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How to learn to quickly assimilate large amounts of information. How faster remember information? Training memory

For successful training By session. But we decided not to stop and introduce you to another with four effective methods of quick memorization of text or any other information. Read, Think, choose the appropriate.

The basis of all the following techniques is re-reading. But we are talking Not about unsystematic and inexplendant reading, but about deep work on the text.

Text assimilation for 4 repetitions: Fashion Method

The name consists of the first letters of the names of the basic stages of memorization of the text:

  1. ABOUTrenounce think. The text is read for meaningful perception and allocating basic thoughts, establishing relationships between them. No need to perceive everything in the text. If necessary, basic information is emphasized or written to a separate sheet.
  2. INnight reading. The second reading is highly attentive and thoughtful, you should pay attention to small details, details. Text is read leisurely. the main task This stage is to mentally bind details to the main thoughts. At the end of the stage, you need to try to remember the main thoughts and the details already tied to them.
  3. ABOUTbzor. The text fluently visible fluently, without in-depth reading. View starts from the end. The reading mentally asks for himself questions on the main points, trying to hold parallels with the text information already received. At this stage, an approximate text plan is drawn up and the order of the main thoughts is remembered.
  4. D.watery. Repeating text text in a specific sequence: remember the highlights, gradually moving to details. At this stage, if possible, spattering into text should be avoided. Then there is a re-read with mental "serifs" in those places that the reader missed or forgotten. Why did it happen so? If the missed information is essential, it should be done.

Among all the methods of assimilation, this information is suitable for small volume texts.

Since the new information is quickly forgotten after the initial acquaintance, it is worth repeating it a little later (in a few hours on the same day or the next one). Over time, the dynamics of forgetting slows down.

Reading out loud and mental repetition: Method

This method of quickly memorizing information is similar to the previous one, but also has its differences.

An experiment was conducted in Kazan University, during which the subjects formed 4 groups. The task for all is to remember the text. In the first group, the text was read aloud 4 times. In the second - the text was read aloud 3 times and once mentally retelled by students. In the third - the text was read twice and twice retells mentally. In the fourth - the text was read aloud just once, and 3 times mentally retelling the listeners.

The results showed the greatest memorization efficiency in students of the fourth group. A little less effectively remembered the information listeners of the third group, even less - the second, students of the first group worse than the rest remembered the information.

Thanks to this experiment, the point of the point appeared:

  1. ABOUTrentation. When reading the text, it is important to understand it main thought. If necessary, it is written or emphasized, repeating it repeated in memory.
  2. C.just. When re-reading with information get acquainted more carefully, smaller details are allocated, the relationship between them and the main thoughts of the text. Mentally several times repeated the main thoughts attached to the details.
  3. ABOUTbzor. When quickly viewing text is determined whether the main thoughts and their connection with the details were determined. For a deeper understanding, you can put questions to the main parts.
  4. G.lavender. A mental retelling is performed, and if possible - and out loud. At this stage, it is important to recall the main thoughts, answer the questions.

Try to reduce the number of readings to a minimum. In this case, the number of mental repetitions can be absolutely any necessary for better assimilation in memory.

Methods of memorizing large amounts of information: Cicero method

Previous methods are suitable for working with small texts. But what to do if you need to quickly master and remember the whole abstracts, books, works?

As you could have guess, this technique was named after Mark Tully Cicero, a brilliant speaker, the great statesman of Rome, who lived in 106-43. BC.

The glory of this person brought not only his smartest thoughts. In his speeches, he never enjoyed records, reproducing a huge amount of dates, facts, quotes historical events and names.

This is one of best methods Memorizing information due to simplicity. It is also called room system or method of seats.

The essence is to mentally arrange important facts In a certain order in a well-known room. Then, if necessary, it will be necessary to simply remember the very room for the survival of the necessary information. It was this method that Cicero himself was guided by preparing for speeches: mentally he walked around his house, as convenient as possible for himself placing the main positions of performance in it.

Before embarking on the development of the method, it is important to choose your own sequence of room bypass in order not to get confused in its own logic of posting information.

For the first acquaintance with the memorization of information in this way, try to continually walk in your home, mentally setting information on places. Then then walking around the house will not necessarily, quite mentally repeat the traveled route.

