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What to stretch bed bugs at home. How to bring bugs from the apartment yourself and quickly. Folk remedies from bedbugs at home

Pests Easily Easily Measure Special Aerosole. You need to apply to the focus of infection and the result will not make yourself wait. The aerosol is desirable to apply locally - should be applied to the pest nests and on the cluster areas. A minus of such funds - when using poison remains in the air and the person breathes them.

When applying sprays, you need to adhere to the instructions:

  1. before processing, remove products and personal items;
  2. from the room to remove children and animals;
  3. take advantage of protective equipment - mask, glasses, gloves;
  4. shake the balloon;
  5. process areas from an elongated arm;
  6. after work, to ventilate the room, but to leave at least 30 minutes.

You can use the following sprays:

When using any tools, we need protection objects - gloves, dressings, glasses.

How to use insecticidal powders and crayons?

Sellers offer powder or chalk drugs that, according to their assurances, are effective. In practice, they do not always give the result, since bugs do not eat powder, their food is blood.

Painting insecticides consisting of a poison of contact action will cope with pests. In this case, the procedure for extermination of pests will be effective.

You can work yourself with the following means:

  • Chlorofos.. A solution is prepared before use - 15 g of powder and 10 liters of water. It is used to remove bugs and their eggs. For a person, the means of moderate degree of toxicity, it is dangerous to inhale.
  • Masha. Smalls help to cope with insects thanks to pyreteroid poisons. They are easily applied to the surface and continue to influence for a long time. If there are few bedbugs in the room, such crayons will be the best choice by the criterion of the price - quality.
  • Neucente. Powder is designed to eliminate bed bugs. A solution is prepared before use - 10 g of money per 1 liter of water. They are processed by the room, affecting hard-to-reach places. After 2 hours you can wash off.

Temperature treatment

Klopov can be destroyed by temperature methods - high and low temperatures.

Eliminate bedbugs will help high temperatures - boiling water or steam.

Disinsectors use steam generators with which the jet pair falls on the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The kettle in this case is not an assistant.

Professionals use the heating of the room to 50 ° with thermal guns, which causes the disappearance of insects.

Folk Methods

Many of the people's methods only scare insects, but do not reduce their number. Therefore, it is constantly fighting for them. You can use wormwood, pizhma, vinegar, ammonia.

Some means destroy the pests when hit. They should not handle the entire room. You need to find insects and their nests, only then the results appear.

You can use the following means:

  • a mixture of vinegar, naphthalene and alcohol 90% in the same quantities;
  • denature;
  • aviation kerosene.

Remember - folk remedies will help only with a small amount of bedbugs. To use toxic substances can be used with strict compliance with safety rules - gloves, mask, glasses are needed. Denatet, alcohol, kerosene have the property of easy ignition, so they are forbidden to use next to fire. They are also harmful to animals.


What to ropes - each owner decides itself, the main thing is not to harm yourself and your family. The elimination of insects on their own is not such a difficult case, if you think about the items and select a verified means.

Perform a complete cleansing of the room from pests in a short time, but they can penetrate the neighbors. It is advisable to conduct a procedure with them, then insects are unlikely to appear again.

Video: Effective means from bedbugs

Details Without insects 19 April 2018. Updated: 19 April 2019

Despite the fact that the chemical industry has long reached a new level and insecticidal agents have become so safe that they do not even require the mandatory removal of tenants from the house (although they recommend), but many still reject the pesticides because of fear to poison themselves. And on the challenge of specialists-disinsectors is sorry to spend money. So trying such grief-economists to search than to ropes for free and blatant:

All listed methods fully claim originality, but for the result - in no way. But what is really effectively to ropes, it is proven reliable means taking into account the characteristics of the physiology and lifestyles of insects.

Self-struggle measures

Of the most accessible mass consumers there are two ways:

  • Folk methods.
  • Insecticide preparations.

Modern means of chemical swelling with proven effectiveness are simple for use, have a long shelf life, which allows them to be used periodically in order to prevent.

Overview of nadochimiricates to combat clusters

All chemical insecticides are divided into groups in the form of release:

  • Aerosols.
  • Chalks.
  • Powders.
  • Concentrates.
  • Gels.
  • Traps, etc.

