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The difference between written and oral speech. Oral speech

Speech is classified by a significant number of features. You can highlight at least four classification features that allow us to talk about various types of speech.

in the form of information sharing (with sounds or written signs), the speech is divided into oral and written

by the number of communication participants, it is divided into monologic, dialogic and polylogical

according to the functioning in one or another sphere of communication

the following function-

speech styles: scientific, officially

business, journalistic, conversational

according to the presence of a meaningful

the following functionally- semantic types of speech are distinguished by the following functionally-semantic types of speech: description, narration and reasoning

First of all, we concentrate on the characteristics of oral and written speech. The oral and written variety of speech "are associated with thousands of transitions to each other." This is explained by the fact that at the heart and oral, and the written speech is the internal speech, with the help of which human thought is formed.

In addition, oral speech can be recorded on paper or with the help of technical means, while any written text can be read out loud. There are even special signs of writing speech, specially intended for pronouncing out loud: dramaturgy and oratorical works. And in the works of fiction, you can often find dialogues and monologues of characters that are inherent in oral spontaneous speech.

Despite the community of oral and written speech, there are differences between them. As noted in the Encyclopedia "Russian Language" ed. Fedot Petrovich Filina, the differences between oral and written speech are as follows:

- oral speech - Speech sounding, uttered. It is the primary form of the existence of a language, a form, opposed written speech. In the conditions of modern scientific and technological progress, oral speech is not only ahead of written in the possibilities of actual distribution, but also acquires such an important advantage as the instability of information transfer;

- written speech - This is a speech depicted on paper (parchment, beres, stone, canvas, etc.) with graphic signs intended to designate speech sounds. The written speech is the secondary, later in the time of the form of the form of the existence of a language opposed to oral speech.

A number of psychological and situational differences are allocated between oral and written speech:

    in oral speech, speaking and listening see each other, which makes it possible, depending on the response of the interlocutor, change the conversation content. In writing speech, this feature is not available: the writeer can only mentally represent a potential reader;

    oral speech is designed for auditory perception, written - on visual. Literal reproduction of oral speech, as a rule,

perhaps only with the help of special technical devices, in the written speech, the reading has the ability to repeatedly re-read written, as well as the writer itself - repeatedly improved written;

3) the written speech makes communication with accurate fixed.She connects the communication of the people of the past, present and the future, acts as the basis of business communication and scientific activity, the oral speech is often characterized by inaccuracy, inconsistency, transmission of general meaning.

Thus, in oral and written speech there are both similarities and differences. Similarities are based on the fact that the basis and the other variety of speech is the literary language, and the differences are concluded in the means of its expression.

Do you know that ancient people did not know how to talk at all? And they studied it gradually. When did you say? No one knows this. Primitive people were invented, because it was not at all. Gradually, they gave the name to all that they were surrounded. With the advent of speech, people escaped from the world of silence and loneliness. They began to unite, transfer their knowledge. And when writing appeared, people got the opportunity to communicate at a distance and keep knowledge in books. In the lesson we will try to answer the questions: why do we need it? What happens? What kind of speakers call? And what - writing?

You know that the chief employee in our language is a word. Offers are built from words. Our speech consists of words and suggestions. Conversations, stories, questions, disputes, tips, even the songs that you sing and listen - this is all speech. Speech transfers our thoughts. Communicating with each other, and using the language, you make a speech action.

Consider drawings. What speech actions make guys (Fig. 1)?

Fig. 1. Speech actions ()

They say and listen - this is oral speech. In ancient times, the mouth and lips were called mouth, so the word "oral", i.e., appeared. That that pronounced, sounds. More guys write and read - this written speech, the one that is written and read. Oral speech is transmitted by sounds, written speech signs.


oral writing

we listen and speak writing and read

What is needed for writing speech? Know letters and be able to read and write words and suggestions. What is needed for oral speech? Understand the meaning of words and be able to tell with the help of proposals.

Why do we need speech? Imagine a little man who does not know how to talk, listen, read, write. There are no books, notebooks, computer, friends, classmates in his life. I wonder how to live like that? Want to be in his place? I think it is unlikely. So live bored and uninteresting.

The human speech is "growing" and "growing" with him. The more words a man knows, the more accurate and brighter he expresses his thoughts, the more nicer to him to communicate with people around him, so it is necessary to get acquainted with the new words, their meaning, to learn the rules and laws on which the right and beautiful speech is built.

