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What days to replant the money tree. Is it necessary and how to replant the money tree? Step-by-step instructions and rules for further care. What gives the money tree to the house

How to plant correctly Money Tree(a fat woman) from a shoot into a pot and take care of it at home, so that money will start up in the house: feng shui and advice from florists.

Fat woman as a means of attracting money

A money tree, a breadfruit, a tree of happiness - all kinds of beautiful names have not been invented by the flower growers for the plant, which is correctly called the bastard (crassula).

This tree with a thick trunk and oval dense leaves is so unique that it has both decorative, magical and medicinal properties.

If you believe, the fat woman improves financial well-being, brings peace and good luck to the house. The money tree is a talisman that activates the zone of well-being and attracts wealth to the house. Crassula attracts money, works like a magnet for them. Its leaves look like shiny coins.

The plant is also believed to purify the air in the home and kill bacteria. Where Crassula grows, there will always be a favorable atmosphere.

Types of money tree

There are many varieties of Crassula that differ in appearance. Among them there are ampelous, ground cover, bushy and tree-like forms.

The most popular varieties among flower growers - Crassula Ovata and Lasso-like bastard. Both species are succulents and are completely different from each other.

The lymphatic fat woman is grown only in greenhouses and winter gardens, and Crassula Ovata grows quite successfully at home.

How to properly plant a money tree in the house

The fat woman is not a capricious flower that requires painstaking care and reverent attention.

How to plant an offshoot of a money tree in a pot

First of all, we will figure out how to properly propagate a fat woman, so that by taking a shoot from friends or acquaintances, you can easily plant it in a pot in your house.

Reproduction of the money tree is carried out using seeds or cuttings. Seeds are sown in shallow containers with drain holes, then covered with polyethylene. Subsequent care of the seedlings consists of regular airing and spraying. The first shoots will sprout in 2-3 weeks. This method of breeding a fat woman is quite complicated.

Crassula propagation by cuttings is much simpler. The stalk can be rooted in water or immediately planted in the ground. The offshoot of the money tree is planted in a pot to a depth of about 5 cm. Some growers believe that planting cuttings in March or April increases the likelihood that the bastard will bloom in the future. And if Crassula is planted in the middle of summer, the chances of this will be less.

How to choose the right flowerpot for the money tree

The fat woman has a rather massive ground part, which means this flower better fit a wide and low pot with good stability. Such a choice of a flowerpot is also due to the fact that Crassula has a superficial root system... For the water to drain successfully into the pan, there should be small holes in the bottom of the pot.

Of course, it is not necessary to immediately plant the offshoot of the money tree in a large flowerpot. For a start, a small pot is enough, but as the flower grows, it must be transplanted into a more suitable flowerpot.

How to replant a money tree

To transplant a grown flower of a fat woman, you need to take a flowerpot of a suitable size, fill it by a third with a drainage layer (for example, from pieces of coal or crushed brick), then pour earth. The transplant is carried out by the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. So the plant will more easily tolerate this procedure. After that, the soil is poured to the top.

In the process of transplanting, you need to carefully examine the root system of the flower. Rotten roots, indicating an excess of moisture, must be removed. After that, Crassula is left to dry for a day.

How to choose land for planting a fat woman

The planting of a money tree should be carried out in the ground for succulents, to which this plant belongs. The flower feels best in the sod land. The soil that is used to grow cacti is suitable, but the bastard can also be successfully planted in universal soil.

If desired potting soil you can cook it yourself. To do this, flower growers are advised to mix one part of the sand, humus and leaf land by adding the four parts turf land.

How to plant a money tree correctly so that money can be found in the house?

In order for money to always be kept in the house, when transplanting into a pot with a fat woman, you need to put a coin, and tie its branches with red ribbons. It's good if a fat woman grows in your apartment, but it's important to learn. This can be done even with a small salary.

