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Tui varieties, description of varieties, cultivation. Western Dwarf Thuja

High green trees of Tui with flat branches located in different planes form solid screens, limiting and decorated with space, forming closed landscaps. The game shades of color in the folds and shades created by multidirectional twigs make the textured surface of the expressive, producing a stunning impression. Unpretentious plants are well tolerated trimming, are remarkably suitable for creating dense hedges and all sorts of green figures, design of stony slides and accessories.

Tui views

In the culture, several types of Tui are grown, on the basis of which a variety of variety of varieties are brought with breeders, which include coloniary, pyramidal, spherical and pillow-shaped different colors And shades. The greatest breeding diversity is the Tui Western, Eastern and Folded.

Once you stop your choice on any trick of the Tui, suitable for your garden, use our article "", which will help you: choose the right seedling, put and grow a beautiful tree or shrub from it.

Tuja Western (Thuja Occidentalis)

Large trees tall up to 20 m in natural conditions Grow out in the forests of North America. Crown is formed in the form of a tiny pyramid, becomes rounded with age. The reddish-brown bark cracks and peeling, hanging long stripes. The needles are green, flat, from the bottom side light. Small bumps 1-1.5 cm long ripen in autumn and quickly crept.

Danica (Danica)

Delicious dwarf variety of Danish selection was obtained in 1948. Adult plant It reaches the height of the half-meter, develops slowly. A thick crown forms an ideal round bowl of a thick green. The wavy surface formed by panoid sprigs placed in the vertical plane gives the special charm of this tue. Bright in the summer of the needles, in the winter is inclined. The village is compact and remarkably suitable for disembarking in mix bears, for rocque gardening.

Fastigiata (Fastigiata)

The famous grade of German selection is a slim thick tree over 15 m in height. Development Fast, annual growths reach 20-30 cm. Colon's crown, expanded at the bottom and the ejected upwards, form strong skeletal branches directed vertically.

Side spots are flat, horizontally placed, wrapped at the ends and covered with dark green cheese. Well multiplied by seeds, however, the received seedlings can be very different from the parent plant.

Thuja East (Thuja Orientalis)

The name of Thuja Eastern entrenched over the view, which does not actually relate to the nature of the thu, although it looks very similar. It is correct to call this decorative swable of the East Platycladus (Platycladus Orientalis) or the Eastern Biota (Biota Orientalis). The species comes from Korea and China, where it grows by single or small groups on stony poor soils, in a temperate climate.

It develops slowly, mainly in the form of a tree, reaching 5-10 m height, growing even higher in favorable conditions. In the cold regions takes the shape of a shrub. Croon pyramidal or cone-shaped with wide base. The bark is reddish-brown, hollows with stripes.

Flat branches in the form of a foorer are directed vertically and covered with bright green scaly cheese. Young plants, like, may differ with needle sharp cheesens. In winter, the needles drastically change the color - booet or yellow.

Aurea Nana (Aurea Nana)

A dwarf variety is popular in regions with a temperate or warm climate, in cold winters requires shelter. Despite some kind of goodness, the plant loved for a bright light green "herbaceous" painting of the needles, a cone-shaped crown, which over the years becomes ovoid, and slow development. By ten years reaches 0.8-1 m of height, the adult tree grows up to one and a half meters, darker is painted.

In winter, the color is changing, the needle acquires a golden-bronze tint. Saturated colors The plant is capable only at sunny areas and moistened soils, in this case, Aurea Nana will serve as a real decoration of a flower bed, a mountaineering or mixboarder.


Spectacular dwarf variety of colonum-shaped Polish selection. The tree grows to a ten-year-old age to 1-1.2 m. Forming branches are directed up, fan-shaped twigs, located in the vertical plane, the crown is thick, with a dark green flexible cheese. It is noted as a cold-resistant plant, well winter in moderate latitudes. It looks great in rockers, small mixlers.

Morgan (Morgan)

An unusual thuja was obtained by Australian breeders, it is distinguished by a thick pyramidal crown of fan-shaped golden yellow branches. In winter, the tree becomes more attractive, acquiring a reddish-bronze bright color, sometimes with an orange tone. It develops slowly, increasing 5-7 cm per year, by ten years reaches a height of 70 cm.

Thuja Plicata)

The huge trees of this species in natural conditions of the Pacific coast of North America grow up to 60 meters, thanks to which the species received another name - Tuja Giant (T.Gigantea). On the latitude of St. Petersburg, the tree reaches 12-15 m, but prone to frost in the harsh winters. Crown is located low, thick, spreaded, branches are directed horizontally or sprinkling up, sideways drooping. The needles of scaly, long, emerald green, from the bottom side with a whitish strip.

