Repairs Design Furniture

What is orthopedic lamellas. Bases for beds with wide lamellas. What is lamellas for bed

The qualitative basis is the key to the reliability and durability of upholstered furniture. Today, wooden lamellas (Lamel) are used in the production of sofas and beds, which successfully replaced the iron grid. These are curved wide rails made of soft wood rocks that form an elastic bed for placing the mattress. Latoflex, or lats, enhance orthopedic effect Beds or sofas, improve the comfort of upholstered furniture. Online store site sells wholesale and retail high-quality lamellas (Latoflex) different size at a bargain price.

Assortment of sizes

We offer quality products From dry birch veneer From the domestic producer, made in accordance with the highest standards. In the online store catalog, you can choose and buy lamellas for furniture in Moscow:

  1. in the width of the rail - from 38 to 83 mm;
  2. in length - from 57 to 152 cm;
  3. in thickness - from 8 to 12 mm.

The products presented for sale are ideal for the configuration of modern sofas and beds, including for the "Accordion" type sofas, with the "French clamshell" mechanism. Correctly selecting the size of the lamellae, it is possible to reduce production waste to a minimum, as well as to make the base to the frame as accurately as possible. Qualitatively manufactured lat holders do not make scripts, do not deform with time, easily adapt to the natural bends of the human body. On our site you can buy in retail Latoflex for furniture of standard dimensions, as well as products of increased length, widths, rigidity.

The bed is an indispensable bedroom furniture consisting of several components. Usually the base is attached to the frame to which the mattress is mounted. In the highest quality models, each of the structural elements provides optimal and reliable body support. The correct weight distribution allows you to significantly extend the service life of the furniture, increasing the level of comfort.

Base base - what it is and why

Base for the bed is used as a support of a bed. Errors At the stage of the selection of this furniture component will lead to a significant deterioration in sleep quality. The strength and durability of the entire design will suffer even in the presence of an excellent orthopedic mattress.

In the process of choosing the foundation, you should pay attention to:

  • Types of frame (solid or collapsible).
  • Sleeping dimensions. If the goods are selected for the finished bed, the framework of the framework should be performed.
  • Availability additional features (Lifting mechanism, transformation system, vibrator massage equipment).
  • Mattress parameters. For example, for orthopedic products you should buy the basics on the lamella.
  • Materials for production. The type of wood or metal thickness is taken into account.
  • Cost. The price often depends on all the above factors.

If it comes to an orthopedic basis, you have to explore the size and number of lamellae. Even a cheap model can provide optimal conditions for sleep, but for this you will have to choose the correct mattress. In order to improve the anatomical properties and increasing the wear resistance of furniture, it will have to be carefully examined by the device, dimensions and a complete set different types reason.

How the base is arranged, from which it consists

Bed base in most cases is made of metal and wood, including wood-polymer composites (Chipboard). The typical band width for a double bed is from 140 to 200 cm, the length is limited to 200-220 cm. The single bed has a size of from 70 to 90 cm wide and 200 cm long. In the production of children's furniture, the bases are used not exceeding 70x180 cm. If the size and shape of the bed goes beyond the standard values, the furniture is made to order.

Construction elements base:

  • A solid canvas that consists of plywood sheets or fitted wooden boards.
  • The grille for the orthopedic mattress consisting of lamellas of various widths.

Additionally, various mounting systems are used. The rattle base is much more complicated in terms of configuration. It is made of slightly concave rails placed at a short distance. These wooden craftsallowing you to create an ideal platform for accommodating an orthopedic mattress are called lamellas or latophesm.

Design features of the orthopedic base:

  • Frame made of metal and wood. Frame from MDF with amplification by zones for placing the mattress. A natural or artificial skin can be used as an upholstery. The metal frame made of round or square-section pipes with a diameter of 15 mm is distinguished by stability of damage and modern appearance.
  • Wide (from 5 to 12 mm) or narrow (3-4 mm) lamellas from glued wood are attached to the frame at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other.
  • Latchers (fasteners) are made of rubber, plastic or metal. They allow you to securely attach lamellas to the frame, ensuring a decent level of depreciation. Hard fixation is prohibited, each rail must fool a little. This will increase the orthopedic properties of the bed.
  • Plastic rails on the rail to increase the level of rigidity. This component comes only complete with expensive bed models.

On average, it is enough to create a qualitative rattle base from 15 lamellaes. Manufacturers recommend products from beech, as the level of their strength is significantly higher than that of cheap analogues from birch plywood. The stiffness of the sleeping place depends on the distance on which the lamellas are placed.

What is better to choose the base for the bed - Views

Classify the bases can be classified according to the three main parameters, because they are taken into account construction features, Dimensions and materials for production. The bases of the base in the global plan are divided into solid and orthopedic (rush).

A solid construction is significantly losing an orthopedic basis in terms of comfort and in terms of wear resistance. The plywood leaf can break in case of exceeding the load, and the rigid fixation of the board will not allow to use all the possibilities of the orthopedic mattress. Over time, the surface is deformed, and its individual items are not adapted to replace and repair.

The advantages of a solid foundation:

  • Low cost due to ease of design.
  • A solid construction is suitable for operation in a set with any type of mattress, although orthopedic products in this case partially lose their anatomical properties.
  • Smooth and solid surface is useful for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases of the spine.

Choose the base of the bed with an orthopedic design is recommended for lovers of comfortable and healthy sleep. Lothels will increase the depreciation properties of the bed. To extend the service life, the mattress will have to regularly turn over, as it gradually sends during active operation. Lamed and fastenings also lose their elasticity, therefore, if necessary, the rails and clamps should be replaced.

Advantages of orthopedic base:

  • Allows you to establish excellent air circulation, thereby increasing the hygiene bed.
  • Provides proper weight distribution.
  • Prolongs the service life and increases the orthopedic effect from the mattress.
  • It has a flexible design. The bed of the bed can be expanded to obtain an additional bed.

Orthopedic bases are used in the production of compact furniture, so it can be significantly saved with their help. How to choose a base for the bed will tell professionals who advise to pay attention to materials and technologies for the production of this furniture component. Among the innovative bed models, it is possible to meet the rush bases with a vertical or horizontal lift. Transformation systems allow you to roll and lay a sleeping place.

Materials for production:

  • The wooden base on the rails, the main advantages of which will be low cost and ecological purity.
  • Plastic Spring Design with Remote remote control. Provides adjustment of the position of the bed location. Lower life exceeds 15 years. Plastics products are distinguished by durability and ease of use.
  • Metal rush, solid or grid base. Regardless of the type of construction, durability (service life exceeds 25 years), optimal orthopedic properties and relatively low cost.

Wood is inferior to metal and plastic in durability, but provides excellent air circulation indicators. The metal base is extremely rigid, and it takes a lot of time and effort on its assembly.

What to take into account when choosing a base for the bed

What reason to choose for the bed solves the buyer himself, but first will have to take into account the type of mattress. Included with any kind of orthopedic products you should use rubber structures on the lamellas, whereas for the other types of mattresses will fit complete base.

Selection Rules:

  • The width of the base (the length of the RESEK) should be 4 cm exceeded the similar parameter of the mattress.
  • In the case of using the dependent spring block, the distance between thick slats should not exceed the diameter of the spring itself.
  • For configuration of the design with wide lamellas, it is worth using flavored mattresses or models with dependent springs.
  • The bases with the transformation mode are not intended to be configured by mattresses from coconut coir. The bending of the bedroom will lead to the deformation of the filler.

Furniture manufacturers often indicate the instructions for the instructions for the selection of the mattress. It should be heard to the opinion of professionals. For example, soft polyurethane foam products and thin mattresses can be used on solid bases. For transforming beds, a springless mattress with soft fillers is suitable.

