Repairs Design Furniture

How to make the improvement of the territory of the private house with your own hands: the principles and the main elements. Create a cozy and beautiful household plot with your own hands a private area of \u200b\u200ba private house

Having bought a land plot under the cottage, the owner also acquires a lot of certain problems, one of which is the improvement of the entire territory. After all, it is not enough just to build a house or ordinary time on it, you need to create comfortable conditions for recreation and, if possible, break the garden or get a vegetable garden. Therefore, the landscaping of the country area is always put forward in the first place.

Country plot on own

Naturally, the landscaping must be started with the cleaning of the entire territory. It is cleared of those who fallen last year's leaves, the whole unnecessary garbage is cleaned, old stumps are hardened (if they are present on the site), as far as possible, old buildings are disassembered, etc.

After the order of order on the territory you can go to the improvement. But before landscaping the countryside with their own hands and achieve complete harmony of all landscaped elements and various buildings on it, some successive steps are needed. To do this, it is recommended to make a plan for all the upcoming work on improvement.

Planning zones

All these zones are not mandatory, since the improvement of the country area may depend on the land area, and, of course, from the preferences of the owners themselves. After all, it is important for someone to have a garden with a garden, and someone is simply comfortable to spend their holidays among the flower beds and neatly broken lawns.

Whatever preferences do the hosts, but in any case the cottage must have a well-groomed appearance, and an important role can play a decent fence of the site.

Selection of ishodi.

For planting decorative shrubs, which are usually planted along the garden tracks, fences and near the Alpine slides, lilac, as well as dwarf trees, Wayegela, Jasmine, Japanese Rhododendron, are most often selected. These types of shrubs are not speculating in care, and if the place for landing is chosen correctly, with regular circumcision of the extra branches, they will constantly delight the owners with their own species for many years.

Improvement of the territory of the private house The process is no less complex, creative and laborious than. Everyone dreams of a beautifully decorated household plot or backyard. But not everyone can hire a landscape designer who will all descend. If there is no such possibility and you, but I really want to create, then our review will help you with this. In the article you will find practical recommendations and simple decisions, how to improve the area of \u200b\u200bthe area with your own hands and without large financial spending.

If you decide to create a landscape design with your own hands, then, first of all, you will need suitable projects. Before purchasing seedlings and certain materials, you need to make a clear plan, how to position all elements of landscape design at the local area. You can look at the most simple ideas in the photo. And you can also see how to make a simple courtyard design project on the video below:

Before proceeding with the layout, look at what looks like, as well as the options for designing a small yard. Beautiful landscape you can create on your own from the remedies.

The landscape of the private house requires a certain plan on which you need to note:

  • buildings around the house, including, gazebos, playground and summer shower;
  • ponds. It should be borne in mind that laying is performed primarily;
  • structures from stones and alpine slides;
  • garden paths near the house;
  • plots for landing shrubs and trees;
  • placing flower beds and flower beds. The choice of material and time for the arrangement of elements near the house will depend on the variant of the flower beds;
  • purchase territory;
  • systems.

For your information! The marking of the territory needs to be performed after careful preparation. A detailed plan will allow not only to consider everything well, but also will help save money.

Arrangement of the site

I decide how to plan the courtyard, first of all, make out of the house and corresponding to it style. It is impossible to allow an excess decor at the local area. The plan assumes the separation of the site into individual zones.

Special attention deserves a recreation area and playground. If there is little place in the yard, then maybe some zones can be combined. A bushes, and perennial plants can be used as limiting individual sites.

If the layout is performed correctly, then even in a small area you can place all the necessary objects.

The deployment of the yard is carried out taking into account such factors:

  • relief area. As far as it is smooth or hilly, as well as the location of the nearby mountains or ravines;
  • source type: clay, light or fertile;
  • section forms: rectangular, triangular, rounded or g-shaped;
  • size size;
  • level;
  • illumination and orientation on the parties of light.

