three subspecies. Most often for insulation work is used:

  • Bituminous glue.
  • Polymer cement glue.
  • Polyurethane glue on.

Now we will analyze each of these subspecies separately.

2.1 Bituminous glue

It is worth understanding that the mounted glue based on bitumen is rather a plaster-adhesive mixture. That's just a bitumen is also added to its composition as the main binder.

The charm of bitumen in its reliability and opportunity to be perfectly combined with the polystyrene foam. Bitumen is well attached to the plates and keeps on them for a long time.

It also has excellent waterproofing qualities. Such a mixture will not only be well glued to glued thermal insulation from extruded polystyrene foam to concrete or metal, but also be able to protect the compounds of the outer walls with each other with reflective hydrophobic properties.

Another large plus, which has a bituminous plaster-adhesive mixture - the ability to mix it in a matter of minutes. That is, you will not need to apply a special tool. The same heathed is mounted using an ordinary mixer and water.

2.2 Polymer cement glue

Another kind of composition that can be glued to polystyrene foam. In contrast to the bituminous sample, polymer cement glue has much higher adhesive properties.

With it, you can glue with each other. And glue for a long time, and without the use of any additional funds. The addition of polymers into the solution makes it more durable. After drying, it forms a dense crust.

Ideally combines a mounting polymer-cement composition with reinforcing and exterior solid solid foam.

It is also often used when it is necessary to glue the ceiling tile. For ceiling tiles, adhesion is needed primarily, since the ceiling construction is most of all the remaining load from its own weight.

In addition, the penplex on the ceilings, as a rule, glue to concrete. And he, as you probably already know, has a weak adhesion with solutions.

If you are going to glue any materials to concrete, then you can do this only using a reliable composition for plastering or insulation.

2.3 Polyurethane glue

Polyurethane glue for expanded polystyrene is used for the same work, that's just has a completely different structure and even the purpose is different.

If standard glue is the same assembly solution for conventional plastering works (for example, a mixture of heatchalter), then polyurethane samples have a kind of foam.

They are sold in the canopy, and only applying a mounted gun can be glued with their help.

The composition is ready to apply and, in fact, not much different from the same foam. It is a bit thick, has a different color, and the rest completely repeats its properties.

To glue the slab to the base or glue them together you will have to charge a canister in a gun and apply glue on the stove.

3 Use of glue for expanded polystyrene (video)

The foam is used as a heater, since its thermal insulation properties is higher than that of natural materials, and the cold buildings in which it is used is mainly made of concrete. Often, polystyrene foam is required to attach to surfaces where it is impractical to collect a tough crate (walls, ceiling, facades). In such situations, the attachment of sheets of material is carried out in various ways and adhesive compositions. Right technological solutions facilitate work. So, what to glue a foam to concrete?

Fastening foam to concrete with glue

Optimally use with foam special adhesive in powder form. You can also use adhesive compositions for ceramic tiles, facades (frost-resistant). Their base is cement with the addition of binding polymers. Adhesive before use is to dilute with warm water. Such compositions are securely connected with concrete, moisture-resistant, do not react to temperature differences, serve for a long time.

Restriction - adhesive compositions are used for positive air temperatures. The kneading is better to carry out a drill with a nozzle so that no compelling occurred. After sludge within 5 hours, the mixture is re-stirred. Then for 2 hours the glue must be used. The fastening mixture is applied to the insulation material. The slab should be glued by clamping to the surface and hold in this position for several minutes.

To eliminate the formation of the air traffic under it. After installing the stove in the interval 2 - 3 minutes there is an opportunity to adjust its position on the surface. The period of final frost is the 3rd day. The method of applying adhesive depends on the height of the irregularity drops on the surface. When they are within 50 mm, the composition is applied by wide barbars (passes for air output).

If the deformation drops are up to 15 mm, the substance is placed in intermittent stripes with a protective indentation of 20 mm from the edges of the plate. Some glue is applied to the middle of the square. When the concrete surface is almost smooth (the difference of heights of about 3 mm), uses a toothed spatula for laying glue on it, so as to cover it all. Surplus squeezed from under the plates are removed by a moistened napkin. Adhesive compositions can be ready for use.

Bituminous glue has hydrophobic properties, frost-resistant, combustible. It needs heating to 20 degrees at a temperature of about 0 degrees. It is applied with a toothed spatula, provides a clutch after 20 minutes. Bitumen-latex emulsion mastic before applying does not heal, resistant to low temperatures, can be laid on a wet concrete surface. From 3 hours until one day.