But tips to help make an "alignment" of information correctly:

  • best start with own room. Take the door for the starting point, follow the right hand rule (Explore everything that is on the left side) and slowly move further clockwise;
  • with consistent placement of information, it is worth considering fixed objects that are always standing on the same places (curtains, chandeliers, floor lamp, sofa, picture, photo frame, cornice, shelves, etc.);
  • you should use sequential movement not only from left to right, but on top-down, as often items are one under a different (carpet under the sofa, table under chandelier, etc.);
  • if you need to remember multi-level lists, use not only your home, but also at home your relatives, friends, lecture hall and even well-studied routes from home to study, shop, etc.

Over time, more and more mastering this method, you can use all the smallest items from the rooms and find all the more secluded storage space in the information memory. But at the very beginning it is better to limit themselves to the most noticeable objects in the room.

This method has perfectly proven itself when working with large texts, the routine of the day, remembering the order of phone calls. Moreover, if important information is somehow related to each other, and is not just a meaningless set of data, you can repeatedly use the same room several times.

Cicero method is great for memorizing numbers. True, first will have to translate the numbers from the abstract form in more specific in any convenient way. And then, you can objects in which the numbers were transformed, fill in the room in the room.

The huge advantage of this method is that there are enough 2-3 workouts to master them, unlike many other techniques. In addition, it can be used in a completely any situation and anywhere. At the same time, the support and imaginary will serve as a place where you are at a specific point (audience, cottage, museum, deanat). All you need is to remember the familiar room or use the one in which you are at the moment.

We offer you to practice and try to reproduce the words below, using the Cicero method: float, napkin, hair curlers, grass, mirror, album, comb, book, cat, light bulb, match, blanket, scissors, scissors. As a sample of the room you can use the picture:

This technique is one of the most effective methodscontributing to the effective memorization of text information.

Using Visual Memory: Pictogram Method

The pictogram is a set of graphic images that a person comes up with itself to memorize and subsequent reproduction of any words and expressions.

Pictogram method in psychology is often used for research, diagnosis and strengthening memory in people of the "visual" image (visuals).

During the study of thinking by the method of icons, the following plan was developed when working with textual information:

  1. The text highlights keywords or brief phrases that should be written and emphasized.
  2. A pictogram is drawn to each word or phrase - a kind of image that later helps remember this word / phrase. The image here plays the role of the visual association. During drawing, you should not use schematics, as well as unnecessary details. The picture should not have numbers and letters. The process of creating an image should not take more than 10-20 seconds. Example: To memorize the phrase "grave work" you can draw a hammer or a person bent under a heavy cargo. With the phrase "Merry holiday" you can associate salute, flags, christmas tree, etc.

The icon cannot be correct or incorrect. This is an association that belongs exactly to you and is created to fulfill the main goal - to remind you of a word or phrase, to which it was tied.

It is much easier to perform a drawing for a specific subject (ice cream, bear, nose) than for a process or abstract concept (development, longing, reflection). But in this case, it is easy to solve the question - you only need to assign them a more subject association, to transform them into something specific. For example, for the word "development", you can use the image of the spiral, for the word "longing" - a tear or antiulib, for "reflections" - light bulb, etc.

There are also the words of the average complexity of concretization, for example, a school can be depicted with a desk, a board, a hospital - a bed or a red cross, etc.

Before you start using the icon method, it is necessary to practice. This will allow you to fill your hand in drawing and prepare for the fulfillment of the immediate task.

Approximate exercise : Draw pictograms for the words below. Please note that different words are used here. Try to draw such a drawing so that you can remember a few hours to remember the word you created the image.

Using the method of pictograms when preparing for exams, you can use a leaf with drawings as a crib, which will not be scary to post on the desk in the exam itself.

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Using the accumulation system: Atkinson's method

But Atkinson is confident that memory should improve gradually, without sharp jumps and overloads. Therefore, the accumulation method is considered the only safe and proven memory strengthening method.

The scientist proposes to leave aside all artificial techniques, using only the fact that the nature itself gave us. Brain, like all muscles, needs training and gradual loads. With increasing loads, memory efficiency will grow.