In the distant-distant times, people could not write and read. But you knew how to write beautiful songs, fairy tales, riddles. And some of them have been preserved to this day. How did they manage it? People retell them (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Oral folk creativity ()

In the old days, all the information people were transferred from mouth to mouth. From grandparents to children, from children - grandchildren, and so from generation to generation (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Oral folk creativity ().

Read folk wisdom:

"A good speech is good and listen."

"From friendly words, the language will not freeze."

"Other word pass by ears."

"At first think, and then say."

"Red field with a swarm, but a conversation mind."

What did our ancestors appreciated? First of all, the speech is competent and smart. In our language there are words with which you can give a speech characteristic of a person: Krikun, Molchun, Pleaspel, joker, grouse, a debater, boltun. From your oral speech will depend on how you will be called.

Perform a task. Divide words into two columns. In the first - words that will tell, what a speech of an educated person should be, in the second - speech that must be corrected:

Speech (what?) - Clear, deliberate, illegible, rich, cultural, competent, free, hurried, liquefying, vague, illiterate, poor, proper, pleasant, disassembling, biting.

That's what I would like to hear the speech of my students of the teacher.

It should be a clear, deliberate, rich, cultural, competent, free, right, pleasant, tearing.

Do you know that even the competition of speakers (Fig. 4) took place in ancient Greece and Rome? Orator is one who speaks with a speech, as well as a person who owns the art of speech.

Fig. 4. Suites of speakers ()

The art of speech speech has always been interested in people, caused delight and worship. In the speaker seen the presence of a special force, which can be convinced by words with words. In the speaker assumed the mysterious qualities that are not in an ordinary person. That is why the speakers became state leaders, great scientists, wise men and heroes.

In some nations, even existed gods and goddesses of eloquence and beliefs, disputes that worshiped (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Goddess of eloquence ()

The art of speech was studied in schools, in families, independently. What did you study in those distant times (Fig. 6)?

Fig. 6. Pre-revolutionary School ()

First of all, they learned to speak and write only what leads to the virtues and happiness of people, not to chat the stupidness, not to deceive. In addition, they taught to collect and accumulate knowledge. They taught the speech to be understandable, expressive. Finally, it was necessary to master the art of calligraphy - a handsome and pure letter - and possession of his voice - his intonations, pauses, power of voice, pace. What do you think, in our modern time it is worth learn the same? Sure.

What speech do these rules do? To oral. And how to develop a written speech? In the lessons of the Russian language, it is necessary to learn correctly and write down proposals, collect texts, stories from them. Learn to sign greeting cards, SMS messages on your mobile phone. But always remember: your written speech will read other people, so it must be adjusted, that is, to correct and improve.

On our huge planet, the land is only to us, people, given the Great Dar - the ability to speak, communicate with each other with the help of a word. This gift is important to use only for the benefit of others. Try to be interesting interlocutors, good listeners, active readers. The language is that a person knows, this is what a person knows how. Improve your speech - oral and written.

Today, at the lesson, we learned that such a speech, I got acquainted with the concepts of "speech oral", "writing speech", learned to distinguish them.


  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011. (Link to download)
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language 1. - M.: Ballas. (Download link )
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Tutorial on learning literacy and reading: ABC. Academknig / tutorial.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


1. Tell your acquaintances that you have learned about the lesson.

2. Why is Oral speech so called?

3. What is the oral and written speech?

4. Select words that call speech actions.

Listen, sit, talk on the phone, look, read, sleep, write, print on the computer, tell, share their impressions, draw, sends.m.s.-message.

5. Read the riddle. What speech are readers?

I know everyone, I study

But herself always silent.

To make friends with me,

We must learn to learn.

6. Connect parts of proverbs. What speech are they characterized?

It is not ashamed to be silent ... to silence it on time.

Quality to say on time ... Do not say too much.

Fear of Vyshnyh ... if there is nothing to say.

What is it?

1 class

Subject. "Speech oral and written."

Purpose. To form the concept of two forms of speech - oral and written.

Equipment.Cards with terms; record player; Audio recording "Bird Voices"; Figures illustrating the terms "oral" and "written speech".


I. Organizational moment

II. Message Topics lesson

Teacher. Guys Want to play? Then during my reading, try to present a picture of what is happening.

