Repairs Design Furniture

Alocation in a large pot but grows well. Care at home for alocation flower: transplanting, reproduction. Splitting Alocation Decision Root

Alocation is an evergreen decorative plant, which will perfectly decorate any interior. Alokation is owned by their decorative properties, alocation is obliged to large pointed leaves with textured streaks. The line grows on a long cutting and it seems that the green mass of the leaves boil over the surface. This tropical resident requires natural content conditions, however, grow a flower even a newbie.

Views of alocation

The plant is perennial, grows in tropical forests and subtropical Asia. A variety of species allows to reproduce alocation in an apartment of only certain domesticated instances. The types of colors differ in the size of the color of the leaves, the length of the cereals, the forests are encountered in the forests. Only a few species of alocation are grown in domestic flowerness. The most popular of them are Polly, Amazonian, Sander and Black Velvet. Alocation Polly in the rating of sympathies in flower flowes in the first place. At home, the plant develops without problems, but it grows at home not higher than 80 cm. A large leaf of bright green color with cream residues, it looks impressive in the apartment.

Alocation Amazonian or amazonics is grown under the conditions of the nursery and is a hybrid flower of alocous of Sander and Low Alocainles. The hybrid inherited a dense, pointed saturated sheet of a leaf with bonded shades of green or white. The edge of the sheet is smooth, the form is the heart-shaped. Sheet grows 60 cm long.

Sander alocation. Large plant. The color of the leaf of green, bronze and blue-violet shades. Speak more clearly and brightly stand out. The plant at home grows not higher than 80 cm.

Alokasia Black Velvet externally complies with the name. The leaves of this flower have so rich green that they seem black. The top of the leaf velvety with white subtle streaks. Form sheet round. The plant places a sheet up to 35 cm, the petiole is not more than 10 cm. The plant is compact and low.

Methods of breeding

Modify the flower in the conditions of the apartment is easy. To obtain a new individuals of the flower, you can use seed material, root division, shilling and chain. Any selected method of reproduction is carried out in a ventilated room in compliance with the safety measures. Consider the following methods of breeding:

  • seeds
  • sheet
  • cuttings
  • decision root
  • tubers.

Reproduction of seeds

Get a seed material for planting a flower is quite difficult. In the apartment flower pleases with its blooming rarely, so having obtained precious seeds from the patch, it is necessary to start landing right there. Sow seeds in a mixture of peat and sand. Capacity are covered with film, often ventilated and watered. Singing the soil should not, otherwise the seeds will die.

Provide heat sprouts, temperatures range are required from + 20 ° to 25 ° C. Some teen seedlings transplanted into small individual pots until the root system fills the pots space.

Reproduction sheet

For reproduction, a leaf from a maternal bush is separated by a lower sheet with a cushion. Before planting, leaves left for a couple of hours without a nutrient medium and liquid. The edge of the cut is cut at an angle. The location of the cut is desirable to handle growth stimulant.

For the plant constantly ensured humidity and heat. Rooting will occur within 30 days. As soon as the arrow of the new sheet appears, we draw conclusions that the plant has taken root and rooted. Take care of seedlings from drafts, cooling and soil drying.

Reproduction of cuttings

The best season for such a breeding method is spring. The plant will be enough light and heat. From the mother's bush, at an angle of a sharp knife, the top is cut. The cut on the top and on the maternal bush must be satisfied with ash or thusshing activated carbon.

The finished cutting is processed by the root-forming composition and is placed in a potted pot. Capacity with a cutter is covered with a film or glass, the plant requires greenhouse content. Inside the pot requires high humidity and heat. Provide ventilation stalk. The new leaf arrow will indicate that the cuttings began and the plant went into growth.

Reproduction of the root division

To propagate alocation in a vegetative way is better in spring. This method is combined with a plants from the old pot to the new one. The plant is removed from the chest, the former soil is removed. The root of the flower is cut in a sharp knife so that growth kidney has been placed in the cut part. The cut is sprinkled with ash or activated carbon. The maternal root is planted in a new porridge with a soil, and the cut part of the root leaves dry.

The cut root is sprinkled with a stimulant and planted into the ground. The pot is covered with a film or a jar, providing a greenhouse effect plant. It is important to maintain the warm temperature indoors and maintain air humidity.

Team breeding

This method of reproduction can also be combined with plants transplantation. After removing the soil from the mother's bush, small nodules are visible. This is a breeding material.

"The tubers are separated and put in the ground. Grow to the first sheet of the tuber will be at least 2 months. A new root is required warm and wet soil. "

Choosing a pot

The first capacity for the young plant can serve a disposable cups or seaside pots and boxes. The choice depends on the method of reproduction.

Disposable cups are comfortable with its transparency. The whole process of root formation is visible. As the cuttings grow, they are transplanted into large pots.

Preparation of soil

Choosing any method of reproduction, it is necessary to accommodately approach the composition of the soil. For a young plant requires light soil that will allow small roots to breathe. Water in the soil should not be stated, it will lead to the death of the plant.

