Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a fence in the garden with your own hands. Cheap fence for giving with their own hands. Functions, features and application of decorative fence

The fencing of the site plays not only a protective, but also a decorative role. Due to the variety of materials in the modern market, it is possible to build a fence not only of wood or chain grid, but also from brick or professional flooring.

Instructions, ideas and drawings for the construction of fence with your own hands you can find in this article. It provides useful information for those who want to make a durable and beautiful fence for the plot.

Fence do it yourself

Continuous fences are presented both general and legislative requirements. Among the general are called:

  • Reliability of supports, their resistance to wind loads, as well as to rain and thawed waters;
  • Lack of shading of residential buildings and green plantings;
  • Neat appearance;
  • The construction of deaf fences is allowed only from the street.

Guided by these requirements, you can independently create a project and build a fencing on the site, picking up the most suitable material for this.

How to make a wooden fence

Recently, wooden fences are ever less often, because the wood is displacing more modern building materials with high quality. However, the design of the stakenice is often built in the country areas, as it combines the simplicity of construction with an attractive appearance and low cost.

Materials for installation

For the construction of a wooden fence from a stakenik, you will need the following materials:

  • Wooden poles for supports;
  • Cropped or planed boards, the length of which depends on the intended height of the future design;
  • Bar, 2 - 2.5 m long and 40x40 cross section;
  • Cord and stakes for marking;
  • Construction nails (screws);
  • Crushed stone (concrete) for mounting pillars;
  • Ruberoid (Tol) for waterproofing supports.

In addition, you will need an antiseptic or bitumen mastic for column processing. Without this, supports can quickly fail, and the integrity of the design will break.

Construction of wooden fence

With the fiscal value of a wooden fence, he can serve his owner from 10 to 15 years. In addition, its construction does not require special construction skills, so it is quite possible to fulfill all the work itself, without spending funds for professional builders.

Wooden fence construction stages

Consider a sequence of work in the construction of a wooden fence from the stakenik:

  • Performing markup with the definition of the location of the column (2-3 meters from each other);
  • Preparation of wooden columns to installation in the soil: antiseptic and bitumen mastic treatment. Alternatively, you can use the wrapping of the ends of the supports of the Tole or RUBEROD;
  • Shooting recesses under support according to markup. At the same time, the depth of immersed support should be at least a fourth part of the total height of the structure;
  • Arrangement of sand-gravel pillows at the bottom of the recesses. Its thickness should be from 10 to 25 cm. It is obligatory to spilling a layer with water and its careful seal;
  • Installation of supports and their concreting;
  • Fastening a wooden bar to the installed supports after pouring concrete;
  • Fastening staketing to transverse bars. At the same time, the minimum distance from each staketin to the surface of the soil should be at least 5 cm.

At the final stage, the wooden structure is treated with colorless mastic, impregnation or oil paint.

How to make a fence from the challenges do it yourself

In the conditions of small country sites, due to the risk of shading, fences from the professional flooring, slate or brick cannot be built. In this case, the chain grid becomes irreplaceable, the fence from which does not prevent the sun's getting to the site and passes well.

In addition, the chain chain is inexpensive, and serves a long time. Consider more details of the construction of the construction of this material.

Construction of the fence from the chain grid

The easiest way to build a fence from the chain grid is to secure it between the pillars made from various materials (metal, wood, concrete). In this case, the optimal distance between the supports is 2.5 meters, and their height is calculated in a special way.

The width of the grid add the height of the lumen from the fence to the ground (5 - 10 cm) and an additional meter - one and a half. The resulting number will indicate the average height of the pillar. In this case, the length of the angular columns exceeds the rest by 20 cm, since these supports carry a large load on themselves, and therefore they must be buried deeper.

If you use wooden columns, do not forget to handle them with an antiseptic before installing. It is also recommended to conclude the bases of all installed supports for greater stability.

Next to the supports with screws, nails, wires, welding fasten hooks for mounting the mesh. The grid is starting to install from the corner post, painting it from the post to the post and squeezed on the hooks with the rod. Then, the reinforcement armature, located horizontally, is then fought in the grid and below, and weld (attached) the rods to the columns. Construction work is completed by the bending of hooks and painting supports.

Stages of work with sectional construction of the fence

Another embodiment of the fence from the chain grid is to fasten it to sections. As in the case of a stretch model, work starts with marking and establishing columns. Then proceed to the manufacture of the frame. It will take a corner of 40/5 mm in size.

Plan for the construction of a slaughter

Next, you need to calculate the desired frame size. To determine the length of the section, it is necessary from the distance between the pillars to subtract 10-15 cm, and to calculate the width, the same number is subtracted from the height of the support over the level of soil. In accordance with the calculations, the corners are welded in the design of the rectangular shape and fasten the grid, forming a section. Then between the columns it is necessary to fix metal stripes, a length of 15-25 cm, a width of 5 cm and a cross section of 5 mm. The finished sections are welded to these strips. Works finish painting metal elements.

How to build a fence from a professional flooring

Fences from corrugated floor are widely popular thanks to a number of advantages. Proflists are reliable and durable, and their color scheme and various sizes are able to satisfy even the most demanding consumer. Such a fence protects well from dust, wind and noise, it is easy to mount, and the service life is quite a long time.

This material is great for the construction of a stepped fence on a plot that gives a slope. Possessing some construction skills, it is quite possible to build such a design from the professional flooring on its plot. Consider how it is done.

Installation of the fence

The construction of the fence from the professional leaf begins with accurate markup and setting the column. It should be known that in this case the supports are installed at a distance of no more than 3 meters from each other. For these purposes, it is possible to use pipes with a square or round cross section. In the first case, their size should be 50/50 mm, in the second - at least 76 mm. The upper holes of such supports need to be brewed to avoid moisture from entering them.

Stages of the construction of a fence from corrugated

For the installation of columns you will need pits, depth of 1 to 1.5 meters and a width of 15 cm, which depends on the height of the fence and the diameter of the supports themselves. The bottom of the holes must be filled with the gravel of the middle faction, then strictly vertically set the poles and concrete them. In the case of the soil, where the groundwater approaches too closely, the tape limit will have to build a ribbon foundation. It consists of a box, 20 cm high, whose boards are bonded by bars or wire. The walls of the box are closed with a layer of waterproofing material and poured concrete. After complete frosting of the solution, the lag - transverse bands are moving to the installation, which will be attached to the rods. As a lag, you can use a profiled tube with a cross section of 40/25 mm. At the same time, the number of lag depends on the height of the future fence: at an altitude of up to 1.7 m, it will take the installation of two lags, with greater height - three.

The upper and lower lag are attached at a distance of 4 cm from the top of the leaf and the edge of the earth. Metal structures mounted in this way, it is necessary to handle a special primer to protect against rust. Profile sheets are attached to lags using metal screws. At the same time, the docking of the sheets is made by mustache.

What is needed for construction

For self-installation you will need materials and tools:

  • Sheets of professional flooring;
  • Pipes for reference pillars;
  • Pipes for lag;
  • Cement, crushed stone, sand for the preparation of concrete solution;
  • Rope, level;
  • Primer;
  • Welding machine;
  • A container for the solution;
  • Drill and drill;
  • Channel with rivets or screws
  • Antiseptic and bitumen primer for wooden poles.

How to make a brick fence: video

Brick fences retain their popularity due to their strength, durability and decorativeness. However, this kind of fences is expensive and requires special construction skills. Therefore, most often the canvas make combined using various materials.

Stages of construction include:

  • Selection of material and calculation of its number
  • Drawing up drawing
  • Marking on the terrain
  • Bookmark Fundament
  • Bricklaying
  • Plastering

Since the construction of a brick fence requires certain skills, we recommend to familiarize yourself with the video, which shows the main stages of this process.

For the construction of the fence is necessary foundation. In this case, its appearance depends on several factors: such as the soil, the type of supporting structures, the material of the canvas. It should be borne in mind that the foundation should withstand the loads attached to it from the environment, soil and fencing itself. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right type of foundation. For example, a ribbon type is necessary for brick and concrete fences. Under the fence from the corrugated floor, it will be enough to lay a point foundation in the places of installation of supports. Consider more technology for the construction of different types of foundation.