What effectively ropes in the apartment:

Of course, this is not all the means that are on the store shelves. There are others that can be travertied by bugs alone. The question is only in the degree of effectiveness. Disinsection specialists consider the best methods of extermination of bugs chemical insecticides for wet processing (concentrates, microcapsules, etc.). Small, powdered and other ways of destruction do not have so pronounced slaughter force. From here the following:

Rule number 2: Means for wet processing use as basic, all others as auxiliary measures.

As already mentioned, folk methods are better used as an additional measures in a complex or preventive to prevent repeated population of unnecessary guests. However, there are two ways to get rid of the pest without the use of chemicals and any means in general:

How to ropes in the apartment with sharp smells:

Herbs with aroma, not tolerated clouds. Herbal beams are laid out in places of pest cluster, under the mattresses, between clothes in the closet, suspended to the Gardena, paintings, etc. Popular fragile discharges include:

  • Sagebrush.
  • Tansy.
  • Carnation.
  • Bowls Bolotnaya.

Liquid with a sharp smell. Solutions based on some "fragile" household liquids can force the bedbugs to get into another place. True, a person in conditions of such amber also falls out:

  • Vinegar - Hit "Antikopin therapy".
  • Kerosene.
  • Turpentine.

The means are bred with water in equal proportions, a little liquid soap is added to the last two. The resulting mixture is treated with surfaces of furniture, curtains, floors, sex and ceiling plinths, etc. Be prepared for the fact that everything is a slaughter smell: curtains, clothes, hair, soft toys. Dubious pleasure, given that they still have to breathe.

Aromatic and essential oils from the above grasses can be used to scare bugs, applying on skin, clothing, bed linen. To some extent, it will protect against insect bites, but temporarily, bugs have a unique ability to get used to changing habitat, and hunger will sooner or later force them to overcome the fragrant barrier.

Mechanical extermination of insects. This was mentioned above: neither sneakers, no traps are particularly effective against small pests of this type. However, you can arrange a total hunt and turn all beds, upholstered furniture and other intended habitats. Some use a vacuum cleaner to collect insects and their eggs. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of klopin population, but without the use of more reliable methods, the population will restrict and increase literally in a matter of weeks.

How to ropes: personal safety rules

Regardless of how to ropes, you are gathered, respiratory protection measures are required, as well as the removal of all other residents from the apartment at the time of processing, as far as safe for humans and animal modern chemicals. In the instructions for such super-safe drugs, we are talking about random short-term contact, and not that they can use, neglecting personal protection and other safety measures.

Individual protective equipment:

  • Gloves (Rubber, Latex, Silicone - any).
  • Mask (respirator, homemade bandage, reinforced medical).
  • Equipment (bathrobe, booties, pants, jacket).

Dishes and special detergents:

  • Containers for the preparation of working fluids.
  • Capacities with tight closing for storing residues (if there are).
  • Detergents to eliminate the residual smell, traces of cooked mixes and cleaning the room after the brass.

Preparation of the room:

  • Removal of children, animals, birds, other tenants from the apartment.
  • Food packaging with a hermetic way (ideally, it will be out of home at all).
  • Protection of dishes and inventory from the ingress of the working solution (does not relieve the need for careful washing after the event is completed).
  • Bedding washing at T + 60C and above.
  • Process all the clothes (which can be - wrap at high temperatures, the rest is treated with steam or iron).
  • Shoes are suspending insecticidal powder and hermetically pack.
  • Such events to spend with bedding (pillows, blankets) and soft toys.
  • Furniture to move from the walls, open free access to plinths, rosettes, garbines, etc.

Stages of self-disinsection of bedbugs:

Rule number 3: Processing should be carried out simultaneously in all, without exception of the apartments, including mezzanine, storerooms, bathrooms.

Professional destruction of insects in the apartment

Before roping, the specialist will give recommendations for the preparation of the apartment:

  • Release out of the room or to cover personal hygiene objects, clothing, dishes.
  • Dispatch sofas and other folding upholstered furniture.
  • Remove bed linen from beds.
  • Remove all residents and pets from home.

Professional services in the arsenal have the main method of struggle:

Hot fog. Spraying a special substance using a normalized steam generator. The drug evaporates in the apparatus and doses are outward. When interacting with air temperature turns into fog and instantly cools. By chemical composition, hot fog is a complex of the smallest particles capable of penetrating any places, and the temperature indicators enhance its effect repeatedly. The fine-visuous state of an active chemical splashing under heavy pressure from the pump is hot, allows you to evenly distribute the insecticidal cloud throughout the volume of the area being processed. Gaseous consistency does not harm the interior (wallpaper, furniture, carpets) and room plants.