For seedlings mix sand with perlite or peat ground with sand. Use moss sphagnum. Before planting plants in Kashpo, the soil must be warm and moderately moistened.

Planting process

Alocation does not like shuffle, and landing below the growth point is not recommended. Therefore, young plants when disembarking in a soil for reproduction do not plunge.

When planting a flower with seeds, they are laid out on the surface and slightly sprinkle with soil. If alocation is propagated by a sheet or cutlets, then the plant is plugged at no more than 3 cm. Subsidiary tubers do not plunge.

Subsequent care

Like any young plant, alocation needs certain conditions of detention. It is demanding of the environment. Ideally, you must recreate the plant tropical climate. Caring for planting material, take care of lighting, temperature, humidity, watering, soil feeding and trimming.


In the homeland, alocation grows in the forests, so it does not need bright light and direct sun rays. Plant shadowish. Young seedlings Place away from the sun, better in the shaded place.


In the room where the flower is placed, warm air is needed. In winter, the plant requires a temperature not lower than 18 ° C. In summer - from 21 to 26 ° C.

Attention! "Take care of the plant from drafts. A sharp drop temperature will destroy the flower. "


The flower feels well in a room with high humidity. Alocation in summer needs permanent spraying and wiping the leaves with a damp cloth.

In winter, the humidity provides a tank with water. The indoor air humidity is desirable to maintain no lower than 50%.


Watering is carried out regular in the period from spring to the beginning of winter. Watering a plant with warm watering water. Excess water in the pallet is removed.

In winter, alocation has peace and watering period are less common. Watering flower in winter it is necessary when the top layer of the soil is a bit back. Excess moisture is also poured.

Superflow soil

Feed alocyses only during its active growth from spring to winter. In fertilizer must be potassium. Conduct feeders every 14 days. You can alternate various mineral fertilizers for decorative room colors.


Alocation does not need pruning. Only dried outmended lower leaves are removed.

Possible problems

The tropical origin of the flower determines careful care and increased flow of flower. Sometimes during the cultivation of the flower, it is necessary to deal with a number of problems.

  1. The sluggish or drying leaves indicate that the flower requires a transplant.
  2. The deformation or small size of young leaves will prompt that the plant is watering with rigid water or in the ground high pH.
  3. Lady leaves or dried areas on a sheet indicate intensive lighting and destructive sun rays.
  4. List of alocation has become fragile or coacher - should be stopped for a month to fade with mineral fertilizers.
  5. Pale leaves indicate a lack of sunlight.

Prevention of disease

For the prevention of alocation diseases, be sure to remove the dried leaves. Do not allow water stagnation and soil drying.

Take care of the plant from drafts, cold air from the air conditioner or window. Spraying spend, not allowing direct sunlight on the leaves. A often infected plant has to be thrown away, because it is almost impossible to cure the root at home.

Fighting pests

Alocation is subjected to attacks of shields, and a web tick. Insecticides help from all pests, so do not neglect them.

If the pest only appears, you can prepare a solution of the household soap and wash off insects with a wet napkin. Undoubtedly, alocation will become proud of each flower. It seems that the flower is capricious and demanding, but in fact it is easy enough to grow. Even if you bought a flower fading on the sale, it can be reanimated, and the plant will thank you with the beauty of your unusual evergreen leaves.

(Alocasia) - fast-growing indoor plant, simple in care, with unusually beautiful leaves. In nature, about 70 species grows, but in
culture is grown significantly less. It can not often be found in our apartments, perhaps, scares her very exotic appearance and many think that this beauty requires increased attention. But in fact it is not the case, and the alocation is a grateful plant, which in certain care will grow well and even blossom.

Family: Aoid

Region of Origin: Tropical areas of Asia

Height: middle

Temperature: Alocation is a thermo-loving plant. The difference between the temperature in the spring-summer and autumn-winter periods is not very large, up to 5 degrees. In the spring and summer it is 22-26 degrees, and in the fall and in winter 18-20 * p.

Important! Alocation, like all the aid, for example, spathifulum, Zamiculkas, Anthurium, does not like drafts and cold air. But she necessarily needs a flow of fresh air.

Lighting: This is a shadowed plant. From direct sunlight it needs to be dialed. It can be easily located in the depths of the room. If it is growing, it is better to rearrange in a more illuminated place. If the growth continues and in winter, you need a deal, otherwise the leaves will be elongated and pale.

Air humidity: Alocation is needed increased air humidity, because it is a tropical resident, where there are frequent rains and under a dense canopy of the trees the air is always saturated with moisture. These are the conditions and it is necessary to create a plant. In order to increase the humidity around the plant, and just in the apartment, it is enough to put a beautiful water vase near the plant, or, more efficiently, a fountain or waterfall. All this can be bought today, especially since, according to knowledgeable people, it is good for Feng Shui. And, of course, the usual spraying will help. In addition, the plant will look decorative if his beautiful leaves from time to time rub with a wet napkin and wash under the shower, covering the soil in a pot cellophane package or tight paper so as not to dismisse the plant. Alocation with velvet leaves spray from the bottom side of the plate.