The essence of the system is as follows:

  1. Select text (optimally in poetic form). On the first day, he examines from 4 to 6 lines.
  2. On the second day yesterday's learned lines repeat and additionally learn from 4 to 6 lines.
  3. On the third day, new 4-6 lines add already learned.

The more the number of repetitions, the better the new material is remembered.

There is nothing terrible if you spend time from time to time to the book. Do not be upset if something forgot: Over time, the amount of memory will increase, the memorization will become easier.

A month later, increase the amount of information of the information twice. In another month, you can increase the amount of information tripled.

Studies have shown that as a result of the application of this technique:

  • learned knowledge remain for a long time and easily pop up in memory,
  • ability to memorize completely any things is improving all the time
  • with the help of the will of the will, any information is easily remembered.

The essence of this method is in any other, except for repetition. It is better to conduct classes in the morning, since at this time of day our perception is still fresh. Train every day and see: After a month, your brain will remember more information at times.

What is important to remember?

Multiple unsystematic repetition of information is unproductive.

And the memory can even be trained! Mark something new is useful not only when preparing for exams, but for life at all. Already in a short time, after the start of use of the selected technique, you can see how the brain begins to memorize other information we use in life: remember phones, addresses, adjust the incoming / outgoing correspondence and much more.

The secret is that after multiple workouts, the memory automatically begins to apply the skill to memorize more information. And this is without the use of any mnemonic techniques and training. However, it still costs from time to time to help your brain, sorting important and unimportant information. For example, when preparing for the exam in the discipline that you do in any way in real life It is not useful, nothing to teach a lot of useless information. It is enough to seek help to people who will do it for you.

And here you can watch the video on the memory of the FIVE and the point - the most popular way to increase memory:

Although there are many different types There are several fundamental rules that can facilitate the assimilation of new information.


One of the main factors defining our knowledge is to which we send our attention. Remember when you were the last time at a party - the one on which guests, talking to each other, form small groups. Imagine that you are standing with two familiar and talk about the weather. Next to you formed several other little groups whose participants lead their conversations. If someone standing nearby from you, but talking not to you, will mention your name or speak about something you are interested in (for example, "Have you heard the latest news about Debbie and Stanley?"), It will definitely attract your attention. . However, if the same person standing from you at the same distance and telling the same voice, it will tell about the diseases of the trees, you will most likely miss his words by ears, if only the topic of trees disease does not represent any special Interest. And what will happen in that conversation that you were a member before? If you answer: "Nothing special," you will find yourself right. When you switch your attention to a more interesting topic for you, you stop watching the progress of the previous conversation. If at this moment the person with whom you started talking will interrupt your speech and asks: "What do you think about this?" You can be in an awkward position, since the thread of the conversation was lost.

The phenomenon just described received the name of the Party Effect. He is familiar to many people on his own experience. He points to several important features attention:

1. If you do not show attention, you do not digest information. Let's look at the described situation again. When you followed the conversation about the weather, you did not know anything or nothing about the content of the conversations that were conducted around you. When you switched your attention to a more interesting conversation, you forgot about the conversation about the weather. Thus, attention plays a huge role when memorizing, since it determines that the human information system will be perceived.
2. Our ability to process information has its limits. We are not able to follow at the same time for all conversations leading around us.
3. What a person will send his attention depends on his individuality. If you did not show interest in " latest news About Debbie and Stanley, "admiring instead of this beautiful weather, you would not switch your attention to another conversation and could answer the question:" What do you think about this? " Not only helpless smile.

If you want to know about memory as much as possible, to, using the knowledge gained, develop your own memory, then you will have to direct your attention to ... ATTENTION. Many people complain that they immediately forget the name of the person with whom they introduce them. Most likely, they do not focus their attention on the name of a person at the time of dating. If information is not perceived, it will not be deposited in memory. When you get acquainted with someone, to repeat the person's name out loud enough to make sure that you were listening to him correctly and that you recorded our attention on it. You need to work out the habit to control your attention. If your eyes move around the line of the text, and your thoughts are aimed at something else, you must conscious that you do not perceive the material studied, and it is necessary to send repeated efforts to assimilate it.