Irrigation method. Spraying chemical preparations from professional pulverizers. The lack of such a method is that not all hidden surfaces can be processed, where can easily penetrate one of the types of fog processing. That is, in the room there will be places where insecticide is not applied. This increases the likelihood of an unsuccessful procedure. In this regard, with irrigation, specialized funds are used, which have a sharp and unpleasant smell, to lure bugs from shelters for contact with insecticide. The method is quite effective and widely used in modern disableries.

How to ropes at home: pros and cons of hot and cold fog

Cold fog generators are available for home independent use. This is a certain plus, but at the same time talking about minus - a cold fog can be effectively eliminated by small infection in small square. For large areas (for example, hotels, hostels) or numerous population, hot gas will show the best results.

The advantages of the methods of foggy processing:

  • Cold processing does not leave traces on surfaces.
  • Hot fog acts on eggs as efficiently as on larvae and adults (using models of generators with high temperature nozzle).
  • Hot fog particles are smaller than cold, so their penetration is higher.


  • Cold fog does not destroy egg laying.
  • The aerosol cloud of the hot fog keeps much longer - to 10 hours.

Whatever the method was preferred, it is necessary to take into account: no method to ropes do not give warranty from re-infection. But careful cleaning, regular testing of the bathrooms, folds of upholstered furniture and mattresses, checking baggage after visits to hotels on vacation or business trips will help significantly reduce the risk of unnecessary, dangerous pests in the walls of native dwellings. It is also necessary to take care of the sealing of the room in the case of insect penetration from the neighbors. To close the construction sealant with the larvae of sockets, switches, joints of the pipes and heating pipes, holes on the ceiling at the place of fastening the chandelier, as well as put minor meshes on the ventilation grille.

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Exterminator Klop "Palach"

Today, the executioner is considered one of the best means to combat insects. It is sold according to a special German license and guarantees high quality and efficiency. The preparation includes Fentyon. This substance that has a paralysis effect on insects.

It is important to note that the substance is absolutely harmless to people and animals. Only hitting the stomach in large quantities, Fentyon can cause side effects.

A substance is for sale in a small bottle. With proper use, you can save the apartment from unwanted insects in a couple of hours. You can buy the executioner on the Internet or in any food store.

According to people, with the help of one bottle, you can thoroughly treat a large sofa or all plinths in one room. If you want to felt the bedbugs in the whole apartment, then buy approximately 20 wrap vials.

Here are the main advantages of this fund:

  • It does not harm furniture and other surfaces, does not leave stains.
  • It acts not only on adult insects, but also on the larvae.
  • Insects die in a couple of hours after the treatment of the apartment.
  • Acceptable value of the drug.

And here are some flaws of the execution:

It is sold in the form of a concentrate from which it is necessary to prepare a slaughter solution. To destroy bugs, you need to use 2 ml of composition per 1 liter of water. Connect the concentrate with water and stir for 5 minutes. Pour the means to any container with a spray gun. Usually, 50 ml of dissolved dig paramees is enough to process one surface.

How to ropes using digps:

  1. Be sure to insulate children and animals when processing the room.
  2. Use the tool in protective gloves. You also need to wear on the face mask or respirator. Otherwise, dig paramees can cause organism poisoning.
  3. From the workpiece you need to endure all the dishes and food.
  4. After processing, you need to immediately take a shower, wash your face and hands with soap.
  5. Check the room for about 60 minutes. After a day, you can make wet cleaning.

Pillow for bugs "Tetrix"

Tetrix is \u200b\u200bsold in the form of a concentrate. It has a weak smell, which in an hour will destroy from the room. Tetriks liquid has a yellowish color. In order to ropes in a large house you need to buy a bottle of 250 ml.

Preparation for the processing of the room:

  1. From the apartment you need to endure all the food and dishes. In the form of an exception, you can cover the foods of the food film.
  2. Move the furniture about 20 cm from the walls.
  3. Before processing you need to thoroughly wash the floor.
  4. Put on gloves and protective clothing before cooking solution. Choose clothes, which is not sorry later. Jump special glasses or mask to protect your eyes.
  5. Display children and animals, close all the aquariums.