Important! If the apartment is cool, for example, in the offseason, when it is cold outside the window, and the heating has not yet turned on, alocybe spray neatly, and it is better to simply wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.

Watering: Watering alocyses need a warm and well-rested water, so that the hand is nice. In the spring - summer period is watered abundantly, but only after drying up the top layer of the Earth. In winter, water is less likely, but strictly following the way that the earthen com did not swam. Water from the pallet is necessarily drained.

Important! When caring for alocacy, it is necessary to adjust irrigate, then the plant will feel great.

Feeding: In the period of active growth, it is fed up with a comprehensive fertilizer every two weeks. With feeding it is important not to overdo it, it is better to take half dose from the packaging declared. If the plant is alone, it is impossible to feed it, but if your alocation is growing in winter (it happens), make it a little bit, for this one third of the dose can be taken.

Bloom: Alocation can only bloom from 5-7 years of age. Flowers with specific aroma, small, collected in inflorescence, which is covered with a white-pink or milky-greenish coat. In principle, bloom does not represent much interest, still plant is decoratively deciduous. Therefore, nothing will be bad if you cut the flower-point appear. Blossom takes quite a lot of strength in the plant, which can affect the appearance of new leaves. If you want to collect seeds, then wait for the flowering and ripening of seeds.

People's period: The plant rests from October to March. At this time, watering is reduced, not allowing the drying of the earth coma, the temperature is lowered to 20 * C, do not feed.

The soil: For alocation, the quality of the soil is very important. When it is cultivated, this is one of the main moments of success. The substrate must be air and water-permeable, which means light and loose. From the finished mixtures, the substrate for the aroid, which is desirable to add coarse sand, or other baking powers - perlite, vermiculitis, fine brick crumb. You can use a universal soil to add a substrate for azaleas to make a mixture of more acidic, sand (perlite, vermiculite) and sfagn moss. It is possible to make a mixture yourself from sheet, delicate land, peat (two parts) with the addition of humus and sand.

Transfer: With good care and suitable conditions, alocation grows pretty quickly, so young plants transplant as they grow, and adults every 2-3 years. Transplant in spring in the container with a diameter by 2-3 cm more than the previous one. The roots in the plant are fragile, so it is necessary to transplant carefully. If there are no problems with the plant, and the substrate in which it is grown, the appropriate, the transplant can be replaced with the transshipment, but be sure to update the top layer of the soil (2-4 cm). Remove the soil carefully not to damage the roots.

Important! Alokazia must be planted without blocking the root neck, put it at the same level on which she grew.

I want to recall that all plants, including alocyses, be sure to transplant after purchase. At the same time, it is necessary to completely remove the substrate in which the plant was sold. Often the roots need to just wash away from it, it is necessary to do it carefully, gradually scurrying.

Reproduction: Alokasia is multiplied by the division of rhizomes, daughters, siblings, seeds and vegetatively - stem cuttings.

When transplanting can be carefully divided into rhizome, spray sections with wood or activated carbon and sear in different pots with light loose soil.

If a replanting plant, you found on the roots of tubers with dark scales, they can be separated. It is better to do this in the spring, if you put in the fall, you will not be on the growth for a very long time. The ridden magnifies are easily separated by themselves, if they are still bright and do not waste themselves, it is better not to touch them, let them grow up. Rootballs in a lightweight substrate from equal parts of vermiculite or perlite, sfagnum moss and soils at a temperature not lower than +25 degrees. Sleep shallow, so that the upper parts are slightly visible. Nodules can be powered with epin solution, it stimulates the awakening of sleeping kidney. The tuber is rooted from 3 weeks to 1.5 months, and only after the roots appear, the sheet begins to grow.

Splitting alocoration seeds.

Seeds are sown immediately after collecting, as fresh boosts better. Soil for sowing should be loose. You can take a mixture of peat and sand or an ordinary substrate for aroid or azali, where to add the same amount of sand (perlite, vermiculite). Seeds are sown shallow. Temperature for germination - 20-24 degrees. The pots with seeds are covered with a film or glass, every day is ventilated, sprayed, maintaining the ground in a wet state. After the shoots appear the real leaves, they are divened to separate cups. It will be possible to transplant them in about a year when the earth in the cup will be braided roots and the plant will be closed.

Peplarmed forms in reproduction seeds lose their variegated features. Therefore, it is better to multiply such plants in the above methods.

When rooting the cuttings, the cut must be sprinkled with crowded coal, the cuttings are plugged into a mixture of sand or perlite with peat, you can simply be sphagnum into moss. From above, the tube with a cutlets are covered with a cellophane package or a jar to create a certain humidity. Every day necessarily ventilate.

Important! All parts of alocation of poisonous! It is necessary to abide care and be sure to wash your hands with soap after working with a plant. And, of course, try
musture of your households from a flower, especially children and animals, that is, place it in an inaccessible place for them.