The teacher reads the poem of Viktor Lunina "Drops and Herons":

Drip, drip
On swamp drops
Run, run
By the swamp of heron.
Drops grab -
No way caught.
No way caught
Why do not know.
Knocks out a drop of water -
Look, and there is no one anywhere,
Only swamp and water.
- Drops, drops! Where are you going?
Gorky cry herons:
- drowned drops!

- Did you like the poem?

Children. Yes.

W.There are constantly some sounds around us. Some annoy us, others caress our rumor, and many sounds we sometimes do not notice at all. And all these sounds, if you try, you can pass. I suggest you now go on a trip to the most beautiful world - the world of sounds.

III. Work on the lesson

W.Let's depict everything that happens on the swamp. Girls will portray the sound of falling droplets of the rain with his fingers on the desk. The boys are trapped with herons - how the herons run, and cotton sticks - how they catch drops.

- Imagine that someone watched through our actions through glass windows. Would this person understand what is we talking about?

D.Not. He did not hear the verbal wording.

W.Guys, TS-S-s ... Listen ...

The teacher reads the poem:

In the morning, spill
I hear in a dream,
How from the street sounds
Knock on me:
Postage steps,
Shashhana newspapers
And wind and branches
Hi and answer
Horses horseshoes
Measured ring
Squeezing wagons
Grocery and moan,
And the voice of the thrush
From afar
And the roar of the bidons,
And milk splash.
I hear washed
Sleepy cows -
As if the breath
Distant meadows.
When driving
Sheep under the window -
Echo hears me
In the ravine forest ...
But the sounds are louder -
Lai, twitter, break
And sun through shutters
Find me
And whispers:
"Eyes quickly wipe!
Pretty overheard.
Get up and see! "

- What did you hear? What sounds broke the author's sleep?

Children answer.

- Let's try to pass all these sounds while reading the poem "Morning Sounds".

There is a staging of the poem.

- What morning sounds from the street knock on you? Picture them, and we will try to determine their owner.

Children depict sounds.

- Who experienced difficulties during the game? Why?

Children answer.

Clarity of thought is always associated with a clear verbal wording. And now for a while mentally moved to July day. You are in the forest. Around you the world of bright colors. And suddenly...

- Did you like a walk in the summer forest? What is the charm of this moment? What pictures do you mentally painted yourself? What do you think is so careless and joyful the life of our feathered friends? What role does birds play in nature? Are birds need to help people? What role is the sounds made for birds? Did you manage to determine what birds sang about?

Children answer questions raised.

- Try to present the hero of the Sasha Black "Sparrow" of Sasha and portray its actions.

Sparrow, my saying!
Gray, yurt, like a mouse.
Eyes - beads,
Paws - apart,
Paws sideways
Paws - Vault ...
Jump, jump, I do not throne -
See, bread checked ...
Furh! Drag ... what a fuck!
Ate all grains
Ate all crumbs -
And thanks did not say.

"Why didn't the sparrow said thanks?"

D.He does not know how to speak.

W.I propose the game "Finish the sentence."

On the desk:

- What is this speech?

D.What utters a man.


- Why do you need a person, if you can communicate with the help of facial expressions, gestures, sound resistance?

Lisviar to the arguments of children.

- It is a social and historical nature. People always lived and live collectively, in society. Social life and collective work of people cause the need to constantly communicate, establish contact with each other, to influence each other. This communication is carried out with speech. Thanks to speech, people exchange thoughts and knowledge, talk about their feelings, experiences, intentions.
What does a person say, opening his mouth?


W.What are these sounds?

D.In words.

W.Communicating with each other, people use words, enjoy the rules of a given language. Many thoughts and actions cannot be expressed without words.

A card appears on the board with a word word.

- Writer Shibayev writes:

Words words words...
All the name is given -
And the beast, and the subject.
Things around full and full,
And there are no nameless.

And all that can see the eye -
Above us and under us
And all that in memory of us
Meaning words.

- What are the words related in meaning?


A card appears on the board with a word sentence.

W. In distant-distant times, people could not write and read. But you knew how to write wonderful songs, fairy tales, various other stories. And some of them have been preserved to this day. How did they succeed?

D.People retell them.

W.In the old days, all the information people were transferred from mouth to mouth. From grandparents to children, from children - grandchildren, and so from generation to generation.
During the lesson for the statement and evidence of its judgments, we used the work of the lips, language, larynx.
All information went from mouth to mouth. We used oral speech.

oral speech.

