Repairs Design Furniture

Host transplant fall. When and how to transplant hosts. We select the perfect place to land the host

Host is considered a plant decorative type. When to transplant the host? Such a question is asked by many gardeners, which a chic shrub has fallen by moral. This tetenbivable perennial does not have beautiful bright colors. His dignity is luxurious foliage. For laying out flower beds, decorating shaded garden sections, the plant is simply indispensable.

In the care of the host, unpretentious, do not have complaints about the soil composition. If the plant is minimal care, then the bush will grow greatly. If there is no need, then the plant is not recommended. So it will calmly decorate the plot. If the foliage is strongly compacted, the plant is clearly not enough space, then there is a need to transplant a bush.

Host - a plant from the family of Lily. It blooms modestly, the flowers do not differ in brightness and pomp, but the foliage is the true wealth of the plant. Thanks to such a magnitude of large and dense leaves, the host is actively used for the decor of garden sites. Landscape designers are used by a plant for the design of a flower. The flower is perfectly combined with annuals and perennials, beautiful in the composition with small shrubs, use it as a decoration of the shaded territory under the trees.

The plant is unpretentious, but certain nuances under the transplant should be considered:

  1. 1 flower perfectly tolerate winter cold, so it is possible to grow it almost in any climatic conditions.
  2. 2 The plant calmly solves high temperature, but still it feels better in the shady corners of the garden. Exposure to direct sun ray The host should not be exposed.
  3. 3 The term of landing and resettlement may vary depending on the variety. For each type it is desirable to obtain a consultation of specialists or find information on your own.

The hosts feel good in the shaded areas, but still it is necessary to choose a place in accordance with the needs of the variety. Plants with saturated green and blue color foliage best place under fruit trees. The thick crown will defend the host from the bright sun.

Where and how the plant is planted

The host is transplant from one place to another across seedlings (originally grown out of seeds or acquire seedlings in specialized stores). Sometimes you have to plant her adult bushes. The best time is considered the spring period. It is in the spring that the root system is actively developing, although the outlet of the leaves are still closed. Not being prohibited to transplant the flower and at the autumn time, in this case it is better to make this procedure in the first days of the autumn season. Starting from the second half of September, the host should not be replant - the roots of the plant will not be able to strengthen in the soil.

If the leaves have golden or yellowish shades, then the most suitable for them will be located close to small shrubs, from the side where the shadow is at noon. The host transplant in such a corner of the garden will allow the plant to enjoy the portion of the morning rays, and in the day heat will protect against strong solar radiation. If there is no place on the site with such conditions, then the variety data is better to plant in the shade.

Traditional planting of the plant by transplanting seedlings is carried out in the spring. Gardeners can raise seedlings on their own. Planting material is sold in gardened stores. Young flowers can have a closed root system or open roots.

First option in transplanting in open sad Does not cause trouble. In an acceptable place, it is enough to prepare the well and together with an earthen room put a plant there. The flower with open roots is planted differently: in the hole it is necessary to put fertilizers and peat hill. Fur to distribute the slopes in the slopes, sprinkle the earth and compact. Earth is plentiful to hide.

Important: The kidney must remain on the surface, it should not close it.

How to prepare a plot

Before thinking about how to transplant the host, you must take care of the preparation of the site. The flower is not capricious to the composition of the soil, it will be able to grow in any composition. Although the contraindications also have - the land that contains a lot of clay, raw, wetlands. Ideal are light lights in composition, which can provide air access to roots.

Preparatory work on the site are as follows:

  1. 1 Earth is very carefully leaving, it is necessary to choose all the roots and weeds. And if you do it 1 time and carefully, in the future, it will take care of the plant much easier.
  2. 2 It is necessary to study the composition of the soil. In severe and fat soil, add humus, light in the composition. You can make dry leaves, fine sand, sawdust. If the soil is a lot of sand, then you need to dilute it with peat.
  3. 3 if land plot Non-breed, then you need to add mineral fertilizersThe ash is fit perfectly.
  4. 4 Flower roots are located in the soil in the horizontal direction. A fossa for disembarking should be digging a large width, so food for the plant will be plentiful, which will strengthen the magnificity of the leaves and their beauty. By the degree of humidity of the soil should be moderate.