About 50 varieties are derived, due to major sizes, the species are more often planted in the parks, for household plots it is recommended to choose dwarf and slow-growing variations.

Wipcord (WHIPCORD)

The wonderful dwarf variety of American selection grows by a tree with a spherical crown, reaching 1.5 m. Saving large, slopes, long sharp needles is no exotic appearance. In the cold season, the color becomes bronze.

It grows slowly, no more than 7-10 cm per year, requires open areas and sufficient moistening, which is frostable. Vipcord exceptionally looks in single landings on the background of stones, effectant in a stramb form.

Zebrina (Zebrina)

A slow-growing motley variety with a bicycle crown, in young plants loose, in adults - dense. On the scarce soils And in the northern regions griest at 7-10 cm per year, by ten years reaching 2.5 m of heights and 1.5 m in the diameter. In favorable conditions, on nutrient soils Gives annual growths up to 15-20 cm.

The skeletal branches are splashing, the side sprigs are dumped, covered with a brilliant scaled leaf of a juicy green tone, in young shoots with creamy-white or golden transverse wide stripes. Lush, elegant tree is most suitable for solitary fit.

It originally grows on the territory of Central Japan, on the islands of Honsu and Sikoku, in Japanese culture, the species is considered one of the five sacred trees Kiso, and in ancient times this thua was forbidden to cutting down. A large beautiful tree with vertically directed spreader branches forming a pyramidal crown with a wide base, reaches a height of 20 m. In the culture grows up to 6-9 m, but in natural conditions old trees can grow huge - up to 35 or more meters.

Bark fiber, reddish-brown shade. The needles with a characteristic strong smell, flat, matte, bright green, the reverse side is bluish-silver. Thuja Japanese frost resistant, but suffers from a lack of moisture, it is better developed on nutritional, drained loams. An open area or a rare halftime is preferred.

Thuja Koraiensis (Thuja Koraiensis)

A spreaded shrub or a conical tree with a loose crown growing up to 7-8 m in height. In the wild, it is found in forestry arrays, on the mountain slopes and the valleys of China and Korea, where it is considered a rather winter-hardy plant. The bark is reddish brown, rough, shoots flat, with a narrow stupid cheese, from the bottom side of the silver shade. The species is distinguished by grace and ease due to the light tone of lace sprigs with bent up the edges.

Value plants are available for purchase in nurseries, few varieties are rarely found.

Glauca Prostrata (Glauca Prostrata)

Perspective slow-growing grade with an adult plant height up to 60 cm. The plant is spectacular, with elegant openwork branches, similar to fern leaves, bluish-green with a silver lining. Light lush krona With overwhelmed shoots looks like air.

Poor grows in a deep shadow, losing decorativeness. Exceptional choice for mixed foreground landings, it looks great in the role of solitator against the background of dark plants.

Group of Tui Speed \u200b\u200bGrowth, Form and Coloring Crown

All variety of thuly varieties can be divided into categories according to the growth intensity and the form of the crown. Another important feature is the painting of the needles. The most common among the Tui variation of all sorts of shades of green, spectacular golden-yellow plants, are less likely there are varieties of a blue shade, most often these are a few representatives of the Tui East.

Pyramidal (cone)

Plotukladus Pyramidalis Aurea (Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea)

Beautiful variety tui Eastern With a narrowed cone-shaped crown of juicy green. It grows up to 4-6 m in height, the crown is formed by vertically directed branches, the top is pointed. Faceful twigs are small, thick covered with a scaly cheese of a yellowish-green tone, not faster in winter.

The grade is characteristic of moderate growth - up to 10 cm per year. An excellent choice for giving the color to mixed plants from conifers or the formation of colorful slender bleeding.

Kornik (Kornik)

A strong lush tree with a pyramidal crown, thick growing from the earth itself, - the famous representative tui folded. Crown is formed by elastic branches located horizontally and drooping. The glossy needles, dark green, from the reverse side is covered with silver stripes, it becomes golden or bronze in the winter.

The growth rate of the average, by ten years the tree reaches 2.5-3 m in height and up to 1.5 m in the diameter. To form a solid bleed or screens, seedlings are placed every 0.8-1 m. The pectorist looks great as a soliter.


Golden Globe (Golden Globe)

Rounded Golden Thuya was obtained by Dutch breeders in 1963 and is Woodwardii's Mutation (WoodwardII). Krone is assembled from flat small twigs directed horizontally. It grows moderately, 7-8 cm per year, the diameter of the adult spherical shrub 1-1.2 m. The needles are very bright, shining golden yellow tones, after frosts it becomes reddish-copper.