- went time. People began to try different signs to designate oral speech on the letter. So in a person's life there was another form of speech.

A card appears on the board with words written speech.

- What is needed for writing speech?

D.Know letters and be able to record words.

W.So we built a scheme.

On the desk:

- What can you tell on this scheme?

D.It is oral and written. It consists of proposals that are formed by words.

W.Why to cards word and sentence Arrows fit on both sides?

D.And oral, and the written speech consists of words and proposals.

IV. Fastening the material passed

W.What kind of speech remind these riddles?

White field, black sheep.

D.Paper and letters. This written speech.

W.White pebbles melted
On the board traces left.

D.A piece of chalk.

- This is a written speech.

W.Language lives.
Does not eat and does not drink
And he says and sings ...

D.Radio. These are oral speech.

W.Paper sheet in the morning
The apartment is worn to us.
On one such sheet
Many different news.

D.Newspaper. This written speech.

W.What speech use people depicted in drawings?

On the blackboard - four illustrations:

1. Two comrades talk.
2. The student writes on the board.
3. The student responds at the board.
4. Woman reads a letter.

- Give examples of other situations to use oral and written speech.

Children answer.

V. The result of the lesson

W.Why do we need speech?

Responses of children.

- Guys, on our huge planet Earth only to us, people, Dan the Great Dar - the ability to speak, communicate with each other with the help of a word. And I would very much like you to use it only for the benefit of others. Try to be interesting interlocutors, listeners, active readers.

Oral and written form of speech.

Speech communication takes place in two forms - oral and writing. They are in complex unity and in speech practice occupy an important and approximately the same place in their significance. In the field of production, the areas of management, education, jurisprudence, art, in the media there are also oral and written speech form. In real communication, their constant interaction and interpenetration are observed. Any written text can be voiced, i.e. Read aloud, and oral - recorded with the help of technical means. There are such genres, such as dramaturgy, oratory, which are designed specifically for subsequent voice. And, on the contrary, in the literary works are widely used by the techniques of stylization under the "duty": a dialogic speech in which the author seeks to preserve the features, oral spontaneous speech, monologue arguments of first-person characters, etc. The practice of radio and television led to the creation of a peculiar form of oral speech, in which oral and voiced written speech constantly coexist and interact - television interview.
! The basis of written and oral speech is a literary speech., acting as the leading form of the existence of the Russian language. The literary speech is a speech, designed for a conscious approach to a system of means of communication, in which the orientation is carried out on certain normalized samples. It is a means of communication, the norms of which are fixed as forms of exemplary speech, i.e. They are fixed in grammar, dictionaries, textbooks. School, cultural institutions, mass communication tools contribute to the dissemination of these norms. Literary speech is characterized by universality in the field of functioning. It is based on scientific writings, journalistic works, business writing, etc. The oral and written form of speeches are independent, have their own characteristics and features.

Oral speech.