Preparation of material

Regardless of what kind of host includes, it looks like this: grassy flower With short root. This plant is shadowless and does not impose special requirements To growing conditions. It is customary to use in landings to give groups of decorative plants. Host perfectly decorates any garden plot. It is not less sophisticated as an independent decoration. Lawns, borders, flower beds are places where an amazing herbal flower finds its application.

Shops I. garden centers They offer their buyers of plants having naked roots. The host is placed in the package, peat or sawdust. Planting materials can be sold in pots. But it happens that unscrupulous sellers for such plants cut roots.

If such a material is purchased, then the flower should be removed from the package, carefully examine the roots. If spoiled or fired threads are noticed, they must be removed immediately.

Options for preparing the plant to the transplantation in the soil can be different. If the root is purchased in the winter - at the beginning of the spring and the time to transplant it in the soil, then the root in a dry form in a cold place should be placed (container for vegetables in the refrigerator). Subzero temperature contraindicated. Above 5ºС storage temperature should not be.

In the case when the kidney went into growth, and planting the plant is still early, the roots need to soak in epin or energy solutions (the mangalling is suitable, but very weak). Then plan the plant in flower pot. The earth must be pulled. It is not necessary to water it, the water of the host should receive from the pallet. As soon as the soil warms up, the flower is transplanted into open soil. In this embodiment, it should be borne in mind that the host grown in such conditions is very gentle and the caprious, even light frosts can destroy it.
You can buy a plant in front of the transplantation itself in the ground, then the problems will be solved - it takes care better.
Most. good option For growing a full-fledged strong and healthy plant is a transplant in autumn. You can buy material from other gardeners directly from the bed or in nurseries. The plant is immediately planted in its garden to the prepared place.

For transplantation, a seedlock can be asked for neighbors or to buy on the market - this option is more economical. The plant in the mini market in the gardeners is sold in the form of "Dellek" (parts of the bush). If the neighbors gave you a good to the selection of cooks, then wait until the host looks like a bunch of unpainted leaves. Usually for middle strip It is mid-May. Dig a bush should be forks. Forks to a lesser extent can damage the root system. Columns should be disassembled manually. A transplant fragment should have at least 2 parts of the unbroceed leaves. For transplanting should be at hand wood ash. She is sprinkled with a cut-off place so that they are better than overgrown.

Dellek can transplant the host in the fall, then in the next season it will delight with full-fledged leaf colors. You can transplant in the spring. In this case, there will be no such beautiful and colorful leaves, but the plant is well rooted.

If a host already grows on its garden plot, it can be searched by the above method.

Rules of transplant

Dellets should land into the ground on the same day in which they were quenched or bought on the market. Prepare a hole, such to accommodate the roots of the purchased plant in it. No need to forget that in the hole should be placed by humus. In the well poured warm water, which should absorb under humus. It is necessary to pour at least 1 l per bush. With the roots it is necessary to treat it carefully - spread them so that they intertwine, and not penetrated into the depths. The above describes the location of the root system on the earthlings. This is the most common way to reset the host.

Hosts are noncains in terms of fertilizer. To the landing, they will perceive with gratitude, glad the owners of violent blossoms of foliage. A common comprehensive fertilizer is suitable, which is purchased at any gardener store. We need to use them in accordance with the instructions.

Despite the fact that the host loves shady places, it does not tolerate moisture. If it is necessary to transplant the plant to the site, where the water is assumed, then prudine drainage. To do this, place sand or clamzit on the bottom of the wells, you can pose with a small rubbing or broken brick. In such cases, the well should be deeper.

Watering is carried out as the soil drying, it is possible to pour grass under the plant or opil. Such mulching will help keep moisture to power.

Young rustic bushes look not very beautiful. Therefore, planning to transplant the host, try to choose large bushes. Excellent option There will be a transplant to one place of several varieties of hosts. So the flower garden will look just great.