For a full color, an open space is necessary. The variety is good in single landings in flower beds and mix bears, great in original decoration Roads.

Hoseri (Hoseri)

Slow-growing shrub is a variety western Tui Polish selection, increases 4-8 cm per year. Krone is rounded, smooth, formed directed space upside down skeletal branches with small striking branches and trapped young escapes, because of what the surface looks in tender, velvety. The needles are small, smooth, emerald green, clear color, in winter bronze.

The correct ball kroon by ten years reaches a half-meter in the diameter. In adult age, the plant becomes flashed, acquiring a pillowless shape, and can reach a diameter of more than meters.


Columna (Columna)

One of the best colonum varieties obtained in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. A high slim tree is characteristic of a middle rate of growth, by the age of the age reaches 3 m in height and 1.2-1.5 m in diameter, in the future it can grow to 10 m, which is the unique characteristic of the Tui colonum-shaped, which usually do not achieve such sizes .

A narrow krone with a stupid rounded top is formed by horizontally directed branches, at the ends of fan-shaped extended. Small glossy needle dark green tone. The variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious, suitable for the formation of green screens that do not need a haircut.

Brabant (Brabant)

Fast-growing western Thuja With a coloniary or narrow cone-shaped crown. Greens up actively, in favorable conditions gives one-time increases up to 30 cm, reaching the height of 3.5-5 m. Flat sprigs, multidirectional in the form of a fan. The scaly needles of thick green tone, painting is stable, does not change with the arrival of cold weather. The surface of the crown is wavy, over the years acquires a loose structure. Use for group landings and evergreen alleys.



Western Thuja A dwarf type is a rounded shrub with a dense crown, with age acquires a slightly elongated oval shape. By the age of ten years, it reaches a height of about 30-50 cm, increasingly 4-5 cm per year.

Cropped side sprigs fan-forming, tender growths, light cream when appearing, make the surface as a textured, soft, similar to a lichen. IN winter The needles becomes brownish-brown.

Zmatlik (ZMatlik)

Cute Czech grade western Tui Dwarf type with vertically directional growth. Croon of colonum shape, narrow, high to 1.0-1.2 m and to half a meter wide. In seedlings and young plants, the shape of an indefinite, curved, the plant itself seems disheveled.

Over time, at the expense of fan-shaped strollers, the dense surface acquires a patterned texture due to the spirals and waves. The needles are small, dark green. It takes landing in the shade, but in this case Krone becomes loose, losing his amazing decorativeness.


Umbraculifera (Umbraculifera)

Powerheads western Thuja Received B. late XIX. century by German breeders. It develops slowly, up to 7-10 cm per year, by the age of 7, it grows about 1 m high, forms a pressed wide crown with a diameter of more than 2 m, umbrella-shaped rounded around the edge.

The branches are flexible, with dense growing side sprigs, curved and placed in different planes, which gives the surface a peculiar effect of water ripples. Groceries are flat, covered with dark glossy cheese with a bluish tint.

Golden Tuffet (Golden Tuffet)

Spectacular variety western Tui In the young age of a rounded form, later Krone becomes a wide, pillow-shaped, reaching a height of 60 cm. Folding sprigs are elegant, duplicated, are multidirectional. On the young growths of the needle of a gentle pinkish-golden tone, on a bright sun acquires an orange or bronze tint. Plant planted in the shadow loses warm tones, green, crown becomes rarellied.

Golden (Yellow)

Forever Goldy

Perspective "Extremely" grade tui folded With a bright golden-green needle that does not change color throughout the year. A compact church with a cone-shaped crown is formed by strong small branches with flat shoots, rotated vertically and along parallel to each other. Greens up to 10-15 cm per year, by the age of ten years, the tree grows no more than one and a half meters in height.

Young shoots significantly brighter dark green tones in the depths, and these overflows of light and shadow make the plant particularly attractive. It grows well in the sun and in a half, but in open areas, golden color becomes more rich. Used as a soliter on stony slides, as well as for low bright hedges.

Golden Minaret (Golden Minaret)

Beautiful light-headed grade tui Eastern It is a magnificent pyramid tree with a basy golden-bronze shade, the reddish-bronze tone is dominated in winter. When landing in the shading is painted with lemon and green. It grows up to 4 m in height and about 1.5 m in diameter, the growth rate is moderate - about 10 cm per year.

The needles of scaly, thick covers short twigs, the gains will be sharpened and create an illusion of a soft, plush surface. It needs shelter for the winter, especially at a young age, in the spring, the shoots are susceptible to burns.