! Oral speech is any sounding speech.. Historically oral form of speech primaryShe arose much earlier than letters. Material form of oral speech are sound waves, i.e. Pronounced sounds arising from the activities of human pronounced organs. With this phenomenon are associated with rich intonational possibilities of oral speech. The intonation is created by melody of speech, intensity (volume) speech, durability, increase or slowdown in the speech rate and timbre of pronouncing. In verbal speech, the place of logical accent, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, the presence or absence of a pause is played a major role. Oral speech possesses such intonation variety of speechthat can transmit all the wealth of human experiences, moods, etc.
Perception of oral speech with direct communication occurs simultaneously and by auditory and visual channels. Oral speech is accompanied by strengthening it expressiveness, such additional fundsAs the nature of the view (alert or open, etc.), the spatial location of the speaker and listening, facial expressions and gestures. The gesture can be adjacent to the indicable word (indicating some item), it can express emotional state, consent or disagreement, surprise, etc., to serve as a contacting means, such as a raised hand as a sign of greeting.
Irreversibility, progressive and linear nature of time deployment - one of the main properties of oral speech. It is impossible to return at some point of oral speech again, so talking forced to think and speak at the same time, i.e. He thinks as it were, "on the go," in connection with this, the oral speech may be characterized by deflection, fragmentary, division of a single offer for several communicatively independent units: message to the secretary of the meeting "Director called. Looking down. It will be half an hour. Start without it." On the other hand, the speaker is obliged to take into account the reaction of the listening and strive to attract his attention, cause interest in the report. Therefore, in oral speech there are intonation allocation of important points, underlining, clarification of some parts, autocomming, reintures: "The department has conducted a large / yes during the year / yes / must say / greater and important / and educational, and scientific, and methodical / well / Educational / All know whether it is necessary to detail / educational / no / yes / also think / do not need /.
Oral speech can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation).
The prepared oral speech is characterized by thoughtfulness, a clearer structural organization, but at the same time saying, as a rule, seeks his speech to be a relaxed, not "learned", resected direct communication.
Unprepared oral speech It is characterized by spontaneity. Unprepared oral statement (the main unit of oral speech, similar to the proposal in writing speech) is formed gradually, portions, as it is aware of what it is said that it should be said further that it is necessary to repeat, clarify. Therefore, in oral unprepared speech, there are many pauses, and the use of pause aggregates (words such as e-e, um) makes it possible to think about the future. The speaker controls the logical-compositional, syntactic and partially vocabulary-phraseological levels of the language, i.e. It ensures that his speech is logical and the connection, chooses the appropriate words for an adequate expression of thought. Phonetic and morphological levels of language, i.e. Pronoming and grammatical forms are not controlled, reproduced automatically. Therefore, oral speeches are characterized by less lexical accuracy, a small length of proposals, the restriction of the complexity of phrases and proposals, the absence of involved and particle inclusive turns, dividing a single offer to several communicatively independent.
!Oral speech as well as written regulated and regulated, However, the norms of oral speech are completely different. "Many so-called oral speech flaws are the functioning of unfinished statements, the introduction of interruptions, autocommentants, contactors, reprises, elements of oscillations, etc. - is a prerequisite for the success and effectiveness of the oral communication method." Listening can not hold all grammatical and semantic ties in memory, and the speaker must take into account this; Then his speech will be understood and understandless. In contrast to the written speech, which is built in accordance with the logical movement of thought, oral speech unfolds through associative attachments.
The oral form of speech is fixed behind all the functional styles of the Russian languageHowever, it has an advantage in the colloquial domestic speech style. The following functional varieties of oral speech are distinguished: oral scientific speech, oral publicistic speech, the types of oral speech in the field of formal business communication, artistic speech and speaking speech. It should be said that conversational speech affects all varieties of oral speech. This is expressed in the manifestation of the author's "I", a personal beginning in speech in order to enhance influence on listening. Therefore, the oral speech uses emotionally expressively painted vocabulary, figurative comparative designs, phraseologists, proverbs, sayings, even the spaticred elements.

Written speech.

! A letter created by people auxiliary sign systemused to fix the sound language and sound speech. At the same time, the letter is an independent communication system, which, performing the function of fixing oral speech, acquires a number of independent functions: a written speech makes it possible to assimilate the knowledge accumulated by a person expands the scope of human communication. Reading books, historical documents of different times and peoples, we can touch the history, culture of all mankind.
! The letter passed a long path of historical development from the first cats on trees, rocking pictures to a sound-letter type, which most people use today, i.e. written speech is secondary to oral. The letters used in the letter are signs that are indicated by speech sounds. Sound shells of words and parts of words are depicted by combinations of letters, knowledge of letters allows you to reproduce them in sound form, i.e. Read any text. The punctuation marks used in the letter serve for speech membership: dots, commas, dash correspond to the intonational pause in oral speech. It means that letters are the material form of writing speech.
The main function of the written speech is the fixation of oral speechhaving a goal to preserve it in space and time. The letter serves as a means of communication between people, when direct communication is impossible when they are separated by space and time. The development of the technical means of the message - the phone has reduced the role of the letter. The appearance of fax and the distribution of the Internet system helps to overcome the space and re-activate the written form of speech.
The main property of written speech is the ability to long storing information.
The written speech is not deployed in temporary, but in static space, which makes it possible to think about it, to return to the written, rebuild text, replace words, etc. In this regard, the written form of speech has its own characteristics:
Written speech uses book languagewhose use of words is strictly normalized and regulated. The order of words in the proposal is fixed, inversion (changing the order of words) is not typical of writing speech, and in some cases, for example, in the texts of the official-business style of speech, unacceptable. The proposal, which is the main unit of written speech, expresses complex logic-semantic bonds by means of syntax. The written speech is characteristic of complex syntax structures, involved and verbal turns, common definitions, plug-in structures, etc. When combining proposals in paragraphs, each of them is strictly associated with the preceding and subsequent context.
Written speech is focused on the perception of the bodies of vision, so it has a clear structural and formal organization: has a numbering system of pages, division into sections, paragraphs, link system, fonts, etc.
You can return to the complex text more than once, to think about it, to comprehend written, having the opportunity to view the eyes of a particular text of the text.