How to properly care for the money tree

Growing a money tree at home is not laborious and very interesting. This flower comes from hot countries, so it needs to provide conditions as close to tropical ones as possible. In spring and summer, Crassula has a growing season, and winter is a dormant time. The main care for a money tree at home is to comply with the following rules.

How to water a money tree?

Many gardeners have the question of how to properly water the money tree? The first rule: you must not allow the gulf of the fat woman. An excess of moisture is destructive for her. Over-watering can cause the roots to rot and the leaves begin to fall off. In the warm season, the plant can be watered twice a week; with the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced to a minimum. In order not to flood the money tree, before each watering, you need to check the condition of the soil at a depth of 3-4 centimeters. If the land is dry there, Crassula can be safely watered.

If the irrigation regime is not followed and the soil moisture is excessive, the root system is susceptible to fungal attack. In this case, you can save the money tree if you take it out of the pot together with an earthen clod, dry it thoroughly and treat it with a special solution against fungi.

However, Crassula can also suffer from a lack of moisture! Ideally, the soil with a flower should be slightly damp.

We wipe the leaves of the fat woman - we attract money!

Florists advise from time to time to wipe the leaves of the bastard with a damp cloth to remove dust, and spray water on them from a spray bottle. It will be optimal to arrange a Crassula once a week warm shower... In winter, such a "wash" can be arranged once a month.

The water should be warm, but not hot. To prevent moisture from getting on the soil, you can cover the soil in the pot with regular cling film. You can't take a wet fat woman to its place. You need to let the water drain a little.

Where is the best place to put a money tree in an apartment

The fat woman is a light-loving plant, but it is strictly forbidden to put it under the scorching sun. Moreover, in this case upper layer the soil in the pot will dry out very quickly.

The plant will fully grow on the windowsill from the southeast side, where there will always be light, but there will be no sun. With the onset of spring, many flower growers put it on the balcony floor, and in winter - on the windowsill on the south side.

Insufficient lighting can cause the stem of the plant to stretch, resulting in an ugly shape. To prevent this, the fat woman should be placed on window sills, especially in poorly lit rooms.

In summer, a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees is suitable for Crassula. But in winter, the flower will need to drop the temperature to 10 - 15 degrees. A decrease of up to 6 degrees Celsius is allowed. If it is not possible to place the plant in a room with such a temperature in winter, then at least the flower should be removed from the battery.

A negative consequence of the wrong temperature during the dormant period can be the stretching of the trunk of the crassula and the falling of the leaves located below. Leaves can also fall off if there is a constant draft in the room where the pot with the money tree stands. Of course, the fat woman needs constant ventilation, but drafts should not be allowed. They will only harm.

The money tree needs to be fed!

As a top dressing for a fat woman, universal preparations or additives for succulents are most often used. To nutrients better absorbed, plants are fertilized only after watering.

Fertilization is carried out during the growing season - in spring and summer, once a month. In the autumn-winter period, feeding is carried out once every 3 months.

Formation of the crown of a fat woman

To create a uniform and symmetrical shape, the fat woman is turned in the light around its axis. But to form a beautiful crown, the flower still has to be cut a little.

To form a crown, you need to wait until four new leaves appear on the plant, and a new bud begins to form. You need to pinch it off, carefully twisting it with your hands or with miniature tweezers.

Each branch of the money tree should have no more than three or four pairs of leaves. When the tree grows up, its top will also need to be pinched off.

If the moment when four leaves have already grown is missed, and new leaves appear, circumcision will help. You need to cut a branch above the 4th pair of leaves. The cut is covered with activated carbon powder.

Possible problems in caring for the money tree

Many growers complain that the leaves of the bastard are falling or withering. What can be wrong?

Excessive watering contributes to the darkening of the leaves, a change in their color or abscission.

A change in the color of foliage to dirty yellow can still be caused by a fungal disease from waterlogging of the soil.

Watering cold water- Another reason that diseases appear in a tropical flower.

The appearance of brown spots on foliage indicates a lack of moisture.