The yard design allows you to rationally place all the elements of communications. Zoning the household plot in the village of Il in another area involves division into such parts:

  • residential denotes the main structure and all that adjoin it;
  • economic zone Indicates buildings for storing tools, all sorts, garages and storage locations for fuel;
  • rest zone Includes swimming pool, playground, flower beds, gazebos and;
  • garden I. For growing fruits and vegetables.

The planning of the courtyard area should be carried out with the level of land. In some cases, it may be necessary to create a breakfast, or soil intake. To strengthen the slopes, there are slopes, terraces and.

Also landscape design involves observing the parties of the world. Experts recommend on the north side to have large trees and at home so that the shadow from them does not cover green plantings. Planning a site near the house implies placement within the territory to protect it from prying views and noise.

When planning a village house and yard, it is necessary to consider the garden zone. Shrubs, and fruit trees need to be distributed so that all cultures have enough illumination and space. Landing plan can be performed with your own hands. For this zone, the solar plate is selected.

The rest space for the country house does not have to be located in one place. Separate areas can occur throughout. Landscape design includes decor elements such as flower beds, flower beds near the house and small ponds.

In the photo you can see wonderful ideas for the private house, as well as for plots in the village.

Paving tracks, platforms and fences in the courtyard of a private house: photo ideas

The arrangement of the household site always includes activities such as laying tracks, installation of fences and installation sites for recreation and children's. Determining how to lay out the paths, consider different options.

Some coating for the yard can be postponed and quite inexpensive. At the entrance it will be wonderful to look a pavement, paving with a crazy stone or tile. To make beautiful fences tracks near the house, you can use low plants.

By deciding than to cover the courtyard, consider the original solutions. For example, the magnificent design of the tracks will turn out of wood spins. At the same time, the free gaps between them can be covered with sawdust or bark. Also for the yard can use narrow boards. They need to be tightly fit to each other, and then paint or check.

You can consider the different design of the blocks, as well as interesting solutions than the closure tracks are worth looking in the photo.

The courtyard can be classified depending on the material used:

  • stone options: pebbles, a plug-in, blocking in the courtyard of a private house, as well as the photo of which can be found on the Internet;

  • wooden coatings: boards, sleepers;

  • brick and concrete coatings;

  • paths from girlfriend.

For the visual distinction of the local area, you can use a variety of gardening. For example, you can apply small fences in the design of the yard from perennial plants, annual colors and dense bushes. For the environment of the sports field or the recreation area will suit the squat.

You can look at the photo design of the fence of a private house. A beautiful addition to such mini fences can be arches or pergolas for tracks. In this case, it turns out a luxurious covered fence in a private house. For designs, plenty of ipomey, clematics and roses are used.

For your information! The rims or shields made of wood with perforation look original. You can perform partitions from rattan, vines and bamboo.

Landscaping and landscaping

After layout and markup of the site, the question arises, how to ride the territory of the yard. Before, something to plant, it is also necessary to perform a project for green plantings. Landscape gardening necessarily includes planting bushes and trees. They will help make a home design more diverse. In addition, they will protect individual sections from the sun and wind.

When making a small plot near the house, you need to give preference to cultures that bloom continuously. For the courtyard you can use. It is important to take into account that the territories also requires care. Plants must be cut and water.

Landscape design involves the use of various flower beds and flower beds. For a closed yard, a good solution. They can settle exotic cultures, such as cypress, grenades or lemon.

You can create a magnificent vertical gardening with your own hands. Such decor elements will help create relief and size for the garden. Opportion elements can serve arbor, fences and tree trunks.

Different examples of the improvement of the private house and the territory can be viewed in the photo. Also, when creating landscape design, activities are held. You can highlight water bodies, plants, sculptures and tracks. To illuminate the territory, you can use lights on the posts. On open areas, fountains and sculptures can be installed. On the perimeter of the reservoir, it is necessary to plant plants that love moisture. This is a swamp iris, reed or mint. With territory improvement, GOST also needs to be observed.