Cozy, comfortable and healthy sleep will provide a properly designed bed. The quality of rest depends largely on the parameters of the bed, including its base. It should be carefully examined the interior of the room, offers from manufacturers, recommendations of orthopedists and personal preferences. Buying the right foundation will provide comfort while sleeping.


The most important details of a comfortable and high-quality bed are a frame and base. Today, consumers most often choose models in which the base has wooden lamellas straight or curved shape. Furniture with such details provides for the installation of the orthopedic mattress useful for the spine.

What it is?

Other lamellas are called rails or lats. They are a set of slightly curved powder. Such a design forms an elastic grid with a spring effect to which the mattress is subsequently stacked. These details have different fasteners. The risks on the ribbon or elements of the rigid fastening are the most common.

What is the better continuous bottom?

Most recently, only the furniture market was attended simple bedshaving a solid flat and rigid base. Such structures are distinguished by durability and simplicity of installation. However, sleeping on them is not as comfortable as on the rush copies. The solid bottom does not have holes and does not have air-permeable properties necessary for the hygienicness and durability of the mattress.

Sleeping bed without additional air inflows will quickly lose an attractive appearance and can be deformed.

As a rule, such bases are made from cheap materials. It can be a design of toxic chipboard, fiberboard or plywood. It is believed that such elements have long been outlined. They are not very comfortable and hard. Another disadvantage of a solid day is that without additional supports it can be fed under the action of a heavy mattress.

Racial grounds are largely superior to similar cheap structures. First, they are most often manufactured from high-quality and durable materials. For example, it may be natural tree or durable metal. Secondly, except for a long service life, such structures are distinguished by their wear resistance. They are pretty difficult to break or damage.

Sleep and rest on bases with lamellas are more comfortable, as they are anatomical and enhance the orthopedic effect of mattresses. Lying on such sleeping places, the spine takes the correct and comfortable position bringing the body only. Beds with such elements are ideal for people suffering from some diseases associated with the spine. In addition, orthopedic bases with lamellas have excellent ventilation characteristics. Such beneficial features allow you to extend the service life of the mattress and maintain its hygiene.


Quality and comfortable bases with lamellas can have different modifications in accordance with the shape and complete set of beds.

  • The most simple are the foundations with straight wooden rails . Such structures most often equippin fixed beds without folding or sliding mechanisms and electric drive.
  • For a comfortable stay and sleep perfect transformer lamellae. Their surface may vary depending on the position of the body. Thanks to such functions, the sleeping place can take absolutely any, the most convenient form for complete relaxation. Such designs are very popular today. You can manage them as manual wayand with the help of a special electrical transformation mechanism.
  • There are I. rake adjusting sleeping stiffness. They are equipped with special nozzles in those sites that are subject to maximum loads. These small parts allow you to change the level of rigidity of latofers. Such rails are ideal suitable for people who have problems associated with the lumbar zone of the spine, as well as greater weight owners.

Also lamella varied in width. Base bases are equipped with narrow or wide slats.

The budget is the beds with wider parts. They are comfortable enough and cost cheaply. Such designs can easily perform their main function. The width of such lamellae begins from a mark of 60 mm.

Distance between wide slats in finished design The base extremely rarely exceeds a width of one lamella. Constructions with a more impressive distance between the planks can be unreliable and prone to breakdowns.

Such a kind of mattress as "Bonnell" or an option with independent springs is suitable (the density should not exceed 300 springs per square meter. M.).

More convenient and perfect are grounds with narrow slats. Sleeping furniture with such elements is distinguished by unsurpassed comfortable characteristics. Most often used narrow rails with a width of 38 mm. The distance between them is usually slightly smaller than their width.

According to experts, sleeping furniture with narrow rails is characterized by higher orthopedic characteristics in comparison with wide variants.

This effect is achieved also due to the use of durable rubber lat holders. Such details provide optimally flexible and elastic connection of lamellas with a bed frame.

However, it is worth considering that the furniture that has a similar base will cost more. Models of beds with these bases are recommended to combine with high-quality orthopedic mattresses having independent micropacing type or multiplet type springs.

Types of material

As a rule, the lats are attached to the frame from durable metal. Most often for such designs, a pipe of a square shape is used. The slats themselves are made of wood. Such material is characterized by its environmental friendliness and durability. The most inexpensive are the foundations in which the rails are made of birch or pine. Expensive specimens are equipped with lats from more noble tree species. For example, it may be durable oak or beech.

Such designs are able to withstand heavy loads. They are also not subject to deformation and breakdowns. But do not forget that natural tree requires special care. To extend the life of wooden lamellae, it is necessary to process them with special protective impregnation, which will felt the material from moisture exposure, as well as paint coatings. The latter are needed so that the tree does not dispel and lose its strength over time.

Fastening options

As a rule, the rails are attached to the bed frame with special holders (tips). These parts are made of plastic, rubber or polypropylene. Tips are attached to the frame with special rivets or furniture brackets. There is another way to attach the rack to the bed for which each individual item is placed in a special metal frame stand.

Modern models of beds are equipped with frames in which there are already internal lats.

Such structures initially have prepared holes designed to install tips. For such reliable furniture, rivets or furniture brackets are not needed.

Length and thickness

Lamella can have a width of 38, 50, 53, 63, 80, 83 mm. The thickness of these parts depends on their width and can be 8 or 12 mm.

Lamaders may have different lengths. This indicator is ranging from 450 to 1500 mm.

What better to choose?

If you want your bed to be as comfortable and reliable as possible, then you should pay special attention to the number of lamellas on iron frame. The lattice base is thicker, the more stronger and more reliable. Basins with rare lamellas with time can suffice and deform. Sleeping on such a lie will be uncomfortable.

In addition, choosing a high-quality and comfortable orthopedic frame, be sure to take into account the material from which it consists. This characteristic directly affects the durability and strength of the structure. The risks of oak and beech are considered the most stronger and good. Birch and pine details are less durable. To the grounds of such materials it is worth contacting only lightweight users.

Be sure to inspect the wood surface and pay attention to its color so as not to run into fake material. The shade of the base must be bodily.

The choice of a suitable orthopedic base with dimensions of 140x200, 180x200 and 160x200 cm with lamellas is largely depends on the mattress. So, for the model with independent spring block It is better to choose a design equipped with narrow racks. The selection of such a design is especially relevant if the weight of the person sleeping on it exceeds 90 kg. This is explained by the fact that independent springs are not bonded between themselves and do not have a single frame, from which they take the load not on the entire block immediately, but only on some of its plots.

(Last Updated on: 10/21/2017)

IN lately There was a resistant trend of return to natural materials, to natural texture and environmental cleanliness, adherents natural materials Today they can choose among the many proposals, both traditional and new ones. For example, recently is increasingly found such a concept as a lamella. The unfair person may not know anything about the lamel - what is it, with which it is "eaten" and for what are used. We will try to answer these questions in order.

What is lamella?

So lamella - what is it? This beautiful term of obviously French origin is called perfect on the texture and state of a veneer, made of solid wood of valuable rocks. That is, it is a veneer of the highest grade, the most expensive among all kinds of natural veneer. And indeed, the lamels of the world presented the French, this material has long been used to decorate furniture and interior items used by the August Operations. In its appearance, items were as if made of whole array Tree, which attached it a special value.

Today, such furniture items are available not only by the strong world of this, but also ordinary citizens. Of course, natural lamella is still quite expensive, but after all, the incomes of the population have grown. Therefore, many salons selling furniture and interior items today offer their visitors with natural lamellae.

Lamets today is made by several different techniques, the difference between which is in the way of sawing wood. The most valuable can be called the method of production at which the wood layer is removed from the wood array, but this option is the most expensive and difficult in production among the lamellae. Significantly cheaper is the lamella, which is manufactured by the method of sawing the wood massif on thin layers of wood and the subsequent gluing of these words. Lamets made in this way, less valuable, but at the same time more affordable, so it is suitable for a larger circle of consumers.