Blue Con (Blue Cone)

This eastern Tuya with a dense cone-shaped crown in the form of kegli develops intensively in good conditions It grows about 20 cm per year and reaches a height of 2-3 m and a width of 1.2-2.0 m. Flat sprigs in the form of a vertical vertically, the needles are bluish-green, dark, shade of the sea wave.

Blood Kon is undemanding to watering, well managed in the hot regions, surpassing in the sustainability of the drought Tyu-Western. In the northern latitudes in harsh, minor winter can freeze, requires reliable shelter.


Variety eastern Tui With the ovoid crown in young plants, which becomes a pyramidal in adults. Branching thick, fan-shaped branches, the shoots are multidirectional, form a dense smooth surface. The needles are bluish-green, in the winter dark, acquiring a purple shade, young growths will rage. Plants grown from seeds are more resistant and grow faster.


Gelderland (Gelderland)

Beautiful slender plant with an ideal cone-shaped crown forming from the earth itself. It develops quickly, increasingly 20-25 cm, reaches a height of 4-5 m. Of particular attractiveness of the plant gives a gentle needle, thick-green summer and golden or bronze in winter.

Planted as a soliter, this amazing thuja with a collected surface ( folded Thuya) Soft thick crown resembles a fabulous Christmas tree, magnificent at any time of the year.

Excelsa (Excelsa)

Another wonderful representative folded Tuy, in the young age of colonum-shaped, then cone-shaped with a wide base. Casting up to 30 cm per year, a large tree reaches 12-15 m in height and more than 3 m in the diameter. The branches are directed horizontally or spitting up, at the ends of the droop. The needles are shiny, thick green, on increments a little lighter.

The grade is stable, good winter, strong and spectacular. Prefers fertile loams, demanding of moisture. Luxurious looks in the alleys and groups.

Video about the variety of species and varieties of the Tui

In small decorative gardens, on stony slides, in the fence and in mixlers will come to the place of luxurious thuvi, with their dense abundant cheese, saturated with color. Pyramidal and spherical, emerald and golden, high and dwarf, they represent a huge space for creativity, allowing you to realize the most brave design solutions. And of course, it is impossible to replace colonum-like when creating slender alleys and green screens, visually expanding and extensionable space.

Danika variety ("Danica").

It is a shrub having a spherical shape, the diameter of which reaches no more than 100 cm.

Little fluffy balls look beautifully when combining them with each other in vegetable scenic compositions.

Grade "Little Champion" ("Little Champion").

A low shrub with a branched crown stands out in an alpine hill with an elegant unique form among the strict forms of the remaining plants.

The plant changes the color of the needles depending on the season.

In the summer, Krone Tui becomes light brown, and in the winter - bronze.

Grade "Tiny Tim" ("Tiny Tim").

Great looks among the stones.

A spherical crown reaches 50 cm in diameter for 10 years.

However, the growth here is very slow.

Grade "Globosa Nana).
A low plant having a spherical crown and yellow-green chew in the form of scales.

This species is very picturesque fits in mountaineering, small flower beds when building a composition.

Grows thuja slowly.

For 10 years, it reaches 50-60 cm in height.

Specialist Council: Data varieties need to be grown on poor soils so that they do not grow up and have not lost their shape.

Right approach to the choice of a plant

Take care carefully to the choice of dwarf tus, to beautifully arrange them in the landscape.

First, consider all the specific quality of the region in which they live, and the parameters of the Tui site: the characteristic of the soil and access to the Sun.

Pick the types of thu, considering and characteristics like:

  • shadowlessness;
  • frost resistance;
  • care conditions.

Before purchasing a dwarf teu, their appearance should be paid. This will avoid growing in further plants with diseases.

Main aspects when choosing a plant:
  1. Greatness of the root system. The presence of land on the roots helps protect the escape against the unfavorable effect of temperatures and various other environmental factors. Pay attention to the development of the root system. If the root system is cut down, then the plant will most likely not be taken to another section after transplantation.
  2. Pay attention to the roots and trunk. Look at the state of the seedling - its dryness. If a upper layer The trunk is stratified, then this plant should not be purchased, as it will die quickly.
  3. Carefully examine the crown and trunk, see whether the plant is healthy and there are pests. It is clear that the sick escape should not be purchased, since no one guarantees that he will not perish.


A low-speed plant can be planted at any time, but if it is landing to produce in autumn or in early springThe shrub will be stronger and more stable to the effects of the external environment.

When planting the root neck of the plant, leave at the ground level, do not put it deep into and do not raise over the ground so that the thua is not sick.