Treat absolutely all surfaces in the house. Start with those places where insects were most often noticed. Most spray the solution on the plinth, window sills and ventilation grids. Process furniture from the back and pay attention to all dark corners. Then you will be able to completely felt bugs.

To prepare an effective solution, you need to connect 250 ml of tetriks with 7 liters of water. After you need to pour fluid to sprayer. It is recommended to use tetrix in the form of prophylaxis. You can process only plinths and doorways in hostels or communal apartments. Then the insects will not interfere with you from the neighbors.

Processing fufanon

Fufanon remedy is made in Denmark and has excellent results and reviews. The preparation includes Malaytion. This is a toxic composition that allows you to fight insects and maintain the result for a long period. Developers were able to improve the tool. Therefore, Fufanon does not have a sharp smell and does not carry a dangerous impact on the human body.

For prophylactic treatment of the room, it is enough to purchase one ampule of Fufanon. It needs to be divorced in 10 liters of water. The means can handle the whole apartment or private house. Then the insects do not go from the neighbors.

Pay attention to the basic precautions:

  1. If the tool touched the skin of the face or eye, it is necessary to rinse immediately with clean water. It is best to consult a doctor that there is no side effects.
  2. You need to leave the apartment for a day after processing.
  3. When processing, it is necessary to air the room in order not to poison the chemical composition.
  4. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash the body.

Remember that all insects will die only after 3-4 days. The remedy will also be on adults, and on the larvae of the bugs. If the room is strongly infected with insects, handle it several times to erase all the bedbugs in the apartment.

Klopomor - Fighting Means

The means effectively acts and quickly destroys insects. The preparation includes cypermethrin, Piperonylbutoxide IT Permeter. For the processing of a large apartment, there is enough single blockon of a bounnoomor in 300 ml.

Means are very popular, it is easy to find almost in any store. Korean scientists have developed a combat. The tool has important advantages:

  1. The combat is sold in the cylinder and looks like a freshener of air. Thanks to such packaging, you can easily process the gaps and hard-to-reach places where bugs can hide.
  2. The tool does not need to be additionally prepared at home and dissolve in water.
  3. Kombat does not have a sharp smell. It was added to the aroma of lemon and mint. During processing, a person does not experience uncomfortable sensations.

The main minus funds is considered its high cost. For the same money you can call a group of disinfects and process the whole apartment with their help.

Downtime carbofos

This is one of the oldest means to combat clusters. Capocos a little loses to new manufacturers, but still copes with the destruction of insects. Often these drugs are treated country sites and large rooms. Sold carbofos in a large canister. It must be dissolved with water and spray with a spray gun. You can apply liquid on the surface of a large brush.

Now scientists have improved this tool and made it more dangerous for insects. At the same time, the chalk will not be dangerous for people and animals. The shallow includes deltamerin and cypermethrine. These funds act perfectly on insects.

It is customary to use for the processing of private houses and summer cottages. Therefore, the tool is not often used in apartments. Sometimes it is possible to make an exception only if the room will be thoroughly ventilated.

After processing it is important to carry out wet cleaning and fully rinse the composition from the surfaces. Now you know how to ropes in the country or in a private house.

Forget about the unpleasant smell along with Get

Scientists were able to develop a unique tool that no unpleasant smell in the room after processing. The drug includes chlorpyryphos. This substance is dispersed in water and is shown to the state of microcapsules. The tool is actively fighting with insects and does not bother the tenants with an unpleasant smell. But do not forget about the precautionary measures that are specified on the packaging.

Read 9 min. Published 07.11.2018

Bed bugs feed on only blood

In this article:

Methods of destruction

In this video, interesting facts about home bedops are told:

Preparation before etching

To quickly get rid of bed bugs, it is better to use insecticides because they are most effective. Modern chemical preparations are safe for the health of pets and people, besides, easy to use. For the destruction of bloodsucms, these substances go no more than 14 days. Of course, safe folk remedies can be used to exterminate insects in the apartment, but they do not kill pests, but only scare them.

Home bedops need to exterminate special chemicals - insecticides

Before you begin spraying rooms, you need to bring all tenants to the street. Home can be returned after venting the apartment. You should also remove all items and food so that there are no poisoning substances.