Rot that has appeared at the base of the stem is a sure sign of rotting of the plant root system. In this case, the apical part of the plant is cut off, and the flower is grown in a new way.

Money tree pests

Crassula is an unpretentious and pest-resistant plant. However, there are many pests attacking the fat woman:

Scale - forms brownish or yellow spots on the leaves. Treatment methods: "Fufanon", "Fitoverm", soap solution.

Spider mite - forms cobwebs between leaves and stems. Treatment methods: garlic infusion, tobacco infusion, soap solution.

Mealybug - forms a whitish bloom on the axils of the leaves. Treatment methods: thick solution laundry soap, insecticides.

Does the money tree bloom?

Blossoming in a fat woman is a rare phenomenon, so not every grower is allowed to see it. Therefore, it is widely believed that the money tree does not bloom. But this is not the case.

During the flowering period, the plant is densely covered with small flowers of white, light pink or greenish color, depending on the variety. They give off a pleasant sweet aroma.

The flowering period begins at the stage of plant growth in spring and lasts 2-3 months. Do not hope that the fat woman will bloom in the first years after planting. It can produce flowers in 8 or even 10 years. Or it may not bloom at all, despite the fact that he was given correct and timely care.

Florists believe that the lack of lighting interferes with the flowering of the money tree. This is a feature of our climate.

There is a sign: if a money tree grows well and gets stronger, wealth is not far off, and if it withers and leaves fall, it promises money problems.

However, it is not at all necessary to believe in omens. If you properly care for the money tree, it can become an excellent decoration for any room, will delight you with beauty for a long time and bring warmth and comfort to your home.

Tell me how to transplant a money tree? About two years ago, my mother gave me a young bush, which she had grown from a cuttings. During this time, he has grown well, but I have never changed the flowerpot. And now I see that the old pot is already too small for my handsome man. How to transplant a bush correctly - is it necessary to completely rob the roots from the ground?

How often and when to transplant a fat woman?

A young flower may well live in an old pot for about 2 years. If you are fond of frequent feeding, and the bush is growing by leaps and bounds, he may need to change the flowerpot in a year. Large adult specimens should not be disturbed once again: it is enough to renew the soil for them every 3-4 years.

The optimal time for transplanting a healthy plant is spring, when there is active growth. If the bush is sick, the season does not matter.

Which pot is best?

Despite the decent size of the money tree, it does not need large and deep dishes. The roots of the bastard are located in the upper part, they are short and do not grow deeper. A wide and flat bowl is what a flower needs.

When choosing a container, you should be guided by the size of the tree crown: you need to take a flowerpot slightly larger than its diameter. In too big pot the growth of the aerial part will be inhibited, and the flower will begin to grow roots. A small flowerpot can simply turn over under the weight of the bush.

By virtue of the latter, preference should be given to heavy earthenware dishes.

What kind of soil does a fat woman need?

When choosing a soil mixture, it is important not to forget that Crassula is afraid of waterlogging. For this reason, the soil must pass water well without retaining it. Suitable for a fat woman. You can also take a universal primer. It is imperative to add sand to it - it will make the mixture heavier, helping to keep the flower in balance. With a small root system, the upper part of the plant is quite impressive and heavy.

How to transplant a money tree?

The transplant process is simple and consists of the following activities:

  1. Pour a good layer of drainage into a new pot - it will not allow moisture to stagnate.
  2. Pour fresh earth on top, up to about half the volume of the container.
  3. Holding the money tree by the trunk, carefully remove it from the old flowerpot along with a lump of earth.
  4. Place in the center in a dish with fresh soil and fill in the voids.
  5. Water well. Add more earth if necessary.

It is necessary to ensure that the root collar does not end up underground during transplantation.

A transplanted money tree needs rest for the first time. To do this, it must be placed in a shaded place and not watered for a couple of days. But spraying the fleshy leaves will help the bush to recover faster.