Written speech is characterized in that in the very form of speech activity, a certain reflection of the conditions and purpose of communication, such as a artistic work or a description of the scientific experiment, a vacation application or an informational message in the newspaper are found. Therefore, a written speech has a styrene function, which is reflected in the choice of language tools that are used to create one or another text. The written form is the main form of speech in scientific, journalistic, official-business and artistic styles.

Thus, speaking that speech communication takes place in two forms - oral and written, it is necessary to keep in mind the similarities and differences between them. The similarity lies in the fact that these forms of speech have a common basis - a literary language and in practice occupy an approximately equal place. Differences are made up most often to the means of expression. Oral speech is associated with intonation and melody, non-verbal, it uses a certain amount and "its" language tools, it is tied to a conversational style. The letter uses alphabetic, graphic notation, more often a book language with all its styles and features.

It is divided into two main opposed each other, and in some respects associated type. These are oral and they diverged in their historical development, so they discover different principles of language organization. The outstanding language, uniting such types such as oral and written speech, are the basis for the formation and functioning of synonymous series. Disconnecting their book-written and oral-conversational agents are used in full set in their type, and in opposite access with certain restrictions.

Persistence speech

The perisherness is the main factor that unites various varieties, which divided the properties of the speech in writing are implemented in the varieties of book-writing type. Of course, the form is not the only factor of the union. But in the oral-conversational type it is it that it predetermines the formation and operation of specific linguistic means that distinguish from writing oral speech. The properties of speech are associated with the nature of it. Consider it in more detail.

Differences in the order of oral and written speech

The difference in forms is based on the deep psychophysiological difference. Psychologists have established that the mechanisms of generating and perceiving the oral and written speech of unequal. When the written speech is generated, there is always time to think about the formal statement plan, thanks to which the stump of its structural structure is high.

Accordingly, when reading can always be stopped, thinking deeper than it written, accompanied by his personal associations. This allows you to a writing, and the reading to translate the necessary information from RAM into long-term. Not when speaking and listening. His features has sounding, historically primary oral speech. The properties of speech in this case are determined by the fact that it represents a certain flow that only during its production can be interrupted by speaking in accordance with its intentions to complete or suspend information. The listener should follow the time spent in his reception, and he is far from always where he needs, it is possible to stop for deeper thinking. Therefore, it acts mainly when oral speech is perceived. The properties of speech in this case are that it is spontaneous, disposable, it cannot repeat-smy again in the form in which it was already uttered.


When studying a foreign language while preparing for the lesson, you can prepare each proposal in advance, but at the lesson itself it will not work: the task of spontaneous production requires a newly in a smooth speech stream to issue speech servings. The characteristic of speech oral is that it cannot be fully prepared, it is produced largely automated. If the speaker will be effortlessly controlling it, it will lose the quality of spontaneous and naturalness. Control over themselves is fully possible only in slow school speech, its unfulfilled rate of you, which gives its unoriginal character.

Voicing written text

From the well-produced spontaneous oral speech should be distinguished about the voicing of the written text, implemented by the speakers, artists, and sometimes the rapporteurs. Such voicing does not change anything in the text, and he even sounds, but it remains as written. At the same time, the characteristic of speech in writing is preserved, all its properties. From the perception in it only an intonation contour and possible phonetic expressiveness appear. That is, the acoustic properties of sound sounds are changing. Interestingly, the observation of E. A. Bryzgunova, comparing acting voicing of the same text: they differed. This means that as soon as the oral speech element appears, in this case the intonation, discrepancies occur due to individualization.


Oral connected speech is always individual. For writing, this is not the overall quality of all varieties. Individual only artistic speech and partly the speech of non-severe newspaper genres. Each speaker has its own manner characterizing a person as a personality from his psychological, social, even professional features and a common culture. This applies not only in parliament, for example, the performance of each deputy highlights his personal qualities and intellectual opportunities, gives its social portrait. Oral connected is often more for the listener than the information contained in the speech, for which the speech occurs.