Still, lamella - what is it, traditional craft or industrial production? At the same time, there is even an exclusive-grade for the manufacture of furniture items of furniture, since it is easier to produce and finds a massive use. Such a lamella is much more affordable compared to the lamella, so it can be applied in the room much wider than for a simple finishing of furniture items. For example, it can be used to finish the wall surfaces of the room. The lamella, made on the technology of cutting, in this case will also be more profitable for competing options:

  • the lamellae produced by planing is too expensive material for finishing wall panels;
  • artificial wall panelsstylized under the tree, only partially resemble natural wood, without having appropriate heat, textures and softness.

Many manufacturers have already taken into account the demand of the population on the exquisite items of furniture and interior and offer their customers a product. Made with lamellae. However, no manufacturers are so conscientious as I would like, so they offer the subspecies of the dear planed lamellae cheaper sawmill. And some are completely spreading a simple veneer under the guise of elite slave. Make sure that you are the lamel, and not its analogue, it is possible, just asking for the seller: "Lamel - what is it?" . The knowledgeable seller that implements the goods with the lamella trim will quickly respond to the questioned question, and if you are proposing falsification, the question can put the seller in a dead end.

The designs of beds from a tree of single or doubles are pretty similar and quite simple. Both types of furniture consist of the following details.

Durable lamellas with metal mounts installed by their own hands.

  1. The mattress on which the person will sleep is located on an even base or lamella. For the first option, the thick sheet of plywood is used. Lamellas are transverse strips. This design is preferable. On it, the mattress will not be deformed, the planks themselves are quite elastic. This design is more comfortable for sleep.
  2. Planks or plywood are located on a frame made of high-strength bars.
  3. As a support to which the frame is attached, side panels or legs can be used.

Lamed is a strong orthopedic base for beds.

Choosing the size of the future bed, it is recommended to rely on the parameters of the mattress. It is also worth considering the place and location of the product. Standard size Single bed - 200-210 cm Length and 90-100 Width. The double length remains the same, and the width is 180-200 cm, that is, it is doubled.

Standard lamellas for the base of beds.

The height of the product is quite subjective parameter. It all depends on your preferences.

What is lamellas for bed

This concept means spears that go across the base, they serve to maintain the mattress. However, recently, the lamellas are increasingly and more often fixed on their own orthopedic basis, which is installed inside the case.

This base of the bed, consisting of a river, is better than solid. It allows the air to circulate, thereby facilitating the care of the mattress itself, because he "breathes", and therefore, the moisture that has accumulated in it for the time that the person slept - evaporates. Moisture in the mattress accumulates due to the fact that he is closed by the mattress staff, it lies on it linens, bedspread. Such rails prevent the appearance of the greenhouse effect inside the mattress.

REFERENCE! The most convenient lats have an elastic arcuate profile, providing the springs effect when pressure is pressure.

Types of material

As a rule, the lats are attached to the frame from durable metal. Most often for such designs, a pipe of a square shape is used. The slats themselves are made of wood. Such material is characterized by its environmental friendliness and durability. The most inexpensive are the foundations in which the rails are made of birch or pine. Expensive specimens are equipped with lats from more noble tree species. For example, it may be durable oak or beech.

Such designs are able to withstand heavy loads. They are also not subject to deformation and breakdowns. But do not forget that natural tree requires special care. To extend the life of wooden lamellae, it is necessary to process them with special protective impregnation, which will felt the material from moisture exposure, as well as paint coatings. The latter are needed so that the tree does not dispel and lose its strength over time.


Quality and comfortable bases with lamellas can have different modifications in accordance with the shape and complete set of beds.

  • The most simple are the foundations with straight wooden slats. Such structures most often equippin fixed beds without folding or sliding mechanisms and electric drive.
  • For a comfortable stay and sleep perfect transformer lamellae. Their surface may vary depending on the position of the body. Thanks to such functions, the sleeping place can take absolutely any, the most convenient form for complete relaxation. Such designs are very popular today. You can manage them both by hand and using a special transformation electrical mechanism.
  • There are I. rake adjusting sleeping stiffness. They are equipped with special nozzles in those sites that are subject to maximum loads. These small parts allow you to change the level of rigidity of latofers. Such rails are ideal suitable for people who have problems associated with the lumbar zone of the spine, as well as greater weight owners.

Also lamella varied in width. Base bases are equipped with narrow or wide slats.

The budget is the beds with wider parts. They are comfortable enough and cost cheaply. Such designs can easily perform their main function. The width of such lamellae begins from a mark of 60 mm.

The distance between the wide rails in the finished design of the base extremely rarely exceeds a width of one lamella. Constructions with a more impressive distance between the planks can be unreliable and prone to breakdowns.

Such a kind of mattress as "Bonnell" or an option with independent springs is suitable (the density should not exceed 300 springs per square meter. M.).

More convenient and perfect are grounds with narrow slats. Sleeping furniture with such elements is distinguished by unsurpassed comfortable characteristics. Most often used narrow rails with a width of 38 mm. The distance between them is usually slightly smaller than their width.

According to experts, sleeping furniture with narrow rails is characterized by higher orthopedic characteristics in comparison with wide variants.

This effect is achieved also due to the use of durable rubber lat holders. Such details provide optimally flexible and elastic connection of lamellas with a bed frame.

However, it is worth considering that the furniture that has a similar base will cost more. Models of beds with these bases are recommended to combine with high-quality orthopedic mattresses having independent micropacing type or multiplet type springs.

Characteristics of wood breeds

Beautiful bedroom with mirrors and a large comfortable bed - a dream of any person. After all, it is in a dream that we rest and restore forces. Sleep quality largely depends on the bed. The maximum comfort and durability of the base of the bed can be obtained when using a good mattress and supporting lats made of suitable wood. The most popular breeds from which wooden lamellas for the bed are:

  • Birch - has white wood with a slight yellowish or reddish tint. In production there is an array aged 15-40 years. The high decorative texture is due to the confused location of the fibers with their high equal return. Birch products are distinguished by good strength indicators, it is easily bent and exposed to other processing;
  • Beech - refers to expensive materials. An array of white color with a reddish or yellowish tint, one-time layers are clearly visible. Wood is characterized by high resistance to deformation, fully holds accessories. It is often used in the production of bent products due to natural elasticity. Well tolerates the differences of humidity and temperature. It has an average degree of resistance to rotting. The manufacture of beech lamellae is performed for expensive beds;
  • Ash - possesses elastic and durable wood. Products from it difficult to split. The array has a light color, the heart-shaped rays are absent. A qualitatively dried material is practically not spoiled under the influence of external negative factors, is easily processed. Material has low thermal conductivity, which allows you to use it near heating devices. The cost of products from the array is high, they are used in exclusive products. An additional decoration can serve as a lamp above the bed or carved headboard;
  • Poplar and linden - have similar characteristics. Their wood has low cost, has moderate strength, softness. The dried array is easily treated, staining. Poplar and linden products impregnate protective meanswho make possible operation in conditions of high humidity;
  • Maple - applies to noble varieties, is actively used in furniture manufacturing. From it you can make a frame, headboard, a rush base. The strength and density of the material depends on the variety of maple. The elasticity and viscosity of the wood allows you to process products in different ways, fasteners and fittings holds in it reliably due to the considerable hardness of wood.

The optimal ratio of "price-quality" has rains from birch raw materials. The lamellas from the array of beech and ash is significantly increased the final cost of the bed.

The production of lamellae and frame bases is carried out on furniture enterprises. But manufacture lats can also be at home using suitable boards. Before making lamellas from boards, they must be previously treated adhesive composition. Self-tapes are used as fasteners, dense edge tape or special fasteners - lat producers. You can install lamellas with your own hands in the grooves that are formed when fixing to the frame of special wooden bars.