Money tree transplant video

Crassula or Crassula is a plant belonging to the succulent genus and the Crassula family, grown by many gardeners at home, not only as a spectacular and beautiful element decor, but also a talisman that attracts material well-being. The last magical property attributed to the flower is the reason that the bush with fleshy leaves is popularly known as the "money tree".
If it takes root and grows well, it is believed that this promises the inhabitants of the house a good and stable well-being. Therefore, it is not surprising that even flower growers who do not consider themselves to be people who believe in superstition do everything to make the fat woman feel as comfortable as possible. To achieve this, the popular decorative culture needs not only proper care, but also in a timely transplant.

The natural halo of Crassula growth is the tropics, which endows the plant with certain botanical features. The origin of the jersey affects the frequency of transplantation. The money tree is sensitive to changes in substrate and capacity. It is recommended to transplant Crassula only as needed. Otherwise, the plant will not feel comfortable and will not take root in a new container.
Compliance with the rules for transplanting does not always guarantee that the plant will go into active growth. Often, a specimen, on the contrary, begins to develop slowly, which, of course, upsets the gardener. Any deviation can lead to the fact that the bush stops growing, but the plant cannot do without a transplant. If you allow the excessive growth of the money tree, it will either slow down in development, or the shoots will begin to stretch excessively, which will make the specimen unattractive.

Transplant frequency

The formation of a beautiful money tree is completely due to the timely pinching and the ability of the grower to control the growth and development of the bush. So that Crassula does not grow and does not stop in growth and development, the plant must be transplanted. Here one should observe certain rules concerning the frequency of the event:

  • Young specimens. Active growth occurs in the first three years of maturation of the money tree. They need a change of soil and pot size every year. If the transplant is not carried out, then, as they grow up, the bushes will either stretch out, making it impossible to form a beautiful crown, or they will simply stop developing.
  • Adult fat women. They require transplants much less often, since they have already gained sufficient growth. Transplanting the money tree starting from the fourth year should be no more than once every two or three years. It is preferable to choose the first option only when the old pot becomes too cramped.

It is not only the frequency that matters, but also right choice time.

What time is the fat woman transplanted?

The optimal period for changing the nutrient soil mixture and capacity is spring. It is best to choose the first few weeks, that is, March. This period is the phase of active development and growth of the money tree. Investigator, soil and flowerpot changes take place for the flower without any tangible and adverse consequences.
Many gardeners are wondering if Crassula can be transplanted in the summer. The answer depends on the state of the instance. If it is purchased in the summer, and the capacity in which the plant grows is already small, then, of course, a transplant should be carried out. In other cases, when the plant is kept in the house, it is necessary not to miss the optimal transplanting time, which occurs in early spring.
In autumn and winter months the plant does not need replanting. This time is characterized by a dormant period when the root system does not develop and there is no need to expand the capacity. If you change the soil and flowerpot, the fat woman will painfully endure such interference from the outside.

Fat woman transplant as a money talisman

Some grow crassula in the house not only for its high decorativeness, but as a talisman that attracts material well-being. Florists who believe in magical properties fat women, are interested in the question of when it is possible to transplant the money tree so that it not only remains healthy, but also brings good luck in the material field.
It is recommended to transplant Crassula so that the talisman works lunar calendar... This does not negate the fact that the time should fall on a period of active growth. It falls in the spring. In other seasons, there is a risk that the plant will die. This will certainly upset the one who endows him with "magical" properties.
To strike a balance between the desire to attract wealth to the house and not harm the money tree, you must choose a certain day, but at the beginning of spring. You should focus on the growing moon. In this case, along with the phase of the celestial body, the day of the weeks should be chosen correctly. It is the environment that is considered the most favorable.