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Flower flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photo of original compositions

Flowers and flower beds are a necessary element of the yard improvement in a private house. Even with limited areas, you can find a place for luxurious plants. At the same time you need to know how beautifully put flowers in the yard.

Solving how to equip the zone of the local area with their own hands, first decide on the existing kinds of flows:

  • regular flower bedsIn which a variety of plants are planting for landscaping. But bloom occurs at some time;

  • irregular have cultures that bloom throughout the whole warm period;

  • raised flower beds consist of various frame, brick and wooden frames;
  • vertical allow you to decorate walls and fences;

  • carpet look like a canvas;
  • monoclumba consist of some one plants;
  • beautiful It looks good next to the tracks. They can be planted near the walls;

  • rabatka It is a construction of different plants that can land on one side.
  • arabesci Have a non-standard design. At the same time, low-spirited plants are used, which are planted in the form of different geometric shapes;
  • alpinarium Looks like a slide of stones;

  • palisades usually arranged in front of the house and near the road;
  • mICCORDERS. represent mixed compositions. They are planted along buildings, tracks and fences.

If you do not know what to plant and what flowers to use, look at the various options in the photo. Perhaps some idea will have to taste.

Article on the topic:

If you do not want to spend a lot of money on the improvement of your territory, then the wonderful solution for you to create original flower beds and flower beds yourself. We will teach this in our article.

Beautiful gardens and courtyards: photo projects

If you have not yet decided how to equip a beautiful territory and garden design for private houses, then make a thoroughly thought out plan. First of all, select such zones as relaxing, garden and farmer.

To divide private courtyard and garden to separate areas, it is possible to use such elements such as arches and screens.

Beautiful private gardens can be viewed in the photo. Fruit trees, well-groomed lawns, and a variety of flower beds complement different statues and. Many decor elements can be performed independently. Beautiful landscape design ideas You can also spill in the photo of the garden on the private site.

Non-private buildings in a private house: photo of beautiful designs

When planning the most important stage is the house and courtyard with economic buildings. Many yard elements can be performed with their own hands. Without them, landscape design will not have a complete view.

Let's look at what buildings in the yard can be used:

  • Separate zone for the focus. It can be a massive stove. Garden paths and furniture can be tied to this place. A good solution is the use of the radiation scheme.

  • Open dining room or kitchen Provides a wonderful opportunity to eat outdoors. At the same time, all sorts are actively used.
  • Deciding how to build a yard worth using such small architectural forms as alcove.

  • You can consider this option as grilled house.
  • Rest area You can add.

  • Pool It is done both open and indoor.
  • Equipped represents a lot of joy for children and the possibility of resting for parents while children are busy.

Arbors in the courtyard of a private house: Photo Options

It is one of the important elements of the fruit improvement in a private house. It can be done with your own hands. Arbors can be closed, open or attached to the house.

If the value has the price, then you should choose a variant of polycarbonate. This building is located in the depths of the garden so that it was smaller noise. It is popular for the design of the courtyard of a private house with a gazebo, because at the same time you can get another comfortable place to relax.

You can consider such gazebo options:

  • open structures They differ simplicity and practicality. Such buildings are made from supports and canopy. From such a pavilion, an excellent survey of the surrounding nature opens;

  • closed buildings more like a light house;

  • arbor coveredconsist of a frame;
  • wonderful option - Building b-B-Q.

How to equip the gazebo inside depends on its configuration and design features. If the building is equipped with a hearth, then you can also build a dining area.


The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of the priorities of a good owner. Creating a comfortable space in the designated area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth, sometimes you have to apply efforts comparable to those required for home interior arrangement. However, this process is not only a professional designer.

The courtyard of this private house is provided for recreation

Clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions will be performed by land. Some owners of private houses do not pose their holidays without a shady garden, others certainly require an artificial pond with decorative fish, and in winter - a rink for children. All this requires additional space that should immediately take into account in the project improvement project. In the allocated territory, it is necessary to competently place the structures for economic needs. To facilitate the task, we have compiled a list from which you can choose, without which it is difficult to do:

  • bath and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various economic buildings;
  • swimming pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, in which you can provide a BRAIN;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • tracks and green plantings.