If there is a stagnant water (rain or thala), then you need to build a drainage about 0.2 m. Alleys from the Tui should be planted with a width of 6-8 m with gaps between low shrubs of 4 m. With a group location between dwarf tones, hold on 1-2 meter distance.

When landing small shrubs as a living hedge in one row, observe the distance of 1 meter, etc. Remember that the Tui will grow not only to swell, but also in width.

The guarantor of the rapid growth and good development of the plant will be:

  • the right approach to the selection of the variety;
  • the presence of a healthy seedling;
  • competent plant care.

Growing conditions

  1. Tui grow in any conditions and on any soil: in the sand of Lee, in clay or in the turne, that is, the Tui is unpretentious.
  2. Low shrubs are preferred soils with a good layer of humus, with sufficient humidity and weakness.
  3. Excellent rapid growth of low plants occurs in the sun and in a half. In the shade, it is better not to grow, since the plants are rare and begin to lose their shape and lush greens.
  4. When solving the placement of Tui, it is worth a preference to the site where the sun is not all day. Shrubs do not like elevated temperatures and drought.
  5. Tui love moisture, can and should grow on moistened areas. Do not place Tui next to groundwater! But it is worth remembering that the Tui and rather drought-resistant, so at a very dry time, produce 2-3 times a week watering in the form of sprinkling so that the needle remains decorative.
  6. Dwarf teui grown as in open landand in pots. Low shrubs can be planted and singly, and groups, as well as use as a living fence.


The main departure for Tia is moderate and clearly organized watering.

The first month after landing, produce 10 liters with 10 liters 1 time per week, in the dry time - 20 liters 2 times a week.

The soil moisture is the main condition for the presence of a luxurious and live crown of the Tui. During the first three years after landing the escape, loose the soil around it, but do not exceed 0.1 m depth, since the root system is actually on the surface.

When mulching the soil, use peat or sawdust with a layer of 7 cm. To prevent damage to the crown in the winter, with high snow, tie a low shrub in autumn.

And when the spring occurs, put the young one in the shadow from sun burns With the help of stolen materials and remove dry shoots. Strengthening the shrubs of a living hedge using only a powerful and acute sektor, while cutting no more than the third part of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Common pests of Tui are:

  • coroede;
  • cypress wave
  • mite;
  • shield.

The yellowing of the Tui testifies to the presence of such troubles as:

  • after incorrect landing - the exposure of the root system or excessly gluing it into the ground;
  • solar burns;
  • fungal lesions.

But the yellowing of the Tui is not always a sign of the disease. For Tui, it is characteristic of the first cold to change the color of the needles, in the autumn they acquire yellow, and in the spring - green.

Use in Alpinaria

Alpinarium - artificial composition The landscape that imitates nature growing in the mountainous area, where coniferous plants occupy a special place.

For the formation of a miniature garden, small varieties of the Tui are suitable, characterized by compactness or slow growth, which gives to refix their form on time.

To form a landscape, you can use both one and several, and several of them are colorful compositions. In the subject of the Alpinarians fit the ball-like low grades: "Danika", "Little Champion", "Tini Tim", "Globo Nana".

See the video in which the specialist explains in detail the features of growing dwarf tuy and other coniferous plants:

Fremost guests of gardens is Thuja Schora. The dimensions of this plant can vary from several tens of centimeters to one and a half meters. Also different color of the crown in various varieties.

It's not easy to grow this decorative tree. Only the right landing and care for the thuja of the ball shape will provide it with a healthy thick crown and a spectacular round shape.


Before proceeding with care guidelines, it should be understood in the origin of the thus with the rounded form of the crown. They are not a separate appearance, but are a set of specially derived varieties. In our climatic conditions, the spread received varieties. There are several explanations for it:

  1. Thuja Western spherical unpretentious and suitable for growing in our country.
  2. The varietal variety of this species is so large that you can choose from available varieties. suitable option. In addition, the selection of new varieties continues until now.

Character forms are found among other types of Tui (Japanese, Korean and others), but these varieties are difficult to grow in our climatic conditions outdoors. Further recommendations for care are precisely to the spheroid varieties of Western Tui.

Landing and care

Right landing and care in the garden for Tuya Schrovoid - mandatory conditions For good wood development.

When and where to plant?

Choosing a landing place, give preference to half. In the shadow, the plant will lose decorative qualities, the crown will become rare, and the branches stretch. In the territories with a short light day, you can land a spherical one in a well-lit place, but in the conditions of the steppe zone, the straight sun rays and low humidity Let's lead to solar burns and sprinkling needles. Also, a negative plant relates to drafts, so the landing site should be protected from the wind.