Bookmark the tape base precedes the performance of the markup around the perimeter of the area with the help of pegs and the twine. Then should dig a trench on the markup. At the same time, its depth reaches a half-meter, and the width should not be less than the thickness of the future fence. The bottom of the RVA is poured with sand and rubble mixture, after which the trambet.

The main components of the foundation

Next, the formwork should be performed from the boards, the height of which above the ground level is about 15 cm. It should be known that its inner surface should remain smooth, so all the attachments of the boards are made from the outside. The inside of the box fit the reinforcement: trimming pipes, metal, reinforcement grid. In places of installation, the reinforcement supports must form a three-dimensional design.

The next step is to fill the formwork with concrete solution, its alignment and removal of air bubbles. At the end of the pouring of concrete (after 1-2 weeks), the formwork is removed, but the construction work does not continue, as the foundation will still gain strength of about a month and it is impossible to disturb it. Only after the final stable can be started at the installation of the very fence.

For light types of fences, a pile foundation is used, removing it in the following sequence:

  • Marking of the site;
  • Drilling of wells for support, a depth of 0.8 m for a fence and a diameter of about 20 cm;
  • Laying in a well-gravel pillow wells, a height of 10 to 15 cm;
  • Installation of supports with pre-processing (if necessary), their fixation by the backups;
  • Concreting pillars from the outside;
  • Concreting wells from the inside to the level of the soil;
  • Further construction of the fence after the complete pouring of the concrete solution.

Poles for the fence

The reference pillars play an important role in the process of arranging any fence, because they not only increase the strength of any design, but also complement it in style. Therefore, it is so important when building a fence to choose the most optimal type of support.

Types of pillars

Most often, wooden, brick and metal poles are used as supports. The choice of material depends not only on financial capabilities, but is determined by the intended load, which is created by sections, as well as mechanical and wind load.

Thus, the metal poles are universal, since they can be mounted as sections from the chain grid and wooden stakenik and professional flooring. In addition, metal pillars have a long service life (up to 50 years). Wooden supports, on the contrary, will be able to serve no more than 20 years even with proper processing due to the inclination to rot. Therefore, wood pillars are recommended to be used in the construction of temporary barriers, parisades, or low hedges. Brick (concrete) pillars are asserted during the construction of heavy fences, however, in some cases they are used with a decorative purpose.

Installation methods

The installation of the poles can be carried out in several ways, the choice of which depends on the features of the construction of the fencing and the nature of the soil. So, metal, reinforced concrete and wooden structures on soils with a low level of groundwater occurrence, are mounted in a universal way. This means that under each support is drilled (digging) the well of the appropriate size is drilled, a pillar is installed, and the remaining space is filled with concrete solution.

The simplest and cheap way is the pillar drill with the help of the so-called "grandmother". In this case, the supports are installed on a ribbon or column foundation. Another option is to use piles that are easily mounted by hand, and serve as a reliable support for heavy construction fences.

Materials for the construction of the fence

As mentioned above, it is possible to build a fence from almost any material. For small sites, the chain grid is most often used, but if the design should be more reliable, the advantage should be given to wood products.

Brick fences are considered the most reliable, but for their installation requires special construction skills or attracting specialists. One of the most simple and modern is the fence from the professional flooring, which is easily mounted, but has a long service life.


Performing the calculation of the foundation for the fence is a rather complicated process and requires special knowledge. In addition, the features of the soil should be known, on which the fence will be located, the prevailing direction and the strength of the wind. Therefore, if you build a fence yourself, it will be better to resort to a combined band-point foundation, which is considered the most reliable. With such a design, any type of load will be distributed throughout the entire length of the fence.

Let us give a simple calculation of the fence from the professional flooring. With the length of the span 2.5 meters and height 160 cm, the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet of professional flooring will be 4 m.kv. Given the magnitude of the aerodynamic coefficient for flat vertical surfaces (1.4) and the magnitude of the wind speed (about 40 kg), the wind load will be 224 kg per support. After distributing the load evenly throughout the surface of the fence, and considering the resistance coefficient (225), we obtain the depth of the foundation, equal to 80 cm.

However, it should be noted that this calculation is made without the features of the soil. Therefore, in practice, the foundation is plunged into the depth of the soil freezing for each particular area. Most often it is 120 cm and guarantees a solid installation of pillars.

What boards to choose for the trim

As a trim, the fencing most often choose inexpensive windy boards. They can be positioned vertically or horizontally. The most simple is the first option. In this case, horizontal crossbars are fixed between the supports, and the shooters from the boards are fixed.

It is worth considering that the wooden fence can be through or deaf. In the first case, between the boards leave a certain distance, and in the second they nourish them tightly from both sides of the horizontally located bar.

Before mounting the board you need to carefully examine and clean. The optimal is the width of 20 cm, since in this case the material will not be soiled or cracking.

Calculation of the sheath of the fence

The main structural elements of any fence are the foundation, supports and materials that spans will be seven. But, if, for calculating wooden boards, the calculation is carried out simply (the width of the span and the board is measured, and the distance between stakes is determined), then for products from the professional flooring, calculate the required number of sheets is needed more carefully.

Example of calculating materials for construction fences

First of all, it should be determined how the sheets will be attached, and the professional floor which brand you will use. The last item is especially important, since the sheets of various brands have different widths.

Consider several common calculation options:

  • Horizontal placement without intervals for support: In this case, the brand of the sheet does not matter. The only thing that should be taken into account is the backstage on the poles (deducted from the length of the sheet). This indicator should be half the width of the support plus 10-15 mm.
  • Horizontal mount with gaps for support: With this location, the calculation is carried out similarly to the first example, with the only difference that the reserve does not leave the backstage. In other words, you need to measure the width of the span, and buy sheets by 10-20 mm less than the resulting indicator. This will allow you to build a smooth and symmetrical fence even if there are irregularities on the support pillars.
  • Vertical mount without intervals for pillars requires careful calculations. First of all, it is necessary to determine the working width of the sheet, since the width of one span will depend on this indicator. Further, depending on this indicator, the sheets of suitable width are selected and they multiply them by the number of spans. For example, if one span requires 3 sheets, then for a fence from 5 spans - 15 sheets.

However, with a vertical method of fastening, there is a risk of uneven consumption of material and the formation of a large number of waste, so when buying a profiled sheet should be made a small supply.

Construction tool

To build the fence, you will need a standard set of tools. First of all, the roulette for removing the necessary measurements, as well as the bur for digging holes under support.

In addition, you need to prepare a drill, a screwdriver and fasteners (self-tapping screws) for fixing the elements of the design of each other. For cutting of proflists, the grinder is better not to use, as it leads to the heating of the metal and disruption of the integrity of the protective coating. For this purpose, it is better to use electrical scissors for metal.

How to make a budget fence

There are situations where the site needs to be protected, but no extra financial means for the construction of a collection of brick or professional flooring, no. In this case, it is better to give preference to wooden products or fences from the chain grid.

It should be borne in mind that the wooden fence must be regularly painted, and the fencing from the grid performs more decorative than the protective function, and can only serve as a temporary design or a delimiter for several sections.

Each owner of the local area is trying to reflect it as far as possible or according to its aesthetic representation. Not the last role in decorating the site is played by fencens and borders. They will help to carry out zoning, for example, to separate a part of the space under rest with the brazier, benches, gazebos. With the help of them, it is possible to highlight the beds for vegetables or berries, and also beautifully and originally arrange the flower beds, keep the geometry of flower beds. In the article, consider various types of decorative fences and methods for their manufacture.

Such fences will not only give a neat type of site, but also they will cope with their direct appointment - they will protect plantings from careless guests and serve an obstacle for their homework. And here it does not matter at all, whether this is reached, where only a few seasons are held, or a private house for year-round accommodation.

Immediately it should be noted that by all the following options for fences, you can form absolutely any forms of paths, flower beds and decompress the separation zones. There are no fantasy limit in these works, they are mounted in the form of strict geometric shapes or non-standard lines.

Plastic decorative fences

This kind of fences on the market are presented in a huge assortment, thanks to the technical characteristics of the material from which they are completed. Its thermoplasticity allows borders for tracks and fencing of flower plantings, parisades of all sorts of forms, and a special lamination method - in various color solutions.

  • Here you can give preference to a border of a ribbon or sectional type, which will serve as the designation of the borders of the garden tracks, and will also become an additional decoration for plant compositions.
  • Each section is equipped with spicycles, so the installation process consists of easy pressure - until the supports are completely included in the ground. Installation will be carried out both on absolutely smooth surfaces and on the ground having a small slope.
  • Decorative fences for giving out of plastic can imitate a wooden stakenat, woven, clinker or stone masonry, wrought elements. Typically, such sections are produced in height from 13 to 20 cm.

Decorative wood fences

The most popular material for making a well-kept type of the yard still remains a tree. Such fences look at the landscape quite cashere and do not create any disharmony.

Even in favor of the material it is necessary to include availability, because any lumber is suitable for finishing, for example, the flower boards, rack, pegs, logs and even branches. It refers to the manufacture of standard fences, only miniature sizes.

Before carrying out any works, wood requires mandatory processing:

  • the lower part of the supports included in the ground must be born or dip in the liquid runner;
  • all other elements of structures are impregnated with special solutions that slow down the rotation process and protect against insects.

"Making fence"

For the manufacture of a construction of 40 cm tall for the framing, 70x70 cm will be needed:

  • 4 bars 50x50x700 mm;
  • 8 boards 20x100x700 mm (here at will, you can use both edged and untreated lumber);
  • 32 wood screws or as many nails;
  • screwdriver, hammer.

Stages of work

  • Supports to drive into the soil 700 mm from each other, check the vertical and adjust their height.
  • The board is attached to the top of the bar in two places, where its end part should not stand for the edge of the cavoge.
  • The second cross is mounted, retreating 100 mm from the bottom edge of the board.
  • The same manipulations are performed from other sides of the flower bed.


This light fence from the plants can be disappeared by a flowerbed with high plants, for example, such as: embossed or cornister. If you perform its larger sizes, then it is perfect for the separation of the recreation area.

To implement one section with dimensions of 900x630 mm, it will be necessary:

  • for support 2 bar 30x30x950 mm;
  • for crossing 2 pieces 20x30x900 mm;
  • 12 Raek 10x20x520 mm;
  • 12 Screws on a tree 3x25 mm, 4 screws 3x40 mm.

Stages of work

  • The section assembly is performed on any smooth surface. 30 mm retreats from the upper parts of the supports, and lags are mounted with screws 3x40 mm.
  • Having retreated 500 mm from the point of attachment of the farewell, the installation and lower lags are made.
  • The rail fasteners are performed first from left to right using screws 3x25 mm. At the point of attachment of the upper crossbar and the support is mounted, the first rail is mounted, to the lower frame - retreating 150 mm from the support. Subsequent installation of the runs are performed in a step of 150 mm from previous attachment points.
  • In the same way, the installation of the REKEK is now right left. As a result, it turns out a diamond pattern.
  • It is possible to protect any plot, even if it has an incorrect circuit, you can manufacture the required number of such sections.
  • Important: In the manufacture of a square or rectangular fence, the material consumption will be much less than when building a multifaceted design.
  • The finished design is stained with alkyd paint of the same color or covered with protective varnish. Give a fear more "joyful" look, if you paint it into multicolored tones.


This kind of a fence can be performed in a fairly short time.

  • IV, birch or applear rods for its manufacturer are better cut off in spring or autumn, the thickness of which should not exceed 2 cm.
  • The amount of consumable material is determined from the height and length of the structure. In general, for the implementation of this idea, stakes or bars, rods, screw screws, wire are needed.

Tip: Instead of a vine, you can apply old multi-colored hoses or wires with a rubber shell.

Stages of work

  • As a rule, vertical supports are installed in increments of 0.5 m.
  • Weaving begins with the bottom row. Fastening the vines to the first support is performed using wire or screws. Further, the rod is skipped in a horizontal direction, ribbing each bar. Places of brunette connections is recommended to fix with wire.
  • If there is no desire or the ability to deal with independent manufacture of this kind of fences, then you can purchase a ready-made option. For example, modular fences are offered up to 0.5 meters from a natural pine. Processing with antiseptic solutions and painting by varnish to give an attractive appearance lamellas is carried out in factory conditions.

  • Those who are important not only the appearance of the fear, but also its strength, and resistance to atmospheric precipitation can stop their choice on products made of wood-polymer composite. This material allows you to make sections of any complexity and configuration.

Decorative fences for clumbbe of stone

For masonry, cobblestones are selected for various forms, so it will be a fencing of the "medieval" period. Here, the rough texture of stones will create a wonderful contrast with gentle flowers and greens. Without exaggeration, it will last an eternity.

Stages of work

  • Sandstone can perform as a material, dolomite, shungite as a rounded and a bedding form. As a rule, the first row is laid out on a concrete solution, trying to use a tile type of boot.
  • They are selected in such a way that the equal height of the row is observed. At the same time, the laying is produced "in the dispersion", where the seams between the upper and lower layers should not coincide.
  • Possessed the extra reliability of such a masonry will help sand-cement mixture.

Metal decorative fence

Any product from such a material is distinguished by a rather long service life, but it requires maintenance - annual color. The fence can be purchased in the finished form or order an individual sketch.

But it is quite possible to make it and on its own forces, for one section (900x550 mm) will need:

  • supports - 2 reinforcements Ø 12 mm and 950 mm long;
  • crossbar - 2 reinforcements Ø 12 mm with a length of 900 mm;
  • horizontal crossbars - 5 rods Ø 10 mm long 39 cm;
  • decorative elements - 6 rods Ø 10 mm 14.5 cm long;
  • welding machine.

Stages of work

  • From the top of the supports to retreat 50 mm for 50 mm and to fight the crossbar, measure it 40 cm and mount the bottom of the frame.
  • With a step of equal to 150 mm, horizontal crossbars are attached.
  • Next welded decorative vertical elements in a checker order. For this, the twist is first welded, retreating from the lower crossing of 100 mm, and in the next section it is attached, counting the same distance, but already from the top cross.
  • This fence is established by pressing his supports to the ground, while the distance is equal to 100 mm from the ground to the lower part of the frame.

Also manufacturers are offered galvanized sides, designed not so much for the fencing of flower beds, and how much to create them. They are produced with a height of 17 cm and from 25 to 100 cm long, which allows the design of the flower to the flower in a rather original way. Thanks to a universal connection, there is a wonderful opportunity to collect flower leaf of them in different sizes and in the form of any geometric shape.

Decorative fences Concrete

Of course, many at the mention of such a material causes an association of a massive, gray fence. But do not rush to refuse concrete products, the market presents various versions of borders designed for garden tracks, fencing of the lungs and laying out flower beds.

  • These products have long been not produced in dull color, now they can be different shades and have a pattern on the front surface.
  • Make this kind of a fence personally will not be much difficult if applying forms for decorative fence from polyurethane or plastic.

Stages of work

  • All work is only in the lubricant of the matrix and its fill with the concrete mixture.
  • Next, it is necessary to give a solution to frozen (24 hours it is quite enough) and you can remove the finished section. Thus, the required number of curb stones is harvested.

Some Soviets

  • matrix lubricant can be carried out by conventional vegetable oil;
  • one part of the M250 cement is taken for the solution and two parts of the sand, water is added so much so that the mixture becomes thick;
  • the larger the mixture of sand, the darker it turns out the product
  • if there is a coloring of a concrete fence, then before it needs to be treated with a primer deep penetration.

Decorative brick fence

This material firmly holds the leading position as a fencing of the lungs, flower, lawns and roots in the garden and in the country. This is explained by its characteristics, availability and ease of installation.

Stages of work

  • Usually the brick is stacked around the perimeter of flower beds under the tilt on its end side, creating a certain "gear" fence.

But there are several more ways to perform masonry:

  • put the clinker around the flower beds, forming a circle or oval. The second row is performed in the same way that the seams do not coincide with the previous layer. The masonry is made without a concrete solution, so the design is unreliable. But it can be carried out with the use of sand-cement mixture;
  • the first two rows perform the usual laying using a concrete solution. The clinker is put on spoons in the next row (this is a narrow and long lateral side of the brick). Since here the width of this layer is larger, the alignment is performed on the inside of the masonry;
  • brick can be set on the pump (on its narrow, short side). The seams between them can be quite wide - about 2 cm.

Stock Foto Decorative fences made with their own hands

  • Automotive tires apply most often creating flower beds and flower beds. They also separate the beds, tracks, lawns, just swinging them into the ground;

  • beer bottles can serve as a mini-fence by drilling them down. The use of bottles of white, green, brown glass will help to give even greater originality of this design;

  • with the same success, both plastic 5-liter bottles are fitted. They are filled with colored pebbles or sand so as not to lose the form, and on top are painted in any color;

  • the logs Ø 15-20 cm are bought or driven into the ground close to each other, for this purpose any lumber remaining from construction site is suitable.

Each owner of the cottage, the garden or garden dreams of creating perfect design on its land space. And for this, it is not necessary to purchase expensive factory-made fences at all, they are quite realistic to perform, for example, from the material remaining after the construction of the house, and applying all its violent fantasy. You can take both the material of one type or perform their combination, by these attached to the adjacent territory an amazing and rather original look.

Summary and owners of the estates constantly strive to refine the local territory. The reasonable planning of the site plays the last role in this, and it is decided to solve the issue with zoning helps a clear distinction between the Earth with the help of fences. You can build a decorative fence with your own hands, using not expensive building material, and the remedies.

Functions and features of the application of decorative fence

First of all, it is necessary to determine what purpose is the installation of such a fence: protection of seedlings and flower beds, zoning the territory or exclusively decorative?

The first function is the separation of the site, the selection of flower beds and flower, the definition of garden tracks. All this can be achieved using a low fence from the stakenice.

The second function of decorative fences is the prevention of an undesirable invasion of the "sacred" territory of the hostess - the garden and flower beds. In addition, a clear definition of boundaries is not only functional, but also aesthetic.

So, if a plot is small, then you can stay on a wicker fence - and looks beautiful, and does not require special costs, easy to create, since it is made of durable flexible branches.

Advantages of installing decorative fences with their own hands

The first advantage of the construction of the fence is the originality of the idea, which is possible with the help of one of the inexpensive materials - wooden plates or branches. In addition, advantages are:

  • space delimitation - the entire area will be divided into separate functional zones;
  • safety of vegetation - the first sprouts grown with such love can damage the negligence of pets or guests, and the fence, albeit a low, will save your seedlings;
  • well maintained - especially for summer residents, the main hobby of which are flower beds and flower beds;
  • the unity of the style is the same for all zones decoration with decorative fences will emphasize the concept of landscape design.

Types of decorative fences made of primary materials for cottages and country houses

There are a lot of them, and you can use almost any healthy material: plastic, brick, wood, stone, rubber.


The most popular material for decorative fence is a plastic bottle, which we often just throw away. It can be placed both vertically, and horizontally, thereby creating entire compositions on the household site.

He is one of the available and practically free building materials. The easiest type of decorative fence is the inscribed upside down to the base of the neck of the bottle of mineral water, carbonated drinks or beers.

Perhaps the only thing to take into account when choosing this type of fencing is the same form of bottles. But the colors can be selected independently.

Tip: In order for such a fence to not take the first strong wind, the bottles must be filled with any bulk material - sand, small rubble, earth.

In addition, plastic bottles can be distinguished by the direction of garden tracks.


This "building material" is considered the second available. And all because old automotive tires are used as a fence!

They will look good in the form of borders for flower beds - whitewashed, painted, painted. And if there are quite a lot of tires, you can build a real high fence for the local area.

The advantage of such fences is their durability, moisture and frost resistance, availability and possibility of use as a "green fence". However, if there are not so many tires, then instead of a whole fence, you can make separate flower beds or even the beds.

Tip: The lower crowns should be tightly stuffed so that the fence does not ask for a fence and no side fell.

Tree: Stakenik, hedge

For the manufacture of a wooden fence, it is not necessary to acquire lumber, it is enough to use boards, rails and even branches at hand.

Tip: The tree is destroyed faster than plastic, so before installing the fence, it is necessary to cover wood with a special antiseptic agent from rotting and insect pests. The processing can also be made of hot bitumen, covering the part of the tree that will be buried in the ground.

In addition to the decorative fence from the stakenice, you can make a fencing from the rails, simulating the grid or a decorative fence with your own hands, for example, from a grape vine.


It is another inexpensive material for the construction of the fence. If the brick and debris remained after construction, then the problem with the fence of the flower-garden zone will be solved.

Tip: The best looks flower bed, laid out by bricks.

However, such a fence serves only as a decorative fence - protection against invasion of pets cannot be provided.


Selection bottles can also be used as a decorative fence of flower beds and flower beds. Looks carefully, does not require special costs, and last longer plastic and rubber.

A rock

Fencing from natural stone, such as granite, fit into any landscape design, because the material itself is natural. Slices of material can be put in the flower beds, identify the garden tracks, in addition, the path itself is laid out, which creates the unity of the design style.

Tip: To increase the performance characteristics, the stone fence must be fastening with cement mortar, and as decor, use fluorescent paint, with which the usual fence with the onset of darkness will turn into luminous. Such an idea becomes an excellent solution for the design of borders along the garden tracks.

Of the advantages of stone fence, it is worth noting the possibility of the construction of absolutely different height, the strength of the fence and durability of the structure.


For those who have a welding machine in their working arsenal, to build metal fences on the plot will not be much difficult. A pre-prepared framework can be brewing pipe cuts or reinforcement rods. True, this option can not be attributed to the budget, there will have to get out for the cooking material, and on high-quality fastening elements so that the fence served for a long time.

There is a more budget version of the metal fence - the made decorative wiring fence from the wire with their own hands.

In addition to the above fences, it is also possible to use a live fence - the shrub grow quickly, serves and decorative decoration, and the fencing of the site from curious views of passersby.

Decorative fence from branches with their own hands

Make a decorative fence with your own hands from the girlfriend can be in several stages.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work includes several stages, consider which should be step by step.

Main works

Before making the fence itself, you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • manual drill;
  • wire for fixing;
  • small carnations;
  • backs;
  • a hammer;
  • ivnyak branches;
  • secator;
  • support material (fittings, pieces of metal pipes, wooden bars or even thick branches).

Now you can proceed to the direct erection of the fence:

  1. Installing support pillars. In the torn trench (for the recess, you can use manual drill) pegs are installed. The step between them will depend on the height of the fence. So, for small fences under the flowerbed or a flower garden, it is enough for a fence with a height of 0.5 m. Therefore, the distance between the supports should be equal to at least 0.5 m.
  2. After the reinforcement is inserted, you should proceed to the weaving of the fence. To enhance the design with the first rod, you can extend between the supports of the wire. It can also serve as a guide for young branches. The first row is necessarily fixed by the seams of the wire.
  3. Subsequent rows weave in the same way. It is important to remember that they should go in a checker order. And, of course, to strengthen weaving, you can periodically skip fine wire.
  4. At the end of the process, the ends of the rods are recommended to fix with the same wire or carnations (if wooden bars were used as the support elements).

Video: Instructions for independent making of a grape vines

"Store" options

If the budget allows, then replacement materials can be replaced by purchased. Thus, various decorative fences are sold in building and country stores, assembled that their own on site will not be difficult.

Plastic Elements Fence

  • availability of finished parts and ease of installation;
  • the ability to build fencing both on a flat surface and on a platform with a slope;
  • flexibility of elements, a variety of forms, colors and the possibility of imitation of any natural material (stone, wood, brick);
  • a small weight that allows you to endure parts on the site.
  • the impossibility of making individual elements by independently, so everything will have to be purchased in the store;
  • if some parts are damaged, they will also need to be replaced by registered to preserve the unity of the design;
  • bad frost resistance - at low temperatures, plastic destroys, but this can be avoided, removing the decorative fence for the winter in the barn to spring.

Polymer product fence

These are polycarbonate sheets that are fastened with a metal frame.

  • aesthetic look;
  • variety of sizes and colors;
  • high quality material.
  • horregious.

Concrete fence

Decorative fences from concrete today are very popular and are suitable for any style decision, in which the house and housekeeping are decorated on the site.

  • durability, strength;
  • variety of forms, types of products;
  • possibility of painting in arbitrary color, decoration in any style.
  • high price.

Despite the so-called budget, decorative fences made with your own hands, also requires a certain care (stone and brick structures are not considered).

Thus, the fence from automotive tires is necessary once a year or two restored - removing the old paint paint and cover the rubber new to extend the service life of the fence for a few more years.

If your fence is made of a stake, then the tree is as well as rubber, you need additional care, namely:

  • timely treatment with antiseptic compositions that protect wood from insect pests;
  • new painting of the fence.

To extend the service life of a wire or other metal fencing, a paint coating is required. And this means that it will have to take it, degreased before applying a new paint. In addition, as it is known, any surface, purified from the old coating, is much better (and faster) "grabs" new layers of paint.

As for the living hedge, everything is clear here. Timely irrigation, trimming and formation of the crown will help to grow a real "green fence" on the site.

The methods considered above the structures of decorative fences for the class-garden territory are budget. Owners of private houses, as a rule, are optionally acquired ready-made decorative fences that need to be simply assembled in place. However, it should be remembered that the purchase of the factory will not replace the original author.

Many who are climbing the repair of a private house and adjacent territory, think about how to save. One solution may be an independent construction of the fence.

There is a lot of ideas as you can build it and arrange.


It is well known that the fence performs several functions, regardless of where it is installed: between the inadlines or between private ownership and the street.

  • The first and main role played by the fence - protective. The fence is intended to protect the private plot from outsiders or penetration of intruders.
  • Second function - aesthetic. The fence must complement the exterior, combine with the surrounding landscape. Only then can be called correctly performed.
  • The third function is distinctive. Regardless of how reliable the fender construction, it visually separates one site from the other one, one object from the other.

There is a huge selection of various barrier structures for every taste and color, but sometimes for some reason the landwoman cannot buy or order a finished design. In part, this is due to the fact that he never found the perfectly suitable option, but most often the case in the financial component. Finished fences are not suiced, and with the installation - both more expensive. Then the owner may come to the mind to confine the fence with their own hands.

In addition to a relatively small price, there are one more feature from homemade fences - a limited choice of materials. This is due to the fact that it is rare someone at home you can find the same equipment that is used in large factories and enterprises. You have to be content with what is.

Advantages and disadvantages

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe erection of the fence with their own hands from the priest materials has both pros and cons.

The advantages of independent manufacture of fences can be attributed:

  • the low cost of intricate structures - the savings on materials and work is achieved;
  • large variety - you can make an option of any form and appearance, everything is limited only by the manufacturer's fantasy.

Disadvantages are available, but they still do not outweigh the advantages:

  • increased temporary and labor costs - for someone who does not like to mess with repairs, the construction of such a device will seem not an easy check.
  • the need to prepare is to create an approximate sketch, make an accurate drawing of the future fence, calculate a certain amount of materials, make the marking of the territory, prepare the foundation - in a word, to fulfill the entire "draft work", which you first do not even think about it.

If you want to create a fence yourself, then it is pre-examined to study the device for the fence, installation rules, design types and similar nuances.


There are many varieties of the elevation, which can be erected by their own hands. An ordinary painted fence is no longer impressed. Brokes make from a wide variety of materials. They can vary in their size - height and thickness. An important role is played by the foundation for the fence, which is a mandatory component for a solid barrier.

By and large, all fences can be classified into three large groups:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • monolithic.

The first two types are made of planks stacked either vertically or horizontally. Monolithic fences are performed from solid canvas. There are also mesh, forged options, but they relate to a narrower classification, so they are not separate separately.

First you need to decide which fence you want to install on your site. Should he be completely deaf, skip a bit of light or not to protect the plot from an extraneous eye - the choice is completely left for you. After the decision is made, it is possible to determine the material.


To date, there is an abundance of options, from which to make a fence. There are models from concrete, bricks, professional sheets, forged lattices, stone, nets, even ordinary plastic bottles - in a word, from everything. However, it is extremely important that some materials are unsuitable for fences manufactured at home.

So, concrete can serve as an elementary example. Many saw sectional concrete patterns, molded in forms with different decorative patterns, imitating the structure of natural masonry, drawing of a vine and the like. Speaking frankly, it will not work independently: the process is very laborious.

Another thing is that concrete is often used to make the foundation of fences. Such application can be called traditional. The only option of the fence of concrete, which can be performed independently is a design on special glasses. However, it is used mainly as a temporary barrage due to scarce aesthetic properties.

Materials suitable for creating an elevation with their own hands, a lot. Often they can be found at home or get almost for nothing, to others will have to be spent. A common feature inherent in all options is ease when erected.

Difficulty can only cause welding work when their conduct is necessary.


Tree is a common name for several heterogeneous materials. First of all, it is necessary to understand that all of them are united by the advantages and disadvantages inherent in wood.

  • Wood reacts poorly to change temperatures, humidity and similar atmospheric phenomena. Under the influence of moisture, it will swell, can deform.
  • All wooden boards dry, and no processing is fixed.
  • Wood is susceptible to rot, it also often spoils various pests, for example, beetle cored. To protect the surface, it is repeatedly treated with special compositions and paint materials.

  • There will be no expensive equipment for work. As a rule, everything you need can be found in your barn.
  • Unedged board is extremely plastic, not to mention the vine. This opens a huge field for experiments with the form and appearance of fences.
  • The tree is easily flammable, so this option can not be attributed to fireproof. However, if the construction is at a significant distance from the house and the likelihood of a fire is minimal, then this option is perfect.

One of the frequently created are fences from the porch. This is an unedged board having a drink only on one side, and on the other hand, either a semicircular surface or a partial cut. The bark from the porridge is not removed, and depending on the bumping of the coating varies and the price of it.

Less even options will cost cheaper than relatively smooth.

Popularity to this material came with the advent of Ecosil. He is increasingly reflected not only in the interior, but also in the exterior. If you lay out horizontally online, then the illusion will create, as if you are in front of the fence from the logs. This uses many designers.

Due to the fact that the bark is not removed from the material, it is often affected by all sorts of insects. When working with a hill, it is extremely important to pay sufficient attention to the preparation of the material, its processing. A bark must be removed, and a naked surface is to be primed, pollipping, coat with several layers of varnish for greater reliability. Please note that such a coating is better than others like wood, because it allows to emphasize its natural beauty.

A non-standard and unusual solution is the choice of bamboo stems as materials. The appearance of such a fence is extremely unusual, and the views will certainly be chained to him. Before you establish yourself in your decision, it is necessary to keep in mind a few features inherent in bamboo stems.

  • The wood of this type is subject to severe drying, so that the stems must be prepared to preliminarily prepare from excessive moisture loss.
  • If water falls inside the stems, this will lead to an emergency damage to such a fence. It is necessary to come up with a solution that will protect their inner cavity from the penetration of water.

The bamboo fence is not always well combined with the landscape, since the material is quite exotic. If you are not sure that it will fit well in the situation, it is better to give up his choice.

Despite such ambiguous characteristics, it is easy to work with such material and pleasant. Brokes from it are created quickly, but there is no longer a wide variety of options. Keep in mind that bamboo fences are usually done vertical, not horizontal.

The most interesting material made of wood can be called pallets. By and large, they generally are not the material. Rather, it is ready-made designs. It should be borne in mind that for the manufacture of such pallets use wood of a to-quality quality. Little boards, from which pallets are made, and can be very good at all.

The advantage of pallets is that they can be used and integers, and disassembled. The fence made of parts of pallets may be durable and beautiful, but it will not give up an option from solid structures. but in both cases, wood needs additional processingThough she was already processed at the factory.

Thus, all the variety of wood materials opens a wide scope for fantasy. You can choose an option for easy construction or choose more complicated, but to show great creativity. It is necessary to coordinate the material and the surrounding landscape, among the wooden variations you can always find suitable.


Mespical hedges are often separated by the sections adjacent to each other, and all thanks to the peculiarities of the chain. She misses the light well, while completely unable to protect the privacy of owners from prying eyes. They are released in several modifications, however, only with galvanized coating is suitable for oblations.

It protects the metal from corrosion processes, as a result of which the metal does not rushes and will last much longer.

Mesh will need to purchase additional materials: metal profiles or pipes as pillars for fastening. And it will also be necessary to get a thick wire and anchors for its attachment to the columns so that the fence below cannot be bent.

Rabita can be delivered with the calculation that it will serve to support living hedges of curly plants. This option will cost cheaply.At the same time, the result is a spectacular and colorful fence.


Bardings from the professional flooring are common more than others. The material is applied not only to build deaf fences for private houses, but also for the fence of the plots. To create a fence from sheets, you will need a welding machine and some welding skills, otherwise the process of installing such a barrier is extremely simple.

The advantages of such hedges include not only the ease of its installation, but also a huge selection of all sorts of decorative solutions. There is a material of different colors, glossy, matte, they are applied to them if desired patterns with airbrushing or other techniques.

Professor needs additional coverage. It will be necessary to re-process the material with an anti-corrosionTo protect it from the appearance of rust. As an alternative to such a composition, you can use paint, only to apply it will be necessary in several layers.

Often the sheets processed in all the rules are delivered immediately from the factory. Additional materials are also needed to install an option from the professional flooring: metal or wooden supports.


To build a plastic fence, you can use several options for raw materials. In the first case, solid polycarbonate layers are used. This material is strongly distinguished against the background of all others largely due to appearance. Panels translucent, well miss the light, while distorting space. Thus, excellent light transmission and the plot is protected from unwanted views. Plates are monolithic or cellular. The choice in favor of one or another variety is determined mainly by the budget.

The second option is less traditioned, more creative and, moreover, much cheaper.

So, ordinary plastic bottles are used to build the fence. Make such a fence fun and easy. Air bottles filled with high strength indicators and at the same time they are very lungs. More unusual way to build a barrier not to find.

Such a fence will always attract attention, but if you choose bottles of cinnamon, green or other colors, the barrier will be opaque.


Brick - universal material suitable for building both buildings and adjacent structures, including fences. The brick version will have the strength that some other fences are so lacking.

The construction of a brick fence will require a certain time and effort, as well as the availability of experience in conducting work, but the result will exceed all expectations. Brick looks good, reliably, combined with almost all other materials, including with wild stone.

The quality of the fence is largely determined by the quality of the brick itself as a material. Builders advise choosing red, not white brickIf there is such an opportunity. Red harder and stronger, and white is more attractive from aesthetic point of view and combined with any environment.

Brick is used and for the construction of the foundation for other types of hedges, such as forged. In this case, it is extremely important to pay enough attention to the choice of the mixture, as well as allocate as much time on the frosting of the brick base as it is necessary.

A rock

Homemade stones fences are more common than it may seem at first glance. Popularly enjoys both natural stone and artificial. However, it is worth being prepared for the process of laying a stone fence rather time consuming. This is due to the peculiarities of the material itself. Stones have uneven edges, unequal shape, as a result of which they are difficult to docileAnd you have to resort to various tricks and tricks.

Often you can meet the fences of the combined type, in which any part (or foundation, or the fence itself) is made of stone. Stone is durable and reliable, so it is suitable for the base, and for masonry.

The material varies in size, coloring, porosity and many other characteristics.


You can set your slate sheets re-using them as a reliable and durable fence. Although in fact this material is fairly fragile: it can easily go crack. You should not subject it to various mechanical loads, and with forced transportation it is better to maximize to secure.

The chief plus Schifer lies in the fact that the fence will be well combined with the roof of the building. Such a complete correspondence, as in this case, it is incredibly difficult to achieve, so the original solution to use it for the fence is the winning. From aesthetic point of view, everything is not so unequivocal. Someone will like this decision, and there is no one.


Any ready-made welded elements can be served as metal parts for the fence itself, whether bicycle frames or headboards, the frames of old beds. Everything will go into business.

If you like any detail of old iron furniture, but you do not know how to use it, then make a fence - one of the best outputs.


The size of the fence varies depending on what it is done and for what purposes. For example, you can buy several chain robers, or a dozen polycarbonate sheets. In these cases, the thickness, and the height of the fences will be different. The width is determined by the perimeter of the territory that must be protected. Distances are calculated immediately in the drawings.

Color solutions and design

There is a wide variety of design decisions of fences. It concerns both colors and textures, and drawings. They can be painted in various non-standard colors. They can apply any interesting drawing or ornament.

One of the new products is the possibility of photo printing. It is performed mainly on sheets of professional flooring. The drawing is applied to a large area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas, sometimes on everything canvas, with the result that you can get the original effect of presence elsewhere. For example, a house may be in a wooded area, and on the fence - a landscape with palm trees and the seabed is applied.

Popular and hand painted. It is usually applied to wooden vertical fences to make their kind a little more interesting. As the basis, they choose both abstract ornaments and quite concrete motifs: images of animals, colors and the like.

The fence can be both direct, so and a wavy, ribbed, wrought. Differently decorate and the upper edge.

So, it can be convex, concave, with peaks, pins or other figures.

Required tools and mixtures

Additional tools and fittings may be needed for the construction of the design. In addition to obvious devices, such as shovels for digging holes for the foundation, a screwdriver for the installation of self-tapping and other, you will need specialized, designed to work with a certain material.

For example, choosing a professional list, you need to think about how to cut it, how to install fasteners. Perhaps you will need anchors or other additional elements.

As for the mixtures, then in first of all, solutions for processing materials. It is necessary to apply solutions in order to protect the details of the future fence from the negative effects of the external environment, prevent corrosion or rotting.

Also in all cases, a cement solution is needed or a cement-sand mix. The ratio of sand and concrete, as well as the required brand of concrete is determined for each particular case separately. It is necessary to produce the mixture strictly according to the instructions indicated on the package, otherwise the strength qualities of the entire erected structure may suffer.

How to make it yourself?

There are many options, each of which requires an individual approach. At the very beginning of work, you must remember two things: this is safety equipment and regulatory requirements for fences. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Snaps regulating such construction activities.

Before you begin making a fence with your own hands, you need to mark the sector in accordance with your drawings. Do not forget to check if any communications are running underground. For example, before you score iron pile to the ground, you need to make sure that the high voltage cables are not laid just below. If such a check was not carried out, and the cable would really turn out to be in the very place, then you risk not only to de-energize the whole area, but also lose life.

Consider the construction of fences from those or other materials in more detail. Having studied the question in detail, you will get the opportunity to independently select the desired option, correctly perform preparatory work, lay the foundation in accordance with all the requirements.


Build a wooden fence is quite simple. There are several ways to do it:

  • use pallets;
  • make from boards.

And the other option deserve attention, since their construction does not take away a lot of time and effort.

The construction of pallets is extremely simple. Ready pallets simply connect with each other, without disassembling pallets. It turns out a barrage of a height of about a meter. It is common to be sufficiently such a height, since the fences from pallets are not used as the main barrier design.

An option from boards can be varied in height. Usually such a fence is made vertical and deaf, However, it can be horizontal. It is extremely important to lay the boards a little braziness (by 2 cm), since over time the material dissipates, and to ensure privacy, it is necessary that the fence still completely closes the site.

As a support can be used both wooden poles and metal. note that wood piles need additional processing and waterproofing. Since the fence is not too heavy, the fortified foundation is not necessarily - quite normal.

From Gorn

The fence from the production waste - the hill - is being built in a similar way as from ordinary boards. The hill is more susceptible to dryness, so it is extremely important to treat it with special moisture protection impregnations after the surface is cleaned from the crust.

Please note that for the fence it is not necessary to choose a material with a perfectly smooth surface. Futching and other disadvantages, progressing, processing as it should be turned into advantage, making an elevation according to eco-style.

After the construction, the painting of the fence can be carried out, although the designers strongly advise them to do without it. The texture of the tree and the interesting shape of the hill themselves are already decorative enough. The same applies to the upper edge. It is not necessary to round it or do figure.

Do not forget to lay the scan boards to level the consequences of shrinkage. Remember that the horn looks best when it is made of a vertical fence, because it is so achieved the most complete illusion of a good-quality barnage. Supports can also be reapged by the hill boards. It will complete the picture.


Bamboo fences are real exotic. They can be reliable or not very. Often Bamboo shields frame metal frame, welding it in the corners to make the design more resistant to different kind of influences of both mechanical and weather.

Sometimes an ordinary twine can be used to fasten the bamboo stems, but this option is not the most reliable: winter rope can burst. This does not apply to situations where the bamboo shield was bought with a roll already with the twine. As a rule, factory samples are specially processed.

The complexity may arise with how to close the stems from the penetration of moisture in them. Find aesthetically faithful, cheap and at the same time a simple solution is quite easy. Here you can use an ordinary board, in width a little exceeding the width of the stems. The board is placed on the stalks of the plafhmy and is fixed in the poles.

For a horizontal fence, such a measure is not needed. Keep in mind that for supports or horizontal crossbars, it is best to choose the same bamboo stems, although you can give preference and metal. Do not forget to handle all the design details with a special antiseptic.


Surely braided fences at least once saw everyone. As the main barrage, the woven has not been used for a long time, but exceptions are always found. Mostly weaving is chosen for the separation of flower beds, flower beds, as well as easy to styling one or another corner of the garden.

The woven is created both from the rods and from the branches is thickening and early. A small fence can even build a child. It is important to pay attention to the rods to be flexible and pillaby, but at the same time durable: they should be seriously broken: It is best to choose for the construction of fresh branches. Last year will also fit, but they will need to first soak. Preferred is treated with Olkhov, Ivov, birch perts, because they are both flexible, and durable to the gap.

Special attention is paid to such a hedge. The racks are robged into the ground at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other depending on the thickness of the rods. Supports can be both wooden and metal. Please note that in this case the step between the racks is several times less than ordinary.

An alternative way to make a braided fence - make it from the board.

The execution of this option is somewhat complicated by the fact that the boards are not so pliable as the rods, and to intertwine them can be difficult. The result will fully justify the applied efforts: the fence will look good and impressive.

Special attention should be paid to the supports, as several specific requirements are presented to them. Firstly, stands must be made of metal. This is due to the fact that they are subjected to high loads, since the pressure of the boards is large. Secondly, such Piles are always cementSo that they do not break out of the ground, did not change their vertical position.

After the construction is completed, the whole design is painted to further protect it from negative impacts of the external environment. It is important to use paint, and not varnishSo that metal piles do not get out against the background of the overall composition and were invisible.

From the grid

This option is considered one of the most economical. Its popularity is partly due to this. Rabbit fences are strong, resistant to temperature drops and other weather conditions, they are easy to install and unpretentious in care. Grids are presented in a huge assortment both in coloring and size of cells. It is such a variety makes a challenge unique, because you can choose an option for any needs.

In this case, it is best to use metal pillars that are concreted when chosen in the ground. You will need fasteners, because the chain grid is not fixed on the challenge. You can use the twine, if we are talking about the erection of the non-protective fence, but simply separation.

So that the grid is not rejected below so easily, use thick wire. It is passed through cells and stretch between pillars bases, fastening with anchors in a stretched state. This solution makes a plot more difficult to accommodate for thieves, it also does not allow you to get worse animals here (including wild).

Processing the mesh is optional, since the galvanized version is already fully prepared for installation.

From professional flooring

The undoubted advantage of the fence facilities from the professional leaf is that it is not necessary to make a preliminary drawing. Everything you need is to place the position of the fence, note where the wicket will be, and right on the site to install beacons in places of installation of support pillars. The step between them should be 280-300 cm depending on which wind load will be subject to the fence.

The more windy terrain, the more often supports should stand.

Poons for pillars must be strengthened by rubble or gravel. The fence from the corrugated floor weighs a little, but also a lot, so you need to protect it from sending. Racks need to install strictly verticallyBy checking their location level. Otherwise, the fence quickly turns and falls. Horizontal crossbars - lags - also must be metallic.

All works are performed by the welding machine, with the exception of fasteners of the sheets themselves. They need to be recorded with the help of self-tapping screws, laying sheets of the mustache. The mounting step is 15-20 cm.


For the construction of a polycarbonate fence, as well as for the option from the professional flooring, the plan is not needed. It is necessary to place the territory, note the position of the gate, on the boundaries of which you need to install a durable poles. Supports put in the corners of the future fence. Next piles are fixed at a distance of 250-300 cm. They are connected to each other with horizontal crossbar. Finishing the panels from polycarbonate.

You should keep in mind one nuance. When choosing support pillars for a collection of polycarbonate, you should give preference to the options with a square cross section. This ensures a more dense adjacent of plastic panels to supports and they will be fixed better.

Another option - plastic bottle fence. For this, they are cut off the bottoms, and the bottles are inserted one to the other until the desired height is ensured. Such bands from bottles are bonded with each other glue to turn out shields. In the future, the shields are attached to supports.

Keep in mind that such a fence is rather decorative than protectiveSo it's not worth installing it as street.


To lay out the fence of the brick house with your own hands, you will need at least a small experience in the construction industry. Laying only at first glance seems simple. In fact, this event requires considerable skill than the unpopularity of such homemade barriers is due.

First you need to decide on the thickness of the fence. It can be laid out in one or two bricks.. But you also need to think about the masonry itself, what it will be. Bricks can be laid on each other in a checker order (this masonry provides the greatest strength), as well as crosswise crosswise. The last method is used in the construction of double fences, when the first layer of bricks is stacked along, and the second - across and layers alternate.

Cement mortar should be high quality prepared in the optimal proportion.

Do not use mixtures with expired: Their adhesive ability is strongly reduced, therefore there is a risk that the whole design will soon be collapsed.

About how to build a fence of a brick, with your own hands, see the following video.


The fence from the stone can rightly be called the most durable of all. If you put it right, then it is quite able to simultane more than one age. To build, it is necessary to make a preliminary drawing, which is noted, what will be the height, thickness and width of the barrier, where to highlight the place for the wicket. Then there are directly section with the help of stakes installed in the corners, and the rope stretched between them.

It begins the construction of a fence from the installation of special forms of plywood on the lines of markup. The stones are laying inside this design, then the grasp of the cement mortar is waiting, and only then remove the shape. This guarantees the evenness of the parties and the corners of the stone fence, which is especially relevant in the construction of stone columns or pillars.

Stones can be selected so that cement seams are visible well or completely hidden from the eyes. It vary and filling the fence: you can simply pour cement mortar, laying out the stone only on the outer sides, and you can create a fence completely stone.

Builders' masters willingly share tips, how to build a fence structure correctly, so that all the work has passed as smoothly, quickly and easily.

  • Never neglect the foundation for the fence. It is possible to refuse it only if the fence is temporary. Remove the base is completely impossible: the spring fence can glance, deform, and then collapse.
  • The depth of injection of supports must exceed the depth of the soil freezing. It usually this value is 100-150 cm, so you need to dig piles deeper.