By drawing up its own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas of the territory of the territory so that the necessary structures are fit in the site - from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to realize, considering the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient will move around the territory, as well as how it will look like it will look from different points of review.

When planning a site, we need to consider all the necessary buildings and plantations in detail

Delim the yard to the functions of functions

In order to increase the functionality of the household site, it makes sense to think through the separation of it on the zone. This technique allows you to highlight the place to relax, make a children's corner, and also separate the beds from the main territory with vegetables. To designate understandable borders, you can use several options for fences:

  1. For the separation of a sports, children's corner or a relax zone, a low fence-stakenik is suitable.
  2. Sometimes it is required to build a cozy corner that will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellis or modern garden trils are suitable.
  3. The partition can be constructed conditionally - for example, with wrought-iron arches, braided roses or other curly plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the site, they are easy to produce with their own hands.
  4. Some types of natural material partitions - bamboo, vines, rattan are perfectly harmonized with any buildings in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful element of the decor.
  5. Mat as fences will help in creating an oriental style of a private courtyard. In this case, in flower beds it is recommended to land plants that love the sun.
  6. The garden can be separated by a fencing of bricks, stones bonded by cement mortar, and other technicians.

The yard is divided by a helmer on the recreation area and the economic territory

Tracks for movement and decoration

The tracks are the necessary functional element of any yard. If they pay enough attention, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We note several options for arranging tracks:

  1. For improvement of the central part of the yard, it is best to build tracks made of stone, paving slats or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the lumens between the plates can be filled with fine pebbles or glass granules. Either these lumens land grass and other low-growing plants. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding in care.
  2. Decorate the courtyard of the tracks of wooden sleeps. They are fixed as close as possible to each other, and in the lumeges between the round elements, sawdust or bark. Such tracks are appropriate anywhere in the courtyard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often offer to use wooden boards as base tracks. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to get the most smooth surface. After the construction of such tracks, they need to paint or cover with varnish to increase the service life.
  4. The most simple tracks can be built in the garden - it is enough to sprinkle them with gravel.

Easy and nice to move along a beautiful walkway

Set and decor

Landscape landscaping of the land plot is an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and competently performed flowers, correctly selected shrubs and trees are simple and no noticeable courtyard easily turn into a cozy garden.


If the walls of the house lost the initial species, they can be hidden behind the curly plants. Vertical landscaping with their own hands is performed quite simple. Maximum unpretentious plants specimens should be selected: hop, ivy, grapes or wisteria. It is desirable to plant them under the wall that adds to the sun. Everything that needs to be needed is the land strip under the house, or long container boxes with a soil.

The second version of the vertical gardening is simpler. You need to start with fastening on the wall or fence of the same containers with the Earth, in which flowers and greens should be planted. You can use plastic bottles, milk canisters and another unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening of the house has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, seized by greens, are better preserved cool, as thick foliage delays the sun's rays. Probably, this method of landscaping is not suitable for whom the house has in the shadow part of the yard.

Garden is from stones

To arrange a garden of stones on its plot, besides, such a decor will cost quite inexpensive. Landscape design as a whole and landscaping the site, in particular, will be more original if you emphasize it with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, most importantly of which are simple care.

With a competent approach to the question of the garden, the stones will be a highlight of any private area. For its construction, you will need large boulders, which should be placed on the selected area. Stones are better to pick up different colors and textures, harmoniously combining them among themselves.

Stone sellers have already thought out the stone garden

Gabions emphasize the stylish design of the site

Many dacms successfully apply unexpected materials, the purpose of which can be different. In the improvement of the site, landscape design specialists offer to use gabions. These are metal frame grids that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give him a modern look, but will serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with rubble, stone and even bottles. With their help, it is easy to equip a place to relax with the mangal, make a fencing by the reservoir, to build a small table. They are used to create fences, fences for high flower beds or beds, as well as as the basis for a long garden shop. As you can see, at a certain level of fantasy, it is easy to come up with your own application similar designs.

Gabions can perform a variety of functions.

Garden Claim concrete

Perhaps after construction, you have left unused blocks from the ceramzite concrete. You do not need to throw out, it is better to apply to the arrangement of the site. Thanks to the hollow construction, this material is great for the device of small flower beds, it is also used to fencing the beds. In addition, clay-concrete blocks can be used to create a manga, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. An interesting example in the photo.

For the construction of the mangala, even one block can be enough on which you can cook vegetable mini kebabs

Create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decided to issue a garden from the primary materials can be successfully used to decorate unnecessary furniture items, things, as well as any home apparer. See also: We will offer some simple ideas:

  1. Vertical landscaping of the courtyard with their own hands is much easier to perform at a ready-made basis. So, on the staircase-ladder you can comfortably place the drawers with flowers, and old chairs and the chest will serve as the basis for creating flower beds.
  2. Tin teapots, galvanized buckets, watering can serve a good service for the maternity owner. All these cast materials that can already be used for destination can revive the courtyard design. Just enough for each of them to pour land and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If you paint an old bike into a bright yellow, white or orange color, it can be sown under the roof of a barn or garage. Such a decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes in which apples are stored, potatoes. Boxes preferably paint, strengthen the open side parts, pour into them the soil and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create a special atmosphere - rustic coziness, naturalness and proximity to nature.

It is very easy to use an old umbrella, converting it into a bright and unique flower bed


Any plot will decorate a decorative mill. As it seems to us, such a decor of a private yard amazingly combines popularity and originality. The decorative mill is equally pleased with both adults and children. It can be easily and simply made with your own hands from a variety of materials. Just do not overdo it with the size: too big will seem inappropriate.

A simple mill enriches the landscape

All the bored tree trunk

It happens that in the courtyard there is a tree torn in his age. The first mastering of the owner is to turn it into firewood for kebabs so that it does not spoil the appearance of the garden. Landscape designers advise not to rush to get rid of this tree, and try to create element of the garden decor from it.

For example, if you cut branches and top, the tree can be used as a basis for a decorative house or lock. It is enough to build a roof of old boards, attach the doors, windows - and the house of the elf is ready. It is even easier to make a flower bed from Stump, or to arrange a flower garden in the exhaust trunk, putting it to the ground. The photo shows an interesting version of the decoration of the dried tree.

From the stump you can build an unusual flowerbed, it is enough to hollow in it the necessary hole, fall asleep the earth and plant flowers

Floral monument to the car

It happens that the owners of decades are stored by the old grandfather car, which has not been on the move for a long time. Designers offer to use its body under the decorative flowerbed. Some craftsmen plant plenty plants in such a way that they completely covered the car body, leaving only the windows. Landscape design offers another version of landscaping - filling the place under the hood and in the trunk of the earth in which plants can be planted. The housing itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flower bags, the car brand does not have

The need and charm of lighting and illumination

One of the key features of the beautiful courtyard is the presence of backlight. Today there are many ways to illuminate the territory. The backlight will help in the improvement of any land plot. It will allocate accents, strengthen the perception of a particular decor element. In addition, lighting will help to navigate in a large area and spend the evenings with comfort.

It's nice to watch, it is convenient to move with the correct backlight
  1. Landscape designers recommend special attention to the illumination of sculptures, fountains, tracks, as well as beautiful plants.
  2. Not too fiscal, but the LED elements mounted in tiled paths are incredibly spectacular. Using highlighted points, you can create a stellar panorama directly on the track. The project of such a composition can be performed without the help of a professional.
  3. Lamps-pitches are designed to illuminate the pond, or another artificial reservoir. They freely float, reflecting from the surface of the water, which creates the effect of dual light. It turns out a rather elegant spectacle.
  4. Poles with lanterns - the most practical solution. With vertical lighting, it is easy to find the path from the wicket to the house. It is also important to highlight the porch - here you can fix the decorative lamp in the medieval style.
  5. Lighting the site is the desired element of the design of celebrations. If a wedding or anniversary is planned, it is simply necessary to highlight the local territory. With the task of creating a festive mood, not only stationary lamps will be handy, but also garlands that can be decorated with trees, partitions, a live fence.

We have demonstrated affordable and popular ways to decorate the site. Our article is designed to give inspiration to those who dream to turn their garden into designer creation. If you are a novice in this matter, it is not worth it to restrain, fearing the lack of experience. Practically, any of us can implement the most outstanding and bold solutions. In fact, to landslide your possessions, it is important to have a hot desire and make a little effort.

Having bought a plot of land for the arrangement of cottages, we start viewing the Internet sites and magazines with articles on the design of houses, gardening and decoration. In order to make your task a little, in this article we offer you a whole collection of beautiful design decisions on the landscaping of the garden on any, as they say taste and color. These tiny and cute houses are built in different countries and are becoming increasingly popular, creating fabulous and unforgettable impressions.

Large-size estate is great, but most people have sections or even tiny. It is on a small plot that the design should be well thought out and planned, because each owner of the cottage plans to place both fruit and vegetable garden there, and a small country house.

Many dacities are building small houses from practical considerations. After all, even in a tiny house, you can position everything that is useful during the outflows - a few chairs, a table, a stove for cooking, several beds, shelves and a pair of lockers and an inventory corner (in case there are no separate buildings for these purposes). Usually, the design of such a house is simple and modest. Usually, wood, frame-shield structures and bricks are used as a material for construction. Many such houses in the soul, because at the cottage you come not to watch TV or constantly sit in the building, although it is possible even to ten square meters with rational and competent layout!

During the construction of a compact country house, some of our recommendations should be taken into account:

- Make bright walls and roof of a house. To do this, you can apply shiny enamels, colored finishing materials from plastic, etc. Here the main thing is to highlight the house with colorful coloring! Therefore, bold contrast is very welcome.

- Make expressive forms of your fabulous house. Since we cannot boast of dimensions, we can give him an original form. For example, the roof does not make a single one, but with two or more skates. Also, a wooden hut fabulous, fantastic appearance is also very colorful.

- Better Make more windows, despite the fact that even one window would be enough for good room lighting.

- Organize an interesting lanchable design. For example, put beautiful plants, flowers and trees around the house, make a small lake or.

- We recommend using sliding doors. They will help rationally use a small house space and install all the necessary furniture.
Now let's pay attention to the design of a small household site, which will be harmonized with a built house and make it great to decorate it.

Immediately warn you that the thought is about the smaller the area, the easier it is to design it - erroneous. After all, all the elements of the garden will be in sight and any unhap of its places and the embarrassment will be immediately noticeable. Usually, the design of a small garden is engaged in the owners of the country area, without resorting to the help of gardeners and other specialists, so we recommend listening to our recommendations. Examples presented in our photos will be able to protect you from failures, as well as help to turn a plot into a unique and fabulously beautiful place.


- Do not try to arrange many, borders, rosary, alpine slides on your small territory, etc. This will create the impression of disharmony, oversaturation and not necessary progress. Therefore, we recommend preferred simplicity, withstand a specific style.

- To create a competent design, we recommend making a plan on paper and analyze how it will look in reality.

- Do not try to make the design of the plot in one season. After all, not always planted plants are coming around at the selected area, it does not always have enough time and finance for the purchase of decorative vegetation and garden figures, etc.

- Do not forget to highlight a small place for the compost heap, for the garbage container, for drying the linen.
- If you plan to put a barn on your small territory in your small territory, or position the economic courtyard, then it is desirable to hide these buildings behind shrubs, low trees or for decorative plants in the tub.

- Near the entrance to the house it is desirable to equip a floweruba, putting your favorite and plants.

- Make a small fence around the country area, thereby denoting its territory.

- Undoubtedly, the country's dacha will require tracks that can be equipped with gravel and tiles. Moreover, do not be afraid to choose them an unusual structure and a bright color - it will highlight this and additionally decorate your plot.

- And at the end we offer to arrange a small artificial reservoir or pool, which will perfectly complement the design of your paradise!

Residents of modern cities, if possible, increasingly began to spend free weekend in country houses. A person has a desire to be closer to Earth, to nature, especially after a hard work week.

Changed the priorities of the use of relaxation in nature. Another ten years ago, the word "cottage" was associated with the word "garden".

People traveled out of town to work on glory for growing vegetable crops and fruits, and on the second plan there was a real vacation with kebabs, games, fishing.

Now urban residents try to unite these useful and entertainment classes, visiting the cottages should bring rest and soul, and the body, and delight the eye.

Here for this, people use landscape design, thereby improving aesthetics and harmony with nature on the territory of the household site.

It is with the help of landscape design knowledge and can be answered to the category of type "Where to plan a flower garden?" What is the fence? "," What is the track to the house? "," Where will be a gazebo with a mangal? ". And these all questions relate to the landscaping of the site.

Landscape styles

First you need to decide what would you like and how many material means are ready to spend?

The French style in the design of the garden is based on symmetric forms and geometric execution.

Flower gardens and lawns have a rectangular or round shape, alleys wide, classic vases and shapes, reservoirs with fountains of the right shape, beautiful shrubs, pyramidal trees in the form of geometric objects. All this emphasizes the desire to rise above nature, the desire to streamline their plot.

English style, on the contrary, fits to the landscape of this area. In the garden, there are almost no flowers that land near the house, closed by brown greenery.

Country style (Rustic) highlights bright flowerbeds from meadow and garden flowers, fruit trees, and varying geometry of garden beds and even elegant grocery scarecrow. Here, tracks and fences are made only from natural materials.

Japanese style in the landscape is used to create an atmosphere of philosophical reflection. Here it is necessary to use water in any form, create a garden of 13 different stones (thirteenth stone hides away from the eyes), it is desirable for coniferous trees.

The Chinese style landscape design is built on the rules of the Feng Shui uniting religion, philosophy and the laws of Mother Nature. For such a garden, you need a large area that it is necessary to create upwards here and low. Each plant, tree or item carry a certain meaning and fit very well into the local environment.

There is still a Moorish landscaped style. He suggests a fountain located in the center with a reservoir and there are four tracks or channels. This, as it were, symbolizes four rivers flowing from Paradise (on Muslim religion).

A lot of bright, fragrant flowers are planted around. Very harmonious fit into this style beautiful bench or gazebo with curly plants.

Greens on the site

Gardening of the household plot is carried out with the already growing shrubs and trees growing on it. Separate area Highlight green lawn, seeded with special grass. Then it will be possible to play children, and adults to arrange a picnic on the grass.

Shrubs typically plant around the perimeter of the plot, away from the flower, as the flowers love sunlight.

Flowers are a special element of the design of the site, they are intended for a pleasant and joyful contemplation on them. Classic flower beds are such species:

  • monoclumba. They use only one type of colors.
  • raised. High plants are planted in the center, and at the edges - low.
  • carpet. Low flowers in flowering create beautiful and complex ornaments.
  • chameleons. Flowerba changes painting due to different flowering terms and varieties of plants.
  • vertical. Such flower beds create mainly from Clematis, curly roses and bougainvillia.
  • regular. Make them with a strict geometric shape and a diameter of more than 1.5 m.
  • irregular. Plants planted with groups in color, shape or duration of flowering.

Alpine slides are a very original option of flower beds. Here, with the help of stones and colors, a mini-image of the Alpine Mountains is created. Stones are suitable completely different, but large - in priority.

Other design elements

In order for the household plot to be even more attractive, be sure to build a stream, a waterfall or just a reservoir.

Do not forget about the beautiful garden lanes out of stone with small flowers. For convenience and rest in the garden you need to put a gazebo and shops.

And to create a pleasant pastime in the evening, arrange spectacular lighting of the area with decorative lamps or lanterns.