Alternative option for wooden backgrounds are metal lamellas. Unlike lat from wood, they do not change their rigidity during the entire period of operation, but have a considerable weight. Metal rails practically do not bend under the mattress, which reduces its orthopedic properties. But when using a weld base from metal, there will be no problem: the slats will creak what to do. From this problem, the owners will be insured.

When choosing steel with an anti-corrosion coating, the base can be operated in conditions of any humidity and temperature. Metal crossbar will need less than wooden. For a single bed, it will be enough to use 8-10 pieces, while wood products will be required 14-15. Alloy welded bases do not require an additional central guide. Metal lats are rarely used in beds with a lifting mechanism, as they have considerable weight.






We have repeatedly mentioned the word lamella in this article, and what is the bed lamella? The necessary element of the orthopedic mattress is a lamella. Unlike an ordinary mattress, the orthopedic mattress is not at all accepting uneven surfaces. For such a mattress, a tough and clear design is important, which significantly prolongs his life.

Frame bed with lamellas is one of the most successful options When purchasing a bedroom. Small sides on the sides support the mattress, and in the middle of the construction there are lamellas themselves. Wooden strips, whose thickness can range from one to ten millimeters, and width from twenty-five millimeters. Lamella usually have the form of deposited and very elastic and elastic. The elasticity of the lamella provides perfect smooth surface The mattress when it is exposed to the pressure of human weight and the severity of the mattress itself.

Laminers can be made of trees of the following breeds: birch, beech, ash or maple. Such a detail of a comfortable bed is made by drinking it from a solid piece of wood and then in a special temperature mode It is sick and acquires a curved form. Each lamella on the bed is stacked at a different distance, which can be from 2 to 6 cm. This difference in the distance allows you to sleep on such a bed with any body weight. For example, if the bed is double, the lamella will be located on it in two rows, for each person separately.

Dignities of beds for beds

Their popularity is explained by the benefits:

  1. Elasticity. Spring qualities that have flexible lamellas for bed, allow you to distribute the right body load. The spine takes a natural pose during sleep. Taking a horizontal position, the body is experiencing a different load in different places. In women, larger pressure is tested by hips, men have a chest.
  2. Plastic lat producers are distinguished lack of creaksThat is so important in night silence.
  3. Increased mattress life. Taking fully the weight of a person, the slats gently spring and redistribute the weight of the mattress.
  4. Gaps between the plates give good ventilation of mattress. This guarantees the lack of bad smells and humidity, as well as the appearance of harmful microorganisms.
  5. Affordable price.

Select a high-quality bed with a leather hoop? Bed Tatami Japanese production, meets the highest requirements.

In order for the orthopedic mattress lasts as long as possible, it is recommended to wear a cover on it. Read about this address about different models Covers on orthopedic mattresses.

For newborns often use plaids in the form of an envelope. Find out here about the advantages of knitted plaids envelopes.

Easy repair

One of the serious advantages of the lamella is the simplicity of their use.

If one of them accidentally broke down, it can be easily replaced.

First buy new lamella.

Next steps:

  • Raise the frame in place breakdown;
  • Remove the latter holder from the frame;
  • Remove damaged brass;
  • Put a new one;
  • Latiper fasten.

Decent replacement of traditional folding

In a small room, the clamshell is relevant. After the night's sleep, it is easy to remove it. With a solid orthopedic base under the mattress folding beds on the lamellas provide a favorable sleep.

High strength bed is provided by a metal frame from a steel tube in 22 mm diameter. Pipe thickness 1.2 mm. Along the center of the bed passes an additional support that increases its strength.

The clamshell has a base on transverse slave racks. At their ends (in places of fixation to the frame) there are special nozzles that prevent creak.

IN folding beds There must be at least 14 lamellas. This quantity is enough to normal back support. Unlike the habitual clamshell, such a bed is not suggested.

The mattress is 6 cm thick with a filler from HOLKON. This is an exceptionally environmental material with high strength. It guarantees a long service life.

Over time, feather pillows are not only contaminated, feathery ticks can start inside. Cleaning feathered pillows should be carried out qualitatively and regularly.

Bedding is better to use from natural components. Find out here, about blankets from bamboo fiber.

Lack of place in the children's room? Read in this article about compact and functional chairs of bed transformers for children.

Due to the ease of use and affordable price The slats have become widespread in the furniture market.

There are still beds with soft or rigid metal grilles and springs. But for health it is not the right choice. Only orthopedic bases with flexible lamellas are able to give the body a full-fledged vacation.

How to choose the lamella

If you are wondering how to choose the right slats, we recommend paying attention to certain characteristics and properties. .

The type of fastening for lamella needs to be seamlessly based on the base of the bed.

The more lamellas are at the bottom, the longer you will serve the bed.

Option of a single bed model, in the base of which wooden lamellas are installed.

In the doubles should be provided more than 30, and for one-room - more than 15 pieces.

Standard placement of lamellas in the base of the double bed.

The distance between the plates should be minimal.

Choose the bed for yourself, in the base of which the distance between the lamelters is minimal.

For orthopedic bed With lamellas, you need to choose the corresponding mattresses to distribute the load evenly and avoid deformation.

The orthopedic base of the beds from the lamella must be supplemented with a high-quality mattress, then your sleep will be perfect.

Do not forget to pay attention to the cost of products, the material from which they are made, and most importantly - on the name of the manufacturer.

The fastening of wooden lamellas is made by various methods, none of which is inferior in reliability and quality.

Should I buy "magic plates"?

It is definitely worth it, because they have more advantages than minuses.

To the metal frame of the bed lamellas should be joined only with metal fasteners.

Moreover by this moment There are many favorable options for their acquisition and replacement. If you doubt something, you can always consult with specialists.

Installation and replacement of lamellae in bed

The lamella is rarely attached to the base of the bed hard, because the creaking is formed when the hard mount is formed and the orthopedic effect of the lamella disappears. Lamed for beds are installed. For this, special lat producers are used (rubber, plastic or polypropylene), powered by each lamella (rack, bar). Set lamellas in bed with holders worth preventing creak.

There are a couple of nuances who know not everyone who decided to set the lamellas in the bed frame. Before installing the lamellas in the bed frame, the latherters need to be installed in the framework of the bed. Lamelters are installed in different ways depending on the type of holder and base of the bed. In the figure, the holder is targeting to wooden beams Beds. There are fasteners on the pipe or metallic profile With two holes for each of the holders. After installing the latherters, you take the lamella and when installing it slightly bending it (the lamellas are elastic and easily withstand the impact), insert first into one lameller and then in another. Adjusting to maximum efficiency during operation.

There is a second way to replace lamellae. It provides that you change simultaneously lamellas and lat producers. Then first the lathellers are dressed on the lamella and then install the resulting design in the base of the bed.

And in order to disassemble the lamellae, the lamellas can be carefully fused until the holder leaves the nest, and shifted it aside horizontally.

You can buy latofers (lamellas) for bed in addition to existing to improve the base and make it more resistant to loads. The maximum number of rails in the frame can be different depending on the width of the lamellae used. How to determine the optimal distance between the slats before you buy the lats? It equals the width of the rail or exceeds it by 10-15%.

Our lamellas for beds you can buy individually with delivery in Moscow or pickup.

What can make bed comfortable

When choosing a bed, on which we spend one third of your life, it is very important to be extremely attentive and picky. After all, it is better to buy a good and comfortable bed And get up in the mornings, the most rested and healthy, rather than buy something that was imposed on or what the money had enough, and then every morning to get up as if you were not sleeping at all, and before that I was still unloaded by Kamaz with cement! Of course not, this option is not suitable for anyone, it is from how we slept and respectively rested, the quality of our sleep tomorrow, our performance and mood, which is why it is not worth saving on it

The mattresses we are so accustomed to, are already inferior to new and truly comfortable orthopedic mattresses, and the beds have acquired a new design, which includes special lamellas, creating in a compartment with a mattress, the opportunity is really "high quality" sleep.