Tracking meaning

Understanding and memory - concepts, closely related to each other, since the memory capabilities increase if the perceived material is meaningful to you, and information that makes sense is easier to be in memory than the information whose value is not clear to us. If you are in class lesson or learn educational material According to the book, i.e. Perceive the information that is presented in the form of a complex prosaic text and which you need to reproduce after a while, you should trace, much and what exactly you understand. I advise you to pause at the end of each section and transfer your words, orally or writing, what you just read about. If you cannot intelligently summarize each partition immediately by reading it, then you will not be able to do this and then. You must understand what you are learning and take action if the meaning of you still slipped out. it good way Check how attentive you are. If you have finished reading the section of the book and do not have the slightest concept On just read, you should return to the very beginning of the section and delve into its content.

Teachers engaged in you in primary schoolWell, well understood the role played by memorizing the importance of information when they advised you to "delve into the read". We can give information a value by doing some operations with it. For example, studying something, try to correlate it with you already known. Tie a learned topic with specific situation Or summarize the information received in your own words. The purpose of these actions is to make your own efforts to process material.

A convincing confirmation of the rule that stles that everything that contributes to a better understanding contributes to the development of memory, the experiment was experiment, which was put on two psychologists Bransford and Johnson (Bransfordj. D. & Johnson, 1972), who offered the attention of college students next passage. Read it yourself, and then look, whether you could remember much.

* The work order is very simple. First you sort things into a few stacks depending on their features. Of course, maybe there will be enough one stack - it all depends on what the amount of work is. If you need to go somewhere due to the lack of necessary funds under hand, it will be the next step, otherwise you can start work. It is important not to overdo it. That is, it is better to process at once too few things than too much. With a small amount of work, this warning may seem unnecessary, but if you take too much, it can easily entail unnecessary complications. An error may also lead to additional cash flows. The rules for working with the relevant mechanisms must be clear and clear, and we will not stop here on them. At first, the whole procedure may seem quite complicated. Soon, however, it will become an integral part of your life. It is difficult to imagine that in the near future the need to fulfill this work will disappear, although who knows ... *

You probably remember a little from this passage. I am also not sure what you understand what this is speech. I would like you to read this text again, this time knowing that his title: "Washing underwear." Now he must be remembered better because the title creates the necessary conditions For his understanding. When the text is preceded by some information, the reader is easier to delve into its content. PREDPROSITION - Preliminary information - playing the role of a conductor that helps to imagine to imagine that he is waiting ahead, and associate the information provided with other topics.

Study time distribution

Simply put, you do not need to join anything. The material studied is rather postponed in your memory if you will develop it in several techniques. This rule true and in the case when you master some kind of motor skills, for example, learn to beat the tennis ball with a blow to the left, and when you remember how to display chemical formulasand when learn to enjoy new technical device. Distribute the time you have to familiarize yourself with the training material, so maximum benefit from the study process. If you can afford to spend on preparing for the exam only 5 hours, break this time on the part and study the training material for 3-4 days, instead of using all this clock at once. Of course, the time assigned to each occupation must be long enough so that you can summarize the read information. This time depends on many factors, including the complexity of the material being mastered, its volume and your ability to concentrate your attention.


"Move order in my room!" I think that there is no person who would not hear (or did not utter) of these words. Phrase: "You will not find anything in this chaos" you can attribute to how a person keeps perceived information in memory. Although the comparison of memory with a room in which the mess reigns is a strong simplification, the guidance of the order (organization) will help not only faster finding pair socks, but also to extract the necessary information from the memory.

I would like to clarify this idea on the example with two words of words. Browse the first of them, holding out your view on each word for about one second, then close it with something and write out the words you managed to remember.

A heart
The flute

Now browse the second list, cover it and write down all the words you could remember.

The flute
A heart

There is no doubt that in the second case you remembered more words than in the first. Maybe you did not notice that both of the list were identical, with the exception of only one: the words were presented in them in a different order. You might think that in the second case you showed a higher feedback because words were already familiar to you. That's right. An extra time spent by you to study words could partly affect the improvement of the result. But the main reason for your progress is that words in the second list were arranged in categories. Studies show: if the words in any list are grouped into categories, they are remembered two to three times better than when they are arranged (Bower & Clark, 1969). If the words are built in random order, as in the first list, they are better remembered in the case when a person has enough time to smash them yourself in category (Bousfield, 1953).
You can use this rule, organizing the material that you need to study. If you meet any classification system when preparing for biology or metal properties in the course of natural sciences, study in one time some one category. Pay attention to how the groups relate to each other, notice the similarities and differences within the categories and between them. Systematize the material studied and associate related objects.