Another alternative is the adhesive dense rubber-based liquid (dimethylpolyasiloxane), vulcanized in air per day with the formation of strong compounds. The temperature range of its vulcanization is from minus 60 to plus 300 degrees.

Using dowels

Foam fasteners with dowels.

A simple, inexpensive, operational and durable implosable method for fastening polystyrene, however, requiring the use of the perforator and the required amount of umbrella dowels. Their length is selected sufficient for reliable mounting plates to a concrete basis (taking into account the thickness of the sheets). On the purified level surface, the lower start level is set, from which the installation begins.

Each sheet is fastened with three dowels: one - in the middle and two - in the corners, so that their "umbrellas" pressed the angles of adjacent plates. Between the sheets, a gap of 3 mm is a deformation-temperature seam, eliminating the mutual deformation of the plates at daily and seasonal change of temperature and humidity. Sealant fit in the seam.

Another alternative way to glue polystyrene sheets. Suitable exclusively for smooth concrete surfaces. The proposal of liquid nails is extensive, therefore it is advisable to familiarize themselves with their purpose, the conditions for use and operation specified on the package. The compositions are created for various pairs of glued materials, including for a pair of polystyrene foam - concrete. This product is a polymeric pasta composition, which added components that improve adhesive properties.

Fastening with liquid nails.

Due to this, liquid nails are stronger powder adhesives, they are frozen even with high humidity. However, there is a significant minus - the compositions of poisonous, so you should work in gloves. Such adhesives are fushed into oblong tubes that are inserted into. The advantages of their use include:

  • the highest strength of the compound of materials;
  • heat resistance;
  • small technological flow;
  • full dumping junction during the day;
  • frost resistance;
  • efficiency and ease of installation;
  • no odors and a short time of setting (from 20 to 40 minutes).

The latter increases the labor-intensity of the work when the plates have to be attached to the ceiling (equipped, patience and skills). The composition will firmly glue polystyrene foam, when the surface of the concrete is aligned, cleaned and sucked. The substance, extruded from the tube, is located on the foam in a small volume at several points, and not on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet, as, for example, in the case of applying a mounting foam. It is necessary to glue the plate, providing clamp over the entire surface for a long time for a long time so that there is a grasp of liquid nails. Then the seams between the sheets are processed by mounting foam (sealant).

Blind with foam

Foam-adhesive for foam.

Print polystyrene foam on a flat concrete surface can be special glue-foam. This requires a little time. This method is relatively inexpensive. At the same time, the material can be glued to the usual mounting foam. However, this will increase the work time, since it will have to press the plates to the surface for a long time.

If this is not done, due to an increase in the volume of foam, the sheets swell and rise above the surface, and the seams will disperse. Before using glue-foam, make sure that the contents of the tube are intended for foam (and not for foam concrete) and find out the conditions of use. The use of special is possible even without priming, it suffices to clean the concrete surface from pollution and moisten it for better clutch.

The advantages of this composition are:

  • acceptable adhesion;
  • the ability to glue the slabs at low temperatures inside and outside buildings;
  • no smells;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the ability to make long interruptions in the installation;
  • frost resistance;
  • lack of shrinkage;
  • biological resistance;
  • safety (fire, chemical);
  • ease of use.

The minuses of this substance are that the foam needs protection against UV rays, a washing of the mounting "gun" is required during long breaks in operation, as well as the clutch force (holding ability) with smooth concrete surfaces weakened.

Care should also be taken to make the composition of the mucous eye. Special foam is refilled in standard cylinders filled with polyurethane composition. Before use, it is installed in the mounting "gun", which adjusts the output of the substance. The spray can shake the spray, it can be heated in warm water. The temperature of the application of the cylinder is approximately plus 20 degrees.

Foam can be placed on concrete or foam, shelting at least 40% of the area under the sheet. The drawings of its application are stripes around the perimeter of the plates or in a checker order (with increments from the edges), the center is extruded zigzag (it is necessary when the surface is not smooth). It is then given a little time to absorb the mixture into the surface to improve the clutch. Speaking foam is cleaned. This composition propumes the seams between the sheets of the material.

Polystyrene foam

The technology of insulation of walls by extruded polystyrene foam from within and outside is considered more expensive than the one that provides for the use of other rolled insulating materials. But it is she who can provide the highest level of protection, and the process of insulation can be implemented with their own hands and without using a specific tool.

The last relevant only for the inhabitants of private residential buildings and apartments on the first floors. In other cases, the insulation of walls by extruded polystyrene foam outside need a technique designed for high-rise work, and with their own hands to make it no longer.

