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Decorative stucco type Bayramix. Plaster "Bayramix": Properties and Applications. Step-by-step stages of the work by Bayramix video

Recently, the decorative stucco brand Bayramix has become quite common to finish the walls. Due to the high strength and good quality of the coating, this solution has become popular. The use of Bayramix allows you to create an unusual texture and interior in the room, while ensuring safety. In this article, we will consider the main advantages, we will tell about the methods of application, as well as provide a photo in order to practice the result of decorative processing.


There are quite a lot of species of decorative plaster Bayramix, and all of them have different composition and characteristics. We will talk more about varieties a little later, and now let's consider the characteristics of the material.

Bayramix mixtures can be used for internal and external wall decorations. When processing, a masonry effect is created. The type of stone depends on the selected plaster. The solution is not afraid of frost and immune to burnout, due to which it is often used for facade cladding. Notice the photo:

The campaign-producer comes from Turkey and has long been engaged in the production of building materials. In addition to plaster, it produces paint, primer and other solutions. You can not worry about the quality of mixtures, as the brand is pretty well known and outside of Turkey. Now let's consider the benefits of using plaster. The result of the processing of the walls by Bayramix can be seen in the following photo:


The main advantages of the choice of plaster Bayramix include:

Particular processing of walls with such a composition can be seen in the following photo.


Bayramix plaster has quite a lot of varieties. Let's consider the main of them:

As you can see, the variability of choice is quite large. Consider that the consumption of different types will differ significantly. Consumption depends on the amount of layers applied, the type of fraction and the selected processing method.

Bayramix applying

The entire process of applying decorative plaster can be divided into steps. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Preparation for work

First of all, you will need to prepare the wall. The decorative plaster is usually applied at the very end when all finishing works are made, opening hours are installed for windows and doors and a floor screed is applied. The preparation of the wall for decorative plaster is practically no different from the preparation for a conventional solution.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the wall from dust and old coating. After cleaning, it will be necessary for the processing of the primer. The primer will not only increase the level of adhesion for the subsequent application of Biramix, but also strengthen the base of the wall, which will prevent the material cracking. Also primer protects the coating from the formation of mold and fungus. The drying time of the primer solution depends on its type and must be specified in the instructions on the package. In conventional climatic conditions, the mixture dries no more than a day.

Before applying decorative plasters, check out the following requirements:

What instruments will be required

To apply plaster Bayramix stucco, you need to prepare the following tools:

Wall cladding

First of all, it is necessary to prepare decorative plaster according to the instructions on the package. You will need to make a mixture with water. After adding fluid to immediately begin mixing using a building mixer. Adding any materials will not be required, the solution already contains all the necessary components.

Then you can proceed to applying the composition. You need to start work from the bottom of the wall and carry out a line up with a grater. Each layer must be smooth, so if the tool remains the remains of the crumb, they need to get rid of them. This condition is necessarily, otherwise the coating is uneven. For spinning, we recommend applying a trowel or rule.

Attention! Applying plaster usually occurs in two layers, while the second layer is applied only after complete drying of the first. Special attention is paid to the resurrection of the second layer.

After completion of the work, you can go to the surface of the surface. For grouting also use a clean metal grater.


Decorative stucco brand Bayramix will help in the design of almost any interior. It will ensure a high life and strength of the coating. Using the photo used in the article, you can choose the design for your home. We also recommend viewing the next video to see how Bayramix is \u200b\u200bapplied in practice, and make sure that the material:

For external and internal works. It is used for the decorative finish of facades of buildings, walls, columns, friezes and other vertical surfaces of architectural elements of buildings and structures. You can apply on the surface of the ceilings.
It is also recommended as a decorative layer in the device of external thermal insulation "Wet facade".
Applied on pre-prepared mineral bases: stone, brick, concrete, plasterboard, etc.

Surface preparation

The surface should be smooth, dry and clean. All oils, dirt, remnants of organic substances and peeling old coatings remove, deteriorates to cry, the surface is to delete. If necessary, the surface is treated with the ground of deep penetration of Astar Fix, and in the preparation of a glass edge-to-leaf and other, poorly absorbing surfaces, - "Bayramix ™ glass turmozit" soil. Align in color soil Astar Quartz Bayramix ™, previously coated into a decorative coating tone. Subsequent work is carried out only after complete surface drying.