Money tree transplant stages

Prepare in advance nutrient soil... It can be purchased in a specialty store or prepared on your own from medium-grained sand, leafy and sod land, taken in a ratio of 1: 3: 1, and a small amount wood ash and clay. It is also necessary to take care of high-quality drainage. It is better to take a pot of clay or ceramic. It must be wide and stable enough.
Fatty transplant activities take place in several stages:

  1. A flower, holding a flowerpot, is removed from old container clasping the trunk. The earth ball is slightly shaken off.
  2. The money tree descends into the center of the new flowerpot... They carry out the filling of the nutritious earth mixture.
  3. It is recommended to fill up the soil after settling, and not by compaction around the trunk. The soil will "sink" by itself after irrigation.
  4. The transplanted plant is watered abundantly. Water is taken standing, having room temperature.

Florists with extensive experience in growing succulents do not recommend replanting the purchased money tree immediately. Spring, considered the best time for this event, is no exception. You need to wait about 10-14 days, and only then carry out the transplant. This time is necessary for the fat woman to acclimatize to the new conditions of detention.

No, this is not about a magic field from a fairy tale, but about how to plant a money tree correctly so that money can be found in the house. This houseplant was seen, probably, by everyone. He is called a fat woman or, scientifically, Crassula.

Both of its names ("money tree" and "tostyanka") the plant received for the fleshy rounded leaves resembling coins.
It is believed that the plant not only brings wealth to its owner, but generally contributes to the improvement of the atmosphere in the house. It is unpretentious, does not require special care, but you cannot just buy it and bring it into the house. The tree will be useless.

Growing money on the windowsill

In general, it is believed that any plant will take root from someone who has stolen or bought a small sprout and raised it. The fat woman is no exception. It reproduces well by cuttings. In adult plants, aerial roots can even be observed in some parts of the trunk.

For cutting, choose a stem that is not very thick, otherwise you can severely damage the plant. Place the stalk in water so that it gives roots, but the mother plant at the cut should be sprinkled with chopped charcoal or ash.

After the cutting has given good roots, you need to prepare for planting. In order for the fat woman to contribute to the improvement of the owner's well-being, several rules must be followed.

Step one

The pot should be green or black. Since your plant is still small, and the root system of an adult is not too large, you should not take a voluminous pot, 12-15 cm in height is quite enough. In width, you should also not take a very wide one, a diameter of 8-12 cm will be sufficient.

Step two

An even number of coins is placed on the bottom of the pot, exactly how much depends on the diameter of the bottom. Usually it is 6-8 pieces. The denomination and currency do not matter. You need to put coins with the numbers down. Then drainage and soil are poured on top. The planting depth of the appendage depends on its size. Usually they are not planted deeper than 6 cm. But it is not worth taking less than 4 cm - the plant may unstably sit in the ground.

Step three

Planting a plant is carried out only in the growth phase of the moon, and in the process of planting it is necessary to pronounce any conspiracy known to you to attract money three times. After planting, tie a red ribbon or thread to the stem of the plant. This will strengthen the energy of the money tree.

For the ceremony to be successful, you need to know not only how to plant a money tree correctly so that money can be found in the house, but also how to properly care for it. With improper care, any plant can die, even such an unpretentious one as a fat woman.

Crassula is a native of the African continent. She loves when there is a lot of sun and not very abundant watering. So the best place for a fat woman in the house, this is the sill of the southeast or south window. By the way, energy also lives there. financial well-being, if you believe the philosophy of Feng Shui. Watering for her in the summer should be moderate. Neither waterlogging nor drying of the earthy coma should be allowed, it should be slightly damp. In winter, the fat woman is very rarely watered. Once a month, and sometimes every 2 months.

Despite the love of the sun, from the straight sun rays the money tree must be protected. They can burn the leaves of the plant. Therefore, in the summer sun, it is better to hang the window with a fat woman with gauze - it will scatter the sun's rays.

The fat woman does not tolerate the neighborhood with cacti of any kind. It is believed that cacti are the guardians of the house, they do not let any other people's energy through the window. Therefore, a conflict turns out - the fat woman attracts energy, but the cacti are not allowed. The conflicting plants need to be kept on different windowsills. And do not forget to turn the fat woman towards the sun from time to time so that it does not grow in one direction.