Feature of using polystyrene foam

The technology of insulation expanded polystyrene foam is used mainly for thermal insulation of the room outside. The insulation of PPS from the inside has some drawbacks. So, if you carry out the installation from the inside, the PPP "steals" too much living space. In addition, PPS is not a "breathable" material, which can adversely affect the microclimate from the inside of the room. In addition, when insulation, the PPP distributes the characteristic smell. Based on their foregoing, from the in order to glue the polystyrene foam from the inside of the room, it is better to refrain.

Warming of the walls of a residential house expanded by polystyrene foam outside the following advantages:

  1. Usually the thickness of the extruded polystyrene used for insulation is equal to 5 centimeters, and the density is 25 kg / m cubic meters. In terms of its heat insulating parameters, 5 cm layer of polystyrene can be compared with 0.5 meters of brick masonry, which is quite enough for a comfortable stay.
  2. Polystyrene foam, if the installation was made in compliance with all the rules of technology, if the material is properly glued, has a deadline for use, reaching half a century.
  3. Extruded PPP - fireproof non-combustible material.
  4. Insulation for PPS walls is considered environmentally friendly.
  5. Polystyrene foam, with the help of which the insulation of the walls of residential apartments and the house outside, has low vapor permeability and high strength, the ability to not respond to aggressive external factors in the form of direct sunlight, permanent rains or temperature surges.
  6. Installation of PPS gives ample opportunities for finishing. The decor of the walls can be paint or plaster on expanded polystyrene.

Glue or foam for polystyrene

When insulating polystyrene foam with her own hands, the question arises how to fix the material to the wall. Glue or foam for tile is not suitable, since it does not guarantee proper fastening of the insulation to concrete or brick for quite a long time. Professionals are recommended to glue the PPP and the wall, apply only a special adhesive composition, such as glue or foam for polystyrene foam.

Usually glue or foam in order to attach PPS and glue it with the wall, represent a dry mixture. Before use, this mixture is bred in warm water room temperature in accordance with the instructions and knead to monotonous consistency.

Glue or foam for extruded polystyrene foam has its own specifics of consumption, significantly distinguishing them from adhesive compositions for other materials. So glue or foam for expanded polystyrene is applied not directly when it is necessary to attach the material, and in advance.
Approximately an hour before it is necessary to fix PPP, glue or foam is applied to the surface of the wall with a uniform layer. Also, glue or foam is applied to pre-prepared plates of extruded polystyrene foam.

Preparation of surfaces

If the insulation of walls outside will be made independently, and the main consuming material will be non-combustible extruded polystyrene foam, follow the following procedures:

    1. We remove the elements protruding from the wall (fastening of old waterproof pipes, etc.).
    2. We remove the old coating - first of all, the paint or other decorative coating (about the plaster below), otherwise the installation of the plates will end with the fact that they will disappear along with the old coating.
    3. Before gluing PPS with your own hands to concrete or brick, we estimate the state of the plaster: if the plaster is high-quality, without significant defects, then in principle, the PPU can be mounted on top of it. Otherwise, it is better to clean the walls of "naked", but then make sure there is no longer no longer than 3-4 centimeters. All other defects will correct adhesive for extruded polystyrene foam or foam.

To note: Using such a insulation, as a non-combustible extruded polystyrene foam, you can not dwell on the perfectly smooth working surface, the main thing is that the plates are tightly adjacent to it and retained their vertical level.

How to glue expanding polystyrene to concrete or brick

Having completed the preparation, you can start directly to the installation. At the same time, it is desirable to follow the following recommendations:

  • before gluing polystyrene foams to brick or concrete, we prcribpt the insulated surface to the very adhesive mixture, to which the slabs will be laid for the formation of the base layer;
  • also we miss in advance glue PPU plates and give to dry.

Attention! For the insulation of facades of the house, only special polyurethane adhesives for extruded polystyrene can be used to insulation. Exceptionally in this case, you can count on the durability of the coating. It is recommended to use polyurethane adhesive for extruded polystyrene foam - they can be glued to PPS as high quality.

  • The insulation of the PPS walls with their own hands outside or from the inside, we always carry out the bottom up.
  • We produce installation and fastening of extruded polystyrene foam to the wall with your own hands to the wall "deck" by the method when the plates of each subsequent row are slightly shifted relative to the previous one. Such insulation of walls outside and from the inside polystyrene foam makes it possible to avoid the so-called "bridges" of cold and vertical through slots.