Before use, the material marble plaster Bayramix ™ mix thoroughly, bring to the desired consistency with water - 0,6-0.8 liter of water by 15 kg of material.
Material to apply metal cells into one layer thick in one and two crumbs.
In order to avoid the formation of visible joints on the coating, it is recommended to apply a single passage by the "wet wet" method, from the angle to the angle. It is important to monitor the uniform application, not allowing the formation of lumen and flaws. After 15-20 minutes after applying, it is still a raw surface with pure celma moistened with water. To obtain ideal joints and angles to use greasy tape; It should be removed before drying the material.
To prevent the formation of color differences, it is recommended to use a material with one number of the party. Otherwise, before applying, the material of different batches is mixed, or apply to different surfaces.

Color of marble plaster Bayramix Astar Quartz in Monicolor Nova catalog
Kashmir White. F 105.
Peach Rose. V 096.
Kashmir Gold. H 086.
Ever Green. N 069.
Royal White. F 158.
Magnolia White. F 112.
Red Stone J 122.

Decistance of decorative marble plaster Bayramix It will depend on the size of the granite crumb into the mixture, and the method of application - from the texture of the substance. To properly apply Bayramix plaster, you need to consider and monitor a few points:

  • smooth basis;
  • quartz primer;
  • the color of the primer is preferably under the color of the plaster;
  • properly breed the composition;
  • comply with the application technique;
  • ambient temperature;
  • control the drying time.

Finishing of walls with decorative plaster Bayramix

Step No. 1.

First you should prepare the wall to apply finishing plaster. Align, primed by quartz primer Bayramix, while adding pigment to it under the color of the finished mixture. This is necessary because the perfect application is one layer. It can sometimes shine and open the wall. In this case, the stains of another color will be visible on the surface of the decor. Thus, it is possible to reduce the flow of Bayramix per 1 m2.

The primer dries 12 hours. This is important because the wet coating will not provide a good hitch with the acrylic composition of plaster. Therefore, it is impossible to hurry.

Step number 2.

Prepare a mixture. To do this, it must be diluted with water. The fluid flow is listed on the container with a dry mixture. It is impossible to overdo it, since the solution will be too heavy - in a mixture of 50% of the natural stone - and when applied will slide down. Mix can be mixed with a mixer on small revolutions so as not to damage the grain of plaster, or by a conventional stick. Zack time is 15 minutes.

The cooked mixture is stored closed before use. If the composition solids, it will be unsuitable for use.

Step number 3.

If the weather is good and the air temperature is normal (from + 5 to + 30) - you can proceed to apply plaster on the wall. With external work, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of precipitation. They are extremely desirable when laying the decor on an acrylic basis.

Little portions The decorative marble plaster Bayramix (Bayramix) is applied onto the wall in the direction from the floor up. Layer thickness - 2 crumbs. In this case, a mixture with large fractions is consumed by approximately 5 kg / m2, with an average - 4.5 kg / m2, small - 3.5 kg / m2.

An open section of the wall must be covered immediately all to avoid visible joints. Important stage - grout and alignment of layer plaster. It is performed no later than 30 minutes after applying until the material is still raw. Metal metal cell bottom up.

Reduced wall leave to dry at least a day. If there is a need to apply the second layer, then only after 24 hours.

For the preservation of material and extending the service life, the bayramix finish is covered with a layer of protective varnish. It is advisable to do this after 48 - 72 hours, when the binder is completely dry.

When working with the paintopult, adjust the pressure: 6 - 7 atmospheres. Distance from wall 25 - 45 cm.

Marble plaster is a decorative composite coating made on the basis of acrylic polymers and an aqueous emulsion, granite and marble crumbs. This material is widely used as an finishing coating in the implementation of internal and external finishing works. The first plaster mixes appeared during the existence of ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Architects of the time managed to get a finishing material that allows not easy to level the surfaces, but also mask cracks, the protrusions that are available on them.

In addition, the first plaster gave the building a fairly presentable look. For work, the ancient masters used gypsum compositions and lime solutions. The binding component in those plaster mixtures were paints, casein glue, natural pigments. Despite the fact that several centuries have passed since the distant period, the reservation of the plaster has not decreased. Only its manufacturing technologies have changed, new technical characteristics have been added to increase the operating period of modern decorative plasters.

Features of the use of marble mixture Bayramix

Despite the diversity of products offered by domestic and foreign producers of decorative plaster, the mixtures of Bayramix are considered in demand.

This decorative plaster is perfectly clean, therefore optimal in decorating small architectural forms and facades of structures. In addition, Bayramix mixture is suitable as a finishing material when repairing toilets, holls, cafes and restaurants.

The main advantages of the material Bayramix

This decorative plaster in comparison with analogues has a number of distinctive characteristics. First of all it is important to note that such plaster can be applied almost on all surfaces. Bayramix is \u200b\u200bsuitable for designing reinforced concrete panels, drywall, plywood, wooden panels, lightweight and cellular concrete.

Attention ! Bayramix mixtures are suitable even for the surface on which the water-emulsion or acrylic old paint has been preserved.

Decorative stucco type "Bayramix" is characterized by high mechanical strength, high level of manufacturability. In addition, manufacturers offer different colors of mixtures, you can pick up the hue, taking into account the interior created in the room. The photo presents decorative plaster Bayramix.

Such formulations have excellent drags, they are resistant to high humidity. In addition, the decorative plaster of the Bayramix variant is perfectly withstanding ultraviolet irradiation, does not destroy under the action of aggressive chemicals (acids and alkalis). The advantage can also be considered ease of care after applying decorative plaster on the decorative surface.

Tip! Bayramix mixture can be used in medical institutions, as it is withstanding the treatment with a solution of chlorine.

An option application of this finishing material - in the photo.

Features of application

Similar to any finishing material, decorative plaster is applied to a pre-prepared surface. The base should be cleaned of dust, fatty spots. When detecting serious chips or cracks, the initial primer of the surface is performed, and only after its complete drying, plaster is applied (on the photo-obtained coating).

Tip! In order to obtain a smooth layer, they check the homogeneity of the base.

Features of the use of decorative plaster are presented in the video fragment

When decorating a metal surface, first the base is treated with an anti-corrosion composition to protect the metal from destruction. Only then embarks on the metal surface of the plastering layer.

Tip! In order for the finished coating to save its operational and technical characteristics throughout the long period, it is additionally coated with alkyd or epoxy.

On how to attach to the facade or the wall of the marble mixture Bayramix, it is advisable to carry out full-fledged primer work. The layer of primer will not just protect the base from the appearance of mold, but also give it homogeneity.

Conditions for applying a plaster mix

There are some restrictions on the temperature regime and humidity that should be mentioned. If the work is performed indoors, the humidity of the base should not be more than 10%. The layer of plaster is applied, provided that the air temperature is above +5 degrees, but below +30. In rainy crude weather, professionals are not recommended.

Materials and tools for work

To get the desired result after applying finishing plaster, first stock specialty materials and tools. In addition to the plaster mixture, you will need a perforator, roulette, stepladder, painting brush, protective gloves, trowel. You can prepare a solution in a special container, clearly following the recommendations specified by the manufacturer on the packaging of decorative plaster.

Tip! A drill with a special mixing nozzle will help speed up the process of dissolving the composition, avoid the appearance in the mixture of lumps.

In the process of applying ready-made plaster on the surface, the part arises color spots. The reason for this problem is the uneven layer thickness. In order to eliminate the stains, the entire surface area needs to re-apply a layer of plastering mixture.

Attention ! You can apply a new layer of plaster only after a complete drying of the base layer.

The occurrence on the wall of yellow spots speaks of the negative effect of the components of the base during the polymerization on the material. To prevent such troubles, it is necessary to carefully implement preparatory work.

If it is planned to re-apply the Bayramix decorative plaster on the facade of the house, it is advisable to check the status of storm systems and engineering communications. Making sure that there are no problems, you can proceed to decorating the surface.

If the surface is perfect, it is possible to restrict ourselves to the application of only one layer of the plaster mixture, to get a good savings.

Features of the composition of the decorative plaster Bayramix

Pretty complex chemical composition is used in Bayramix type plasterers. The mixture includes natural crumb, as well as acrylic paints. High-quality source components make decorative material reliable and durable. Even those who do not have special skills to perform plastering work will be able to apply it on the surface. Among the advantages of such decorative compositions, which made mixtures of Bayramix in demand among the owners of mansions and office buildings, we note the preservation of initial aesthetic characteristics throughout the entire operational period. The finished coating is not cracking, does not yellow, not covered with mold.


Walls that are covered with trim Bayramix can be considered an exclusive version of the inner and external finish. Color saturation, depth of shades, pleasantly please the owners of country mansions. Plastering of the type Bayramix can be considered a real find for lovers of the original and stylish interior.

Such a plaster mix helps to make some "exclusive notes" in the familiar interior, to embody with it the most bold and unusual design solutions. It is the decorative mixtures that make a marble crumb, recently gaining popularity with the owners of the housing.