Video: How to plant a money tree correctly: so that there is money in the house

These are the simple rules on how to properly plant and grow a money tree at home so that money can be found in it. How better plant lives, and the fleshy its leaves, the better the owner will be in financial matters. By the way, the fat woman is also flowering plant... If you take good care of her for at least 15 years, then you will be lucky enough to be convinced of this. It blooms in small inflorescences of white or purple flowers with long legs.

Crassula or Crassula is a succulent plant from the Crassula family. It has round and fleshy leaves that resemble coins. Thanks to unusual shape, it is believed that the fat woman attracts financial well-being. This is why Crassula is better known under the name "money tree" in home floriculture.
In order for this unusual feature to fully manifest itself, the fat woman must be properly planted and positioned. If you observe a few simple rules, the money tree will take root perfectly, will delight not only with its unusual exotic appearance, but will also attract prosperity and good luck to the house where it grows.

How to choose the right planting material?

You can't just buy a mature money tree. It will only become decorative decoration, but will not in any way affect the well-being and atmosphere in the house. You need to plant and grow a fat woman from a small cutting with your own hands. This applies not only to Crassula, but to any indoor plant.
The ideal option would be to steal a scion. If this is not possible, then it is best to purchase a cutting in a store. It is not recommended to purchase a money tree on the market, that is, from hand to hand. Cuttings that are sold at points of sale indoor plants, do not absorb the energy of a particular person.
You can pinch off the handle directly from the trunk of an adult fat woman. Its length should be between five and seven centimeters. A smaller process may simply not take root, that is, keep the roots out.

Growing a money tree from a leaf

Less common, but also quite popular method. If you managed to tear off a leaf from an adult fat woman, while no one noticed this, you can grow a whole tree from it.
The leaf is brought home, left to lie until it dries up. Then it is fortified in moist earth. For this purpose, matches are used. You need to water the planting in small doses. Do not allow the soil to flood. It is best to use a spray bottle.

  1. The stalk is placed in a glass of water. When he starts up the roots, he is planted in a previously prepared soil.
  2. The sprout is left to lie for 5-7 days in a dry place. First, it is planted in a container with moistened sand, and after the roots appear, they are transplanted to a permanent place.
  3. The planting material is immediately planted in moist soil. Cover the stalk on top plastic cup, creating a kind of mini-greenhouse in which the sprout will quickly take root. Remove the cup with the appearance of the first sheets.

The second and third methods are preferable when the air temperature is too high, and the first - during cooler seasons.

Soil preparation

Fat woman, like any desert plant, grows well in sandy soil. It is best to use the soil for succulents or cacti. If this is not possible, almost any mixture for indoor flowers will do. The main thing is to add a small amount of clean sand to such a soil.
At the bottom of the tank, a good drainage must be arranged. You can use ordinary pebbles or expanded clay. Thanks to this, the root system of the growing succulent will be protected from decay if the moisture level in the soil is high.

Choosing a pot for a money tree

Crassula not only attracts money, but is also a kind of indicator of material well-being. In both a small and an adult fat woman, the root system is not large in size. For a money tree, you can immediately purchase a beautiful and expensive flowerpot. This will be a kind of first contribution to well-being.
It is preferable to choose a shade of a pot close to the color of money. It can be brown, green, gold. It is permissible to use red and black flowerpots. The diameter of the container can vary from 8 to 12, have a height from 12 to 15 centimeters. If the flowerpot is acquired as a permanent habitat of the plant, then the maximum size is chosen from the recommended one.

Preparing the container and soil for planting

In order for the money tree to attract material well-being, it is necessary to properly prepare the pot for planting a plant:

  • The bottom is laid out with coins

Currency affiliation and denomination do not matter. The main thing is that the number of coins should be extremely even. Usually 6 or 8 pieces fit. It all depends on the diameter of the pot. Coins must be placed with the numbers down.