Skillful combination of hosts with surrounding landscape will give garden plot sophistication. In the background, high plants or bushes are usually placed. Decorative shrubs With bright colors, thefts will be a great background for the host. If the plant is planted for a curb, then without a bright floral decoration it will look bored and sad. Suitable for dilution any bright flowers. It is better to pick up large plants with colorful flowers. The host looks great in conjunction with almost all garden flowers.

It should be remembered that the host will be able to fully show their decorative qualities no earlier than 4 years after planning. Every year it is enlarged, and its leaves are becoming luxurious. Before dividing the plant and transplant to new places, you need to give it to show yourself in all its beauty.

The transplant can be exercised in autumn and spring. It depends on what material to use. If you decide to grow the host, then try to immediately choose a convenient and right place. Frequent transplants will lead to a weakening of the plant. And growing in one place of the host will be able to almost 20 years.

The host refers to decorative discharge perennial plants. Nature has endowed it with unpleasant colors, preferred with bright and varied ones, practicing plant bushes in garden compositions and flower beds.

The care for the host does not require much effort. The plant is unpretentious. It dwells on any with proper care quite quickly grow. Fully dig a plant only when the host is in principle necessary. As a rule, it is a strong bustling bush with intense color and excessive amounts of tightly planted leaves.

Transplant the hostess in the spring or early autumn. In summer, it is allowed only when to transplant the host - a step for example, to transfer it from the sun into the shadow. In this case, a good watering is needed so that the plant can adapt in a new place. Blooming the transplanted bush only across the season.

Popular among gardeners of grades:

  • The variety "Albo Marginat". Bright green lavender leaves with uneven white bordering.
  • Grade "Night before Christmas". The leaves are dark green with a dense texture and a narrow white stripe starting from the cutting tree.
  • Grade "Alex Summers." Large plant in the form of a vase. Over time, forms an ideal ball. Leaves blue-green, dark. Each is protected by a golden strip, the width of which depends on the age of the plant. I received my name on behalf of the first President of the American Host Club.
  • Grade "Moon Augustus". Large thin leaves have a yellow-green color. The flower is high, white, large enough.
  • Grade "blinding glitter". Hybrid Hosts Grade "Alex Summers". It also has a wide crossing of the sheet, only not white, but a golden color.

The host is rightfully considered the queen of shady sites. Using a variety of coloring leaves and alternating host varieties, you can create a unique composition on panstone. With its design, many questions always arise. For example, what measures are being taken when you need to transplant the host in adulthood? In this case, the plant is transferred to a new place with a closet land.

The host is multiplied by a simple fission of rhizomes with a sharp knife:

  1. From the mother plant remove all the leaves. It is partially criticized.
  2. Determine and cut off part of the root with subsidiary kidney.
  3. The place of the clipping of a subsidiary is lubricated with greenflaw or weak mortar Manganese.
  4. The maternal rhizome is inversely falling asleep, and they are suitable in a pot with gardening ground and remove in the fridge until the beginning of March.
  5. After this period, the pot is extracted from the refrigerator, and the host is grown as a house plant.
  6. When the host is strengthened, it is planted in an open ground.

Nevertheless, there are exceptions. Hybrids can only be resettled in autumn. These cams have the formation of new roots begins after all the leaves dissolve. An ideal period, when to transplant the hibrid host you can without risk, it is considered the middle of August - the beginning of September. Intensive root growth hybrid varieties in autumn period Allows the plant to adapt long before the cold season.

Host or lounge - decorative grassy perennial Family asparagus. The plant is distinguished by expressive, large and pretty dense leaves having various sizes, Forms and coloring. It is high decorative feature Host foliage, its sophistication and elegance, is widely used in gardening and landscape design. Host is perfectly combined with other flowers, shrubs, coniferous trees. This unpretentious shadowed plant is steadily withstanding cold, summer heat, easily multiplies, resistant to diseases. IN natural conditions Grows in the Far East, Southeast Asia, Japan.

Variety of host

It is known about 40 types of host and many cultural varieties affecting the imagination.

Hosts differ:

  • Height (from miniature to the size of a person of medium height);
  • In color (from gentle-cream shades to thick-green with the presence of yellow, salad, lime, blue shades of different intensity and combination);
  • In the form of a sheet (lanceal, round, wavy);
  • By leaf texture (from glossy-smooth to "waffle").

The most popular types of host include: plantain, wavy, white-cuminated, straight dealer, ovoid, small, lonelytoliste, curly, beautiful, zibold, decorative, high, swolling.

Host landing

So that the host is well rooted when landing is necessary:

  1. Choose to choose the time of landing. You can land the host in early spring, before the dissolution of the leaves, early in autumn or at the end of the summer so that the plant so that the plant will have to root to the cold, and as a result - to successfully respond;
  2. Select healthy plants for planting. In good planting material There should be at least 1 kidney on the rhizome, ideally somewhat, not very gloomy. The roots must be developed, alive and elastic, length - 10-12 cm. Well inspect the plant to make sure there are no signs of disease. If the plant is purchased in advance and plant it early, then in this case it is necessary to store it in a cool, darkened place, at a temperature in the range of 5-10 degrees (in the basement, refrigerator, on the loggia);
  3. Pick up a suitable place to land. Host telebital plant, especially if the color of her foliage is green. Peppercut hosts grow great in the sun, but in a nooning heat, they still require shading;
  4. Take into account and ensure the requirements of the host to the soil. The soil should be light, wet, breathable. Raw sections for growing Host are unsuitable. Poor soils are improved by adding humid, sand, mineral fertilizers.

Features of breeding

The most common and affordable method of breeding the host is the division of the scorched bushes.

The division is subject to bushes at the age of 4-6 years.The bush is completely digging, with the roots, the soil is devoted well. To rejuvenate the host, the ends of its roots are cut slightly. The rhizome itself opens the knife and is cleaned with his hands. Fault sites are processed by ash or a solution of fungicide, you can sprinkle wood coalCinnamon. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare planted on permanent place with prepared soil.

Host transplant in autumn

Take the host in the fall is better at the beginning of the season - September, ideal - until the middle of the month. At least a month is required to rouding the plant. There are even a variety of host, transplanted which is exclusively autumn, because In the spring they simply do not grow roots. These include the hosts tookudam and Zibold. These hosts should be transplant only in the autumn period.

Before boarding, the plot is drunk to the depth of the bayonet shovel. A couple of hours before the landing, the area is watered. Make a well, holly makes a fertile land, add 10-15 g of ammonium nitrates, superphosphate, potassium sulfate. The larger the bush or the plot, the greater the landing pit. It is advisable to provide good drainage from pebbles or broken bricks. When landing, the roots are placed on the surface of the Hollyka so that there are no emptiness under them. From above poured fertile land, compact, pour abundantly. The plot is placed on the same depth on which the parent plant grew. The root neck after landing is mulched by humus or peat. Watering repeat several times after 3-4 days.

If several plants are satisfied at once, then large varieties It should be located at a meter distance, and the average half meter for dwarf varieties Enough a distance of 0.2 meters.

Necessary care

In natural conditions, the hosts grow along the rivers, i.e. love wet soil and high humidity air.

Hosts are regular irrigated. Try the beauty of the Host in the evening shower - a good result will not make it wait.

Feed this plant three times per season:

  • INesno (the beginning of growth);
  • In flowering;
  • After flowering.

When conducting feeding should alternate organic fertilizers with high-quality mineral feeders.

Regular weeding are needed. The soil looser must be carried out very carefully. It is recommended to replace it with mulching. After all, the closed soil retains moisture much longer. This option will suit Weekend dachensons.

In landscape design, injection-decorative plants are popular, which make harmony and completeness in garden compositions. Among them, such perennials, such as hosts, or funki, in which magic declarations are combined with sophistication and elegance are occupied. The varieties of this plant are mastering the queen of shadows.

Blue and green, gray and golden leaves on lush bushes, having strips and contrast gardens around the edges - gardeners will immediately say that it is a host.

The transplant fall in the fall makes it possible to perfectly beat the qualities of this plant as unpretentious, and most importantly - their ability to maintain their exotic yellowish-golden colors up to the first frosts.

That is why the host is a representative with quite large and dense leaves, very popular.

The agrospects believe that the host transplant in the fall or in the spring should be made only if it is necessary, since the plant is hard enough tolerate this process. After the procedure, it comes to itself, losing its external splendor for a while.

However, experienced gardeners growing this decorative culture On his plot, they know how it can grow, having a normal existence of the remaining colors on the flower beds. That is why the host transplant is made in the fall. Before you begin to change the habitat of the bush, you need to thoroughly think about the new site for its growth, since it is not recommended to expose the plant several times to this test.

Many believe that spring is the most good time Hosts transplants, since it is in this season that young shoots appear from the ground. You can do it throughout the summer.

Some crops are confident that the host transplant in the fall - most correct solution. True, for this there are certain temporary limitations: it is desirable that this is carried out no later than the end of September. This is explained by the fact that for rooting and adapting the bush before the onset of the first colds need some time - at least one month.

At the same time the most common varieties of this decorative plant - "Zibold" and "Tokudam" with their hybrids - have one distinctive property. They do not grow the roots in the spring.

The host transplant in the fall begins with a full digging of the bush. After that, the roots shake off the ground. Their ends for rejuvenating plants are cut slightly. Rhizomes are waiting for a knife, and then the hands are cleaned. Experienced gardeners recommend faces of faults to handle a solution of fungicide or ash.

Plant prefers lungs fertile soils with medium acidity. A few hours before the host transplant is made in the fall, the site where it should be planted, is abundant. If necessary, the hole is covered with peat or fallen leaves.

If several bushes are transplanted at once, it must be borne in mind that the dimensions of the adult plant are quite impressive. Therefore, it is necessary to plant at least one meter from each other.

Root neck, which should be at the ground level, need to be mulched by humus.

Often, the "Tejle" plants are pleasing to the eyes of beautiful leaves, but they do not want to bloom. Bushes Host - very beautiful flowers With a high bloom, in shape very much reminiscent of bells. Pink, white, with shades of blue, lilac, small and large, simple and terry and even spider-shaped (spiders) - this is when the petals are highly spread in space. A significant part of fans of these colors, they still love them for very beautiful leaves. In our time, the host varieties are quite a lot, about 4 thousand varieties, but soon adding as much as much. It remains to learn how and when you can transplant the host.

Another reason for the extensive distribution of the host is their unpretentiousness. Not even an experienced gardener can successfully grow this plant. For downloaded people perennial plants Type Host allow minimizing in the garden, because Adult bushes of this plant formed overgrown and in which weeds simply cannot break through.

English gardeners are recommended before landing the host on the surface of the soil scatter organic fertilizers (sheet or compost land, peat, well-lined manure) apply a layer somewhere 10 cm and step at least 30 cm deep. Flowerbed should be a little raised above the ground level for the best air exchange.

The roots of the host grow horizontally, and the more in the width of the pit, in which you put the host, the more they grow out. This means that the plant will be lush, because It will receive more nutrient elements and water. For the development and growth of this plant, a cold stage is needed. Because of this, the host is not grown at home.

The most optimal time for dividing, landing and transplanting bushes plants is spring and the very beginning of the calendar autumn. Skillful gardeners believe that all summer you can disassemble and transplant hosts. But repeat best time For the host transplant - spring, when only the beginning of the growth of roots and the leaves have not yet begun to form. In the spring it is not allowed to divide only the Cudam host and the Zibold Host and its hybrids. Because new roots, before the leaves bloomed, they do not grow. Because of this, the transplant is destructive for them during this period, the plant may not take care.

The separation of the bush and its landing is not difficult. Do not forget to pour a plot for half an hour before landing.

When can you reset the host? The planting of the plant is stopped in 1 half of September, in order for the host to manage to root and take care of the arrival of the cold at the new place. To strengthen the plant need no more than 4 weeks. Small and medium plants are seated at a distance of 0.2-0.3 m apart, and large-scale about 0.3-0.4 m. Played bushes are watered every day for 2 weeks.