Possible problems when growing:

Slow growth. Alocation is not growing very quickly, but with proper care is quite normal, so pay attention to the feeding. Perhaps the plant lacks nitrogen, which is necessary in the stage of active growth. Use fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants in which more nitrogen. But not
pull up, it is also harmful.

Save the tips of the leaves. Insufficient humidity indoors. Put the vessel with water or decorative fountain near the plant. Spray daily.

Dark spots on the leaves. Perhaps the flower stands in a cold room or on a draft. Spots can appear from excess watering. When watering, use warm water, water the pot on the edge so that the moisture does not fall on the base of the plant, or water from the pallet using, the so-called lower irrigation. To do this, lower the pot with a plant in a pelvis with warm water no more than 20 minutes. Do not spray if the apartment is cool.

Write leaves. Disadvantage or excess watering. Adjust watering and pay attention to the substrate, it may be too heavy and soil slowly breathes. In this case, various rotes may appear. If so, transform alocyses to a suitable loose soil. Be sure to inspect the roots, cut all damage, pour wood or activated carbon. After transplanting a day or two, do not water and do not spray.

Pests and diseases: Alocation can be amazed to fly, shield, milderous cherberry, web tong. To prevent pest appearance, you can wash the plant with green soap once a week.

Nickname "Elephant Ear" is given alocatia of no accident. The tropical plant is famous for the striking beauty of large leaves, really reminiscent of a huge ears. And for the ability to "cry" before the fallout of the precipitation, it is called "Loam". This talent is simply explained - there are holes on the leaves through which the extra moisture comes out. Before the rain or fog, the humidity in the atmosphere increases and alocation starts to output it. The surface of the plates is covered with droplets that roll down - the feeling is created that the flower is crying.

In nature, exothes lives both in the rocks of the trees in the form of undergrowth, and on completely open swampy territories, some species occur even in the rocks. Such unpretentiousness to the surrounding conditions is maintained at home.

If you are able to provide a wet habitat, you can safely start malokazia! Otherwise, this is a completely undemanding plant that can develop almost anywhere.

The most flower is suitable for spacious bright rooms, which it will decorate, not taking a place to live in humans and is not constrained by them.

Plant landing

It is done immediately after the acquisition of alocation to put the plant into a suitable nutrient substrate instead of a temporary store.

Methods landing

Turning in this case is completely not suitable - the roots must be completely cleansed from the soil and inspect. Alokazia is gradually removed from the pot, tapping along the walls and pushing through drainage holes in the bottom.

The substrate shake and washed off, the roots are inspected for the presence of dried and rotten, they are necessarily removed.

Tip! Pure healthy roots after all procedures are recommended to soak for 15-25 minutes to any stimulant to improve adaptation and reduce stress at the plant.

Alocyia is placed in a pot and carefully fall asleep with soil, filling all the cavities. The root cerv should stay open, camping with the surface of the soil.

Optimal time for landing

Ideally, the landing should be made in the spring when the plant enters into the active phase of growth and for the summer he has time to bother in a new place. However, if the acquisition of alocation occurred in autumn or in winter, it can also be planted. Just the process of adaptation will be painful and longer.

Proper soil is one of the most important conditions for the normal growing of the flower in the house. It must have a weakly acidic reaction, have nutrient properties, to skip water into the pallet and dry quickly.

The substrate base is a nutrient soil - sheet and hardening, mixed with useful elements with useful elements, peat for obtaining an acidic environment, as well as tearful components - sand, foam crumb, chopped moss, bark pieces, vermiculitis. The proportion is as follows: on 1 part of the foundation takes 0.2-0.4 parts of the other ingredients.

Choosing a pot

The root alocation system is weakly grown by stroke and strongly down, so the pot should choose the corresponding one - deep and not wide. It should remain space for further growth of the roots, but not very much so that the ground is not thrown.

IMPORTANT! Perfect material for capacity - plastic or ceramics without glazes.

Alocacy care at home

Caring for the "elephant ear", focus on the natural conditions of its growing. Like most plants of tropical zones, alocation is very demanding of humidity and heat.

Location and lighting

Choosing a place for a flower, look at his leaves. Monophonic, especially painted in dark shades of green, can be kept almost in the shade. Such varieties are growing even on the northern side or left from the windows.

Alocasia with pesting and blond leaves prefer bright, but non-focused lighting on Western or Eastern windowsill.

Air humidity

Supporting humidity of at least 75-80%, you ensure the optimal conditions of the flower.

IMPORTANT! The plant is necessarily sprayed with warm water daily, weekly rub the leaves from dust, you can arrange a warm shower every 3-5 weeks.

With increased dryness of the air, place a wide container next to alokazia, to the edges filled with water. You can put a pot on the stand with a coating claw or brick slices.

Temperature mode

So that alocation perfectly felt in the summer, it should be warm. Ideal borders - 23-27 °. During the winter rest period, it is not necessary to reduce the temperature so that the plant is fully rested, sufficiently content at 17-19 °.