  • Drainage is laid, soil is poured

The planting depth is determined by the length of the process. It should not be less than 4 and more than 6 centimeters. A too deeply planted fat woman will grow poorly. If a stalk with a root is planted too shallow, the plant may sit unstable in the ground.

If the purpose of planting a money tree is to attract financial well-being, then you need not be limited to just coins. Three new ones should be selected large bills, put them in a plastic bag, put under the pot. Instead of paper money, use of coins is allowed. They are no longer placed on the bottom of the flowerpot, but under a saucer with a pot.

When is the best time to plant a plant?

Planting a fat woman in order to attract material well-being to the house should be carried out in the growing phase of the moon. There are many conspiracies to attract money, any of which is spoken three times during the planting of the offshoot in the ground. To enhance the positive energy of the money tree, a red thread or ribbon is tied to the trunk from below.
It is not enough just to observe all the rituals, putting coins with bills and reading the conspiracies, you need to take good care of the Crassula. If you provide a fat woman correct watering and leaving, she will settle in the house for a long time, and luck will surely smile at the owners of such a dwelling.

Where to place the fat woman in the house?

Crassula refers to light-loving plants, but direct sunlight is contraindicated for a money tree. Permanent place habitat for the fat woman is best to choose the southeast or south side. By the way, according to the philosophy of feng shui, it is in this side that the energy of material well-being is concentrated.
The sun during the hot summer months can cause leaf burns. This is avoided by the diffusion of sunlight. For this purpose, the window, on the windowsill of which the fat woman is located, is hung with gauze. This will save the plant from the sun, especially when it is on the south side.

Watering rules

The birthplace of the fat woman is the African continent. The plant does not like excessive and abundant watering. The main guideline for when to water the money tree is the temperature and humidity in the house.
In the summer and warm months, Crassula is watered in such a way that the earthen ball remains moist. Overdrying and waterlogging should not be allowed. In winter, the plant is watered no more than once every 4-8 weeks. It all depends on the humidity. The higher it is, the more rare watering should be.
Regardless of the season, watering the money tree, if you believe in feng shui, should be done on Wednesdays. The water should not only be settled, but also infused with coins. It is enough to throw a few coins into a watering can or container, which will charge the liquid with positive energy of well-being.

Crown formation and feeding

The money tree has a beautiful crown, which is periodically rotated. If this is not done, the twigs will stretch only from the side where the sun is most. Thus, an uneven development of the crown will form.
They begin to give top dressing only when the crassula is well rooted and grows. Both complex fertilizers and cacti are suitable. It should be remembered that the fat woman is quite sensitive to feeding. If fertilizer is introduced more than once every thirty days, the flower may simply die.

Unpleasant neighborhood or how to avoid closure of "cash flow"?

Cacti are considered to be the guardians of the house. They protect the home from the penetration of absolutely any energy, no matter good or bad. And if the cactus is placed next to the Crassula, then the welfare attracted by the money tree will be blocked. This applies to all types of cactus.
The conflict between these plants reduces all efforts to attract financial wealth to a minimum. This does not mean that cacti should be removed from the house immediately. The main thing is that they stand apart, that is, on different windowsills with a fat woman.

How to decorate a money tree?

A grown fat woman can be turned into a real oasis family well-being... The twigs are decorated with gold or red ribbons, Chinese decorative or ordinary real coins. The denomination and value does not matter. They can be placed directly on the ground in a pot or next to a flowerpot.
Some use various symbolic figurines. It can be an owl personifying wisdom, or a toad that attracts finance. It all depends solely on which philosophy is closer to the owners of the house. The main thing is that the plant remains beautiful and healthy, has thick and fleshy leaves.


The value of the money tree is due not only to the material wealth that it can attract to the house. This plant secretes special biologically active substances that improve the condition of the air. They kill harmful microflora that cause respiratory diseases. And if a fat woman grows on the windowsill, then there will always be clean air in the house.