Thuja is unpretentious to the soil, but the best result can be achieved on fertile, moderately moistened soils. In high location groundwater. In the nizennes of the beams and on the sublinks to the bottom of the landing pit, a drainage layer is laid up to 20 cm thick.

In the phase of active vegetation, the plant enters May, so it is possible to transplant it in early spring or autumn. The pit is prepared 2 weeks before the landing, moisturize it and fill the soil mixture: the ferry land + peat + sand (2: 1: 1). The composition for transplant can be additionally enriched with nitroammophos.

Replanted plants that have reached the age of 5-7, along with the root room. Below in the photo spherical thuja prepared for transplantation.

The root neck is not plugged, it should be at the level of the soil surface. After planting, seedlings are watered daily during the month (1 bucket of water under each tree). First year after disembarking the plant is sensitive to direct sunny rays, Therefore, it is shadowed by kraft paper, cloth or sunscreen grid.

Watering and loosening

Thuja with a ball shape of the crown is resistant to a short drought, but if the plant grows for a long time in the conditions of water deficiency, his crown is rare. After the month after the landing, young seedlings watered once a week (10 liters for each plant). In the arid period, the amount of irrigation should be increased to 2 times a week.

So that the roots of the plant "breathe", after each watering the soil loose to a depth of up to 10 cm and peat, chip or compost. The thickness of the mulch layer must be at least 7 cm.

Preparation for winter

Adult plants are well tolerated even frosty winter, and the young needed late in the fall to cover the cauldron, fallen leaves or special agromatar materials. When the air temperature decreases to -5 o C, the plant additionally turns the film.


Selectors took care of the conservation of a spherical shape of the crown, so there is no need to additionally form a plant. Each spring is performed by sanitary trimming, removing dead and sick branches. In the spring and at the end of the summer cut the thui, which are used as a hedge.

Thanks to the thick Crown, the tree is well amenable to decorative molding. An experienced gardener is able to give him various forms.


Tui refer to slowly growing trees, so you need to make carefully. The first 3 years of life after transplanting feeding are not recommended. In the following years of life, the amount of fertilizer introduced depends on the growth rate of the tree: under dwarf varieties - less, under tall - more.

Specialists are skeptical about making organic fertilizers for coniferous trees. It is better to use comprehensive fertilizers for Tui.


At home, the thuu is breeding with stalling. It is carried out in autumn after the end of the vegetation or in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys. For landing, cuttings are used with a length of 50 cm with a well-formed "heel". At the bottom of the cutting, it is cut and processed by one of the root-forming compositions.

For disembarkation, special soil is prepared for landmarks: the ferry land (1 part) + sand (1 part) + (1 part). The cuttings are plugged into a moistened mixture of 3 cm and covered with a film to maintain the humidity level. If the shilling is carried out in the fall, you need to take care of good lighting Saplings. Spring landing, on the contrary, shadow.


A variety of tui with a spherical shape of the crown is great. Trees are distinguished both sizes and color. Below are photos of varieties and species spherical Tuiwho got the greatest distribution, and also given their description.

Globes - tall grade, the height of adult plants reaches 1.2-1.5 meters. The color of the needles varies depending on the season: in the summer it is green, in winter - brown. The plants of this variety do not require molding - by 5-7 years of life, trees become spherical, the further increase is 5 cm in height and width annually, and the crown with age becomes thick.

Thuja Scharovid Danika - low grade (height of adult trees up to 80 cm). Popularity received thanks to unpretentiousness, winter hardiness and ability to maintain a form without trimming.

High decorative is the rangold variety. The main feature of this tall plant (up to 1.5 m) is an unusual color of the needles: pinkish in spring, light golden summer, and copper-yellow, almost brown in autumn.

One of the novelties of the selection is the Thuja Dwarf Character Grade Teddy. The height of this extraordinarily dense shrub reaches 30 cm, while notpic for the thuy of the needles is remembered: smooth, saturated green and not barbed. The plant is steadily for solar burns and long time does not lose decorativeness.

Application in landscape design

Widespread use of thuja spherical in landscape design. These universal trees are perfectly combined with other plants and various subjects Decor. Due to the slow growth of the composition with Thia, a long time retain the original appearance, so they are often used in mixlers, mountaineers and.

Dwarf varieties grow well in containers and pots, with their help you can create a kind of coniferous lawn. Average grade of a spherical thuu can be used as borders or hedges.