What attracts professionals and lovers in such mixtures? First of all, the wonderful wear resistance of such finishing formulations. Natural stone, included in them, does not crumble, does not deteriorate over time. The resulting coating is not cracking, it is resistant to any negative external stimuli, including sharp temperature jumps. In addition, the marble crumb does not change external parameters, so it even after 20-30 years will have a beautiful appearance, as if they have applied plaster just a few days ago. In addition, the walls decorated in such a composition look natural and naturally, they will become an excellent addition to the general interior.

For interior finishing works in apartments, houses and offices, many consumers choose marble plaster Bayramix. The popularity of the decorative mixture is explained not only to its resistance to abrasion, but also the ability to get an unusual and exquisite interior. The manufacturer offers several types of decorative plaster in different colors, so you can easily choose the appropriate option.

The marble plaster includes an aqueous dispersion of an acrylic polymer and a multi-colored crumb, due to which a durable coating with a textured pattern and marble shine is obtained. The technical characteristics of such a finishing material refers:

Such characteristics allow the use of decorative material for registration of both internal and outer surfaces of the building. It can be applied on almost any surfaces to which:

  • walls with well acrylic composition, water-level paint or enamel;
  • wood panels, chipboard, plywood and fiberboard;
  • walls made of cellular or light concrete;
  • reinforced concrete panels;
  • plasterboard.

Decorative coating with marble crumb has many positive qualities:

Another important advantage of the Bayramix coverage is the simplicity of its application..

Variety of types of material

Manufacturers make finishing material of different colors and add marble crumbs of different colors, shapes and sizes into it. There is a whole line of marble plaster Bayramix, which includes:

Any decorative bayramix plaster perfectly falls on mineral bases and is characterized by high mechanical strength.

If the walls with the help of decorative composition Bayramix were solved independently, then before starting work, the following tools should be prepared:

  • electric drill;
  • a bucket or other plastic container in which the composition will be stamped;
  • steel grater made of stainless steel for applying plaster;
  • construction workman;
  • flat brushes, with which the composition is applied to hard-to-reach places;
  • rubber gloves and polyethylene film;
  • construction roulette;
  • painting paper tape for applying a smooth layer of plaster.

Preparation of the foundation

Before applying any type of coating, it is necessary to prepare the surface. They are cleaned of dirt and dust, eliminate explicit defects (cracks, chips) and align. The metal base is purified by corrosion and coated with alkyd or epoxy.

If the walls are painted the paint of an unknown composition, they are recommended to sharpen and cover the oil. So through the coverage in the future, colored spots did not begin to commemorate, the olive is treated with copper vigor.

Creating a decorative solution

Prepare the solution should be strictly on the instruction attached to the product.. The mixture should be homogeneous, so it uses an electric drill with a mixing nozzle to its stirring.

The dry contents of the package are poured into the prepared container, gradually add the required amount of water and stirred with a drill to a homogeneous consistency. Stir the solution on low revs about 15 minutes. If there is no drill, you can use a trowel.

After the prepared surfaces get sick and the plaster will be involved, You can proceed to basic work. If the wall area is large, then without junctions do not do. So that they turn out to be stuck to the junction at the place of the joint. The floor is recommended to cover with a film so that then it did not have to rub the dried composition from it.

A solution is applied using a steel grater by moving from bottom to top. The layers should be obtained perfect, so the grater is regularly washed in water tanks. Otherwise, crumbs will fall on it, and the coating will turn out with flaws.

The solution is applied with a thin layer and smoothes with a grater or steel cell. When the entire surface is covered with the composition, proceed to its grout. This should be done no later than half an hour after applying plaster.

If the air temperature is not lower than +5 degrees and good ventilation, then dry the coating will be from 24 to 48 hours.

A beautifully decorated wall without any stains, if during work, perform the following rules:

  1. The surfaces must be pre-primed.
  2. Walls must be smooth and completely dry.
  3. The room should be at least +5 and no more than +30 degrees.
  4. The level of humidity must be no higher than + 10%.
  5. The work on the design of the facade should not be carried out in crude and rainy weather.

Often, after drying marble putty, color spots appear. The reason for this may be an uneven thickness of the applied layer. To correct the situation, experienced masters advise to apply another coating layer. But it should be done only after the first layer will dry well.

Marble bayramix plaster is characterized by high mechanical strength and can be used to design almost any surfaces, therefore it is considered universal finishing material. By choosing the appropriate color from the manufacturer's catalog the manufacturer, you can not only create a classic or modern interior in the room, but also to make a facade, giving home a noble view.