Watering mode

Summer watering should be systematic and abundant. If alocation grows in proper soil, it can be literally moisturized after a day. This time is enough for the water to put into the pallet, and the substrate is reduced.

In winter, the plant is satisfied with rest, cutting watering halve.

Undercaming and fertilizer

Such a large and fast-growing flower requires enhanced meal during vegetation. The fertilization is starting in the spring when alocation begins in growth and stop for winter. Organic substances are needed no less mineral, since the beauty of the flower is in building green mass.

ATTENTION!The organic and mineral complexes contribute in turn, following the break of 12-14 days.

This procedure is practically not required. The only trimming that can be carried out is the so-called cleansing. It is needed to remove dried or rotten leaves.

Ways trimming

A dead dried leaf is removed by a secateur to healthy fabrics and the wing is smeared with wood ash.

You can try to update the plant by cutting off all the leaves and leaving a naked barrel. Such a procedure will wake off sleeping kidneys and make them grow. However, this is a rather risky procedure that does not provide guarantees at a successful completion. Yes, and not too necessary! Smart alocation throws up old and unnecessary leaves, updated independently.


A vital operation that requires young plants every spring. More mature copies that have reached the peak of their development can be transplanted with a break in a couple of years.

Young flowers move to more voluminous pots to give roots a place to grow. Mature plants need only in the change of exhausted soil.

Methods of transplant

For moving healthy plants of young age, the transshipment method is often used, not anxious root. They are simply taken out with a bunch of land and planted into a new pot, which should be 2.5-4 cm in a smaller former.

Mature alocories are better free from the impoverished substrate and inspect the roots. The dried and sick parts can be cut off, and ripened tubers to separate for breeding.

IMPORTANT! The pot is definitely poured by a layer of stones for drainage!

Alocyses are breeding to get new plants. This simple operation is often carried out with a transplant. The most time-consuming method is seed, as the planting material is impossible to be found in the stores and difficult to grow independently.

Methods of breeding

There are many more them - for every taste:

  • Seeds. If you got alocation seeds, Seit from immediately! They are completely not stored, instantly losing germination. Spacking seeds evenly on the surface of the soil, they must be sprinkled from above and keep in a constantly wet environment.
  • Tubes. They are formed on the roots and are easily separated during alocation transplantation. You can cut brown tubers that have matured enough. White non-shell with a shell of the nodules are considered very young, unwitting to independent growth. The separated parts are arranged in a separate container and care for as always.
  • Decision root. The operation is also carried out during transplant, if the suitable tubers are not detected. A sharp knife is cut off part of the root together with leaves or kidneys. The cutting of the cut is disinfecting with wood or activated carbon, extruded into powder. After drying, both parts are planted on individual pots.
  • Reproduction with cuttings. Cut follows a small stalk, about 11-14 cm long. Soak into any growth stimulator, then planted into the substrate from sand and peat. Keep in greenhouse conditions, you can cover the cutlets of half a bottle of plastic or a jar.

When is alocation flowers?

Only adult can bloom, a completely formed plant, which has already stopped intensive growth, reaching the highest possible size.

Flowering time and flower shape

Alocation blooms in warmth - in summer or spring. Flowering time is short-term - from 5 to 12 days depending on the variety.

The plant forms a non-composite single inflorescence in the shape of a patch that is wrapped in the bedspread. The color of the scenery itself is usually different from the color of the "blankets".

What to do after flowering?

To release your nonsense flower, alocation is very trying, spending a lot of energy. Often it throws out most of the leaves, barrel barrel. Flowering tropicanka often stands with 1-2 single leaves. After flowering, it restores the strength for a long time and needs help. During this period, it is recommended to increase the number of feeding, making mineral and organic fertilizers.

In the genus of alocories, more than 65 species of plants are known. Not all are suitable for home cultivation - some species in nature grow 3-4 meters in height.

Sader alocation

Large plant, can grow 1-1.5 m high. The trunk is thick and short, there are long (up to 40 cm) leaves on the cutters. The foliage can be in the shape of a heart or arrows, painted into a dark green color, which is well distinguished by light large bodies. The edges are carved by tooths all over.

This species is a parent of alocation Polly - a hybrid, very similar to his parent. Another descendant - Alokia Amazonian has larger leaves of the shielding form. Residents on them are light green, very thick.

Alokasia Rogocorev

She is Arma, she is Indian. A very impressive plant of giant sizes. Only the stem can reach 2 m in length. The leaves of oval or heart shape, meter length and herbal color.

Problems, diseases and pests

Beautiful alocation rarely sick! It is very resistant to infections and pests, can affect only grinding fungi when too active irrigation. Any modern insecticides will help to get rid of the problem.

  • Slowly growing alocyses must be fed by nitrogen fertilizers.
  • The tips of the leaves dry when the plant lacks moisture in the soil and air.
  • Fading leaves occurs due to violation of the regime of polishes.

Answers to readers

In nature, the plants can live 12-17 years old, but in the apartment lifetime depends on the conditions that provided it.

Is alocation poisonous?

Very poisonous! Her juice can cause dermatitis on the skin, so all work with the plant is carried out in gloves. And to use inside is strictly prohibited.

Why doesn't plant bloom?

Alocation flowers very rarely - when it is already an adult and does not lack light, moisture, useful elements. If there are no flowering after 4-6 years, it means not all conditions are fully fulfilled.

Why yellow and dry leaves?

The reason may be damage to the roots during transplantation or insufficient watering.

Why not grow new leaves?

Alocation suffers from lack of lighting.

How does the wintering plant occur?

In October, move alocya to a darker and cool room, cut off the diemring leaves and reduce watering. Alochesia is moved back to the windowsill, in the end of winter, gradually returning the former regime of irrigation.

Most recently, alocation was attributed to rare plants - it practically did not meet on the shelves of flower shops. Today, its huge thyroid leaves with allocated streaks attract buyers "on every corner". Before purchasing a spectacular plant, it is necessary to prepare for the requirements of agrotechnics, which "present" alocation. Care at home is quite complicated. This does not mean that from exquisite beauties need to be refused - it is enough to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of its cultivation.

Alocation flower belongs to the family of aroid. The genus of alocyses includes up to 70 different types, characterized by dimensions and color of the leaves.

The stem thickened, usually vertical, but some natural species may be elongated or even creep. All alignment plants have so short, the stem is so short that it creates the visibility of its complete absence. The stem is located from 4 to 8 high-level leaves. The "maximum" number of leaves is determined by the type of alocation. There can be no more of them - when the number indicated by the nature of the nature is reached, the old leaves begin to die with the same speed with which young grows.

The sheet form can be a thyroid, sweat or heart-shaped. Young leaves are more rounded. The segments of the sheet plate asymmetric, the edges are more common, can be peristracted. The length of the sheet may vary from 20 to 100 cm.

One of the decorations of alocation is the color of the sheet, which can vary from glossy dark green to light green. The sheet plate is "flashed" by large convex veins, painted in brighter (or dark) tones.

The dust of the leaves, with increasing humidity, can highlight excessive moisture: the feeling is created that alocation is crying. Often, "tears" stand out before the rain, so "in the people" is called the dweoder.

Flowers in this plant are inevitable, are wrapped with a green coat of pillars. "Shows" alokasia bloom only in ideal conditions of detention, so it does not bloom in the home most often.

Main types and varieties

Different types of alocation are distinguished by dimensions, shape and color of the leaves. For cultivation at home, not everyone is suitable, but there are also varieties, more adapted to them.

The following alocopia attracts attention:

There are still many varieties distinguished by high decorativeness.

Home care

Alocacy care is reduced to the maximum accurate recreating the conditions of its native edges, tropical Asia. Like any plant of the tropics, alocation feels comfortable only with high humidity and temperature, which is especially difficult to achieve in apartments.


In winter, bright scattered lighting is required, in the summer the plant is placed in the half.

In different varieties of alocation, the requirements for illumination differ. A volatile or contrasting, such as Sander Alocacy, will need more, otherwise they will fade. Varieties with monophonic leaves are easier tolerant. The need for light and from age is dependent: it is required by young plants.

Air humidity

High humidity high; It is important to regular spraying, preferably content in greenhouse.

Like any "coming" to us from the tropics room plant, alocation is demanding on air humidity. It is sprayed daily, regularly purify leaves from dust. You can increase moisture, by placing a pot on the pallet with water and clay. The optimal option, especially in the heating period - the greenhouse.

Those who want to continue to admire the plant and at the same time provide sufficient air humidity for alocation, you can use aquarium. Ceramzit, sphagnum or sand is put on the bottom, pour some water, put a homemade beauty inside.

Temperature mode

The optimal air temperature is 18-25 degrees.

Alocacy of thermal-loving, poorly tolerates harsh temperature fluctuations and cold drafts. Therefore, it is available as far as possible from opening windows and forces, especially in winter. In the summer, the plant, on the contrary, is protected from excessive heat.


Requires abundant, and at the same time careful watering - the plant does not tolerate both the drying of the earthen coma and the stagnation of water.

During the actual growth, the soil in the pot is constantly maintained in a wet state. After a few hours, the excess moisture is necessarily drained from the pallet: its excess will inevitably lead to reinforcement of the roots. In winter, watering is slightly reduced, giving breathing the top layer of the soil. Water use resistant, heated to room temperature.


Undercalinking 1 time per month with high nitrogen fertilizers.

For full care for alociasia at home, monthly making mineral additives will be required. Young plants for a set of green mass and formation of immunity are needed nitrogen and potassium, so they are well responding to fertilizers for seedlings. Adult bushes will be sufficient to be enough for decorative-deciduous plants.


The reproduction of alocation occurs in the spring with the help of offspring, stroke cuttings or tuber division. In conditions of professional greenhouses, seeds can be obtained, but in room conditions it is almost impossible. In addition, the varietal signs of some forms, such as alocation of polli, are not transmitted during seed dilution.

The separation of daughter tubers or the separation of maternal is usually carried out during the spring transplant. In the first case, young offsprings are neatly disconnected, kept in a fungicidal solution, planted in a close tank and placed in greenhouse. When dividing the bush is cut so that each half had a height point and healthy roots. The location of the cut must be sprinkled with charcoal.

The drawing occurs on usual for the aroid rules:

  • the cutlets are chosen so that it has several growth points and the involved root;
  • scroll is treated with charcoal;
  • to rouding, an equal mixture of peat and sand is used;
  • be sure to have a greenhouse, high (20-25 degrees) Temperature and lower heating.

It is important that sleeping kidney remains on the stem under the cut, otherwise the parent plant can no longer be touched into growth.


Growing alocyses at home, be prepared for the need to transplant it annually. All work with the plant is performed only in gloves - it is poisonous, and even a slight touch towards leaves or roots can cause irritation.

Selection Pot and suitable soil

The alocation container is chosen high and moderately spacious so that 4-5 cm remained between the stem and sidelights on each side. Every year, homemade beauty must be transplanted into a new pot, which is more than the previous 2-3 size.

This plant categorically does not make dense heavy substrates - the soil for alocation must be weakly acid, moisture and breathable, with good mechanical properties. You can use a mixture of sheet, delicate land (the conifer is not added - it is too acidic), peat and sand (2: 2: 1: 3).

To improve the mechanical properties to the resulting mixture, add 1 part of the coconut fiber. The perfect soil for alocation during compression in the fist saves and keeps the form, but scatters from the slightest touch.

Step-by-step transplanting and care after it

With alocation transplantation, it is advisable not to disturb the earth's com, therefore it is carried out by transshipment:

  • 2-3 cm drainage and a small layer of soil are poured into a new pot;
  • the plant is carefully removed;
  • placed in the center of the prepared capacity;
  • sleep the Earth so that the king neck remains open.

Sometimes the transplantation requires removal of part of the root system - for example, with partially reinforcement. In this case, the roots are fully cleaned from the soil, the damaged parts are removed, the sections of the sections are processed with poured charcoal. Before placing a pot, they dry for 15 minutes.

After transplanting, alocation care is reduced to the fact that the plant is placed in greenhouse, which is ventilated daily. Water carefully, trying to prevent drying and not to pour alocyses.

Medical properties

Few people know that alocation has therapeutic properties: ointments are prepared from it, infusions, sometimes fresh juice are used. The healing properties have all parts of the plant. Preparations of stem remove dental and gastric pain. The leaves are used in the treatment of pneumonia and tuberculosis. The tuber removes tumors with outdoor use.

For the preparation of infusion, one crushed fresh sheet is poured with warm water and withstand 8 hours. Alocacy alcohol tincture is used. For its preparation, the bottom sheet is cut together with a cut and poured 100 ml of alcohol (70%). It is withstanding 10 days. Preparations are accepted for half an hour before meals, three times a day, 1 drop divorced in a tablespoon of water.

In case of diseases of the joints and trophic ulcers, the kashitz from the leaves are used, which is applied to the damaged place. You can mix it with fat cream, and use as ointment.

Alocation preparations are popular in Chinese traditional medicine. But it is worth remembering that they are extremely poisonous - an independent purpose of the course and dosage, as well as incorrect cooking, can lead to serious consequences.

Diseases and pests

Alocacy and fungal diseases may be affected, among which the torment dew and various rot. In the fight against such diseases will help fungicides; And you can prevent them, clearly following the rules of agrotechnology.

Possible problems in growing

The most common difficulties with which you have to face alocory owners are associated with incorrect departure. For example, the yellowing and drying of the leaves may indicate an insufficient or excess watering, low air humidity. Fading foliage can talk about excess salts in the soil - in this case, you need to pay more attention to protecting water.

Slow growth signals a lack of nitrogen. Regularly feed the plant. Dark fallen specks appear on alocation with sharp drops of temperatures, cold drafts. The appearance of these "symptoms" on the trunk clearly indicates that the process of rotting began in the root system. This often happens with excessive watering with cold water. The plant needs to be immediately saved. If the green color of the leaves fades dull - alocation is not enough light. In the future, this will affect growth rates, so the plant provides backlighting or transferred to a lighter place.

Opinion expert

Mila Rozhkova

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Despite certain difficulties, the cultivation of alocation in the home environment is possible. Following the agricultural engineering and providing the plant with the conditions approximate to natural, you can admire the exotic beauty all year round.

Among the many variety of home plants can be seen charming alocyses. She came from tropical jungle. This flower has very original leaves of the oblong shape, slightly pointed at the end. Leaves can be all shades of green, have multi-colored fits (red, brown, yellow, gray), with light or white streaks.

Splitting alocation at home

Splitting alocoration seeds

Seeds spread at home quite rarely, but if you managed to get high-quality seeds, then why not try. For this, the seeds are soaked for a couple of hours, after which they are planted in mini greenhouse, germination temperature + 23- + 25 degrees, watering should be regular.