Creating keys to search in memory

It was intended for such a thing. A diligent student who devoted a mass preparation for the exam, he discovers that he cannot remember the correct answer, but it stands for him to pass the examination work, his answer arises with him in his head. Or it is worth he to hear the answer, he immediately understands that he knew him, but could not remember when it was necessary.

Similar "forgetfulness" can have quite unpleasant consequences. Knowledge that cannot be resurrected in memory when there is a need for it, called passive. Psychologists know a lot about forgetting. Known to them and a number of techniques that allow you to get access to the information you "own" at the right time. We know that your approach to studying some information is very influenced by whether you can remember it if necessary.
When you remember something, your actions are a reaction to some key. For example, I tell you: "Name the techniques that facilitate memorization." In this case, the words "techniques facilitating the memorization" suggest that you need to remember. When you learn something, you must simultaneously pay attention to the possible key that is useful when you need to remember the studied. Try to identify causal relationships. Check out how the information you just perceive relates with other concepts. What I'm talking about is based on the principle of specific coding, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is that the material is easier to recall, using the same keys that were used when studying it.

You can use the principle of coding specifics to develop your memory, creating a variety of keys in the process of studying something. Thus, you can avoid problems associated with passive knowledge. Covering yourself "Why?", "When?" And How?" and developing interrelated knowledge structures where the studied binds to already known, you will be able to respond to a large number of keys facilitating the search. A study that promotes in-depth knowledge will give you the opportunity to get direct access to your information you have in situations when it is necessary. Be sure to focus your attention on the keys that you will most likely meet when you recall something.

Repeated study

When do you stop learning the material? If this question concerns a specific case, such as your preparation for the exam in literature, then it will be the rightmost to answer: when you know the material perfectly, having studied it in several techniques. Consider an example with a child learning the multiplication table. The moment comes when he finally fills all these cells without errors. If a child stops on this, it turns out that, repeating this table after a while, he will begin to make mistakes. The child must study the table again and again, so that he can repeat it without mistakes many times, and there should be quite a long time between training sessions. Then he will certainly remember the correct answer when it will be necessary.

Accounting for side facts

There are many factors that have little in common with the process of knowledge, but reflected on the ability to study. It is necessary to be able to recognize these factors so that you can eliminate them. Suppose you are trying to study something (anything), but feel tired due to lack of sleep or because of the excessive load (let's say you just ran the marathon). Your ability to focus, remember and save information can not suffer from this. In addition, it can unfavorable influence the use of drugs by you, your excessively excited or depressed emotional state ("I will never teach it, which means I will give a post, and everyone will consider me a stupid, after which I will have to trade with hamburgers, etc.), lack of life time to study the material, bad knowledge of the foundations of the subject and many other reasons I would not want to repeat the words of your mom, but still: take care of yourself, correctly eat, do exercise, do not save on a dream and contact the specialists in Case problems with your physical and emotional health. It makes no sense to master the skills of thinking, if most of the time you will support your health with the help of drugs or stay in a state of over-excitation.

No matter if you study new Language, Learn to cook, master the musical instrument or simply train the memory - in any case, it will be useful for you to find out how the brain absorbs new information.

Each person is unique, but in the learning process, we all show similar psycho-physiological trends. Understanding these patterns will help you to develop the most effective strategy for the acquisition of new knowledge.

Consider 6 basic principles of learning that everyone should know.

1. Visual information is absorbed best

50% of brain resources are spent on spectacular perception. Think about a minute: exactly half of your brain activity takes sight and understanding of the seen, and only the remaining part goes to other receptors and internal processes organism.

However, vision is not only the most energy consumption of perception. Its influence on the rest of the senses is so large that it is sometimes able to significantly distort the meaning of the information received.

50% of the brain activity is used to handle visual information.
70% of the incoming information passes through visual receptors.
The decoding of the visual scene takes 100 ms (0.1 seconds).

An example of such an influence can be an experiment in which more fan of passionate fans of wine could not establish, which in front of it is a red or white wine. Before the start of tasting, the experimenters were mixed in white wine red pigment without taste and smell. As a result, everyone without exception, the subjects argued that they drink red wine - so much effect external view Drink on taste receptors.

Another amazing find was that the brain perceives the text as a set of images, so reading this paragraph now, in fact, you spend a lot of work on deciphering a set of "hieroglyphs", which are letters, into semantic units.

In this regard, it becomes clear why reading takes so much forces compared to watching illustrations.

In addition to static visual objects, we also pay special attention to everything that moves. That is, drawings and animation are the best satellites when teaching something, and all kinds of cards, images and charts can serve as a good help for successful learning new information.

2. First - the essence, then the details

In an effort to master the large amount of new information at once, you risk creating terrible mixture in your head. To avoid this, save the connection with the general picture: Having learned something new, go back and see how it can be correlated with what you already know - it will help you not be lost.

In fact, the human brain has a tendency to first capture the general meaning of what is happening, and only then the details, so why not use this natural feature for yourself?

Having received a portion of knowledge, find them place in general System - This will significantly increase your chances of memorization. Also before learning something to begin with, it may be useful to understand the general essence: knowledge of what will be discussed as a whole, it serves nervous system Support for perception of smaller details.

Imagine that your memory is a cabinet with a bunch of shelves: each time adding to it new thingYou think what category it applies to. For example, you bought a black sweater and can put it on the shelf for black things, a shelf for sweaters or a "winter" shelf. Obviously, in reality you can not place one thing immediately in several places, but the hypothetically of these categories exist, and your neurons regularly do this work on the correlation of new incoming information from the already available.

Making graphs and recordings about the place of the subject of the subject in the general picture of knowledge, you will achieve a better learning of information.

3. Sleep significantly affects memory and learning ability

Studies have shown that if the study of new information should be healthy night sleepThis positively affects the consolidation of knowledge. In the experiment on the formation of motor skills, participants who had 12 hours and the opportunity to sleep before the test, showed 20.5% of progress, while the other group whose development of a new skill and his check fell for one day with a difference of 4 hours, achieved improved by 3.9%.

However, U. modern man It is not always possible to fully sleep, and in such cases it helps the short day Son.. Experiment of the University of California ( THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA) I found that the students who, after the completion of a complex task, were offered to sleep a bit, when performing a similar exercise after a dream, they coped much better than those who remained in a state of wakefulness between the two tests.

Sleep before learning a new material can also be very useful. Dr. Matthew Walker ( Dr. Matthew Walker), led by the study, argues that "Sleep prepares the brain to new knowledge and makes it look like a dry sponge, ready to absorb so much moisture as possible."

Examine any new skill or read about something before going to bed: when you set and try to remember what they learned before bedtime, you will be surprised how much I remembered.

4. Lack of sleep affects cognitive activity

Without a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of sleep and its appointment, sometimes we neglect this natural need, causing its drawback, or.

But despite the fact that the dream process itself is not studied not to the end, scientists have long been known, which leads his absence: high nervous tension, increased caution, avoiding risk, support for old habits, as well as exposure to various diseases and physical injury, since the tired bodies lose their usual tone.

The lack of sleep affects cognitive activity: The ability to absorb new information is reduced by 40%. From this point of view, good dream And the fresh head in the morning can bring much more benefit than the night vision over work or textbooks.

  • irritability
  • cognitive disorders
  • dips in memory, forgetfulness
  • amoral behavior
  • unstained Zewnota
  • hallucinations
  • symptoms similar to ADHD (attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity)
  • slow motions
  • fire shakes
  • pain in muscles
  • coordination violation
  • violation of heart rhythm
  • risk of heart disease
  • risk of diabetes
  • growth suppression
  • obesity
  • increased temperature

Harvard Medical School ( Harvard Medical School) I conducted a study in which it was revealed that the following training for 30 hours is most critical to consolidate new knowledge, and the lack of sleep during this period can be reduced to not all your efforts, even if after these 30 hours you are assessed.

Therefore, leave the night gatherings in the past: the most productive time for the knowledge of the new day, when you are cheerful and full of strength, and for the best memorization of information do not forget to sleep well enough.

5. Best of all, we remember the information when we learn others

When we have to explain to others that we ourselves just learned, our brain is much better absorbing information: we are more clearly organize it in our consciousness, and the memory retains the main provisions in more detail.

The group of participants in one experiment was said that they would undergo a test test just gained, while the second group was to prepare for explaining this information to others. As a result, the test passed all the tests, but those who thought they would have to teach someone, remembered the material much better than the rest.

The author of the study, Dr. John Uncomply ( Dr. John Nestojko.), says that psychological setting Students before and during training can have a great influence on the cognitive process. " To configure students on the desired way, sometimes it is enough to give them a couple simple instructions "He says.

Despite the fact that we are not always aware of this, the need to transfer their knowledge to others makes us use more effective methods: We better highlight the main thing, it is easier to establish links between different facts and attentively organize the information obtained.

6. The information is remembered better when it alternates with the other

"Block Practice" ( block Practice.) - a fairly common approach to learning, named so scientists of the University of California, Dick Schmidt ( Dick Schmidt.). This approach implies the study of the same things blocks, that is, through a multiple repetition of information or skill for a long time, such as, for example, a continuous reading of a history textbook or an extent of one feed in tennis.

Schmidt himself advocates a fundamentally different method based on alternating information in the learning process. The study of this approach in his psychological laboratory is engaged in his colleague, Bob Bjork (BJORK), offering participants a picture of two different artistic stylesAt the same time, some tests study work blocks, 6 paintings each, whereas others browse the paintings alternately.

As a result, the tests that the paintings were demonstrated by blocks, much worse was able to distinguish one style from another (30% of the correct answers) compared to those who watched the paintings different styles Monastery (60%).

It is surprising that before the start of the experiment, about 70% of the participants stated that they find a block approach more efficient and what exactly he helps them in learning. As you can see, our everyday ideas about cognitive process Often far from reality and need clarification.

Bjork believes that the principle of alternation works better, as it is based on the natural ability of the brain to recognize images and differences between them. As for the study of new information, the same principle helps notice new and relate it to the available data.

Such an approach can be applied when preparing for exams, when you are improving not every skill separately, but alternately: oral, written speech and an understanding of hearing when studying a foreign language, the right and left submission in tennis and others.

As Bjork says, we all need to learn to learn. " Almost any work implies continuous training, and an understanding of how you can influence the effectiveness of this process will significantly increase your chances of success.».

Of course, we all would like to assimilate information quickly and efficiently.

Is it concerning the study of a foreign language, an unfamiliar tool or a new sport, the acceleration of the learning process gives many advantages. But the problem is that we have a limited amount of time.

The key to accelerated learning, however, is not to devote to classes large quantity hours, but in increasing the effectiveness of this process.

Memory is similar to water vessel

Imagine that you need to fill the bucket with water. Most of the buckets can easily accommodate and hold the fluid until the water starts to overflow through the edge.

The brain is somewhat different. In fact, information, falling into memory, then gradually eludes it from it. And if you compare the brain with a vessel, it will be more like a leaky bucket.

The analogy with the leaning bucket sounds, of course, negatively, however, it is an absolutely normal phenomenon. And if only you are not gifted by photographic memory from birth, it is useful to know that the human brain was not intended to ensure large amounts of information, every fact, the answer or experience that met in his life.

How to memorize 90% of the information being studied

In the 60s of the last century, the NTL Institute in Bethel (Maine, USA) describes the training pyramid, clearly reflecting the learning efficiency and brain ability to memorize new knowledge.

As studies have shown, man digested:

  • 5% of information perceived through lectures (at universities, colleges, etc.);
  • 10% of read information (from books, articles, etc.);
  • 20% of audio visual information (applications, video, etc.);
  • 30% of information perceived using visual presentations;
  • 50% studied during group discussions;
  • 75% of the information that was used in practice (skills obtained);
  • 90% of the information that was used immediately (as well as if it was necessary to teach anyone else).

How is the training of most people?

Books, audit lectures, video are non-interactive ways to perceive information with low efficiency, since about 80-95% of knowledge flies into one ear and flies out of the other.

The essence of the question is as follows: instead of forcing the brain to memorize information through passive learning, it is better to direct your efforts and time on methods that use the involvement in the process. The result will be more pronounced, and the time will be able to save.

This condition means that:

  • If you learn a foreign language, give preference not to mobile applications, but to communicate with native speakers, since this is the possibility of instant feedback in learning.
  • If you want to bring yourself in a good shape, then, instead of viewing the training rollers on YouTube, do a personal fitness instructor.
  • If you want to play on musical instrument, contact music teacher.

By big account, All comes down. This should be recognized as the most "right", although not the easiest approach in acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Time or money?

Of course, classes with individual instructors, teachers and trainers are noticeably more expensive than other learning options. However, it is much more efficient.

For example, according to the above data, you can spend 1 hour on training and assimilate 90% of the material, and you can spend the same hour and assimilate only 10% of the material. Difference nine times!

There is another such thing that an individual instructor or teacher can give you advice, leaning on his rich experience that will be useful to you. No reading or watching video will never give such an understanding and the difference in learning efficiency can be much more than 9 times.

Summarizing all the above: knowing how to learn more information, we become more effectively in the use of your time. And the time is our basic life resource.

Ekaterina Dodonova

Business coach, blogger, memory development instructor and speed. Founder of the educational project IQ230

1. Understand

Very often, people are trying to simply shove unfamiliar words and phrases, not even understanding their meanings. Perhaps this is enough for several days, say, for passing the exam. If, of course, the lecturer will not ask to explain what you understand under ablation and what signs of the most chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain also remembers the words associated with associative. Incomprehensible alphabetic combinations, he discarded, as if garbage, not wanting to spend time on them.

For this reason, most people are hard to teach. A strangely sounding word does not bring in the memory of relatives and understandable to the heart of the pictures.

Therefore, for a better memorization, you must first disassemble and understand all new terms. Try to feel the word and tie it in an imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with the Association

The presence of fantasy is one of powerful tools To memorize information. significantly facilitate the process of learning important reports, presentations, texts, including foreign languages Due to artificial associations.

Take the word "Monday". What frames run on your inner screen? It may be morning, terrible traffic jams on the road, thought, pulsating in my head, day in the calendar, a diary page from childhood or a buzzing anthill is an office. What do you see?

In order for associative connections to be strong and durable, you can use the rule of five fingers. Each finger is associated with its own association, filled with one way or another.

Fingers Association
Large "Raisins". Original, discarded, absurd
Pointing "Emotions". Use only positive
Middle "To yourself your loved one." Boldly link the memorization object with you
Nameless "Feel". Connect the senses: vision, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "In move". Cut your object to move. The brain faster remembers information in the dynamics

Thus, the necessary information is imprinted in your memory at once at all levels of feelings, which will allow for a long time to use it.

3. Cheap the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American scientist-psychologist George Miller has established that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The permanent information overload mode reduces this number up to 5 ± 2.

Nevertheless, there is an easy way to deceive the laws of short-term memory: the use of a method of stories, which involves logical binding to one chain of scattered memorization objects. You may have a funny, incredible and absolutely impossible in real life. The main thing is that with it you can remember more than 15 elements at the same time.

According to the direction of the director in the next scene, you must swim in the pool, to the edge of the filled semolina. Yes, just imagine this madness in bright colors. Feel the skin like the semolina graft sticks to your skin. How hard to sail in this warm albeit, although porridge and not too thick. As in the air smells like milk, butter and childhood.

4. Repeat the correct

Our brain can be programmed - this is a scientific fact. It requires its awareness and daily work in the selected direction. Therefore, if you firmly decided that you are extremely important to learn English for half a year, the brain has already configured to the intensive memorization. But in addition to regular learning, it is important and regular repetition of the material passed.

Use certain time intervals for the best memorization: repeat the material immediately after training, then after 15-20 minutes, after 6-8 hours (better before bedtime) and the last time in a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks about himself in negative colors: "I will never cope with it," "It's impossible for me to remember", "I will not be able to learn such a difficult report." Use only positive statements, programming your brain to work and result.

Tune in correctly, tell me: "I remember!", "I have a good memory. I remember, "" I will remember and easily speake your words in two hours. " Configure yourself. The resource state of the brain is the zone of your responsibility.

Knowing five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize really complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural ways to train memory and consolidate the necessary memorization objects, which Ekaterina Dodonov also tells in detail in his book.

Enough reading and excellent memory!