The useful effect of such a bed is obtained thanks to therapeutic and prophylactic effects of the orthopedic mattress and wooden lamellae. The lamella themselves also possess orthopedic properties. Orthopedic lamellas significantly reduce the load on the mattress and enhance its action.Moreover, such slats can be used with a conventional mattress, the benefits will be obvious.

Orthopedic lamellaes

Furniture with orthopedic base

Where else are lamellas used? What in modern sofas and beds, many know. The described elements allow you to make rest truly comfortable. Long wooden dies, between which there should be a distance of four centimeters, complement the sleeping place, do not allow the mattress to be fed, support the spine in the optimal position and provide a healthy sleep. Recommended to purchase cribs with lamellas and children.

Such furniture has a lot of advantages. The frame facilitates care for the mattress, provides air flow, protects against dust and so-called greenhouse effect. At the same time, it is necessary to consider from what material it is made, what is its quality. For example, it is known about the lamellas that it is a nud-glued arcuate product. But if the dies were made from the remains of wood and the joints are visible, they are better not to take them. They can quickly break, especially if your children love to jump on the bed.

What to do if one of the slats broke

Plates can be ordered by the piece, there is any size you need and material, the cost of products is acceptable.

The buyer can independently choose the material from which lamellas will be performed.

Prices for 1 piece range from 80 rubles. up to 100 rubles.
The total price of lamellas from 8,000 to 20,000 thousand rubles.

The better and stronger will be the material for lamellae, the higher the price tag will be set on them.

And if you want to fix the lamellae, the cost will depend on the number of broken plates, for example, if broken 8, pay up to 800 rubles.

Plastic fasteners for lamellas are not inferior in reliability metallic.

How to adjust the rigidity?

It is very easy to do it easily and simply - you need to shift or move the cursors along the plank, thus you can reduce or increase the rigidity in a specific area.

The more often the lamellas are installed, the tougher there will be a base of your bed.

Bed Fastening

Fastening bed lamellae is performed using a special holder tip, which can be made of polypropylene, plastic or rubber. This holder is attached using a special bracket or rivet, which is installed on the bed frame. Another fastening option can be special metal standwhich places the lamel itself. There are also frameworks in which there are already ready-made holes that are designed to fasten the holder. The choice of a certain mount depends on the largest bed housing. That is why when you choose a bed with lamellas, carefully read the attachments, and appreciate your capabilities. Let the bed going with the lamellas and simply simply, but for this you need to have certain tools. It is best to collect a bed according to the instructions, and not as "but this detail comes here."

Fastening lamella to bed

Types of lamellae

These products have several varieties, and the range continues to expand, thanks to new technologies, methods of constructing. Types of lamellae are ranked by:

  • size;
  • manufacturing material;
  • stiffness;
  • fashion methods.

Regarding sizes, there are two standard widths of the plates: 68 mm. and 53 mm., with the same thickness of 8 mm., individual length, depending on the size of the bed. Wide rails are greater popular in the furniture area, since they have a more aesthetic species, are considered to be a European standard, and they need them less to form the base. Narrow slats, due to more, provide the best spring effect, so they can be used in tandem with any mattress. There is no fundamental difference in the width of the plates and the quality of sleep, therefore, the choice of roses is better to leave for the master, which will appreciate the design of a particular model, and will pick up perfect lamella for it.

Plates for a skeleton of Alder veneer, birch, beech, sometimes pines are made. As we have already stipulated, best option The beech is considered. Alder and birch belong to the economy segment, since the life of such regions is lower due to the low density of raw materials. Pine may be the basis for a single bed, or children's furniture, because its wood is soft, and burst with large loads.

Large lamellas also according to the degree of rigidity. There are spring, more flexible, recommended by adults to unload the spine, and straight plates that do not provide for the deflection. They form a sufficiently rigid, smooth surface, ideal for children's spine.

The method of fixing the rail depends on the material of the frame. It can be metallic or wooden. The first - more durable, rarely creaks, can withstand children's pranks. The second requires careful appealThe service life and degree of wear depends on raw materials from which carriers are made. Plates can be inserted directly into the frame, or special lamellays attached to the frame. They are produced in the form of a bracket, rivets, and differ in price, raw materials.

Characteristics of lamellas for beds

Design features

Laminets are a set of pre-slightly curved plates. They have a different name - lats. They form a spring skeleton grille, on top of which mattress is stacked.

Lats are mounted on a metal frame from a square-shaped pipe.

From birch ( economical option), poplar or beech (for expensive products) orthopedic lamellas for bed are made. Additional protection against moisture is handled by paintwork.

Wooden lamella has greater elasticity due to the fact that wood fibers have one direction. This is distinguished from the board, plywood, chipboard, with difficulty flexing.

Modern sofas can also have orthopedic properties. Orthopedic sofa bed will give you a strong healthy sleep.

And if you also need a department for storing things, pick up models with a chest. Read on this link about the design of the bunk bed of the chest.

Number and size

According to experts, the more lamellas, the better. The optimal amount for a double bed with a lifting mechanism is 30 lamellas. Single, respectively, must have half less.

According to some manufacturers, enough 20 and 22 wooden partitions For beds long, respectively, 190 cm and 200. But they agree that the flexibility of the bed increases with increasing the number of lamellae.

The gap between the lats should not exceed the width of one plank. This value is 53 mm. In some cases, the other width. Lenamel length depends on the width of the bed. Their ordinary thickness is 8 mm.

Fastening options

Lamaders can be attached to the bed frame with a special tip holder.

It can be made of:

  1. Plastic;
  2. Rubber;
  3. Polypropylene.

The holder is attached on the frame rivets or furniture brackets.

For another embodiment, the individual lamellae is placed directly into a special metal framework.

There are varieties of frames having the inner lamella. They already prepared holes for fixing holders. Such a design does not need to use rivets, which increases its reliability.

Manufacturing process

After purchasing the required materials and the preparation of the tools, you should proceed to apply markup and further cutting them. It is recommended to adhere to the following rules in this process.

The perfect method of fastening lamellas with metal mounting.

  1. Perform a detailed drawing of the future bed, specifying all the exact parameters.
  2. Write a list of all the details that are needed for the product. Specify how much the material is required for each of them.
  3. Marking, in places of future sawing, it is recommended to do using a cutter or pencil and necessarily a ruler.
  4. Making an identical part parameters in several copies, you should make one and leave it as a pattern. This will facilitate and speed up the process.
  5. Spil places should be signed by sandpaper.

Orto-frame for a crib

After applying marks, you can proceed to the construction of the frame.

The lamellas were increasingly used for the perfect and durable base for beds.

Using the removed parameters, pump up 2 end and long boards, which will become sidewalls.

Reinforced lamella block for high-quality base base with high degree of load.

Collect the parts received into the rectangle. To spray them with each other, you can use wooden spikes or eyes. Holes cut out the jigsaw. You can wipe away.

Orthopedic foundation of regulations

The resulting eyeles are lubricated with glue and are connected. Align everything at an angle of 90 degrees and, using clamps, fix until they are completely dry.

Pick the type of fastening of the lamellas, which will become the most durable and reliable.

Frame ready. He is quite reliable and strong. In order for the assembly of the founding of a wooden bed to be a light process, it should be connected to the parts using the screws having an additional fastening, and metal corners.

Orthopedic frame of a double bed made of lamellae.

After the frame, the feet are started. Cut out several bars of identical length. They are mounted in the corners of the product. They can be inserted into the frame or fasten outside, from the inside.