Decisions of alocacy of stalks

The cuttings can be multiplied at any time of the year, for this you need to cut the suitable branch and spray it with a moistened mixture of sand with peat in a mini greenhouse (or plant a stalk into the easiest container, then cover it with a glue). After the plant is rooted, it can be safely transplanted into a separate container.

Splitting Alocation Decision Root

This method is most often used in transplantation, the rhizome of an adult plant sharing into several parts with a sharp knife, after which the cutting place is sprinkled with charcoal, in order to avoid posting.

Alocation Transplant at Home

You need to transplant home alocyses every year in the spring. The main thing in this process is not to damage the roots of the plant. It is best to transplant alocying in the way of transshipment, leaving on the roots of an earthen com. Adult plants need to be resettled every three years.

Soil for alocation at home

For good growth, the plant requires a substrate well permeable for air and moisture, preferably with a weakly acidic reaction. It may consist of a conifer, leaf land, peat, sand in a 1: 1 ratio of 1: 0.5: 1. Also a mixture of humus, turf, peat, sand (2: 2: 1: 1). The soil mixture of peat earth, leaf land, sand, wood corner and sfagnum moss (2: 1: 6: 3: 2). Take care of good drainage. Alocia is desirable to plant in a high pot.

Temperature alocation temperature at home

Alocation likes warmth. The optimal temperature in the summer for it is 21- 26 degrees of heat, and in the fall and in winter it should not be less than +18 degrees.

Humidity for alocation at home

Culture needs frequent spraying. The pot is put on the tray, in which there is a wet ceramzite or pebble, thus you can increase the humidity. In order to avoid dipping roots, you need to look at the pot not in contact with the surface of the water. It is necessary to periodically wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth. When the weather is cloudy and cold, spray should be careful to prevent moisture. The optimal moisture rate for alocation is 80%. The minimum level is allowed in the fall and in winter 40%, and in the summer - 50%.

Lighting for alocation at home

A small plant will feel good on the warm window sill with the lack of direct sunlight. Larger specimens should be placed on the floor or stands on the contrary, or next to the sunny window. It is necessary to take into account the presence of heating batteries, and push the plants as far as possible from them. In the cold season between the windowsill and the plant, it is worth organizing a gasket made of fine foam or stand with legs. From the lack of light, the leaves become pale, in this case it is necessary to rearrange the kashpo closer to the light.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

Watering alocation at home

Since this culture in nature is growing in very wet regions, it requires a constant watering, in which the soil should always be moistened.

But at the same time, an excessive amount of water quickly leads to loading. Water for watering necessarily defend or use water obtained from snow. After 30-40 minutes, water from the pallet is defined.

The best location of the plant is the eastern or western windowsill, where it is impossible to burn the leaves and at the same time where there is enough illumination.

Alocation Fertilizer at home

In addition to watering, care for alokizia at home will not cost without regular feeding. You can use both mineral fertilizers and the organic. From mineral makes it is necessary to choose a balanced concentrate for decoratively deciduous plants. For growing young copies, florists recommend special attention to the phosphorus, it contributes to the development of the root system and provides good immunity. The organic was suitable for fertilizer, made on the basis of product life of rainwrites, which can be bought in most flower shops.

The frequency of making feeding:

  • In spring and summer - every 15 days,
  • In winter - no more often than 1 time in 1.5 months.

Diseases and pests of alocation

The most frequent defect in the cultivation of alocories in room conditions - necrosis (drying) of the tips of the leaves, and sometimes the entire edge of the sheet. This can be explained by the following reasons: drafts, air conditioning air conditioning, lowering or improving air temperature, or excessive dry dryness, stressing water in a pot, moisturizing leaves in the dark time or direct sunlight.

Young leaves are reduced in size and deform, and also decreases the growth rate of the plant - a change in the pH of the soil substrate (likely when irrigating rigid water).

The lower leaves begin to quickly wither and dry out - it is necessary to make a transshipment (transplantation) of the plant into a larger capacity.

Loading leaves - too strong lighting.

The leaves are coaches, to the touch crunch - in the substrate too many fertilizers. It is necessary to rinse the substrate with the top watering, 1 month to refrain from feeding.

Fresh Garden Articles and Garden

Dry brown spots - straight sunlight, dry air affect the plant. It is necessary to reduce the intensity of solar lighting, increase air humidity.

Shield. A frequent enemy of houseplants. This insect is something like a turtle, as it has a shell. Shields are omnivores, they will settle even on poisonous plants and suck juices.

Shoots affected by her stop the growth and yellow. The pest is shaved mainly on stems and leafy sinuses.

Aphid. Saws on the plants female-mate. It lays out on the bottom surface of the leaf leaves, sucking juices. The trouble is very quickly distributed. The leaves affecting it is wither, dry. You can fight with soot with tobacco. Preparing a tincture of 40 grams per 1 liter of water and spray alocya. You can deal with the waves of garlic tincture (30 gr. Cashitz per liter of water).

Alternate treatment with plants kneading, and you get rid of this pest.