Features of oral speech

If you turn to the factors of the membership acting in the oral-times-prime type, it turns out that in addition to currently operating in the book-but-writing type there are some additional. Some oral speech properties are common to all oral-conversational type and are characteristic of him in contrast to the book-written, dividing the modern Russian literary language into two parts. Others take part in the allocation of the varieties of the very oral-conversational type. Let us list these additional factors. Such properties of speech are addresses, situitation, the spectacle view (the use of monologues and dialogues).

Addressability of oral speech

Oral speech is always addressed, and directly the listener who perceives it alone and temporarily with its products is addressed here and now. Miscellaneous kind of technical tricks like the delayed and then the reproduced record may not be taken into account, since they do not deprive the community native act of the main thing: the appearance of perception, where the timeless synchronism is important. The addressee of speech may be: a) individual; b) collective; c) mass.

These three types of addictability of oral literary speech coinciding with the action of other factors of its member (all these factors, including addresses, single-directional lines), are involved in the allocation of three species of the oral literary speech (oral-conversational type of literary language): 1) set-but-conversational; 2) oral scientific; 3) radio and television.

Validation of written speech

Here the addictability is not immediate: Paper is served in a midbiton between the author of the text and the reader, and it allows you to delay the reading, that is, to eliminate the factor of physical time, the speech itself is endowed with the qualities of indifference and reusability. In contrast to the oral speech to her, the Nude-Ma Proverb "The Word is not a sparrow, will fly away - you can't catch." Such mediated addictability cannot be a factor of membership.


The main properties of speech include situability. It is inherent in spoken type, where the situation fills the verbally not expressed meaning, any inactiveness and inaccuracies. It is usually considered the exclusive quality of colloquial speech, but, strictly speaking, constantly discovers-Xia. This shows, for example, the analysis of speech poetic, when a biographical comment is required for accurate understanding and feeling of the poem. In general, comments of this kind, supplying artistic pro-making of any genre, allow you to enrich the perception and understanding of the author's plan. Sitizerily adds a common apperception system of speaking and listening, the community of their knowledge and life experience. All this admits verbal hints and provides an understanding from the Poluslov. Partially situationality is also characteristic of the co-lequently addressed speech. For example, the teacher knows what the listeners he have, what they know and can than are interested. The masses of the same addressed texts are not peculiar. Thus, it acts as a factor of disagreement of spoken speech and as an incomplete factor, characterizing the oral scientific speech. Nativity, situationality cannot be peculiar to any type of writing type.

Use of monologues and dialogues in writing speech

As for the relationship between monologic and dia-logical species, this property and written, and oral types in the membership of the literary language on a variety you are up to different ways. In the book-written type, it does not play the role of the factor of membership, in the oral-conversational, is such a factor. This is due to the different ratios of the monologue and the dialogue in writing and oral species. In the book-written type, scientific speech is usually monologue, but it is also possible to see the signs of dialogue. Although this can not agree: if they are, then they are not direct, but very indirect. Business speech is expressed by a monologue type, but single (usually) proposals expressing the disposal, a request, instructive indication, order, and other and comprising the verb form of an increase in (imperative) inclination, in form and organization are close to the replica of dialogue. Newspaper articles are usually monologued, but they can co-keep elements of dialogue, imitating questions to the reader and its alleged answers, directly dialogue happens in the genres of inter-view, correspondence with readers, answers to questions, etc. In artistic speech Dialogue - means of communication Heroes, the copyright speech gets a monologue view. But there are genres completely dialogic. Of course, we are talking about plays and dramaturgy as a kind of art. In general, it turns out that as a factor of membership dialogue - the monologue is inevitably, but rather clearly show the growth of the dialogue from left to right.

Monologists and dialogues in oral speech

In the oral-conversational type, a fundamentally different ratio. It is determined by the fact that the dialogic and monologue as a result, have a different organization, namely: a mono-log is a set of syntax, a dialogue is a brief conversational replicas of a rigid, specifically conversational syntactic structure. Of course, and in a written dialogue there are its syntax features relatively with a monologue, which is a pro-journey for the implementation of numerous syntactic Moakely, the whole wealth of written speech. But here the differences in the dialogue and monoological species do not entail such principled differences in the syntax, where specifically conversational models are folded in the dialog space. In general, dialogue in the oral-conversational type decreases to the right left. And comes to a minimum in oral scientific speech. Equality of dialogue and monologue allows the Cre di of other membership factors to allocate oral-speaking as an independent variety separated by this sign from radio and television and oral scientific speech.