How to glue extruded polystyrene foam, installation plates

    1. Glue for the plates of extruded polystyrene is applied toothed spatula, the width of the teeth of which is equal to 8 or more centimeters. Polyurethane glue for expanded polystyrene is applied around the perimeter of each plate and on its middle. Ideally, the adhesive substance should cover at least 40% of the entire stove, the thickness of the layer should be moderate.
    2. Apply the slab to the wall and give it the required position, taking into account the orientation and sevings. After the stove is attached to the wall, we have about 10 minutes before the glue setting.
    3. After setting the glue by fixing the plates of PPU dowels with a special hat- "fungus". Drive a dowel from the center of the plates to the edges or from the angle to the opposite corner diagonally - this will help avoid stresses in the stove. Some prefer to save, knocking up a dowel on the stack of plates.

IMPORTANT: to drive the dowels need flush, not allowing the excessive blowout of the Hat "fungus", because artificially squeezing the material, we create an additional wool bridge - the thickness of the insulation decreases.

  • After the installation of the slabs is over, coated the entire surface of the plates with glue, in the layer of which we blend the reinforcing grid with a roller.
  • After drying, the glue can be proceeded to the finishing surface of the surface - putty and the coating of polystyrene foam plates with finishing material, such as paint or decorative plaster for expanded polystyrene.

What to do with door and window slopes

Installation of material for window slope

The insulation of walls outside the polystyrene foam is slightly difficult at the stage of work aimed at the insulation of door and window openings. It is in these places that there is a risk of leaving the bridges of cold, but also just sack the slopes with plates - not the best option. If you do it, the openings instantly decrease horizontally and vertically, and at once every 10 centimeters.

The solution to such a problem is as follows: it is possible to rush each slope to 3-4 centimeters, make a sandwich from hydro and vapor barrier, put a layer of mineral wool, after which it all tightly covered with clapboard. All these manipulations must be done after the insulation of the walls of polystyrene foaming will be completed, and the insulation itself will cover the plaster on polystyrene foam or paint.

Sucks should be cheered before gliding the extruded polystyrene foam among themselves, or at the stage of preparation of all walls, otherwise it will then be done much harder.


The advantages of extruded polystyrene foam is unconditional, but also the price, frankly, bite. If there is a desire to save, then the budget alternative to PPP can be polyurethane foam. These two insulation have several significant differences among themselves. Polyurethan is easier to mount to the surface, this material demonstrates minimal hygroscopicity, marginal resistance to chemical substances, a long operational period and thermal efficiency as a whole.
Polyurethane foam can be glued to brick and concrete, which is made by spraying and with the involvement of specific techniques. But in its heat insulating properties, this material is still inferior to polystyrene foam.

The modern construction industry widely uses such heat insulating materials as extruded polystyrene foam and foam. They both have a number of benefits, but there are some differences when they are installed, which will be discussed below.

Polystyrene foam is used when carrying out interior and exterior work. It is used for thermal insulation of facades of buildings, basements, basements and balconies. This foamy material is weakly deformed, it has strong hydrophobic properties, it is easy, serves for a long time and microorganisms are poorly multiplied in it, which prevents the appearance of colonies.

Usually, the installation of expanded polystyrene is carried out with glue or special mastic, as well as mounting dowels. The best result is achieved when combining both methods, because then the insulation is first glued to the surface of the building, and then fasten the dowels.

In this article

What properties are important for glue?

Before you start, the selection of glue is worth clear which properties should have this solution.

Adhesive material that is used for mounting polystyrene foam slabs must have the following properties:

  • Have high resistance to low temperatures.
  • It is permissible to use it for external work.
  • Provide high grip surfaces that need to be fixed.
  • Be convenient to use.
  • Do not have any solvents, as well as gasoline, acetone, ether and similar substances.

It is best to choose a glue composition containing plasticizers, bitumen or composite mixtures.

Very often, the builders mention that the use of liquid nails, silicone sealant, frost-resistant glue for facade works, frost-resistant glue for various types of tiles. It is believed that these glue solutions are one of the best for achieving the maximum result when installing polystyrene foaming, but they are extremely recommended to use special dowels with their use.

Professionals argue that these compositions can ideally replace polystyrene glue blends that are quite difficult to find in modern building stores.

Types of glue for mounting polystyrene foam plates

Adhesive compositions for mounting plates of the insulation of this type are two types: specialized and universal. The first type is intended for installation of only some particular insulation. Universal adhesive are more preferable, because They not only high qualityly fix the insulation with the surface of the wall, but also create a reinforcing layer. Adhesion can be based on bitumen or cement-polymer substance.