Video of dwarf spherical thuu

- Not only in its non-duty and continuing all year old, but also in the ability of the plant to maintain a certain form. Thuja pyramidal can be considered a living symbol of the species. It is these copies most often found in parks and squares, as part of living ingredients, in groups and as soluters in country areas.

Despite the general similarity of the plant with a cone-shaped crown relate to different varieties And even species. In the middle lane, due to frost resistance, preference gives Tue Western, in the south of the landings the Tui of an Eastern or Plantener prevails.

Features of the structure and vegetation of the Western Pyramidal Tui

The ancestors of the Tui Western Pyramidal Forms are immigrants from North America, in nature for several dozen or hundreds of years growing up to 15-30 meters in height. The Tui conesovoid form can be one or more tightly pressed to each other.

At the Tui pyramidal small scaly needle. Depending on the variety, it or raging in winter, or before spring saves its original color.

Since Tui is evergreen plants, modified foliage, even becoming brown or reddish-copper, does not appear. Her life lasts up to three years, after which the needle is dying, and the escape is taken away.

All things are slowly growing, they are distinguished by an unpretentious temper and carry a transplant quite well. Thanks to the available winter-hardy varieties, the pyramidal thugs are increasingly settled on dumart sites Not only middle strip, but also the north-west of the country, in the Urals and in Siberia.

The reproduction of varietal plants is carried out in a vegetative way, with the help of gag or shuttless. The seed method is also possible, but young seedlings do not always retain the features of parental instances.

The landing of the pyramidal thuu into the ground is carried out when the seedlings reach the age of 2-4 years, while young plants are not bad and can save decorativeness before one hundred years.

Conditions for landing and care for the Tuya Pyramidal

Roughs prefer the sun or a half, where the plant gets enough light and forms a uniform thick, beautiful crown. If thuza falls into a deep shadow:

  • branches gradually become rarefied;
  • the needles loses the saturated shade, can yellow, and in golden varieties, become greenish;
  • the pyramid shape of the crown is broken.

Pyramidal Tui, in the photo, do not need special composition of the soil or care. The spread of Tui in landscape design was their resistance to negative impacts of the external environment, including:

  • wind;
  • straight sunshine;
  • freezing;
  • contaminated by working transport and industrial enterprises Air cities and their nearest surroundings.

However, this does not mean that care for the pyramidal thuya is an unnecessary business. For the landing of the Tui of all types, spacious, in size of the root system and earth coma, are prepared, which are equipped with drainage and fill the loose mixture based on garden land, peat and sand.

So that the Tui did not have a shortage of nutrientsThe soil fertilize with complex specialized compositions for conifers.

In the future, feeding shrubs spend in spring and less frequently in the fall, combining not frequent, but abundant.

Roughs are transferring a lack of soil and drought, but it is better growing if the earth is moistened under them. In dry hot weather plants, especially young, speak well on fine sprinkle. Non-drying the root system helps abundant mulching of rolling circles. At the beginning of the vegetation period of the Tui is subjected to sanitary trimming and, if necessary, corrected the pyramidal form of the crown.

A small swing of needles is most often associated with natural renewal processes, so there should not be disturbed by the summer house.

If the pyramidal thuja, in the photo, suffered from sunburn or frozen in a hoping winter, wait for it to green the sama, do not have to. A neat haircut, supported by applying fertilizers and watering, helps to return decorativeness and for the summer to restore damage.

Before the beginning of winter, the conical crown of the plant is tightly connected, small thounds, as well as varieties with low frost resistance. This measure allows the conifer to preserve the shape and most of the branches with strong winds, frost and heavy snow capable of breaking skeleton.

Diversify the design of the site allows numerous decorative varieties of pyramidal thuly and their variety varieties. Such plants are usually more demanding than wild ancestors, but with minimal care and proper choice Plot for landing For many years decorate the cottage, serve as a lively elevation or background for low-spirited leaf falling shrubs, flowering perennials and herbs.

Forms and varieties of the pyramid

Traditionally, landscaping uses more than a dozen pyramidal or cone-shaped forms of Western Tui. Among them are plants, the crown of which is formed into one or more trunks. Most of the varieties are varieties, in winter, changing the color to brown-brown.

The most famous Tuy of the pyramidal shape with an invariably green cheevey is Tuya West Smaragd. The plant with a squat cone-shaped crown to 10 years of age reaches a 2-meter height. The maximum possible size is twice as much. With its name, the culture is obliged to the emerald tint of the needles, which does not change in the summer or winter.

The decorative form of Tui Western is considered one of the best varieties with a conical crown. The plant has relative winter hardiness, but in the northern regions can freeze, suffers from the spring sun and needs protection.