  • Do not move to the next stage of construction work, if the previous one is not completely finished. For example, you should not move to the installation of the next cement layer, if the previous one is not yet. The exception can only be work in which strict compliance with this rule is not necessarily and this has been agreed in advance.
  • Do not proceed to the construction of the fence, if you did not verify the stands of SNiP.

All fireproof rules, as well as the admissibility of installing a particular design between adjacent sites or on the street, are described there.

Invent the design of the fence is easy, it is harder to realize the thought, how to make exactly what I want. But when there is a desire to earn on this, then you need to evaluate the attractiveness of the consumable material from the very beginning. After all, the overall design is often collected from everything that lies without a case or sold for a penny.

From girlfriend materials

Now, it is in the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, which can be chosen from:

  • Pallets;
  • Slate used;
  • Plastic (various containers);
  • Production grid;
  • Cut from the sawmills (the most budget rural variant);
  • Shrub branches (they are going to do it yourself, if there is near the place of construction);
  • (for the fence or barn, there is no longer the best option);
  • Disassembled wooden barrels (a rare case, but sometimes in production workshops are forced to sell their pick-up already broken barrels from strong wood);
  • Scrap metal (in the presence of transport, you can visit retail points and collect pillars, crossbars and even a certain decor for handmade);
  • Proflist. The most inexpensive;
  • Concrete, cement and decorative.

How to make a cheap fence from all this? We will analyze in detail.

Designer novelties

Beautiful photos with original ideas:

Mockup of simple design. In the photo - homemade stakenatnik from wire, hazel, willow. It is not necessary for a simple fence from the branches with their own hands, it is not necessary to embarrass anything, it is enough to perform turns between the supporting parts, and the low fence very soon will be ready. It is a pity that such structures do not hold on very long of strong winds and precipitation.

The garden option is the decorative fence in a private house collected by its own. And the more paint residues use in this version, the brighter the garden will look like. Boards can be selected from the pallets by creating a simple decoration element.

It is worth noting! Such a garden fence is another improvised feeder and a drinking bowl for birds. Very original and inexpensive.

Brick, cement and glass. American novelty. Materials are not cheap and improvised, but looks great. Unfortunately, such a design is most likely not just like a very long time due to a rapid interest. There will be anyone who will not be able to repeat this.

Copper or other metal in work. Of course, an element per amateur. And a lot of welding works. But if you do, for example, from the iron beds of the past epoch, it will be original, free and forever.

Plastic. From the package, even the greenhouses have been made. Yes, and about fences do not forget. It is desirable, of course, from empty tanks to make small pieces of smooth material, which then the construction or fences are trimmed. But the above method will fit only in advance prepare a strong framework.

Europdon. Suitable everywhere: Firewood, the construction of a barn and fence. What is interesting, the technology of creating the pallets themselves has a stage of drying. It turns out that the pallets from the warehouse are the perfect building material for inexpensive fence. And often unloading pallets are sold simply by weight. On small ones, there should be no bitch and marriage.

Disassemble pallets for the construction of the fence is not necessary. It is more correct to do as in the photo above - to put up and consolidate each of them in turn.

Branches, wood and hill

Quite inexpensive, example in photo:

It is easierless to come up with - insert or driven something for support, and then weaving are performed as the soul of Tom wants. Everything is going to work, which lies under the legs. Even dry, curves and heavy oak branches May be completing the composition.

Below in the photo fence fence. From a thin branch This design, of course, does not distinguish strength. But you can fix the ready-made homemade mesh fence throughout the area.

This is how (next photo) is much stronger, exercising and more beautiful. Cattle, pests from the forest or abandoned dogs do not violate your territorial space. Moreover, the grid can be installed not the smallest, and it is enough for one meter from the ground. Already such protection is not needed.

Mesh in combination with wooden frame, performed by proper technology (tree under the cone, the posts are processed by bitumen). Modestly, not very expensive and reliable. It is not worth sining on a tree, because the fence from absolutely any material will not serve forever. And even monolithic structures are destroyed by atmospheric changes.

Carved grace. This is a small work of art. Although before, when most of our country's population lived in private grounds, carved elements were in every yard. It had a few values: wealth, accuracy, skill and respect for traditions.

Below - pallet fenceProcessed by protective compositions.

Selection boardcombined very beautiful with concrete base and post.

By the way, it is the "intake board" there are several varieties (1-3 grades). If there is a lot of forest curved on the sawmill, then 3 grades of intake boards will accumulate with cubic meters. Externally, the differences, of course, is, but this is the same wood that is used in construction. It is more wrok with her, but for such a low price it says goodbye to her. And if 1 grade costs from 3 thousand per 1 cubic, 3 grades will cost 1.5-1.8.

It is also interesting that cheap sawn timber do not buy quickly, so in warehouses or squares to find a dry intake inexpensive board easily.

Original wood processing

On Japanese technology now you can burn intricate boardsgiving a brown shade. Similar processing for natural material is necessary only once. Moreover, a thin layer of burned wood is resistant to dampness, and natural processing can be replaced only by expensive paint, which leaves the best service life. Albeit a few dozen boards with oxygen or soldering lamp is convenient, practical and original.

Slate, Professional Sheet, Concrete and Mesh

If you take a new slate to work, it would be better to order a flat version, calculated under 1 span. Such a material is easy to replace with a breakdown, and it looks in a poorly, thoroughly, more solid.

Used slate More often with a wave. It is rare on the front part, except for visors. However, the back side of the site closed from the eye of everyone and everything also needs a fence. Here and find the use of the old Schifer from the Dedovsky House or Shedra.

Interesting fact! Slate released in 70-80 years 20th century is very fragile, but durable. There were no cracks in the process of transportation and installation, it will not get on the fence for one decade.

Classic rules for work with your own hands over a professional sheet and metal frame. As shown in the figure, for high fence (above 2 meters) it is more correct to do 3 lags. Well, the span is not more than 2.5 meters.

Patterned grids. Long and painstaking work. Must be performed on the project or pattern. Of course, you have to work, but it is possible to sell such works. Or you will go to design, if you are interested in your ideas.

Cheap, beautiful and original. You can use everything in decorative elements: from forks to car hubs. And it does not matter how it will all look exactly in the overall picture, because different elements from iron or other material to assemble in one design cannot be ugly.

Proflist or professional flooring on a wooden frame. An option for those who do not own the welding craft. The frame itself is better to do is absorbable, although the sheets located horizontally will give the desired stiffness. Wood is desirable to handle with oil-based protective means.

Concrete or brick fences. Here are the mass of shades, decorative elements and, accordingly, expenses. It is more profitable to do exactly from the stone only the foundation by placing in the cent of each span tree, forging, sheets of flooring or even factory plastic.

Approximate value

We will analyze on the example of standard 6 acres of the country area:

View of the fence Materials Number of materials Cost per unit, rub. Amounts, rub.
Wooden fence with concrete base Cement (concrete); 11 cubic meters; 3 thousand; 33 thousand
poles (logs); From 50 pieces; 450; 22 thousand
lags (timber); 40 pieces; 150; 6 thousand
selection board (2-3 grades). 200-250 pieces. 60. 15 thousand
Outcome: 76 thousand on building materials.
Mesh with concrete base Concrete; 11 cubic meters; 3 thousand; 33 thousand
Pipes for the frame; 89x40; 1500; 78 thousand
Tree lags; 50 pieces.

200-250 pieces;

108; 3.7 thousand
Grid. 170 square meters. 60. 9.4 thousand
Outcome: Material without delivery 124 thousand.

These are prices for the central region. And if you call counting the fences of the above-mentioned turnkey materials, then you need to be added to work and delivery up to 50 thousand.


Fences from stone, brick and decorative component cost twice as much as the fence from the grid or wood.

It is easy to guess that it is most profitable to fulfill the conceived with your own hands using the same euro pallets or used pallet. After all, with high-quality installation, they look much more original. The price of work is cheap, the material itself can be ordered from 100 rubles per piece. 1 Element is a whole meter of almost assembled fence. Consider themselves what is better for ordinary fence.

Instructions for video

About how to make an inexpensive fence, Ivan Galkin tells.