When working with insecticides, you need to use security tools. During the processing, it is recommended to wear a respirator and rubber gloves. Before riding home bedbugs, needed bedding in a washing machineBy putting it on the intensive mode. The bugs remaining on sheets and pillowcases will die when the temperature exceeds + 60 ° C.

Deletion of insect chemistry

Before using the chemical tool, you must learn instructions for it. In addition, it is necessary to remember that homemade bedbugs can adapt to poisonous substances, therefore it is recommended to re-process again after a while, but another drug.

In the process of disinsection, it is necessary to follow the safety rules in order to protect all residents of the apartment from negative consequences. Before riding bed bugs, contact chemistry with animals, food and small children.

When processing insecticide, it is necessary to wear personal protective equipment from chemical evaporation.

Premises treatment with harmful substances need to be performed in rubber gloves, headdress, bathrobe and a bandage that protects the respiratory tract. It is necessary to avoid insecticide into open areas of the skin. After spraying the room you need to venture for 2-3 hours.

If you make all the forces on the fight against these bloodsuckers, it will turn out without the help of specialists to destroy most insects in the house. Re-processing will help exterminate the remaining bedbugs.

Review of insecticidal drugs

Suspension "Gets" has no smell and well exterminates bugs in the house

The raid aerosol is used not only in the fight against bloodsuckers, but also by other insects. The tool disrupts the work of the central nervous system of the bugs. The advantages of aerosol include ease of use and rapid weathering. The minus of the drug is that an oily film remains on spraying surfaces. It should be noted that it is better coping with the destruction of flies and cockroaches than bugs.

For disinsection of the apartment, it is necessary to hold a pencil on the frames of beds, plinths and other places where bloodsicles live. During such a procedure, you should not withdraw from the house of its inhabitants or cover food. The drug will destroy the bugs and will act even a long time after applying.

Powder Fenasin is an inexpensive poisoning agent. It is used to process insect accumulation places. The powder has a specific smell that some people do not like. This drug will get out only adult bedbugs. It is advisable to apply it when the apartment is at an early stage of infection and insects did not have time to postpone the eggs.

Powder "Fenasin" stands inexpensively and well destroys clusters of bugs in the house

The preparation of the executioner against bedbugs prefer to apply professional disinsectors. Unfortunately, he is not able to destroy insect eggs, so the processing is advised to repeat in a few days. To avoid poisoning, you need to perform a procedure in the respirator.

Insecticide Carbosol in the form of spray contributes to the removal of bed bugs, but also does not act on the eggs. This aerosol is created from high-quality raw materials. After disinsection, there are no spots on furniture, clothing and sex. The tool almost smells.

Before ropping the beds of the house of chemistry, you should try folk recipes, especially if there are no insects too much. Perhaps they hit the apartment by chance, moving from the neighbors. In this case, it is worth taken to take measures and scare up uninvited pests with the following means:

Insects really do not like the smell of essential oils, especially rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender. These tools are used to scare the pests. Perfectly helps to avoid bites processing legs bed with essential oil.

Sharp smell of essential oils scares home bedbugs

Even to destroy these small pests, turpentine is often used - the result of the processing of resins of coniferous trees. In such a frying liquid there are many essential oils, unpleasant insects. But it should be understood that turpentine refers to toxic substances, so when working with it, it is necessary to use gloves. To destroy bugs, prepare a special mixture . For her preparation you will need:

  • skipidar - 150 ml;
  • terror soap bar;
  • summer alcohol - 50 ml.

The components are stirred until the thick mass is obtained. It is treated with places infected with clouds. After applying, the apartment is left to be ventilated for 24 hours.

Prevention measures

To avoid the appearance of bugs in the house, you should seal all the cracks in the door boxes, window frames and sewage pipes. The areas of the likely accumulation of insects should be regularly treated with weak insecticidal agents. To scare the pests, you need to decompose strongly smelling plants in all rooms. It is also necessary to carry out general cleaning every day. Such measures will not allow the probabilities of arrangement of new insect nests.

In order for bed bugs to appear in the apartment, we need certain conditions that tenants sometimes provide this bloodsowing insect to not suspect. The problem is that these insects are not powered by no residues, garbage or spoil homeworkers, and human blood, for which they damage human skin.

The bug is a certain danger for a person, but, despite the fact that the bugs are considered to be carriers of various diseases, bug during the bite does not infect a person with these diseases.