Lifting base bed

To insert the legs directly, use the spikes to secure. This is the most reliable option. If the width of the bed exceeds 220 cm, you should install 5 legs in the middle of the product. For this, the longitudinal board is mounted to which it is attached.

Bed base installed on five legs

Distance between lamellas and selection of mattress

Lamella - The case is subtle, in the literal and figurative sense of the phrase. So that they serve for a long time, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. For example, the number of rails in the bedroom, their width, distance from each other. These data will help choose the optimal mattress for the purchased bed, and enjoy daily, healthy sleep.

Each manufacturer, at its discretion charts the distance between the plates, guided by a single rule: the gap between the slats should not exceed the width of one plank. So, if there are 68 mm wide on the frame, the distance between them can be 65 mm., 50 mm., 25 mm. If the bar is narrow (53 mm), allowable gaps begin with 50mm. What helps this information when choosing a mattress? According to existing standards, perfect surface Provided when maintaining regularity: the higher the density of the springs in the mattress, the smaller the gaps between the slats. So, if you want to sleep on a block of independent springs, or on a latex mattress, you need to choose the basis with minimum distance between planks. By preferring to classic dependent springs, you can use a base with a smaller number of plates.

How to choose the optimal option

The main thing you have to decide are to fasten the blinds. Typically consider two options:

  1. They are fixed in the window loan.
  2. Either they are set.

With the first version, you do not cut the space of the room and it, naturally, it seems more. However, in this case, your windowsill will occupy the lamellas that should rotate freely. The second option - by type of curtains - leaves free space of the window sill, and you can use it as an additional useful Square (For example, lay flowers there).

  1. If you decide to attach the blinds inside window Piece, I will deduct from measuring his height 2 cm so that the lamellas do not touch the windowsill.
  2. In a situation where you found it necessary to fix them above the window, then let them be a little wider than the window turn on 15 cm on each side.
  3. The lamellas should not lie on the floor, so deduct another 5 cm from measuring height, with amendment for it.

Do not neglect the nuances of their discovery. Here you can choose from the following options:

  1. Lamels are moved away from the center.
  2. Lamels go to the center.
  3. Move towards the harness control.
  4. Move from you.

It is appropriate to remember not only about personal tastes and preferences, but also about other moments, for example, comfort in the opening and closing of the window, a balcony door, and so on.

What lamellas are better, their advantages

All lamellas can be divided into two types, they are either wide or narrow:

  1. Wide include rails reaching the length of the order of the meter. They are located one next to the grille, as a rule, they find the use of beds in one-bed and semi-gun types of beds. This type is optimally suitable for any flavored mattresses, as well as for mattresses equipped with springs of the Bonnel type.
  2. Narrow includes elements of 700-800 millimeters. They are installed in two rows - one row on every bed. A similar type of location is recommended for mattresses having independent springs.

If we talk about what the number of lamellas should be, then the best option will be 26-30 specks for the bed for two people. Accordingly, for one person, and the lamella will need two times less (13-15). In general, than them are more, the better they can provide flexibility to the base of the bed and, accordingly, will be able to withstand a larger load.

All lamellas are different thick, length, width, as well as the distance that is between them. Best thickIt is considered to count, 8-10 millimeters, an optimal width - 5-7 centimeters, but the length of them depends on which width has a sleeping place. Beds can be 140 centimeters, 160 centimeters or 180 centimeters and for each of these types of beds, lamellas are required different lengths. It is left between each plank, which should not exceed the width of one of the slats, namely: 4-7 centimeters.

Lamels have another classification, namely, according to their holder. Modern developers install rails on special holders that can be:

  • plastic;
  • rubber;
  • polypropylene.

The lamellas that previously attached to the tape or were installed on the metal frame, they are currently popular. They came to replace practical and light fasteners, which make it possible to easily replace their own fastening, if the rack fails.

IMPORTANT! It is difficult to determine which slaughters better, and what worse. Speaking about fastening the lat, it is worth choosing a rubber or polypropylene holder - these holders are much stronger and better than plastic analog

Features and destination

Modern mattresses require a maximum reason, thanks to which the sleeping person feels comfortable. The orthopedic frame of the bed with a rigid construction significantly extends the service life of the mattress. On the sides, the design has small sides that fix the position of the mattress. The central part of the metal frame fill special curved plates, which are called lamellas or lats.

In the manufacture of lamellas for the bed, only high-quality, well dried wood is used. In production, the array is collected on the layers, which at a certain temperature are soaked with adhesive composition and become slightly curved shape

An important characteristic of finished products is their elasticity, which is possible due to the homogeneous location of wood fibers. Therefore, there is not any wood in production, but only beech, birch, ash, maple, poplar

For additional protection against drops of moisture, the product is covered with varnish.

The thickness of the plates varies in the range of 1-10 mm, width - 25-120 mm. When laying them in the base, the remoteness of products from each other can be 2-6 cm. In the designs for double beds there are two rows of lamellae, separately for each sleeping.

More frequent styling provides maximum reliability, which allows the use of a bed even a person with a significant weight. The maximum distance between the slats is chosen at low loads on the mattress. The standard for the base of the double bed of 160x200 cm is the design with 30 crossbars. Fewer their number may not provide the necessary strength. The minimum value is considered 22 lamellas for a double base.

The main functions of the rattle base include:

  • Providing good mattress ventilability. In the intervals between the rails, there is a lot of air, thereby maintaining the optimum temperature in the place of contact of the body and the mattress;
  • For fixing plates used special holdersthat ensure the silent design;
  • The flexibility and elasticity of the plays allows the mattress to take the most physiological position, which ensures good sleep and the complete restoration of forces;
  • Reducing and uniform distribution of load on the mattress, which significantly extends its service life. The probability of multiplication of pathogenic microflora inside the mattress is reduced;
  • Products have a low cost, they do not too affect the final cost of the bed;
  • High base facilitates cleaning. Garbage under the bed can be quickly remedied.

When choosing a bed or reason to it, it is important to learn the possibility of buying accessories in case of breakdown or damage to any parts. Bed accessories include not only lamellae, but also transformation mechanisms, lat producers, gas lifts for lifting mechanisms. If with incorrect operation, the orthopedic base was damaged, it is possible to replace damaged lamellas for the bed with your own hands. A breakdown of lamellas often occurs when it is too dry air inside the room when the wood dries. In this case, it is recommended to regularly process the surface of the planks with a wet cloth.

Is it possible to independently make lamellas for the bed

You already know what lamellas are for what they need, and now I want to go to a more burning question: how to make them with your own hands, install on the bed? Of course, answer experienced masters. It is possible not only to replace the cracked rail, but to equip the old furniture is the right, orthopedic basis. To do this, you can take the paneur of the beech, birch, with a thickness of 8 mm., And it yourself to cut it on the standards of the standard width. Also popular material from which the "homemade" lamella is made are wooden mounting rails sold in every construction store. Their craftsmen are cut in length, width, bringing to close to the factory parameters. However, it should be remembered that such work cannot be carried out without special tools, so it is permissible to purchase ready-made lamellas of the desired length, and independently install them. The benefit that the range of furniture centers allows us to buy and replace any detail.

Summing up, we can confidently say that the slats are very convenient, practical material, easy to repair, and providing a healthy dream to its owner. On the big choice Furniture based on lamellae, and it definitely will not leave you indifferent.

Material for shutters

In the manufacture of such popular and fashionable curtains, different materials are used. Since our country has been used in the country for a long time, they got widespread. They are manufactured using materials that are produced in Belgium, France, Spain, England, USA, China. It is best to choose products of European manufacturers and more dense fabrics. Such blinds will continue to maintain a commodity look, besides, they are available at a price. But they have their own drawbacks: they need to be removed from time to time, as the cloth attracts dust. In addition, the matter burns in the sun.