Mastic-based solutions are capable of creating a waterproofing layer, due to the high content of bitumen in its composition. However, the application of such adhesive must be fulfilled continuously, without visible discontinuities. Among other things, for such adhesive, there is no thermal effect before mounting, and glue mass is always high plastic.

Glue based on cement-polymer materials are used for all types of work. They wonderfully cope with the installation of polystyrene foam on concrete, brick foam concrete surfaces, as well as on plasterboard. Before working, it is necessary to spend thorough primer surface.

It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of use of glue before purchase - there is no point in applying a frost-resistant adhesive for interior decoration.

How to glue foam to metal?

Polyfoam is an extremely lightweight material that can be glued almost on any surface. However, for example, glue foam on a wooden, plastic or concrete surface can be without much effort, but the installation on a metal surface is associated with some difficulties that are fairly easily solved.

So, what to glue a foam to a metal wall?

Before installing foam plastic on metal, you need to comply with general rules that are used in carrying out work absolutely on all types of surface:

  • For outdoor installation, it is necessary to carefully select the adhesive composition, the use of which is suitable with your climatic conditions in a specific region.
  • The adhesive solution is applied to a sheet of foam minimum in five equidoidal points.
  • It is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the glue to avoid the displacement of the plates. If the displacement has happened, then work should be done again.

When choosing glue, it is necessary to pay attention to that it does not have any solvents, as well as gasoline, acetone or ether derivatives. The ideal option is the mounting foam, liquid nails or sealant.

Montaja technology

Before starting work, you need to check for all the necessary tools that may be needed throughout the foam installation process.

Below is a minimum list of what can be useful when working:

  • Gloves and rag material; It is better to have rubber or plaid gloves, the use of cellophane is unacceptable.
  • Industrial knife, which will be used to separate foam sheets.
  • Roulette for accurate measurement of the area.
  • Several spatulas.
  • Wooden rail or plywood sheet to ensure the backup of foam plates.
  • Grinding machine that thoroughly clean the metal.
  • Degreasing means of means: White spirit, gasoline or any other detergent.
  • The glue solution, which was selected in accordance with the operating conditions.
  • The desired number of foam sheets.

First you need to carefully clean the metal surface from the dirt, rust or paint residues available on it, and then completely degrease the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe metal surface with any existing means. The modern construction industry offers a huge amount of adhesive materials, the use of which mainly depends on the personal desire of the installer. All of them have both positive and negative sides.

Use of mounting foam

Mounting foam is quite convenient and easy to use and does not require any special skills to use it. Its gluing occurs with an absolutely any surface, but it dries quickly enough, so the delay is unacceptable when working with it.

Foam is produced in small cylinders that have a convenient outlet tube. It helps to apply it quickly and provides high quality mounting. Installation foam is the easiest material for working with foam and metal.

The use of polyurethane glue

This type of glue was the second most popular for home use in small quantities. The form of the production of polyurethane adhesive is identical to the form of the production of mounting foam - small cylinders with a guide graduation tube, however, a special gun is needed to work with polyurethane glue, which squeezes the mixture to the desired surface.

Polyurethane adhesive is usually applied point or strips along the entire surface of the foam sheet.

To achieve the best result, the distance between points or stripes should be from 5 to 7 cm. After contacting the foam with the metal, it is necessary to stop the slab rail to ensure the best clutch of surfaces.

Liquid nails for gluing foam plastic to metal

Liquid nails have a lower strength of gluing surfaces than the previous version, but after the first contact of the surfaces, it is not necessary to ensure the backup of the sheet of foam.

Professionals' builders advise the use of liquid nails together with glue. If you use this installation method, liquid nails are applied to 1/3 of the sheet area, and the glue is applied to the remaining surface. Even in this case, the subsequent use of the rail is not necessary, but the quality of the gluing will increase significantly.

Use of glue PVA

If you want to use PVA glue for installation, this method will provide a fairly good degree of gluing foam, but you will need to create an additional layer between the burlap surfaces. To facilitate work, you can first stick to the foam on the foam, wait for drying, and then continue to work.

For decoration of small areas, the foam is possible to use bilateral construction skotcha. This type of connection has a very high quality, as well as high price. If you are not frightened excessive financial costs, then this method for you.

So, as you can see, there are no special difficulties when installing various types of insulation. Of course, if you do it for the first time, you will need some time to develop the necessary skills, but, as practice shows, almost every person is able to perform this work independently. In this case, you will not only be confident in the high quality of the installation, but also be able to save a fairly large amount of funds that can be spent on more important things in your home.