As a rule, a person practically does not respond to insect bites, not counting those people who have allergic reactions, or who are possible anemia. The most vulnerable to bite covers are children and older people who have been weakened by immunity for a number of reasons. In any case, finding the house of bed bugs at home, you need to immediately start the fight with them.

Before the process of destruction, it will not be superfluous to analyze the created conditions in order to understand the causes of the appearance of the bugs. At the same time, you need to take into account the human factor.

Ways of penetration of bugs in the apartment

Scientists have data on the presence of more than 5 thousand species of bedbugs. The most common is a bedpop, which prefers to settle in the human dwelling and feeds on human blood. Despite this, other types of bedbugs deserve. For example:

  • Klop Waterna. This insect prefers to settle in water bodies and eat creatures living in water. It grows up to 1.5 cm. For a man, water bug is not dangerous. But his bites can cause allergic reactions and painful sensations.
  • Forest bug. Prefers to dwell on various kinds of shrubs and, for a person, no danger represents, even if he becomes taken to the apartment or to the house.
  • Green Corn. A fairly common pest, which shaves on plants like raspberries and strawberries. For a person, no danger is no danger, but it is dangerous for strawberries and strawberries, as it feeds on the juices of these berries.
  • Red knop. As a rule, they appear early in the spring, when it starts to harb the sun and fall when the last warmth is observed in the street before the onset of cold weather. They can be seen in bright color and numerous groups that heat the sun. These creatures feed on plants juice and adversely affect the state of many trees.

Favorite places of bedlop

Bed bugs are unpretentious to habitats and can live in any convenient place in the apartment. Naturally, they choose places that are located as close as possible to a person. It comes to a bug on the hunt at night when a person sleeps tightly. In this case, the bite of a bite is practically painless, since the bug is distinguished by a special substance.

Klop detection

To determine the presence in the house of the bedbugs, you need to pay attention to such factors:

Finding the bugs in his home, you need to immediately take all measures to destroy them until a lot has been divorced. In addition, the presence of bugs in the apartment is a worsening of sleep, a sense of discomfort, no mood, etc.

Fighting clusters at home

Is it possible to destroy bugs in the apartment without disinsectors? Of course you can, but everything you need to think about and prepare a room for processing. In case of non-compliance with the rules, negative consequences for all who live in the apartment, including pets, are possible.

Stages of processing apartments from bedbugs:

Bed linen is better boiled, and all infected things are better to wash at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees. At the same time, we should not forget about children's toys, fur products, foam rubber, etc.

When all the preparatory operations are performed, it is time to start cooking the working solution. At the same time, you need to carefully examine the instructions to prepare the remedy in the necessary proportion. After cooking, the solution is poured into the spray gun. If these are aerosols, then before use, the container is good enough to shake.

It is mostly handled where it is possible to be bugs: this is a region of plinths, backs of beds, all the inner pieces of furniture, carpets, as well as places under them. One can not be limited to one room, and at the same time process the corridor, balcony, storage room, kitchen, as well as space under the windowsides, where they love to hide these bloodsowing. After that, the room must be left at a certain time. After this time, the apartment needs to be well ventilated.

Funds are widely popular in combating clusters:

  • Pyrethrum. The substance represents a white powder that is simply scattered within bed, near the plinths and in other places. Naturally, the tool is not suitable if children and animals live in the house. Although the drug is considered safe for the inhabitants of the apartment, yet it is not worth eating it, as it is possible poisoning.
  • Kombat. This is a universal tool that is used to combat clusters, as well as cockroaches, ticks, spiders and other types of insects. Produced in the form of an aerosol, which allows you to process even hard-to-reach places. Fast action drug.
  • Tetrix. He is more preferred professionals. Sold in the form of a concentrated solution. 250 ml of the drug is bred in 6 liters of water. This volume is enough to handle a 3-bedroom apartment.

By choosing the methods of combating clusters, it is necessary to take into account that bugs do not take out temperatures more than 60 degrees and air temperature -20 degrees. Therefore, with them can be effectively fighting both in the winter and summer. In this case, the bugs also die from solutions prepared on the basis of vinegar, chamomile, turbidar, ammonia alcohol (ammonia solution), etc. Solutions prepared on the basis of the above components are sprayed in places of parasite accumulation. It does not prevent the usual womb of these compositions of some surfaces, paintings, plinths and even walls.