If lamellas are made of plastic or aluminum, blinds will be very comfortable and functional. Caring for them is needed minimal. These materials are resistant to dirt and fat. They are very easy to wash. But with a torment of wind, aluminum plates will thunder.

Very popular curtains made of wooden lamellas. For their manufacture, a cork tree is used, as well as a lamp and bamboo. In this case, the plates are connected to each other with threads, and each element is covered with varnish.

How to choose

When buying a bed with an orthopedic base or a rack, pay attention to the number of those most demands. .

What they are more, the better - the experts say so. And the wider bed, the greater the number of planks should be in its foundation.

The optimal number of the lattice on the bed lattice is 20-22 pieces for a bed long 190-200 cm. If the lamella is more, then such a bed will be softer, plastic and functional, withstand larger weight Mattress. Reiki differ not only by quantity, but also the material from which they are made.

The most affordable - birch, which is not inferior in its strength more solid tree species.

Birch rails are usually installed in the Economy Beds and the middle segment. In the base of beds from the massif, beam lamellas are put - durable and solid rails. Give preference to rubber or semi-pile rack holders; Plastic flap quickly and not so practical to use.

When choosing a rack base of the bed, pay attention to the distance between the slats: it should not be more than the width of the plank. If it is large, then the outfit mattress will fall into these "holes", and the lamellas themselves will soon go out, because they will not be able to withstand a lot of weight.

By buying a double bed with a width of 140 cm and choose the model more in which the rush bottom is divided into two halves. So for each bedroom will be created your own rattle base. It is logical to assume that in such a type of beds, shorter strips are used.

Lamellated in one row are suitable for a single and one-hour bed, clamshells and sofas, when there is no heavy load on the base.

What is lamella

So lamella - what is it? This beautiful term of obviously French origin is called perfect on the texture and state of a veneer, made of solid wood of valuable rocks. That is, it is a veneer of the highest grade, the most expensive among all kinds of natural veneer. And indeed, the lamels of the world presented the French, this material has long been used to decorate furniture and interior items used by the August Operations. In its appearance, items were as if made from a solid wood massif, which attached them a special value.

Today, such furniture items are available not only by the strong world of this, but also ordinary citizens. Of course, natural lamella is still quite expensive, but after all, the incomes of the population have grown. Therefore, many salons selling furniture and interior items today offer their visitors with natural lamellae.

Lamets today is made by several different techniques, the difference between which is in the way of sawing wood. The most valuable can be called the method of production at which the wood layer is removed from the wood array, but this option is the most expensive and difficult in production among the lamellae. Significantly cheaper is the lamella, which is manufactured by the method of sawing the wood massif on thin layers of wood and the subsequent gluing of these words. Lamets made in this way, less valuable, but at the same time more affordable, so it is suitable for a larger circle of consumers.

And yet, lamella - what is it, traditional craft or industrial production? At the same time, there is even an exclusive-grade for the manufacture of furniture items of furniture, since it is easier to produce and finds a massive use. Such a lamella is much more affordable compared to the lamella, so it can be applied in the room much wider than for a simple finishing of furniture items. For example, it can be used to finish the wall surfaces of the room. The lamella, made on the technology of cutting, in this case will also be more profitable for competing options:

  • the lamellae produced by planing is too expensive material for finishing wall panels;
  • artificial wall panels stylized under the tree, only partially resemble natural wood, without having appropriate heat, textures and softness.
Many manufacturers have already taken into account the demand of the population on the exquisite items of furniture and interior and offer their customers the product. Made with lamellae. However, no manufacturers are so conscientious as I would like, so they offer the subspecies of the dear planed lamellae cheaper sawmill. And some are completely spreading a simple veneer under the guise of elite slave. Make sure that you are the lamel, and not its analogue, it is possible, just asking for the seller: "Lamel - what is it?" . The knowledgeable seller that implements the goods with the lamella trim will quickly respond to the questioned question, and if you are proposing falsification, the question can put the seller in a dead end.

What are products and why are they needed

To begin with, we will understand what is a lamel. This is a special wooden plate, curved in one direction so that an elastic base is created when installed. Most often, elements consist of several layers of wood, which are glued together, it provides the best spring properties and makes the lamellas much more stable for deformations and damage.

Lamins are made of multi-layer wood, which gives them high strength

In the manufacture are used different breeds Tree: beech, ash, maple, linden, birch. In principle, all the options are characterized by quality if they are manufactured using technology.

The most popular version - products from birch, they are distinguished by the available cost and good operational performance.

Birch - the most common material for the production of lamellae or lat, as they are also called

Now we'll figure it out for what the root bases are needed:

  • This design increases the anatomical effect from the mattress, improving its properties.In essence, this perfect solution Under ortopedic mattresses, even their manufacturers recommend using beds with such options. They are best suited for heavy mattresses that are used in modern conditions.
  • Reiki reduce the load on the bed hull and on the mattress. Due to spring properties and a separate framework, which is always used for rails, they provide a longer service life due to more competent weight distribution.
  • Using lamellae allows you to significantly increase the service life of the mattress. This is achieved not only due to the literate weight distribution, but also due to the fact that the rails are arranged with the lumens and bottom part The mattress is well ventilated, which is very important. If the lower part of the mattresses is often covered by condensate, which is fraught with the formation of mold, then there is no such problem in the design of the design.

The bottom of the base is perfectly ventilated.

  • Due to the curved form, the base has a spring effect. In addition, due to the design features, the base of the bed does not creak and does not publish other extraneous sounds even after a long service life.
  • If you use special latex holders, then the base will adapt to your anatomy. Molded made by mobile, which is very important for the optimal distribution of load and ensure a comfortable position for the spine.

The mobility of the segments is an important feature of the bases of moving fasteners

Finishing stage

Now you can go to the assembly of a lame base. These are transverse planks supporting the mattress and do not give it to deform.

Lathe in the base of the sofa

  1. Click on the base, side and end part fastening stop rail.
  2. Perform markup at an altitude of at least 100 mm edges from above.
  3. Rake is attached throughout the perimeter using a solid line and dotted line. You can take a metal corner instead of it.
  4. It will take a bar with a cross section of 30x30. Make a frame for transverse plank. Fasten it in the internal parameters of the base.
  5. Then the rake is stuffed on the frame, which has dimensions of 150x4x2 cm. Fasten it across length. The distance is at least 5 cm.

Metallic frame lamellas must be attached due to metallic fasteners.

If you do all actions, following strictly made drawings, you will not have problems with the installation. At the final stage, the base should be processed emery paper And cover it with varnish.

The liteker can be completely inconspicuous, but at the same time as strong as possible.

Carefully take advantage of the choice of the finished bed. After all, it must fully fit into the interior of the room. Before covering the product, varnish is recommended first to give him tone. For this, the veil is suitable.

Reinforced metal mount for wooden lamellae

It should be applied evenly using a brush. Laccated the surface is only after drying the veil. It is necessary to make 2 varnish layers.

What are the holders

All lats can be divided into 2 types depending on their width:

  • Wide planks (50-70 mm) are suitable for latex sprouting mattresses or products with spring blocks. They are installed at a distance of 4-6 cm from each other. It is convenient to use wide lamellas on the tape, then they can be closer or removed when the base frame length changes;
  • Narrow crossbars (30-40 mm) are used for mattresses with independent springs, the density of which is large. The grill with frequent narrow rails can be used for baby cottages, clamshells or transformer beds. The remoteness of narrow slats from each other should not exceed their width.

Modern orthopedic bases are rarely equipped with a rigid cabinet fastening of the lat. Preference is given to special fittings - lat producers. Special tips dress up for each rail. Then the planks are inserted inside the special jacks on the frame. The flexibility of the rail allows them to bend a little when fixing.

Such mounts for lamellas are made of the following materials:

  • Polypropylene - material has high strength, elasticity, serves a long time;
  • Plastic - the cheapest products that have a short service life, low strength;
  • Rubber - use holders from this material recommended when the wooden bed creaks. Rubber elements prevent the appearance of unpleasant sounds by friction of the elements of each other. Have a high price.

Special lat producers allow you to adjust the rigidity of the base. This is achieved by moving cursors along the plank. If a person has serious spinal problems, then blocks with double or triple lats use. Such bases improve the orthopedic properties of mattresses, increase the rigidity in the lumbar or cervical zone.

Holders are fixed to lats with furniture brackets, wood screws, rivets either with the help of mounted plugs that are installed directly on the frame. With the appearance of widespread model Row Orthopedic foundations expanded the offer of lat producers, which differ in the type of fastening:

  • Overhead;
  • For fixing on round holders;
  • Targeting;
  • For lateral fixation 53b or 63b;
  • Internal;
  • Stubborn 53 either 63PU;
  • Double rubber LPDa-2-38 or LC-38.

Clamps are purchased for a complete set of lamellas or pieces. If you need to repair the beds, then the broken lats and holders easily change to new ones. The installation of new elements is simply carried out and quickly, no expensive equipment is required for shift. If you previously used the bed without lamellae, then you can replace the solid base of orthopedic rack.


Dimensions of lamellae

Each bed differs from the other, first of all, the size of a sleep space. Accordingly, the length of the slave, for each bed it will be necessary different. Double bed, with dimensions of 180 centimeters, requires a lamella wide width around 880 - 885 millimeters, a single bed needing lamellas 900 - 990 millimeters long, this is provided that they go one or 500 millimeters if there are two rows of lamellae .

Reiki differ not only by sizes, but may have differences and in the corner of bend. If you are going to replace them or buy separately, then measure both the length and the width of the already existing so that the purchased did not differ. In the width of the rails can be - 40, 50, 70 or 80 millimeters, but the thickness of them almost does not change, ideally it is 8 millimeters.

Fastening for lamella

Solving the slave to buy, think about how you will be fixed on your frame. And here, you will need special plastic lamella holders - Latchers. The main task is to carry out mounts for lamellas on the base of the bed. Latched holders for the beds of our online store are designed for installation not only on metal, but also on a wooden base. Anyone specified in our catalog Latterzhatel can be purchased by our phones or placing an order via the basket on the site.

What are the lat producers for beds:

  • Overhead;
  • Targeting;
  • Central passing;
  • Internal;
  • Side;
  • On the pipe;
  • Stubborn.

It is very important that the lamella holder for the bed was made of the proper composition of the polypropylene. The poor-quality material may lead to the fact that it will start crumble over time (which happens if the plastic is too hard) or just rush (if the plastic is thin)

Naturally, after that, your rail will begin to fall out, which will lead to the destruction of the integrity of the very foundation.

So, if you are looking for a strong and high-quality fitness for your bed, welcome to our online store After reviewing our catalog, you will no longer have a question where to buy lamellas can or wholesale, or how to choose the latter holders for the beds to them, because the most important information will be clearer. Remember, our catalog presents a wide range of products, which will give the second life to your sofa or bed.

Which sofa is better spring or based on lamellae

A lot of people face a dilemma of choice of new upholstered furniture. Than more information learn the harder to decide, especially if we are talking About filler. Each material has its advantages, disadvantages that give the product originality. Today we want to compare a sleeping place with a spring block, with such a lamella based, and determine which sofa is better.

So, the springs in the sofa allow:

  • do not use additional "sofhed" mattresses, because the spring block inside perfectly copes with the support function;
  • withstand additional loads;
  • create a light effect of amortization, to unload the spine.

The slats used in the sofa designs provide:

  • tangible orthopedic effect;
  • long term of furniture;
  • less accumulation of dust in the bedroom;
  • reinforced air exchange.

If the main goal of the future sofa is to use for sleep, it is better to choose a model on the lamellas, since it is practical in the departure plan, accumulates much less dust than its spring analog. Also, thanks to good air circulation, it will save the filler from the development of pathogenic microflora. If the sofa is purchased for gatherings in the living room, then there will be no fundamental difference between springs and lamellaes, a comfortable location is capable of ensuring both types of filling.

Why are orthopedic lamellas for the bed so important

Orthopedic lamellas for the bed are at first glance a curved plywood made from several birch layers, which are processed by glue. But in fact, everything is not so simple. To get on the exit of the lats corresponding to all requirements of the GOST, they must pass a complex production cycle, which will allow you to get hard, spring, and the main thing is orthopedic racks for the bed. At the same time, they should have strength, elasticity and ability to take anatomical forms with the right center of bending, these special properties will protect your spine at night during sleep. It is these characteristics that carry real high-quality orthopedic lats.

Sizes and parameters

All lats can be divided into several parameters: width, thickness and length. Standard product thickness is 8 mm. If necessary, you can choose and thicker plates that can withstand significant weights. High-quality lat has the same radius along the entire length, which allows you to shorten long rails or cut them into several pieces. The orthopedic properties of products when shorting are not worse.

The valid load on the base depends on the width of the plates. For light cribs, plates are used 38 mm wide. Adult designs provide for the use of plates with a width of 53 mm and more.

The most popular sizes of the lat are:

  • Small 38x8x890 mm, 50x8x990 mm, 53x8x990 mm;
  • Average 63x8x910 mm;
  • Large 63x12x1320 mm;
  • Wide 83x8x1320 mm.

The optimal radius of the product bending is considered R 4000-8000 mm, it is used by all the largest manufacturers. Finished products are polished and covered with a special adhesive composition with heat treatment. In the manufacture of bases for sofas with the transformation mechanism, the French folding bed is used by large lats that make sleeping space comfortable for sleep.

Products are of fortitude. Grade 1/1 indicates the maximum smoothness of the plate on both sides, it is made only from high quality material. Less quality products may be 1./3, 2/3, the cost of such plates is lower. For products of various widths, suitable holders are offered.

The orthopedic base that supports the mattress in the correct position provides a comfortable sleep. The metal frame with wooden lamellas prolongs the service life of the mattress and provides a good air exchange. The lamellae is made of birch, beech, maple massif, and impregnated with adhesive composition. They have an expedited shape and fixed with special holders.

What better to choose

If you want your bed to be the most comfortable and reliable, then you should pay special attention to the number of lamella on the iron frame. The lattice base is thicker, the more stronger and more reliable

Basins with rare lamellas with time can suffice and deform. Sleeping on such a lie will be uncomfortable.

In addition, choosing a high-quality and comfortable orthopedic frame, be sure to take into account the material from which it consists. This characteristic directly affects the durability and strength of the structure. The risks of oak and beech are considered the most stronger and good. Birch and pine details are less durable. To the grounds of such materials it is worth contacting only lightweight users.

Be sure to inspect the wood surface and pay attention to its color so as not to run into fake material. The shade of the base must be bodily.

The choice of a suitable orthopedic base with dimensions of 140x200, 180x200 and 160x200 cm with lamellas is largely depends on the mattress. So, for a model with an independent spring block, it is better to choose a design equipped with narrower racks. The selection of such a design is especially relevant if the weight of the person sleeping on it exceeds 90 kg. This is explained by the fact that independent springs are not bonded between themselves and do not have a single frame, from which they take the load not on the entire block immediately, but only on some of its plots.

It is worth noting the fact that orthopedic mattresses are often equipped today large number Springs per 1 square. M, which directly affects their small radius. Therefore, when using the base with wide lats, such springs can be rebuilt into large gaps between the slats and lose their orthopedic qualities.

Selecting the orthopedic base for the bed, you must pay attention to such parameters of the structure as:

  • the height of the frame from the floor level;
  • reliability of fastening of rails to the frame;
  • lack of extra sounds and creaks when pressed on the design.