A taller Thuja Brabander is well known to Russian gardeners due to its frost resistance and universal use. Most often tall, up to 3-4 meters shrubs are used to create green hedges, in group landings. To thuja retain a pyramidal shape, she needs a mandatory trimming. The variety is characterized by shadowlessness, but poorly tolerates periodic spring thaws and frosts, causing damage to the needles and wood.

Like Thuja Smaragd, this type has a golden vague form. Such a pyramidal in landing and care is not different from its green congor. However, to maintain the elegant yellow color of the crown is easier on the sunny plot.

Since 1904, lovers of coniferous plants can land on their plots of the Tui Pyramidalis of the Compact with a narrow conical crown consisting of a variety of strong branched shoots. The branches are tightly pressed to each other and covered with shallow green housing. At the form of a chewing, remind weakly shiny smooth scales. Maximum height Plants reaches 8-10 meters.

This form of the thuu is incredibly distributed and due to frost resistance, undemanding and compact from nature crown deserves respect not one generation of gardeners.

Video about landing thuja

Colon's Tui - one of the varieties western Tuiapplied in landscape design both public recreation sites and household plots.

Like all things, it is characterized by good adaptation to various grade conditions.


Among the main characteristics of the Tui should be noted:

  1. The growth of the adult tree can reach 30 meters. At the same time it grows about 100 years. Per year adds in growth up to 20 cm. The diameter comes to 1.5 meters.
  2. Differs high resistant to low temperaturesthanks to winter season You can not hide. But at the same time in very hot weather requires additional irrigation.
  3. It is characterized by high resistance to pests and diseases.
  4. Note: When landing a live bleeding from the Tui on the site, not only an excellent emerald tone appears for other plants of various shades, but also a wonderful protection against the gusts of wind, dusty and smoky clouds with a roadway.

  5. Suggested haircut. At the same time, the haircut from above stimulates growth in width, and from the sides - height.

Landing and care

As a rule, Tui are able to adjust any conditions.

But in order for the tree effectively grow and developed, they need additional care for them, especially if it concerns young seedlings:

  • watering once a week;
  • on the evening, the seedlings are covered with coolness;
  • regular feeding, mixtures for coniferous types for fertilizer can be bought in specialized stores;
  • soil looser should be done from time to time, in parallel to produce mulching - to cover the ground around the tree peat, dry grass or sawdust.

Such a layer will not only hold for a longer period of time moisture, but also gradually feed the tree through root system. When the cold approach is approached, the layer will also protect the roots close to the surface, from moving.

Caring for adult plants is also pretty simple:

  • in prolonged arid weather, trees are poured twice a week and irrigated with a spray. So it turns out additional moisturizing of the needles twice a day and at the same time dust and dirt from the crown. It is necessary to do it early in the morning and in the evening with twilight;
  • fertilizer is carried out in spring;
  • earth loosening should also be carried out regularly.

For colonum-shaped tui, animals are detrimental. Therefore, it is necessary to provide fencing from animals.

Reproduction Rules at home

As a rule, gardener lovers.

Pick up the cuttings slightly wondered, separating them from the branch with disrupting, but not cut off. The cultivation of future seedlings has its own characteristics, like landing.

  1. To germinate, the cuttings are placed in a warm room.
  2. The cuttings must be apparent.
  3. First of all, after collecting cuttings, future seedlings are put in water, then after 2 hours they are placed in the ground.
  4. The soil should consist of peat, turf and sand. Better suitable River sand.
  5. The disembarkation is made in the autumn season, long before the onset of cold.

  1. To create a dense, seedlings are sled in a smooth straight line at a distance of 0.5 meters from each other.
  2. The first cropping of seedlings is carried out immediately after disembarking. At the same time, the height is leveled along the lowest seedling in the whole range. If the landing was at the beginning of autumn, the plant is cut into the next spring.
  3. First time can be carried out by a conventional secret. But than the older becomes the tree and the thick of his crown, the more powerful the tool is needed. For example, electrical scissors.
  4. When purchasing a thuuy, dug out from the ground, pay attention to the land holding on the root system. It should not crumble, be a large size. At the pit in the width should be wider than the earthen com. The depth should be 80 cm.
  5. With age, the thuu dries a bit and crept on the bottom. To hide this annoying disadvantage, you can put a low-growing dense-growing shrubs (for example, quince).
  6. The way to protect the dogs from urine: you can surround plants with a mesh or spiny shrubs (for example, barbaris).
  7. For the winter it is recommended to fix the top of the treet rope, as it can deform and spoil the entire appearance of the plant.

What a big colonum thuja looks like and what high it can be, look in the following video: